f THE PRIMARY Hanne Roll Passed by the An Art entitled: "An Act to provide ir imar election! ana to reanieie u" "; , nrnrlila for the noinlnetlon of certain Ali1. ..rt.ln nMloes lit mull I' h.ry elections; to provide for the election : stele una connijr rtnn"""" ; versl political parties; to M-rmlt c lo express tiieir cnotce ror 7 Senator and upon proposed crmstlttitlonsl Ijiendments: to provide peualtles fr.r vio lation! of the provisions of thin ' amend action of ol.t.-T Aniiotsted Itatntes of Net.rsskn for U. il to re be I tiild orljlnsl ectHn, and to repeal lections f!7t4, win. r7i. nTi". fi.is. pi''. Ra. 67:21. f.722. .. Bfl, 5t, t, f'"?. r--i &10, .'.Ml. 7ff, .r.7(.K ... f.l. 6774 M73. f.774. n7ifi. find, of t -i.l.Ucr a An tooiated ftntutes of Ncl.rr.ekn. Ksilnl Onl.lyii 8npi.lcii.vnt for the yenr JWKi. an the -nine now elxt, end all acta tor parts of acta In conflict with the provi sions of t III act. , . I It Enncted by the LcKlsliitiire of the Ktn.e of Nelirneks: Section 1. iHjnnitlon and Construction. 3-he words and phrases In thla net shall, sinless the snme be Inconsistent with the (Contest, lie construed as follows: 1. The word 'primary," the primary flection provided for by this act, , 2. The word "election." a Rejiarnl or city lection as distinguished from a primary lection. . , , ' 8. The wonla ?.oveniir nmumi isoveniia-r. toot be defeated by an Informality or fail- . ,i, with all nrovlalnna of law in lespect to either the giving of any notice r the conducting of the primary or certi fying the results thereof. Section 2. Candidates, How Nomlnsted. Hereafter all candl.latea for elective or Bcea, except those expressly exempted from thejjH-ovlslons of thla act, shall be noml- "V. By a primary held In accordance with thla act; , . 2. Hv nomination paper signed and Bled a provided by etatute. 8. This act shall not apply to spefla lectlone to till vacancies, nor to "'ntiMpal elections In Htles hsvlng less than 2T..0.O population. Tillage, township and school district officers, nor to members of school boards nor members of boards of euuea-n- . . . . Annotated Statutes of Neln-aska for inna U ' amended to rend as follows: Sectl.m 67W Candldstes for public fflce insy I SominaVed mherwls tUn bf convention. eonimlttee or primary meeting In the fob Sectfon za. mat section mw o. "'""vr rnnnlt or with the secretary case may be. The number of signatures hill not be less than one thousand when the nomination la for an office to lie tilled toy the electors of an entire stjte, and not less than two hundred when the nomination Is for an office to be filled by the electors 'of the city, county, or other division less than the state asd not less than fifty when the nomination Is for an offlce to 1 filled fcy the electors of a township, precinct or -warn, privniea iubi ine umuwi nm- tare need not In any Instance exceed one- -ward, provided mat me nniuner oi s.iri.ii m.rl nf lha tntnl nnmlier of voters), when the nomination Is for aa offlce to be filled ty the electors of a county, city, township, K reel net, village or ward, and that the slg atnrea need not all be apiended to one paper, provided further than candldatea nominated under the provisions of thla ecUon. shall be termed "Candidate! by Petition" and upon the ballot upon wmcn K-t. -. .. nJn,. l.nll h nrtn.ul tf. 1 er such namee the wu-d "By Petition." Caeh elector signing a certificate shall add I to hla slgnnture his place or niisiness, ms i residence, and addres" Certificates of nomination for all county, district or pre cinct offices Including members of both brandies of the legislature, shall he filed .with the county clerk of the respective counties wherein the officers are to be leeted. and In case the legislative districts from which such candidate la to lie elected in la-aces more than one county, then In that case the certificate shall be filed with the county clerk of each county Included In ii.-h district. Certificates for nomination of the Judge of the district court shall be 4le.l with the county clerk of each county embraced In such judicial district. Certlfi fcatea of nomination for municipal offices sihall I filed with the municipal clerk of such corporation wherein the officers are to jbe elected." That section 67(l of Cobbey'a 'Annotated Statutea of Nebraska as hereto- (fore existing be and the same li hereby re Healed. , Section 8. Primaries, When and Where Held. . 1. There shall be a primary election held at the regular polling place In each pre rlnrt on the first TuesdHy In September. T.HI7, and annually thereafter on the first Tieaday In September, for the nomination lof all candidates, except those extempted ?ruu the provisions of tills act, tn be voted or at the November election, and t'nlted iStates senator, and said day shall lie the Drat dny for the registration of voters tn all cities where registration la renulred. 1 2. Any primary other than that provided for shove shall be held on Tuesdav. four (weeks before the elections, except In cities of the metropolitan class and cities of the first clasa having over twenty-five thonsnnd Inhabitants wherein It shnll be held on Tuesday, five weeks before the day of etec- . lion. Section 4. Notice of Primaries. How Glv en. At least sixty () days before the Doimng or any septemner primary the gov oritur shsll Issue his proclamation designat ing all the offices to lie filled by the vote of II electors of the stste or by those of any congressional, legislative, or Judicial dis trict, und transmit a copy thereof by mall to the county clerk of each county. - 2. I'pon receipt of such proclamation aald county clerk shall, within ten (Kb dnva thereafter, make and publish a notice of such -prluinry In manner and form substan tially as now provided by law for notice of NovcMilier election, and all persons tn wuoiu ai'ici nonces mi' tie ny si.l.l county clerk delivered, shall post and piiIiIIhIi the ame In the same muutier as the notice! for geueral election. i 8. In case of city elections fhe city clerk shnll post such notice at the regular polling phice In each precinct, such post-in- to l e not more than twenty -(. nnd not less tnau ten u uuys LnTore such pit umrr election. ; Section 3. Nomination Taper! How pre pared and signed. 1. The name of ru candidate" shall be Tirlnted i:n an official primary ballot tin es at least thirty i'.Hn days prior to such primary, either he or twenty-five itiiillnvd electors of the party with which sold nn didate atllliates. shall buve tiled a written application with the proper authority In ambatniiilnlly the following form: 1 (or we) Hue uiiUi-i-Hlgned, quallned elector (or Hied electors) of ' precinct (or V f . county, bar city) lu the state of Nehi-axka affiliating with the party and residing at hereby re ijuest mat my tor tue name or -I name be placed upon the official primary ballot of the ssld party for the primary WK-uoii in ne rem on ine uy or In . a candidate for the olllce of land 1 pledge myself tsi abide by the results of said primary election and qualify If trlected. In caae a uouiluutlon shall be made by electors other than the candidate. aid nominee shall within five duys after tue date, said certificate shall lie in, .1 with the office., a statement lu wrltlnir Hulv NreiiOed under oath stating that he atlilltes Iwltb the psrty named In said certificate, Ihst he v.lll sblde by the results of snld pri mary snd if elected will quslif v and serve ss tueh offi.