Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 12, 1907, Image 8

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Allaaraldeal PnlrlolUm Make m Lona
Death RollIt en illy Vnvtt JltT It
Next and Many of the Injured An
Sre to Snernmb.
Lists of killed lintl wounded pub
lislicd the any after the Fourth toll
only inrt of tlie story of daughter.
The dreadful after 'fTocta of hurts
Blight In themselves, font harboring tlie
tetanus germ and resulting In lockjaw
rind death, ore still to ndd horrors to
th grisly talc Stray bullets did the
usual amount of killing. Fools with
cannon crackers and other deadly
Weapons used them where they would
do the moot damage. The premature
explosion was much In evidence. So
the hospitals were crowded and the
procession to the cemeteries Itcgan.
i From returns compiled on the Citb
the roster of dead throughout the coun
try held 7.S victims of uilspulded pa
triotism. The lists of the injured were
swelled largely when final Inventories
of the wounded were taken, ond the
totals received show that more than
2,900 persons spent the Cth In sorrow
and tribulation. The totals are far
from complete, for nearly every remote
Lnmlet In the country has Its martyrs,
and months will elapse before the final
statistics are gathered. The expert'
nce of former years has demonstrated
.that the full death toll of the "gldri
ous" Is never completed until several
weks have passed.
Many Killed and Hart.
rittshurg heads the list of cities foi
loss of life, fifteen deaths wing re
ported. In Philadelphia there was only
one death, but the wounded numbered
hundreds. In the hospitals of the
birthplace of independence 048 persons
were treated for Injuries during the
day. Late reports from Lob Angeles
show that four deaths occurred In that
city as the direct result of the noisy
In Chicago tho death roll reached
"even. Several victims were claimed In
post-Fourth celebrations. With fire
works marked down. Young America,
and In many cases Old America as well,
Imply couldn't resist the temptation to
troy, and the Cth of July pyrotechnics
added a large number to the already
large list of Injured, dead ond dying.
At Peoria, Therrold Kogers, 18 years
old, tried to bore out the muzzle of a
cannon which happened to be loaded.
When the steel bit struck the powder
the young man was hurled thirty feet
and seriously Injured.
In Belolt, Wis., an Italian, who bad
been In the country only fifteen days,
was shot In the bead by a boy who sup
posed he had only a tor pistol. The
man Is expected to die.
Reports from Cincinnati were to the
effect that the entire business section of
the town of Mcseow, Ohio, was wiped
out on the Fourth by a blaze that
Started from the explosion of a torpe
do near a 200-gallon tnnk of gasoline,
the tap of which was running.
Early In tho morning a fire started
. at Decatur City. Iowa, that burned
eleven business houses and other build
lngs. The loss Is $27,000 and tho fire It
attributed to smoldering cracker stubs.
Mr Flrea Are Ceased.
In many cities there were other
blazes as the outcome of the firework
In Pittsburg the O'Nell Building, at
800 Fifth avenue, burned and several
persons were rescued only by spectacu
lor heroism on tho part of the fireflght
In a race riot In New York durlni
the finol hours of the celebration Vo
llcemon Edward Conrad was probablj
fatally Injured. The trouble starte
when the ofllcer seized a negro wh
was discharging a pistol on tho street
At once hundreds of negro eclebranti
rushed up, and, seizing tho policeman
slashed him with razors. A riot cal
brought Bucoor, and the fight that en
(Sued lasted half an hour.
Lower Salem, Ohio, was the scene ol
a pitched battle between two wholo vll
luges during a celebration of tin
Fourth. A picnic had been arranged
at Salem, and the whole masculine pop
ulatlon of Elba turned out. Unfriend
ly rivalry between tho two towns start
ed a row, the town marshal was un
able to preserve the peace and tho mo
lee ceased only when tho participant!
sank from exhaustion. Hundreds wert
hurt , 1
Another "Joker" appeared at Glad
deu. Pa. He gave a pound of blacl
powder to seven small children for s
plaything. They are in the hospital
Dangerous fireworks are nindo to b
exploded. If their manufacture wert
prohibited under penalty, If their salf
were made a serious offense, If harm
less substitutes for deadly toys wen
generally used by sensible persons, tin
Fourth of July soon would take on ar
air of sanity and the pleasures of tht
day would be multiplied. Public opln
Ion must deal (irmly with this matter
The slaughterous holiday niUHt be re
The noises of the Fourth drove Mr
Johnnna Evert to insanity, and aftei
frightening her neighbors she hanged
herself from a bedfast In her home li
Jersey City.
At Waukegan, III., Henry Meyers, 11
years old, met death while returning
from a Fourth ol July picnic. The
little boy stood on the tracks of the
St. Paul Railroad wlthiu WW feet o!
his home watching an exhibition or
fireworks, when an express train bore
down u)on him, killing hl:n instantly.
Judge J. F. Anderson, a lawyer In
Manitowoc, Wis., and prominent In tin
G. A. It., lost an eye. An unknown per
son threw a cannon cracker into
crowd, und It struck tho Judfe'e In the
Capr. Ottloyf the naval British dele
gate, who i thw Inventor of the suluna
riue mines now generally In use, a njc-ii I-
ed to Tlie llnuue conference to iiim'.iil:
tho anchored mine, lo irohihif (lie pst
of those kinds liiihle to get adrift und tc
reaii'ict the use of all mina-s to territorial
waters adjoinius iiovnl buses, with notiu
ytUvu such Uiiin-4 lire laid.
J0HN D- czrcnn J,,DGE
II MnKnnte In f'nurl for Flrnt Tim
In Miictffn Yearn,
In Chicago Saturday John Davison
I Rockefeller, lillllinitlie, head of Anier
j lea's greatest trust, entered a court
room for the first
time In ntneteeu
years, lly the tes
timony of the oil
king and his asso
ciates, all the infor
in a 1 1 o ii w h I Ii
Judge Lnndls has
been seeking for
the puriise of fix
ing the size of tho
fine lie Is expected
to impose on flu1
Standard Oil I'oin-
pany of ludiiin;l,
was obtained. It
was announced lin-
im'dlately niter the
hearing that the
court was through
with ltockcfcllcr us J
BOl KKKhLU.lt.
u witness'.
These secrets were revealed by
Rockefeller und his aids:
Standard Oil Company of NVw Jer
sey holds f!i!.r.(K of the fl,IKHt,IKK)
wortii of the capital stock of the Stand
ard Oil Company of Indiana.
Outstanding capital stock of the
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey
amounts to ?:w,.'!M),mx).
Net earnings of the
Standard Oil
Company of New Jersey for the years
ion:., l'.KM and l!Mi"i approximate $i7l),-
Dividends paid on the capital stock
of the Standard (ll Canipany of New
Jernoy during those years approximated
40 per cent a year.
Standard Oil Onnpany of New Jer
sey holds "by far tho major portion"
of the stock of the Union Tank Line
I'nlon Tnnk Line Company, with a
capital stock of f'),Ww,W(i, is ., ),-
GOO In debt and has paid no dividends
since 11101.
Judge Ijandls probed Into the secrets
of Standard Oil, bidden for years, and
obtained answers to all the questions
be had asked the defending attorneys
by the time he had examined live of the
twelve witnesses who were In court,
He then adjourned further hearing of
the case until Monday morning, making
It necessary for Rockefeller and the
other witnesses to remain In Chicago
(rver Sunday.
A pHp of a wo ran around the crowd'
ed room when Rockefeller, pinned
down by Judge Landls after he had
claimed ignorance of. much of the In
formation asked, said that the dlvl-
dends paid hy the Standard Oil Com'
pany (luring three yearn covered by the
Indiana Indictment amounted to 40 per
rent. This proved to he the Bcimutloniil
Item In tlie testimony.
Thousands- of pet-Mons besieged tho
Federal building fully htllf an hour .
...f..-.. .1,.. . ..ii.,, i t in.i,..r..n.. r
t..e u. ...... o. "....... ...v
entered the structure and fought their
way past tlie outside guards to
tlltJ t
sixth Hour, where they were stopped
at tho entraiici) to Judge Landls' court t
Scattered among the spectators were
a score or secret service operative.
