r te. Dakota County Herald Continuation of the Homer Herald. , J OBI B. BSilk, rVBLISHTR. Bubtcr'rpVion Trice. $1.00 Per Yeer. A weekly newspaper published at Dakota l:ur. Nebraska. Permission tin been granted for the transmission of this paper through the - mailt m second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. " 'While it ia arpned that the acquittal -ol Thaw would hate enconragea mar ders on the r round of the "higher law,' wouldn't hi ounriction hare encourag d villain of tba aor practioed by men of the type of Stanford White? Ponoa Journal . Items of Interest from our Exchanges Thuratn Gazette: Mel Neibhur was a Sioux City caller Saturday. Waierburv Items in Ponca Leader: Mm Mvera of. Sioux City, baa been -vinitinir with her parents. Mr and Mrs MoSbane, several days the past week 6he returned home Monday. Ponca Leader: County Attorney V Pearson was in Dakota City Tuesday on business.... 8 A Heikes, of Dakota City, shipped three cars of cattlo ou of Ponca to Sioux uity ruesaay. Htrtinaton News: Mrs Williams and daughter, Mrs Forber, of St James, went down to South. Burnt uity, Sat urday, to attend the funeral of the nephe of the former, Chae Wickham. They returned home Monday. St Jarr.ee Items in Hartington News: Jas Williams drove to Hartington Mon day, to meet hia folks whc returned from South Sioux City on the noen train.... Mrs Jas Williaaa, James Chamberlain and wife and Mrs Tress Ferber. went down to South Sioux Ctty. Satnrday, to attend the fuueral of Charier Wickham, a nephew of the former and cousin of Mrs 1 erber. Emerson Enterprise: Jake Francisco was a Dakota City visitor yesterday . . , .Mell A Schemed, of Dakota City, ia a candidate for deputy state oil in necter. Be has the endorsement of many prominent men in nartheast Ne braska.... Miss Anna and Stella Mo Entaffer entertained abont twenty Young lady friends Friday evening at . a 8 o'olook tea. A very delightful evening was passed with music, games and conversation. Tekamah Herald: B E Crouch, day operator at the Tekamah station, goes to Minneapolis, Minn, May 12, as representative of the Nebraska division of Telegraphers, to the bi-annial meet ing of the Grand Division of the O R T, which convenes in that city May 13. - lie is very proud of the honor con "er red. Mr nrouoh has made a commend able record in hia numerous appoint ment aa an operator, and ia a credit to his craft. of the featurea of the game. A large crowd from Sioux City T as in attend ance Tbe batteries were: t, & W, Be j era and Jones; South Sioux City, liogkQ and una . . . .Mrs Baraii i aa i, aired 7n years, widow of Hie late Captain John o Waddell. a river man of early daya, expired yesterday morn ing at the residence ol ner ciaugirr, Mrs Alfred l'izey, BIB Msruieenui treat, with whom she had made her home in recent yeara. -lue funeral will be held at 2 :30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the reiidenoe. .Interment wil' be in Floyd cemetery. Mrs Wad- dell'e maiden name was Ssrab Kerclie- val. She waa born August 10, 1BJ1, in Mason county, Kentucky. 8he married Captain Waddell Janu ary 7, 1858. For some yeara after her mamaae she uvea in ijexingioo, n.v, and St Jeseph. Mo. coming to bioux City in the spring of 1872, She had always been a devoted member of the .V . . i. !.L Christian cuurcii, naviog nuuea wnu it in her eirlbood. Fonr children sur- vivhnr. thiee sons. 9orne B. of Sioux City; Charles B and Lawrence, and one daughter, Heine, wire or Ai fred riser. Pender Times: Ashley Londrosh waa in town Wednesday night.... At torneys J J Mo Alii iter and K E Evans were down from Dakota City Tuesday to try a matter in Judge Graves' court. . ...Bev Nitzseke and family arrived this week front Eemeraon and will be at home iu the parsonage at St Peters church of which h ia the pastor.. J F Meyers and daughter Mary of Hub bard were render visitors yesterday. The Meyers family expect to leave soon for a South Dakota homestead. Sioux City Journal. 