-er. In esse aul.l statement ahull oi be filled within five days the name of the cuu.ll.late lu the petition shall not be ailuced iiuon the Primary hull... 2. A polltlcsl party within the meaning wi ina ho, suaii lie sucu an ssseiiililuge or oragnlsation of electors ss 1 bv th i dcslKUalcd as such. - V. At the Heplemlier primary In 1!. na every four years thereafter, them ahull 4 The word "precinct." a district estsb- shall be printed and provided for "''"": llshed by law within which all qualified tlally aa Is required by law for oUi.-lnl electors rote at one polling place. , ballots used at November elections, pro- B The -word "dlat'lct." a subdivision of vlded. however, that a separate ballot shall the state w a county or city or village In I prewired for each political party entitled which ill Uie eletora ,re entitled to par- to participate In said primary, an. provided tidnaVe In the elect Ion of any .me of-more further that anld bsllots shall all be nnl- mndWUtea t office to 1 elected by otea form In else, color and qualify of paper, S Hertora In suX subdivision exclusively, and In arrangement and style of printing. Thle statute shall be liberally construed Hectlon p. The names of the candidates ...... .il ... .in i.. .lectors may for each offlce shall I arranged upon the i ...... i.niH in nrpmlifr. I lowing-manner: a cenincaie m urammw .......... ., ...... .... , rantnlnlnir the name of the candidate for officers as In the case of elections. JSS StSt- Hectlon 12. Mat t, the tiling ,4 sr.ch neTbnslness and ,".toffl-e address of petition, an. for the purpose of bHl'Ing h.Mnit dit shall I slvned br electors to defray the exnenses tit such primary JeSdlng In the dUt"l or .Utlca' division there shall be paid to the county treas- In whlth the .officer! are to be elected and nrer for the use of the general fund, of filed with the clerk the village, flty or the conntv of the candl.b.ua toelden.t.. foe Dominated by esch political par-Itbe questions provided for lu sertlou .r) ,ty one csndldate for presidential I Coliliey's Auuetsted Statutes of Ne lector In each of the cougres- I brsska for the yesr 1H fit. required by ssld amiuul districts within the stste, and two candidates for nresliaciif lal ali-cti.i-a .. Jarge. i'sudldiitea for presidential elector Sonii iirj uuniiiimi.'ii aiers as requil'eu of candidates for nomination fur stale otlic Section o. Nomination nepers. Where Mle.i All uoimuatiou papers shall be tiled lis follows: 1. Vor officers elective III wore than one -enmity. In the office of the secretary of ktnie. 2. Fr officers to be voted for wholly -wiiiuii one -iM.ui., eaccpi n,v om.-ers, in jthe oi!i. oi tue county Ucrk of stu b c-oun- 3. For city officer!. In tha office of the s-lti cl.-ik. I Section T. Touting of Names of Ciindl idaits. At least tvi.-uty-fire IX) days liefure Isuy iriiuury pieituing a is-ueisl election. 44 1 ELECTION LAW No, 40l Last Legislature ?J the secretary of state shall transmit to each county clerk a certified list emitslnlna the name and poetofHee address) of earn person for whom nomination pspors nave been Med In bis offlce. and entitled to he Tofed for at anon primary, together with a destination of the off) for which be Is i a candidate, and the party nr principle Be represents. rtiu-h clerk shall forwlth, np on receipt thereof, make public under the proper party designation, the title of esch office, the names and addresses of all per sons for whom nomination pspera have been filed, the dnte of the primary, the hours dtirliis- which the polla will be opened, and that the pi Unary will be held at the reirn hir polling place In each precinct, fuch clerk shall ennse copies of the same to be posted In at lenet one public place In each precinct In his ounty, dcslpnatlng therein the locntc of the polling booth In each election precinct. Hcetbm K Primary Election Ilallots. The method of otlnir at such primary election shrill be bv ballot, and all ballot Toted elm II be printed as herein provided. On the fourteenth dny before the primary election the county clerk, or city clerk In the case of cltv election, shall group the candidates for each party by themselves. Including those candidates certified to him by the secretary of stute, and shall prepare at once. In writing, n separate ballot for each party for public Inspection, which be shall .st In a conspicuous place In hla office, these ballots to I prepared In the follow-Ina- manner: The official primary ballot ballot alphnliotlcally according to surnsmes and under appropriate headings designat ing ea.-h offlilnl position, provided, how ever, this section shsll not apply to primary elections held In counties having more than one hundred and twenty thousand Inhabi tants. There shall lie no printing on m lim it f the luaiifitM or anv mark to distin guish them but the signature of the judge or clerk. , M Section 10. Notice and l'lnce or i-nmnry li'l.w'tlfHia. The iirlinarT election shall be held In each election district at the place where the last election wss held, or such other place as may be lawfully designated ror the polling place lor ise eieciioii trlct. and shall fie held at the place where rerlNtratlon of votera oecura for the elec tion next ensuing In cities where registra tion Is required Hectlon 11. Kxpensea or rnmary, now aid. All ballots, blanka and other sup plica to I used at any primary, and all ex- penses necessarily Incnrred In the prepara- Hon for or conducting such primary, shall I Pll out of the treaaurr of the city or oounur. aa.the case msy be. In the same fee aa follows Kor the office of T'nlted Htntee sena tor I.ltMSJ For state officers, members of con gress and Judges of the district court JO.fW For county, legislative and city of- ncers No nominating paper shall 1h filed until the proper county treaanrer'a receipt show ----- ----- --.- ------ -- : presented to the officer with whom such ing ine payment or sum niiug iee snail on nominating natter Is to 1st filed, No nlliiir fee shall he reuuired from can dldates for regents of the stute university or presidential electors. Beet on l i. h-oi a. w ilea i.iH-n. 1. At the primary elections held under mis act ror tue iovemuer election in cnies where reglstrstlou Is reuuired. the poll! shall he opened at eight 8) o'clock a. tn., IHU ClOSCU II IHI O CKM-K in Die rTei.ll.K, lu a oiner places ami at primary elections , i all other times when a primary election li ". . e.-.. r. ".r. o'clock m.. and remain onen until nine (la o'clock In tin- evening, hut If the JudgVs and clerks shnll not attend at the hour or opening, or If It shall be necesstry for the electors present to appoint Jidgei or clerks, or any of the in. the polls may then I opened nt any time before the time for closing them shnll arrive, as the case may require. 