They wore no uniform, displayed no lu- :
Klgnhi of otllce, yet they pushed in and
out tumm tlio luoinbtTS of the crowd. I
Thin led to confusion and a riot ell- ,
sued. Lawyers deiiiandlng 4idmlsslon
to the court were kiweked uowu in
tho conflict which followed. 1
Tho minority of the spectators wero i
in and seated when .Mr.
- , , .... . a ... .
made his apiMarnnee at the end of tho
attended y a few friends and
his counsel.
A imssacrwav was opened
foe bl... nml In. iilke.l sl.iwlv down tho
hall toward the court room, the crowd
, , ,., I 1,1... ...,....H ........li
L-iuMiiiK ui iii iiiin. linn, nmi-i iu oii-ii
O it lillise or the so-called richest man
. .
IU tlie world. -
Mr. noi kefcllep Wits shown to II W'llt
to the left of the Judge's desk. Ills
presence In the court roonf was almost
unnoticed hy the spectator until he
was well up the side aisle. Then a
buzz went up from the swelterinu
crowd and a hustle ond movement as
each one tried to g".'t a glimpse of the
oil magnate.
Tfiere was no demonstration, how
ever. Mr. Kockerelier looked curi
ously around hi m for a moment ns lie
settled lu his scat, and then commenc
ed a whispered conversation with one
f his attorneys.
A rigid censorship of the l'ortUKiiee
pra's prevented the prompt ri'isirt or inn
details of the'recent rioting, at Lisbon and
other luwns. It now apis-nrs that a gen
eral revolutionary uprising was hun-ly
averted by the rvpresslvo measures
Hellovins hiniKelf niistreiiled hii'aiiso
his tiiuilier asked him to work, I harles
McK'umey, aited 11, coiiiiuilted suicidi' in
tiiiieiiu. Kan., by laying a sliotirun attamst
his iirca t uti i.tishin the trlgsor with
Stick. The chtltse look cITi-ct ill his lieud
und f ue, killing hhn almosi instantly.
In necoriliiiui' with th terms of an
imperial edict, the opium dens in tlie im-1
tire ipiitrti'fs of Kluiiuhul, China, were!
I'liised. In iite of the eilii'l oi.iuni is still j
sold. There were liu (list urhii ace. Tin1
fyrein volunteers wire hdJ iu rcudinesr j
in caK of i nieri'iicy.
y ;-. :..v-; 9 L
. n.
(First Publication July U. H7,-.'lw.)
To Anna P. Cnrter, recorded owner, and
Orent Northern Itntlwny compiiny, tli per
on In possession, imil Win. .Nind In pos
session! Vmi arc hereby notified Hint nt n nln of
lands nml lot for Uim. In-I.I on the nt h iliiy
Of November, A. ., lino, by I he in iv urer of
IttkotH county, Neiinikii. the followliin ile.
sorllsd ra-al nraioerly. sltuntud In tlie county
of Imkolit, n ii' I mute of Nebni-kit. to-w It:
lxit nine (to In block niimlier si'veniy-ono
(71) In CovliiKtim, Nahiuekn.
W hlch property win nmfwo in me
nimie of no person nnd wm som lor
the taie of the yenrnof Ihu. to bud, In
cIumIvo to '. Mnrtln, who In now the
holder of the certlfli'nte of purchase
thereof; and that after the expiration of
three month from the date of the saTVloe of
thin notice a tux deed will !' a p pllJ lor.
J luted thin 1st day of July, llT.
). MAKTtW,
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase.
Ity I. P. Mnrtln, her Rircni.
ToWlllhim (iordon. trust", trusteeship
not dlHajloHCd In county clerk's ofbee, liakola
county, Nebiieika, premmied to te for Helen
B. Itraiwn, recoidedl owner, and Jake Kum-
inell ami Ui'orifo Ijininoro, me perHoim 111
lou are Iiereliy noiineai inai ai a niii" 01
IiiikIh anil lot for taxes, hi'ld on the nth day
of November, A. I lwf, lay the tri aiura-r of
likotacoiiiit KebniHkii, the loiiowins m
Herlbed reul property, Hltunted In thecotinty
of luikota, anil valine ol .-M-orasnii. u-wii-.
IotH oim (I) two C2) three () tjeva-n 17J
elKht (hi nine (u) nlxteen (HI) seventeen (17)
and elffhti i'ii ilx) In block nuinU r forty-
four (44) In Houth raloux t'lty, joy rnice,
Whleh property was asei'd In the name
of no peraon and wan sold for the taxeg of
the yearn of It'll to H"4, Inclusive, to V.
Martin, who Is now the holder of the certi
ficate of purchase Ihen-ofi and that after
the a-xplrallon of three months from the
date of the service of this notice a tax deed
will be applied for.
1 luted tins 1st (lay or J my, r.'i.
(). Martis,
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase.
Hy I. V. Martin, her bkciu.
To Wlllbim (iordon. trustee, trusteeship
not dlselona-d In county clerk's ofllce. In la
kota county, Nidinmka, presunii-d to be for
Helen K. Hrown, reconletl owner, ana jonn
Dohurty, Kred fkirdon, and Jake tlscn-
luki-tH tia rwrmina In noSHessloll!
You are hereby notified that at a sale of
lands and lots for taxes, held on the 0th day
Of November, A. I)., ImKi, by the tri'asurer ol
Dakota eountv. Nebraska, the following ue-
nerlts'd real property, nl United In the county
of Dakota, ana state or rteorassa, kj-wiw
Uataj two (8 ) three til) four t) live tnj hix
() wven ITI elulit (n) ulnt (0) ten (In) and
eleven (11) In block number ninety-three
Mil In OovlnxUm, Nebraska.
Whleh nrnntirtv wiu assesHca in tne name
of no person and wan sold for the taxes of
t he year an follows: ion iwo to eieveu,
Inclusive, for the year of 1WH to Martin
Nniiiin whiiiuisiuiu.il the peri ueaie or pur
ch&tie tot). Martin, who In now the holder of
the certificate of purchase tnereoi ; anu inai
alter tue expiration or uiree inoninn iroiii
the date of the nervlceof this notice a tax
deed will lie applied for.
Iated tin 1st any or juiy, iff.
O. Maktik.
Ovwir and holder of certificate of purchase.
Uy I. f. Martin, iieraaoni.
To William (Gordon, trustee, trusteeship
pot duacloKvd In county clerk'nofWiM!, laakato
county, Neiirasaia, presuinea w oe lor jieieu
fc. Hrown. rerorded owner:
You are hereby notified that at a sale of
lands nml hits for tiixi's. held ou the 0th day
of Noveinlier, A. I).. Iw. hy the treanurerof
Dakota county, Nebraska, the foltowtnif d-
axTttM'd real properly, nltuatea in tne county
of Imknta. anil mate of Nvbraoka. to-wit:
LoU number one (1) two () three (8)
even (7) eUrht (K) and nine () In block
number forty-three (HI In bouth Hloux
Mtr. Jot I'laoe. Nebraska.
Whleh nronairtv wan assessed In the mrme
of uo per sou and wan nold for tho tuxes of
the years of lf'l to 1V04, Inclusive, to O.
Martin, who In now the holder of the certl
flcate of purciuwe thereof; and that aftar
the expiration or in roe inonius iroin viae
date of the service of this notlue a tax deed
will be applied for.
Dated tills 1st day of July. IV?.
v U. Martin,
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase
lly l. f. Martin, ner aein.
To William Ooidon, trustee, trustn'shlp
not disclosed In county clerk's ofllce, Dakota
county, Nebraska, presumed to lie for Hel
en K. lirown. recorded owner:
You are hereby notified that at a sale of
lands and lots for taxes, held on the 6th day
of November, A. I)., lwnft.tiy tho treasurer of
Dakota county, Nebraska, the followtnil de
sert lied real property, situated In the county
of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
Lot twenty (Ku) nnd twenty-one (21) In
block iiiiiuIht flfty-lour(54) In Mouth Sioux
Olty, Joy Place, Nebraska,
which property was assessed In the name
of uo person and was sold fair the taxes of
the years of ball to ltm4, Inclusive, toll) Mar
tin, who Is now the holder of the certifi
cate of purchase thereof ; and that after the
expiration of three mouths from the date
of the service of this notice a tax deed will
be applied for.
