Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 12, 1907, Image 3

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AND mi
"Man r.:.y v.-orlc from Rim to nun
but woman's wi-.i'is is never demo.''
In order to keep tlio botne neat
and pretty, tlio children well dressed
and till v. vi)!ii.n orcrda and often
' suffer iu. Bib'-.ice, uf iftinsr ulunjr from
' V....1 . 1 !. II a, ...
v.ua LL WOT-.?, KUfJWir.tf; V. L'U
they oiil-.t t ) have help toovcreoino
the pains and chea which daily
luako life a harden.
It U to tiiesa women that Lydia
E. riaklra'u"s Vegetable Compound,
ma do from rmtiro roots and herbs,
comes as a blessing1. When the spir
it aro depressed, the head nnd back
aches, there are drasfgiinr-down pains, nervousness, sleeplessness, and
reluctance to go anywhere, these nre only nvmptotns which unless
heeded, arc soou followed by the wovA forma of Female Complaints.
Lydia E.-Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound
keeps the feminine orp-onlsm lna strong aad healthy condition. Itcures
Inilammation, Ulceration, displacements, and or-panic troubles. In
prep.iring for child-birth and to carry women tafcly through the Change
of Life it la most efficient .
Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Ta.. writes: Dear Mrs. Fink
hara: "For .1 lonjr time I suffci'ctl from female troubles and had all kinds
of aches and pains in the lower part of back and sides, I could not
sleep and had no nppetito. Since taldnjr Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and following tho advice which' you gave me I feel like a
new woman and 1 cannot praise your medicine too highly."
Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are Invited to
write Mrs 1'iakhnm. at Lynn, Mass Out of her vast volume of ex
perience she probably has the very knowledge that will help your
case, ner advice is irea ana always
Boston and return - - - $21.0
Double Track G,,n Uts July , 13, 22. 23. 25, JU. 27, 28. Aurutt 6, 10. 20, 24,
September 10, 14, 24. and 24. 1907.
Jamestown Exposition, ( Season tickets via New York one way, $36.80
Norfolk, Va., and return 1 60 days " ' " $30.70
Other route and fares. Going date daily until Not. 30, 1907.
Philadelphia, Pa., and return - - " $20.00
Only throuuhKlreptnccar rem te via Niagara Falls. Going datss July 12, 13.14, 15 and 16, 1V07
Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and return $18.76
Going datra July 3, 4. 5, 6 and 7, 1907: also In September lor Grand Army meet ins (going
date v nd fares to be named later).
Variants New England Resorts, one fare plus $2.00 for round trip,
Baaed on one nay fare id effect January 1, 1107.
Going oat -July 9. 13. 22, 23, Auirwit 6, 10, 24, 24, September 10, 14, 24, and 28. 1907.
Various Canadian Resorts, one fare plus $2.00 for round trip
Baaed on one nay fare in affect January 1, 1907.
Going dates daily June 1 to September 30, 1907.
Attractive optional trips by Lake and River, Including St. Lawrence River and Rapids
In some cases without additional charge, are also offered In connection with the above.
Llbeiai stopover privileges.
Full particulars can be obtained by writing
GEO. V. VAUX, Assistant General Passenger and Ticket Agent
To oonvlDoe any
woman tbst P.ix.
Una AnUUeptlo will
Improve her health
and do all we claim
for It. Vfm will
send her absolutt-ly free a large trial
bos of Putins with book of Instruc
tions aad genuine testimonial. Bead
yojr najue aud address on a postal curd.
and heals
ai u e o u i
m e tn -
brans af
fections, such as nasal catarrh, pelvic
catarrh aad lnflainnmlon caused by lvmi
rclne Ills sore eyes, sore throat and
mouth, by direct kx-al treatment. Its cur
ative power over these troubles Is extra
ordinary and gives Immediate relief.
Thousands of women are using and reo
ommenuMug It every day. 60 cents at
druggists or by mall. Remember, however,
it uwrtn u Mn nmuiu mi it,
THJS K. PAXXON CO., Boston, Mas.
Strayed or Stolen!
One Gray mure, six vears old. lie
ward to Under. J. MULHALL,
Sioux City. Iowa.
How Mnrbles Are Made.
Most of the Bluik; marbles imod by boys
ore made In Germany. The rofusc only
of the marble nnd a-jate quarries Is em
ployed, and this is trpated in such a way
that there is practically no wflHtP.