2. If at the hour of closing there are any electors In the polling place or In line it the door, desiring tn vote, and who are qualified to register and participate therein, and have not been able to do so since ap- r tearing at the polling place, sai.i pons snail ie kept open reasonably long enough after the hour for rlosing to allow those present a that hour to register and vote. No one arriving after the hour of nine (0) p. tn. shall be entitled to register and vote be cause the polls may not actually be closed when he arrives. Hectlon 14. The county board shall pro vide a suttlHeut number of ballot boxes with a sufficient number of lock and keys. nt the expense of the county, for the sev eral precincts or districts within whlrh the primary election is to ne neiu. Section in. That section rllfl, 5fUT. and fidlH of Cohbey'i Annotated Statutes of Ne braska, for the year 1ISKI, are hereby made applicable to primary elvutluus held under this act. All primaries shall be presided over by the sume Judges and clerks of elections now provineu ny mw to preside over gen-ei-ul elections during the time for which they were so appointed, aud said Judges and clerks shall receive for their services at such primary, the same comneusation aa Is prescribed by law for Judges and clerks of November elections. Hectlon Itl. The ballots cast nt any prl mary election shall lie counted and the re suits returned to the county clerk In mini ner and form provided by law relating to general elections. Hectlon 17. Aiy qualified elector desiring to vote nt utiy primary election hold under tue provisions or iis act snail ie entitled to participate In such primary election upou presenting himself at the polling place woiere ne la eutitieu tn vote: nut ne hiiiiii not lie entitled to receive a prluinry ballot or 4e entitled to vote at such primary elections, until be shall hnvo first stated to the i.i.iges or said primary election what political party he affiliates with. Section 1H. In cities where registration Is by law required, no voter shall receive a primary ballot or bo enlltled to vote, un til lie snail tin ve llrst been duly registered as a voter In the manner provided by law u-ovlded that 111 cities where registration I i.v law i-eiiiiire.i. no elector Hit. ill he ner inltted to vote unless he be a first voter or shall have moved Into the precinct since the last preceding day of rcglHtratl.ni. !' the purpime of providing a system of regis tnil bin of party altilliitloti. It shall bo the duty of the mayor and city council cf euch ny wnercin registration is ruqiilreil, to ir. vide In the registration books used fur purpime of reglHt.-rlng persons V. ho arc .liiiilltle.l to vote at the next general elce tion, space for the reglstraNoii of all tier sons who may desire to participate lu any primary eiceiioii. nueti space ahull lie pro vlil.-.l In snld registration bonk Immediate ly following the last perpeii.llculiir. ruled column In such hooka and shall lie headed as follows: "Tarty Affiliation." It shall lie tue nuty or the super Unit' of such reu uiur l egist rations to ask each person who apniiew to lie registered tne question: Wha poii.icui imriy no you desire to am nli with? Aud the names of the nollil.-sl our ty given by such elector su applying to be registerea, sunn tie recorded In the column rovined In such, registration books for li nt purpose. In case any uartv aniilvinir dm-a not desire tn state Ills tisrtv adlRn. tloii. he shall ut I required to do lu nor suun ms iiiiiiire to do so act as a liar to hi registration for the purpose of votluir any election other than a primary elr.-tl.iu, on I snail uenar him rrom voting at an primary election. If the right of such per son to vote be not rhsllensed. one of Hip Judges of ssid primary election sluail theu uhiiii hi in a uaiit or the political part with which be athllatea. which ssld IwlUit ami li ne endorsed Willi tue signature of tw of the Judges upon the back at the bet I ruse. I Sect leu 10. Challenging Votera .11. If the light of such ncraon tit vm I '"" challenged, one of the judge! of said I election shsll theu propound to such nerarni I section to lie propoujifled to a voter at 1 genersl election whsn elialliiuiiil ami I I addition thereto the Judge shall propound '"e '.'.Wilis ui.eaii.iiis 1. What polltlcsl nurtv do vou aftliut., WHO I 2. Ilo you intend to suni.ort tha aa,ii dstes of such polltlcsl party, or UJUjoilty of them, st the uext eb-ctlouT 'f the challenge be not then deter mined in tavur or such iersiu by tb ju.ig.-s or saiu primary election snd lie uo withdrawn, he shall uot be allowed tn v,,i nut II be shall have taken the following "tou do soh-muly swear (or affirm) that rou are a ci.iseu or tlio ( lilted Slutes (i ,, ur. mini jour lu.en.i.m to o.'1'oui. a.ieui. tust you liav lieen aa llUinl.llaut ' the stale of Nebraska for the last a Jl i inanrtu, u- , i 1 1 - pmn-i 11 11 i , in, null- a state aa the I -T or on oeiiHir oi earn ciiii.ii.uue, u u.ik months, and of the county of for ine last forty dsyi, and of this precinct for the last ten days: that yon hsve attsln e. the age of, tweaty-one years, to the best of yonr knowledge; thst politically yon sf- milate with, the psrty, and thst yon Intend to support the candidates of ssM psrtv at the coming election. 8. H ihsll lie the duty of the clerks of said nrlmsrv election tn write nt the end of inch person s name, "sworn." Said voter shsll then be allowed to vote the ticket of the party which lis affiliates with. a Judge of such primary election snan Instruct the voter thst ha la to vote for his choir- for each office, using only the ballot of tbs party with which he affiliate, and that ha most return the ballot with the edges folded upon which are the sig nature of the Judges uppermost. Section 20. t Don any person entitled to vote at any primary election atatlng the name of the political party with which he affiliates, the clerks of said primary election shall thereupon, after the some of the per son voting, write the name of such polltlcsl party In the column of the poll book pre pared for Ihst purpose. Sec. 21. The city clerk of each city where in a registration of voters la required by law, shall Immediately after each registra tion day, compile an alphabetical list of the voters of eacn of the Political parties In each precinct In such city, sud within fire nays arter cacn day or registration ne shall furnish to the chairman or secretary of each political committee of his city and county, a certified copy of such lists, and also keep the same sccessabln to the pub lic Inspection, lie shall also, un the day of the primary, furnish to the officers of the primary election In each precinct, a certified copy of ncti list for the purpose of determining whether or not any person wlm desires to vote nt such primary was registered st the last registration as affili ating with the party the ballot of which he desires to vote at auch primary. When the elector has pre (hi red his bal lot he shsll fold the same with the edges upon which are the signatures, Judges up permost, and so fold as to conceal the face thereof and all marks thereou. and hand the ssme to the Judge of the primary election who Is In charge of the ballot box. Section 22. Challenges. The party com mittee of each party may appoint In writ ing, one party agent or representative, with an alternate for each, who shall act as challengers for their respective parties or element! therein. The right of any person to vote at any primary may be challenged upon the same ground, and bis right to vote be determined In the same manner, as nt sn election. Section 2,'!. Csnvnss of Votes. 1. Canvass of votes cast shall, except as herein otherwise provided, Im made In the same manner and by the inmo officer! aa the canvass of an election. The party committeeman of the precinct In a pre cinct canvass, the chairman or secretary of the county committee In a county canvass, and of the state committee In a state can vass, or some duly appointed agent to rep resent each party, shall be allowed to lie preaent nnd observe the proceedings. 