Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 21, 1907, Image 3

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Spring Catarrh la a well de
fined Spring disease. The
usual ay mp to ma are given
above. A bottle ot Pe-ru-na
taken In time will promptly
arreai the course ot the dls
ease known aa Spring Catarrh.
Facta mm to Accidents.
On of the most Important tabid
ever compiled by the Interstate Com
merce Commission has been supplied
by Secretary Moseley to Senator Till
man, who procured its printing as I
public document. It Is a list of colli
long and derailments where the cm
ployes had been on duty an excesglvi
number of hours and a list of persona!
Injuries to employes due to bavin;
been at work excessively long.
These are railroad reports and nol
the results of Investigations by tin
commission, and tbey do not lncludi
personal Injuries that had no obvioui
connection with tbe condition of tin
employe. The facts disclosed by tbii
tabulation are startling.
Eight railroad men were killed and
thirteen Injured as the result of a eel
dents caused by overwork. In one cast
a man who had been on duty thirty
two hours was sent out flagging and
went to sleep on the track. In nin
other Cases in this list of personal in
Juries men bad been at work continu
ously for twenty hours or more.
In collisions oud derailments due t
lack of sleep or exceptional fatlgin
thirty-five persons were killed and 1-11
Injured. In one case tbe man bad becc
at work forty-eight hours. In nine easei
men had been at work twenty-foui
hours or more one was forty-seven
and a half hours at work and another
was thirty-eight and In several other
Instances men had been at work mors
than twenty hours. Philadelphia Rec
ord. Jadlclal Flatter?.
"On what ground, Bir," sternly asked
the judge, "do you seek to evade your
duty as a citizen V"
"On tbe ground, your bonor," respond
ed the man who bad been summoned as a
Juror, "that I am 05 years old and no
longer legally liable to jury service."
"You' Am't look It by twenty yearn,
sir," said the jurfe, "but your excuse is
sufficient, and, of course, I shall not "
"Still, your honor," Interrupted the
Vr, "inasmuch as your honor puts it
before me in the light of my duty as a
eltisen, I am willing to waive my claim
to exemption and will erv with pleas
are." Do You Think
For Yourself ?
Or. do you open your mouth like a young
bird and gulp down whatever food or medi
cine m&Vj bo offered you 7
1 1 ivkV
. UMtAWMn Intelligent thlnklne woman.
In need offcelVf from weakness, nervousness,
pain and suxAJng. then it means much to
you that tbercyfy imr tried and tpiq honest,
medicine cvr imh.i nmn'mthsoui hr
fl.riUfiflMs for the cure of woman's IIU"
The makers of Br. Pierce's Favorite Pro
scription, for tho cure of weak, nervous, run
down, over-worked, debilitated, palu-racked
women, knowing tLisrueUlcino to bo mado up
of Ingredients, every one of which has tht,
strongest possible indorsement of the leading
and standard authorities of tbe several
schools of practice, are perfectly willing, and
In fact, are only too glad to print, aa tbey do,
tbe formula, or list of Ingredients, of which
It is composed, ti plain Lngluh. on every
Tbe formula of Dr. rierce's Favorite Pre
scription will bear the most critical examina
tion of mudlral experts, for it contains no
alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or habit-forming
drugs, and no agent enters Into It that is not
highly recommended by tho most advanced
and leading nitdd-ul teachers and author
ities of their several schools of practice.
These authorities rorommend the Inirrertl. nt
of Ur.'rl'ITT1 s laV.'rUe l'rcv riptiiin forth
urn of exsi'lly ilit'nn i)nn-ntn for
s worltl-TnHTmwTTrTne q ailvK. l.
No other medlclno for woman's ills has any
such professional endorsement as Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription bus received, in tbe un
qualified recommendation of each cf Its
several Ingredients by scores of leading medi
cal men of all tho schools of practice. Is
uch an endorsement not worthy of your
A booklet of Injrrodlenta, with numerous
atborUve profeslonal endorsements by the
feeding medical authorities of this country,
fWUl be mailed res to any one Mndfeig name
amd address with rerjuest for same. Address
P. B V. Merc. Buffalo, N. V.
f ftftffff f:9 9933 S441 Iff
Marvelous, j
. Quaint and Curioti.
f -53
There la a waterfall In Clinmoua.
