Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 28, 1907, Image 5

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Hair Via or
Aytr's Hair Vieor was cood.
t!ic best that was made. But
Aycr's Hair Vieor, new Im
proved formula, is better. It
is the one great specific for fall
ing hair. A new preparation in
everyway. New bottle. New
contents. Ask your druggist to
show it to you, "the new kind."
Do' ml chance tha color of if hair.
Joraoii with Man bold
Bhow It to font
Atk him 4bout It,
thn do h 9mj
As W3 now make our new Hair Vigor it
does not luve the slightest effect upon
His color of the hair. You may use it
freely and for any length of time with
out fern of changing the color. Stops
(lling hair. Cures dandruff.
th 3. 0. Ajn Co., LowU.
Physician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
W. C. EcklWrt
Scientific Refractionist.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses
Accurately Fitted.
Coi tultation and Examination Free.
Office at residence.
Opening of Huntly Lands
33,000 acres Government irri
gated land near Bililngs, Mon-
Z A 11 1 .. f .
j i ana, openea Dy tottery system
EJune 26; cheap excursion rates
to register for these rich irri
M gated lands. Fine prizes yet
h offered by the Government.
Cost J approximately $30 " an
acre,' divided into ten yearly
Inpayments. Get details.
To Pacific Coast
fk-'Specially low round trip Cali
Cftfornia rates June 8th to 15th;
$June 22nd to July 5th. Also
to Portland, Seattle and Spo
Hkane June 20th to July 12th.
QDaily low rate Coast tours
i. commencing June 1st. Slight
ly higher via Shasta route.
Good Chances Eastward
Daily low Jamestown Exposi
tion rates with side trips avail
able for New York, Philadel
phia, Boston, Atlantic coast
Also Tulv 3rd to Gth
I very cheap to Saratoga with
side trips to New York, also
July 11 to 13th to Philadel
phia. . ,
Big Horn Basin
We run personally conducted
nomeseeKerS excursions J une
4 I T I
4th and 18th, under guidance
f n Plmr. TWivrr Perioral
Agent Landseekers' Informa
Bureau. Round trip $20.
A J Kabraker, - Ticket Agent
I,. W. Wakeley, G P A, Omaha, Neb
w m i civ -i l.
v$ .-.V -rfi;s U EB ONS
j . 1 1 . .
Anrona s...1ir- fketrh imd flei;lpOnn ua-onl'-'klv
usM'fcriH fur .Mun fr whffiior -At.
(HrMiMnn it pr-.t.nlily PM.e'iJ '"liinjiiiili'ii
l.M..-lrioll in.ltfntKU. . (TOP. n MIMIU
,-ir (:.. nl !e.t Mtnr Kri'.-r in vmii'iii..
I' iih.ii. ta.uii llir Mi. mi In. rcl
. i ll in,fit. Whom j)'r'C, lu Uim
n Scientific Uiaerican.
'Mlli 'l "f " lemlli i I'W'Ul. 'I ' " f. '
"-' HEW i a
i u
it.. Wuhhtio. I.
Pat C. No 42399
Sired by Chilton, by Dunton
Wilkes, by George Wilkes. Dam
Minnie V, by Iiyerly Abdallah,
by Mambrino Patchen.
This colt is bred right, good
size and a good individual, and
will serve a few mares at
$15.00 to insure, mare in foal.
Service fee becomes due when
mare is known to be in foal.
Dakota City, Nebraska.
R R Time Tablo
Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer
6:10 a m 7:00 a ra
8:00 a m 0:00 a m
10:00 a m 12 m
1:30 pm 2:30 p m
3:30 p rx 4:80 p ni
5:3C p m.. 8:30 p ra
Leave Hloux City at 10:SO tor Crjrtal I-nk
and m'l Urent Northern train at Mouth
Hloin '1tjr, on return trip.
C, St. P., M.A O. Time-Table.