Men nnd boys nre employed to break
the refuse stono into small cubes, and
with their hammers they acquire a mar
velous dexterity. The little cubes aro
then thrown into a mill consisting of a
grooved bedntonc and n revolving runner.
Water is fwl to the mill and the runner is
rapidly revolved, while the friction does
the rest.'
In half nn hour the mill is stopped
and a bushel or uo of perfectly rounded
marbles are taken out. The whole pro- -J
tinmj iinota t li A itlupau tfifl. TMl I In lul Till I a
Grandfather's Cure for
REAT medicine, the Sawbuck.
Two hours a day sawing wood
will keep anyone's Bowels
No need of pills, Cathartics, Castor Oil,
nor "Physic," if you'll only work the Saw
buck regularly.
Exercise is Nature's Cure for Constipa
tion and, a Ten-Mile walk will do, if you
haven't got a wood-pile.
But, If you will take your Exercise in an
Easy Chair, there s only one way to do that,
because, there's only one kind of Artificial
Exercise for the Bowels and its name is
Cascarets are the only means to exerciso
he Eowel Muscl' s without work.
They don't Purge, Gripe, nor "upset
your Stomach," because they don't act like
They don't '!ush out your Bowels and
Intestines with a costly waste of Digestive
Juice, as Salts, Castor Oil, Calomel, Jalap,
or Aperient Wateis always do.
No Cascarets gtrengthen and stimulate
the Bowel Mus-les, that line the Food
passages and thiU tighten up when food
touches tbem, thus driving the food to its
A Cascaret acts on your Bowel Muscles
as if you had just sawed a cord of wood, or
walked ten miles.
Cascarets mova the Food Naturally,
digesting it without waste of tomorrow's
Gastric Juice.
The thin, flat, Ten-Cent Box Is made
to fit your Vest pocket, or "My Lady'a"
Purse. Druggists 10 Cent3 a Bex.
Carry It constantly with yeu and take a
Cascaret whenever you suspect you need
Pe very careful to get the genuine
rr.ade only by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany, and never sold In bulk. Every tab
let stamped "CCC." TM
AU Tang-led t p.
The boy temporarily la charge of th
"morgue" in the office of tha Daily Thun
derbolt was not sure whether he bac
found the portrait the night editor want
ed or not, as there was no name on it.
In despair he called up that function
ary through the telephone.
bay, ho exclaimed, I wisa you
would send somebody down here thai
can tell me whether this Is a cut of Sena
tor Knox. Uoss Crokor or Harry Or
chard, and be blamed quick about it !"
Chicago Tribune.
A Distinction.
"So you are one of the men who
went -west to grow up with the coun
try," "No," answered the prosperous and
serene citizen. "I am one of the men
who went west to show the country
how to grow up properly." Washing
ton Star.
F aaai O St. Tltm' Pant and all Saraoia Plaaaaai
I I O Permanently laired by Dr. kltaa't Ur.ai
ISorra Raatorar. fiaud fur Free f 8 trial bottla and traalia
bit. It. II. KLl.NE, U.. Ml Uck Straat, rhiUdalyhla, r
How the Ball Wound TJp.
"Taas, de beauty an' chlvnlry oh
Sinoketown mingled In the ballroom."
"Mingled, yo' say?"
"Mingled till 'bout 'leven o'clock.
Den dey mixed." Houston (Texas)
Sirs, winsiow's Boothlng tsyrup for Children
Uuai, allayi pajit ours wuul coUo, tea a boiile,
Yucuoui nil d Insolation.
Tlw remarkable beat-Insulating ef
fects of a vacuum is strikingly brought
out In the claims made for a new
sportsmen's bottle. The vessel has dou
ble walls, being really one bottle with
in another, with a sealed-up Interven
ing spflce from wbleh the air has been
wlthdriiwu. It is asserted that liquids
In tlds bottle cut, be kept hot forty-
eight hours In the coldest weather, aud
that Iced beverages will retain theii
delicious coolness for weeks lu the hot
test summer.
Tlio Knock-out Blow. ,
The blow which knocked out Corbett
was a revelation to the prize fighters.