2. The county canvass of the retnrns of autumn primary sIibH lie made by the ssme officers In the same lasnner pro vided bv law f. the canvass of the re turns of general election. The canvassers shall meet at ten o'clock on the Krldav following the September primary and can vass such returns. Their returns shsll con tsln the whole number of votes for each candidate of euch political party, and a dnpllcnte as to esch political party shall be delivered to the county chairman of such Putty. S. The canvassers shnll also make an additional duplicate return In the same form as provided In siiIhII vlxlon 2, show ing the votes cast for each candidate and voted for wholly within the Urnlta of the county. The county clerk shnll send to the secretary of state by registered mall, one complete copy of nil returns as to such cnn.lldatea, and he shall likewise send to the chairman of the State Ceutrul Com mittee of each party, a duplicate copy of the returns Inst described re'atiug to inch cnndl.lntes of each such party. Section 24. State llonrd of Canvassers, How Constituted and Governed. The hoard of canvassers provided for by law, to canvass returns of a general election, shall constitute the state board of canvass ers of Septemlier primaries, and all the provisions of law relating to the canvass . .ne return or a general election, shall. s far as applicable, nnnlv tn tn. anvnu return and certification to the Secretary of State of such nrlmnrr. Heh Ivinr.i ahaii meet at the office of the Secretary of State at ten o'clock a. in., on the second Tues uay succeeding the September primary. Hectlon 25. 1'nrty Candidates. j. i ne person receiving the greatest num ber of votes nt a primary as the candidate '!!.". ""I'7, f,,r nn office, shall be the can didate of that party for such offlce, and his name as such candidate, shall be placed on the offlclul ballot at the following elec- Ai mon ns the stnta nnvaa . nary shnll lie certified to him .(.. tarv of State shall make a eertlflu atni.. inent of the result of such mim,,, . candidates for state officers aud memliers ... .-...igreaa. sna any other candidates whose district extends beyond the limits t a single connty. nnd shall mall to the halrnian of the State Central Committee r each uartv so ..inch fit a 11 sill nastlfi. cate ss relatea to his party. ... n.n icaa man lourteen iiavs before my November election the Secretary of Htate !!.". J ffi to V',Bvrm,"tJr Pl,,rk of Mr-h county within which any of the electors may vote for the caniliilnto t..r ,... iltl.-ea, the name and dewrlml..n , Iierson nominated for any such olllce us specified in the nomination papers. Section 20. City lt.mr.1 of Canvassers Qnoriinii Meetings. When Held. ' The canvass of the returns of the city pi Unary shall be inndo by the mavor. the iij cierg and the treasurer of such cltv. nd two of whom shnll constitute a quor- ....... ,,,,, tn canvassers sunn ni,. at eleven o chick In the forenoon of h. second day following the city primary and ennynss the vote substantially ns provid ed In sections 22-23-24 of thla act. ' They shall tuuke and certify duplicate retiirna ,..- i.K ' '"' candidates and forwlth certify and file one complete re turn with the cltv clerk. Whenever n cnS dl.bit.. for nny olllce under the primary law i'Shi':.'?. .re e".""t ,he be shall . ....... uuys arter the canvass ng hoard has comii etc.! Its enm.t ni. .i i? . 5 canvassing board an affidavit reoi.eatl.. ami setting forth hla reasons for request ,"iiblthV"J!,,M'- "C "'""J nlH" " n ' affidavit the names of the o.i,u, ,.... bites whose votes he l..ui,... ,. pon filing such nin.i,.vi. ,i " Issird shall, within one day thereafter proceed to recount the votes for the en n- le.1i'.! n?- ? ffl"vlt or atlldaviVs Hied iii the a I love manner. n.i T. ,""t n" '""dlnntc shall he en titled to a recount of h. ....... .. ..: '. nnvasHlng board , nw. t... ' .:. ." " when It ,.,.. to such canvassing i,"rd i . .i ,r ."'r candidate Is suUi- ivV, i ... . V r,,,'"t of the same the affiant. iiow.ie.1 nirtlier that this provision ies IKit nnnlv in i, ,.i..i.. ... " V.r1 " III seeking-, reetui i In 7',. ..i "B amuu Section 27. Vaf-niioloa occniing upon anv "irty ticket after tin. I...I.1 i. ....... -I...II i... .... . . m " nu.v on- i... ..I... . , "v. H'nJorlty Vote- of "".. ..iK.i-ict or stale, as the i::r..:::"i,.:i r1u,,.:::,iLii'-'- .." II.... Kt-.i required py Hec- .. 1 aV-i .'oia-y Annotated Statu- Scctloii 2S. prty Committees At tun . iocs p. in. on .he seen Saturday sue ceiling til.1 nilttee. collinosed not I.. Vi..... l" er for each election precinct n the "m ty. Such committee Ul serve m , II tl elr successois ni-e chosen III like n.ai i er n' ;w,l ,.g the next geueral election for such Co.mulun.s2n r"r,wl"' nd Judical J lit 'llllllil1llli aal ilin, at. ''": "'V' of Judge ,.f tlie'Tds rictToun and Member of Congress, shall have the right to appoint a chairman, sectary .... I. judicia. ,;;, r.K' 1 "". ... Uoi leas mail out) mrillber ''."","' " ty Iii the district. If theT shull be more than one Judge to lie elected In any district, oil the cuudldates ef es.h respective party shsll l ent.tled to par tlctpu e In the elwtlon of n.e otll.-era and I'llllillllttM nf tliu nssts ...s.i . mvt , - -- tw s willt'U IlitV Mr iioinlnees. aud for that purpose It shall be the duly of the chairman ,f the Judl.-ia e.m,lttee ,.f ea.-h party to tlx the Vuk? an" pla.-e of meeting rf ,Ue .Tnuildatea his o l" i"ltte. .... . m cauuinates there- '"',lr 1'u' o attend such ,u ns neid uot earlier than the second Saturday next s.p'.liug ,u2 lirl IIIU rif flant Ion u ...... I i. seal tUV rhowu tMKil r. ..... w , V,.WH at -m uil'U TliMV were roiumiiTPe Vliail rr until lllfMaW aTal m llll.uli... I.. 11 I. eedlug .-e uext genersl election .ur lui-L Section 30. K-acb. committee slia'l hsvs he power to elect a chslriunn. vlce-chsir- ' ami treusurer, aud each such commit toe aud Its offlivrs shall have the power usually exercised by such coiu. uilttees. aud by t!e officers thereof Tu - .Timiiriii witn mis act. Tl vsrloii! uttieers aud couiiuittce! now I existence shall exercise the power and pe r , . os uereiu prescribed until liV. ir ,1'"-f'. are chosen In sccor.lsu.-e " s i m.-euuini of such i ll and comity cemniltteea, each uieinli. inereoj siuiii nave oue vote only. Xh Uut lea .rf the secretary or chnlrinan ..t .... comiuittee may lie performed bv members of su.b ctiuimitlw selected by .tkeiu. Auy ecciing tn.. general prluinry In HsiT n,i annually thereafter at su.h hour aud day the nominees of the respective parties for county officers In each county,' si. I meet at the ..nice of the secret arv Vf " i" county committee of their respective par" lies, ll ud Klin 1 1 e ect n ....,.. J Mr ill- vacancy tn any committee office snail be filled In the ssine manner as that In wi.kU such officer was originally chws)n. Section 81. The firth Saturday after the primary eleeion the nominees for county ofllres shsll meet at the county scat of the respective counties In this state, snd by a majority vote thereof select one com mitteeman from each township t" precinct In snld count and wfthln one week there after said romtirltteeBien so selected shsll meet and elect a chairman of the County Central Committee of his respective party and at snld time shall elect one delegate who shsll meet with like delegates chosen In the same war from each r-ounty In the state at the capltol at 12 o'clock m.. on the f.mrth Tuesday In Septemlier. liar?, and sn nually thereafter on the fourth. Tuesday of Beptemlier; and said egates shall forwlth formulate tne c.s.c platform of their party and select a state Central Conmilttee composed of one mem ber tr etich senator elected from sen atorial district, and said committee so elected, shall select Its chairman snd sec retary. The plntform of each party shall be framed at such time nnd ensll be made public not later than 0 o'clock In the after noon no the following day. Section 82. Miscellaneous i rotssion. 