miEULlATISLI AND HEUnALGIA ST. JACOBS i 1L. The Proved Remedy Fop Oyer 50 Years. Price S9e and 90 Afraid of the Smell. BUI Although birds are credited With a sense of smell, an English ex pert finds turkeys lndlffereut to all edors. Jlllr-rWell, I don't know; I've seen turkey trying to get a long distance away when a motor car was In the vi cinity. Yonkers Statesman. Momentary Relapse. "Mr. Bpotcash," said the reformed port, "we want to buy a thousand crul lers for the waift' picnic. Can you girt ua something?" 1 "Tea," answered the merchant. "Here'l "Thanks, Mr. Spotoaan. I told th boys, by Oeorge. it was. dollars to dough cats you'd cough up liberal !" WEIGHT AM HEALTH THIN, NERVOUS PEOPLE NEED THE TONIC TREATMENT. . . . This Woman Took Dr. Williams' Pink Pllla, Gained Thirty Pounds and Has Been Wall Evsr Since. How many women and men too are Buffering from a general decline in health which the ordinary remedies seem unable to check I How many i.ns Ja&nds see their wives wasting away, steadily losing health and beauty, and are powerless to help) Consumption and other germ diseases find in these 'debilitated systems easy prey, for the lowered vitality is unequal to the task of lighting off the infection of these diseases to which most of us are almost daily ex posed. The symptoms indicating tlia decline which may have results so fatal could scarcely be better described than in the statement of Mrs. William Manley, of M Court street, Utica, N. Y. Her case Is a typical one. She says : "For six months after the birth of my baby, I suffered from sick, dizzy head aches, which seemed like a rush of blood to my forehead, just back of my ,. eyes. Borne days they twitched sol could hardly see and black spots floated before them. The least exertion brought on this sickness. My appetite was poor and I was often sick to my stomach. "If I tried to work, my feet soon be came swollen, paining me terribly. I bad sinking spells and grew pale and iservQus. 1 was so thin that I weighed only 95 pounds. "One day when at the drag store to Kt headache powders I decided to try . Williams' Pink Pills instead. I soon notioed that my headache was dis appearing and my nerves gradually . grew stronger. The pills gave me a hearty appetite and I now weigh over ISO pounds. I believe the pills to be the best tonic and builder a woman can take, as they certainly helped me when my condition was critical and I nave never been seriously ill since." The great value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lies in the fact that they actually .make new blood and this carries health and strength to every portion of the body. The stomach is toned np, the nerves are strengthened, every organ it stimulated to do its work. If yon are ill and the treatment yon are taking does not cure you, write for proof of what Dr. Williams' Pint Pills have done in similar cases. Tonr druggist sells them or they will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 'price, 60 cents per box, six boxes for 13.60, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Nothing Too Good For the American People rate of OVER A MILLION BOXES A MONTH, proving that the American people recog nize, that what is BEST FOR THEM is none too good. Why this enormous patronage ? The answer is simple: Cascarets are pure, clean, sweet, mild, fragrant, harmless but effective little tablets for the treat ment and cure of Constipation and all Bowel Troubles. They are put up ia neat little enamel boxes, easy to buy, easy to carry (in vest-pocket or purse), easy to take and easy of action, always reliable, always the same, they "work while you sleep"' and wake you up feeling fine in the morning. They not only regulate trie movement and stimulate the muscular walls ol the bowels, but they keep the ENTIRE CANAL CLEAN and antiseptic, forcing out and destroying all disease germs that breed in the accumulated filth unless promptly and regularly discharged. Therefore, they are a great preventive ol disease, and may be taken continuously as a precautionary measure. The new Pure Drugs Act, adopted by Congress on June 30, 1906, and In effect January 1. ig07, is a GOOD LAW and means better and PURER drugs for the American People. We endorse it and will live up to it in SPIRIT and LETTER, an easy task, as we have always been actuated by the same principles and no changes are required in our formula or pack age. We adopted OUR OWN PURE DRUG LAW in 1896 when the first box of Cascarets came on the market and have lived and worked and