4 5 .--r.a urNew Hair Vigor Ayer's Hair Vigor was good, the best that was made. But Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im proved formula, is better. It is the one great specific for fall ing hair. A new preparation in every way. New bottle. New contents. Ask your druggist to show it to you, "the new kind." Zi no change I he color of the hair. Formula with aaoh bottle Show It to your Ayers Aik him about it, then do aa ho says As we now make our new Hair Vigor it docs not have the slightest effect upon t!ie color of the hair. You may use it freely and for any length of time with out fc.ir of changing the color. Stops fallitu hsir. Cures dandruff. "-a ot tha 3. C. Ajar Co.. lowall. Maaa. )R. C H. MAXWELL, v Physician and Surpeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA W. C. EcklWrt Scientific Rcfractionist. Spectacles and Eyeglasses Accurately Fitted. Coi aaltation and Examination Free. Office at residence. NEBRASKA JVNE SPECIALS Opening of Huntly Lands 33,000 acres Government irri x gated land near Bililngs, Mon tana, opened by lottery system J une 26; cheap excursion rates .3 register for these rich irri gated lands. Fine prizes yet offered by the Government. Cost approximately $30 an acredivided into ten yearly payments. Get details. To Pacific Coast Specially low round trip Cali fornia rates June 8th to 15th; June 22nd to July 5th. Also to Portland, Seattle and Spo kane June 20th to July 12th. Daily low rate Coast tours commencing June 1st. Slight ly higher via Shasta route. l Good Chances Eastward -, Daily low Jamestown Exposi tion rates with side trips avail s' abfe for New York, Philadel phia, Boston, Atlantic coast resorts. Also July 3rd to 6th very cheap to Saratoga with side trips to New York, also July 11 to 13th to Philadel phia. Big Horn Basin We run personally conducted homeseekers excursions June 4th and 18th, under guidance of D. Clem Deaver, General Agent Landseekers Informa fjTjBureau. Round trip $20. J, CALL OR WRITE FOR DETAILS. A J Kakraekr, - Ticket Agent DA IOTA O'TT, NEB. Ii, W. Waiilky. G P A, Omaba, Neb CO YEARS EXPERIENCE .17: TOA.DK MARK A nvoilfl f .' t (t Mi. I ;? ir. -..iNr r..:i-'n , O xu I'tllM.li'K'lt t.iven. .1. IKi turn mini. '( .-ii!'. : '1 VAV.Ua.V i.irn.n. 1. l.. Pat C. No 42399 Sired by Chilton, by Dunton Wilkes, bv Georee Wilkes. Dam Minnie V, by Byerly Abdallah by Mambrino Tatchen. This colt is bred right, good size and a good individual, and will serve a few mares at $15.00 to insure mare in foal Service fee becomes due when mare is known to be in foal. EM MUTT II . GRIB.BLIv. Dako'.ei City, Nebrr,k to a A -VI r r.. v -v R R Time Table Sioux City, Crystal Lake A Homer LKAVK I.F.AVE JVKOTACIlT SIOl'X CITT 0:10 a in.... 7:00 a ni 8:00 am 9:00 a m 10:00 am 12 m 1:30 pn 2:30 p in 3:30 pro ...4:30 p m 5:3C p m 6:30 p m Ienve Won City at M: for Pryatnl I.nke find meet O rent Northern train at Mouth Sioux City, on roturn trip. C., St. P., M.AO. Tims-Table. Trains leave Dakota City at the folio-ring time : BOKTH BOUND. SOTJTH BOtlND. 5:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am 10:00am Omaha ......6:13pm 3 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :20 am 9:01am Norfolk ......6.32pm 7 :58 am Newcastle 10 :00 am 2:08 pm 6:08 pm SUNDAY TRAINS. 5 :52 pm Omaha 7 :35 am 3:37 ....Norfolk 6:32 C B 4 Q WEST No. 85 Local Freight 7:30 am 11 " Passenger, Omaha and Lincoln 12 :47 pm EAST No. 86 Local Freight 2:15 pm 10 Local Passenger.... 