23rd: Tames P Twohiff. secretary and general mana ger for the Pslmer Fruit company at Bullard, Tex, of which W B Palmer is president and 0 E Palmer is treasurer, arrived in Sioux City yesterday, ac companied by Mrs Twohig. Mr Two hig was enthusiastic regarding the pros pects of eastern Texas for this year. "Our part of tbe atate waa nevr in finer condition," Mr Twohig said. "We had an musually mild winter and the balmy wintar weather was followed by an early apring. which was aooorapanied by an abundance of ruin ." Mr Twohig said that Herbert E Goodrich, who formerly was in the transfer bnainess in Sioux' City, was located at Bullard, and in addition to operating large plantation had inter ested oaoital in tbe leasing ol about 10,000 acres of oil land. Air Twobig said Mr Goo lricli now waa preparing to bore for oil on this land and thai expert bad pronounced the field to be one of the moat promising in the south. Another eruption has come in tue domestic affaira of William AIoNama ra, formerly a prominent contractor in Sioux City. Mrs Mary McAllister Mo- Namara, a aeoond wife, haa filed a di vorce petition with the clerk of courts of Dakota county. Nebraska. She al leges inhuman treatment on the part of her husband. Judge R E Evans, of Dakota City, represents the wife. f5 E Dickson, of Sioux Uity, represents McNamara. The matter baa been in the air for some tima. The woman re cently has been living with her father, J J MoAUestnr, ol Dakota lity, lor merly county attorney of Dakota conn ty. McNamara and his attorney have been making desperate efforts to pre vail upon her to drop the matter and to return to McNamara. That the wife also objects to publicity in indi cated by te fact that her attorney withdrew the divorce papers after hay ioa placed them on file. The clerk of courts at Dakota City yesterday after noon refused to dixouss tbe matter or give any information as to the grounds McNamara a first wife secured a dl vorce from him after some of her friend! had discovered McNamara and Mary McAUiaier together one night at tbe Hotel Leader, Third and JNebras ka atreeta (now tbe Hotel Howard) She brought smt in Plymouth county where the McNamaras at the time had been living on a farm. McNamara and the MoAUister girl got married shortly after Mrs McNamara got her divorce. They called Justice Ferris one night to the Hotal Garretson, and there tbe ceremony was performed Because of the prominence of the parties the affair at tbe time created quite a sensation. MoNamara and day evening for a farewell party. The evening was spent with mnaio and dancing, after wnicu a very tasiy Inn jlieon was served. Mary la quite popular among onr young folks, wb will miss her when una leaves. Now ia tbe time to buy your light summer underwear. Carl Anderson. A team of grown up ball playera came over from Jackson Sunday and defeated our kid nine 14 to 4. The game however waa interesting and but (or two rank errora by one of our play er we would have stood a chance of winning the game. Two good driving teama for sale. Dan Uartnett. Frank Heeney, Mary Green and Mrs I) O Ueffernan, were Sioux City visitors Monday. Mr Brio and wife, of Sioux City, visited with L J Wilsey and wife over Sunday. We handle the National Stock Food piepartiona, such aa Liquid Koal, the great hog remedy, stock dip, lioe kill er. All guaranteed. Carl Anderson. Jas Uartnett and Nela Hansen mark eted hogs Monday. Quite a number from here attended toe funeral of Thoa Ash ford, sr, at Homer Saturday. Mary Quinn visited over Sunday with E W Wilson and wife at Coleridge. The E & B hardware store has a fine arge line of shovels, spades, rakea and hoes. Don.t forget this when you re in need of anything in garden tools. Fred Vosi and John Harty were on the Sioux City market Monday with three cars of cattle, Mra Steve Griffiith, of Sioux