pro duced under it ever since. To-day.after a record of nearly 100,000,000 boxes sold. Cascarets STAND the greater in PURITY, QUALITY and MEDICINAL MERIT than any otber preparation for Bowel trouble In all the world. This should be a great argument for any one, to try Cascarets AT ONCE, and be healthier and happier for it Some people have CHRONIC CONSTIPATION with all the horrors derived from it; others have HAB. ITUAL CONSTIPATION from carelessness and neglect, but nearly EVERYBODY has OCCASIONAL CONSTIPATION, which, if not promptly taken care of is liable to result in its degeneration into the worse forms and cause great suffering and perhaps death. Cascarets, if taken patiently and regularly, will remedy all of these awful troubles, but if taken promptly at the very first sign of an irregular. a e,Bowe' wil1 ct th FINEST PREVENTIVE ever discovered ana will keep all the machinery running in good order. jy We advise you to get a little 10c box of Cascarets TO-DAY and carry It in your purse or vest pocket Take one when you feel anything unusual aDy4k.S-ov,!,el3-,Yoi,r own druggist will sell you the little box, under uuakanii of satisfaction or money refunded. All druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c. Cal oh arm, N other man et fsrlf btrth erm ahowed such fine command af lse Eng lish language or mM It ao felicitously. A man who objected strongly to bit politic but admired hi talents a writer once aald: "I wish Mr. Schuri couldn't write ao wall; I could hate him better." In 1877 Carl Sciiura vis ited Boston to make a scch against Benjamin F. Butter, who waa running for Governor of Msssachusetts. While arguing on the Question of the resump tlon of specie payments, en laaue that waa paramount at that time, Mr. Schurs likened "Inflation" to a balloon filled that had carried the American nation oft lta feet. At that time he made nee of the following expression, which brought the Immeuae audience that greeted him to its feet : "We have placed our feet on aolld ground again and we propose to keep them there." A MISSOURI WOMAN Telia a orr of Awfal Saffcrtaar aad Woadarfal HelUl. Mrs. J. D. Johnson, of 603 West Hickman St., Columbia, Mo., says: "Following an operation two years ago, dropsy set In. and my left side wss ho swollen the doctor said be would have to tap out the water. There was constant pain nud a gurgling aensation around my heart, and I could not raise my arm above my head. The kid ney action waa disor dered and passages of the secretions too frequent. On the advice of my husband 1 began using Doau's Kidney Pills. Since using two boxes my trouble has not reappeared. This Is wonderful, after suffering two years." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, X. V. Proteettoa of Amerloaa Bird. The movement for the protection of birds in America has long since as sumed . formidable proportions, sayi American Homes ond Gardens. Much of the credit for the work accomplished- Is due to the Audubon societies, which exist in thirty-nve States, and which for a number of years hare car ried on an active work for the conserv ing of bird life. The results accom plished ars considerable. A "model law" drawn up by the American Orni thologists' union is now In force in thirty Stutes and the District of Co luuiblu. The Lucey law excludes from Interstate commerce all birds killed Il legally In uny State, and makes those legitimately killed subject to the law of the State In which they are bought Laws prohibiting the aale of game out of senou,even when killed In sea son, look toward the same end of con serving bird life. Public attention bus been aroused on the subject, uud even the manufacturer of air rides no long er calls attention to the fact that they will kill small game within short dis tances. Absolute protection has not yet been glveu . the birds everywhere, but a great and Important work has been well begun aud Is being carried forward. Hoaoat? Bxplalaed. "I returned a dollar that the cashier gave me by mistake to-day." . "No mistake. He tried to work that counterfeit off on me, too." 8KIN 80RE EIGHT YEAR3. Spent f !100 on Doctor and Remedies bat Got No Belief Cntlcara Cores In a Week. "Upon the ll-.ubs and between the toes my skin was rough and sore, and nlno sore uuder the arsis, aud I hn to stay at home several times because of this uffectlon. Up to a week or so ago I had tried many other remedies and several doctors, aud spent about three hundred dollars, without any success, but this Is to-duy the seventh day that I