I,rirt Prlated, Book. The largest book yet printed Is a eolownl atlas of engraved nnclent Dutch maps. It takes throe men to move It from the Riant bookcase rn which It It Stored In the lllirnry of the British Mu seum.' Thin monster book I bound In leather, magnificently deeornted, and Is fastened with Hasps of solid silver, rli-biy gilt. It is irttllkely to be stolen, however, for It Is nearly peren feet hijzh and welch SOO jKiunds. This, the larac3t book in the world, was present ed to King Charles II. before leaving Holland In tlie year 1CC0. iVVi-i .'.avVfel. mm. ilia dnont. s ions. Sl ,l' FF" rgn To eon vino any Mil If If woman that p.x l3f 153 fjBl t,M Antlneptlo Mr 111 ifU fa Pi Improve bur hi-nUb H U vhrm and, do All we cliilin HHktdEdfo, ii. -wo wt send her absolutely free larva trial box ot Paxttne with book of lustruc tlons and genuine testunonlnl. Bond your name and address on a postal curd. PMTIH factions, such as natal catarrh, peltie Ciitarih and Inflammation caused by femi nine Uls ; aorn eyes, aore throat and mouth, by direct local treatment. Its cur ative power oyer these troubles la extra ordinary and Rhus Immediate relief. Thousands of women are using and reo ommending It every day. 60 cents at druggists or by mall. Eemember, however, IT COSTS YOU NOTHUfO TO TKY IT. TUB K. FAXTOX CO., Beaton, Mess. f.KtSTIioinpson'sEyBWater A Judge's Reproof. Judge Young man, you're making a food deal of unnecessary noise, I think. Young Attorney Your honor, I've lost my overcoat and am trying to find it r Judge Whole suits have been lost here, 'sir, with much less noise. Lip pi neott's. The inducements to adopt Nature's per fect Laxative, Garfield Tea, are many ! It is made wholly of simple Herbs and 1b guaranteed under the lure Food and Drue Law; it overcomes constipation, regulates the Liver and Kldueya, purifies the blood and brings Good Health. Buckwheat is a corruption of "beech wheat." The corn ia so called from the similarity of the shape of its grains to the mast, or nuts, of the beech. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Great French Scientist. Dramatic and appropriate was tho death of the Illustrious chemist, Pierre Eugene Mercellln Berthelot, one of the leaders iu French science, who expired suddenly recently a few minutes later than his wife. After n union of al most half a. century In death they were not divided. M. Berthelot had just left his wife, who had been bedridden for a long time, when one of his sons lnform-ed him that the Invalid had erased to sufer. The aged chemist was com-' pletely overcome, uttered a cry of pain and ImjRediiitely expired. Do'rn In Paris in 1827, M. Berthelot entered upon his eightieth year on the 27th of last October. His long career was filled with memorable labors, the most Important of which led him to the synthesis of organic substances, and he brought about almost complete revolution In the science of chemistry. It, was to this that M. Berthelot owed his fame. Professor In the College de France, member of the Academle des Sciences and perpetual secretary of the same after the resignation of Pasteur, suc cessor of the mathematician Joseph Bertrand of the Academle Franoulse, a life member of the French senate, ex-minister of public Instruction and of foreign affairs, decorated with the grand cross of the Legion of Honor, M. Berthelot, whose intellect and activity were exercised far beyond the domain of his ordinary studies, was londed with titles and with dignities. At the suggestion of the government th French parliament voted to give him I national funeral. FIT THE GROCER. ! Wife Made the SuKgrttlon, A grocer has excellent opportunity to know the effects of sH-clal foods , on his customers. A Cleveland grocer has a long list of customers that have been helped in health by leaving off coffee and using Postuin Food Coffee. He says, regarding his own experi ence: "Two years ago I had been drlaklng coffee and must say that I was almost wrecked In my nerves. "Particularly in the morning I was so irritable and upset that I could hardly wait until the coffee was serv ed, and then I had no appetite for breakfast and did not feel like attend ing