City, visited over Sunday here. Fr English went to Omaha Monday. John Myers went to Emerson on business Monday. Farmers, bring us your produce, we pay tbe highest market price. Carl Anderson. Ernest Goertz, Bob Mundy and Mrs W Sheehan, were passengers to the city last Friday. Anna Eillackey visited her sister. Mia Thoa Uartnett, at Jackson over Sunday. John Hayes, who was attending the Wayne normal college, came home Saturday. Machine oil, harness oil, the best on the market. Carl Anderson. John Jensen and wife were city vis itors Saturday. Mrs F W Swingle, of Sioux City, is here on a visit. Prof Donohoe and L E Priest were down to the city Saturday. Team for sale. Machinery to swap for horses, cows or calves. Aspinwall potato planter (new) for sale or trade. D C Ueffernan. Coon Thorn waa a city visitor Thurs day. Mary Timlir. and A J Nordyke were guesta at the Kearney-Riley wedding at Jackson last Wednesday. Sheriff Hansen, of Dakota City was in this place last Thursday. B B Gribble and Herman Renze have set themselves up as champion handball players. The MBA lodge of this place held a meeting Friday night. County Superintendent Geo J Boucher was visiting schools in this locality the past week, John F Myers and family leave the las of this week for their claim in South Dakota. -This estimable fami ly will be greatly missed by all their Hubbard friends. Art Nordyke and wife drove to Al len and return Tuesday. to almost nothing and piper and ex celnkir all around. Dr Burke telephon ed to Mr Aahford and thereby a big fire was averted. Taylor Osbosn war a Homer visitor from Emerson precinct list Sunday. Mra Gertie Shepardson will here after an&wer to "Hello central!" W nnderatand that what is now the Hughes butcher ahop will be the aflSce. Everett Cole and wife, of Philips burg, Ka, are visiting Mra Cole's pa rents, Fted Berger and wife. The Infant child of Tom Alloway and wife waa a tbe sick list this week. Mra Agnsta Wilkina and daughter, Elsie, were Sioux City shoppers Fri day and Satnrday. Amy Rymill was a north bound pas senger Saturday. James Alloway and H A Monroe have aand on the ground for cement eidewalke. The anrveyora in straightening np the street lines find Mr Herman's store several inches in the street on the west line. Presiding Elder Tindal preached te a large audience Sunday night, after whioh the Lords snpper waa adminis tered to a large number. Mrs Bert Sheldon, from near Ban croft, visited over Sunday with Eva Kinnear. Monday she started for Ka doka, S D, where Mr Sheldon has a homestead. Blanche Hughes visited at borne be tween trains Wednesday of last week. Mrs Dow and Florence Lewis were over from Sioux City thia week giving musio lessons, Mrs Dow in voice cul ture and Miss Lewis on the piano. A H Baker and wife, of Dakota City, came down Saturday to attend the Ash ford funeral and spent Sunday at the Wm Clapp home. Tom Dixon is afflicted with smallpox and their home about three miles west of Homer, is quarantined. Born To Rosco Goodsel and wife, a aon. Thomas Ashford, sr, died at his home, near Homer on the 18th, and fu neral serviees were held in the Catho lic church Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev Fr McCarty, of Sioux City, preached the sermon. A quartet consisting af Mra Jnlus Pitts, Loraine Murphy, Luie Schutte and M A Ban croft, furnished appropriate music. Interment was made in the Catholio cemetery. One by one the pioneers are dropping off and we that but such a few years ago were the young people are ourselves taking the place of the pioneers. Mrs Eva Orr and Mrs Howard Cro zier, were among the Dakota City peo ple who attended the Ashford funeral Saturday. Joe Fallon came up from Omaha te attend Mr Ash ford's funeral. Nick Maher, J S Lynch and wife, E Carey and wife, L Melady. Mrs J Flan agan, Mary McCarty, Mrs Ella Dug gsn, were some of the Sioux City peo ple who attended the Ashford funeral. The