6 :33 pm Local Items M O Omaha. Ayres spent the Fourth at Beulah Hart returned from her visit at Omaha Saturday. Mollie Foltz of Homer, visited with friends here last Friday. AH the latest designs in wall paper at L M Leslie's drug store. S A Combs, of Homer, was a busi ness visitor here Wednesday. Al Pizey and wife of Sioui City spent the Fourth in this place. The annual picnio of the MBA lodge will be held the 25th of this month. Don't forget Breun's coffee it is still in the lead. For sale at Vac de Zedde's. Little George Sanford shot a good sized hole it his hand Wednesday with a toy pistol. Mrs John E Miles is movning from South SiouxCity and will ocoupy the Waldvogle house. When ybu get ready to paper your home, order your wall paper at L M Leslie's drug stoie. Mrs Geo Carter and children came up from Umaha luesday to visit at the JVI O Ayres home. Have you tried those fresh roasted peanuts at Tan's, hot from the roaster? They are surely dandy. John E Miles arrived home Wednes day from the PaeiQo coast, where he has been railroading tuis summer. Dr George Armour and wife, came down from Spencer, Neb, Tuesday, to spend the Fourth with relatives here. Mrs Harriet Ayres and grandson, Georgie Ayres, came up from Omaba Thursday to remain during the sum mer. Lizzie Van de Zadde and Lillian Ream accompanied Annie Mullens to Pender Tuesday to remain until after the Fourth. Martha Classen returned to her home at Ft Calhoun, Neb, Sunday. Hazel Leslie accompanied her for a few days visit. Mrs Lottie Hutzel, of Sioux City, spent a few days this week at Crystal lake with the Ed Easton famtlr, who are camping there. Ed Pilgrim of Omadi precinct, was in town Tuesday on business, and re membered The Herald for another yeur's subscription. , Venus Scbmied was at Jackson last Friday and Saturday, tiking the ex nroinatinn preparatory to entering St Catherine's academy in the fall. Al Richards was in town from Oma di preriuct Tuesday to meet his broth er, Nob'e Richards, and wife, who ar rived frcm Red Oak, Iowa, to pay him a visit. ' Mrs Etta M Spencer returned Wed nesday ftom a visit at the home of her son, C L Spenoer, at McDonald, bas. Mrs C L Spencer and baby returned with her. If you intend to paint give us a call. We handle the Minnesota Linseed Oil Paint, sold subject to chemical analy sis. Guaranteed the best paint made Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. The Foycs have built an apron to. ! attach to their gasolene street car, ou which to carry light freight. lhis is quit a convenience for those bringing home bulky packages irom tne city. M J Fox. signal foreman for the B & Q, of Lincoln, and W A Yakish ,f Fremont, district repair man, are here re-wireing the plant at the signal tower on the Burlington and ISorth western crossing. From the number of big catches of bass in Cryitul lake by Sioux City imrt'ea who have the liabit of using nets, it looks as though they wire u to th.-ir old tricks acuin. There in good chance for the game wurdt n to make a showing. Do you need vour old roof repaired or a Ui-w mol : liemeinutT we mt; gonuiuo Rnbberoid roofing.. Don t accept a so called just us good, wueil yuu can get tbe beht for the taiue money, (jive us a frim, we iu piense you Edwaids & Bradford Lumber company. By missing their train for the west in Sioux City lant Tuesday Mr and Mrs Bert Foye and little son narrowly pseaped bung eaugut in a wreck, as the train thev intended to take was ditched this side of Denver, and sev eral people were killed and injured. Raymond Ream, son of John H R -urn and wife, was severely bitten in the face by a bull dog belonging to llenrv Kiumwiede, luesday. It is a deplorable condition of affairs when people are permitted to keep from one to three cur dogs in town, at a menace to the little cLiMreu. Subscribe for The JI.;Hai.d $1 per year. Miss Unlle Hamilton is home from Lead, S D. Ruth Leslie went to Omahn Wed nesday on a visit. Hazel Schmied was an Emerson vis itor Saturday night. Mrs D O Stinson is laid np at home with a sprained ankle. Harry Hill and family, of Allen, are camping at Crystal lake. A pair of shoes from 50c, 75o to 1 while they last. D C Stinson. Subscribe for the Herald, the best ptpr in the county, f 1 a year. Mrs M L Johnson and baby returned to their home at Lead, S D, Thursday. Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers. Dr D C Stinson returned Tuesday from Colorado, much improved in health, Perle and Bess Stinson spent Sun day with Hattie Knowlton on Walkers Island. Mrs Curg Ayres and children, left Tuesday for Glenco, Iowa, to visit her mother. Mrs Jaa C McKernan went to int worth, Neb, last week on a visit with relatives. Mrs Wm Adair went to Wayne on Wednesday to visit her daughter, Mrs Chas L Culler. Ftank Phillips visited over Sunday at Lyons, at the home of his sister, Mrs Dave Everett. O, why do you eat old dry peanuts when you can get them fresh roasted every day at Van's. Mrs Koland B Orr left Monday for Brampton, Canada, -to spend a few months with relatives. Charley Bates and family arrived here Tuesday from Spoonor, Wis. and will reside here again. Jennie Fairweather and AHee Doo- ittle went to Aurelia, Iowa, Tuesday to visit relatives for a few months. Mable, Myrtle, Joy and Lloyd Bou- ton and Pearl Hoover, went to Elk Paint, S D, to celebrate the Fourth. Wm Bierman and family are enjoy- ng country lite on tueir larm soutn of town, living in a shanty and tent. S A Stinson's delivery team took, a pin around town Ijy themselves Mou sy, damaging the wagon considera bly. Mis Lottie Orr returned home last week from her claim near Phillip, S D, and Frank Orr dropped in Wednesday vening. Judge W n Hunger came up from Omaha Thursday for a few days fish- ng at tbe lake. lie is the guest of W Warner. Mrs Mary McBeath and grand child ren, JNevB, Willie ana uonaia lsest, visited over Sunday at Homer, with relatives. Have you tried the Sultanna and Tac-co brands of canned goods? Van sells them. These goods have stood the test of the pure food lav.-. There will be a meeting of the ex ecutive committee of the Pioneers and Old Settlers' association at Dakota City Saturday, July 13th, at 2:30 pm. Bert Francisco of Hubbard precinct, was a business visiter nere xuesaay . He was expecting bis wife home from month a visit with relatives in Illi nois. We have just received a car of that famous Diamond Lump Sootless west ern coal, tbe finest in the world for cooking purposes. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. 3uy yoar hardware, tinware, wire screen and stoves from Schriever Bros. We guarantee Sioux Ciy prices. We also repair tinware and gasoline stoves. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields & Slaughter Co. 8 E Mills, Manager, Dakota City, Neb. Meil A Schmied and wife went to Mason City, Iowa, Tuesday, Mr Schmied being a member of the audit ing committee of the MBA order. whizh meets there semiannually." Yon will never be too late nor lose any time at the Unique theater, David' son block, Sioux City continouc enter taiument. Greatest moving pictures ever seen. Ladies aud children especi ally invite!. Poll tax in the different road dis tricts in the county must be paid to the county treasurer after today, July 5. Tbe amount cf poll tax is now $2.50, and a road overseer's receipt will not be accepted by the county treasurer If any of our subscribers desire the address changed on tueir Herald by reason oi tne estauiisument or cuanges made in the rural routes, or for any other reason, just drop us a postal and the change desired and it will be made. Mrs A J Karraker, wife of the Bur lington agent at this place, arrived here from Hastings last week. Mr Karraker hus been appointed agent here to succeed R J Reasoner, w ho re signed on account of his heulth. Mr Karraker and wife will o.