to my store duties. "One day my wife augvsted that inasmuch as I was selling so much Posrum there must be some merit in it and suggested that we try it. I took home a package and she prepared it ac cording to directions. The result was a very happy one. My nervousness graduuily disappeared and to-day I uiu all right. I would advise everyone affected In any way with nervousness or stoma'-h troubles, to leave off -n"ce and use Pcwtuni Food Coffee. here's a Keasnn." Keud, "The Itoad to Will vllle," lu l.kca. Eeleanses and heals mucous mem- Hi f m T After Many Years "Now, Misa Jinney, you !s alua a want in' a story about dem tryin' times in Ole Caroliney,- an I'a jes don' tole ye all I kuowed ober and olier agin." And our own colored cook, Tilda Jack son, knocked the ashes ant of her pipe on the hearth of the kitchen range, which to us children was a preliminary sign j that old 'Tilda held in reserve one of her reminiscences of her life on the Old Car ter plantation, near the city of Charles ton, and of the Civil War. We. children, my sister and I, used to love to steal down to her especial do main in the gloaming, and teaae for a story of that enchanted land of flowers, and especially of those battles fought near the Carter place, and of which the old negress was an eye witness. Itefilling her pipe, and settling herself in her easy chair, she continued : "I jes' done recolmember one moah ob dem yarns, but it's erbout how my ole missus kep Decoration Day all by her lone self, an' how she done put posies on one grave fur fifteen long years afore she found out who de poah young fella was." Here old 'Tilda stopped and lighted her pipe, puffed away with a retrospective glance at us two girls, as we crept closer to this orucle in ebony, and, having stim ulated our curiosity, she continued : "Wal, jes' a couple o' days after dat ere big fight at Charleston my ole man, Lige Jackson, he was down back o' de field a cuttin' bresh, an' all at once I seen him drop the ax an' start fur de house on a run. An' I was dat scarf"! let de scr.n -bod over,' case" I was makiu' soap out in de yard, an' was bound dut a snake had bit hirn, or he had got a lick wid de ax fur Lige was de laziest uiggah iu de whole kentry, an' I knowed some thing had happened when I seen him git such a move on to biui. An' shore euough, when he came up, all out of breff, I knowed it was time to git start, an' says he : ' 'ITldy, tell de missus dar'a a sojier lyin' down dar back ob de fence, by de run, an' I reckon he is powful bad burt, 'case he's a grownin' an' done seem to sense not in'.' "Wal, my missus wan't berry ole In dem days, but she was jus' done fading lake a putty posa, along ob dat dread ful wan, expecting to beah dat de runnel was killed, an' all de odor trouble erbout de niggns gittin' free, wid de place half woked an' fust oue army tukin' rations aud den de oder till it 'peara like dsy wasent much let'. Wall, I jis pulled do stick from under dut soap kittle an' run round to de front porch, whnr missus was sittiu', an' tole her what Lige seen. She got right up nu' made Lige an' ole Miukey, de coachman, go and brung dut pooh fellah to de house. She an' me a fix in' up a bed fur him while dey is gone. "Byenby dey toats him in an' lays him in it. He was outcn his hade lake, an' missus send rilit off fur a doctor, fud he foun' lie was shut lu de side, de ball goln rouu by do spaie, an' Tie say dat air pooh boy dun got he death blow, and de doctor reckon be was eider shot while on picket duty or had dropped bo bind when he dun got burt, while de araiy Inarched on an' let' him. Anyway, dur be was, an' he doant know nobody uer ntithiug, an' de doctor say he was pur- (ised, so be couldeut eveu move his pooh ungue. "Wall, ndssus an' me nussed him till we both pretty nigh dun drop iu our tracks fur a week. Den at lu' he dun weut home to glorv. as de sun was set- tin' lake In a sea of hah. "But jis' afore he breaved bis lus' he kinda com'd to his senses, an' kep' a look in' at missus uu' he try'd M mighty bard to apeak an' was dut distressed case he couldn't, de big teurs outen hla handsome black eyea uu' roll down bia cheeks dut was as white aa