Dakota County Herald '.cntinuVion of the Homer Herald. JOBS H. BEAM, PUBLISHER. Bubacripliort Trice. $1.00 Tor Ye r. A weekly newnpaper publialicd at Dakota City, Nebraska. I'ermiaaion has been granted for tlie -transmission of tbig paper through the mailg as second-clans matter. Telephone No. 43. Notices were posted throughout the -couaty Ibis week by Sheriff Uanaen, for the primary election to be held on Tuesday, September 3rd, to nominate -candidates for county offices to be voted for at tbe general fall election. anyone desirous ot getting Ms name on the ticket should familiarize hira self with the new law; and gut his name before the people. The North Nfbraska Eugle was this week leased by Mrs. Charity Hurt, under whose manngement the paper has been since the death of her lins band four years ago, to Messrs O. L. Taylor and D. J. Brown, of Sioux City. The new firm will, without doubt, make a success of the bus:ness, both are familiar with the printing business. Paul Pizey will assist in the editorial work until the new man agetnent gets acquainted with tbe people. " Items of Interest from our Exchanges I Pender Republic: Henry Ninbulir Arrived in 1'endjr from Arizona last Thursday night. Carroll Index: Fred liartles ship ped two cars of cattle to Chicago Hat urday. This stuff was his own feed render limes: oi ftmitn was down from Emerson Sunday. ...Mrs N H Nye is viHiting relatives at Hub bard ... .Miss Edna Peterson aoccm panied her brother Chailes to Nacora juonday morning. Ponca Leader: Duel Lopp, of South Sioux City, is visiting at the liaohman home about two miles noith west of Ponca. .. .Sir and Mrs M 1) Berg and son Paul, were picnicing at Crystal lake Friday and Saturday of last week. Lyons Mirro: Mrs John Nixon of Homer, visited the Mirror family 1 nursday and 1' riday .... Walter Bates, who used to run a restaurant here, tut now located iu Otnilia, was up to LiTods tbis week . . . . M M Warner and wife are camping out in the bad lands of S D, with headquarters vX Rosebud Agency. Emerson Enterprise: F O Ross went to Dakota City 'Tuesday to vixit bis brothers, VV L, and E L Roes for a week... .Frauk Brink, of Ponca, the layer of Bessie Newton, has been re leased from the Norfolk asylum and pronounced sane. He visited at the borne of his unole, M E Brink, while eoroute to Ponca.. . .Rev J II Smith, of Homer, occupied the Methodist pulpit last Sunday both morning and -evening. Until the next conference year he will preach every other Bun day in Emerson, dividing his time with Homer. His next regular ap pointment will be July 14, when he will preaoh both morning and evening. South Sioux City Record: Mr and Urs Lou Jeep are the happy parents of a baby girl, born to them July 5th, at their home in Sioux City . . . . Mr and Airs L Kryger, who so cleverly stole a march oa their friends here and wero -married at Ponca last weuk, returned in time to be host and hostess at their borne Monday evening. A large num ' ber of their friends tendered them a reception, at which they congratulated them and wished them much happi ness. The evening was pleasantly passed with social chat and a bounti ful repast was indulged in. The Kuests presented Mr and Mrs Kryger with a handsome chair for the worthy postmaster to lent in and several pret ty pieces of china-ware for Mrs Kryger to fill with her good cooking. During their absenoe from South Hioux City Mr and Mrs Kryger attended the post masters convention in Omaha and while there were guests of Mrs Kry ger's daughter, Mrs James Sheets, and on the way home stopped off at Blair for a visit with relatives. Long Live the King 1 is the popular cry throughout European .countries; while in America, the ery of the piesent day is "Long live Dr King's Nw Discovery, King of Throat and Lung Remedies P of which Mrs Julia liyder Paine, Truro, Mass, says: "It never fails to give immediate relief and to quickly cure a oougb er cold." Mrs Puine's opinion is shared by a majority of the inhabitants of this country. New Discovery cures weak lungs and ore throat after all other remedies Lave failed; and for coughs and colds it's the only sure cure. Guaranteed bv L M Leslie, druggist. 