Trains leave Dakota City at the (ol
lowing time :
5:52 pm..... ..Omaha 7:35 am
10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm
8 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :20 am
9:01 am Norfolk 6.32 pm
7 :58 aui Newcastle 10 :00 am
2:08 pm 6:08 pm
5 :62 pm Omaha 7 :35 am
3:37 Norfolk 5:32
C B ft Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:30 am
11 " Passenger, Oinnha
and Lincoln 12:47 pm
No. 86 Local Freight 2 :15 pm
10 Local Passenger.... 6 :d3 pm
All the latest designs in wall paper
at L M Leslie's drug store.
Freda Ilutzel went to Sionx City
Friday to reside with her mother.
Mrs George Pranger visited at Cole
ridge, Neb, frota Friday until Tues
day. Don't forget Breun's coffee it is
still in the lead. For sale at Vac de
Last Saturday was the longest day of
the year and was the beginning of
Charley Meyer of Altoona, Neb,
spent Sunday with II F Kohlmter
and family.
When you get ready to paper your
home, order your wall paper at L M
Leslie's drug stoie.
Have yon tried those fresh roasted
peanuts at Van's, hot from the roaster?
They are surely dandy.
Mrs S B Hoover went lo Missouri
Valley, I'o'wa, lot Friday to visit rela
tives and friends for a frw dajs.
For sale Fine bay work team,
weight 2350, ten years old. John W
Mellon, H miles north of vista.
Bert Butterfleld and wife were over
from Sioux City Saturday and Sunday
visiting at the W P Warner home.
The Sons of Herman lodges of Da
kota City, Pender and Emerson will
hold ajointpionio at Emerson July 18.
Mrs J T Knepper, of Walker's
Island, has purchased the McNeil res
taurant here, and took possession Mon
day. Mrs Lettie Rix and daughter Helen
came down from Wakefield Monday
to spend a few days with relatives and
The Omaha road has rained the
round trip fare between this place
and Sioux City to 39 cents instead of
30 cents.
Harry Edwards, of Sioux City, and
Huttie Knowlton, of Walker's Islaud,
were guests at the D O Stinson home
Saturday night. y
Mrs McNeil was here from South
Sioux City Wednesday closing up her
restaurant business and collecting up
some delinquent board bills.
We have a good five room house,
centrally located, oce block from street
car line, good water, some fruit, for
sale or rent. Call st The Herald Ollice.
Mrs Nettie Hammond came, up
from Trenton. Neb. last week to see
her mother, Mrs Joseph McPherwn,
who lecently underwent an operation
in a Hioux (.lty hospital.
If you intend to paint give us a call
We handle the Minnesota Linseed Oil
Paint, sold subject to chemical analy
uin. linnrftnteeii me uest naim maae
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co
Ti,n uan crama it this i.laee between
the National Bloomers and the home
team last Jr riu ay was prevented dv
the rain. Rain checks were given out
to the "faithful" who can see toe game
next year.
You will never be too late nor loe
any time at the Unique theater, David
son block, Sioux City c litiuouM enter
tainment. Greatest moving pictii'fS
ever seen. Ladus and children especi
ally invite!.
A baseball came was pulled off 1 1
Foyespark Sunday between the Duko
ta Citv and South Sioux City teams.
A little dirty ball playing in last in
nines broke up the frame with South
Hioux City in the lead.
Vin Bougous came down from Min
neapolis Sunday for a few days visit
with relatives, alter wnicn lie goes io
Wichata. Eas. He is in the employ
of a construction coiupny and is on
the go most of the time.
Do you need vour old loof repaired
" .Jin i -i. .
or a new root? iteaiemuer we nave iue
cenuine Rubberoid Roofius. Don t
accept a so called just as good, when
vou can set the best for the same
money. Give us a trial, we will please
vou Edwaids Bradford ljumoer
ndeZedde, tuu up to date grocer
confectionery man, is still adding
to the conveniences of bis store. He
now has his ice cream parlor fitted up
in cozy shape and has also constructed
seats in fiont of his store lor the con
venieDce of those waiting for the
street car.