do sheet, an' de sweat lay so cole an' tbiek on bis bade dat bia pretty dark curls looked like dey were don got dipped iu de rain water barrl. "Da missus take bis ban' an' aay : " 'Xebber mine, du loviu' Jesus knows jes' what ye want to say,' an' woufd help bin) ter make her eu'stan', anyway he would dun find out who his folks war an' write 'em all about bow be fit an' died duiu' his duty, or what he thought war bis duty. "Din he kept looking at bis jkIi ragged clothes, dut nns a bangin' whar 1 be could see 'em, till uiissuu takes de MlMfc ,IVUt III y i J,U .J - "" M W. They are aiarihtiig down the street to-dsy With their tattered flags above. And beside the column the busy throng 1'auaes a space as they march along Uu their rnlsilou of peace and love. The brows are wrinkled, the forms are bent That follow the drum and fife; And (loners ot springtime fill the hands That ouce held rifles and flashing brands la the long past years of strife. Though some are feeble and some are bale. Time's hand has touched each head ; But to-day they step with a martial swing. Tor the Stars and Stripes are beckoning, As of ore, to a place of dead. For these are the men of Gettysburg And Shlloh's bloody fight ; The men of a thousand fields of war, Who pledged their lives to the flag they bore, ' For Union and the right. Body and spirit they offered (hen, Free at the Natlon-s call; Now they are weary and few and old. Know we the worth of the trust we hold, We, who are heirs to all? and bunts through de pockets. She dun found notbin' but a little Bible, an' when she bring it to him bis eyes jes sbine, lake de stars in de night, an' missus opened it an' a leetle tintype of a putty young thing a boldin' a little baby er about a year old drapped out, an' then be looked so glad. Missus axed him ef dat war his wife an' baby, an' he nodded yaa, an' den missus aay : 'I kin find dem by 'vertisiu' in de newspapers, an' I tink I dua know what ye want me to tell dnw,' an' den ahe aee dat be waa satis fied, an' bis poor eyes waa looein' deir light She dun took bis ban' in hers, an' san lake an' augel dat pretty hymn about: " 'All my true' on de Is staid. "Dar waa two or three verses, but I disremember 'em. Anyway while she was singing de gatea ob glory opened and tuk dot poor boy in. "Ef be war fightln' on de wrong aide he dident dun know it. He just did hla duty as he had learned It from older badea. So de missus bad him laid to res' up In de grove back of de bouse, an' ebery Decoration Dajr she dun put posies on nat lone grabe, rain or shine, sick or well." "Did she ever advertise?" asked Jen nie, wiping the tears out of her eyes. "Deed she did ! an' fur years ahe war tryin' to fine dem folks ob hisen, till it went on fur nigh on ter fifteen years. De wah was dun, de uiggura all free, Massah Carter loss an arm a fightln' agin it, an' his only chile, young Massa John, war glowed up to be a man, an' like his ma, as putty as a picter, and dat smart dat be run de plantation, bis own self. He hired de niggabs to work dat war good fur anything, an' 'let de triflin' ones go. "Wall, der used to be lots of company alius a couuV up from Charleston, .an' ooa -day -'n Xls.y .dar'war Mas'sa' John's cousin, Miss Llddy Carter, dun come out to de plantation ter make a visit, an' she brung erlong a young school friend', Xellie Munson, an' she was aa putty as a picter, with eyes aa black as de night when de moon don't shine, an' de color ob her cheeks war like du rosea in de gardin. "Wall, such time aa dem yoiuig critters bad.' Day waa boatin' an' fishln', an' hossback ridin' ebery day ob dur Uvea. Wal, one sweet, putty morning my ole missus say, dia ia Decoration Day ; ef you young ladies want to go wid me to put dowers on iliy grabe, I would like yer company. Misa Llddy she jes' dun st reach herself outcn de hammock on de veranda, an' ahe say : " 'Scuse me, aunty. I'm awful tired of dat grabe ; eber since I was a baby 1 recolmember it.' "But Miss Xellie she dun jump up an' say : " 'Please let me go, I've dun hear how good you war to dat poah sojier an' I know some day you will git your re ward.' So she an' missus walked off in de bright Bunsbinc. de