Dakota County Herald Continuation of the Homer Herald. JOKH H. REAM, lamiSUEH. i (Subscription Trice. $i.00 Tor Yer. a weekly newnpnper published at Dakota City, Nebraska. Permission has been pran'tpd for tbe transmission of this pH per through the mails as second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. County School Notes. RT BCPT. GEO. t. BOUCHER. Regular examination July 19-20. Institute August lOlh one week A few teachrs have not yet sent in report. Most of tbe teacheia are prompt in tbe matter of reports, and these receive due credit for their promptness. There are a few who are o busy that they must have additional - time in which to do half an hour's work sometimes several month's time. To these few we will say it just lessens your chance of being recom mended for the better positions, as a teacher who will not cheerfully do her duty in oue thing will not in another. There seems a certuinty of a scarci ty of teachers again this fall. Teach ers are generally being offered an ad vance in salary over last year's scale. A number of "With Giedit" certifi cates were sent out last month. Teuch en should not be satisfied with any thing less, as the examination will be "eternal" unless "Credit" or "Honor" certificates are secured. A reoent ruling of the state superin tendent on tUo question of qualifica tions of voters at school elections will be somewhat of a surprise to directors who have had to answer this question ao frequently. Following is his rul ing: "The fact that tbe assessor for any reason neglects to list the taxable property of a legal resident of a school district will not forfeit the right of such legal resident to vote at a school district meeting. A person who has resided in a school district for at least forty days and is twenty-one years of age and who owns real or personal property that was subject to taxation in the district at tho last annual assess ment, ia a legal voter at a school dis trict meeting." Referring to the . amount of property in another letter he says, "It is immaterial whether it be 606, $50, or $50,000. A man who Las personal property subject to taxa tion cannot be deprived of his right to vote at school elections simply leoause auch property was not listed for taxa tion at tbe last annual assessment," It is presumed that by the term "man he also means "woman," as the statute gives the same qualifications for both m IV 1119 Ul IIIGIC31 from our Exchanges , Lyons Mirror: M M Warner and , wife leave this week for Rosebud, S D, and from there to the Bad Lands, for an outing. Tonoa Leader: S P Mikesell went to Dakota City Saturday to join Mrs Mikesell in spending over Sunday wuu relatives. Deoitur Herald: Mrs Fearl Ford cams down from Ilomer last Friday for a visit with her parents,' Mr and Mrs J W.Olbrey. Hartington News : Editor Robinson of the Orofton Journal and his mother. Mrs George Henry, were Hartington visitors Tuesday. Mrs ilenry was the guest of Mra Cuai Flumleigh. Osmond Republican: Miss Rom ford, a nurse from St Joseph's hospit al. Sioux City, came in last night to take charge of the case of Mrs A M Rlaokmer of this place, who was oper ated upon early this morning. QWalthill Times: John Critz, of Ho snor, visited WalthiU Mnmlay and ptiobased two residienoo lot.... Miss Shirley Taylor and Miss Blanche Phil lips returned from school at Jackson, Neb, last Friday.... Fred lleerman, of Dakota City, was a Wulthill visitor Monday, and while here invested iu two of our choice residence lots. Emerson Enterprise: Wednesday. June 20th, at the residence of J Uetcke and wife, ocourred the marriage of Minerva R Rockwell to Ernest ftoertz The oeremouy was performed by Rev Neuebaum, pastor of the Lutheran church. Those present were the near relatives of the bride and groom. Tha wedding dinner was given at tha Ho tel MoDonald. Allen News: Mrs Hugh Parmer, of Belden, and her slater, Miss Susie Lennox, of Dakoti City, visited friends Alt at r 1 . in Alien ima weea....uene