The time table for the Foye interur
ban street car line will befouud at the
head of the local columne. Besides
the regular trips from this place the
car makes a trip from Sioux City to
Crystal lake, leaving Sioux City at
10:30 a m. and stopping at the Great
Northern depot on the return trip to
Sioux City, for the accommodation of
Local Items
passengers for Sioux t it ,
The Uetald for all the news:
A pair of shoes from 50c, 75o to fl
while they last . D O Stinson.
FishiuK for bullheads Las become a
pastime at the river east of town.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
ptpsr in the county. 1 1 a year.
Ten Farms for Bale. Good ones, al
sixes and kinds. Warner & Eimers.
Judge Eimers and family are now
ooonpyirg their Crystal Lake cottage.
Jas Nelson and wife spent a few
days in Hubbard precinct the first of
the week.
Sam Thoin and wife of Hubbard
precinct, were here Tuesday visiting
John Bacnart and wife, of Sieux
City, were visitors at the J F Leedom
home Tuesday.
Sweet potato plants for sile. in any
quantity desired. Wesley McPhersou,
Dakota City, Neb.
O, why do you eat old dry peanuts
when you can set them fresh roasted
every day at Van's.
Miss Graoe Hager went to Schnyler
Saturday to attend the funeral of her
aunt, Mrs Ed Hammond.
Mrs Chas L Culler, of Wayne,
came down Wednesday to visit her
parents, Wm Adair and wife.
Mrs Nettie Hammond and daughter,
Mrs Edward Larvin, are here from
Trenton, Neb, on a visit with relatives.
The carriers on both rural routes
from this place will get a raise in sala
ry after July 1st, from $80.00 to $75.00
per month.
Mrs W L Ross entertained her Sun
day school class at Foye's park Tunis
day afternoon, assisted by Miss Mil-
died Burkelt.
A marriage license was issued by
Judge Eimeis Monday, to Ernest 11
Goertz and Ruth Rockwell, both of
Hubbard precinct.
A A Thebold, Wm Miller, Chas
Scace and U U Owens returned to
Wayne Monday after an outiug at
Crystal lake with the bass.
Have you tried the Uultanna and
Tac-co brand's of canned goods? Van
sells them. These goods have stood
the test of the pure food law.
The Misses Jennie and Helen
otrohm oi UorrecMonvme, lowa, were
here this week visiting their aunt and
uncle, Mr and Mrs B F Strohm.
Juy joar hardware, tinware, wire
screen and stoves from Schriever Bros
We guarantee Sioux City prices. We
also repair tiu ware and gasoline stoves
J J McAllister visited his son Paul
at Burbank, S D, from Friday until
Monday. He says the small grain in
that locality equals any he has seen
in this county.
The new sidetrack at the sand pit
south of town was finished this week
bv the Burlington, and tha farmers in
that vicinity will now have a plaoe to
load their stock and grain.
Bert Harden oame in off the road
last week and spent Sunday at the
old home here. He left the first of the
week for a tour of South Dakota, but
will be here again for the Fourth.
Al House, of Spencer, Neb, was
here Monday in company with J C
Lnrkin, of Norfolk, a tombstone man,
and finished placing a handeomo mon
ument on the grave of Mrs House.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
S E Mills, Manager,
Dakota City, Nib.
Bert Foye, wife and baby boy, left
Tuesday evening for Baker City, Ore,
to reside. Mr and Mrs Foye became
quite popular with the people here du
ring their short stay with us and we
regret to see them luave.
Joe Leedom and wife, of Hurley, S
D, visited at the old home here Tues-
day and Wednesday, with J F Leedoni
and wife. They returned to Hurley
Wadnesdav. Joa has told his liverv
business there and is now looking for
a location.