bees war a hummln' and de birds a singiu', and dey carried a great baskit of posies de hun- HE DID NOT Soma ef the patriotism of '01 should enter into present day activities, ney suckle an' roses, an' jasamlna, an' Miss Nellie de prettiest Sower of ail In ber white frock and aky blue aaah. "Miss Liddy she lay dar swlngln' In de bammak, and Massa John, after a lit tle, gits up and atarta for de grove, too. Den Misa Liddy laffs and aais kinder scornful lake: 'Is It Miss Xell or ds grabe . that takea you out dar dia hot nioruln'V" "He jea laugh back at ber an' aay : " 'Ob corse it's de grabe, dat's my 'lig eous duty, ye know, 'specially when dar'i a lovely young lady in de bargain.' 'II'? ole missus alius like t9 babe us all come up dar, loo, so I war dar jea' as Mr. John got dar, an', as usual, my mis sus opened dat sojier's Bible an' was jus' goin' ter read when Miss Nellie saw de leetle tintype, and she gabe a leetle cry lake, an' takin' It from de missus ban' she said : " 'Oh, Mrs. Carter, my ma has got jes such a picture, an' it's hers and mine When I was a baby.' Den she laid her baid down Into missus' lap an' began ter cry, an' she nobbed out dat her pa was in de wah, an' disappeared, an' day dun tried ebery way to fine out sometlng er bout him. Missus axe her what was her pas and mas name, an' she tole ber dere names war 'George an Lucy.' An' missua opened de Bible, an' dar waa writ on de leaf 'From Lucy to George.' Den she took de poah young lady In ber arms, an' said: '"How wonderful are dy ways, oh, Lord !" An', my chile, dare under all dem flowers sleeps your futher, an' in this peaceful spot. He has not been like a stranger, or neglected, so now in de Providence ob de good Lord, de dearest ' wish ob bis heart ia fulfilled, will be comforted.' I trus' you I "Massa John, walked erway wipin' bis Si'.cs, ai.' missus-read a comfortin j varse or two outen dut little Bb)e, an'J we una snug a hymn, and de decoration was ober fur dut day, an' missus said to all ob aa: " 'Let dis yar teach yer a lesson ob faith. Do your duty, no matter bow , long de way is, or bow dark de cloubds.' "Wall, cbil'en, it is time ye were in yet j beds. It's jes erbout true, dis yarn. Ebery word ia as true aa de gospil. Yaa. Misa Jiunie, dat are grabe is decorated ebery year when dis day comes aroun', though de ole massa and missus Is lyln' ( down beside dst young sojier boy, an' j it'a Miss Nellie's grabe now, for she dun gun' an marr'd Massa John, an' be jus' lubs de ground she walks on. De ol missus lubed her, too, and you ought to a seen what care Miss Xellie dun took ob de ole missus in ber las' sickness, fur month afore she dun went to ber reward, and she say ober and ober again : "Xo kind act Is overlooked by de Mas ter; an', honey, I'm gittin my pay now for honorin' du dead by a few flowers on a lonely grabe upon de day de nation set apart to 'memorate dose dut fell.'" Although South America has nboul twice the area of the United States, It has only half the populutlon. FIGHT FOB THI Modernlslaif hapserro. Coltou Mnynnrd. an Instructor tn English at the Cheahlre Academy, Cho ahlre, Conn., has been In the bablt for some time of asking the boys in his fshakspeare clnss to givo approprlt titles for the scone In different plays. The other day. after reading "Th Merchant of Venice." he asked one of tho boya to suggest a good tltlo for the scene where Jessica steals away from her father"s house with Ixnenxo. Tho boy showed his familiarity with melo drama. If not with Shakspoare, by an nwerlng quickly, "No Mother to Gulda Uer'Hariier a Weekly. WORN TO A SKELETON. A Wonderful ltestoratoa Caused a Heaaatlon la a renaarlvaala Town. Mr. Charlc X. Preston, of F.lkland. Pa., says: "Three years ago I found Unit my housework was becoming a bur den. I t'lred easily, had no nmbltloti and was fading last. My complexion got yel low, and I lost over M oundft. My thirst was terrible, and there was sugar In the kidney secretions. My doctor kept me on a strict diet, but as hla medicine wus not helping ine, I begun using Doan's Kidney Pills. They helped we at once, and soon all traces of sugar disappeared. I have regained my former weight and