ttordyki as an Allea visitor this week. Liv in Sioux City does not seem to swell Gana up at all. ...Will Armour and Bill No 2 were over from Ponna Wed neaday. Allen people are always glad to aee w J .... Dins J-iUciie Morgan, ol South Sioux City, has been visiting relatives ana menus in Allen and oinity the past week. VI Ponca Journal : Bonnie and Mary Barry, of Jaoksou, visited over Sunday with irieuda in Ponca. . . . John Htontrl died at hit home iu this city Monday evening at an advanced age. Mr Stough was one of the oldest and first of the Dixon county pioui ers. His death was the result of a stroku of im raljsia which first came ou abopt three years ago... .L Krrger, the flllcint postmaster of South Sioux City, was quietly married to Mrs Caroline E Neve, at the home of Rev George lit ay on Tuesday-evening, the wituwaaes be ing Mr and Mrs J D Harris, Mr Kry ger a life long friends. Mraud Mrs Kryger left fur Omaha to attend the ,.it masters convention Wednesday morning. He is well remembered here in Ponca as a former druggist and his - many friends wish him hearty con grainlatious. They will reside in South Sioux City, O'Neill Frontier t It it always pleasure to note that local falettoomes to the front. One of the instructors in the jnnior normal now in session here, l'rof (J 11 IJ.iWen, in a Unit comi ty bov. Mr Bowen is a son of Judge Howen, of Lincoln, county judge f tl.ia itirtt Itotlr irt Hill oarlv V ' . .11 II. V . l J XJ ' It . .,u ' - - J 'nineties and long a resident of the At kinson neighborhood. Mnce letviog here. Oran. as he tbb familarilv and intimately known to tho writer in those days, has takon the degreo of bachelor or. philosophy at the wesiyan li n t oorai fw at TTni varaifv TM an A Aflll master of arts at the state university. He has bIko acquired a charming family, he tells ns, but we have not bad the pleasure of meeting them yet. HI 9 TtAwan ia ItinnrintntiHAnt f.f t.llA ... A VI . Ul.rv , ...... ....v.... va -" Pierce schools and is actively engaged in educational work, in which he stands high among the eduoators of the state. Remarkable Rescue. That truth is stranger than fiction, has once more been demonstrated in the little town of Fedora, Tenn, the residence of C V Pepper. He writes: I was in bed, entirely disabled with hemorrhages of the lungs and throat. Doctors failed to help me, and all hope bad fled when I began taking Dr King's New Discovery. Then instant relief came. The coughing soon ceased ; the bleeding diminished rapidly, and in three weeks I was able to go to work." Guaranteed cura for coughs and colds. 0o and $1.00 at Leslie s drug store. Trial bottle free. First M E Church Hours of Service SUNDAY 10 am. Sunday School 11 a m Preaching 12 m Class Meeting 7:00 pm Epworth League 8 :00 p m Preaching THTBSDAY 8:00 p m Prayer Meeting Elmer F. Shaker, Pastor. Phone number 33. Vacation Days. Next to the day when a self-sup porting girl receives her first salary en velope, or is notified of her first pro motion or raise in salary, I believe that the first vaoation marks the most im portant era of her wage earning his tory," writes Auna Steese Richardson in Woman's Home Companion for July. "The two weeks on salary given by most progressive firms and apprecia tive individual employers should be regarded as the stamp of the employ er's approval, the reward of honest efforts. When it is accepted as right it is robbed of its individual sig nificance and much of its real pleasure. Vacation should bring rest, or rather recreation, to muscles and nervea. This does not necessarily mean absolute quiet, a kimono, a novel and a box of chocolates. It means' change of scene, movement and thought. A Fortunate Texan. Mr E W Ooodlo, of 107 St Louia St, Dallas, Tex, says: "In the past year nave become acquainted with Dr King's New Life Pills, and no laxative ever before tried so effectually dis poses of malaria and biliousness. "They don t grind nor gripe. 