Which no traveler should omit im'.;m
to soe, called the Cnsvntle des Peler
ines. It Is one of the most curious and
beautiful scenes In Switzerland. A tor
rent Issues from the Glacier d.s Peler
ines, high up tbe mountain, above tin
Galcler du Horsou. nnd il.stvmU. by
n toopsslon of Imp". In .1 deep gorge-,
from precipice to precipice, almost lu
one continual ratiiriiut : but It Is all tbe
while merely gathering force, and pre
paring for Its lust magnificent deep
plunge and recoil of beauty. Spring
ing In one romid condensed column out
of the gorge, over n perieiulicul.r cliff.
It strikes, nt Its fall, with tfr whole
body of water, Into n sort of vertical
reck basin, which one would supKse
Its prodigious velocity nnd weight
would split Into a thousand pieces: but
the whole cataract, thus arrested, at
once suddenly reliounds In n parabolic
arch, at least sixty feet Into the nlr:
end then, having made this splendid
airy curvature, falls with grent noise
and beauty Into the natural channel
below. It is beyond measure beautiful.
It Is like the fall of divine grace Into
chosen hearts, that send It forth again
for the world's refreshment. In some
thing like such a shower and spray of
loveliness, to go winding Its life-giving
course afterwards, as stll! waters In
green pastures. The force of tbe recoil
from tbe plunge of so large a body of
water, at such a height, Is so great,
that large stones, throwi Into the
stream above the fall, may be heard
amidst tbe din striking Into the basin,
and then are Instantly careering In the
arch of flashing waters. Tbe same Is
the case with bushes and pieces of wood,
which the boys are always active lu
throwing In, for the curiosity of vis
itors, who stand below, and see each
object Invariably carried nloft with the
cataract, In Its rebounding atmospheric
gambols. When the sun Is In the right
position, the rainbows play about tbe
fall like tbe glancing of supernatural
wings, as If angels were taking a show
er bath. If you have "the head and
the legs of a chamois," you may climb
entirely above this manifleent scene,
and look out over the cliff right lown
Into the point where the cataract shoots
like the lightning, to be again shot back
in ten thousand branching Jets of dia
Briton Telle of Superiority of Crim
inal Procedure in Ilia Country.,
"I have no criticism to make of your .
mode of conducting criminal trials, but
we manage them very differently In En
gland," said Robert Harding, a London
barrister, to a Washington Herald
"This Vhaw trial, that consumed
weeks lu its bearing, would have been '
concluded in less than a week before
our tribunals. Honestly, I think our
procedure tho best. In trying to up
bold tho rights of accused men your
American system goes to extremes nnd j
serves no good end. Before an English I
court much that was allowed in the
Thaw case would not have been toler
ated. !
"Tbe greatest difference, however, !n
the two systems of jurisprudence is
that in England, when a verdict of
guilty lu a criminal case is reached,
that settles the matter permanently.
There Is no npiK-aling the case to 11
higher tribunal. The only possible way
to s:Kure relief, then, is by getting th
home secretary to Intervene, which U
about as en?y as the camel going
through tin needle's eye. l'or all that,
there Is 110 more danger of an Innocent
man being convicted In England than
In the United States, but it is Infinite
ly more dltllcult for a guilty person to
escape punishment in Great liritaiu '
than In America. Neither wealth, nor
position, nor the Influence of powerful
friends will get a malefactor out of the
foils in our country, and the son of tho
greatest nobleman will be sent to jail
Just as certainly us the son of n puu
ant, should his guilt be proved."
I.ueknow'e Great Hall.
Connected with the Mohammedan
mosque at Eucknow, India, Is the larg
est room lu the world without col
umns, being 102 feet long, r.4 feet widi
and 53 feet high. It was built during
the great famine In list to supply
work for a starving people. It is a
solid mass of concrete of simple form
and still simpler construction. In its
erection a uwld or framework of tim
ber and brick several feet In thickness
was first made, which was then filled
with concrete. The concrete was al
lowed about a year to set and dry,
when the mold was removed. Al
though the building has been Ktandiu
bo long, It Is said to show no signs of
decay or deterioration.
BuHKeatlna; a Cheaper Vision.
Wife Karl, when I go to the Hlvier.i '
I will dream of you every night. j
Husband I would rather you stay
ed here and dreamed of the Itivlera.