uiu ierfectly well." Sold by all dealers. r0 cents a box. Foater-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Modesty of tireatneaa. TUllam Henry Harrison had won tha battle of Tippecanoe. "Indiana has plenty of military men who eould have done the job aa well aa I did," he said, "but they were all ao busy writing novels that I hated to dis turb them with a little affair of this kind." Feeling sure, furthermore, tbat the mil itary fame of Indiana would be safe in the hands of his illustrious grandson, ha went back to Ohio, where he could keep an eye on Foraker. Then the Merenrjr Froao, "I think London Is a lovely placa for a honoymoon. Ikm't you. dear?" "Yea, darling," he replied In an ab stracted manner. "I shall always coma here In the future." Stray Stories. Mrs. wintlow't Soothing Pyrup for Ohlldran roMalng; tef teas the. gum, redness Inflsmma tloa, auayt pui, auaes wioi colla, sm a boula. Tba English ironey denomination pound was once a pound weight of ail-1 ver in its pur state. Spring always brings into special favor Nature's blood purifier. Garfield Tea. It is made wholly of clean, aweet Herbs. It purifies the blood, cleanses the system, cleara tba complexion, eradicates disease and promotes Good Health. For young and oK Sampled Too Mack. Church My wife's very much under tho weather to-day. Gotham Yes, I think you told ma you weie at the pure food show last night Yonkers Statesman. That our American forests abound in plants which possess the most valuable medicinal virtues is abundantly attested by scores of the most eminent medical writers and teachers, a Even the untu tored Indians had discovered the useful ness of many native plunts before tha advent of tho white race. This Informa tion, imparted freely to tho whites, led tha latter to continue investigations until to-duy we have a rich assortment of most vuluublu American medicinal roots, o -o Dr. Pierce believes that our American for ests abfend In most valuable medicinal roots fo the cuFsmjf most obstinate and fatal dis eases, if w&njMd properly Investigate therm and loyTuiianyn of this conviction, be rjOllfvwlth DrlOtkJV I Up almost tnsrrflmis effected tiy llfl " f covery" whlcl) ha nroven Itself tn tw lli V'Vrt Mil1 " "" " iiy.-r inviiir- u,r. Iwurt, pmc s,pn, regit Is, lor, and blood cleanser known to mcdlcDLsclcnre. DVkpcp- . US alb. or Indigestion, torpid HverTTunctlonall and even valvular and otber affections of the heart yield to Its curative action. Tba reason why It cures these and many otber affections. Is clearly shown In a little book of extracts from the standard medical works wblcb la mailed frte to any address by Dr. B. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.. to all sending request for the same. 2v O Not less Marvelous, In the unparalleled cure It Is constantly making of woman'a tnsnv necullar affections, weaknesses and dlstrfHIng derSrszcments. la Dr. Pierce's uiurPisjna derangements, ia ur. rier FasrttePrescripUJrtvas la amply attei atttousaiMs pftauJioWctfrdJesllmpnlals buted biVrteful psTTenekwho hsveb 'rescnpticfnvas la amply attested con- been Cured by It of. catarrhal nt-Wlc, flraipr. palnM cured by U ox catarrhal neiTic, flr.it, painnrr terkuL irrecantlesprvlaobus nd ulbvf rtUpyiccmeuls- rai.-VTbv weakness, "'err- atluii yt uterus siid jjo JredaTfectlonsJortCn after many other udvcrllscd medlchica, and physicians bad failed. Cv "C C Both tho alsive mentioned medicines are wholly made uu from Uiu glyceric extracts of native, medicinal roots. The processes em ployed in their manufacture were original with Dr. Pierce, and they are carried on by Hkiuu t'lieiuisiH siui pnui im aid of apparatus anil appliances specially Oehlgned and built for this piirK. Both medicines are entirely free from alcohol and all other harmful, habit-tormina drutcs. A full list ot their Ingredients Is printed on each tiottle-wrstmor. .Sj-BA CASE OF BAD BOVELS l&m AfC yu happy? Not if your liver and bowels don't work. n "iV,K 3 Hannltvss AenmAx nn tfie finwlc- throw your liver out of gear, and make you act mean to those you love. Your stomach is sour, your skin yellow, your breath offensive, and you hate yourself and all mankind. Winter or summer it's all the same, when you are unclean inside, you are unhappy and so is everybody near you. Tlie cure is pleasant, quick, easy, cheap, never fails. Cascarets, the world's greatest bowel cleaner and liver tonic. Cascarets are guaranteed to cure constipation, lazy liver, bad blood, bad breath, sour stomach, biliousness, and all summer and winter bowel troubles. Don t be un happybuy a box today. All druggists, JOc, 25c, 50c. Write for health booklet and free sample. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. CURED BY I "''saval. usH Tired Nervouo Women Make Unhappy Homco '2r MRS.NELLIE MAKI-JAM A nervous Irritable woman, often on tho verge of hysterics, ia n source of misery to everyono who comes under her influence, and unhappy and mis erable herself. Such women not only drive hus bands from home but are wholly unfit to govern children. Tho ills of women act like a fire brand upon the nerves, consequently seven-tenths of tho nervous prostra tion, nervous despondency, the "blues", sleeplessness, and nervous irritability of women arise from some organic derangement. Do you experience fits of depression with restlessness alternating with ex treme irritability ? Do you suffer from pains in the abdominal region, backache, bearing -down pains,nervous dyspepsia, sleeplessness, and almost continually cross and snappy? If so, your nerves aro in a shattered con dition and you aro threatened with nervous prostration. Proof ia monumental that nothing In the world Is better for nervous troubles of women than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comsonnd, made from native roots and herbs. Thousands and thousands of woaaen can testify to this fact. Mrs. Nellie Makham, of 151 Morgan St, Buffalo, N. Y., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: 'I was a wrack from nervous prostration Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and? kerbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drugs and today holds the record for the largest number of actual oarsa of female diseases of any medicine the world has ever known, and tkeasands of voluntary testimonials are on. file in the laboratory at Lynn, Mass., which testify to Its wonderful value. Utfa E. Pinkham's Vegetable CMHcads a Woman's Remedy for Women's Ills. Whea Itnbbr Wakes Vp. Gunner You will find very few watn ta billing and cooing over their has wnds after the honeymoon is over. Quyer I should say so. After the honeymoon you will find them only hill ing. Gunner Billing? Guycr Yes, flooding hubby with mil liners' and dressmakers' bills. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to leara that there Is st least one Jrasded disease that science has bean abla te core la all Its stsa;es, and that Is Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is the suly positive cure sow known to the medical fraternity. Cstartb being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Cstarr Cure Is tssen Internally, acting dlreafly opoa the blood and mucous surfaces ef the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the dlsesse, aud jclvlng the patient strenrta by building up tae constitution and assisting nature lu doing Its work. The proprietors hsve so much faith la Its cure tlv powers that they offer One Hundred Iiollars for any case that It falls to cure. Bend for list of testlmnnlsls. Address V. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, TCc. Take Hsll s Family Pills for constipation. Ilia Idea of a Joke. "Jones has a queer sense of humor." "Hub?" "He married his dead wlfe'a sister, yon know. And now be refers to tha deceased aa his sister-in-law." -Cleveland Leader, Yau Can Oct Allen's Foot-Ease FRED Writs trtlav in Allen R nimaturi T M Rnv. N. Y., for a FREES sample of Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to shake Into your shoes, j It cures tired, sweating, hot, swollen, ach- ng reet. it manes new or tignt snoes easy. A certain cure for Corns and Bunions. All Druggists and Bboe Stores sell It. 25c. Toklo ia a hundred years older than St. Petersburg. - . ITCHING RASH 18 YEARS. Girl's Rub. Spread ssd Grew Wore trader Specialist' Care Perfect Cora by Cutlcura