The Masons installed the following
officers at their meeting Saturday
night: John H Ream, W M; W L
Rofs, S W; Walter Cheney, J W; Well
A Suhmied, secrrtary; Chas S Bliven,
treasurer; W A Niemeyer, S L; Iheo
dore Bliven, J D; Herbert D Wood,
After July 1st a special delivery let
ter or package may be sent through the
mails by ufnxiDg ten cents in stamp
of any denomination, in addition to
the regular postage, with the words
Special Ue.ivery written or printed
on the envelope or covering of the
An enthusiastic school meeting was
held in this place Monday afternoon,
about fifty voters being in attendance
Mrs Etta M Spencer and Mrs (J U
Maxwell were re e'ected, almost unan
imously, as members of the board. A
levy of $1,800 wss voted for school
purposes for the coming year.
The Foyes are building a "schnte
the schntes" at their Crystal lake park
as au amusement feature. They have
things fixed up pretty fine at the park
and the people are beginning to hhow
their apprec iation by fiocking theio in
numbers to enjoy the pleasures of a
quiet orderly place to spend their lei-
uie time during the sultry weather.
It is a shame the way vaudaliftn is
allowed to go unpunished in this lo
cality, and especially at the c luctery.
Only a few days ago Albert House, of
Spencer, Neb, placed a cement wall
around his lot in the cemetery here,
aud before the cement had hardened
some misoreant deliberately broke
pieces out of the wall, virtually de
stroying it.
Mrs Ed Uammoud died at the home
of her parents at Schuyler last week,
after a lingering illness of several
months, in her 38th year. Her death
resulted from blood poisoning. She
was the wife of Ed Hammond, a foi
mer Dakota county boy. and had nu
meroua friends and acquaintences
here who sympathize with the be
renvArl tinuiiand. 1 ha fnnaral was
' held at Schuyler Sunday.
Mrs Lstella urtzhurger has , re
turned to Lincoln.
A P Doran of Emeiscn was here on
business Thursday.
Beatrice Nordyko of Sioux City vis
ited friends here Thursday.
W W Reninger of St John's precinct
was a buiiness visitor here Thursday.
. Miss Martha Clausen of Ft Calhoun,
is here on a visit at the L M Leslie
Mrs Wro Orr visited this week with
her daughter. Mrs Frank Lean, in
Sioux City.
There will be services at the Salem
German Lutheran church Sunday at
the usual hours.
Edgar Larson, of Wakefield, Neb,
spent Thursday with his brother Ar
thur, of this place.
J N Hamilton is able to bo out after
being laid up two months from the
effects of a runaway accident.
Hans NeUen of nubbard precinet,
was in town Wednesday, enroute heme
from a business trip to Worthington,
Clarence Good soil of Omaha, ac
companied by his family, was in town
Thursday visiting old Irionas. lie is
in the railway mail service, and is en
joying a two weeks' vacation.
Mrs Etta M Spencer left Tuesday
for McDonald, Kas, accompanied by
her son John M Spencer, where they
will visit a couple of weeks at the
home of Craig L Spencer.
Dr J E Young and wife, of Ponca,
spent the night here last Friday, be
ing enroute home from a visit with
relatives near Lincoln. A washout on
the Newcastle line prevented their
getting home that night.
If any of our subscribers desire the
address changed on their Herald by
reason of the establishment or changes
made in the rural routes, or for any
other reason, just drop us a postal and
the change desired and it will be made.
Mrs Winnie McBride, ef Denver,
Col, is here visiting hor sister, Mrs J
M Brannan and brother, James Fen
nell. Mrs E W Noidyke and children, of
Sioux City, spent last week Visiting
her parents, B F Sawyer and wife.
Mr XorJyke drove over Sunday aud
tley returned home with him.
Editha Kearney went to Oraaha Sat
urday to spend a week with friends
Mrs R W McHale and children, of
Fairbury, Neb, arrived here Tuesday
eiening to spend the summer with her
parents, Mr and Mis vjuinn. lhey
were accompanied home uy Anna
Quinn, who teaches in the Omaha
Bert Hodges went over to Sergeants
Bluff, Iowa, to attend the wedding of
his friend, Mary Hess.