5 Do and . Trial bottle free. Vacation Days. Next to the day wheu a self-sup-;orting girl receives her 11 rst salary en velope, or is notified of her first pro ' motion or raise In salary, I boliefe that the tirat vacation marks the wont im portant era of her wage earning his lory," writes Auna Hiotse Richardson iu Woman's Home Companion for July, "The two weeks ou salary given by moat progressive firms and apprecia tive individual employers should be regarded aa tbe stamp of the employ ' cr's approval, the reward of honest efforts. When it is aocepted as a right it is robbed of its individual sig nificance and much of ita real pleasure "Vacation should bring rest, or Tather recreation, to mnsoles and nerves. This does not necessarily mean absolute quiet, a kimono, a novel ami a box of chocolates. It means change of scene, movement and -.thought. CORRESPONDENCE si jmi 0waov .jf JACKSON. J A nail left last Friday for Ardcn, Missouri. Frances Sawyers is visitiug at Blair, Neb, the past week. Frank Duvey had a load of hogs on the market Tuesday, Mary Z Boler visited friends in Sioux City the past week. Mm McDonough, of Omaha, is vifit ing relatives here this week. Mrs J C O'Neill, of Hioux City, is visiting friends here this week. O A Barber, of Jefferson, S D, spent the Fourth with his family here. John S Mahoney, of Chicago, is vis iting at the home of Thos Sullivan. Mrs Henry McBride, of Laurel, is visiting at the home of John Ryan and wife. Katie Ilennessy has gone to Sioux City to attend college there a few weeks. James L Kramper returned Monday from a week's visit with relatives in Chicago. - Thos McKeever, who bad a bad spell Saturday, is feeling much better this week. Ban Leahy spent a week at the home of his aunt, Mrs C P Oarrey, in Ilartingtou. Mrs J W Ryan and daughters Mary and Marguerite celebrated the Fourth at Riverside. Misses Mary and Katie Qui&n re turned Monday from a week's visit with friends at nomer. Jas Kennel ly is building on two rooms to his residence. Louis Per rent is doing the work. Jennie and Alice Demary left Sat urday to spend two weeks with friends at Lemars and Seney, Iowa. Jackson and the Walthill Indians played ball here Wednesday, Walthill winning by a score of 4 to 8. Misses Carnela Quinn and Gertrude McHale, are viVrfng the little Conley girls in Sioux City, this week. 1 Thos D Boler, who is studying med icine in Chicago, is expeceted home this week, to spend his vacation. Quite a number of the Knights of Columbus and their wives attended the K C picnic at Riverside Wednes day. During the thunder storm last Fri day night Joseph Twohig lost one of his best horses, being struck by light ning. The Misses Mary and Katherine Quinn returned home Monday even ing after a very enjoyable week with Nell Combs at Homer. Mead awes Kearney and Carroll, Josie and Nellie Davy and Ilelen Kear ney spent Tuesday in Homer with friends and took in the ball game. Mr and Mrs John Campbell spent a week visiting their children at Beres ford and Centerville, S D, and report the crops looking rather backward in that neighborhood. Gertrude McHale and Cornelia Quinn visited last week with Bernar dino and Margaret Conly, of Sioux City. The latter aooompanied them home to remain a few days. Mrs Chas Barrett, of Sioux City, vib ited her friends, Mr and Mrs Brady uere tne nrst oi tue week. Hue was acoompauied home by ber mother, who will spond a week in the city. Mr and Mrs Tom O'Connor and children left Monday for Bnresford, S D, to spend a week with Mr O'Con nor's sister. Peter Sullivan has charge of the drug store during his absence. On account of the serious illness of Patriok O'Neill his sou M J O'Neill, of Rapid City, S D, end daughter, Mrs J R Murphy, of Omaha, and 0 U O'Neill and wife, of Kausas City, wero at his bedside the past week. Mr O'Neill is much improved the last few days and his many friends hope to see him around again. HUBBARD. John Sierk was in town Saturday. Tom house. Long is plastering bis new Patrick Jones was a city passeuger naturday . Jack Duggan was a passeuger to tue city luesday. Mrs Louis Deroin was an Emerson passeuger Tuesday Jeff Rockwell and John Green went to the city Monday. George Hayes marketed a car load of hogs Wednesday. Mrs Paul Sharp was a passenger for bioux