Meggendorfer Hlaetter.
Find out the secret hope of any man ;
past middle age, and It Is that be ma
be allowed at the last to go quickly.
fT H r -nit; r.
linn to Itepalp Tree.
It Is the part of wisdom to be able
to administer first nld to the Injured
tree, as well as the more permanent
aids. One of the most common of thes
Is the splitting down of a limb, as sug
gested in nccompnarlrqr, Illustration,
Fig. 1. .
If the limb Is not broken wittily off
If there Is still left a connecting link of
sound wood nnd of sound hark the
Mmb can with care be saved. This will
(Fig. 1, split limb; Fig. '2, In position.)
often save the beauty of tbe tree. With
as little delay as possible shorten all
tbe small branches of the limb to make
their weight as little as possible, then
carefully lift the broken limb back Into
position and lash It firmly with ropes
or straps.
Now with a bit or auger bore a hole
through the limb and tree trunk as
suggested by the dotted line In Fig. 2.
Through this Insert a bolt of iron hav
ing a head on one end and a nut on the
other. Turn the nut on the end, with a
big washer beneath It, until tbe crack
In the break has been made as small
as possible, then cover the crack neatly
over with grafting wax. Many a tree
has tnich a gaping wound as that
shown In A, Fig. 2. It Is caused by
cawing oil a big limb and neglecting to
protect the wound nntll nature could
extend a new growth of bark over It.
The new bark has begun to grow about
the edges, but the wood has decayed
within, and nature can carry growth of
bark no further.
Cut out all the decayed wood and fill
the cavity c&npletely with Portland ce
ment mixed with water. Do not add
sand. Fill the cavity and press the
cement close to the new bark (U, Fig.
3) that there may be left no little
opening for air and water to enter.
Tbe life of a tree can be prolonged for
many years by such aid as this.
Orange Judd Farmer.
Clover Hay, '
It Is claimed that clover hay may be
baled In the field, but experiments
made are not sufficient to show the
benefits derived, compared with storing
clover In the mow. Thft clover is cut
In the morning, after It is free from
dew or rain, and when well wilted the
hay texlder is used, so as to give It ev
ery chance to cure. In the afternoon
the hay is baled and hauled to the barn.
If this method is practiced, care must
be exercised In having the hay prop
erly cured and In Just the proper con
dition for baling, as baled clover Is
more liable to beat than timothy or
other kinds.
Growlug Strawberries.
When growing strawberries for mar
ket the solidity of the berry Is an Im
portant desideratum, as a market berry
should possess good shipping qualities.
Then should follow size, brilliancy of
color and flavor. For family use the
keeping qualities are not Important, the
flavor deserving more notice. It Is not
difficult to find a superior berry, pos
sessing size and flavor, for home use.
The attention of growers Is devoted
mostly to securing varieties that are
firm In texture and of large ize so
as to stand shipment well and show at
tractively In market.
Millet Is easily grown and thrives
well on all kinds of soils, giving ex
cellent results on sandy land If manure
Is used. It crowds weeds out and soon
takes possession of the land. One
point In connection with millet Is not to
cut It too late. The Iest time Is when
the seed-heads are forming. The seed
should not he allowed to mature, as
they are liable to Injure horses. Cows
will thrive well on millet buy, und
horses prefer It to some kinds. There
Is no sirrer crop than millet If the land
U in good condition.
Nabstltate for I'arle (irrrn.
As is well known, I'arls green does
not dissolve, but Is held In suspension
In water, hence the water must be con
stantly agitated to proiKTly apply It.
The Ohio experiment station recom
mends a much cheaper mixture, which
is Koluble In water. It Is made by dis
solving two pounds of commercial
white arsenic and four jiouiids of car
bonate (washing) of soda In two gal
lons of water. I'se one and a half
pints of tills mixture to each barrel
of Hordeaux mixture when spraying
for blight, fccab, etc.
The tomato produces fruit through
out the season until front destroys the
Vine. It will have blossoms, grveu fruit
and ripe fruit at the same time, and is
consequently a continuous bearer. To
do this profusely, however. It should
have a literal application of fertilizer
applied broadcast over considerable
nil-" r
' "a"
gruritiil nrouna the pMnt, and the soil
xhoultl he kept clean, while the vines
uliould be benefited by having supports
Time Are UIITrrent.