From the earliest days of the ring the
knock-out blow was aimed for tha jaw,
the temple or the jugular vein. Stomach
punches were thrown iu to worry and
weary tho fighter, but If a scientific man
had told one of tlio old llgbtrs that the
most vulnerable spot was the region of
the stomach, he'd have laughed at him
for an ignoramus. Dr. Pierce is bringing
boot to the public a parallel fact; that
thiJiVniacVIs tho most vulnerable orgai;
out ol hj prKe ring as wen as in It. wc
proU'ct pur htJdU, throat, feet and lungs,
but thcNrW!wiBhye are utterly Indiffer
ent to, until dlseaMind tho solar plexus
and knock9 usoutT Miko your stomach
to nnd and ft rong bv tin; use or fc t
. .i i r' : . . i p r w -
1'ieree's (ioliTen Medical Disroverv. fit:'!
j " " n ' - r I I I I
t loinen aiefiic
vmi ppitect vmir-.i in jour nLvmmr-
nTTT- srint. n I ..liileli MeJU-kl lilfti'rtwrv "
cure's "well V stomach," Indigestion, or
dyspepsia, torid liver, bad, thin and im
pure blood and other diseases of the or
Kun.s of digestion aud nutrition.
Tlio "Golden Medical Discovery " has n
specific curative effect upon all mucous
surfaces and henco euro catarrh, no
matter where located or what stage it
may have reached. In Jsasal Catarrh it
is well to clcanso tho pasKuges with Dr.
Siigo's Catarrh Remedy Uuld while using
thu "Discovery " as a constitutional rem
edy. Why Uie "Uolden Medical DUcuv
ery" cures catarrhal disease, as of the
stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic
organs will be plain to you If you will
read a booklet of extracts from the writ
Ings of eminent medical authority's, en
dorsing Its ingredient and explaining
their curative properties. It U mailed
fix on request. AUdre& Dr. Jl. V. Ilerco,
Buffalo, N. Y. This booklet Rives all the
Ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce's
meilicinea from which It will lo seen that
they contain not a drop of alcohol, puro,
tnijle-re fined clycenno being used Instead
Dr. Pierce's creat thoni-aiid-Miife Illus
trated (omnion Sense Medlcul Adviser
will Mint free. pajer-bonud, for 'Jl one-
cent kiumjig. or ciotn nonii'i ior di sunups,
Address Dr. PWr as above.
1U.M1U.N fills rrl" wwm aina n miatuav
No SitpJi Horai f.ir Ills- S(:i(nrr n ths)
n (bp Sri;lp r I'l I mtrr S.oil.
When (Jon. J. dm M. WiNon, V. S.
retired, was nttp;i'ln!ei!deiit of public
bii'Winjri iuiiI .r!,.i;i(i: In V;ishlu.ito'i,
Itnt'cr t'levi-hind. lie w:;s l.ivlted one nf
tei'imoii If- ;:i. "Pb.l" S.ieriihin to ne
ct".;.;iny hl'.ii on n eai'flii.ne drive nlMut
the city, T;e hero of Winchester will
In line' Fpirif; until they uppr.i.udieil
Scott circle. Pi t'.ie eeiiter of wlalch
loomed the eqtiesttlr.n statue of Uen.
Wluileld Scott. Then "Utile Phil" l
t'titav Kerlor. llclnin.! up his lioi'.e, he
Silt anil jruv.ed earnestly at the rmtue,
riijs the WiiKnluxton Herald.
"Wilson." s.ild ;,-n. Sheridan, "I havo
an Incurable malady, nnd do net expect
to live uu.iv thtm a year. When 1 anl
dead, 1 suppose tht my eniestrian
statu. will b, tic-ted. somewhere In
Wnshlinrtu'i. I request heiv and now
that yuu h;v to It t'l.it I inn not ncate.I
upon mieli nn u lr i;.v if i n!.kiij horse
ns that nj " wh!ch t:ii sai'.ptor has
placed .''eott."
The Scott horse, by t!ie way, was
modeled utter one of the favorite mares
ridden by (ion. .Tohn M irvan, the dash
Inn Kentucky .'oniedeiite cavalryman,
a fact known only to (Jen. Wilson and
a few other persons In Washington.
Although fourteen years have passed
since Congress provided for the erec
tion of nn equestrian statue of (Jen.