Kelly home and also the Wyke Endersby home are quarantined for smallpox . There has another caita de veloped in the Whaley Lome. The Henry Sikidmore borne is out of quar antine, no new oases having developed, Davidson Bros. Co. h Sioux City, Iowa Agents for Laa.ila Home) Jovrnavl Pamper PcKttertxs IO nts avnd 15 eosvtai t Just received a sample line of new Spring Skirts shown on the road only a couple of weeks. THE GREATEST BARGAIN WE EVER BOUGHT they are skirts worth- up to $10.00 and $12.00, made of all the very newest materials, in light, medium and dark patterns, novelties, stripes, checks and black broadcloth all strictly up-to-date. FOR A QUICK CLEARANCE TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR .If) O o 2 Mi THORPE & HOBERG Sioux City's Leading Jewellers !!! 511 Fourth Street Both Telephones m te te Homer, Neb 8peoial in Bioux City Journal. 33rd: The mystery of a Daokase whioh Mra Ed Korria found ia her well on the morning of April : atitl remains unsolved. The Norrises refuse to drink any of the water from tbe well, and auspest that ' aomeone ixied to poison them. - The package was turned ever to Dr Nina M Smith ad later to W A 3urke, who said the tnff looked like corrosive sublimate, deadly poison. When Mra Norris pull ed it oat of the well the substance was . wrrpped in a woolen cloth. At first aha thought someone had been play ing an April fool joke, but later she came to take a more aerioua view of the matter. Aa yet no expert analysis of the package haa been made to de- termine the exact nature of the alleg- j ed poison. Ttie fluding of the myste rious paokage in the well has recalled the finding f a paokage of money in tbe aame well eight or nine years ago, Norris found a $10 bill attached to a bucket whioh he had drawn from the well. Later he found a 5 bill attach ed to another bucket. He ktold hia , friends of the queer coincidence with the result that officials of the Hornet ' bank, whioh had bsen robbed of $1,500 a few yeara previous, made an invefcti gation and found about $1,200 in the well. Legal prooeedings followed, and tbe bank managed to reoover about $1,200. The dUoolored silver dollars whioh had been taken from the well were circulated in Homer and vioinity, and for aome time residents of Homer every once in a while would handle the dollars, which they reoognizrd at once aa part of the stolen mouey. hia second wife went out to the McNa mara farm and lived there for some time. Later they moved to a ranch at Long Pine, Neb. Their married lift, has not been the expected one contin ual round ol measure, ana lor some time the wife haa been at her father' home. By thia aeoond marriage Mo- Namara haa three or four children. . 8ionx City Journal, 22nd: John Ambler, Mike Diueen, "Lute" Dineen, Josoph L Trauerman and M M l'owers were bass fisbiog at (Jryatal Luke yes terday afternoon. Mr Amsler hooked a three-pounder and Mr Trauerman two-pounder. The baa have not been biting very freely, and the Waltons who have beau castiug for them ' have as a rule met with poor suocens. Mr Atnsler has established hia fishing lodge at tbe lake. He has a portable ! cottage, where he and bis friends spend many pleasant daya duriog the rWbiug ' season.... Tbe E& W baseball club defeated tbe South Sioat City team at South Sioux City yesterday, 8 to 4 The locals outclassed tbe boys aorona tbe river at every ataga of the game. making ten bit to their three. Beyers for tha E & W team atrnck out twelve men, s'luttiugout the Nebraskana up to I he aeventh inning. The batting of Oosgrove for tb E& VV'a was one 1 CORRESPONDENCE 1 tC3f0M()l0(tQMI)0M(llvC HUBBARD. SraciAL OoBacarosuMNCB. . Patriok Farrell waa a Sioux City paasenger Monday, Renze & Oreen have put in a stork of machine oil and axle grease. " Chaa and Will Dodge marketed begs herj Tuesday . Patriok Jones is repairing the hotel building, whioh will soon be under the management