have been using the Cutlcura Reme dies (costing a dollar and a half), which have cured me completely, so that I can again attend to my busi ness. I went to work again to-night. I bad been suffering for eight years and have now been cured by the Cut lcura Remedies within a week. Fritz HtrschlafT, 2f Columbus avenue. New York. X. Y., March 29 and April C, 190G." There is NOTHING TOG GOOD for the American people that's why we started to make Cascarets Candy Cathartic. The first box made its appearance in 1896, and the enthusiastic endorsement oi the people has been bestowed upon Cascarets ever since. The sale today is at the Do not whip a frightened horse. It only adds to bis fright. Sheep require a clean plnee to eat and must have It or else their health will be Impaired and food wasted. Regularity Is perhaps more Import ant In feeding sheep than Is the cast with other animals, for sheep are nat urally regular In their habits. While a small bun-b of sheep can be kept on any farm to good advantage, they serve a double purpose, as they enrich the farm aud bring a cash In come at the same time. The majority of the high ronds In Belgium are now planted with trees along the way, to the great pleasure of travelers and to the advantage of the country. In a Mai distance of 4.776 miles there are no less than 800,000 of these roadside trees. Among them are Included 300,000 elms. 170,000 oaks, 70,X)) evergreens, ,7U,tHK.i ash trees and 41,000 maples. A There Is no better way of weuulng lamhs than by allowing both they aud their daais a couple of weeks' ruu of the rape field and then removiug the ewes away to some poor pasture out of their bearing. The ruu of a secoud growth clover pasture and a little grain In conjuiictlou will not come amiss, especially where pure-breed sheep are considered. Kxperhueufs made lu Fruuce with the sunflower gave a return of 1.778 IkhhkIs of seed from uu acre, yielding 15 per cent of oil (about 120 pounds) and 80 per cent of cake. The product varies, of course, with the kind, the ell mute aud the soil. The common oil Is used chiefly, for woolen dressing, light ing and soup-making In Europe. The purified article Is largely employed for tuble use, and Is considered by some as equal to olive oil.' '. ; For very large hauglug baskets the maderla vine Is very satisfactory. - It Is best not to give It very rich soil; Its growth will uot he so strong, but the leaves will be closer together' and also be mora attractive. linen It back mercilessly until the basket or trellis Is covered with foliage. After that let a few vines grow, allowing some to droop and others to train up along the wire or strings, suspending the basket. Keep the glossy leaves clean and the result will be a handsome basket, and a charming plant. H'F lor Pastor and Soiling. Hye Is not half appreciated by the American farmer. It Is very hardy, will grow on the poorest land, makes good winter uud spring pasture and If sown early enough makes good fall pusture. It Is a good early spring soil ing crop. It makes a fair quality of boy If cut In bloom or before, and It always sells at gond price and makes the best of bedding for cattle and horses. It Is also nu excellent green manure crop for tinning uuder In early spring. While It does not add nitrogen, as the clovers do, It makes a great deal of humus, and thus im proves the texture of worn-out soils. It will grow In any section that can grow uny of the small grains. Where com or potatoes or cowpeas ure grown after corn, rye may be sown In the corn at the time by "laying by" or may be sown on the stjibhle after the corn Is cut and be plowed under In the spring for any of the crops mentioned. W. J. Spillman. Iowa's Dairy Interests, According to the twentieth annual re port of the Iowa State Dairy Commis sioner, II. It. Wright, Iowa shlpjH'd out of the Ktate lu 1!K).", using round num bers, 01,000.01 Nt pounds of butter, and In 100(1, '.W.isri.ooo pounds, lu l'MHI Woodbury County Hlilpjsxl the larcosi number of jkmiiiiK amounting to (t,.14i!, 00) pounds. The county that shlpixsl the second largest amount was I'olk ('ounty, viz., 5,118.000 pounds. Uur lng the last seven years there lias been a gradual Increase In the num ber of pounds of butter shtpicd out of the (State. In IDOO shipments amount ed to 71,710,000 kjiuh1s. and In l!).i to OS,18r,)00 pouuils. From thu stand point of butter shipments, therefore, the State of Iowa Is ('rowing. In 1005, 40.1.'!0 hand separators were used In the State of Iowa, while lu 1U0H, 58,050 were In use. In 1005. 