Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 19, 1907, Image 7

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Mil OF
i for Preservingr, Purifying
and Beautifying the Skin,
Scalp, Hair, and Hands.
' CutMOTS Sosp eomblr.ellct madltfnal.erool
Urnt. aanaUr., antlaeptio properties derived from
Cutlrura. the .rest Hlon cure, wiin oiepureal , of sap
onaceous tntredtenui. and mutt rerrhluf flower
odW TBenSta: London. 27 CIrtrhoua Bo : rarij,
JT Rue d U Pals; Australia. R. 'ftwni 4 On Syd
St: InJlT B K Paul, Calcutta: Bo. Africa, I.en
Kn L.7cp. Town, etc.; Bo.ton. 137 Columbus
ire , Hotter Chit ("hero. Corp., Sola Pwi
lir-Malled Free. How to Preserve. PurUv.and
, Ihaiill'r lb ajua. Seal", Hair, aud Haads.
Money Fsslly Made KaftttJy
UK); ano.14 Uninaal aelart ,our lot far r. O alu II pi)
11 1. . am,,, li.l K.t.I Co., TaJlaaaaaeo, Fla
Mica Axle Grease
lengthens the life of the
lu wagon tares horse-
1 1 power, time and tcm-
I per. Best lubricant in
mmim9 the wnrlrl. rnntalna
powdered mica
which i
a smooth,
hard coating on axle, and
reduces friction.
If yon want your outfit
to last and earn money
while it lasts grease
the azlea with Mica
Axle Grease.
I PosltlTelT cored by
these A-Utlo nils.
They also retlere Dla-
I tress from Dyspepsia, In.
I digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness, Nausea,
I Drowsiness, Bad Taste
Iln the Mouth, Coated
Tongue, Pain in the side,
regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simils Signature
mould ante tar our ae
samples. The coniDlelest eve
Issued. S'oux City Newepaper Union,
eioux taw. loara,
To conrtnoe any
woman that Tux.
tine Antlfceptlfl will
Improve her health
ant do all we claim
Inr II: Ml' a will
send ber absolutely free a large trial
box of Paxtlne with book of instruc
tions and Kenulnu trlimonlnlt. Send
your name and address on a postal curd.
g cleanses
3 and heals
m u o o u s
i m e in -
J liruiiM nf.
fectlons, such as nasal catarrh, pelvio
catarrh and liillauim uUm caused by feuil
n 1 lie Ills sore eyes ure throat and
mouth, by direct li::U treatment. Its cur
ative power over these troubles Is extra
ordinary and (rives Immediate relief.
Thousands of women are using nnd rec
ommending It every day, Ui cents at
drupBlstsoi by mail. Hemember, however,
TUB iU fAlION CO., lioston, alass.
Over aoo,ooo American formers ho hive settled
in Csnada during the iant lew jfears teatilv to the
: lact mat canacs is, ncyona question, ttic greatest
tanning laud in the oorld.
Over Ninety Million Dushels
of wheat from lh hanest of iro6, means good
;money to ths taruiers ol Western Canada when
llie world ha to ( led. Cattls rjlsit't. Uairvinir,
'Mixed rartning sreuioo protable calnnifM. Coal,
wood, water hi abund.mt; churches and schools
conrenifiit; niaiVela ea ol acre... Taxes low.
For advice and inlonnstion addrr.H ths
superintendent ol Immigration, Ottawa. Canada,
r ths authnrixed Canauian Government Kent,
JV. U. Scott, buprrintendent ol Immigration,
Ottawa, Canada, or E. T. Holmes. 315 Jackson
St.. M. Paul, Minn, and I. M. MacLachlan, Uos
10. Watertown, o. Dakota Authorijed (io.eto
saeut Ageuts.
I Ilowaj aat wnsrs fcNi saw this adeartlasarst.
I .