Sheridan, the capital Is ns yet devoid of
that piece of monumental nrt. Work
was begun on 4t several years npo by
J. Q. A. Word, the American sculptor,
who, It Is said, finally has abandoned
the task, largely because of the Injunc
tion of Geu. Sheridan that his broii7.o
likeness be Hot placed uikiu nny but
a real war horse. Mr. Ward, It U
stated, has made numerous models of
horses, none of which pleased him, aud
he destroyed them In turn.
In Portupuest East Africa an ex
plorer has discovered n new species of
Kobra, resembling the ordinary .ehra
In shape, but the head, neck, forelegs
and fore half of the body are dark
brown In color, tho hind part of the
body. Including the legs, being striped.
He also discovered a peculiar type of
antelope similar In size aud shape to
the Boer roebuck or linpnla, the dis
tinctive difference being a black lino
down tin? miter of the back nnd ou
either hind leg down to the foot. When
the nulninl Is startled It immediately
Uikes to flight, the Initial leap bolus
fully ten feet through the air.
Only a few naturalists and early ter
ritorial settlers know that parrots
were once numerous in Nebraska. Fifty
years ago they were still seen along
the Missouri river In southeastern Ne
braska, but disappeared very suddenly
after the first settlement of that region.
The Nebraska parrot was the Carolina
paroquet (conunus Carolluensls). It
had a beautiful green nnd yellow plu
mage, so striking In appearance as In
stantly to arrest the attention of the
early hunter. Uesldes this, the birds
gathered In large Hocks nnd were so ex
ceedingly tame and simple that the
whole flock was easily killed. They
were flue entlng and their feathers
made attractive trophies of the hunt
Ants are really very long lived, con
sidering their minuteness. A natural
ist hnd two queens under observation
for ten years nnd one of Sir John Lub
bock's ant pets lived Into her fifteenth
year. Ants are very tenacious of life
after severe Injury. Following loss of
the entire abdomen they sometimes live
two weeks nnd in case n headless nut,
carefully decapitated by aseptic sur
gery, lived fur forty-one days. A car
penter nnt, after being submerged eight
days In distilled water, came to life
upon being dried, so that they are prac
tically proof iigainst drowning. They
can live long periods without food; In
one case the fast lasted nearly nine
llnyal NlcacmtiticM.
How do kings come by the curlout
nickname- that have been bestowed
upon them? would be an interesting
subject for some one to write about.
We know fairly well how Knglnnd be
got Its Uon Hearted, Its Creat, Its Con
fessor and its Conqueror kings, but
how nlKitit those of other land? Thus
France has had Its liionarchs who
were termed the Little, the Hold, the
Stammerer, the Simple, the Indolent
and the Fair, In addition to the Long,
Handsome, Del oved, Affable, Fortunate,
Good, Wise, etc. German history tells
us of one who was called the Fat and
another the i'.lind; also the Child, tiie
Fowler, Piood, Rial, I'.lack, Superb,
Sharp, Holy and Lame. Russia ban
had a wonderful lint in which the titlea
of Terrible, Fierce. Lion, Grin;, Proud,
linpotor and Light foot are prominent
Denmark shows a curious array, with
its nine Tooth, Forked Heard, Single,
Hungry, I!ar!'not, I .a tub. Pious awL
Cruel. Hungary lias hail a Sniuf, Ger
man Thunder, Venetian and n Kina'
Mary; Portugal, a Fat. Idle. African!
it i ul Perfect; Spain, a Monk and Gouty
and an a-snrtmeiy (f oddili-.'s, Includ
ing .the I ji ! I fin. L-ul. NoMo, Strong,
Valiant, Gracious, Sickly, Impotent,
I!e-.h !i',eiit an.l ( 'erenioniouM. Tin
mi nits, in a way tell briefly the story ol
eac'.j king's i-arecr.
.Vuitlux Her Silly.
"We've g t a dandy cook ut oui
house, young, while, pretty and capa
ble." "Gee! Vou want to try to keep her."
"Yes; I'm going home to start a quar
rel with her n iw ami demand of uiy
wife that she lire her."
"Why In the world are you going ts
do that':"
"So my wife will keep her." IIou
ton Post.
Some men manage I i acquire u re mi.
tut Ion for ci- eree-s l.y Woiliiog what
little they Know overtime. j
It' hard for tho Uillideut lov to
ay aoft uc'lliin;; i.