Remedies. "When my daughter was a baby she bad a breaking out behind the ears. The doctor said that she would outgrow It, and It did get somewhat better until she was about fifteen years old, and after tbat she could get nothing that would drive It away. She was always applying something In the way of salves. It troubled ber behind the knees, opposite tbe elbows, baok of the neck and ears, under tbe cUIn, and then It got on the face. That was about three years ago. She took treatment with a specialist aud seeaied to get worse all the time. We were then advised to try the Cutlcura Remedies, and now I don't see any breaking out, M. Curley, 11-19 Sliteesth skreet. Buy City, Mich., May 20, lOOtl." put into your body not only good material for repairs and fuel, but a mass of useless stuff that has to be removed promptly or it will clog your machinery, poison your blood, CATHARTIC vu Nv n f i MRS.GEO. A. JAMES I suffered so I did not cam what became of " me, and mv family despaired of iy re covery. Physicians failed to help me. I waa urged to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetalile Compound and I want to tell yon that it boa entirely cured me. I think IS Is tha finest medicine on earth and I am recommending it to all my friends and acquaintance. Mrs. Geo. A. James, a life long resident of Fredonla, N. Y writes: Dear Mrs. Pink ham: "I waa In a terribly run down condition and had nervous prostration caused br femolo troulvln. In fact I bad not been wuui since my children were born. This con dition worked on my nerves and I waa ir ritable and miserable. I bad tried many remedies without getting much help But Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound!' brought mo back to health and strength. It hna also carried me aafoly through tha Change of Life. I cannot too stronglj ' reoommond your medicine, " Mrs. Pl&htiam's Invitation to Woaieo Women suffering from any form of' female weakness are invited to communicate promptly with Mrsv Pinkham, at Lynn, Mast. From the aymptonia given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Out of her vast volume of experience in treating female Ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Her advice is free and always helpful. Food H Products Llbby's Corned Beef is a mild cured and perfectly cooked corned Beef, and carefully packed In Llbby'e Great White Kitchens. It Is prepared aa care fully as you would make it In your own kitchen. It has the characteristics and delicious flavor ot the right kind of corned beef. for Quick Servtag-.-Libby's Corned Beef, cut Into thin slices, arranged on a platter sod garnished with Libbjr's Chow L.tiow mates s tempt ing dish ior luncheon, dinner or suppsr. Ask vrar inmt Is Llbkir-a a IhW asi stUa LlskyS Llbby. McNeffl i Libby. Chkais The Canadlea West Is the Best West Tbs testimony ol tens ol thoussnds during tbe patt year Is that the Canadian West is the best West. Year by year kite agiicultura! returns" nave Increased in volume and In valus, and stilt, the Canadian Uovenuneut oilers too acres Irss te very bona fide settler. Some of the Advantages Tbs phenomenal Increase In rsilwsynllesge main lines aud" branches has put slmost every portion of the country withta essy reach ok churches, schools, msrksts, cheap luel aad every' aaodero convenience. The NINETY MILLION BUSHEL WHEAT CHOP ol this year awans s,oceyx te tW farmers ef W eaters Canada, apart Isota tbev rcaults ol ether grains and catus. For advksj and t formation address tho Superintendent ol Immigiatioo, Ottawa, Canada, er the authorised Csiudiaa Covers neat Aaeui. W. D. Scott, Superintendent of ImmlsTstioev. Ottawa. Canada, or E.T. HoJmeS, Jit Jacksosv. Sc, St. Paul, Mann, and j. M. MscLachlsa, Boa tie, Watertowa, So. Dakota. Aatborlsad Gorersr assat Agents. fiaasB ear asaso yea saw this aa MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A Oerters Oare (or Fevertahaeea. Censtlpatloa, Hvalstkt, fiteasacii Traableo, Tetklaa other Orar, m S. C. Jf. IT. - - No. 21 107. Everv time vou cat. VO'l ) if 0 ss-r w umig i n MS ii ssr hi nil w C J JfjfV IX v S Tf VS . ifii 1 , Worses. They Break aa Voldsv JeTaOio. sVl sVTOLMSTCO. LUaH X. uJP?5"25