Onr TBblrtM and bra bar
tiri(r tltlrj of cfiitury.
wm aT .-!
lptoTl and fri.iiTUlfJ lMlnr. You AT U I tulsTUIl4l
We Arc Tbc Urfleat lUHttUctorcn I Tbe Wort 41
eel tins an tho enuanmor eielualTelr,
j Voliiuioa 6atlaau( Ua,ruaoa.
Ho. 1?3. UghtCsjiopT
Elkhart tTarrlaoe A Hsrsess Mia. Co,
lOicJUarl, ladlana.
piaM, tTS.OO.
l til 1 1 v. rraa muuM
A Captain ef laeeatrr.
A bale nnd hoarty-lodktng N'ort'.i
Carolina citizen sat on a dry jioils tins
whittling a stick, hut lie made room
for the Northern sociologist nnd. my
ths New York Tribune, rcudlly e.i
raged In conversation.
"What Is your business?" asked the
sociologist after a while.
"Wall, stranger," replied the hospi
table "tar-heel," "Pre retired from
business. 1 don't have to do nothing
for a living thee tiny. I've got Ave
head of gala a-working In the cotton
' I al M I II W II av 1 I
a. I il l l l l
A Positive
Ely's Cream Balm
is quick If ihterbwl.
Gives Rsliel at One.
It cleanses, soothes,
heals and protecU
the diseased membrane.
It etires Catarrh
and drives away a Cold in
i the Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of
Taste and Knell.
Full size 60 eta. at Drui
or by inailj
Trial aiie 10 eta. by mail
Ely Brothers, 66 Warren Street, New Tors-
Camphor Farm In Teaaa.
A camphor farm Is to be established
near Floresvllle, Texas, under the aus
pices of the bureau of plant Industry of
the United States Department of Agri
culture. The government bus already
a large experimental farm In operation
near Wharton, Texas. It Is believed
that the new Industry has wonderful
possibilities and that the time Is not
far distant when Texas will be one of
the greatest camphor-producing regions
of the world.
ina srai
taw toe OMMrwa
tola, mum wl4
A Vivid Imagination.
"Tommy," called Mr.- Stlnjay, "what
have you been dolugi"
"I bin skatin'," replied tbe boy.
"Nonsense ! You haven't been out
of the house."
"Well, I bin skatin' on make-believe
Ice with the Bkates you promised me
last Christinas." Philadelphia Press.
Ia a Pinch, mc Allan' Foot-l'.mr.
A powder to shake Into your shoes. It rests
the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen.
Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching. Sweating feer
and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Koot-Rase
makes new or tight shoes easy. Sold by all
Druggists and Shoe Stores. l!5c. Sample
mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted,
Le Roy, N, Y.
Didn't Work.
"I wonder why it is," remarked one
if the two men who had just lunched,
urning to speak to the other, "that they
ilways have pretty cashiers at these res
taurants." I5ut the pretty cashier, though she
blushed and smiled, did not fail to detect
the Canadian quarter he threw down in
payment of his check.
Fa mfm Q St. Vltua' D.rte an4 all W.nrou. rl,aua
I O IeeimiieBjtl i urd by Dr. Ktina'a Ur..l
Karra Raatnrar. Sand for Free SS trial SoUla and troatla.
Pli. U. II. KL1.NK. Ld.. Ml Irak Strwt, PlilUUalkla, fa
In the last year the United States has
pnid In ocean freights to foreign ships
Garfield Tea the indispensable lnxa
tive ! Take it In the Spring ; it purities
the blood, cleanses the system, eradicated
disease. It is made wholly of simple
Herbs. Guaranteed under the Pure Food
and Drugs Law.
The woman tennis champion of New
Zealand lias but one hand and that ia the
left one, but she can serve a ball that ii
exceedingly difficult to return.