Mrs Auna Albenesius and children
went to Omaha Thursday.
Sam Collins, of Omaha, is here vis-1
iling at the homes of J J MoBride aud
Thus Sullivan. Mr Collins is just re
covering from a serious illness.
Geuvieve Brady left Saturday for
Sioux City to spend a week at
the home of her sister Mrs Chas A
Nettie Kidder, who recently gradu
ated from St Catherine's academy,
leaves Thursday for Chicago, where
she will make her home. Miss Kid
der will be greatly missed by her
young friends and also ' the Sisters
where she made her home tha past
eight years.
Kate Finnegan spent over Sunday
with.her folks at Newcastle.
Hans Knudson and family spent
Sunday with his parents near Homer.
C J Antrim delivered over 1,300
bushels of corn to the elevator here
last week at 42 cents.
E W Hazelton is putting in cement
walks for Hans Knudson and the bank,
J J Mcbride and James Flynn are go
ing to put in 1,100 feet around the
publics school.
Rev Frs McCarthy and McDade left
Monday fot Omaha to attend
the annual retreat of priests of this
diocese that took place at Creightou
college, Omaha, Monday evening and
lasts until Friday.
Thos McKrever has bicn feeling
quite poorly the past week with an at'
tack of stomach trouble.
Willie Teller left Saturduy for Rap
id City. S 1. to spend the summer
with his sister Lizzie, who is living on
her claim there.
Dr Jeukinsou, of Sioux City, was an
over Sunday visitor with friends in
The Jackson ball team went to Wat
erbury Sunday and won by a score of
8 to 14. The boys played at Walthill
Thursday and were defeated by a
score of 15 to 8.
Mae McCarthy returned to her home
lu Ponca Tuesday after spending sev
eral daya at the John Daley home...
Nellie Harty closed a very success
ful terra of school in tho Reninger dis
trict Monday.
Madeline Davjv is visiting at the
home of her aunt, Mrs Ella Maloney,
this week.
J A Hall arrived home fiora Ardeu,
Mo, Sunday evening, looking well,
and speaks very Lighly of Missouri.
He expects to return in a few weeks,
His boys will remain until September
hen they will return aud attend
school here.
At the annual school eleotion held
here Monday Frank Davey waa elect
ed director vioe J A Hall, resigned
Several of our Jackcon teachers took
examination in Dakota City Friday
aud Saturday.
Mrs Dennis, of Ponca, spent Satur
day with her daughter Columbia, here
Amelia O'Neill, of South Sioux City,
vihited over Sunday with her cousin,
Mary Z Boler.
Kate Sullivan and Janie Shanley,
of Sioux City, started for Seattle,
Wash, last Thursday. Enroute they
ill stop over in Denver and Colorado
Springs several days. They expect
to be gone about six weeks.
Mr MsKejna and danghter Mary,
of Blenoo, lowa, attended commence
ment exercises here.
Colorado as A U Tta County Boy
Seea If . '
The following leti'r was received
by Harry V liileman ton his cousia,
Woods M Hilemn, a-h.0 went to Colo
rado several week agoV to spend the
Juleebnrg, Col, Van 23, 1907,
Dear Cousin Harry: j
We arrived here all r'gut and are
living in a boarding ( house for a
a short time.
If anyone is searching for sunshine
and health Julesburg i surely the
plaoe to find it. If for riches, big
orops and lots of work, Dakota county
is the place to stay.
I have found the climate very pleas
ant here, plenty of aunhtne, with a
good breeze most of the time. As toon
as the sun seta it is cool and pleasant,
just as comfortable aa one could winh
The water here is pure and almost
This valley is watered by irrigation
ditches from the Platte river. The
South Platte valley is from two to six
mile wide. The soil is mostly black
losm and yields a splendid crop.
The sugar beet industry seems to be
taking the lead. They have arrange
ments for a sugar beet factory, which
will be built this year, but will not be
completed in time for this years crop.