City, 'lUursday. The crops in this vicinity are look ing line since the rains. Mrs Tim Howard has moved into he' new house in town. Geo Rockwell, of Homer, was a pas aenger from here Monday, Mra James Thornton went to Emer son Tuesday for a week's visit. Carl Fredrickson is building an ad dition to his house ou the farm. Maurice O'Connor and John Zastrow of Nacora, were in town Friday. Tom iltffernan is back from Homer and will catch for the Hubbard team. Dan Hartuett and Carl Fredrickson were paiseugers from here Buthrday. Barney Stoma was down to Houth Sioux City a few days this week visit iug friends. ueoige iiujes is uuiiiiing a new bsru to go witu the new house tUat he built recently. Alice Eugliah, of Omuha, who has lieuu visiting here the pust week, went home lhursday. Miss Frances Kelley, of Chicago, la here ou a visit with her uncle, Geo Hates, and family. The Siuux City Grays will play the Hubburd boys here Sunday. A good 7;ume is looked for. Hubbard has organized a ball team and will be able ! defeat any team iu the couuty in a short time. Sheriff Hansen was here Wednes day posting not 'eel for the primary election to be ueia la beptember. We had no Fourth of July celebra (ion bira. Most ot our people went to Homer and Ponca to celebrate. HOMER. Mrs A J Ream was a hioux City pas senger Monday. ' Mrs Jack McQuirk and baby are visiting at Dakota City this week. Everything is so quiet in Homer since the Fourth that there is no news. Mrs Rev W M Brown, rf Morning side, visited Monday between trains at the T D Curtis home. Mr and Mrs A C Curtis, of Lake City, Iowa, spent the week at the home of T D "urtis. The two gentle men are brothers. Tilden Harris and Chas Kilbonrn bought the remainder of Frank Buck waiter's stock and are having the building put in repair, and will open a store there in the near future. So many were here from everywhere the Fourth that we could not count them, so they must not feel slighted if their names are not mentioned, and the same with those who went to the flair pole. Walthill came up to Homer Tuesday and defeated our boys in a game of ball i to 0. Our boys had a new catcher, which might have had some thing to do with it, he not being fa miliar with our pitcher. The Fourth went off without seed- dent, except the tipping over of Ed Powel's buggy. Mrs Lee Clement with hsr baby and Mrs Powel with her little boy were in the buggy and although they were spilled out no one was seriously injured. Borne one ran into their buggy in front of O'Connor's store. VdOOtfN John Zastrow was an Emerson visit or, Tuesday. Frank Simmons returned home from Yankton Monday. John Bonderson shipped cattle to Sioux City Monday. C W Schwartz is suffering from i severe attack of mumps. Carrie Watson, of Bancroft, is virit ing her sister, Mrs D L Leep. Nis Anderson shipped a car of cattle to South Sioux City Tuesday. James Heeney and A Schwartz ship ped hogs to the market Wednesday. BHans Anderson, J C Sullivan, and Nis Anderson, shipped hogs to Sioux City Tuesday. John Harrington spent a few days toe latter part of last week with friends in Sioux City. Mrs McGee and daughter Beatrice, of Sioux City, spent a few days this week with Mr and Mrs G Lester. Wonder where so many drunks come from on Sunday, for the r-aloon is sup posed to be closed at 10 o'clock Sat urday night. Margaret Yoss, who has been in St Joseph's hospital in Sioux City, recoiv ing treatment, returned home Tues day. Little Margaret is very much improved. SALEM. Emery Learner Sundaved with friends in Sioux City. Jacob Hides was a gue3t At the 8 A Combs home balowyHomer Sunday. Miss Mae Altemus spent the past wees visiting relatives in Homer. Mrs Addie Sides left Thursday for a few weeks visit with relatives at Raymond, S D. Airs U V Strohm spent the past weeK taking in tne pleasures of coun try life at the Mrs Alico Sides home Salem was well represented at Ho mer tne fourth, and everyone reports tne biggest time ever. Miss Emma Bliven. of Sioux Citv has been caring for her sister. Mis Hugh Graham, who baa been suffer ing witu. H sore foot caused by step ping on a rusty nan. Miss Mame Gutner. who has been tne guest ot Claire Lapsley the past week, relumed, to her home in Nor folk. Miss