"Miss Smith has written a problem
novel, hasn't she?" "Yes." "What It
the problem?" "How to make It sell."
Dramatic Critic (during the secoud
act) Some persons are born lucky.
The nuthor of this play died before it
was produced. Puck.
"Life Is so uncertain." she said. "I
know It," he replied. "Let's get mar
ried. One of us may die within a few
years." Chicago Record Herald.
Wlggs Why do you always regard
him with suspicion?" Vagg- Well,
every time I see him he has a differ
ent umbrella. Philadelphia Record.
Teacher Miss P.adger. what do you
understand by "the privileged classes?"
Coed The botany class. They can go
out In the woods once In a while. Chi
cago Tribune.
Suitor I have the honor to ask fot
your daughter's dowry. Irate Pa I
beg your pardon, slrt Suitor F.xcuse
me; of course I meant your daughter'
Hand. Vie Pour Rlre.
"Marie, If James asks you to marry
hliu to-night, tell him to speak to mo."
"And If he doesn't, niaiuma?" "Toil
hliu I want to speak to him." Wom
an's Home Companion.
"I see, ICatle, that New York Is to
have one policeman to every G21 In
habitants," snld tho lady of the house.
"Well, ma'am, I've got mine," was
Katie's reply. Yonkers Statesman.
Newlywed My wife only allows mi
three books In the closet to hang my
wardrobe on. Oletlmer Don't worry.
Before you've been married long one
hook will be enough for all your ward
robe. Stray Stories.
"Iillggins says that wbeq he went to
school he was one of the brightest boys
In his class." "Yes," answered the
Fportlng man, "that's where so many
of us fall down getting out of the
class." Washington Star.
Mr. Wholesale My boy, I hope you
save something out of your weekly sal
ary of $3. Roy Yes, sir; I save $1
a week. Mr. Wholesale Ah I I knew
I was pnylng you too much ! After this
I'll give you two ! Roston Post.
"Papa says," remarked the heiress,
"that you're a more fortune huuter."
"Well, now, my dear," replied the
shrewd fellow, "that's more or less true.
Your face Is your fortune, and thut'j
what attracts me." Philadelphia Rec
ord. "Oo-oo my!" exclaimed llttlo Tom
my, hearing a church organ for the first
time, "what's thnt?" "Shi" whispered
his mother, "that's tho organ." "Good
ness! It must be nn awful big monkey
that goes with that." Philadelphia
Magistrate (to prisoner) What, you
here again? I hadn't seen you lately,
and hoped you were reformed. How Is
it that you have again gone bnck to
your old ways? Prisoner Because I(
nm only just out or prison, sir. r.on
"Deary me, John, here's another poor
feller runned over by one o' these 'ere
nutyinobubbles!" "That ain't notbin',
mother. They do say as In Rooshla
thousands o' poor folks are killed in
the streets along o' this 'ere autocar
cy!" The Bystander.
Cynic (savagely) They say the fash
lonable mother of to-day recognizes her
baby only by looking ut the nurse.
Fashionable Mother (unmoved) How
extraordinarily clever, when one
changes nurses so often! I always tell
ours by the mail cart. London Tld
Bits. "I took out life Insurance In order
to put something by for a rainy day."
"Yes," answered the cynlcnl citizen
who has been following the life Insur
ance Investigation, "but you know how
little conscience some people have about
another man's umbrella." Washington
Kind Lady (to little boy with big
swelling In his cheek) Poor little
chap, he has evidently got a bad gum
boil. Here are two sous; does your
tooth ache badly? Little Boy (remov
ing the "gumboil") Oh. no, nia'iun ; I
was Just sucking a big piece of taffy.
Nos Lolsirs.
"Where nre you off to In such a hur
ry?" "To the doctor for my husband."
"What's up with liliu?" "He tells mo
he has got hepatitis, dyspepsia, rheu
matism, enteritis, gastritis, appendi
citis, nephritis nnd cerebro-spinal-men-Ingitls."
"Holy terrors! Where did ho
get all that'.'" "Why. a man Induced
1 1 1 til lo buy a medical dictionary, aud
he's Jiist begun reading It." Brooklyn;
MhI.Iiik IIiim Hull Ilnta.