Dated thin 1st day of July. 1U"7,
i. Martin,
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase.
Hy 1. P. Martin, her audit.
To William Oordon, trustee, trusteeship not
disclosed In county clerk's ofllce, Dakota
county, Nebraska, presuinaid to lie for Helen
H. lirown. recorded owner and Alls'i t Btov
cnnand H.J. I tool icy, the persons In posses
sion: I Vi, nm h,p.il,v imMll.iil ll.nl n t n H,l f
lands and lots for taxes, held on the Oth day
of Novel
of NovelilU'r, A. !., iv. by the treasurerof
Dkta county, Nebraska, the followlnrf de
scribed real property, situated In the county
OI 1'as.om. ai.u mnu' in ni-uiunHii, vo-wn;
1,1 lt ahr..., 1.11 d,. IT
eluht IN) nine (V) and ten (in) In block forty
i .... . .. tii ..... i. ki,.... i nt.. t.... in.....
Iraska: '
Wlitch prwrty was hkkoshou Intlicimtne
rt rti liursiill Itltil U'US tuilil fill tliu tiiTiig
of the years of urni to itn, inclusive, to o.
jVd pui-ch u roflVml thit i'tip
the expiration of three mouths from the
""ft nipiia'd for. ""8 noMe" " w
vulva thu ui any of July, w.
l1 M A KTI S
owner and holder of certlflcnte of nun-haio.
' Hy I. P. Martin, her intent.
To J. A. Dean, recorded owner!
You are hereby notllled thnt at a dale of
, lands and lots for taxi s, held on the (Ith day
1 ... V A 1, Hm. 1... . 1... .......... ..
' oi mm HUH Ii ... II-.,. J HI.' unniii,-. II.
- imkirtn county. Nebraska, the foiiowinmie-
' erlls;d real property, situated In the county
. (if 1 lulriilu llllil lllilii III IklMLLl II . Lt.U'11
i Northwest ouaiter of the northeast
QUiirinroi si'a-iioii eleven 1 1 1; in laiwnsnip
i twenty-nine tu rnnico seven (.71 In Dakota
j county, Nebraska.
I HI II lllop' I IJ nn. iiam-ssi'ii in i 111. iii.ii.e
f j. a. Dean and was sold for the taxes
oi me years iwu niiii iiih inclusive, ion.
I Mnrtln, who Is now the holder of the cit
tltlcate of purchase thereof ; mid that after
! V"' explrutlon of lluee iii.i.iths from the
Will Is1 upplli'il for.
Dated this 1st day of July, ltat7.
U. MAid'tw,
Owner and holderof certificate of purchase.
To The Oamibliiatlou Iliiilsre company, re
corded owner!
You lire hereby notllla'd that at a sale of
lands and lots for taxes, held ou the tllh dav
of NovcioImt, A. I lv5, by the treasurerof
iHikotn county, Na'braska, the followliiK de-
scrtls'd nal property, situated In the county
of LiakoUi, and slaU- of Nebraska, to-wll:
Lot nuinls'r ten (Hi) lu lilis k iiuuiIht
elithiy-ttiri-e ikd in coviiiKton, Nebraska.
Which property w a assc ad In the name
of no person and wus sold for the taxes of
the years aa follows: lxit ten for the years
of lsmt to 1114, Inclusive, to Martlu, who
Is now the holder of the oerullinle of pun
rhasti thi reol; and that alla-r tho explri
tlou of thra-e mouths from the date of thl'
service of this notice a tax di ed will bo ap
plied ror.
1 mted this 1st day of July, lt7.
O. Maktik
Owner and bolder of certificate of purchase
Hy 1. i: Martin, her atteuL
To Anna P. Carter, recorded owner!
You are hereby notttld that at a sale of
lauds and lots for taxes, held on the (Ith day
of Novi lllls'r. A. !.. U'o. by tho treasurer of
Dakota county, Nebraska, the following" de-
surlts-d real property, kituaieii in the county
of Duketa, mul state an M iiraska. lo-wlt
Lots nuiuU r elitht (H) and twelve (lit) In
block number nliiuly-ulne (WU) In Coving-lou
Which property was assa'ssed In the name
of uo uersou ulul was sold for tho taxes of
the years as follows: l-ol eluht for tho
years of Iwfl to H'4, Inoluslveiiind lot twlve
lor the years of lsas to H4, Inclusive, to (t
Martin, who Is now the holder of the certl
tloatoof purchase thereof; and that after the
ft titration of three months from the data.
of the service of this notice u tax deed will
he applied for.
lted this 1st day of July, l'.7.
i Owner aud holderof certificate of purchase
I liy 1. P. Martlu, her uncut.
NOtleu of Tax Dsed.
ToWllllnm Onrdon. tl'e. tnitaehlB
not disclosed In cisinty clerk'foflllca.liakota I
ounty, Nebranka, pri'tinied tai lm for Hel
en K, Hrown, recorded owner, anil llsket
Welch, Kitty Sutton, (alien 1,1 vlniribnn, and
(4eoraia Lnriiiiore. t he nerions in Dosni'SHion :
You are hereby nmlileil that at a sale of
lands and lots for taxes, held on the flth day
of Novemlaer. A. I)., luar.. by the treasurerof
Dakota county. Nebraska, the followlnff in-
m-ilis-d ri al property. Iittmteil Inthecounty
iiiiKoui. nnd hiji urn Ki'iiinuii town.
Iits iMinils'r ten I In) a'leven (ID twelva
(12i sixteen (in) seven!' en 1 17) elithU'en (!
nineteen (,( t wentv-three iti twa-nty-four
(V4 nnd twenty-live (ill In block nuinliT
llfty (.'in). In South Htoux lty. Joy Place, Ne-
Whleh nmnerfv wn nsueHved IntMP nntll"
of no perso:i and was-liold for the tnxen of
the vif'ir luui in lull Itw nstve. ton .Miiriin,
who In now thnhuldiTof the certlfli'nte of
t)iin liHe theri-of : and that nftertheexptrnt-
lon of three months from the date of the wr-
Mi e of thin notice a tax deed will be applied
I mted thin lit day of July, ll7.
). MAHTl?aj,
OwnaT nnd bolder of certlflcnte of purchase
lly I v Martin, ner aireni.
To Vllllnni Gordon, trustee, trusteeship
not dlsclosi'd In county clerk's ailllca1, Dakia
lii eountv. Velipitelni. nri'Miinli'd to Is for
Helen k. lirown. li'forilca owner: ami i
tlrei'iiennd Jake Huinmell, the persons In
til issa-HHlori
You are hera-by notified that nt a sale of
lllliils anil lots for tuves. helil on ttie atth liny
of NovemlsT, A. I., Hin, by the trijisurer of
11..1...... ....... x.'..i..... i... ft I... n.u'itu
k.niui, ill i.nii, "'
ileserllsMl real property, slttiiiti'd In the
county of Dakota, nnd state of Nebraska,
lits four i 41 nve I HI six i III ten ( 10) eleven
till twelve 12) thirteen 1: fourteen I Ml
flfta'CIl llfil stxtl'en lletl sa-Vl'llU'CIl 117
twentv-nlx fill) twetitv-si'Ven i 27 1 and
tweiitv-cliflil (!Oin bhs-k numU r forty-one
(111 In Mouth Hloux tity, Joy Place, Ne
Whleh nronertv was assesseil In the nnme
of no person and was sold for tha' taxes of the
years of ltl to Ham, Inclusllve, to n. Martin,
who Is now tho holder of the certificate
of niiretmsf thereof iiml that after the ex
piration of three months from the nine oi
the service of this notice a tax deed will be
applied for.
Dated thin 1st day of July, isi7.