Lapslev accompanied her uome, and before returning ex pects to visit her brother Howard on the li Bebud. A Memorable Day. One of tbe days we remember with pleasure, as well as with protit to our health, is the one on which we became acquainted with Dr King's New Life rills, tne painless purifiers that cure biliousness, and keep the bowels right zoo, at Jjesiie s drug store. A Good Result. Under the operation of the new pure ioou laws, baking powdors now gauer ally bear on the labels a statement of tbe ingredients. This is of utmost im portanoe beoause of the harmful in gredients used in manv oases. Royal Baking Pdwder is now known to be the only baking powder made of Royal Grape Cream of Tarter, and this no donbt explains its greatly increased sate Here. Careful housekeepers are taking ad vantage of the protection which the laws afford, and are examining all the reading matter on the back ot the la bel before adopting any brand for use in tne name, When in place of tbe words Cream of Tarter the words "alum," "alumni nam or -pnoapnate oi lime appear among the ingredients, they heed the warning and avoid baking powdera containing these substitutes. Destroys HairGerms I?c:entdiscoveries have shown 'thn falling hair is caused by J tirms st the roots of the hair. .; Therefore, to stop falling hair, you must first completely de stroy these germs. Ayer'sHair Vigor, new improved formula, i will certainly do tbis. Then ! leave the rest to nature. Din net change the color of the half. I A formula with oh bottls 9 Show It to your doctor flyers Ask him about U, than ao M bo ?. Vec:nt discoveries bave also proved that Jinurutf is caused by eerms on tne scaip Therefore, to cure dsndruff, the first thins to co is to completely destroy these dan. :!rurf germs. Here, the stme Ayer's Hail Yit!tr will rive the time solendid results. I by Un J. O. ijwCfc. LowU. Will First I'uhllrntlon June is :lw Order of Heating and Notice cf Probate of Will. The Stnte of Niltrmkn, I'nkotii County, , 1 o nil lrriii UHiT.ntfd In the (-.tutu of Wllllnm Met, ileeenieil: hereiia. Minerva .1. t lrkn. nee Met)!, of nnU county, hm filed In my otllre mi lii olrilnient purporting to I' the luit will mid leKtnrnenl or Wllllnm ,Me(z, lute or Kin- prion, In mid county, (leccnxed, nnd sulci MInervn J. Mc krn tins filed her petition herein praying to hnv- the some ndmltled to prolinte, nnd for the ImkuIhh of letters testnnientnry. I hnve then fore appointed Sntunlny. the ifnth dny oljtily, 1HT, nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon, Ht the county court room In mild county, n the time and plnce for henrlntf mild will, at which time nnd plnce yell nnd nil concerned limy appear and content the allowing of the mime. It Is further ordered that said netltlnner (five notice to nil pemons Interested In Mild eatnte of the pendency of this petition, nnd the yine nnd pine set for the henrlnir of the same, by rniiNlna a copy of thin order to lie puiMiitied In 1 he imkotn County Herald n weekly newxpnper published in snld county, for three weeks succcsxlvely nrev Ions to the dny set for heurlng. In witness whereof, I hnve hereunto set my hnnd andvdllclnl nciil this SMhduv of June, lie 7. , J. .1. KlMKBS, seal County Judge. NOTICE OF TAX DIED. To Anna K. Klllntt. recorded owner, mirl Jerry lieKorest, the person In possession: I on are nerepy notified that at a snle of lands and lots for tnxes. held on tha 6th dnv of Noveinher, A. Ii llsKi by the trenxtirer of iinKotn county, .-Nebraska, the following de scrlled real property. situated In the count of Imkkotn, and state of Nebraska, to-wlts xii numiMT four i) In bliK-k number ten (lot In South Sioux City, 2nd mid, Nebraska. Which property was assessed In the name of no person nnd wns sold for the taxes of me years of ri to li4, Inclusive, to C, Martin, who Is now the holder of the certl- flcaie of purchase thereof; and that nfter the expiration of three months front the date of the service of this notice a tax deed win ne applied ror. J 'filed tins 1st day or July, W1. C. MitiTl-. Owner and holder of eertlflcnte of purchnse. ny 1. f. Martin, her agent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To John O.' niciiklron. -rpporclpd owner. nnd Huko