-eupy the Erie Ausues residence. Sirs J-iiicy Ann '.trove, sn old reH lent or tins county, died ut j'.meioi, riiursduv. July 4, 1907, at the ni'e f 8;j years . She came to Dakota county iu I tie hixing oi iBiu, Hcunntr on u hmnetitetid near Hubbard, Inter mov inpr to Einerxoii. David C Hatcher and Mrs Chus Coughtr', of thin place, grand children of the deceased, went to Emerson this morning to attend the funeral obsequiep. The Msgic No 3 Number three is a wonderful mascot for Geo U Parris. of Cedrr Grove, Me, according to a letter which reads: "After suffering much with liver and kidney trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by the failure to find re lief, 1 tried Lleetrio Hitters, and as a result I am a well man today. The first bottle relieved and three bottles completed the cure." Guaranteed tiest on earth for stomach, liver and kidnev troubles, by Leslie, the druggist 50v The Ileiald for all the news: lltiby Itrice is here from Emerson visitiug friends. Old papers for sale at the Hersld office 6 cents per hundred. Bert G Harden came homo to spend the iourtti with bis parents. Arthur Larson goes to Wakefield to ifny relieve the E & B man at that place. E J Darnell is occupying the hotel building recently vacated by Mrs Nora O'Brien. t Willie Rockwell leK Sunday for Boone, Iowa, to spend the Fourth with his mother, , John Hileman left Wednesday for Rapid City, S 1), to take up his resi dence on his claim near that place. Mrs Paul Kinkel and son Wilfred went to St Faul. Minn, Monday on visit with relatives and old friends. Barney Gribble went to South Omaha to spend the Fourth with his sons John and George. CORRESPONDENCE JACKSON. Clare Moran and her sister, of Wayne, Neb, spent Wednesday and Thursday with their graudmother, Mrs Jane Lilly. Ed T Kearney is puttintr in some new cement walks around bis resi dence. Otto Kerper, of New Vienna, Iowa, is visitiug at the home of John W Ryan and wife. Monica Flynn left Saturday to spend a week visiting her friend, Mar garet Howard, at Hubbard. The Jackson ball team will go to Jefferson, 8 D, Sunday, to play the Jefferton team. Helen Kearney spent tbe Fonrth with the Misses Marion and Edith O'Connell, at Ponca. B C Liub left for Grand Junction, lows, Monday, for a weeks visit. Mr Little is attending to business during hisabsenoe. Mr and Mrs Doran, of Emerson, took in the dance last Wednesday evening and weie thegue6tsof Mr and Mrs Kearney. Herbert and ' Marguerite Keefe, of Sioux City, are visiting at the home of their aunt, Mrs J J Mcliride. Mrs Thos Hodgins, jr, of Ponca, spent Friday with her parents here. Ti e remains of Mrs Bridget Harty, who died Thursday, June 27, 1907, at the homo of her son William, near Hubbard, were laid to rest beside her late husband, in St John's cemetery Saturday. Requiem mass being cele brated by Rev Fr English at Hubbard. The funeral procession was oue of the largest ever held in the county, which showed the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Mrs Mollie Broyhill and daughter Verna, are here visiting her mother, Mrs Mary Nordyle. Mrs Broyhill is just recovering from au operation and is feeling fis well as could be expected. A letter received from Luke Murray at Deer Lodge, Mont, states that there was six inches of snow there last week. Gerald Cu'.kin and James Holland are at Bonner, Mont. Mary Moore visited last week at the J J McCarthy home in Ponca. The Jackson Knights of Columbus and their trieuds went to Hubbard Sunday and enjoyed an outing with the knights from Sioux City. Mark and Euid Beatty, of Blair, who had been viaiting friends here the past two weeks, left for South Sioux City Tuesday, where they will visit a few days before returning home. ' Complimentiary to their friend, Mr Voss, of Cincinnati, Ohio, who is a pliant at the Waters home, and John Waters, of E irly, Iowa, Margaret and Edward invited about fifty of the young folks to their home Monday evening, which was oue of pleasure throughout. Nice refreshments were served. It was a late hour when good nights were suirl. Mr Voss and Mr Waters left for their respective homes Tuesday morning. Mrs T M