J. Maktik,
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase,
Hy I. P. Martin, her lutein.
Notice of Tax Deed-
To Alls rt I,, f-nsi-n. recorded owner of
lot eluht and Lola M. Hunt, n rded owner
of lot eleven, anil Minnie 41. Mllllllcton. re
enriteil owner of lot th I It V. Ill I 111 block five
lft In Month Hloux i'lty, Nebraska, ami i.
Fouts. the oerson 111 possession of lots elKht
andeTcven, and Win I milliard, the person
In niwuesulon of lot thfrtv:
You are hereby notified that at a sale of
InmlMniwI lots for taves. hadd on the 6th day
of Noveinlnir, A. I. Iti6, by the treasurer of
iNikota county, Nebraska, tne roliowniK no-m-riba-d
real nronertr. sltiinta-d In the eoun
tv of 1 1,1k ni nml l iite of Nebraska, to-wtt:
Ixats eluht (S) eleven (II) and thirty (9'),ln
block nve to) in Moutli bioux uny, e-
briiMli n
Which property was atasennaid In the
name of no person and wan nold for
the taxen of the years as follows: Lot
eluht for the vearnof ltmi to HXl. Inclusive,
and lot eleven for the years lHlrt and 1HHH to
H4, Inclusive, and lot liurty ror tne year oi
1 a "4 to (J. Martlu.wrio is now tne noiaer oi
thii eertlfti-ate of nurchase thereof: and
that after the expiration of three months
f noin the date of .theservlce of this notice
a tax deed will baa applied for.
Dated this 1st day of July, lu"7.
O. Martik,
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase.
By I. r, Martin, ner atcem.
To Orant B. 41ltert, recorded owner, and
L Kouts and W, W. Woodward, the persons
In possa'sslon:
You are hereby notllla'd thnt at a sale of
limns n.nit lots for taxi's, held on the (1th day
of Novemhdr, A. D lM"fl, by the treasurer of
Dakota county. Nebraska, the followum no
se rl lied ra-al property, situated Inthecaiunty
of liiikotn. mut state of Nebraska, to-wit:
Ixit seven t7l In block number four (4) In
South Hloux Olty, Nebraska.
Which property was assessed In tlie name
of no person and was sold for the tuxes
of the year's of ltt.W and VJH Inclusive
to j. Martin, who Is now tho holder of
tha certificate of ourehiuae thereof:
aud that after the expiration of three
mouths from the date of the service of thl
notice a lax da-ed will ts applied ior.
Dated this 1st day of July, lt'T.
O. Martin,
Owner aud holder of certificate of purchase.
By I. r. Martin, ner iwi'iii.
To Ta'alle Griffey, recorded owner of lot
one. and Mosa-s Krabs, recorded owner of
lots two. four and five, and John Nelhaus,
roooi-ded owner of lot threaj, all In block
oiwi v.niiinOiu i In (lovliiiton. Nebraska:
Y'ou are hereby notified that at a sale of
lands and lots for taixes, held on the nth duy
of Novemlaer, A. 1)., llfKi, by the treasurerof
Dakota county. Nebraska, tne toiiowhiht (iu-
ncrtls-d real property, situated In th county
of Dakota, nml slate or NeorasKa, io-wii:
Ixits one (1) two (2) three (,ii lour (i; anil
five (fi) In block number sixty-nine (li In
riovlmrton. Neiiritska.
Which property was nsscssen in tne
mime of no ner son anil was sum ior tne
taxes of the years ns follows: Lot one for
the years of lt'.ni to llH. Inclusive, and lot
two for the years of IKtXt to ltm, Inclusive,
and lot three for the years of INin to 1WM in
clusive, and lot four ror tne years or n to
lti4, Inclusive, and lot live for the years of
1WW to to HOI, Inclusive. O, Martlu, who
now the holder of the certificate of
iiiirclinse thereof: and that lifter the
xpliatlon or turee moiuiis ironi iiih
diiu- of the service of this notice a tax deed
111 Is' implied ror.
Dated this 1st diiyi)f July, l'.mT.
U. Martin,
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase
Hy 1. P. jdarlln, tier orient.
To Charles Kverett, ra-cordeil ow ner:
Y'ou are heretiy notified that at a sale of
lauds and lots for taxes, held on t he nth day
Novcmlsr, A. li., IV n, liy me treasurer of
Dakota county, Nebraska, the rollowlnu de-
rlls'd real property, situated in tne county
nf luikota. and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
Lots nuinlsT nlni'teen tiwi anil twenty (all
In block numls'rtwo (21 In Houth Hloux
Oltv. Plnier Phu'C. Nadiraska, which proper-
nssa-ssed In the name of no person and was
ty was sold for the taxes or lite years of lvt
1K4. Inclusive, to ('. Martin, who Is now
tho holder of the certificate of purchase
thereof; and that after the expiration of
ri-o months from tne iinua oi the service
this notice a tax deed will lie applied
or. ... .
Dated this 1st day of July, Jtr.
Owner and liohlerof certificate of purchase.
Hy 1. P. Martin, her auent.
To A. A.Irwin, recorded owner, nnd tho
(livat Northern Hutlrouil company, the
nelsons In possession:
You ari' hereby notllled that at u sale of
lands and lots for tnxa's, held oil the (Ith day
of NovemlsT, A. I)., limft, by the treasurer of
Dnkotii county. Nebraska, the followinir do-
sciils'd real property, situaieii inthecounty
of Unkota, and state of Na'braska. tai-wlt:
Lots live (ii) ami six (ill in nines, puniocr
lift v-fntirlM) In CovtiiBton, Nebraska.
Which property wus assessed In the name
of nopeisoiiniul was sold for the the taxes
of the years of lmm to bM. Inclusive, to C
Martin, w ho is now tna' nonier oi me cer
tificate of purchase therein; anu trial after
the expiration of three mannas rrom tlio
date of the servlca of this notice a tax alccd
w ill Is- iippllcd fair.
Dated this 1st nay or juiy, n'i.
Owner and holder of certl Ilea to of purcluisu.
lly 1. f. iMiiriiu, hit iiiri'iib,
To Anna P. Carter, ra-corded owner:
You are hereby notllled that at a sah' of
lands and lots for taxes, held on the
iltb day of Noveinls'r, A. !.. I'M"), by tho
treasurer or isisoia eouiiiji, a-nntsKn, iuu
following" desorllsul real property, situated
in the county of Dakota, and state of No-
liriiMkift. Lo-Wlt:
Isit ton (iu) 111 block nuiiiis'r niiy-inree
(Mi In Oovlimlon. Nebraska,
Wlilcn proH-rty was asseai. in mo
nania' or no person anu was sum ior
tho taxi-s of the years of lHt to Und, In
elusive, to C. Martin; Who Is now the
iw.i.ier or mo C4'riiucuvai ui piirciiasa.
thereof; and that after the expiration of
three months from tlie date of the service
of tills notice a tax ala-eai win is- appueu ior.
1 luteal this ltuayoi juiy, iwi.
tt. Martin.
Owner ami holderof certificate of purchase,
Hv 1. P. Mariin, nor iweni.
To J. A. Dean, recorded owner:
You are hereby mill lied that at a sale of
lands and lots for taxes, held on tho dtb day
,,r N.ivniiils'r. A. 1 1.. ltnV bv the treasurerof
Dakota county, Nebraska, the following-de
scribed raid property, situated lu tlio county
r linkotu. and stale of Nebraska, to-wll:
Northeast Quarter of the nor t belts t guurt-
er of section el 'veil a Hi III towusulp
twenty-nine ofin In rautie Mven 17) lu Diikts-
in eount v. Na'biaskii.
Which property was assa'ssed III the
name of J. A. Dean and was sold for the
taxes of tho years of b ami It1. Inclusive,
toll, Martin, who is now the holder uf the
certificate of purchase tin lei. f; ami Hint
after the expiration of thrive months from
the il ile of the service 1'f this notlcs
tax ab ed will Is- applied fair,
iiuied this 1st day of July. bC.
c. Martin
Owr.er and holderof certificate of purchaso.