Not hvi;j ago n faiSuer in Iowa went
to n h;ti-uc;w dcaVr to buy a team of
harness. He found one that suited htm
and the price was !?!,-. The farmer
hapnned to remember that alout a
dozen years ago he bad bought a har
ness Just like It from the same dealer
for and he mentioned the fact.
The denier went to his book and found
thi to Ik true. "Hut," said the dealer,
"my lxoks show that you did not pay
cash for It because you did not have
tae money. You hauled In H'Hl bushels
of com and gave It to nte for the $;t.1
harness. Now, I'll tell you what I'll
do. If you will bring me :K bushels
of corn I will give you the $45 harness,
also a double buggy harness worth $.'lo,
a single buggy harness worth' $15, a
$7 plush robe, a boy's riding saddle
worth $5, one whip and riding bridle
worth $1.50, two leather halters worth
$2.50, brush and currycomb worth $1
and a rawhide bugy whip worth $1."
Mound City Enterprise.
tirowlnw liaillihes. .
Xo vegetable grows quicker than the
radish, and a few rows ouly are neeee
sary to supply quite a large family.
Hadishes are unfit, unless grown quick
ly and pulled at the proper time. As
they are ordinarily grown the family
Is kept supplied from the same bed
until the radishes are hard and woody.
Instead of so doing sow only pnrt of
a row at a time. The way to have
them as they should be, until late In
the season, la to procure quite a num
ber of packages, putting In the seed
from a package every week until too
late to sow them. Ky pursuing this
method tbey may be bad In a crisp, ten
der state long after the usual first crop
Is hard or gone to seed
Oronlns Celery,
Transplant celery to iieruiauent beds
In May or June, placing a large quan
tity of manure lu tbe trench. Thfs
crop is one that cannot be surfeited by
too much manure, as It is one of the
grossest feeders known. The plants
should tie frequently watered, soapsuds
being better for such purpose than any
thing else, aud the beds should be kept
as clean and nice as possible. It re
quires cure to have celery that Is large,
crisp and white, but It Is a valuable
crop when grown nnd pays well for the
attention bestowed. If you neglect to
sow the seed you can procure the
plants from seedsmen and should not
fall to have a supply.
Way of the Green Boo;.
Those who have been watching the
green bugs say that they fly only on
winds blowing from the south, and the
minute tbe wind changes from the
south and gets In the north tbe bugs
alight. This was demonstrated one
evening last week, according to a Law
rence (Kan.) paper. After eight hours
of nagging, blustery south wind the air
was filled with these bus. At 7 o'clock
In the same evening the wind switched
to the north and the bugs disappeared.
Tbe bugs have been coming from Texas
for two months, and on every south
wind they tuove northward. Platte
City Landmark.
Weeds and Grass.
Tbe earth Is seemingly able to pro
duce weeds or grass, whether fertile
or poor, nnd they always appear at the
same time, when the crops need tho
most care. Weeds are beneficial to a
certain extent, although injurious, for
the gardener is ofteii compelled to era
dicate them when he would otherwise
fclve the garden his attention. Ily go
doing he keeps the soil In a fine, frlnblo
condition for the desired crop. Weeds,
however, should be removed as soon
as they appear; by so doing tho work
can be more easily done, and the stir
ring of the soil will then be required
only to a moderate depth.
Surface I'reparatlon.
The new settler In an Irrigated dls
trlct seldom appreciates the Importance
of preparing the surface of fields so
that they may be cheaply, easily nnd
properly watered. Crops In an url.
climate are, as a rule, good or bad, ac
cording as tbey have received the prop
er amount of water at the right time,
and when the ground Is left so rough
nnd uneven that water cannot bo even
ly applied the effect is shown in the
reduced yield, The preparation of the
bind is a first cost, and if done thor
oughly during the first or second year
little expense need be Incurred after
ward. S. Fostier.
OatN urn (irrcn I Veil
Oats can lie made to provide an abun
dance of food by Ix'lng grown and cut
while the heads are In a milky stage.