25c at Leslie's drug store. Ha Fired The Stick. "I have fired the walking-stick I've carried over 40 years, on account of a sore that resisted every kind of treat ment, until 1 1 tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve; that has healed the sore and made me a happy man," writes John Garrett, of North Mills, N C Uuaran teed for piles, burns, eto, by Leslie, the druggist. 25o. Pioneers and Old Settlers1 Picnic TKurody. 29, 1907, Fir. Publication July r :l Notice of Tax Deed. To William Uiirdon, truxtee, tnitnMp nut (llvpii-l In roil nly clerk's ofltlcc. Iiaknta county, NrhriiMkii, nremitneil to tie for Hel en K. Ilrow n, H'corOed owner, mill Kitty Mut ton, (file l.lvlnifftoii.deorBe Irfirlmore mid ikcr Welch, the pervitin In prnvanlon: I cm arc hcrehy not MUmI Unit at it nl or In ii I ii 1 1 loti for tneN, helilon the Ut li lny if Novemlier, ll'., hy the trenurcrof I'liko tn county, Nclnaka, the following tlevrll el renl property, Bltiinted In the county of Imkola, mid stiiteof ehiHnkii, towlt: liOta one 1 1 two I2i three OH four Wt ten ( III! eleven III I In block nuiiiher llfty-three I.WI III South HUhix 1,'lly, Joy 1'lnce, NehrnM kn. Which property vim nv!iiMl In the nnme wf no person iind wiut nnlil for the tinea of the year ll'l to ltl, inchmlve, tod Mnrtln, lui l now thP holder of the certlllcnte of piirchn thereof; mid t hut nfter the ex pi rat ion of three month! from thednte of the aer vlcc of thin notice a tax deed will bo applied for. ImtS'l thin 1st day of July, Wt!. V. MARTI!, Owner and holder of certificate of pu retinue. Hy I P Mnrtln. her audit. Notice of Tax Deed To John H. Collins, recorded ow ner of the undivided one-half of lot one, and (1. H. and (I. S. Collins, recorded owners of tho undi vided one-half of lot one and K, J. Kraalleld, recorded owner of lot live, anil J. I'. Alttn, recorded ow ner of lota neve n and elK'it, all In block one hundred and twelve 1112) In CovlniMnu, Nebraska; and Joseph Haider nton. In possession of lot one, ami Kukciio l,rclum. In possession of lots live, seven and etvht IK-7-MI. You are hereby notified that at a nale of In lids ii nd lota for tuxes, held on tho flth day of November, A. I), luns, by tho treasurer of hlikotll county, Nebraska, tho followlntf do scrllied real property, situated In the coun ty of liadota, and ntateof Nebraska, to-wit: lOta mi m lair one 1 1 1, five 16), seven (7) and elirht ihi. In block immlr one hundred mid twelve ( 1121 In Covinton, Nebraska, Which property wan assessed In the name of no person and wan nold for tho taxea of th i yearn an follows: lot one for yearn of 1UU to Imil Inclusive, and lot live for the year of 1WH and lots seven and cluht for the yearn of 1WT to lt'l, Inclusive, to t). Martin; Who la now the holder of tho certificate of purchnse thereof; mid that after the expiration of three months from the dato of the nervlce of this notice a tux deed will le applied for. Dated thin 1st day or July, l""7. V. Mahtin. Owner and holder of certlllcate of pu retinae. lly I. I . Martin, her auent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To J.I,. Kennedy, recorded ownerand Fred KoaeiilaHum, the person In possession: You are hereby notified that at a sale of lands and lota for taxea, held on the flth day of Novemlier, A. I) IMln, bv the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the follow Inn de- ncrlU'il real property, nltuated In the county of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit: 1 tin number one 1 1 1 in block number nine ty -alx twt) In Covlnnton, Neb. W hlcli property was Bsseased In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the year of 1WH to () Martin; Who Is now the holder of the 'certificate of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of three months from the dale or the nervlce or ibis -notice a tax need will be applied for. Dated this 1st (lay or July, lwrr. C. MATI!. Owner and holder of certlflcateof pun-hawe. ny l. t. Martin, nerattont. NOTICE OF TAX deed. To (sioux tlltjr and