1 In nf a tie vote, the tie shnll forewlth be determined by lot of the can vassers. Authority and jiirisniciion ' hereby vested In the county court and in the Judges thereof In vscatlon, to hear and determiue primary election conteat. ns to count v. city or precinct offices, when sny petition to contest a primary election shnll be filed In the office of the clerk of the conntv court within twenty-four hours after the board of canvassers has made Its return, said petition shall forwlth be pre sented to the Judge thereof, who shall note ther.ion the day of presentation, and shnll note thereon the day when he will hear the anme, which shall not bo more than five days thereafter, and shnll order Issuance of summons to each defenduut named In tue petition. 2. Summons shsll forwlth Issue to each defendant named In the petition and shail be served In the same manner as is pro vided In cases In chnncery. The case may be heard and determlued by the county court In term time, or by the Judge .hereof In vacation, at any time not less than two days after service of process, and shall have preference In the order or nearing tn all other cases. The petitioner snail give security for all cos.s. 8. kf In the opinion of the court In which fhe netitlon is filed, the grounds for contest sllegcd are Insufficient In law, the petition shall lie dismissed, ir tne grouin.s alleged In the petition are sufficient, the conrt shall proceed In a summary manner. and may near evidence, examine tue re turns, recount the ballots, and make r.u.-h orders and enter such 'Judgments as Jus tice may require. The court sliall hear an i determine the case tylthln two weeks of the filing of the petition. Immediately upon rendering Judgment In any such con test. It shall lie the duty of the county Judge to at once certify the Judgment to the county clerk, who shail cause to be printed on the official ballots the name or name of those whom such county Court shall have so decided to have Iwen tioml natetl at such primary, an., any appeal tak en from such Judgment o. the county conrt shnll not act -s a superscdas to prevent the county clerk from so doing. liectlon 33. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State and Attorney General, on or before July 1st, 1907, to prepare all forms necessary to carry ont the provla Ions of this act, which forms shull lie sub stantially followed In nil primaries held In pursuance hereof. Such forms shall be printed with copies of this act for pub lic use aud distribution. t-'ectlon 34. Any person entitled to vote at a primary election shnll, on the day of such election, be entitled to absent him self from any service or employment in which he then engaged or employed, fer a period of two hours lietweeu the time of opening and closing the polls, and such voter shall not, Is-cuuse of so absenting himself, lie Uabb to -anv penalty nor shnll nny deduction be made, on account of such absence, from his usual salary or wngenc; provided, however, that upiillcn tlnn for such leave of ubsence shnll tie made prior to the day of the primary. The employer may specify the hours during the day when the employee may absent himself. Section 35. At the general primary election next preceedlng any generul elec tion at which any constitutional amend, ment shall bv law he reduli-ed to lie sub. mltted to the electors of the state. It shall be the dutv of the Secretary of State t the same time that he shall certify tne amcs of cntull.lates for state officers to he county clerks likewise to certify to neb county clerks any such amendment or amendments tn be suliniltteu nt the gen eral election, and It snail be the duty of the county clerks to cause to be printed In primary election ballot- or nil mimical parties the n.iestlnn of euch constitutional mendineiits In the snme manner nnd form as they are required to be printed on the official general election ballots and each elector may declare himself In favor nf or gainst any audi ammenamenrs tue same a at such general election. The electbsj hoards In the vmlous precincts shall make returns or tne milliner of votes in tavor and agn.nst any such amendment, to the county clerk and at the same time nd In the snme manner as upon candi dates for nomination, nnd aach returns hall be cauvnsscd V the county canvass ing boards with other returns, and county u-rks shnll muke returns to the Secre- r- of State of the votes upon such nen.lments with the other returns of his net. Such returns s .nll ls canvassed by the state canvassing board, nnd If a ma jority of the electors of any party voting non such amendments snail declare in favor of or against any such amendment. uch declaration shall be considered as a isirtlon of the ticket or such narty nnd shall be so certified by him to the various county clerks. Lection .'HI. Delegates tn national con- entlona of the various political parties hall be selected at a state or state and omrressloiinl conventions composed of del egates chosen In such manner as may bo de erinlned by the stnte committees of each respective party; Provided thnt the ,ir-!ci!ticn .o nil.-., mmu or n.u.e aim .-wow gressioiuil conventions shall lie apportioned iy such committees to the several counties upon the vote cast at the last election for lectors for presiuetit and vlce-nres dent In the respective counties; and. provided fur- uer, tunt eacn county snail pe entitled to t least one delegate In such convention or conventions. Section 37. renal I'rnvlslnns. 1. It shall lie unlawful for any person tn fnlsly personate and vote under the name of any other person or Intentionally ote without the right to do so: to wilfully or wrongfully obstruct or prevent .ithers from voting who have the right tn do so. nt such primary election: fraudulently or wrongriiiiy deKisit in tne Pallet imx. or a Ke tiierefi-om, any onicial primary ballot. r commit any other fraud or wrong tend ng to defeat the result of n primary elec tion: give or neree to give to any qnalllled voter at any prluinry election held uu- l.-r the provisions of this act. nny money I- valuable thing as a coiiKl.lenitlon for us vote for any person to bo voted for at said primary election; accept or receive any valuable thing as a consideration foi ls Vote for any iierson to be voted lor at said primary election: offer to accept and receive." or accept aud receive, anv money or valuable thing III coiikIiIi atlon of his tlltni; or agreeing tn tile, or not filing agreeing not to file, nomination minora for liliiiHelf us a candidate for uomlmi 'Ion nt any primary election; offer to accept or r.-c.