The straw Is then In palatable condi
tion, containing iiortloiis of the nutri
tion which have been arrested on their
way to fill out the heads. When cut In
this green condition the straw and heads
are cured like hay, can be bundled and
then stacked on the ground for winter
use. The proper way to feed oats
mrod In that manner Is to pass them
through a fodder cutter, and they will
he eaten readily by horses, cattle and
Tbey live to Eat.
Agricultural laborers In Lucerne,
Switzerland, eat eight meals a day
the first at 4 o'clock In the morning,
re-enforced by further refreshment at
(J, 8, 10, 12, a, 5 and 7. Home of these
meals are but luncheons of cider und
bread, but the dally bill of fare In
cludes a substantial breakfast, dinner
and supier.
WorMuir Cabliairea.
It Is an old saying that cabbages can
not be worked too frequently. They
seem to take a fresh start every tlino
they are cultivated und given a good
hoeing between the plants. This Is
particularly the case with lato cab
bages, which huvo Mrtlous of the dry
season to contend with.
I'oluls In Fertilising.
If fertilizer Is broadcasted over the
field and well harrowed in. It will not
be iw-essnry to apply anythlu to the
hills of corn. Keep the grass and weeds
down and the corn roots will not be
long In finding the plant food.
j The Kevolrer.
The revolver Is of dubious aervlo In
war. Its only function there is a
cavalry weapon. Indeed, It ;s an evo
lution of the medlu'va! purpose to pro
vide horse soldiers with a firearm. In
the cavalry the weapon Is effective only
op to fifty yards. It has no value for
hunting. The average man can do
more execution on birds and lx-nsts
with a slingshot. The only purpose
which the revolver serves Is to klli
another mni.. nnd even for that pur
pose Its usefulness Is overestimated.
New York Mall.
Raeked with Pala, Day aail Nlaht,
foe Tears.
Wm. If. Walter, engineer of Chats
worth, 111., writes: "Kidney dlseiwe
was lurking In my system for years. I
had torturing pain
In the side .iud buck
and the urine was
dark and full or
sediment. I was
racked with pain
day and night, could
not sleep or ent
well, nnd finally be
came crippled and
bent over with rheu
matism. Donn's Kidney Tills brought
quick relief, and In time cured me.
Though I lost 40 pounds, I now weigh
200, more than ever before."
Sold by all dealers. P0 cents a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Unexpected Kebaff.
Caller Folly want a cracker?
Kostoo I'arrot That question, sir. Is
one of the unnecessary noises to which I
am compelled to listen whenever a bar
barian enters this apartment. Oblige, me
by not repeating It.
To Ladies Owly. The wish to bt
beautiful Is predominant In every wom
an, and none cau sey she does not care
whether she Is beautiful or not Jr.
T. Fflia Oouraui't Oriental Cream, or
magical Beautiier elicits a clear, trans
parent complexion, free from Tan.
Freckles, or Moth Patches, and so
closely Imitating nature as to defy de
tection. It has the highest medical tes
timony aa well aa professional celebri
ties, and on Its own merits It has be
come one of the largest and a itopular
specialty Id tbe trade. Fraa T. Hop
kins, Bole Proprietor, 37 Great Jones
Street New York. For sale by all
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers
throughout the United States, Cauudas.
aud Europe. '
Annie Ilosen, 8 years old, of Jersey
City Heights, is said to be one of the
mathematical marvels ot the day.
Ask Tour Dealer for Allan's Foot-Ease
A powder to shake late your shoes. It rests
the feet. Cures Cerss, Bunions, Swollen,
ftore, Hot, Callous, Achlnr, Swtatlog feet
and Ingrowing t Nails. Allan's Foot Ease
makes new or tight eases easr. Sold by all
Druggists and pboe Rtores, SSc. Baaipls
mailed FREE. ' Address Allen S. Olmsted,
U Boy, N. Y.
Gunner Cogger used to have suet
an exasperating horse laugh.
Qjyer It has all changed since hi
bought nn automobile.
Ganner H'm! Now, I suppose, hi
has tbe "horseless laugh."
Phralclaa. Called It Kcsema la Worat
Form ra'lent Bespalred of Cur
Catlcara Remedies Cured Ha.