If You Bead This
It will bo to learn that the leading modi
cal writers and teachers of all the several
schools of practice recommend. In the)
strongest terms possible, each and every
Ingredient entering Into the composition
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for the euro of weak stomach, dyspepsia,
catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint.
hji tint u uMiuiiaiiCT.. Liiiuiiii; uu ni l
affections, and all catarrhal diseases of
whatever region, name or nature. It is
also a specific remedy for all such chronic
or long standing cases of catarrhal affoc
turns una their resultants, as bronchial,
throat and lumt disease (except consump
tion) accompanied with severe coughs. It
Is not so (rood for acute colds and coushs.
hut for lingering, or chronic cases it Is
especially eilicacious In producing per.
feet cures. It contains Mack Cherry bark,
Golden Seal root, Moodroot, Stone root.
Mandrake root and Queen's root all of
which are highly praised as remedies for
all the above mentioned affections by such
eminent medical writers and teachers us
Prof. Iiartholow, of Jefferson Med. Col
lege: Prof. Hare! the Univ. of Pa.;
Prof. Klnley-tifrlnawood, M. D., of Hen.
nett Med. tpllege, Chicago; Prof. John
King, M. IlTof Cincinnati; Prof. John
M. ScudderrM. D.. of Cincinnati; Prof.
Edwin lyitf, M. D., of Hahnemann
Mod. OrfleijeJ, Chicago, and scores of
otherse'curTally eminent in their several
8ch(irflivt5f practice.
m "Golden Medical Discovery " M th
Oruistj Tiir like tmropse-t. ;as any
si.' cli
1 eiiiliiraiiiiiftrUwTrrTfr
niortttlian anv nun
YpT.f r.rilj riflry t.'ttf
ibliclty ol its formula
rhoyiats. Ulcn uubiicltv of its foriiiula,
is tlio bcsl possible guaranty of its merits.
A glance at this published formula will
show that "Golden Medical Discovery"
contains no poisonous, harmful or habft
forniing drugs and no alcohol chemically
pure, triple-retined glycerlno being used
Instead. Glycerlno is entirely unobjec
tionable nnd besides Is a most useful aireut
la tlio cure of all stomach as well as bron
chial, throat and lung affections. There
Is the highest medical authority for Its
uso in all such cases. The " Discovery " Is
a concentrated glyceric extract of native,
medicinal roots and Is safe and reliablo.
A booklet of extracts from eminent,
medical authorities, endorsing Its Ingre
dients mailed free 011 request. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y.
benjl4 fnm our fwtory to
we nbin fur iuiiniiua avuti
atoud lorUro,lraoll"fM-
Hw4 w-a lMk.U-ftf.
A-a mi tm I
"I wish he had to work for hla llr
In'," said the man with the hod. paus
ing by the -mortar box to pass the time
of day with the tnnn with the boo.
"I'd like to have him where I ntu an'
me with the Job o' IkissIh' hliu. Why
don't he ftay where he belongs an' let
lturke run the works?"
"I guess he ain't got nothlu' better to
do," said tbe ninu with the hoe.
"That's what's the mutter, 1 guess,"
snld file man with the hod. "Hurke'd
get along all right If he'd let him alone.
There's worse than lturke If he was
let to do as he'd n mind to, but he ain't
let to. It's 'How many iwn h have these
men Inld since they started In to work
this mornln'? I notice there ain't but
two courses on the south wall since yes
t'dny. Hustle 'eui up! Hurtle 'em up!
What are them cuen wnltln' for around
there? Scantlln's not hero? Why ain't
It here? It orter to be here. I nln't
payln' wages to have men lajin' nround
doln' nothln'. Telephone down to the
yards nnd nsk 'em why In thunder that
scantlln hasn't got here. Be here In
side o' five minutes? Well, call 'em
again. Hustle 'cm up! Hustle 'em up!
Why nln't that pitch hot? Hustle it
up t Hustle It up!' He enn't wnlt for
the flre to burn, darn him!"
"Nor for lime to slack," supplemented
the man with the hoe, feelingly. "He
wanted lturke to hustle that up.