Hy I. P, Martin, her 1140 uU
First Publication July 5 w3
Notice of TaxVDeed.
To William Wordon. trusti'a, trusteeship
aot disclosed In county clerk's otn Ice, Dakota
;outity, Nebraska, presumed to lie for llel
tn h). llrbwn.reconied owner, nnd Kitty hut
ton, illli'i I.nV lnnton,(.i'ori' 1 jarlniore and
Jsker elch, the personn In possession:
1 ou are Iiereliy nottltcil that at a sain m
lands and lots for taxes, held on the nth day
nf November, ll'ift, by tl.e t reaniriTof Dako
ta county. Nebraska, tin- followtnil descrl!
ed ra ni property, situated 111 the county of
Dakota, anil ntateor Nebraska, town:
I,its one 1 1 1 two (21 tlira-c till four (4) ten
(HO eleven HI) In block number fifty-three
IfiS) In Houth Hloux Olty. Joy Place, Nebras
ka. v hlc.h property was nssesed In the nntno
3f no person and was sold fos tho tuxes of
the yearn lta"! to ltl'l, Inclusive, toll Martin.
w ho Is now the holder of tin' certificate of
purchase thereof ; and thataftiTtheexplrat-
lonof thra-e months frtitn theilate or the ser
vice of this notice a tax deed will be applied
lmtail thin 1st dny of July. 1U7.
t). Martiw,
OwnaT and holder of certificate of purchase.
liy 1 P Martin, nerauenl.
Notice of Tax Deed.
To John 8. Collins, recorded ovarnerof the
undivided oni-linlf of lot one, ninf (4. II. and
(I. H. ( 'oirins, recordi'd ownaTS of the undi
vided one-half of lot one and K.J. Hradli'ld,
rei'orded owner of lot II ve, and J. P. Abts,
recorded owner aif lots seven and eluht, all
In block one hundred and twelve (1121 In
Covins tain, Nebraska; and Joseph ttnlila r-
ston, in possession or lot one, ana Mmi'ii"
1'i'ilimi, In possession of lots five, seven
and emlit (A-i-ni.
You are haTeby notified thnt nt a sale of
lands and lots for taxes, held on the nth diuy
of November, A. D. lsmft, by the treasurerof
Dakota county. Nebraska, the followlnir de-
serlls'd ra'al property, situated In the coun
ty or Dintota, ami ntateor Nebraska, to-witi
Ixits numlsTone ( 1 i.flve (51, ivven (7) and
eltrht (HI, In block nunitsr one hundred
and twelve ( 1121 In CJaivlnnrton. Nebraska,
w hlch property was assessa'd In tho
nama of no pernou nnd wan sold for
the taxen of the yearn as follows: Lot
one for years of luuu to U'A Inclusive,
and; lot five for the year of 1K'4 and
lotn seven and elKht for the yearn ol 17 to
)t4, Inclusive, to (J. Martin: Who Is now
tho holder of tho rertlllcato of purchase
thereof ; and that after the expiration of
three months from the date of the service
of this notice a tax deed will be applied for,
Dated this 1st day of July,
(). Martin,
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase,
Uf 1. P. Martin, tier atrent.
To J.L. Kennealy, recorded owner and Frod
KosenlMiuni, the person 111 possession:
i ou are hereby notllled that at a sale of
lands and lots for taxes, held on the Ath day
of Novctntier, A. D., 1WK). bv the treasurerof
Dakota county, Nebraska, the follow inn da'-
ncrlls-d real property, situated In the. county
or nakotu, aim state or iseiirasKa, to-wtt:
Lot nuinls r one (1 1 In block number nine
ty-six (Ml) In Covington, Neb.
v hlch property was assessed In the
name of no person and was sold for the
taxi's of tho year of 1UU4 to (J Martin
Who Is now the holder of the certificate
of purchase thereof; and that after the
expiration of three months from the date
of tho service of this notice a tax deed
will be applied for.
Dated tuts 1st day or July, innr.
O. Martik.
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase.
By l. f. Martinrner aaent.
To Hloux Olty and Northern Uallrood
company, reeordeal owner of lot nine (VI
and Laura A. Tlerney, rocordiHl ownerof lots
ten, eleven and twelve, nil in block seventy-
nine t7VI in oovirurton, Nebraska:
You are hereby notified that a sale of
lauds ' and lots for taxes, held on the
flth duy of Novemlsr, A. 1).. lt, by tho
treasurer or Dakota county, rietiraska, tne
following described real property, situated
In the county or Dakota, and stale or NO'
braska. to-wit:
Ixits nine (W ten ti") eleven (11) and
twelve (IS) In bhs-k number seventy-nine
I7KI In Oovuurtoii, rseix-asna.
whlcn property was assessii in tne
name of no person and was sold for
the taxes of the years 1HWI to 18o4, lu
elusive, to O. Martin; who la now the
holder of tho oertlllcnte of purchase
thereof ; and that afte the expiration of
three months from the date of tho service
of this notice a tax deed will be applied for.
Dated this 1st day of July, l'.r7.
O. Martin.
Owner and holderof certificate of purchase
lly 1. P. Martin, her aaent.
To Anna P. Carter, recorded owner and
Mrs Kiln O'Nell. the person in possession
You are hereby notified that at a sale of
lands and lots for taxes, held ou the Oth day
of November, A. 1)., luuft. by tho treasurer of
Dakota county, rsenraska. tne rouowlna (lo
ser! lied real property, situated In the county
of Dakota, ami state or rsenrasKa, to-wit:
Dots four (4) nve 16) six 1.11 elovon (1
and twelve (12), In block number eighty
In Ooviufton. Nebraska.
Which property was assessed in the
name of no person and was sold for
the taxes of the years 1H0 to U'l. In,
elusive to O. Mnrtln, who Is now the
holder of the certificate of purchase
thereof; and that after the expiration of
thra'C months from tho date of the service of
this notice a tax deed will lie applied for.
' Dated this 1st day of July. 1W?.
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase.
- Hy I. P. Martin, her iwent
To M. A. Heath, recorded owni'r:
Y'ou are hereby notified that nt a sale of
land and lots for taxes, held on theflth day
of NovemlsT, A. D., lt, by the treasurer of
Dakota county. Nebraska, tne followlnir de
scribed ra'al nronairty .situated In the county
lof liakota. and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
i Dot number nine LSI j tn block number one
hundti'd nnd nine PKi In ( 'ovlnttton, N'br.
1 Which property was assessed In the name
of no pairson nnd was sold for the taxes of
the yenronim to o. martin, who is now
the holder of the certificate of purchase
thereof; and that lifter the expiration of I
throe months from the date or the sa-rvtee
of this notice a tax deed will lie applied
lint ud this 1st day of July. 1U7.
U. Martin.
Owner and holderof certificate of purchase.
Uy l. P. Mnrtln, ner aent.
To Laura A. Tlerncy, recorded owner:
You are hereby uollned that at a sain nf
lands and lots for taxes, held on tho 6th dav
of .NovemlsT, A. n., imi, uy tne treasurerof
liakota county. Nebraska, the following de
scribed ri'iU property, situated In th caiuntv
or Dakota, anil state oi rsenrusRa, lo-wlt
r.,.td tu'. tl1 ii ml liroo fill In lil.w-lr n n, lu.
PUV. hctidred and one iiuij in covinuton, Ne-
Which property was assessed In the
name of no person nnd was sold for tho
taxes ns follows: Lot two for tho years
of iwi to lti'J4, inclusive, mm lot three
l for the year HX4, to C. Martin, who
is now the holder of the certificate of
purchase thereof; Bin! thnt after the
expiration of three months from the
date of the service of this notice a tax deed
will Isi applied for.
Dated this 1st nay or juiy, iuw.
C. Mahtiv.
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase
Hy 1. i'. Martin, hernirent.