-Me nny money or accept or receive money or any valuable thing In voiiKl.ler.i tloli of his wi h.lriiwliig his name as a can didate or inclination nt such Pri mary election. Any icron who shnll offer, or with knowledge of the same, permit any person to offer for bis bene fit any bribe to a voter to Induce him to sign any election or noml nut ion paper, or any person who shall accept anv such bribe or promise of gain of any kind In the na ture or a mine as n consideration ror sign ing the same, whether such brloe or prom ise of gain In the nature or a brllie be otlere.l or a. vented before or after such signing, or any persou who shall sign more lions' nation petitions than there are post- noun in nn iu uuy sunt or omccs shall lie glllltv of a laUdeineilllor. Anv ni.r.,,n committing any of the acts hcrcln'declared unlawful shall be deemed guilty of a mls-dem.-suor and upon conviction therefore he puniaiied ny iiiipi-isoiimcnt In the county Jail not less than one nor more thuu six UIOUlllS. Any act declared an offenso bv the geiieml laws of tills state coii.-ernliig can cases snd elections shall also In like case. ne an offense In all primaries, aud shall lie punlaked In the ssais form and manner as therein provided, and ail the nenaliies a.l penvisiotM or tne law as to such csiicuses snd election, except as otherwise nroet.leil shall rpply lu such case with ennui r..r. J sun to tne ssme extent as though fufly set forth In this set. ' 3. Auy person who shall forge anv noin luatbiu paper shall lie deemed guilty of "i.".'. su.i .it 1-11.1. .-non i.uuiHiied ac cordingly. Any person who. beliia. i n... sessiou of nomination papers entitled to lie Dici uuuer tins set. or any set of the leg- minium, buctii .imiKiunr rimer suppress. neglect, or wiuruliy rail tn causa tn , Mod at the proper time In the proper offli-e shall, no conviction, be punished bv lm' prUonmeiit In the county jail not to exceed six month, or bv a fin., nut to in.i ..- hundred dollars $.l.ii or both such fine and Imprisonment In the discretion of the conn. i Kectinn .vj. wener.M r lection I.awa to appiy. me provisions or the statutes now in ii'iit in rriiiiinn to tue uol.llng of ..cc lions, tne solmitstlnn of voters st the IMuis. tue ciiniieiiKiug oi voters, the man uer or eniuiiiciiug election, of counting .nt- .iiiiio.a n.ii. ninsiug returns theecof slid all other kindred suhlocts. exi-m ,nn test, shsll apply to all primaries Insofar as they arc couahitent wlih this act, the intent or tuis act, peing to place the prl mary nndnc the regulation and protectlrsa of the laws now In force ss to elections. Section 3M. All nomination! for candi date! of any political party for ofllne to be filled at a siiecial election or any othev office to lie filled by the electora, excepted rmm the provisions or tni! art, man pe nominated by a convention or committee of their political party which nomination shall be In writing, shall contain ths name of the office for which etcb person was nom inated, the name and residence of each lerson, and If In a city, the street num ier of residence, and place of business. If any, and shall designate In not more than nve w.a-ds, the party which said convention or committee represents. It shall be sign ed by a presiding tifficer and the aecretarr of such conventlea or committee, who shall add to tneir signatures their respective places of business and take an oath before a qualified officer to administer the same. that the affiants were such officers at auch convention or committee, and that said cer tificate, nnd the statements therein con tained, are true to the beet of their knowl edge aud belief. Such certificate of nomi nation of candidates for office to be 01 red by the voters of the entire state, or any division or district greater than a county, including candidates for congress or ny party action taken relative to any proposed constitutional amendment, shall lie filed Ith the secretary of state, except aa In this oct otherwise provided. Such certifi cate of nomination for all county, district, township, or precluct offices, Including memtiers or Doth branches of the leg a a- ture. shall lie filed with the cnuntr clerk of the resjiectlve counties wherein tha offi cers are to lie elected, and In case the legislative districts from which the candi date la to be elected embraces more than one county, then In that case, the certifi cate shall be filed with the county clerk of each county Included In such district; cer tificates for nomination of the Judge of the district court shnll be filed with the secre tary of state; certificates for nomination nf municipal officers shall be filed with the clerk of such municipal corporation wherein me omcers are to be elected. It Is the Inentlon thst the tnMnnsr ntvivtd. ed In this section for the nomination of of- ncers uatued herein, by a convention or committee, shall annlv onlv where sneh officers are to be chosen at a special elec tion, township or precinct officers to be elected at a general election or village of- in-ers or mcmncrs or school Doarda not members of board! of education. Section 40. When nominations are maris by a convention or committee, aa provided for In section 30 of this act. the certificates of nomination to be filed with the secretary of state, shall be filed not less than twen- ty-nve days tierore the day fixed by law for the election of the nersons In niimlim. tlon. and the certificates nf nomination herein directed to be filed with the connty clerk shall be filed not less than ivuiii dnys before election, nnd the certificates of nomination herein directed to be Med with the municipal clerk shall be Med not lnse thun fifteen, duys before election. Certifi cates of nomination for a new party may I filed with the secretary of state or the county or municipal clerk, twenty-five or twenty or fifteen days before the election, us the case may require. Section 41. Whenever any person nomi nated for public office, ns In this act pro vided, shall at least fifteen duvs before election, notify the officers with whom the original eertltlcate of nomination was Med, or If nominated at a primary election, as In tills act provided, and the office for which he was nominated was an ofties- to be voted for In more than one county, the secretary of stnte, and If to be voted for In one county alone, the connty clerk of the coun ty where such office Is to be voted, or If a municipal office, the clerk of the cltv or villain-, by a statement In writing bv him and duly acknowledged, that he decline! such noiuluatlon, the sume shnll be void, and his name shnll not be printed upnn the bullots, but no such declination shall be received after the time above specified. The officer to whom such notification is given shall forthwith Inform by mail or otherwise, one or more persons whose nnmee are attached tn the original certificate of nomination (provided he waa nominated by a conven tion or committee), or if nominated at a pri mary election, aa provided for In this act, tiie chairman or secretary of the campaign or party onrumlttae nf hla nniin..i 'there be imp, nnd If not. at least three W) of the prominent members of his polit ical party in this state, that he has' de clined such nomination, by mailing or deliv ering to them personally, notice of such Tact, and three days ahull be given snob party committee or convention to nominate u itcikiu iu nn sucn vacancy. Section 42. All crifl..t. ..i.. tlon or nomination statements, which are In apparent conformity with the provisions of this act, shnll be deemed to lie valid unless objections thereto shall lie duly .i. .! witiun tnre (3) aaye aftet u:i.i ui i ue mi me. in case such oil ectlon Is made. nntlcA thuranr uii.tt fi. with lie mailed to all cnioii.ini.,. n-i,A 'e affected thereby, addressed to them nt their respective tllaces of realrtanna .11 In