"lie don't know what work Is himself
and he don't realize It takes time,"
said the man with the hod. "He ought
to get his material by telegraph an'
leave It run Into a chute with a ruu
chlne that 'ud slap It up Into n ten
story hulldin' In about eight hours.
Then he'd kick because It was too slow.
I'd like to have hkn carryln' this hod
wunst Jest a day of It."
. "If he was around nil the time I'd
quit," said the man with tbe W.
"A good thing ho ain't," said the man
with the hod. "I wouldn't stand for it
either, but he's buttlti' In nt the other
places -t the same. He's gottor keep
The chain letter seems to have taken a new lease on life. I can think of
nothing more delightful after a particularly "nagging" day. when the wheels
of the domestic machinery have been clogged, when the children have been on
JULIET V. STUAUSS. chain letter.
I am a regular skinflint when It comes to giving. There Is never a
moment when I am not In need of forty or fifty things that I can't bnve, and
if I should have n dime to Invest for the general welfare, I would need
only to glance around my Immediate neighborhood to And a plnce to apply it
If I had the power to give for the benefit of people loss fortunate than my
self I should like to be allowed to follow my own Inclination, and there would
never be anything vague lu my giving. Hut the chain letter would never
receive my patronage. I am with chain letters exactly as I nm with tramps.
It Is n matter of principle. I believe they should not he encouraged. So, If
any obliging person Is engaged In lengthening a chain, let hi in avoid me as an
Inveterate chain-breuker.
' The begging chain letter Is, however, respectable beside the chain of
prayer. Lately I received half a dozen chain prayer letters, all of which I
have Instantly broken, considering them, as I do, not only silly and utterly
unworthy of notice, but lu fact sacrilegious und partaking of a superstition
which, as rational beings, wo ouht to be rid of. Juliet V. Strauss, lu Chlcn;g)
The life of tbe mercury arc lump In
somo cases amounts to 3,000 hours und
more. The conducting material of tlio
anode Is cither mercury alone, graphite
und Iron, or nickel.
A bill Is before the New York Iieg
lsluture to make the existing laws gov
erning telephone ajid telegraph compan
ies organized for tbo distribution of
miisio by electrlcul means.
At a mild red heat good steel can be
drawn out under the hnurrner to a fine
point; at a bright red heat It will crum
ble under tbo hammer, und at a white
beat It will fall to pieces.
American tunnel projects have at
tracted attention abroad. Tlio French
government will build a tunnel for rail
roud purposes under the Seine from
Havre to Itouen and has retained the
servhf s of Charles M. Jacobs, designer
of the Pennsylvania railroad tunnels
under the North anil East rivers at
New York.
Pennsylvania still leads In the num
ber of her cokemnklug plants. She bus
112, and their product In 1U05 was 70
per cent of the country's total output
of coke. Fifteen. ears before the per
centage wus over 8i. The capital rep
resented in tbe establishments of this
country Is $90,712,877, and the total
number of wage earners Is 10,000.
In human history a great river has
sometimes formed a dividing Hue be
tween peoples possessing quite different
characteristics. Dr. W. M. Lyon, Jr..
has discovered a similar phenomenon
affecting squirrels In Borneo. He found
eight different forms of squirrels Inhab
busy, he thinks. He's up bright an'
early In the mornln's an' that little
bux wagon of his la scoot In' around
with bltn here an' there an' everywhere,
lie's over to the avenue by 7 o'clock
pushlu' that long nose Into things there,
same as he does here. He's gotter look
at every brick that goes Into the build
In' to make mire It's up to contract an'
the sirne with the lumber nn' the sand
an the lime nn' the rock nn' the hard
ware, lie's afraid somebody might
shove off something on him that Isn't
jest right."
"(' course he'd git cheated," said the
man with the hoe.