Cullen, of Hubbard, was in Jackson Tuesday. Victor McGouigle left Tuesday for Wausa, Ne' to work in Eugene Leahy's drug store. Sam Collins left for bis borne in South Omaha Wednesday. Mary McGonigal went toHartington Wednesday to spend a week at the home of her aunt, Mrs Peter Garvey Patrick O'Neill was taken sick Mon dav and his condition is serious. His daughters, Mrs Tun Murpiiy ana Mrs 0 H Duggan aud Mrs b E O Weill are at his beuBide. HUBBARD Ed Maurice marketed lions here on Wednesday Dan Hartnett shipped a oar of cattle to Sioux City Thursday. Renze & Green handle McCormick and Deering twine, the old standard u better twine made. Henrv Maurice is repairing wells in town . J C Smith is hnuliucr corn to the elevator this week. John Portia went to Wakefield Wednesday to attend a cattle sule He purchased a tine animal there. M (irecn and w ifo returned home Thursdav from Minnesota. Ed lluitm tt as a ei'y visitor Fii- day. J C Collins whs ou the market with a tint ot cuiiiu iiiursuuy. . ... r.i n Fred Vonh wus a city paksencer lant Friday. Mary Kelliher hus resumed her music cIuhs after a two weeks vaca tion. C J O Connor 01 Homer whs a puss enger south ficm here iriday. Coon Thoru and J C Smith were city passengers Saturday. Sam Thorn has rented James Hart- nett's farm for the cext year. J.irues intends to quit farming. Mary Quinn is visiting in town this week. I The Knights of "olunibus picnic here Suuday was largely, attended The tug of wsr was won by Hubbard, wlm slo won the ba,l game by a score of 7 to 9. For mo wets, rakes, sweeps, stackers binders and twine, call on Retiz & Green, they haudle the old reliable McCormick none better. August and Herman Anderson weie cily passengers Tnesday. Mrs M Groen was a city vintor Monday. For Deering and McCormick bind Ing twine, go to Renze & Green. Their prices are the very lowest, and they nliio handle a full line of McCor mick and Deering repairs. Father O'Onnor visited with Father English Tnpsdsy. Bert Francisco was a city visitor Tuesday. A large crowd came over from Jack son Sunday to attend the pionic. ' Woods Hileman came home from Colorado Tuesday on business. Wm Graham and Herman Renze Renza were oity passengers Wedncs day. Don Crinklow has resumed his du ties as agent here. He has now set tled down for good. Maurice Casey is back on a visit. Renze Si Green have a car of Mc Cormick binders and mowers on the road. Thsy will be able to supply your wants for harvest. Father English came home from Omaha Thursday to conduct the fun eral services of Mrs Bridget Harty, who died on Thursday, June 27th. HOMER. There has been a grand stand erect ed at the ball grounds with a screen in front of it, where you can sit and watch the game in comfort. . Benone McKinley is on ths sick list. Mrs Gertio Shepardsnn has moved to the telephone office where she will be ready to answer to calls of "helo central," at any hour of the day or night. S A Browu Las gone out to Rock county to visit his claim. Oscar Wadell, our new Indian agent, was present at the town meeting and seemed much interested. Ed Magil came in from Wisner Tues day, to spend the Fourth here with relatives. Clair Brown has received his ap pointment under the government as machinest and leaves next week for Cheyenne River agency to begin his duties. He left the Winnebago avenoy Tuesday and will spend the Fourth at home. Gertie McKinley came home Wed nesday and Eva Kinnear Thursday, from Sioux City, where they have beeu attending a business college, and will atteud the Fourth here and remain the rest of the week. Mrs Dr Burkoffer and Miss Virginia Drown returned to their home at Goth- rnburg, Neb, last Saturday, nfU-r a few day's visit with their parents, S A Brown and wife. The town board met Friday evening to consider the question of granting a saloon license to Wm Odell. A re monstrance had been