Wb.it bei-oiiu'S i'S nil the biisebali
bats? Is iuit." like tlii! obi Inquiry of
"Wlmt becomes of .-ill tin pln.sV" At
nny rale, bi fnrtui i- nre running all
tin? year round, turning out nothing
but bat.s. When one considers the 10,
(mio.ooo small bo.vs in this country nnd
that each one averages fuur bats dur
ing bis early baseball days, the prob
lem Ih reduced to liurtM which ac
count for the demand, says I'opubir
Mechanics. Hats nre no longer whittled
out of a jdeee of beard, as was done
forty years ago, but nr" made on ma
chines which turn oul their thousand
The process Is Klmple but slow. First
the logs are cut Into "Uilts" of from
tliitty-Uvo inches to forty-two IncheH
long anil the bolls sawed Into billet
two and a half Inches or three Indie
square at tin- ends. Tbreo years' Hea
Honing I required for the best bats,
either lu tin' log or biller. Tho kiln
drying process Is rapid, but not con
sidered us good. The billets are placed
lu an automatic l,i:!ie, which quickly
transform the stick Into the graceful
form of tho bat.
Tim bat lu then smoothed nnd polish
ed by being bell against n rapidly
moving horizontal belt whi'-h Is cover
ed with sand. It is then ready for in
coat of oil, varnish or paint, a the
case may be.
Save the Babies.
' 7 TflFAlTT MORTALITY is something frightful. Wo can hardly rcaUzo that of
I all tho children born in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent., or nearly
ono-quarter, dio beforo they reach ono. year; thirtyscven per cent., or moroj
than one-third, before they aro five, and ono-half beforo they aro fifteen I
We do not hesitato to say that a timely uso of Castoria vould eavo a ma
jority of theso precious lives. Neither do wo hesitato to say that many of theso
infantile doath3 aro occasioned by tho uso of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures
and. soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain moro cr lcs3 opium, or
morphine. Thoy aro, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons.' In any quantity
thoy stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria
operates oxactly tho reverse, but you must sco that it bcara tho signature of
Chas. H. Fletcher. Castoria causes tho bleed to circulate properly, opens tha
pores of the skin and allays fever.
Ac jctalik Preparation forAs
sLoiiiaifii cttcFboif amUdtita
Promotr Distion3ifcirii
ncss and ReitronUlns neitor
Ojjium.Morphinc narMiaerjl.
ADafrci Remcdv forComHu
tton . Sour Storakh.Dlarrtoa
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
FacSiniilt SlfrMturtof
Wosnea Vote la Kaw ZaaUasiA.
Public life la extraordinarily pure In
New Zealand, declare a writer In tho
Craftaman. Corruption or inlfiinntingo
Dient In public office la almost un
known. The aueeosa of all tho reform
measures has been due as much to
the men who have administered tbem
as to the measures themselves, while no
small degree of credit belongs to the
people of the colony, because of their
law-abiding character and their willing
ness to give fair trial to new statutes.
Notwithstanding tho fearlessness
with which the New Zealauders have
cut loose from tho established economic
order one finds among them a curious
strain of conservatism. For Instance,
they gave the ballot to women thirteen
yeans ago, aud the women use It and
cast al'inotft as high a percentage of
votes as do the men. Mr. Keddou told
me that he did not think his govern
ment could have carried a good deal of
its social legislation w'l.L.imi iue help
of the woman voter Ltut they have
not yet given to tho lfe her Joint right
in the home, and . 'remler Seddou wus
being soundly rated when I was there
beoaue be was advocating such a
Tbn straw bat is to be abolished in
th white helmets on tropical service.
Aa IntercBtinu- Cause from Salem, ths
Capital of Ortfts,
F. A. Button, It. F. D. No. 4, Halem,
Ore., says: "Acute attacks of kidney
disease and rheumatism laid me up off
and on for ten
years. Awful pains
Htarted from thj
kidneys aud count
ed down through
my limbs. I sought
the best medical
treatment but lu
vain, and when I
began uslnn Doan's
Kidney Tills I was
1,7? ti. ATS tt-allrl r i iw w I li t ii-n
ifiWjW i - 7
t J.-.i.vw enneai mill nff.r H
T,-Nf M continual pains,
headaches aud sleepless nights. I Im
proved quickly and after taking three
boxes felt better thau I hud for 15
years. The effects have been lusting."
tSold by mII dealers. W) cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Iluffulo, N. Y.
College Oars.