7o8.000 pound of butter were made in the State of Iowa as itiuipiired with 01,-2,000 pounds in 10OG. In the SHine uianner the number of creamery pa tron has Increased from 85,0(K In I:MI5 to 01,807 In litoo. Nolls lor Twuiato Italaluar. Almost any soil from siuid to day will protliuw good crops of tomatoes, says a Maryland bulletin, but here again extremes should Is- avoided uud except uuder mmvIiiI conditions, such as where very curly market are to lie suppIltHl, It will Ih lietler to avoid the very light sandy soils. The soli must be In a good state of cultivation. Mini urea, fertilizers, lime, aad the growing of clover or other legumes all help to bring about this coiulltlou. If a sod field is to be used, plow In the late fall or early spring awl replow, cut ting but a shallow furrow, In time to prepure for planting. lo not plant tomuliwH on a piece of land wliirli bus hud com iijkju It tin previous year, but rather let corn fol low the tomatoes and later wheat Ol some other grain crop with grass and clover. Many farmers expect to gel good tomatoes upon thin, sour land might and disease In unfavorable sea sons are always rampant upon sucb land and the grower becomes discour aged snd Is convinced that bis soil Is unsuitable for the crop when. In reality, the failure Is due to a condition readily rectified by the application of lime and manure. Labor Savlasr Crop Growl oar. At the meeting of the National Asso ciation of Agricultural Implement and Vehicle Manufacturers, the statement was made that in 1X30 taiore than three hours of labor were required In grow ing it bushel of wheat, but that In 1890 the labor required amouuted to less thau ten minuets; that a bushel of corn represented four snd one-half hours' work In 1850, and forty min utes' work lu 1004. Modern machinery plants and harvests crops at a cost Of one-half what was paid fifty years ago, tliougli the men who operate the ma chines receive double the wages. Ameri can machinery Is being introduced Into the Philippines nnd Is a continual won der to the natives. Lnt year a steam rice thresher was Imported. The na tives who used the thresher got so much more grain than those who did not use It that many of them conceived the Idea that rice wss hidden Inside of the a pa rat or, and allowed to flow from the sH)Ut of the ainchlne. Tne Losaa Brrrr. This hybrid berry, originated some years ugo lu California, bids fair to dtKplaee In the markets of the l'aclflc roust ' the old Lawton blackberry, aud to some extent the red rasplierry. The hybrid 'Is a cross between the two, and combines the good qualities of both. It Is very popular with housewives, the vlnis are enormously prolific and proiKigute readily, aud the cultivation on an extensive scale for thu markets of the Paelfle northwest Is planned. This berry shows ft wonderful evolu tion In the fruit Industry within a few years. While the strawberry has no rival as an uncooked 'table berry, an Hbundaiice of hgan berries would make Is possible to do without blackberries md rasplHiTles eveu Including the wild , blackberry without missing tl.em. The development of this berry and the rapidity with which It has come into market would lie phenomenal had not the exiierluient of Luther Bur luink In the plaut world during the last ti n years have made anything possible in this line. Oregonlau. , Earl)- .tireca Foods for Live Stock. Com Is an excellent fodder crop, but tht: best fodder ' crop - is that consist ing of small, tender stalks, which are usually juicy and succulent In order tc add to the quality the fodder should be sown thickly in rows, and cut When quite green. Some prefer to cut com todder when the corn is in tassel, and others nt the time the young corn be gins to fill out, when It Is cured, stored uud fed, after being cut Into small lengths. It Is suggested, however, that corn can be cut whou nhout three feet l.igu and tied lu bundles. The advan tage of this method Is that two crops tuuy be sown the same season, aud If properly cured and stoml It does not crumble so readily. It is an excellent, clean fodder , for horses, and may be fed in the bundle, or cut Into short lengths. I'ens answer ls?st early lu the heasou, and are suitable for cattle and sheep. They are usually sown with oats and fed directly from the field to the stock, In the yards, under the soil lug method. Sucb a crop may be fed end gotten out of the way or a lato corn fodder crop, or for turnips. In attempting to grow two crops on the same location, however, the