To K. H. McPherson, recorded owner of
lot elevi'ii and .1. H. Hurke. reeordeal owner
of lot twelve, all lu block hlxty-idiht, lu
Covliiiftain. Nebraska, and O. J. York, the
Derson In posM'ssion :
Y'ou are hereby notified thnt nt a sale of
luruls and lots fair taxes, Held on the nth alny
of Noveinlslr, A. !.. I'.t1. by the treasurer of
linkotu eountv. Nebraska, the lollowlnit do-
si-rltsMl reHl Drorxirty. situated Inthecounty
of Dakota, and staive or .enrusKn, io-wii:
Lots cloven 111 J anil twelve li-i In block
number slxty-aduht its In Covlnifton, Ncbr.
Which proixirty was ashissed in the
Of no erson and was sold for the taxes
as follows: lot clavon for the years
of Itsrt Ui hW. Inclusive, and lot twelvo
lor the ya-ars of Islnl to ltH. Inclusive.
to C. Martin, who Is now ine Holder of
the oortlfloato of purcnase thereof;
and that after the expiration aif three
months from tho date of tho service of this
notice a tax deed win Is- applied ror,
Dated th Is 1st day of July, ivoy.
C. Maiitin,
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase,
liy 1. P. Martin, neratfent,
To William Gordon, trnstee, trusteeship
not disclosed In county clerk's ollh-e, Dako
ta county, Na-bruska. presuuieal to lie for
Helen K. Brown, n-coruiMj owner; una linger
Welsh. Kitty Sutton. Ullo Uvlucstuii and
Geaircre lirliliore. the pa'rsons In possossluut
You are nereny uotiueu lusi ii a suie an
nuns sviul lots for tuxes, held on tho nth day
of November, A. !.. Hi5. by the troarursr of
liakota county, iseurasjia, ins iuimiwiiib
desa-rilied real properly, situated In thu
comity of Dukuta, uud state of Nebraska,
Lniti four 14 five (6'sHte' ten 10 1 eleven
(11 1 twelve ill 1 lourieen a i uio-en u six
teen ' 1 1 twenty 1 twenty -onei XI 1 twenty
lwot)tx!Uty-thne (mi Iwwity-four 1 14
twenty-five twenty-six I Urtiand twenty.
eveni;f7ln block uuaiber forty-seren 47)
In tsoutn Bloux cut, Joy t-iaro. nearasaa:
Which property was assessed in the name
f no person and was sold fair the taxes ol the
scars of IK'1 to IU04, Inclustlvn, to O. Martin,
who la nw tho holder of the oertiricato
f puroBaise tticnsii; anu wiai aner inn ex
piration of three mouths f rum the dute of
Itie service or inis iiajuce u n.s uwu wo. 00
ippllvd for.
Dsla'd inis isi ua? oi j ui j , .i'i ,
C. Maiitin.
iwner aud holderof certificate of pun-kasa.
1 1. 1 . .uuiuu, ui r osfviiu
To William (iordon. trustee, tiusteeshla
not disclosed In county clerk's ollle, liakota
county, Nebraska. Presumed to lie for
Helen K. Hrown, recorded owner:
Y'ou are hereby nolllld that nt a sale V
lands nnd lots for taxes, held on the Htli day
of NovemlsT, A. 1 1., In ft, by the trensiirer of
liakota county, Nebrnskn. the followlnir He.
serlls'd real property, situated In the county
of liakota, and state of Nebraska, to-w lt:
Irfits four (41 five l.ril six (Bl tell U'U ana
eleven (11) In block n umber forty-elKht (ed
In Kouth Sioux Olty, Joy I'liiee. Nebraska.
i hlch tironcrtv was assessed in tne nnme
of no person nnd was sold for the taxes of
the years of 1HU to linn, inclusive, to i.
Martin, w ho Is now the holder of the ccrtl
flc atenf purchase thereof; and that after the
expiration of thra-e months from the date
of the service of this notice a lax ueeu win
be applied for.
Doted this 1st day of July, lti.
a. Martin.
Owner and holderof certificate of pu robust,
Hy 1. P. Martin, her agent.
To William Gordon. trustee, trustoa'shlp not
disclosed In county clerk's olllce, Dakota
county, Nebrnskn, presumed to tie for Helen
r.. mown, rccorin-d owner anil aiih ti but-
ensand ii. J. Itoouey, the persons In posses
sion: You are herebv notified thnt at a'sale of
lauds and lots for taxes, held on the lit h day
of Novemls r, A. ., I'.ffS, by the treasurerof
Dakota county. Nebraska, the followiiut de-
scrlls d property, sltiuited In the county of
Dakota, ami state of Nebraoka, to-wlt:
lrfitsonet ) two (K) three (M) seven (7)
eluht (1) fourteen (lliflfteen (lfi)nnd slxtei'ii
(lfl) Ill block nuints'r forty-six W) In (South
Mou.x city, Joy Pluce, Nebraska:
n filch property was assessei intnename
of no person ami was sold for the taxes as
follows: l,otH one (I) two (2) thra-e (a) seven
(7) fourteen (It) llfta-en (lfi) and slxtea-n (I'D
ror tne ya-ars of I'.mi to I'M, inclusive, anu
lot eldht (N) for the years of 1MW to ll'4, in
clusive, toC. Martin, who Is now the holder
of the certificate of purchase thereof: anil
mat artT the expiration of thra-e months
from the date of the service of tills notice
a tax deed will bo applied for. .
Dated tnis 1st day of July, l!rf.
U. Maiitin,
Owner and holder of certlflcnte of purchase
lly l. P. Martin, ner as-cut.
To William Gordon, trustee, trusteeship
not disclosed In county clerk snfllce, liakota
county, iseiirnska. presumed to no ror Hel
en K. Hrown, recorded owuerof all of block
lit), CoviiiKton, liakota county. Nebraska:
lou are hereby notllled that at a sale of
lands and lots for taxes, held on the Oth day
of November, A. I., luuft. by the treasurer of
Dakota county, Nebraska, the followlnir do
se r Us 'd real property, situated Inthecounty
of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wlt:
Isits one, two, three, four. five, six, seven.
eluht, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve. In block
one bunred and sixteen (lit)) Covington, Ne
W hleh tjroperty was assessed In the name
of no person and was sold for the taxes of
or the years lmtl and 1M4 to Martin isellan
wno is now the bolder of the certttlcata1
of purchase thereof : and that after the ex
piration of three months from the date ol
tue service of this notice a tax deed will w
applied for.
Daieu mis isi oaj oi juiy, iwi.
M ahtin Nkilan
Owner and holderof certificate of purchase
To William Goidon. trustee, trusteeshlc
not disclosed In county clerk's office, DakotH
county, Nebraska, presumed to bo for Hel
en K. Brown, recorded owner:
You are hereby notllled that at a sale ol
lands and lots for taxes, held on the flth day
of November, A. !., lwofi.by the treasurer ol
Dakata county. Nebraska, tue rollowlna de
sert bed mil property, situated til the county
of Dakota, and state or Nebraska, to-wlt:
Dot uumlier eluht (n) In block number
fifty- six (Art), In Covlnixton. Nebraska:
I Which property was assessed In the name
of no person and was sold for the taxes of
tne years as follows, ihmb aud ror the yean
of 1SW to ItatHl, Inclusive, toC. Martin, who b
now the holderof tbeoertincate of purchase
thereof: and that after the expiration ol
three months from the date tif the service
of this notice a tax deed will Is- applied for
Dated this isi any or juiy, it?,
C. Martik.
Owner and holder of certificate of purchase
Hy 1. P. Martin, her atrnnt.
To William Oordon. trustee, trusteoshlr
not disclosed In county clerk's office, rinkuu
county, Nebraska, presumed to be for Heloi.
E. Hrown; and Albert htevens and H. J
Koonoy, the persons in possession;
You are noreby notllled that at a sale 01
lands and lots for taxes, held on the flth day
of NovemlsT, A. D., lt5, by the treasurer ol
Dakota county, is our as na, tne followliur do-
scribed reul property, situated in the count
of Dakota, anu state 01 JNetiraska. to-wlt:
Lots four (4) five (ft) six (tt) seventeen (IT
el irli teen (18) nineteen (1W) and twenty n)
In block nuralier Uf ty-one (fil) In South Sioux
City. Joy Place, Nebraska.