"Course he would. Then he's gotter
keep tab on Jest how much has got
done an' go In nn' take n look at the
blue prints. Then It's 'Hurry 'em yip!
hurry 'em up!' An' ho hops Into the
wagon on' goes chug-chuggln' off to the
next place like he hadn't n moment to
spare, an' there It's the Bntne thing all
over again. I'd like to know how
many miles a day that machine trav
els." "It's a plenty." said the man with the
"In the office downtown It's much
about the same, they tell us," snld the
man with the hod. "There's the mana
ger there or the head clerk, whatever
they call him : but he nln't content to
let them do the work they're paid for,
sr.' let It go nt that. He's got to over
haul all the books an' have 'eui flgur
lu' out Jest how much is cotnlii' In nn
how much Is goln' out, nn' he's got to
know the whys nn' the wherefores
about everything, nn' it's 'Hurry 'era
up! Hurry 'em up! Keep busy; keep
ii-Tiiovln'!' IMy ho nln't got to do it
"Pity he nln't got some work to do",
Jest to ockyerpy his mind," said the
M.1n with the hop.
"That's what I say," said the man
with the hod, knocking the ashes out
or his pipe. "He ought to have to work
for u llvtn'," Chicago Daily News.
a rampage of general misdemeanor, and
with the expenses of the family verg
ing upon the last straw that broke the
camel's hack, than to run to meet the
iMstman vaguely hoping for n letter of
good tidings, and receive a chain letter.
"IJenr Friend," this missive begins,
"pdense make a half-dozen copies of
this," etc., ending with the gentle re
quest for a dime to assist a poor widow
to buy a little home, or an ambitious
girl to continue her education.
Having Just refused one's own child
a coveted nlckej with which to pur
chase chewing gum, and being nt tbo
moment trying to divide 50 cents In
such a munner ns to get CO cents' worth
of groceries, one cannot nt once get "In
touch" with the chain letter.
Delng of a somewhat Iconoclastic
turn myself, I do not find It nt all diffi
cult to break the chain without cere
mony; hut there ore soft-heorted people
who hesitate todo so. and rob themselves
of much needed dimes, not to mention
the matter of inflicting upon six de
fenseless frlenils the six "copies" of the
iting the northern and western parts of
that great Island, and observed that n
largo river proved on effectual barrier
In separating two distinct race
Oneof the reasons why pneumatic tires
gradually become exhausted, even when
unpunctured. Is that the eouipresscd air
within slowly escapes through the rub
ber, and this process Is hastened by tho
oxidation of the rubber, which causes
it to crack. As ut least a partial rem
edy for this, It us been proposed to In
flate tires not with ordinary air, but
with nitrogen, an Inert gas which does
not affect the rubber. Tests of nltrogen
intluted tires for automobiles have teen
made lu France, and the results ars
said to he encouraging.
Knew Illiu Ton Well.
The Into President Chester A. Arthur,
although he wus a man of wurm friend
ships, had a high sense of personal
dignity that would brook no unduu fa
miliarities. A lifelong friend of Mr.
Arthur, who had accompanied lilm on
one of his hunting trips, was telllug an
acquaintance some of the incidents of
the hunt.
"I know It's the nl Impression,"
he said, "that .Mr. . ..:mr is a cold,
s lf-ccntered sort of man, but It Isn't
true. He Is one of the most genial nnd
companionable) of men when you be
come well acquainted with him. I
thought I already knew hint pretty
well, lut I cirne to understand him
better while on that trip than ever be
fore." "I suppose you know him well enough
now to call him by bis first name,"
ventured the other.
"On the contrary," was tho rejoinder,
"I know him well enough not to call
him by his tirst name."
No one "owes" you u letter until tly
feel like writing It.
0atln and Hla Jam pert.
Persons who lunch with the Precl
dent may catch a glimpse of blue over
alls on the veranda nt the .back of the
house, If they happen to look out tne
windows; the little boy In blue Is prob
ably Quenttn, very busy, ntiotit his own
affair. He does not wear a "real lace"
tollnr or a velvet doublet; he has on
Just the kind of "Jumpers" that thou
Mt:ds of little American boys wear
whcii they make their dally mud-plea
or piny tag or ride their bicycles. St.