the certificate of nomination or In the nomination affidavits of euch persona, on file in that office. Objections to the use of party name uinv also be mnda nui ij upon In. the sume manner as objections to certificates and nomination statements. The officers with whom the original certificate nun uit-u. or wnom mnde an affidavit to the original nominating statement, shall. In the first Instance, pass upon the validity of such objection, and his decision shall be finul, unless un order shnll be made In the mutter by n county court, or by a Judge of the district court, nr by a justice of the supreme court nt chnmliers, on or before he second ueduesdav nreeeillinr tl.o u tlon. Such order ninv lie made minniinrllr upon application nf anv nurtv Int.. rem. ..i nnd upon such notice as the court or Judge may reunlre. The decision nf the L-.ru tary or stute. or the order of the Judge or B"i,i"i3 vi-iiii jiin.ictr revising sucn deol- siou. hikiii ue iii lining on all uber county, ,iiiiiiii-ij,a, ,.i- oiucr omcers wun wumu cer incates or nomination are filed. Section 43. in case of n division of anv party, the secretary of state shall give the ricn-reiicp .it piii-ty name tn tne couventl. iciu at tne time and nlacp ilesiimiiton in the call of the regularly onstlttitui i,.r. niiiiioi iiii'ii, mm ii me ntuer rucuon or fnc- nous Miian present ilo oilier party nnmo, the secretary f stnte shall select name oi nice au.i piace tne snme on the hnllotr before the list of candidates of an LI rue. tlon. The action of the tirecedlnir hstloiml 'invention of such nnrtv. res-utnrlv railed shall determine the action of the aperetnry of state or the court lu Its decision. The secretary or state may Pe comiiell.nl hv ii,-ii-iiii.iM ,v uiuiT hi uinuiianstis proceedings, Section 44. No person shall be entitled iii-i iimiu un. auit in tins regnr.i to or allowed to tile a nomination eui-tlH. cate as provided for In this net, or to have urn name placed upon a primary election ballot for anv primary election tn h nei.i unless the political pnrfv which he atntea in snld affidavit he affiliates with, polled at the last election before the piliiiarv election to lie held, at least ntlA Tie. oaii of the entire vote in the stnte. county or siiii.iiviKion or district for which he seeks iue nomination ror otu.-e in. Section 43. 1. Electors mar form new party. They shall not adopt the name of any old imlltlcal piirty or uny word form ing a pun or sncn name, in order.jo form new party there shull be present at n mass convention .lectors to the nnuilier nt at least nve niinnreii (.am) in a state con veiiiioii, .me uunureu, iinn in a emigres Mount .iiNiri.-i or county convention or twenty-five (2.1) In anv nreelnet cltv. village or ward convention, except In cities or counties having a population of uny luouMauii i.ki.i.oi or more, at least two uuii.ireu unu biiuu he required to partlcl puir. Mich convention shall adont s nnrtr mime aud electors at least to the nnuilier respectively above mentioned, and electors to at least tne nuiuix-r specified shall sign nil llKreemeiil in rorin sucn new pnrty sn. support Its nominees nt the next election nun niton uuug such written aa-reeinent with the secretary of state, t-tiunty, cltv or village clerk, us the case may be. together with an affidavit of some qualified eleeor that he saw all of the persons wlne nailer are signed to such agreement subscrllie hc same and he verily believes them nil ... I. qualified electors. Such new party shall be entitled to Have a separate party ballot nt the next lirliiiiu-e otccflnu h.lil li..i-u..riu.. provided that Its' caii.lldiitea for nomination shall be required to file iiominiitl.ui papers -Km-., i.. m tenat in i . percent or those who subscribed the agreement to form such new party. When the uume of the cuudl .late niqieare on a petition presented ty a m.iimciii pai-tv er iiieinoers thereof with the required nu m ner r signers and It Is ex pressly slated In said M-iitlon that the ciiu limine is a cniididste or two or more par lies, eacn ur wni.-n shill I en.it led tn uouiliinie a candidate, then It shall tie the duty of the officer making up the ballot to plm-e the name of auch candidate or candidates upon the ballot lu the same manner ss now provided for lu the genera ei.i-iioii iaw r.s- naiiuts at tne generul elec tlon. Section 4(1. The secretory of state shall cause to be preserved lu his office foe the period nr one (li year a enpv of all n.ant nntlng statements slid certlticjilea of Hum Inatlou filed I herein under the provisions of um sc.. nun emu couut.r and intiiilclpH clerk shall cause tn be nreaervml In li, office for the period of two (2) years, all iikiiiiuhiiiik via.euieiiis and certificates nt nominal ion nicu tnerein under the pro I sious of this net. All such v Ilomlniillnf statement antl certificates shall, at all re souanif iiours. ne oieu to pillule Inspec tion. Section 47 That sections 714. MTtrt. UTI., nn i, mm, in in, ,-ii.t., mil, 117.".'. tysin, .vol :.nr2. uH-l. fi.,!, fxi7, hi. fail rn.HI fiMI. 57t7. 57IW. .17711. fi771. .177-' XTK .177.1 577.Y .177(1. of Cnhboy's Aiuioliiled Statute f Nelu-iiKka. of the veur 1!I. ,Vllel to fiMlht Cobln-y's Supplement for the yesr l'.sd. a tiie aauie now exlat. aiul all set or parts of sets lu conflict with the provl. ln of th' ' i, nud the mm area hereby rern DXVO&CES. sfsaBsWssasaB- ' FIENDISH WRECK PLOT. ;osut Line Limited Hurled from Trestle Near Lo Aniieles. A fiendish traln-wrec-klni? I't was perpetrated npar; Los Angeles, Oil., that resulted in the death of one man and the Injury of twenty-two person, four of whom are dying. Train No. 20, one of the Southern Pacific's coast line flyers, Tuesday night wan burled from the tracks 011 a trestle et West Glendule by the delib erate work of murderous train wreck ers. Seven cars plunged off the tres tle, while the train was making forty miles an hour, falling sixteen feet to the bottom of a gulch. In accomplishing the wreck of the train, which was -the "Coast Line Limited," a devilish ingenuity -was ex ercised. At a point on a trestle over the Arroyo Seco the fishplates and bolts of two connecting rails on the south-bound -track had been removed, and in the apertures whence the bolts were taken strands of heavy wire were fastened at the end of each rail. From the appearance of the track after the wreck it was evident that some iierson hidden on a hillside close to the tres tle hud pulled the wire as the train approached and spread the rails out ward toward the edge of the trestle. The train, three hours late, was traveling at a rate of between thirty five and forty mill's an hour. The en gine wheels were first to leaw the rails and the engine took to the ties, trav eling nearly 100 yards before it was brought to a standstill. The tender, the diner, two Pullmans, the 1 buffet, mail and baggage cars plunged over the edge of the trestle, falling a distance of sixteen feet. The buffet car, the express car, and one of the Pullmans were turned upside down aud the others landed on their sides. All were badly crushed and splintered. INVADING MEXICO. American Farmers Are Benefiting; Themselves and the Greasers. More than a hundred families from the United States have gone into the republic of Mexico during the last thirty days to develop farming lands along the northern border. They took their household effects and went to live just like they havt been liv ing in the United States. This is some thing