of A J Nordyke. Oo to Carl Anderaon'a for dresa and work glovea. He handlea the best Invitationa are out for a errand Yeo' man ball to be held Friday evening April 20. Colliua Bros will furnish tbe music and a good time ia assured. interest in baseball Is picking up and the boys are supplying themselves with gleves, bats and balls, to be ready for tue season. Tbe lumber yard has flue line of these goods. Light hats for spring wear in both felt and straw, at Carl Anderson's. Mrs Nora Howard haa atarted to build a cottage near town, into whioh she will move as soon aa it is complet ed, fche baa select id one of the pret tiest building sites in town. Steve Uookwell is doing the work. Q n Ogburn and Albert Schroeder shipped a joint car of hoga Wednea day. See our stock of shirts, both dress and work shirt, for summer wear Carl Anderson. We nnleretand that Mrs M J Malo nev secured a draft for $2,000 m pay nieut of a policy held by her late hua band in tbe M W A a this place. It R Myers got back Monday from a visit in Kausaa and Missouri. It looks natural to aee Dick arouud again. We have a floe hue of calicoes to select from, in all grades azd prices, Uerl Anderson. Larson Bros and Ernest Qoortst were on t lie Sioux City market aith two oi rs of cattle Tuesday. Rtuze & Oreen have a full liue of corn planter in stock, also wsgous and buggiea. Oet their prices before buying. A large numbor of the friends of Msry Myers gathered at her home Mon Carl Anderaon shipped a car of po tatoes from thia point thia week. Mrs Hans Hanaen waa a passenger to Sioux City Wednesday. Eat Korn Kinks, the new breakfast food. Carl Anderaon sella it. Bert Franoisoo shipped a oar oi hogs Thursday. Nels And rjon bought a new manure spreader of Renze & Oreen thia week. ; Renze & Oreen will grade your aeed corn free of charge. A J Nordyke haa leased the hotel whioh haa been run by John F Myers during tbe past few yeara, and the building la being remodeled and re furnished throughout, and when com pleted will be run in flrst-olasa style by Mr Nordyke. HOMER. Special Oobkcspoudkrck. The cement sidewalk gang is busy in Homer these daya and we will be quite cityfled when they get through. Madge and Mabel Clapp returned from Sioux City Monday, where they spent a few days visiting Mrs Chaa Claypool. Mra Wm Pilgrim and' her sister, Mrs Alf Pilgrim, came down from South Sioux City to visit Mra Frank Comba and other relative. Wyke Endersby waa arrested Sun day for breaking quarantine. His wife is ill with tbe smallpox and waa quarantined. Wyke couldn't aee how that would keep him in, so now he is observing quarantine in the jail at Dakota City. Martin Holmvig, county surveyor of Woodbury county, Iowa, it surveying the town, assisted by Harry Hart, of Dakota City. Mra Geo MeBeath waa a Dakota City visitor last Saturday. Annie Hsger, of Dakota City, visit ed in these parts this week . What might have been the worst fire lloiuur ever experienced waa arverted by the timely discovery of Dr Burke. tie waa returning home late Tuesday night, or more properly speaking Wednesday morning, wben passing Ashford Bros store he thought he saw a littht in the cellar. After putting up his team he went to look through tbe cellar window and diwcovered Itghted candle that had burned down 5arl (Green. Will ComjKte with Sioux ity Prices. L. M. LESLIE, Druegist, Dakota City, - . .Nebraska. JACKSON. Special Oobkespokbenoe. John J Sullivan left Wednesday morning for Lincoln, Nebr, to spend a week with hia brother Oeorge. .Mrs Jaa Laird, who formerly lived here but new of Selby, 8 D, stopped off at Jaakaon lat Friday. She was called to Tilden, Neb, on account of the death of her mother. She also visited her daughter, Mra Amos Lin afelter, at Allen, Neb. Mra Laird is very well pleased with South Da kota. They farm S00 acres and are doing well. . The 11th and 12th grades took exam- nation at Dakota City Friday