"About four years ago I waa af
flicted with black splotches all over
my face and a few covering my body,
which produced a severe Itching Irri
tation, and which caused me a great
deal of suffering, to such an extent
that I was forced to call in two of the
leading physicians of . After a
thorough examination of the dreaded
complaint they announced It to be
skin eczeoaa In the worst form. Their
treatment did me no good. Finally I
became despondent and decided to dis
continue their services. My husband
purchased a single set of the Cutlcura
Remedies, which entirely stopped the
breaking out I continued the use of
tbe Cutlcura Remedies for six months,
and after that every splotch was en
tirely gone. I have not felt a symptom
of the eczema since, which was three
years ago. Mrs. Lizzie E- Sledge, C40
Jones avenue, Selma, Ala., Oct '2H,
"Old Scrlggs Is the worst tightwad
.1 know."
"How so?"
"He always makes hie family go up
and down stairs two at a time, so
they'll only wear out half aa much car
pet" Princeton Tiger.
Mrs. Wlni'ow'i Soothing Syren fer Children
teeiblna; tottsus tbe gauii, reduces tuflnmma
Uou, allays pala, cures wiud oeiis, ue a boiue.
i In Finland reindeer are worth onlj
about $7.50 a head. A reindeer can travel
about 130 miles a day.
A Friend
in Need
THAT thin, little, 10-cenf"
Box of Cascarets.
When carried constantly in your
Vest Pocket, or in "my Lady's" Purse it will
ward oil ninety per cent of Life's ordinary Ills.
Eat one of the six candy tablets contained
in that 77Vest Pocket Box" whenever you
suspect you need one,
It can't hurt you, and is sure Insurance
against serious sickness.
When you have Heartburn, Colic, Coated
Tongue, Suspected Breath, Acid-rising-in-throat,
Gas-belching, or an incipient Cold,
take a Cascaret.
Remember, all these are not merely Pis
comforts, but indications of a serious Cause.
Nip them in the bud eat a Candy Cas
caret. Cascarets don't purge, nor punish the
Stomach like "Bile-driving" Cathartics.
Tiiey act like Exercise on the Bowel
Women for tho most pirt spend
their lives at home, snd it, Is hacse
women who are willing md ambitious
that their homes shall bo kept neat
and pretty, their children well dressed
and tidy, who do their own cooking,
sweeping, dusting and often washing.
Ironing and sewing for the entire
family, who call for our sympathy.
Truly tbe work of such a woman
Is "never done" and la It any wonder
that she breaks down at tho end of a
few years, the back begins to ache,
there Is a displacement, inflammation
or ulceration of the abdominal organs,
a female weakness is brought on, and
the struggle of that.wife and mother
to continue her duties Is pitiful.
Lydra B. Plnkham'a Vegetable
Compound, mode from native roots
and herbs. Is the exact medlclno a
woman needs whoso strength is over
taxed. It keeps the feminine organs
In a strong and healthy condition.
In preparing for childbirth and re
cuperating therefrom it la most effi
cient. It carries a woman safely
through tho change of life and in
making her strong and well assists
her to oe a good wife and mother.
Mra. Sadie Abbott, of Jeanne tte,
Pa., writes I
Dear Mrs. Pinkhnm
"I suffered severely with pain every
month and also a pain in my left side. Xry
doctor prescribed for me but did me no
C, a friend advised Lydin E. Pinkhnm 's
itable Compound and I wrote you in
regard to mv condition. I followed your
advice and am a perfectly well woman. The
pains have all disappeared and I cannot
recommend your medicine too highly,
Ljdla C Plakham's Vegetable Compoand Saccccds Where Otters . f U
Double Traiok
Jamestown Exposition, ( Season tickets via New York one way, $36.80
Norfolk. Va., and return 1 60 days " " " " $30.70
Other seutas and lares. Galas dates dally mntU Nov. 30,1907.
Philadelphia, Pa., and return ' $20.00
Only tbreash etesplns car roate via Nlaeara Falls. Gotef dates July 11 13, 14, 15 aad le. lst
Saratoga Sprints, N. Y and return - $18.7
Golac dates Jaly 3, 4, 5. and 7. 1907 also la September far Grand Army BMStlae (selaf
dates aad lares to be named later).
Various New England Resorts, one far phis $2.00 for round trip.
Based oo one way farea,ta effect Jaauary 1, 1907.
Going da-July 9. IX 22. IX Aucust 6,10,20,24, September 10. 14, 24, and M. INT.