Which property was assessed In the nnma
of no person and was sold for trie taxes o:
the years or 1W1 to HUM, inclusive, to (J
Martin, who Is now tie holder of the certl
llcaU-of purchase thereof; and that aftei
the expiration or three months from tin
date of tho service of this notice a tax doer
will 1sj applied for.
Dated lhi8 1st day or July, nr7.
C. Maiitin.
Owner nnd holder of certlflcnte of purchase
uy 1. p. Martin, uorimont.
To William fiorilon, trustee, trustceslili
not aiscioseu in county cicrx's onice in Ha
kota county. Nebraska, presumed for Helei
K. Brown, recorded owner of lots four, five
six and ten; und W . II. Goodwin, recorder
owner of lots cloven and twelve, all In blocV
forty-two, South hloux City, Joy Place
You (ire hereby notified that nt a sale o'
lauds and lots for taxes, held on the t)th da)
of November, A. D.. luuft, by the treasurer 01
Dakota county, Nebraska, tho followlnir do
Hcrlha-d real property, situated lu the county
of DukoUk, and state of Nebraska, to-wgH:
Uts four (4) live (ft) six (ft) ta-n (1) eleven
(11) and twelve (12) In block numls-r forty
two (ii) In South Kloux City, Joy Place Neb
Which property was assessed 111 tho name
of no person and was sold ror the taxes
the yours us follows: Lots four, five, six
ten, for the yours of limi to I1I04, Inclusive
and lots eleven und twelve, for the year
list. toC. Martin, who Is now the holder o:
the certificate of purchase thereof; and that
after the expiration of thra-e months fron
the date of the service of this notice a tux
deed will ls applied ror.
) mied this 1st day of July, limr.
C. Martin.
Owner and holder of certlflcnte of purchase
Hy 1. P. Martin, nr Hieiit.
To 'William Gordon, trustee, trusteeshii
not disclosed In county clerk's olllce, Dnkoii.
county, Nebraska, pii'sumed to Is- for Helen
K. Brown recorded owiier.a,nii Alis-rt Mtevcnt
uud II. J llooiiey, the persons in possses-
Y'ou are hereby notified that ut a sale of-
lauds and hits for taxes, ha ld on the (Ith duy
of November, A. D l"fi, by the treasurer ol
Dakota county, Nebraska, the followinud"-
HcrllM-d ra'al property, situated In the county
of Dakota, iiiiiswaie an .M-nro-nn, to-wlt
Uitsona' (1) twots!) three III) eleven (111
twelve (IK) thirteen (la) sa.-ventaen (17)
eighteen (IH) iilneta cii (Hi) twenty (), In
block ntuuhair forty-live, (4Ti) in South Sioux
Stoux City, Joy I'lnce, Nchrukii
Which property was ussessa-al In the name
of no person ami was sold for tl:e tuxes of
tho years of iiml to l'.'4. Inclusive, to C,
Martin, w ho is now the holder of the certl-
llcate of purchase thereof; nml that lifter
the exnlriitton of three monins from the
date of the service of thlsnotioe a tax deed
will be applied for.
Dated this 1st day of July. 1107.
c. Maiitin.
Owner and holder of certltlen to of purchase,
Hy 1. I', .aiaiiin, herns-out.
To J nines Kephurt, recorded ow.ur:
You are hen liy notified that at a sale of
lands and lots for taxes, held on the Athala.v
of NovemlsT, A. P., Iffj. by tho treasurerof
Dakota county, Nebraska, the riillowiiar 1 c
sciiuoat real pmperty.eituateal In ihv county
of tuikota. nnd slate of Nebnisku. to-wtt:
Lt six (11) in lilis k fourti-eu (1!) In South
Kloux city. Nebraska.
W hlch property was ussessid In the nume
of no person 11 nd was sold for the taxes of
thoya-ars of ll'ii and IvM, Inclusive, to ('.
Martlu. who is now the holder of the cert:-
flcute of purchase t Hereof; and tliat after
the expiration of threi' months from the
date of the service of this notice a tux deed
will Is- applied ror.
iHited this 1st day of July, lia'T.
C. Maiitin.
Owner nnd holder of certificate of purchano.
uy 1. r. .si art in. ner aeiit,
To John t itioiikirou, recorded owner,
and Alex i-a.'urson, ina1 persam 111 posseasion:
You tire he re by ImtlUed that at a sale of
lauds and lots fur lairs, held on th 6th day
aif November. A. D.. It) Hi, hy the treasurerof
Dakota county , Nebraska, the following- do-
scrllswl real property, imuaied In the county
of Dakota, and Uiw of .ebiu.ska, to-wlt:
Lat thirteen (is) In block number twelve
(IS). In Soulh Hloux City, Nebraska.
Which Drops My was hskcksiiI In the name.
of no person and whs sold for tlir the tius-i,
or the years or iwi to isn. inclilslx-e, 10 c
Martin, w ho Is now the holder ol tne cer
tificate uf purchase thereof ; and that lifter
the expiration or three nionihs ironi the
date is? the service of this notice a tax deed
will Is uppllud fur.
Dated this 1st day of July, lwT.
C. Makti.v.
Owavr aud hoieer of certlflcut of purchaie,
lif l. r. Martin, in 1 atcut.
not;i'i: or t.x df.!?d.
To Anna May P-is.nMir, rn-m nsai owner.
ind N. K. t'llvcn. the p..-. son 111 piisajetsinn .
You ni-e helel'v liein in innr hi ii nur i'i
lends Slid lots f"'- t;ix'. held an the slxtu
4ny of November. A. !- I , by the tn us
urer of Duxetn ciiiiiii.v. ."m"i"i. m- "i-Ipwlnn-
da'Si-ilbeil renl pruncrty. sltusted In
the conntv of l:th"tn, nml state of Nebras
ka. Jn-wlt: ... mi .
Li isn ll((. Ill nnw'K ll'iiiiuer iniic ici, iu
Booth Hloux City, NobrnsKii.
Which propcitv whs ussesseii ui i ir
nme nr Do iieisnn flnu "iu ." mi
fsxee of the venrs nf ma nnd lmn, Inclii
live, to C. Mnrtln. who Is now the holiler
nf the rertltlcHte t purchime thereof; and
tht sfter the exiilrtl.ii of three lueutUs
from tho ilrfte or the service m un umi
a tx deed will be iippnril U'i'.
rijteii tn a urst na.v or jui.v, n'i
. 1I1PT s.'
Owner and Holder of
Certificate of Pur-
By 1. P. MARTIN. Her Agent.
To John 0. Hlenklron. reconleil owner 01
lot one. o4 Auron MIUHieKaiiri, roeorue
WDer of lot seventeen nioi "' ' "
n block nine (It) In South HJiit.nT
ond silditloo, Nebrnskn. and Juh Mnlleue,.
Id poi'Ss1iin lot one und Jerry i)e forest,
In possession nns seveiueeii u.
You are herebv notified thnt nt a. le or
lands and lote fur tnxes. h'hl on the slim
day of November, A. D. iu"o. nv ar ""7
orer of Ibikotii county. Nebrnsks, the fob,
(riwln? desert lied real property, situated Itt
the eountv at Dakota, cd state of Nebiai-
ka. town: . ...
Lots nunilier one ill, sevenieea hit u--
elR-uteen (11), In block nunili- ulne (i. in
Eoutn SIOAJX t,lty, secoiiu niniiii,
. ... . . .v.-
Which property wns nssesscu m ic-
tauay of no person and was sola ror 1 un
taxes of tho year of HKj2 to HkH. lodtiHlve,
to C. Martin, who Is now the buldar
of the certiorate aif pnrchas thereof; and
that after the expiration of three nionUit
troru the dnte of the service of thli notice-
tax deed will be applied fair.
Doted this nrat day 01 jnT,njjjTij;
Owner and Holder of Certlflcnte of Ptn
By'lh'P. MAIITIN, Her Agent.