This is surely a great place for im
provements, as work on a new build
log o: some kind is commenced almost
every day.
On each side of the Platte valley
there is a vast extent of table landa,
as tln9 a grazing country as one would
wish to see. It is oovered with a fine
coat of buffalo gratis, which seems to
bavd all the richness of both grain
and hay.
There are several steam plowa at
work in different localities. One in
the valley has twelve plows attached,
with three changes of lays, so as to
keep it going day and night.
There is very littlo farming done on
the table lands as yet, but rye and
winter wheat is headed out and has a
thrifty, green color. I think that
good, deep plowing, and thorough cul
tivation is all that is needed to prn
duoe good orops.
Julesburg is situated on the main
line of the Union Pacifio railroad, the
junction of the Denver branch and is
quite a railroad town. You oun see or
near a train almost any time, day or
night. There are six or eight passen
ger traius each way a day, which have
from six to fourteen coaches.
The town has a system of water
works aud the electrio light plant is
"hnost comnleted. I
most completed
The land in the valley is selling as
high as $140 per acre and the table
aud from (7.00 to $20.00 per acre.
As my wife wants to see Denver and
points in that vioinity, we expect to
spend several weeks there and return
good old Dakota county in the
sweet by and by.
The Magic No $.
Number three is a wonderful masoot
for Goo H Parris, of Cedrr Grove, Me,
according to a letter which reads:
After suffering much with liver and
kidney trouble, and becoming greatly
discouraged by the failure to find re
lief, X tried iMeotrio Hitters, and as a I
result i am a wen man today, rue
first bottle relieved and three bottles
completed the cure." Guaranteed best
on earth for stomach, liver and kidney
troubles, by Leslie, the druggist. 50c.
Paris Qreen.
We will compete with any price
made in Sioux City on any amount of
Paris Green. Call and see me before
buying. L M Leslie.
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaching Sunday morning al Sa
lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday school
at 10:00.
Preaching at Dakota City at 8:00
o'clock p in : Sunday school at 9 :45 a
u: O E at 6:30 p m
A cordial weloome to all.
Colorado Lands
Until further notice I can securo
low excursion rates any day of the
week to Julesburg, Colo, to any one
wishing to look over Sedgwick county,
Colorado lands. Or if you desire to
cont nno your trip to Donver and Col
orado Spiings, I can get you exour
sion rates to said points for $19.60
with stopover at Julesburg. Tickets
good for three months.
lor further information about Jiiast-
(11 U WAV HUW -.-, V WW
W T Bahtlett,
Jackson, Nebr
Hs Fired Tbe Stick.
"I have filed the walking-stick I've
oarried over 40 years, on account of a
sore that resisted every kind of treat-1
ment, until 1 1 tried Buoklen s Arnica
Salve; that haa healed the sore and
made me a happy mau, writes John
Garrett, of North Mills, N O Guaran
teed for piles, burns, eto, by Leslie,
tbe druggist. 25o.
Pati-la Ortin.
We wul compete with any pnoel
made in Sioux City on any amount of
Paris Green. Gail and see me before
buying. L M Leslie.
Will Compete with
Sioux City Prices.
L M.LESLIE, Druggist,
Dakota City,
Sfte Hercxld
for cxll
E6e FJowo
. . -"5
Grand Land Opening !
In the Texas Panhandle Country
Commencing July 2nd and continuing on the first and
third Tuesdays durinsr July
Ilomeseckcrs Excursions to
where the famous Spring Lake Ranch, an exception
allay fertile body of land comprising 200,000 acres in one tract
in Castro and Lamb counties in the Texas Panhandle, will be
put on the market for sale for the first time. . This tract of
land is part of the Farwell estate, the land having been received
by the late John V. Farwell of Chicago from the State of Texas
in return for money advanced for the building of the Texas state
capitol. This body of land has recently been iSought by the
Geo. G. Wright Co. of Kansas City, the largest and best known
real estate dealers in the southwest, who nowfor the first
time are putting it on the market to purchasers, in any quan
tity, and on such low and easy terms as will insure its quick
sale and an exceptionally profitable investment.