Northern Kail road company, recorded owner of lot nine (Ml and lAuraA.Tlerney.recorded ownerof lots ten, eleven and twelve, all In block seventy- nine ivvi in covinmon, rucnraska: You are hereby notified that a sale of Inuils and lots for taxes, held on the flth day of Novemlier, A. 1)., HK, by tho treasurer or Dimota county, Nenraska, the following dencrlla-d real property, situated In the county of Dakota, and state of Ne braska, to-wit: Mils nine (11) ten (1") eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block mi in lie r seventy-nine (7HI in covnmion, Nebraska. Which property was assessed In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the years 1W7 to In elusive, to (1. Martin; Who is now the holder or tne certllicato or purchase thereof ; and that after the expiration of three months rrom the dale of the nervlce of this notice a tax deed will he applied for. l luted mis 1st nay oi juiy, ivtj. (I. Martin. Ownerand holderof certlflcateof purchase. ny i. i-. Mnrtln. nor nirent NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To Anna P. Darter, recorded owner and Mrs KllaO Nell, the person In possession: You are hereby notified that at a sale of lands and lots for taxes. Held on the flth day of Novemlier, A. 1)., Il, by the treasurer of Dakota county. Nebraska, the followinu le scrllied real property, nl United In tho county of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Ijot four (4) live (fit six ft eleven (11) and twelve (12), In bhx'k numberelBhty ') In CovuKton, Nebraska, Which property was assessed in tho name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the years 1HUH to MH, In elusive to ). Martin, who Is now the holder of the certificate of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice a tax deed will oe applied for. Dated this 1st day of July, lie 7. O. Martin Owner and holder of certificate of purchase ny 1. 1'. Martin, her avent NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To M. A. Heath, recorded owner: You are hereby notified that ut a sale of land and lots for taxes, held on the flth day of NoveinlaT, A. .. linti, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the followinu de sert ben real property, situated In thecounty oi DiiKoia. ana state oi Ncoraskii. to-wit: Ixt iiuiuInt nine til In blis'k inimls r oni hundred mid nine I'll J In t'ovtnif ton, Nebr. Which property was assessed In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the year of to 0. Martin, who Is now the holder of the certlllcate of ourchasi thereof; and that after the expiration of three months from the date of tho service of this notice a tax deed will lie applied lor. 1 lilted tills 1st day of July, HI7. O. Martin Owner and holderof certificate of purchase Hy 1. 1'. Martin, her nuent NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To IJiura A. Tlerney, recorded owner: You are hereby notified that at a sale of lauds and lots for taxes, held on the flth day oi nuveimwr, a. n., ni"i, oy mo treasurer r Dakota county, Nebraska, tho followinu do sc tilled real property, altuated In th county of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit : Ixits two 2 and three !l In blia-k number one bend red and oue Ll'U J in Covington, No nraska; Which property was assessed In tho name of no person and was sold for the taxes as ronows: it two ror the years of 1X1(7 to 1U"4, Inclusive, and lot. three HJ for the year 114. to O. Martin, who s now the holder of tho certificate of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of three mouths from the dirie of the service or this notice a tax deed will be applied ror. Dated this 1st day or July, ll)7. I). Martin Owner and holder of certificate of purchase ny it r. Martin, her agent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To R. K. McPherson. recorded owner of lot eleven and J. H. Burke, recorded owne of lot twelve, all In block sixty-eight, In Covington, Nebraska, and O. J, York, the IX' rami In possession: You are hereby notified that at a nale of lands and lots for taxes, held on the flth day of Novo in bdr, A. 1 lwti, by the treasurer of Dakota county. Nebraska, tne following de scribed real property. situated In the count of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Iiot eleven 11 and twelve 12 in block numla-r sixty-eight nNj in Covington, Nebr Which property was assessed in the of no person and was sold for the tax. as follows: liol eleven ror the years of IMA to,ll4, Inclusive, and lot twelve for the years of 1HIM to li4, Inclusive to C. Martin, who Is now the holder of the certlllcate ol purchase thereof mid that after the expiration of tlir. months from the date of the service of this notice a tax deed will !n applied for. Dateit 1 his 1st day or July, lmf. ti. Martin Owner and holder of certlllcate of puivliuse Hy 1. r. Martin, her agent NOTICE Of TAX DEED. To William (iordon, trustee, t rustccslilp not disclosed in county clerk s oince, Dnko. ta con nly. Nebrusku. presumed to la b Helen F.. Ilrow n. recorded owner; iiudOxki Welsh, Kilty Sutton, tines Livingston am tieorge lirlniore, tin (htsoiis In possession You are bei'ciiy uoiineil tliut al a sale lands and lots for tuxes, held on t he Si h day of NoveinlaT. A. D.. llo, ny the irearurer t Dakota county, Nebraska, the following deaciila'd real property, situated In the county ol Dakota, aim state of Nebru.skn, to-wit: l.ol.foiirl4)ftvo(6)slxlrtlten (10) clove ( 11 1 twelve 1 12 fourteen III (If teen I IA) six teen I HI ' twenty i 'i twenty-one 1 21 1 twenty t wo ( 22 ) twenty-three 12-1) twenty-four 121 I weuly-tlve ( 2ft I twenty-six 1 2fl and twenty seven 127 tn libs' k tiu illtx-r forty-seven I 47 III Wouth Hloux City, Joy Place, Nebraska Which property was asscss.nl In the name of no personaml was sold for the taxes of the years of IWU to iwhi, inciusiive, lo u. Martin who Is now the holder of the certificate of mire ha thereof ; and that after th ex plratlon of three months from the date of the service oi tins uoiiov a tax ueeu win oe applied for. Dated Ibis 1st dry of July, 1W7. C. Martin Ownerand holderof certificate of purchase lly l. l . aiartiu, ner aaeut. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To WIIMiiiii tinrdon. tru-tee, trnli e.h'p not liMcli.'d In county I'lerk'a ottie, i iiikr.M ountr. Nelirnskn. I'reaiiineii 10 la' lor Helen K. Ilrown. leconleil owner: Von me hciekv tiotllld thnt nt n omip of IiiiiiIh ii nd lota for taxea. held on the mh day of Novemlar, A. 1)., Iw.'i. Iy the treiixurer of I'nkotn county, elirnikn. the follow Inir ili- aerila'il renl property, altuated In the county t inikotn, mid atnte or jNeiiritaKti. to-w n: Mtla four I4i live IBI alx in ten i no ami leven (II) In lil(M-k nuinlaT forty -elvht (4i) In South Mloux t'lty, Joy l'lnce, Nebraska. Which nrooerly wiia aaaeaacd In the iiiuiie of no person and win sold for the tu xes of the year of lull to !H. Inclusive, to I!. Martin, who Is now the holder of th certl- flcnteof Durchasethereof : and that lifter the expiration of three months from the (lute of the wrvlce of this notice a tax deed w ill lie applied for. imii'd this 1st day or July, iv',. v. Martiw. Owner and holder of certlflcateof purchnse. lly I. 1'. Martin, her nent. NOTICE OF TAX EEED. To William (iordon. trim tee. trusteeship not disclosed in county clerk' olllce, Imkota ouniy, Nebraska, presumed to la' ror Helen Brown, recorded owner and AllKTt Mtev- ensand 11, J, Kooncy, the persona In posses sion: l on are Hereby notified that at a sale of lands and lota for taxea. held on the Nt h dar of November, A. I IV, tiy the treasurer of Dakota county. Nebraska, the followiim dc- ncrlbed property, situated In the county of Dakota, and state of etiracka, to-wit: lyotsone(l) two m three (H) seven (7) elirht (N) fourteen (UHlfteen (lfi)nnd sixteen Ufl) In block numla-r forty-six 14U In tSouth Hlouxuity, Joy riace, Nebraska: Which Drooerty wan assessed In the name of no person and was nold for the taxes as roiiowa: lits one u) two (i!) three (:t) seven (7) fourteen (11) fifteen (15) anil sixteen (111) for the yearn of hail to l!H, Inclusive, and lot el(fht n) for the yearn of Impw to 11'4. In- lusivo, tod. Mnrtln. who In now the holder of the certlllcat of purchase thereof; and tnatarter the expiration or three months from the date of the nervlce of this notice a tax deed will lie applied for. Dated this 1st day or July, isn. O. Maktis. Owner and holder of certlflcateof purchase. Hy 1. 