of a departure from the plan here tofore followed with but indifferent suc cess by people from Ihe States who have gone to live on farms in Mexico. The old plan was to form colonies. The colony proposition was not a great success. It was due more to the failure of the colonists to agree and adapt them selves to their environment than to any stlCr cause that the colonics were not successful. It has been discovered by the pioneer Americans on farms of Mexico that con ditions in the republic are stable and there is no need for colonies. So indi vidual American families are now locat ing themselves on haciendas in Mexico just as they used to do in the West. They are becoming neighbors to the Mex ican families nnd each is learning some thing to advantage from the other. So far as the experiment of individual effort at farming In Mexico by Americans has gone, it has proven successful. The cotton-growing possibilities of the repub lic have never been appreciated by the people beyond the Kio Grande, and in this one line there promises to be great profit for the American farmers who un derstand growing the staple. The high price of cotton is an inducement to these farmers to plnnt cotton. The. Mexicans are learning the Ameri can style of agriculture from their neigh bors from the Slates, nnd the general result of Immigration of families of farm ers from the United States to occupy the cheap lnnds of Mexico promises to be .ery good. Alcohol the Future Fuel. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, In a recent address before the Americtm Club at Pittsburg, referred at considerable length to the work the department is do ing toward the development of the pro duction of alcohol for industrial uses. He said : "No more coal is being made. Our wood fuel is getting scarce, and the sup ply of mineral oils will some day cease, It is high time we were looking about for sources of light, heat and power. Other countries arc doing this. Alcohol meets the requirements, ftiid starchy plants yield alcohol. Oue of our explorers last year found the Siberians at Tomsk growing iurge varirty of potato for the alcohol it yields. He brought back half a ton of thetn, which will be distributed this spring among the exiriment station!." He made the further statement that corn. cobs made 11 gallons of alcohol to tha ton, and sweet corn stalks 7, and that alcohol could be made from unmarket able fruit and vegetable matter and many refuse plants, and thought the time waa surely coming when the people remote from wood, coal or oil would arrange to grow plants rich in starch for their sup ply of light, heat and power. 8T0RM AND TIDAL WAVE. Immense Lose of Life from Ilnrrl caae that Sweeps (arollae Isles. A dispatch from Sydney, N. S. W., savs a reiort bus reached there that a hurricane and tiilul wave swept over the Caroline Islands. Immense damage was done to prow-rty and 201 persons are reported killed. MOB SLAYS WOMAN AND CHILD. Lives Lost In Ilnce Conflict In Gear Blu Shots on Both Sides. At ItelilRvllle, Gn., a mob Included a colored woman and children anions Its victims at a "lynching." One whlte man and four colored persons wera' killed and seven are on the Injured list as a result of an effort to capture a colored man who attempted to attack: Mrs. Laura Moore, a widow living near Manassas. Fifteen persons surrounded th house of Sam Padgett, whom they sus pected of harboring the colored man, and demanded to be allowed to search the home. Permission was given, but when within thirty feet of the house those Inside the building opened fire or the posse, instantly killing Hare and wounding Pierson, Daniel and Ken nedy. Thepos!e then returned tha Bit, killing Padgett and his 10-year-old daughter and wounding two other girls, aged 0 and 13, and two of Pad gett's sons, aged 20 aud 22. The colored man who r.hot Hare was started for Keldsville Jail, together with Padgett' wife and son, Who also were caught. On the way the officer were overtaken by about seventy-five men, who took the prisoners from them. - The woman was told to run, und as she did so she was riddled with bullets, her son being shot to pieces where he stood. The other pris oner was Jailed. WAGES ON THE CANAL. Secretary Taft Affirms Batea of Par" nnd Honrs of Labor. The decision of Secretary Taft affirm ing rates of pay. hours of labor, -etc., for men employed on the Panama cnnal work applied especially to steam shovel men, construction train engineers and conduc tors. The shovel men wanted higher wages, as follows : Engineers, from $210 to $300 a month r-cranesmen, from $185 to $2r0; firemen, from $83.33 to $110. The Secretary rules that the present rates are high enough "after compnring the advan tages which the isthmian shovel men have over their brothers in the States, witb the disadvantages which they have to bear in living on the isthmus. He explains. that, the present basis is from 25 to 35 pef cent hiytaer than the average in thin country, while the canal men get steady work twelve mouths in the year, six weeks' leave with pay, twenty, days' sick leave, lodging free. nnd the married men water, fuel and light at the public ex pense, free medical attendance and an eight-hour day. He says further that yellow fever has been stamped out and the sick rate greatly reduced. Although, denying that the contracts with the men contain any promise of a gradual increase of pay, lie has recommended a yearly in crease of 3 per cent to skilled men. The wages of the construction train en gineers are advanced to $210, as re quested. As to dismissals, the Secretary has ap proved a plan whereby fipal and summary action will rest with a committee consist ing of one representative of the craft con cerned, one of the foremen and one of the, commission. Nephew Smith's t hief Heir. The fortune held by the late James N. Smith, known in Wall street as "Silent Smith." which was believed to be near $."50,000,000, has now been divided among the heirs by the will probated at New York on the day of the funeral. The real value of the estate is found to be not over $2.-1,000,000. Of this the largest piece goes to George (. Mason, a nephew, who has worked his way up from the shops in the servicp of the St. Paul rail road. He gets $ 12,0i 10,000. A third goet) to another nephew, William Smith Mason, a young real estate man of Evanston, III., while $3.1 II )0.( MM I is left to the widow, ftl, OOO.OtM) to a titled sister. Lady Coope of England, and smaller amounts to other relatives. is A May queen in flannels and fur bah! Ellen Terry has become a brido at 59. Terrvble ! This year's spring weather was ship ped to us by slow freight. France is going to examine our meat! by microscope. Another case of seein' things. A Hobokeu divorce suit binges on the quality of the wife's doughnuts. They were not like mother used to make. The new San Francisco is reported to be "two-thirds Bundled." Iloss Uuef wai caught before he could quite complete it. Growing a garden should properly be classed as oue of the luxuries, rather than one of the economics, of modern civiliza tion. The Hon. Abe Ruef doesn't believe he can get a fair trial in San Francisco, but hardly anybody will blame San Fran cisco. Suburban gardeuing is again impress ing itself upon the public mind aa one of our most ponderous uatioual extrava gances. Commander Peary has succeeded In loading his proposed North Pole expedi tion with everything except the fund necessary to muke it go.