Wilst niun, the person in posses sion: You arp hrrohr notified thnt nt n al rr Inndnand lots for tnxei. hnlfl on tint Ath iliiv ot NovemlHT, A. !., HK, hjr th treasurer of imKom county, isenraskn, tho following de-RcrllH-d real properly, sltimfed In tliecoimty of Dnkotit, mul state of Nebraska, to-wit: Jot nunitH r live (ft) In lihxk iiuiiiImt two (2lln Nouth HlouxlJlty, ( ontrnl, Nehrnxka. Which Drooerty was assessed In the nnme of no person and was sold for the taxes of the years or lvnx to llw, Inclusive, to (!. Martin, who is now the holder of the certi ficate of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice a tax deed will I) applied for. inuuu this 1st uay oi July, lurr, fl. MAUTfN. Owner and liolder of certificate of purchase. iiy I. f. Mfirtin, ner agent. NOTICE OK TAX l)V.Kl. To I'ntilck Fnrrell, reeorded owner of lots one lllltl elL'ht. lllld .Inhn Areusdorf. recti il- ed owner nf n undivldeil one-third (l-."ll of lots one nnd elulit, mid M. M. Tlerney. re eorded owner of tin uiiillvlded two-thirds of lots one mid eight, till III hlnek eliihty nvp. In Cnvlnutmi, Nehraskn, and O. J. lork, the person Iu noKsesaioii ut lot one. and .Mrs. Hint, the person iu possession of lot eight: You me herehr nnflfled Hint nt n sale of luntls nnd lots for taxes, held on tbe sixth day of Noveinher, A. 1. lnnTi, lv the treas urer of Inikota county, Nebraska, the fol IowIiik deserllted real property, nlttuiteil in the count r of Dakota, and state of Netuan ka. to-wlt: 1-otn number one (II, and eight (S), In block number eighty-live (So), Iu Covington, eornsHll. Which property nun nsnesocd In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the yearn as follows: Lots one and eight for the years of lX'.lt to In clusive, to C. Martin, who la now the hold er of the certificate of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of throe months from the date of the service of this notice n tax deed will be applied for. Dated this Hist day of Julv, i!"i7. C. MA ill' IN. Owner nnd Holder of Certlttente of l'ur chase. Ily I. P. MAKTIX, Her Agent. NOTICE OK TAX DEED. To the Gateway Improvement Coiiipnuy recorded owner of lots eight nnd seventeen, and John C. Itlenklron, recorded owner of lot nine, nil in block seven (7). In South Kloiix City, Nebraska, nnd W. W. Wood ward, the person In possession: You are hereby notified that at n sale of hinds and lots for taxes, held ou the sixth day of November, A. I. lisio, bv the treas urer or niiKota county, Nebraska, the fol lowing described real, property, situated hi the county of Dakota, iinil slate of Nebras ka, to-wit: Lots number eight (HI. nine (!). and sev enteen (17), In block number seven (7), In Houth Sioux City, Nebraska. Which property was ussessed In the name of no person nnd was sold for the tnxes of the years as follows: l.ot eight for the years of IimiU and 1!HM. anil lot nine for the years of line to 11K4. Inclusive, nnd lot seventeen for the years of llml to Unci, Inclusive, toC. Martin, who Is now the hold er of the certificate of purchase thereof; and that nfter the expiration of three mouths from the date of the service of this notice a tax deed will be upilied for. Dated thfs Hist day of Julv. l!7. C. MAKTIX, Owner and Holder of .Ceiilllcate of Pur chase. ' liv I. P. MAKTIX. Her Agent. notici: ok tax dkk:. To William II. Palmer, recorded owner i f the undivided one half (i.j) of ,,S 4, .", (J, 7, x. !, li. 11. and William P. Warner, trus tee, trusteeship not disclosed In county clerk's olllce Dakota county, Nebraska, pre sumed to be for J. M. .Moan estate, record ed owner of the undivided otie-lmif (' .1 f lots 4. .I. li, 7, S. II, 10, 11, all Iu block thirteen. In Stauton, Nebraska, and Will iam Caxscll, the person in possession: You are hereby nollllcd (hat at a sale of lauds and lots for taxes, held on the sixth day of November, A. D. l'.Ki. bv the treas urer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the 1..1 lowing described real property, situated In the county of Dakota, uml state of Nebias ka, to-wlt: Lots 4, r, a 7, 8. 