How a Vetera Was Saved tha Asa
putalloa at a Llasb.
n. Frank Dorcinus, veteran, of
Roosevelt Ave., Indianapolis. Ind.,
says: "I batt lieen
showing symptoms of
kidney trouble from
the time I was mus
tered out of the army,
hut In nil my life I
never suffered as In
l.XS)7. Headaches, dlu
slness and sleepless
ness, first, and then
dropsy. I was weak
and helpless having
run down from ISO to 123 ioun(la
I was having terrible pain .In the
kidneys, and the secretions passed
almost Involuntarily. My left leg
swelled until It was 34 Inches
around, nnd the doctor tnpied It night
nd morning until I could no longer
tnnd It, nnd then he advised amputa
tion. I refused, and began using
Donn's Kidney Pills. The swelling sub
sided gradually, the urlno became nat
ural, nnd all my pains and aches dlsnp
,cHred. I have been well now for nine
years since using Doan's Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. RO cents a
box. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
f hrUtmaa, t.rlof.
Senator Piatt, discussing a black
mailing scheme that had failed, snld:
"The blackmailers' grief reminded
me of that of the Oswego bojr lasl
' "A gentleman found this boy crying
" 'Why, son, what's the matterf h
"'Oh,' wept the boy, 'I've gone an
Joined two Sunday schools, nnd here 11
turns out that they're both goln' t
have their Christmas treats on th
same nlKht.' "
Sarsaparllla Ti an.
Make your own Sarsaparllla or
Spring Blood Medicine by mixing ene
half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion,
one ounce Compound Kargon, three
ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla.
Shake well la a bottle and take one
teaspoonful after meals and again at
bedtime. Any good druggist can sup
ply tliisc Ingredients.
This Is said to tie a splendid Spring
Blood Tonic and system renovator be
cause of its gentle action In restoring
the Kldueys to normal activity, forc
ing them to filter from the blood all
impure matter and acids, destroying
micro-organisms -which produce 111
health and sour blood.
Every one should take something to
cleanse tbe blood at this time of year,
nnd the above simple prescription Is
the most highly Indorsed of the hun
dreds of home remedies generally used.
Mix this yourself, then you will
know what you are taking.
Horses Mora Numerous than Ever,
The multiplication of electric car
lines and tho rapid Increase In tbe use
of automobiles do not warrant the con
clusion that horses are going out of
use or growing scarcer. From an In
vestigation by the government It ap
pears that the aggregate of horses in
the United States the first of the year
stood at 18,718,.VT8, against 14,304,3(17
uu the corresponding date of 1897. The
upply of mules has also been growing,
for whereas there was record In 1897
of 2,215,054 there were 8,404,001 In
By Toning up tha Blood and Nerves Pa
tient Recovered Weight, Strength
and Good Spirits.
When the nervous system is broken
down from overwork, or -whatever cause,
life loses its joys. Not only is the ner
vous victim a sufferer himself but he ia
usually trial to the whole family.
Nervous breakdown is often gradual,
appearing at first to be merely an unu
sual fretfulness. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills tone up the nerves in the most
direct way and not only euro minor
troubles but serious disorders as well.
Mr. W. W. Munroo, of 16 Hazel Park,
Everett, Mass., Bays: "About four years
ao this September I became all run
down from overwork and from confine
ment to work duriug warm weather.
For two mouths I frrew steadily worso.
I lost in weight and strength and had no
apatite. II y memory failed me qnite
rapidly and I became in a very low
Btate, both physically and mentally. I
took no interest in life, neither in busi
ness nor recreation. Ia my imsition, as
foreman in a large manufacturing
chemist's establishment ia Boston, a
good memory is absolutely essential to
success because of the immense amount
of detail that must be carried in the head.
"I grew very despairing, could not
bear to have pebtiie meet me and my
friends remarked on my condition.