There was once a Yale snphouiore
who, as many college men do, found
himself In tinunclal nB-alts and pawned
nil his good clothes. A little before
Thnnksgivlug be git a big check from
When he got homo for the holidays
the nrwt thing his mother took out of
tbe trunk wa mi overcoat and ou It
was pinned the pawnbroker's ticket he
bad forgotten to remove.
Hastily grabbing the ticket, be an Id:
"Hello! They must have forgotten
to take this off at the Smith dance
when I left It In tlw cloak room."
A moment later bis mother took out
bis evening trousers. They abto hud
a ticket on fhm.
"Why, lUglnnld," she said, "surely
you didu't leave these tn the cloak
room, too, did you?" Ltipinflott'a.
Tbv Kind They Fool.
He Some jlrl nre awfully coneelr
ed. She Why? He They'll brag
about niaklntc u fool of a man that was
never anything else. Detroit Free
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chcs. I!. Fletcher.
Dr. A. F. Peeler, of St. Loul3, Mo., says: "I havo prescribed your Castoria
In many cases and havo always found It nn efficient and speedy remody."
Dr. E. Down, of Philadelphia, Ta., says: "I have prescribed your Cas
toria In my practice for many years with great satisfaction to myself and'
benefit to my patients." '
Dr. Edward Parrlsh, of Erooklyn, N. Y., says: "I havo used your Cas
toria In my own household with good results, and have advised several,
patients to uso It for Us mild laxative effect and freodom from harm." '
Dr. J. D. Elliott, of New York City, pays: "Having during tho past Bt"
years prescribed yoik. Castoria for infantile stomach disorders, I most
heartily commend its uSb Tho formula contains nothing deleterious,
to Uie most dolicato of children."
Dr. C. O. Epracuo, of Omaha, Neb., eayo: 'Your Castoria Is an ideal
modlclne for children, and I frequently prescrlbo It While I do not advo
cate the indiscriminate uso of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria la an
exception for conditions which arise in the care of children." 1
Dr. J. A. Parker, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria holds th
esteem of the modlc&l profession in a manner held by no other proprie
tary preparation. It is a sure and reliable medicine for Infants and chil
dren. In fact, It is tho universal household remedy tor Infantile ailments.
Dr. II. F. Merrill, of Augusta, Me., BayB: "Castoria is one of the yery
flnest and most remarkable remedies for infants and children. In my
opinion your Castoria has eared thousands from an early grave. I caa .
furnlah hundreds of testimonials from this locality as to its efficiency
and merits."'''
Dr. Norman M. Cee., of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "During tho last twelve,
years I have frequently recommended your Castoria as one of the best
preparations of tho kind, being safe in the hands of parents and very ef
fective In relieving children's disorders, while the caso with which acl
a pleasant preparation can be administered is a great advantage."
Bears the
v JfHrX yiarnaB i ill 1 1 1 III
The Kind You Have Always Bougiif
,n Usq Fof 0ver 30 years.
vms esMTavus) , tt aawnamv Tasrr, nkw vans a nr.
From CHICA00 Use
, OR
Iht Kiagara falls Route.
BOSTON OLD HOME WEEK, jily 25, 26, 27. 2
From CHICAGO or ST. LOUIS ONE FARE plus S2.G0 for the ROUND TCI?
A Grand "OLD NOME WEEK" Celebration and Reunloo
Seven Days ol Public Festivities, commencing JULY 28th
Founders' Day; Patriots' Day; Qreater Boston Day; New England Day
Massachusetts Day; Women's Day; Military Day. During these Seves Diy
Historic BOSTON will be "AT HOME" to ell her Sons and Daughter!, wherever resldaig
BOSTON and RETURN, jlxy . u, 22. m
V ' AUG. 6, 10, 20, 24; SEPT. 10, 1 4, 24, 29
Fare from CHICAGO, J24.C0
NEW EN0LAMD RESORTS, S J ViVU sept. . ,4. u. .
From CHICAGO or ST. LOUIS, One Fare Plus $2.00 lor the Round Trip
CANADIAN RESORTS, daily until sept. 30. w
From CHICAGO or ST. LOUIS, Oee Far; Plus $2.00 lor the Round Trie
Full Particulars may be obtained from any Ticket Agent ol the
New York Central Lines
WARKfiS J. L YSat. PnHitnxsr Traffic Maaagmr, CHICAGO
Skin Disease from Illrlb I'orlune
Spout on Her Without Ilent-llt
Cured Her with CuNeurn.