1), 10 nnd 11, In block number thirteen (l.'b. In Stanton, Nebraska. Which property was assessed Iu the name of no person and was sold lor the taxes of the years as follows: Lots 4, .". li, lo ami 11, was sold for the veins of lSii'J to Hsu, Inclusive, uml lots 7. M and II was sold for the years lSJKi to )!K4, Inclusive, to C. Martin, who Is now the holder of the certificate of purchase thereof: and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice a tax deed will be applied for. Dated this first day of Julv, I'.xrT. K. .1. KKSSWJII'.r, Owner and Holder of Certlllente of Pur chase. Ily I. P. MAKTIX. His Agent. NOTICK OK TAX DKKD. To Wllllnm II. Palmer, recorded owner of nn uiiillvlded one-half f twelve, and Wllllnm i'. Warner, trustee, trusteeship not disclosed In county clerk's ottlee Dako ta county, Nebraska, presumed to be for J. M. MiMin estate, recorded owner of an un divided one half of lot twelve, all In block ninety four dm, n Covington, Nebraska: loii are hereby notified that at a sale of lands Mini lots for taxes, held on the sixth day of XovemlHM', A. D. UNA. bv the treas urer of Dakota comity. Nebraska, the fo lowing described real property, sltii'ited In the county of Dakota, umi state of Nebras ka, ti-wlt: Lot number twelve ilji. In block niiiii ber ninety four (!4i. In Covington, Nubia.), ka Which property v.-as sssc-scd In the nnme of no person and was sold for the taxes i f the year of l'Ntl to 1!N4, Inclusive, to O Martin, who Is now the holder of the ceiilllcate of purchase thereof: ami that nfler the explratl f lhtv uioutl,a from the date of the set vice of IliU notice a tax dccil will be applied f,,r. Dated this Hist day or Julv. 1!o7. . C. MAKTIX. Owner and Holder nf Ccrtllii nic of Pur chnse. P.y I. P. MAKTIX. Her Agent, NOTICK OK TAX Di:!'.l. To ni::nbeth F.vans, recorded owner of lot two, and John C. lUenkiion. icco tiled owner of litis six, seven, ellit. etcen, twelve, thirteen, fourteen mid Ihb l. -one, ami Mary M. Mvers. recorded owner of lot nine, nil Iu block clghl im. In South Si.mv City, Nebraska, and L. O. Nichols and I. Koiits, the persons in possession of lots two, six, seven, eight, nine, eleven, twelve, thirteen anil fourteen, mid I., o. Nichols ami Wm. Leonard, the persons III posses sion of lot thirty-one: You lire hereby uotlrh'd that nt a sale of bituls and lots for taxes, held en the sixth dify of November, A. D. pv", be the treas urer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the fol lowing described real property, shunted In the county of Dakota, and slate of Ne braska, to wit : Lots ii inn I m r two cji, six nil, seven iTi. eight is, nine li. eleven till, twelve il.i. thirteen ll.'li. fourteen lib, and thl.it one i.'tU. all In block ii ii in Iter eight txi, in South Sioux City, Nebrnsks. Which property was assessed In the name of no person ami was sold for the taxes of the years s follows: Lot two for the ycurs ttf P.Njl to luot, Inclusive, and lot &$iiftiiit.&i.lfii:'t ti 4 ii w i . k t i s : ; ! : ! t Ms St Ms V 'I THORPE & HOBERG Sioux City's Leading Jewellers ' 511 Fourth Street .3..!..l..M' M ! V V ! COIYIE TO EASTERN COLORADO Landv of Sunshine and Health. a Purest Water Good Crops an J The Best of on earth. Cheap Homes. x climates. Farm land from $7 to $40 per acre Farms will pay for themselves in one season. Why stay in the east and pay all you make for rent. D. C.HEFFERNAN Hubbard, Nebraska. six, seven, eight, nine, eleven, twelve, thir teen, fourteen and thirty-one for the years of liny to P.M. Inclusive, to C. Martin, who Is now the holder of the certificate of pur chnse thereof ; and that after the expiration nf three months from the date of the serv ice of this notice a tax deed will be applied for. Dated this first dny of Julv. 1!'7. '. MAKTIX. Owner and Holder of Certificate of Pur chase. P.y 1. P. MARTIX, Her Agent. Notice of Tax Deed. To Charles A. Chapman, recorded owner of lot eight ami Dola M. Hunt, recorded owner of lot eleven, and Minnie C. Mlddleton, re corded owner of lot thirty, nil In block five (A) In South Sioux City, Nebraska, and I. Fouts, the person in possession of lots eight and eleven, anil Win Leonard, the person In possession of lot thirty; You are hereby notified that at a snle of lands nnd lots for taxes, held on the Uli dny of Novemlwr, A. D. limn, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the following do scrllKd real property, situated In the coun ty of Dakota, and stateof Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots eight (S) eleven (11) and thirty () In block live (5) In South Hioux City, Ne braska. Which property was assessed In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the years as follows: Lot eight for the years of WM to Hret. Inclusive, and lot eleven for the years lsml nnd lsii to ltfM, Inclusive, nnd lot thirty for the year of lu4 to U. Martln.'