Various Canadian Resorts, one tare plus $2.00 for round trip.
Baaed ea one way fares In effect January 1, 1907.
Going dstes dally Jane 1 te September 30. 1907.
Attractlre optional trips by Laks and
In sums esses without additional coarse,
blbeial to purer prlTllrfea.
Full particulars can be obtained by wrltlne
GEO. W. VAUX, Assistant deneral Passenger and Ticket Agent
please say yea saw alia aeverslseueaf
Bt this paper.
Libby's Corned Deel
is msde with the eisct sstlsfylna-flsvor
you enjoy so much.
Prepared from the ronst select Beef
In Llbbr's Crest Wnite Kitchens. Abso
lute purity and cleanliness guaranteed.
A Delicious Dish lor Oulest Ser
vice. Libby's Corned Peef rUah, while in
the tin placed In boiling hot water lor a lew
minutes, or removed from tbs tin snd
browned in tbe ovrn for a few minutes,
makes s most delightful entree (orluucbeon
or dinner.
Ask your tracer for Ubby's and
Insist upon settlnc Ubby's.
LIbby. McNeill & LIbby
Live. f
ir "cat v eCWUAMAW al tUM
Cure Constipation
PKK.lt lO CINTi ..r.nr6v
'a. -r -' ..A
v...- - -.vyWS
Muscles that
and that squeeze the
natural Digestive Juices
of the body into Food.
Cascarets ward off, or
cure, the following diseases.
Torpid Liver .
The Vest Pocket box carried constantly
with you, like your Watch, or Lead PendL
will insure you against sickness.
But, don't forget that "a Cascaret in time
ia worth nine." "
At all Druggists. 10 Cents a box.
Mrs. Pree McKitrlck, of La Farge,
Wis., writes i
Dear Mm Plnkbam i
"For six years I suffered from 'female
weakneea. I was so Irregular that I would
go from three weeks to six months, so I
thought I would give Lydia E. Pinkbama
Vegotable Compound a trial.
"Now I am once more well and can do my
work without a pain. Anv one who wishes,
can write to me and I will answer all letter,
gladly. n
Women ahonld remember that Lydla
E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound
holds the record for the greateal
number of actual cures of female Ills.
Every suffering woman In t h v
Unlted States is asked to accept tha
following Invitation. It ia free, will
bring you health aad may live
your life.
Mrs. Plnknam'a Invitation to Weneiu
Women suffering from any form of
female weaknesa are invited to
promptly communicate with Mra.
rinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From thev
symptoms given, the trouble may bs
located and the quickest and anreat
way of recovery advised. Out of ber
vast Tolnme ot experience in treating
female ilia Mrc Pinkharn probably
has the rery knowledge that will,
help your case. Tier advice la freer
and always helpful.
Boston and return - - - $21.00
Goto- dates July 9. 13, M. XJ. 7S, J6, V. J. Antast t, 10, 3s, M,
aepteauber 10, 14, 24. sad 28, 1907.
Hirer. lnclaAlnfSt. Lawrence Hirer asw KaM
are also offered la coanectkm with
SaMple baIIm I
A. a, OLHSl
PTo eonvinee any
woman that rtx
tine Aatlseptle will
If" Improve bar aealta
V and do AUwe alalm
i n r ii. we
sena oer aDsoiuteiv free laxi
if trial
i. Teed
Doa oi raxttne wiia book of
ttons and eenuine testimonials.
your aaiue and address on a postal eard.
factions, such as nasal catarrh, pelvte
cntaxrn and Inflammation caused by lemk
nine tllsj sore eyes, sore throat and
mouth, by direct local treatment. Its eur
alive power over those troubles la extra
ordinary and gives Immediate relief.
Thousands of women are using and reo
ommending It every day. 60 cents at
d rupKlst or by mall. Remember, however.
lus au x-Ajuru tO., Boston,
S. C. X. U. - - No. 25 1907
Six Shots
for 10c
propel Food,
Catarrh Hives
Colie Jaundice
Bad Breath Nausea
Diabetes Vertigo
Headache Scrofula
Diarrhoea Womanly
Flatulence Troubles
r A OertslB On lot Fevertabaeasa
ether (ui. WeraTs. Preea vVelV
In Si nous. lUrDnudHa Make.
7A 'A