1. Martin, her nuent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To William Oordon. trustee, trusteeship not disclosed in county clerk'sofllce, Dakota ounty, Nebraska, presumed to be for Hel en K. Hrow n, recorded owner of all of block llfl, t'ovlnifton, Dakota county, Nebraska: Y'ou are hereby notllled that at a sale of lands und lots for taxes, held on the llth day of Novemlier, A. I)., Itmfi, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the followinu de scribed real property, situated In thecounty of Dakota, and atate of Nebraska, to-wit: lAits one, two, three, four. live. alx. seven. elKht, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve, in block one hunrcd and sixteen Ulil) fjovlURlon, Ne braska, W hlch property was assessed In the-uaine of no person and was sold for the taxes of or the years ltsi anil iwh to Martin Neiian, who la now the holder or the certlllcate of purchnse thereof; and that after the ex pi rat Ion of three months from the date of the service of this notice a tax deed will be applied for. Duteu tins 1st uuy ouuiy, ltmr. MARTIN NKtl.AN. Ownerand holderof certificate of purchase NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To William Goidon, trustee. tmsteeshlD not disclosed in county clerk'sofllce. Dakota county, M'braska, presumed to be for llel en K. Ilrown, recorded owner: You are hereby notified that at a sale of lands and lots for taxes, held on the llth day of NoveinlaT, A. P., IWifi.by the treasurer of Dakata county, Nebraska, the following de scribed real property, situated In the county of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Kit number eight (H) In block number fifty- six (nil), in Covington, Nebraska; W inch property was assessed In the iiaiiic of no person and was sold for the taxes of theyearsas follows, issr and for the years of ISIS to IWU. Inclusive, to tJ. Martin, who Is now the holderof thecertltlcate of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of thin notice a tax deed will he applied for. Dated this 1st day or July, IVI, C. Martin. Owner and holder of certificate of purchase Hy i. i'. Martin, tier agent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To William Oordon, trustee, trustcc.Hhlo not disclosed In county clerk'sofllce. Imkntn couniy,eiirasKa, presumed to is for Helen r,. mown ; and Alla-rt tstevens and II. J Hooney, the persons In possession: You are hereby notified that at a sale of lands and lots for taxea, held on the llth flav or Novemlier, A. D., IMA, by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the fo luting dc sc rllx'd real property, situated in l he county of Dakota, and atate of Nebraska, to-wit: lxits four (1) live (o) six (rt) seventeen (17) eighteen us) nineteen uwi and twenty (20), In block numlMT fifty-one (51) In South Hloux Ulty, Joy Place, Nebraska. W tile Ii property was assessed In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of tho years or IVH to 11)04, Inclusive, to Martin, who Is now the holder of the certl ftcato of purchase thereof; and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice a tax deed will be applied for. Dated thls.lst day or July, l!i"7. (1. Martin. Owner and holder of certificate of purchase ny i. f. Martin, her agent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To William Gordon, trustee, trusteeship not disclosed In county clerk's ottlce in Da kota county, Nebraska, presumed for Helen K. Hrown, recortjeii owner or lots four, live six