and Sat urday. The Jackson baseball team went to Hubbard Sunday and defeated Hub bard by a score of 15 to 4. J P Twobig wife nd children, of Sioux City, epent Sunday with Mr Twobig'a mother, Mra C Twohig near Vista. Mra J V Twobig Has just got baok from Bullard, Texas, where Mr Twohig haa a fruit farm. Mr Twohig accompanied her home. Patrick Flynn, of Oranite, Okla, spent Thursday with his brother James here. A P Doran, of Emerson, waa in Jackson Tuebday night. Mat Zulauf returned from Omaha Saturday evening. John Sieverson, of Pender, was in town Wednesday. The annual -conference of the priests of thia diocesea was held here Thurs day, a number of priests being in at tendance. Rev FrKavanaugh, formerly of Jack- son, now ol urana lsiana, passea through here Tuesday evening euroute to Waterbury to omoiate at tue wed ding of Julia Kavanaugh to a Mr Dor sey, of Emerson. Rev McDaid, of Jackson also took part. Celia Brady, of Sioux City, is spend ing her vacation here with her parents, John Brady and wife. Daniel O'Qanlon and wife were shop ping in the city Monday and spent the day witu tueir daughters Auuie ana Clary, who nave poaitioua mere. M Heenan had a load of cattle on the market Monday. Mra Mary Nordyke went to Allen Tuesday evening to viitit lit r aon Oeorge and wifo. Ed T Kearney atteuded the back era convention at 'Norfolk, Mouday, and responded to a toast. Mr McMahon is the new tonsorial artist iu M Zulani') shop. P O'Neill, who haa been on tho sick list, is feeliug uiach better this week s.nd able to be around in hia room. Rev Mother Emily, from Binsin awa, Wis, waa here making her annu al visit to St Catheiinea aoudamy thia week. Nellie Heeney, of Nacora, ia visiting Mra Ella Malou'ey thia week. Quite a uumber from here attended the funeral of Thoa Ashford, sr, at Homer Saturday. B F Sawyer, of thia place had charge of the funeral. Mrs J B Smith left Saturday for Seattle, Wash, to viait her aon. Her daughter, Mra Lulu Boyle, of Sioux City, is keeping house during her ab sence. Blanch Smith, of Sioux, Neb, waa visiting friends here last Friday and Saturday. Mrs A Demaray enjoyed a visit from h?r sister, Mrs Lesling, of Lemars, Iowa, last week. Mrs J M Barry and daughter Vero nica, went to Omaha Monday to bear Conreid's grand opera Monday and Tuesday nighta. They returned Wed nesday. Eflla Ry.tn waa an over Snuday visit or in the city, M Bolur, sr, who had water on the ktee and had hia knee in a cast, is now able to be out by the use of crntohes. . .. Frank Riley haa gone to Hubbard to work with A A Schrempp, the painter. Among those who were successful in passing tbe state examination, consist ing of nineteen subjects, were Misses Leura Duggan, Nettie Kidder, Marga ret Walsh, Natalie Taylor and Lorelta McKenna. Tbeea energetio and per severing young ladies are members of the nraduating class of St Catherine's academy and are now the worthy bold' era of first grade certificates. SALEM. Special Oobkbsponlkncc. Mra Geo Miller is on the sick lit. Born To Harry E Brown and wife, April 2J, a daughter. Fieddie Beerman and friend, were Sioux City shoppers Saturday. I W Fisher, Frank Learner and Tom Oribble marketed cattle thia week. Several new diso ganff plowa were delivered to the farmers in thia vicini ty the past week . The rotary plow seems to be all the go. Misa Blanche Heikes visited over Sunday with friends in these parts. Harry Brown marketed several cars of cattle last week. Anna and Etta Bartlet, of South Sioux City, spent Sunday with Guy Sides and wife. Milton and Bessie Foreshoe and "Hanging-On" Sides were also there with a rubber appetite and volley of jokes. R O Hileman purohased a gasoline eugine to furnish power for bis sbeiier, Albert Heikes was on the Sioux City market with a car of cattle Thursday. Mrs C Mikesell and daughter, Ger trude, of Sonth Sioux City, and a Mr Blias, of Leeds, Sunday ed at the Oli ver Fisher home. Georgia Hazelgrove left Tuesday for Denhoff, N D. to look after her claim and viit relatives. 