"I have a cousin In Rockingham Co.
who once bad u skin disease from her
birth until she was six years of ue.
Her father bad spent a fortune on her
to get her cured and none of the treat
ments did her any good. Old Dr.
suggested that he try tbe( (.utlcuru
Remedies, which be did. When he com
menced to uwe It thu child was almost
a solid scab. He hnd used It about two
months and the child was well. I
could hardly believe she wns th same
child. Her ikln was ns soft in a baby's
without a scitr on it. 1 buve not seen
her lu seventeen years, but 1 have heard
from her and the last time I heard she
was well. Mrs. W. 1. Inxle, Hurling
ton, N. C, June 1(1, liKi.V
A C'loae tiuess,
"The word U 'q-u-a-r-t-z, quarts.' "
Bald the teacher. "Sow, can you u It
in a Heutence, MaKK'e?"
"Why,' replied the little lrl. ."It's
like thin here: 'When a gent love.- it
lady be quart. un:'" riilladc-Iyhla
In a Placb, la Allen'n KMit-i:Mf
A iowdr to alinkf Into your slim-j. It rt
t'l:s fM. Curi'rf Corns, nnnlons, SwjMhii.
Sr, Hot, C'slliiiM. Aclilnir. Xivpatliij; f,-r!
ami Ionrowtnx Ns I la. Atlru's Foot Kun
n kr uw or titfht allocs t-avy. Hold hv ull
liii,-Klsts and SUns Stain, L'.'.r. Ssmplr
mallfl FKICK. AJdress Alien S. Oluistud,
Lj Itoy, N. Y.
Kcray of lllsturjr.
Kin Kiclmiil 111. bad otf. rfd his king
dom for a horoe, but there wus uothiui;
doicf in the trndlnir hue.
"I wouldn't n'i'd tln borsf," li howl
fil, "if I hadu't forotton to bring my
trusty Colt !"
Drawing his nword and ammilng a
Jiia Jefl'rits crouch, he glanced Ht tlio irnl
lerirs aad awaited the onset of the Larl
of Richoieud.
Signature of
From ST. LOUIS Use
Fare from ST. LOUIS, $27.00
Positively earee! Vt '
these Little Puis.
They also reUeva M
trei from Dyipepola. I -digestion
and T Hum If -
Eating. A perfect i
t Ay tor Dizziness. Ki
Drowsiness, Bail
tn tne Monta,
Tooirue, Psia ta the (9 4a
regulate Uie Dowels.
Purely Yegttable.
Gcnuins Must Bear
Fac-Simils Signiturt
A SKtn or Beautv ) aev rwyery-
R. T. Felix Ooursud's OrlantMal
Croam or Megloal Baautliisxv.
r l- .1 Ranlavaa Taa. -
i . it.v i: .... i, ti. vrrrrT-
ali, ud skis Dlara
as avara si .
os bamuta-. aat4 aW
flaa daitclkea. m
kaj Uit4 tM laA
i faairs, aaaal
la a karaalaa
tattall lotaaaXarajlt..
Is prapaatf auaa.
Art. at auajaimiaaa
ll af aaaKiiaar
safllt. Pf. h. atw
tx'it aa-A is k
hif vt Ox saaafc
Vs (s uuvjs
wlu aas CaL
kV X I -
'llaarnad' Crsaan' si Us la bansful aill U
r-ktii raparailona.'' ror asle tr all 4raia-l ft4 Faaas
Uo.iia rj.rt.Wrs In tha Uulta4 kUiaa, Csaads sias Emit
f L13.T. XMU from 37 b:it Jcntt Sltstt. Km Tiki
The Caisv rLX K,f"
MevVTta. rotu. -WnkU .
tm 4.
r - li -7 . rv)J. j'I
..V,'. Vo.. I V.v .
rwu, svl
eail aAmm
i it i ietiyMMa
8. C. X. U.
rtW''- . h J1 "flK i T.Jtaa.aaa
Kr,AV-4- ; Vl-t ' , ' ' aJa. aaaf
0,i ;i',; ta uJt
-'in" n m m ii Mini a a, a., a.aaa iaa. a. a