About the middle of December a friend
told me one day that he had tried Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and found them
reliable. I commenced taking them and
at the end of two weeks the change for
the better was remarked by friends. I
continued using the pills until 1 was
thoroughly recovered. I regard them as
a fine remedy and make this statement
voluntarily in gratitude for the benefit
I received from them."
Theso pills actually make new blood
and liave cured such diseases as rheu
matism, nervous and general debility,
indigestion, nervous headache, neurslaia
and even partial paralysis and locomotor
ataxia, as a tome lor tlio blood and
nerves they are unequalled.
If you area sufferer from any disor.
der of the blood and nerves write for
uroof of what Dn WilliamV Pink
Pills have accomplished in cases similar
to yorus, Every testimonial used by
this company is carefully investigated
before heintf published and ia authentic.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all
druggists, or direct by mail, postpaid, on
receipt xi price, 60 cents per box, six
boxes for i.60, by the Dr. Williams
medicine Uoinpany, bchenectady. H. Y.
8. t N. IT. - - No. 10 1907.
Csasr store sosfc srlcst sad fsstsr caters thss ssy ether aSA. tat 10 larises esters til flsrs.
tu snasat siilrMt rvoM sjurt. tsrits lei tret ksaaUst.-sW is tm, ssseta MS asfdhrh
Are both symptoms of organ lo de
rangement and nature's warning to
women of ft trouble which will soon-
er or later aeoiare iiseii. e
How often do we hear women say,
"It seems as though my back would
break." Yet they continue to drag
along and suffer with aches tn tho
small of ths back, pain low down In
the side, dragging ftgtsations, nerv
ousness and no an bit loo.
They do not reallite that the back
la that Trial n -amrl n m , nrm.n'i .,r
ism and ouleklv Indicates hs-achino-
ft diseased condition of the feminine organs or kidneys, and that aches
and pains will continue until the oause Is removed.
Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound
made from native roots and herbs has been for many yearn the moat
successful remedy in such cases. Ho other medicine has such a record
of cures of feminlno ills.
Miss Lena Nagel, of 117 Morgan St.. Buffalo, N. Y., writes "I was
completely worn out and 6n the verge of nervous prostration. My back
ached all the time. I had dreadful periods of pain, was subject to fits
of crying and extreme nervousness, and was always weak and itred.
Lydl 10. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound completely cured me.''
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints,
such as Backache. Falling and Displacements, and all Organic Diseases.
Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. It strengthens and
tones the Stomach. Cures Headache and Indigestion and Invigorates
the whole feminine system.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are Invited to
write Mrs. Plnkham. Lynn. Mass. Jlcr advice Is free
IVicli Blue name uu tooii-stove
is unequaled. It gives quick results because its
heat wnighly concentrated. Cuts fuel-expense
in two. IVIade in three sizes. Everv
6tove warranted. If not at your deal
er's write to our nearest agency.
sissaw all-round household use.
Mad of bra;s throughout and beautifully nickeled.
ParfaMctw enitrnietiul' ahanlurelv safe! unexcelled
in light-giving power; an ornament to any room.
a a ts
Jbvery lamp warranted, it not
dealers, write to our nearest
Xo. 2 SW . Sec. 2.-120-57, Day county. One hundred acres undo
fences, 40 acre to crops, 20 acres of meadow. Two miles and one-half north
curt of Lily. Also SW Vi 22-119-50. All antler fence.. Living spring water.
Two miles from sidetrack on tlio M. aft
Will exchange for general merchandise at $23.00 per ucre.
RQ8S E. PARKS. Lily. South Dakota.
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES
M.Q'sghoM, as to ai.so. Boys' Shoes, ft.1 to SI.S5. Women's
Shoos, to ai.SO. Misses' Chlldraa'e shoes, a.SS to Ml.oo.