1 1 a a jsa Thi innn fIC I Iflin ucd br tbe anclcal (IchcmiiiM to renrewot V ld if vou want the choicest vegetables Thi mark TOT now called a bulFt ey was used fi-Old yon should follow the Bail's Kje Q whererer it appears in r 0 BURPEE'S Farm Annual for 1907 the "Silent Salesman" of the world'! lanrest mail-order seed trade. An Elea-ant New Book of too pages, with hundred of illuatra- Ca&Jla tti!lt (3rAU7 tions from photographs, it tell the plain truth about the Best UWB UUH U1UTI It describes Grand Novelties In Flowers and Vegetables, of unusual Importance, which cannot be obtained elsewhere. If interested, WRITE TO-DAY, and the Book is yours, W. ATLEB BURPEE A CO.. Seed Prowers. Philadelphia 1 First publication April 12 Liquor Motice. Notice is hereby eiven that Carl Freder- ieknon Iish tiled his application and petition with the village cleric ol liuboard, isenr., for a license to sell limit, spirituous and vin ous liquors in the village of Ilubtutrd, Dako ta county. Nebraska, for the nscal year be ginning on the 1st day of May, 1WI7, and ending on the 80th day of April, Van h reuertcicsoii, Applicant. B. B. Oribble, Village Clerk, First Publication March 20 6w. Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order or sale lsnuea by Harry H.AUalr, clerk of tbe district court In and for Dakota county, Nebraska, and directed tome, H. J. Hansen, sheriff ol salu county. commanding me to soil the D remises hereinafter describ ed to satisfy a certain judgment of tne said district court of said county and state, ob tained at the October, two, term tnereor, to- wlt: on the 8th day of January, line. In favor of F. P. Glazier and against Nicholas Hyan for the sum of eighty-six dollars and ninety' one cents nn.Mi. ana eight dollars ana sixty-nine cents (rmw), as an attorney's fee, with Interest on said sums from January 8, 191)6, at 10 percent, per annum, and his cost taxed at seventeen dollars and eighty cents (tl7J. I have levied upon the following described nroberty. to-wit: The north twenty-four 124) acres of the northwest quarter of section fifteen (16), township twenty-nine iwi, norm, range seven u. east, all being located In said Dakota county and state of Nebraska. And I will, on Tuesday, the 30th day of Anrtl. lour, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south front door of tha court house in Dakota uity, Dakota county, hraska. Drocoud to sell at Dublio auction to the highest and best bidder, for cash, all of the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said order of sale Issued by Harry H. Adair, clerk of the district court In and for Dakota county, Nebraska, the amount due thereon In the aggregate itelng the sum of one huadred and twenty-two dollars and ninety five cents (HW.ttfil. and accruing costs. - Given under my baud this 2Nth day of March, A. D. 1WI H O. HANSEN, Sheriff of Dakota County, Neb ss School Qardena. "The backbone of a nation'a prosper ity is tb- man who makes something grow. In our country the science of Nature atndy ia only in ita infancy. The school garden that was once pcoh phooed aa a foolish fad ia now accept ed by the United Statea Commissioner of Education aud by the leading nni verities of the land as vital to our public acbool system as manual train ing of any aort," writea Heibert 1) Ward in tho May Woraan'a Home Companion. "Tho first school gard-u in tha United States was started sixteen years sgo by Henry L Clapp in tbe Oeorge Putnam Urammer scnooi in uoston. Over eichty yeara ago Austria and Sweden begau the movement. At presen no rural school in Sweden is without one. Kutsia is far ahead of us. There are over tweutr thousand in Austria and thirty thousand in France. The reason why school gar dens are fostered by foreign govern menta ia that wherever they exiet there ia a decrease of misery