presented and each party had lawyers present to de fend their interests. Odell had Mc Allister, tha remonstrators A P Saw yer, ot oioux uity, ana tne town board judge Evans. After a few witnesses had been questioned and cross ques tioned as to the number of wives they had and how long they were quaran tined for small pox, and how and when they got certain deeds, there was a motion made to grant the li cense, it carried, but wnentne board consulted a while with their lawyer, it was decided not to grant the license. Mr Odell is now out with another po tion aud expects to get enough new signers to carry it through this time. There were qnite a number of ladies present at the hearing, showing that they are taking an interest in the town government, as they should. Mit-s Cora Weaver, of Sioux City, acted as "court reporter" taking the evidence in short hand. Mr Slv, the telephone man, was in Homer, Monday, looking after the tel ephone business. Mrs Mary McBeath, of Dakota City, was a Homer visitor bunaay. Born To Agent Bobbits und wife, a daughter. Walthill prayed ball with Homer Sunday and was defeated by a score of 2 to 1. Miss Lena Wilkins was a Sioux City visitor over Sunday. Mrs M 8 Mansfield, r, and daugh ter, Georgia, went to Sioux City Sat urday t3 remain for a time, to care for a sick friend. The tenc meetings which were being held north of the lumber yard, by Rev Merriman, closed Sunday night. Joe Davis and Wellington Smith, were 8ioux City passengers Monday night. Mr and Mrs H A Monroe went to Sioux City Monday night. Rev Carroll, our former M E pastor, paassed inrougu tiomer oionaay the north bound passenger. on Mr and Mrs John Rockwell and babe, of Sioux City, came over on Wednesday to spent the Fourth with relat ves and friends. Rex Purdy is on the sick list. Mrs Art Bliven, of South Sioux City, was aa incoming passenger weuues day. Uorcas sule Wednesday wus a Hiiceets, duly as Uertolore tliero v as twl enough of the good tilings to go round. Colorado Lands Until lurtlier notice 1 can secure low excursion rates uoy day of the week to Julettburg, Colo, to MiV oue wiHhinR to look over Sedgwick coiiut.v, Colorado lands. Or if you riehiro rout tine your trip tovDouver and Col orado Springs, 1 can get you excur sion rates to said ttoiuta for $19.60 with stopover at Jilesburg. Tickets good for three months. For further information alout East ern Colorado lands, see or write W T Baktlett, Jackson, Nebr. Lutheran Church Announcements. Preaching Sunday morning at Sa lem at 11:60 o'clock, Sunday school at 10:00. Preaching at Dakota City at 3.00 o'clock p in ; Sunday school at 9 :45 tu; O E at 6:30 p m A oordial weloome to all. r Grand Land Opening! In the- Texas Panhandle Country Commencing July 2nd and continuing on the first and third Tuesdays during July and August, I will conduct Homeseekers Excursions to the Texas Panhandle country where the famous Spring Lake Ranch, an exception allay fertile body of land comprising 200,000 acres in one tract in Castro and Lamb counties in the Texas Panhandle, will be put on tire market for sale for the first time. This tract of land is part of the Farwell estate, the land having been received by the late John V. Farwell of Chicago from the State of Texas in return for money advanced for the building of the Texas state capitol. This body of land has recently been bought by the Geo. G. Wright Co. of Kansas City, the largest and best known real estate dealers in the southwest, who now for the first time are putting it on the-market to purchasers, in any quan tity, and on such low and easy terms as will insure its quick sale and an exceptionally profitable investment $4.00 per acre down, balance ten years at 6."t; Three new railroads are now in, course of construction thro this tract of land j and the new town of Spring Lake has just been started at the