W. L. Douglas siioes are recognized by expert judg-w of footwear
to ds tne Deal ja style, sua wear produced
part of the shoe and every detail of the making is looked after
and watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to,
time or cost. If I could take yon into my larre factories at!
Brockton, Mass.. and show voa how carefully W. L. Dontrlsal
shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, tit better,
wr iiiuKr, sun are 01 greater vame .nan any otuer mass.
W. I- UonslM nam. and prle.lt .tamped nth. batean. whleh r.teetttb.lraairarsnliMt titrh
prims and Inferior sh.M. Tata IS. kuhatltati.. Sold J tfi. beat ahM dealers .Terywher.
Ft Mr MttUU tueat wlamill, QHmUm mmUd rw. W. C leOilSiLAft. Jtrajahtoa,aia
Nothing: Too
For the
American People
BOXES A MONTH, proving: that the American people recog
nize, that what is BEST FOR THEM is none too good.
Why this enormous patronage ?
The answer is simple: Cascarets are pure, clean, sweet,
mild, fragrant, harmless but effective little tablets for the treat-
ment and cure of Constipation and all Bowel Troubles. They
are put up in neat little enamel boxes, easy to buy, easy to
carry (in vest-pocket or purse), easy to take and easy of action,
always reliable, always the same, they "work while you sleep'
and wake you up feeling fine in the morning.
They not only regulate tne movement and stimulate the muscular walls ol
the bowels, but they keep tbe ENTIRE CANAL CLEAN ud antiseptic, forcing;
out and destroying all disease germs that breed in the accumulated filth unless
promptly and regularly discharged. Therefore, they are a great preventive ol
disease, and may be taken continuously as a precautionary measure.
The new Pure Drugs Act, adopted by Congress on June 30, 1906, and Iq
effect January 1, 1907, is a GOOD LAW and means better and PURER
drugs for the American People. We endorse it and will live up to it in
SPIRIT and LETTER, an essy task, as we have always been actuated
by the same principles and no changes are required in our formula or pack
f'We adopted OUR OWN PURE DRUG LAW in 1896 when the fire,
box of Cascarets came on the market and have lived and worked and pro-,
duced under it ever since.
To-day.after a record of nearly 100,000,000 boxes sold, Cascareta STAND
the greater in PURITY, QUALITY and MEDICINAL MERIT than any
other preparation for Bowel trouble in all the world.
This should be a great argument for any one, to try Cascarets AT
ONCE, and be healthier and happier for it. Some people have CHRONIC
CONSTIPATION with all the horrors derived from it; others have HAB.
1TUAL CONSTIPATION from carelessness and neglect, but nearlw
promptly taken care of is liable to result in its degeneration into the worso
forms and cause great suffering and perhaps death.
Cascarets, if taken patiently and regularly, will remedy all of these
awful troubles, but if taken promptly at the very first sign of an irregular
ity of the Bowels, will act as the FINEST PREVENTIVE ever discovered
and will keep all the machinery running in good order. jgi
' We advise you to get a little 10c boa of Cascarets TO-DAY and carry
It in your purse or vest pocket. Take one when you feel anything unusual
bout your bowels. Your own druggist will sell you the little box, under
GUARANTY of satisfaction or money refunded. All druggists, 10c, 25, 50c.
MniMwmiiiisiiiisii m .in-
It means the
hottest and cleanest
flame produced by
any stove. This is
the flame the New
Perfection Oil Stove
gives the instant a
lighted match is ap
plied no delay, no
trouble, no soot, no
dirt. For cooking, the
at your
Kt. L. extension west from Watertown.
la tula country. Eacu
GOOD for the American
people that's why we started
to make Cascarets Candy
Cathartic. The first box made
its appearance in 1806, and the
enthusiastic endorsement ot
the people has been bestowed
upon Cascarets ever since.
The sale today is at tho
aV I
Thn ere le esM tratw kttter rsea say at aye. Km caa y
NOAatMi Vii CO. Vsweart.io MljjmA