$4.00 per acre down, balance ten years at 6.
Three new railroads are now in course of construction thro
this tract of land and the new town of Spring Lake has just
been started at the junction of two of these roads, whichis des
tined to be the metropolis of the
I have secured the agency
sale of this tract of land am in on the ground floor and in a
position to give my customers an inside deal. The company in- ,
tends to sell every acre of this land within the next sixty days,
and it is confidently expected that before the tract is sold en
tirely out prices will have advanced to double what they started
at the opening sale.
Anyone desiring to investigate the special and grand oppor
tunity for profitable investment
with me on any of these dates at the special low rate of
$25.40 for the round trip from Sioux City to Friona, Texas.
The train leaves Sioux City at 6:55 Tuesday evening.
Leaves Kansas City the following morning in the Wright Spe
cial Pullman train, arriving at destination the following morning.
Returning, leave Friona Saturday evening, getting to Sioux
City Monday morning. Homeseekers provided with sleeping
berths and meals on train. Land
This is positively the best
in the Southwest today. Purchasers now will surely double
their investment before fall. . Get in on the ground floor; come
with me on this excursion, and
piece oi this land near the new
will have $50 per acre land before
- . . . . . .. ...
Lana located in tne shallow water district obtained in
abundance, or from 15 to 50 feet.
For further information call on or write
W. T. Bartlctt,
General Agent.
If You Only Knew?
The benefit and convenience of a checking acodunt you would
never be withont one. (You don't need a big bank balance with
us.) PAY YOUR BILLS by cheok, the checks will be returned
to ypu the first day of the month, and be the yery best receipt in
law, for it is witnessed by the bank.
Did you get one of those good home savings banks yst? If
not, call for one and start saving for that rainy day that is bonnd
to come. Grow old, independent. You don't know how happy it
will make jou to know that the wolf is guarded from the door.
"The Bank that always treats yon right"
Bank of Dakota County
Jackson, Neb.
Proprietor of
(City Klesi MrJket
Fresh and Salt Meats always
Agent for 8eymour's White Laundry.
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
TiAlXfi A f l V
vt f .itfi.iti.i.ii
f NortK-Western
mitted enroute,
TKroxsgh Tourist Cevra Davlly St. Pawvl i
Minneapolis to Patolflo Coavst Points
Very Low Round
.C Low Rstss to
fe Northern
Bound Trip
daily, June
Wisconsin limit October 31, 1907.
j If you contemplate a trip no matter where, for rates a ad
, other infomation call on or addiess ' '
! Div. Pass'r Agt, Omaha, Neb. Agt, Dakota City, Neb.
od earth, bee or
List your property with us
and August, I will conduct
the Texas Panhandle country
Texas Panhandle country.
for Northeast Nebraska for the
at this land opening can come
shown in automobiles.
proposition for land investment
if it looks well to you secure a
town of Spring Lake, and you
two years.
Jackson, Neb.
on hand . Cath paid for hides.
ili. ifi. lZ ift. ii. ii. IR?
Round Trip Excursion tickets will be on sale daily
June 20th to July 12th to Portland, Seattle, Taco- jj
ma, Everett, Bellingham, Vancouver and Victoria.
Return limit September 15, 1907. Stopovers per-
west of St. Paul.
Trip Tickets will be on sale June Sfc
12 to Sept. 10 to many points in Idaho, Montana, Ur
egon, Washington, British Columbia and Alberta
Tickets are good for return until October 31, 1907
Stopovers permitted enroute, west of St Paul.
Excursion tickets will
be on sale
10th to September 30th! to lnacy j&
have plenty of Money to Loan at a low
oi interest on Dakota county Farms. Wt
Sell and Buy Real Estate of all kinds
write us oeiore you Borrow, o uy or ceil
to Bell.
.ita to tne v
4ewa, , s