and ten ;and W. 11, Hood win, recorded owner of lots eleven mid twelve, all in block forty-two, Houtll .Hloux Ulty, Joy Place Nebraska: Y ou are hereby notified that at a sale of lauds nnd lots for taxes, held on the flth dnv of Novemlier, A, D., llnfi. by the treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, the fol lowing de sert la'd real property, situated in thecounty oi uaKoiu, nun sttiie oi rscDiasKa, to-wit: Lots four (4) live (5) six (rt) tell (Iti) eleven (11) and twelve (12) III block uuiiiImt fortv two (42) In South Hloux City, Joy Place Neb. Which properly, was assess! In the uami of no person and was sold for the taxes of the years as follows: Lots four, live, six ten , for the years of IMU to luui, Inclusive and lots eleven and twelve, for the year of ll4, toC. Martin, who Is now the holderof the certlllcate of purchase thereof: and that after the expiration of atlireo months from the nine of the service oi this notice a lax deed will Is- applied for. Duted this 1st day of July, 111?. O. Mahtin Owner and holder of certificate of purchase isy 1. I . Martin, her agent NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To William Gordon, trustee, trusteeship not disclosed III county clerk's ottlce. Imkota county. Nebraska, presumed to lie for Helen K. HroWn recordedowner.and Alla-rt Stevens and H. J Kooncy, the persons in possses slon: You are hereby notified that at a sale of. lands and lots for taxes, hold on the flth dar of November, A. I)., li. by the treasurer of Dakota county, luonrasita, the following de scrlts'd real property, situated In thecounty of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit: I.otsone (1) two (2) three (H) eleven (11) twelve (12) thirteen (18) seventeen (17) eighteen li) nineteen tiu) twenty (n), In block number forty-live. (4fi) in South Hloux Hloux City, joy Place, Nebraska. Which property was assessed In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of rh.i .imr. or inn to imu. me iu vu t, I r Martin, who Is now the holder of the certl flcttte of purchase thereof: and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of thlsnotlcea tax deed will be applied for. Dated this 1st day of July, luff. O. Martin Owner aud holder of certlflcateof purchase Hy 1. P. Martin, her agent. NOTICE OF TAX DEED. To James Kephart, recorded owner: You are hereby notified that lit a sale of lands and lots for taxes, held on the rtili day of NoveiulsT, A. D., Its . by the treasurer of Dakota county , Nebraska, the following do scrlla'd reul property, si united In the county of Dakota, and state of Nebraska, to-wit : l.ot alx (il) in block fourteen 111) ill South Hloux City, Nebraska, Which properly was,assessed In the name of no person and was sold for the taxes of the yours of IwW ami il'l. Inclusive, to C. Muiiln. who is now the holder of t he certl tlcale of purchase thereof; and thill alter the ' x l in I ion of three months from the dale of the service of this notice u tax deed w III la' applied for. Dated this 1st day of J illy, ll'T. ('. M AWT I s . Owner and holder of certlllcate of piirchn-,c. Hy 1. I'. Martin. Iierngeui. NOTICE UK TAX DEED. To John C. UlenWiron. recorded owner. and Alex I'earson, the person in possession: You are hereby untitled thai ut n sale of lauds and lots for taxes, held on the It til day of NoveinlaT, A. !., llfi. by the treasurer of Dukntacounty. Nebraska, the billowing Ue sciila'd reul property, attuiitcd Iu thecounty of Dakota, ami slate of Nebraska, to-w It : Isit thirteen ( IHi Iu bba-k iiuiula r twelve (lgi. In hiouth Hloux City, Nebraska. N hlch property wus assessed in the name of no person and was sohl for the thu taxes of the years or IW"Z to iwm. Inclusive, to C. Mdl.i i&it.t Is now ti,.. Itnliler of lit.. , e r 1 1 Ileal e of purchase thereof ; ami that after I the n titration of three months from the date of the service of this notice m la deed will la' appneii lor. Dated this 1st day of July, 1U07. C. Mahtin. Owner and holder of certificate of purchase. y 1. I'. Martin, tier ugeut. K:rv,-K,,arv:.rvrtrvrv..