To John C. Blenklron, recorded owner
aad H. O. Dorn and NeltKM l'lbrrtm, tae-
s-rsoDS in possession:
Yoo are hereby notified that nt a sale of
lands and lota for tuxes, held on the sixth
day of Sovemher, A. D. by the treai-
uror or imaoia coainiy, neurssiia, vac
lawlmr described real property, altnated lu
the cxiunty of Dakota, and state of Nebraa-
ka, to-wlt:
fjt nimilier two mi. in block number roer-
tH), In South Bloux City Central. Nebraska.
Which property whs ae8ea in i.
same of uo peraon and wus sold ror tae
taxes of the years of 1H02 to lfiOal. Inclo
Ive, to C. Martin, who Is now the holder
of the certificate ajf purchase thereof; and
that after the expiration of three month
from the date of the service or tat notice
a tax deed wui tie applied ror.
Dated thl nret day of Jul, lew.
a. 1MU1IA.
Owner and Holder of Certificate of Pur-
By I. P. MARTIN, Her Agent.
To John C. Blenklron, recorded owner of
let oie. and Grant B. Gilbert, recorded
owner of lot two all In block three. In
South Blonx City Central, Netiraaka. ana
C. U. Smiley, the person In possession:
Toil are hereby notlfled that at aale or
lsads and lots for taxea. held on the sixth
Uy of November, A. D. 18(i5, by the trrae-
urer 01 Dakota county, rseorasxa, tne 101
lowlng described real property, sltuuted In.
the county of Dakota, una state of Nebras
ka, to-wlt:
Lots numtr one m, and two . id piocc
nutnlier three (3), In Mouth Hloux v..ty Cen
tral. Nebraska.
y hlcb pruperty wns assessed In the-
nanie of uo person and was aold for the
taxea of the years of HKi2 to I'Joi, lnclo
stve. to C. Murtln. who Is now the holder
of the certltlcate aif purchase thoreof; aud
that after the explrutlou of three months
from the date of tlie service of thla notice-
tax deed will be applied fur.
Dated this first duy of July, 10O7.
Owner and Holder of Certificate of Pur-
By 1. P. MARTIN, Her Agent.
To John Wallnren. recorded owner of lot
fifteen, and John C. Blenklron. recorded
owner of lot seventeen, all In block six (0).
In Booth Bloux 1ty, Nebraska, nnd Martlu.
uuoxer, tue person in possession:
lam are neretiv notined that at a aale of
lands and lots for taxes, held on the sixth
day of November, A. D. 1006, by the treaa-
tirer of Dabota county, Nebraska, the fol
lowing described renl property, situated In
the county of Dakota, ami state of Nebras
ka, to-wlt:
Lots number Bfteen (15). and seventeen
(17). in block number six (U), In tjouih eSluux
City, Nebraska.
hlch property .wns assessed la the
name or no person nnd wns sold for the
tales of the years ns follows: Lot fifteen,
for the years of lKR! to r.4. Inclusive, und
lot seventeen for the yours of USX) and
1U02 to 11X4, Inclusive, to C. Mnrtln who Is
trow U10 holder of the certlllc.ile of pur
chase thereaif ; nnd that nfter the expiration
of three months from the date of the serv
ice aif this notice a tnx deed will be applied
Dated thl first day of July, 1007.
Owner aud Holder of Cerillkute of Pur
By 1. P. MARTIX, Her Agent.
To J. M. Wlllott. recorded owner of lot
five, und Jeremiuh Shade, reciuileil nn-iiei-
of lots seven nnd elsht, all In block eluht.
In South Bloux City, Hist nddltiou. Nebras
ka, und A. B. Cowiii'v, the person In pos
session of lot 5, ami (;. W. Warner, In pos
seHslon of hita seven nnd eluht;
You are hereby notllled thnt At a mile of
lands and lots for taxes, held ou the sixth
duy of Noveuitier, A. 1). IK116, by the trens-
urer or unkotn county, Nehrnskn, the f
low-lug described real prowM-tv. sltusteil . .
the county of Dnkotn, und state of Nelnas-
Ka, to-wit:
Lots number five (51. seven (71. and elirht
(8), la block eluht (H), In South Sioux Cfty,
first addition, Nebraska.
hlch property wns assessed In the
name or 110 person and was sold for the
tuxes; of the years as follows: Lot five for
the year IUOI, and lots seven und (Mifht for
tho years of lung to 1:104, Inclusive,
to C. Mnrtln. who Is now h h.,1,1,.
of tho catrtlllcnte of purchuse thereof; ami
insi uner me expiraunn or turae nioiitha
from the date of the service of this notice
a tax deed will be upplied for.
Dated this llist duy of July, 1907.
Owner nml Holder of Certificate of Pur
By 1. P. MARTIX, Her Aaent.
To G. C. Palmer, reconleil owm.r nf i.,i
sixteen und seventeen, and John C. Blenk
lron. recorded owner of lot elirhreim, und
Geia-i;u y . Kenbold. recorded owner of lot
iweiiiy-inree, nil ill Pluck five. In 8mth
Kloux City, first addition, nnd Ross Byerley
nnd Win. Mitchell, the persoua In posses
sion :
Jim arc herebv notlfld ihut at- a s,,io ,r
lands und lots for tuxes, held ou the sixth
day of November, A. D. I'.mv bv the tn-aa-
urer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the fol
lowing described real projiertv. situated In
the county of Dakota, and state of Ni'braa
ka. to-wlt:
Lots number slxtea-n mil. IKVUIll!,!! lITl
find i-lghteen (IS), ,in,l twenty-three 1). la
block utimber five fu, lu South Sioux City,
first iiililitnii. Nebraska.
Which property was assessed In tho
name, of no person nnd wns ,,lii f..r iiiu
taies of the years ns follows: Lot sixteen.
cteiiieajo ami eighteen for the vears of 1M)2
to l'.Ki-l, Inclusive, 11ml u,t tweiitv-tbree for
tlie years of Hail to llml. Incliiilve to 1'
Martlu. who Is now holder of thu nuiilii
of purchase thereof; nnd that after the ex-
pirutiuu aif three mouths from the date of
the service of this notice S lux .leetl vi-. 1 1
be applied for.
Dated this first day of July, 1!)U7.
Owner nnd Holder of Certltlcate of Pur.
Uy 1. P. MARTIN, Her Agcbt.
To Ether A. HnnL'Ii rec, .r.iuH ri- nai .1
lots two, tluee and imr, uud Jacob Liken
berry, la-.irded owner of lot eleven, uud
II. Hearer, recorded Ywner of lof twelve.
nil lu block six. In Houth Sioux City, Pal
mer Pluce, Nebraska:
You are hereby notStli.-d thut at a sale of
binds aud kits for tar.es, held on the sixth
day of Novemlier, A. D. 11)05. by tne treas
urer of Dakot.1 county, Nebraska, the fad
lowing described real property, situated In
the county of Dukota, uud state of Nebras
ka to-wlt:
Lots number two (21. three (3). four ui
eleven ill) and twelve 1 12a. la hlock num
ls-r six tfl). In South Sluux City, Palmer
l'lm-e. Nebraska.
Whic; opcrty was assessed In the
na:so ' in persmi und was sold for tke
tsxra o the years as follow: Lots two and
thro.) If the years of Ismi to lm iB elu
sive. k, Ku four for the yeara of HkW to
PH. li. ,ilve, uud lot eleven for the vessa
a.f 1S!V aud l!"-i and list, and lot tZ,3Z.
fi.r the years of 1M to V.tH, Inpluslvs tn r
Martin. w!io Is now holder of ths cer(fl, si
r p.ii.'.ia-e tlicieiif; ami Hint nfter ths ev.
,-lruti. :i i-f three month from tt, .1... .j.
1 in. mm!ic of ilils notice 11 im .!.....! ...n
1 ..1 f..r. "
Laud th: ii.st day of Jul v, ino7.
liwiicr ami Holder if Cei lifl.-at.. ..r h-
i l
By 1. I. MAUTiX, Her Aueai