.who Is now the holder of the certificate of purchase thereof; nnd that after the expiration of three months from the date of .theservlce of this notice a tax deed will be applied for. Dated this 1st day of July, hn. O. Martin, Owner and holder of certificate of purchase. Hy I. P. Martin, her agent. Wotice of Tax Deed. To William Gordon, trustee, trusteeship not disclosed In county clerk's ofllce In Da kota county, Nebraska, presumed to Is' for Helen K. Brown, recorded', owner, and John Doherty, Kred (iordon,. and Jake Klscu on nil, the persons In possession: You are hereby notified that at a sale of lands and lots for taxes, held on the tlth day of Nitveiuhur, A. D., Han, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the following do se rl I tod real property, situated In the county of Dakota, i.nd state of Nebraska, ti)-wlt: Lots two (J) three (:1) fmir (4) live (ii) six (il) seven (7) eight (Ml nine (V) ten (In) and eleven (11) In blts-k numlsr ninety-three (! In Covington, Nebraska, Which property was assessed In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the year as follows: Lots two to eleven, Inclusive, for the years lmcianil l!H to Martin Nellan, who assigned the certificate of pur chase to C. Martin, who Is now the holder of the certificate of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice a tax deed will Is' applied for. Dated this 1st day of July, l'.aiT. C Mahtin, Owner and holder of certificate of purchase, Hy 1. P. Martin, her agent. It Costs Nothing To . fyid out for a certainty whether or not your heart is affected. One person in four has a weak heart ; it may be you. If so, you should know it novjand save serious con sequences. If you have short breath, fluttering, palpitation, hungry spells, hot Hushes; if you cannot lie on left side; if you have fainting or smother ing spells, pain around heart, in side and arms, your heart is Aveak, and perhaps diseased. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will re lieve you. Try a bottle, and rce how ciickly your condition A i!l improve. ".M"-tit a year n?o I wrote to the VMfS .:o:e:ll Co., to-kini; l.tl . lee, nrf I x :i:i !.? ri.nt with be n t trou!.l, and 1 .itl I .in f ! two y. !. 1 h .ii p.iiT In my l.t.i't, Uit k tin.l hit i.,, nnd l.:id i'.tt boon ii ! lo t'J draw a de p I r.-n til for two years. Ai.v llltlo excr t on woid ciu.- .t nb it.it'-ci, uml I ctii'U i'o.t lie on mv It it sl.l.i v't'..out e.:Ti. ri'";. They ndv'. nv to try Dr. J.ib'S Heart Cure ii'i l N' "-v::n, which I !: 1 w:;h tl." ivs.lt th,:t I um in better health than 1 ever was befory, l.avimr K MoeJ .11 jioun ix since I coin taeiieid t ikins It. 1 t.xtk about thir teen bottles of the two medicines, ami Inven t been bothered with mv lieurt alnco." MUS. 1 1 LI l K T1K .M Art. Upper sSaiidusky, Ohio. Dr. Mile' Heart Cur Ii told by your druggist, who will guarantee that th .first bottle will benefit. If It fails he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Hhe Hcrotvld for etwll Vhc News t yf, vt vt sV vt s.v vt, vV . t V 1&!t s W.k" rr'i:,ijj,"iJ"vc",v:v,r V:"-:c"fJ"VU"i! V i ! w : ! i -A SA vl vl t M vfA mm Harness svrtd Saddles STVRGES BROS 411 Pearl St., It is Delicious 1 BUX cents Blended and packed from Harris (8i No. 6 Front St. IT PAYS TO Special Prices t V Having received two car loads of American Woven Wire Fence, we can furnish you any size or style you may want at Special Prices. Now is your time to buy. If you want Good fence, you want American Pence. Edwardst Bradford Lbr. Co Huhharrl m . , - iieDrasKa, - GEO. TIMLIN, J'anaser. READ THE HERALD For All the News. Both Telephones . T 1 vl V VL SIOUX CITY, IOWA per Pound I carefully selected coffee by Kilbourne. I Homer, Neb jfe TRADE AT BUX ai-i su4 j - t