-'v THORPE & HOBERG I Sioux ;2 511 Fourth Street K. H. H, K. 2 2 1 1 1. K. It. K. COME TO EASTERN COLORADO Land of Sunshine and Health. Purest Water Good Crops an J The Best of on earth. Cheap Homes. . climates. Farm land Farms will pay for themselves in one season. Why stay in the east and pay all you make for rent. D. C. HEFFERNAN, Hubbard. Nebraska. FJrst Publication June 28 8w Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate of Will. The State of Nebraska, Dakota County, ss. loan persons interested in the estute or William Metz. deceased: Yk horeas. Minerva J. Kickns. nee Metz. of said county, has tiled In my ottlee an in strument purporting to be the lust will and testament of William Metz, late of Kin erson. In said county, deceased, and said Minerva J. fickas has filed her petition herein praying to have the same admitted to prolstte, aud for tbe Issuing of letters testamentary. I have therefore appointed Saturday, tho 2m h day of July, lo7, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at tne county court room in saia county, as the time and place for hearing said will, at w hlch time and place yeu and nil concerned may appear una contest the allowing of the same. It is fnn her ordered that said petitioner give notice to nil persons interested In said estate of the pendency of this petition, and the time aud place set for the hearing of the same, by cuuslng a copy of this order to be published in The Dakota County Herald a weekly newspaper published In said county, for three weeks successively previous to the day set for hearing. in witness whereof. 1 have hereunto set my hand and otllclal seal this 2Xth day of June, W"7. J. J. Kimrrh, rtHAi.1 County Jud ge . It Takes Nerve Everything depends upon your nerves. It is nerve force that causes the brain to direct the motion of your body ; it is nerve force that causes your heart to pulsate, and send the blood through your veins; it is nerve force that causes your stomach to digest food, your kidneys to filter the blood, and the liver to secrete bile. In fact, nerve force is the power that runs your body, so if you feel worn-out, irritable, nervous, cannot sleep, or eat well, have pain or misery anywhere, your nerves are weak, and your system run down. To restore this vitality take Dr. Miles' Nervine which will strengthen and build up the nerves. You- cannot be healthy without strong nerves. "For eighteen years lir. Miles' Nervine and Anti-Pain Pills have been my close companions. Karly in mar ried life, while raising children, my r.ervea became all worn-out could not Bleep; had no nppetke; indigestion very bad. und had auch awful dizzy spells. Then I began using Dr. Miles' Nervine, and at once I began to im prove, and soon found myself in parfect health." MRS. 8. L. TOT-NO. J24 Pittsburg St., New Castle, Pa. Dr. Mile' Nervine Is sold by your drugqlst. who will guarantee that th first bottle will benefit. If it fails, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind ICILLth. couch wo CURE the LUNCS w Dr. King's Nov; Discovery PBICE alfV. M. 1 HA OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACXOHY OR MONEY REFUNDED. for atll ZShc News n -i City's Leading Jewellers at. Ji Jt. .f M .a. a a... ... ... .1. .1 from $7 to $40 per acre morse IBltsufeakets Harness STVRGES BROS, 411 Pearl St., It is Delicious 13 L E: INT TD COFFEE 25 cents Blendod and packed from Bixckw<er' No. 6 Front St. IT PAYS TO Special Prices Having received two car loads of American Woven Wire Fence, we can furnish you anysize or style you may want at Special Prices. Now is your time to buy. If you want Good fence, 'C you want American Fence. EdwarrM Bradford Lbr. Co -r' Hubbard, - - Nebraska. iiEO. TIMLIN, JJanaeer. READ THE For ALrLr . & Both Telephones aaf M St A M. aC ( studies SIOUX CITY. IOWA per' Pound carefully selected coffee by Ilomer, Neb & TRADE AT BUX HERALr the News,