junction of two of these roads, which is des tined to be the metropolis of the I have secured the agency sale of this tract of land am in position to give my customers an tends to sell every acre of this and it is confidently expected that before the tract is sold en tirely out prices will have advanced to double what they started at the opening sale. ' t D Anyone desiring to investigate tunity for profitable investment with me on any of these dates at the special low rate of $25.40 for the round trip from The train leaves Sioux City Leaves Kansas City the following cial Pullman train, arriving at destination the following morning. Returning, leave Friona Saturday evening, getting to Sioux City Monday morning. Homeseekers provided with sleeping berths and meals on train. Land This is positively the best in the Southwest today. Purchasers now will surely double their investment before fall. Get in on the ground floor; come with nie ou this excursion, and if it looks well to you secure a piece of this land near the new town of Sprrng Lake, and you will have $50 per acre land before two years. k- Land located in the shallow water ., district obtained in abundance, or from 15 to 50 feet. For further information call on or write , ! W. T. Bartlett, General Agent. If You Only Knew? The benefit and convenience of a checking acoount you would never be without one. (Tou don't need a big bank balance with us.) PAY YOUR BILLS by check, the checks will be returned to you the first day of the month, and be tbe very best reoeipt in law, for it is witnessed by the bank. Did you get one of those good home savings banks yet? If not, call for one and start saving for that rainy day that is bound to come. Grow old, independent. You don't know how happy it will make you to know that the wolf is guarded from tha door. "The Bank that always treats yon biobt" Bank of Dakota County Jackson, Neb. Wm LORENZ, 33.1 - . Proprietor of City IIcat Msxrlket Fresh and Salt Meats always Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY- Low R.ek.tes via. k. IWortK-Weotcrn $50. oo nutted enioute, THroxigh Tourist Ctvrs Davlly Si en Nlnnsapolls to .TV Round Trip North Tickets are food West Stopovers permitted enroute, west of St Paul. Low Rates to Northern Wisconsin to I X If you contemplate a trip no other lnfora ation call on or addiess A LYMAN 6HOLES Div. Pass'r Agt, Omaha, Neb. -4WAW4WiWtWi 1 1 ! 1 Jit f ARM LOANS Wa- . vv a v v v rata also srv where on earth . bee or List your property with ua DaksUCity, Neb rj-jrarntriElmcn u'k Sloui City, Texas Panhandle country. for Northeast Nebraska for the on the ground floor and in a inside deal. The company in land within the next sixty days, the special and grand oppor at this land opening can come Sioux City to Friona, Texas. at 6:55 Tuesday evening. morning in the Wright Spe shown in automobiles.1fTri proposition for land investment . t Jackson, Neb. I I I 1 on baud. Caib paid for hides. NEBRASKA. Round Trip Excursion tickets will be on sale daily June 20th to July 12th to Portland, Seattle, Taco ma, Everett, Bellingham, Vancouver and Victoria. Return limit September 15. 1907. Stopovers per- itf west of St. Paul. Paul rnrvd '-2. Patotf lo Coi t Point Very Low Round Trip Tickets will be on sale June Sf 12 to Sept. 15 to mauy points in Idaho, Montana, Or- 54 egou, Washington, British Columbia and 'Alberta. for return until October 31. 190i. T It Round Tiip Excursion tickets will be on sale daily, Jnne 10th to September 30th, to many points in Northern Wisconsin. Final return 'J, limit October 31, 1907. V matter where for rates aud GEO. H. PRANGER Agt, Dakota City, Neb. a ) A. aV a. t - (VatsTv svwty w - j ww - iiava i nnri nr Kinnav ei ian m ilia nf Intercut on Dakota OOUntT arms. V S Dell ana Buy Ileal .csiaie pi au smut write us beiore you uorrow, uy or ou i to Bell. Farm lanm r i