and poverty and an inoreaae in the birth sate aud In tbe appreciation of Nature." pre his 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE "pc- . .tftoJr1' inaoe iviAKrir Kt-te&P Designs 'rm" Copyrights &c Arons e.mog a vtielrh nnd deacnblnn HM QHlekly &srertnM our opiMtmi rree wfiMlKr Aa InreMttnn Is profcnblr ter(.HK;!. OomniuhlPa. tlnnsnrtctlrcooltileHttnl. IWfiOOTOK en Pit eats sent free. Wttt siieiu y tor seeuri.m UHteiiu. l'utnts tsktm turuuirli Mumi & C. recolTS wnal nottet, without clmroo, la the Scientific jhlnicncnn. A h)itamelr Hlastrated wertlr. I.irsest dir. wtoiion of T (oleiiiillit Journal. '1 ormt. I.va year: (nur rmontbs, L Bold by all newsilealers, MUNN i Co.3618- New York Bri 6moa 87 V RU Washington, D. C First publication A prll fr 4w Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account In the County Court of Dakota county, Nebraska. State of Nebraska County of Dakota To James Thomas Leahy. Mary Carman, Maggie Nugent. Anna Dearen. Andrew I.a!iy. Walter Ix'Bli.v. William Deahy, Klla Carney, and all persons interested in the estate of Julia Iebey, deceaHfd : On reading the Detitionor Andrew ix'any raying a II mil settlement and allowance ol account men in tnis court onmeouin day of March, and that a decree dis tributing and aHslgnlng the residue of said estate lie entered, aud that said executor be disc barged. It Is hereby ordered that you, and all per sons Interested Iu said matter, may, and do, appear at the county court to lie held in and for said county, on tbe 8rd day of May, A. D., lis7. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any there lie, why the prayer of the po tiouer should not lie granted, and that notice of the p nilein-y of said petition and that the hearing thereof lie given to all persons Interested In Mild matter by publishing a copy of this Order In the Dakota County Herald, n weekly newspaper printed in said county, for four successive weeks prior to said day of beating. J. J. Kixkkh, hfai.. County Judge. First publication April It iw Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition (or Settlement of Account. In the eon n ty court of Dakota county, Ne braska. State of Nebraska, Dakota county : ss. To Joseph lj iu li, Mary K. ave, Siihuii H. Iai-h. Stella C. Ieaoh Kouts, and nil per nins interested in the estate of mimiii Mc kenna, deceased : Or reading the petition of Joseph I.each and Mary K Cave praying a final settlement and allowance of their account (lied In this court on the nth day of April, HI7, and for their discharge as executors of the w ill and estate of said deceased. It is hereby ordered that you and all per sons luteresed In said matter may, and do, appear at the county court to lie held in and for said county, on the 17tu day of May, A. D. llT. at luo'chick a. HI., to show cause. If any there Is, w hy the prayer of the peti tioners should not he granted, and that no tice of t be pendency of said petition aud the hearing thereof liegivt u toull personstnter ested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order iu the Dukotu County Herald, a weekly newspnper printed In said county, for four successive ueeks prior to said day of hearing. J.J. Km huh, siaI. County Judge. 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' Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills ara sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first psckaqo will benefit. If it falls, ha will return vour money. 25 doses, 3 cents. Nsver sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkliart, Ind hare stood the test for over 50 years, and are still in the lead. Their absolute certainty of growth, I licir uncommonly large yields of delicious vegetables and, beautiful flowers, make thcui the most rename ana tlie niost popular every. ncre. oom ny au dealers. 1907 Meat Annual tree on request. 0. at. FERRY I CO., vciroit, mica. -.l-aHTf m. A Syr t l it 1 1