land must be manured heavily, or It will be In jured, tlmugh the exhaustion will not be so great as when such crops are al lowed to muture and produce seeds. Fertilisers for Potatoes. Potash Is the principal plant food preferred by the potato crop, and phos phoric acid is likewise an Indlsiiensu ble necessity, that Is, so fur as tubers are concerned. But the tops are also to be made, for without good growth or vine the dlllleulty of producing a large yield of tubers will lie greatly In creased, potash existing largely In the vines. The manure, as stated, should be well rotted, as In that condition It l-omes more available as plant food. Fresh manure, us ull should know. In terferes with the keeping qualities of the tubers, engendering disease und de cay ; not only while they are lu the ground and growing, but also after lie lng hurvcstetl and stowed awuy. Chem ical fertilizers are better for jiotatoes than for any other crop, as such fer tilisers are surer and cheuier In the end. and rondutv to Is'tter quality of tuls-rs.' For an acre of jiotatocs, s fair profsirtion will be uliout 75 pounds ni trate of soda. LtiO pounds muriate of potash and 1100 pounds suiierphospliate, but these proportions must lie varied to suit the soil. If the soli Is ferttlo less quantities will sufFice, and In oth er cases the nltrute muy be Incrensed If preferred. This fertilizer may lie hroadcustcd on the surface, nud after the land has been made ready, nnd uf ter the potatoes have been -overed up. Then go over ull with a light burrow, and before the young plants are very high a healthy upiieurance will denote the telling effects of the fertilizer, though the use of fertilizer in the hills or row Is j referred by some. Itefore planting the tubers, cut and roll them In piaster. Cut a week before plant ing and they will sprout the sooner for It. In using parts green for the bugs let it be mixed with plaster. Wood ushes may ulso tie used liberally on potatoes, broadcasted on the surface. Keep dowu the grass und weeds, as they rob the italocB of moisture ut ull times, (live plenty of room to each plant 111 which to grow, and keep tho cultivator buy, Tho Iihmmii tutr The keeping of Sunday, the first day of the week, as a sarml day In mem ory of the resurrection nnd of the de scent of the Holy Ghost dates from the beginning of Christianity. It was called the Lords day In all the church es, but gradually acquired the name of Sun-day from the Unmans, who called the first day of the week dies soils, or day sacred to the sun. The first official recognition of Sunday as a holy day Is In an edict of the Homan Kuiperor Con stantino In 821 ordering that all work should cease In the cities "on the vener able Sunday," but permitting necessary fsrm work to be attended to. St Louis Republic. plaaola April Toalo. This Is known as "Blood Cleaning Time," especially among the older folks, who alwsys take something dur ing this mouth to cleau the blood of Impurities and build It up. The following Is the recipe as given by a well-known authority, aud any one can prepare It at homo: Fluid Extract Dandellou one-half ounce, Compound Kargun one onnce, Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla three ounces. Get these simple Ingredients from any good pharmacy and mix by shak ing well In a bottle. The dose Is one teaspoonful after meals and at bed time. Everybody should take something to help the blood, which becomes Impov erished and almost sour after the win ter season, especially those wtlo are subject to Rheumstlsm, Catarrh, Kid ney and Bladder trouble. It Is said that one week's use of this mixture will clear the skin of sores, pimples or bolls. This Is sound, healthy advice, which will be appreciated by .many readers. Too Uaefal Earthworm. Dnrwln estimates that there art 100,000 earthworms quietly at work for the advantage of the upier six feet of every acre. They continually turn ever the soil and drag down leaves and grass, and thus they loosen the soil and fertilize the ground, so that necessary air can reach the roots that spread and grow. Deafness Cannot be Cured by loml applications, is they, cannot resell the UUcaard portion of the car. There la only one way to cure dfnei, and that Is ty constitutional rcmedlra. Deafneaa la .-auacd by an Inflamed condition of the mil puua lining of the Eustachian Tube. Wheu Ma tub ta Inflamed yon have a rumhllns ion nd or Imperfect hearing, and when It la entirely closed, Deafnaat la the reault, and anlese the Inflammation can be taken out ind tlila tuba reatored to Its normal condi tion, hearing VIII be destroyed forever; nine ranea out of ten ars cauaed by Catarrh, which ta nothing hut an Inflamed coudltluu of the mucous aurfacaa. We will give Oue Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafneaa (cauaed by catarrni that cannot be cured by Mali's Catarrh Cure. Vend for rlrcalsra, free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Drugglata, Tfto. Take Jlau'a Family Pllla for conatluatlon. Greenland has about 12,000 Inhabit ants. The largest two villages have only 382 and 333 inhabitants. For constlpatiou, biliousness, liver dis turbances aad diseases resulting from im pure blood, take Nature's remedy, Oar field Tea. It is made wholly ef health giving Herbs. . ' CASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Children. Tha Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears tha Signature of In England ninety-nine towns own theit wn gas works, the average net in com being 1,U47,125 per annum. Mn. Wheals s Si nan I aeav tae oaiMeaa Served It om Her. Aarnar, Mistress (indisposed) What is it you wish to say to me, Bridget? I am too ill to ait up. Domestic Well, mum, ye can take ao tiee widout slttin' up. I lave ye alxl Sath'rday, mum. The General Condemnation of So-Called Patent or Secret Medicines of an injurious character, which indulge in extravagant and unfounded pretensions . to cure all manner of ills, and the , National Legislation Enacted to Restrict Their Sale have established more clearly than could have been accomplished in any other way The Value and Importance o! Ethical Remedies. Remedies which physicians sanction for family use, as they act most beneficially and arc gentle yet prompt in effect, and called ethical, because they are of Known Excellence and Quality and o! Known Component Parts. To gain the full confidence of the Well-informed of the world and the approval of the most eminent physicians, it is essential that the component parts be known to and approved by them, and, therefore, the California Fig Syrup Company has published for many years past in its advertisements and upon every package a full statement thereof. The per fect purity and uniformity of product which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character are assured by the Cahfornia Fig Syrup Company's original method of manufacture, known to the Company only. ' There are other ethical remedies approved by physicians, but the product of the California Fig Syrup Company possesses the advantage over all other family laxatives that it cleanses, sweetens and rel -wes the interna! organs on which it acts, without disturbing the natural functions or any debilitating alter effects aud without having to increase the quantity from time to time. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known Vunder the name of Syrup of Figs, and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the belt of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of l'ii;s and Elixir of Senna, as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be called for by th shorter name of Syrup of Figs; aud to get its beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.; plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of Figs, or by the full name, Syrup of Figs ami Flixir of Senna, as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company, and the same heretofore known by the name, Syrup. of Figs, which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. . Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, 1. C, the remedy is not adulterated or mis branded within the meaning of tha Food and Drugs Act June 30th, 1906. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Louisville, Ky. The Change of Lifh Sensible Advice to Women from Hrs. Henry Lec, firs. Fred Certia and firs. Plnkham. -L MRS HENRY LEE Owing to modern methods of living not one vroumn in a thousand ap proaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very annoying and sometimes painful symptoms. This is the roost critical period of her whole existence and every woman who neglects the care of her health at this time invites disease and pain. When her system is in a deranged condition or she is predisposed to apoplexy or congestion of any organ, the tendency is at that period likely to become active and with a hostof nervous irritations make life a burden. At this time alio cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive work. Such warning symptoms a sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, melancholia, dread of Im pending evil, palpitation of the heart, irregularities, constipation and dizzi ness are promptly heeded by intel ligent women who are approaching the period of II fo whon this great change may bo expected. Mrs. Fred Cortta, 1014 So. Lafayette Street, So. Bend, Ind., writes: Dear Mrs. Plnkham: I.ydia E. pjthaiu's Vegetable Com pound la the ideal medicino f or women who When a inbdicin' has been actually thousands of tromon, you cannot well say without ttyinfj, it, "I do not believe it will help mci." It is your duty to youraeii" n.h'1 fomti- T.vdia E. PinWham's Veuwtabln Compound. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND 53.E0 SHOES ' W. L DOUG LAI 14.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT Alit PRICE. ' SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT AIL PMOESt Si an a Hhooa, S9 to ajl.oO. Boja' Nboaa, S3 to t.90. women's Shoes. to ai.60. Mlaeea Children's ohoee, u.sa to Hl.OO. W. u. Uouglaa alioes ars tecoguised by A v.a . i. a k... 1. .,.1. e. . .. w mw wvwv .M aw, mu wvar IIIVUMUVU 1U fell 1 uumrT. B.M.H 4 part of the shoe and every detail 0 the making is looked after nd watched over by aYilled tboemakers, without regard 10 S time or cost. It I con Id take yno. into Brockton, Mass., sod show too how carefully W. L. 1 . t- - shoos are made, you would then understand why they bold their shape, fifbeH wear louger, and are of greater vslue than w. 1. uoagiaa name ana atamava ea the r. I. uoaaUa name ana sn ta atamMfl ea the R. C. PARKS' EXCHANGE LIST Xo. g. NW Yt 7-llt-SH and NVK 1 J-119-50. All under fence; acres under cultivation; good wind mill town on the M. St. L. extfiiMloii-weist from Watertown. IT lop fiUM. exchange for mercliaiidlse. A anup. Come and kc It. RO88 E. PARKS, Lily, South Dakota; IfltflicUdwi 'JThompson'sEyeWatBr tort MOTHER O RAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, Oarwo dpi Wfairfefttj. JkTt. OLMSTKO. lasCTTU C. N. U. - Xo. 17 1907. Merelr a 1'aaalast Kaaef. Dennis tVhat's all tins fuss thcy'rt tuakin' about the pa aikcrn? Larry A lot o' crank U atar-rtin' f fad fr elane mate. Chicago Tribune. San Francisco Cal. IT. S. A. London, Fngland. Oats tat jrevertaheeeat Mi." ... ?. aacip trvHiBh -j reiHiear rak Celtla rJ.I. at Me. i "W ' . . V-f" MRS. FRED CERTIA are pairing through Change of Llfa M several months I suffered from kc Rwho ettrwme nervousness, headache aod saw limncas. I had no appetite and coald a, sleep. I hail mails tip tny mind throw w no help for nie until I began to tuo Lyi E. llnkbam's Vegetable Com two nd. m bad symptoms ceased, and It brought tr safely through the danger period, tro up my svstem and I am in excellent heaV I comUiler I.T.I I a . Pinkbam's Veaotet Compound unaurpaseed for women turkJ icia trying period oi lite. " - ... Mrs. rienry Lee, CO Winter Strej Now Haven, Conn., writes: 1-, DoarMrs. Dnkham: "Aftr suffering untold misery for tors' years during ubange of L.lr i heard I l.ydia E. llnkhara's Vegetable CotapooaW i I wrots yu of my condition, and began M ' take Lvdia K. Pinkbara's Vegetable Coae-j rund and followed your advice, and to-oajr ' am well and happy. I can now walk mv4 whnra and work as well as anyone, aad tA yttars previous I bad tried but could Dot gf around without help. 1 conaidor yoor net, i cine a sovereign balm for suffering wornaaM Women passing through th is eri ties T period should rely upon Lydtsv KJ rlnkham's Vegetable Compound. Is there is anything about your casa you don't understand write to MrsU i -in k nam, iiynn, mass.. Tor MVMS.14 1j freo aui lias guided thousands Ms health. successful in restorincf to beali expert judges of footwear 1 i-.Lj. .. . ... . v . my large factories at ti any other makes. beuean. wbiek. kotteei. whieh mteeta nx wtarar aaalaal Mali . nnd well. Four miles To soQVtnea aaty woman that Pox tme AnttapJ Improve bar baalMk aud do all we eiaba lor It. We will send ter anaolutelv boa of Paxllne with book tree ioT&K2 ntals. Be a 4 lions and gnnulne testimonials. your name aud address on a postal aaxd. feotions, such as nsaal eatarrh, fwlrie catarrh aad Inflow mUon oauaod by tsati tiine Ills 1 sore eyea. sore throat aad niouth, by direct local treatment. Its ear all t power over these troubles la extra ordinary and gWae Immediate reuse. Thousands of women ato using ao4 toe oinmendlng It every day. 60 eents at drueglatsorby mall. Bemnreber.bowevar. IT COSTS ion KOTHUtnTOni IT. xuai it- i-AJtrus vo n I.'cv York, N. Y. (Si 1 ( A ,. JY west meat sft FBI