... .vt. . . . - - ; - - ' ; 1 r Of Skin Tortured Disfigured Babies SHOULD KNOW THAT Warm Baths With And gentle anointings with Cutjcura,the great Skin Cure, afford, instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure of torturing, dis figuring eczemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations of infants and children when all else fails. Guaranteed abso lutely pure, and may be used from the hour of birth. Bold thmwtrierat th world. Depot: London. 27 Charterhouse Sq.j Firla, 6 Hu do La Pali; Amtra lla. R. Towns 4 Co.. Pydnev: India, B. K. Taiil. Cal cutta; Chin, lions' Kooe Dru Co.; Jnpan. M.-iruva, Ltd.. Toklo: Nm.ua. Fem-m (Aptcka), Moscow; Couth A trio, Len-vm, Ltd.. Can Iowa, etc: U.S.A.. rotterDruK Cn-m. Yrp..S'rop3.. lioston. atrFow-fxee, CuUcura Book un Ca.-e ot Uie akla. Canadian Govern ment FREE FARMS fffflOSIft Over 200.000 American farme.'i who have settled j ' In Canada during the paat few years testify to the - ', fact that Canaua i. beyond question, the greatest arming land in the world. v Over Ninety Million Bushels J ' wheat from the harvest of 1906, means good money to the farmers ot Western Canada when the world has to be ted. Cattle raising, Dairvingr, Mixed harming are also probable callings. Coal, wood, water in a bund. 1 nee: churches and schools convenient; markets easy of access. Taxes low. For advice and information address the Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorized Canadian Government gent, VV. D. Scott, Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or E. T. Holmes, 31c Jackson St., St. Paul, Minn, and .1. M. MacLachlan, Box I16, Watertown, So. Dakota Authorised Govern Bent Agents. Please mmj where too saw this adrartlaacrst. To ooDTlnoe any woman that Pax. tins Antiseptic will improve lier health and do all wo claim fur It.. W a w 1 1 I sena cer aosoiutciy tree a largo trial bot of Partlne with book of instruc tions and genuine testimonials. Send your namo aid address on a postal curd. nses 3 8 lections, such as naM catarrh, polvlo vHLariu uiu iiuiaujijiuuun cttuseu py itmi nine Ills J sore eyi-s, sore throat and mouth, by direct lo.-:il treatment. Its cur ative power over these troubles U extra ordinary and gives immediate relief. Thousands of women are using and roo ommending ft every day. U cents at druggists or by mail. Remember, however, IT COSTS TOII NOTHINfJ TO TKYIT. THIS It. l'AXIO.N CO., boston, Muss. Mica Axle Grease Best lubricant for axle in the world long wearing and very ad hesive. Makes a heavy load draw like a light one. Saves half the wear on wagon and team, and increases the earning capacity of your eotfit. Ask your dealer for Mica Axle Qreast. STAKDARQ OIL Co. Iarratd Wlist Did Sb Expert r Fair Passenger (looking out through car window) What body of water in this? Conductor This in Devil's lake. Fair Passenger Wh-why, it looks just like aDy other luke ! Chicago Tribune. PA I H EK.y m muooeu 1 a Ci 1m.; LMieit For Cough, Cold.Croup, oore inroaT,oini necK. Rheumatism and Neura At all Dealers Price 25c 50c 6 1.00 Sent Free 5!oan Book rn Hnrts rJ U A n. ti . Es Ur.Larl5.5loan Mbary StBoston.Ms VThat Ails Yout Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent headache, ooatod tongue, bit tor or bad taste In morning, heart burn, belching of gaa, acid risings Id throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dlezy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at timet and kindred symptoms f If yoThfeive any considerable number of thvibove ryeatoms you art suffering fromMlousnai7Vrpll liver with Indl gcstlonNsxJeVy8pefrlli Jrr. Perce's jojdn Medlrsl Trf)vervft rpi 1 d t ti p of the nu valuable mr-du-in.ft rTrTnfifles kno'.rn to rnedicaj aclencf for tho permanent rnre "" such abnormal coadUlnpj It la a iimrt efllcient liver IhvlgorauTr ."stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengthencr. The "Golden Medical Discovery Is not a patent medicine or socret nostrum, a full list of Its ingredients being printed on its botllo-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at Its formula will show that It contains no alcohol, or harmful bablt-forming drugs. It Is a fluid extract made with pure, trlplo-re fined glycerine, of proper strength, from tho roots of tho following native American forest plants, viz., Golden Sf?al root. Stone root, Black Cherry bark, Queen's root, Bloodroot, and Mandrake root. The following leading medical authorities, among a host of others, extol the foregoing routs for the cure of Jut sui h ailments a tlia ahovesymptomslmllrat: I'ruf.K. Bartbolow. M. IV. of Jefferson Med. Oolleife, IMilIa. il'rof. H.C Wood. M. U.of (Inlv.of fat Prof Edwin M. Halo, M. D.. of Ualiuenia.au Sled. Ctfl lege, t'hh-ago: Prof. John King. M7D.. AutQor '61 American Pisnensatorj't Prof. Jno. M. Hctiri iler, M. I).. Aulhorof Specific Medicines: Prof. IiRurtnce Johnson, M. D., Med. Ivpt. L'nlv. of N. y.j Prof. Flnley Elllngwrxd. M. 1.. Author of Materia Meillca and Prof. In Bcnnott Medi cal IXillege, Chicago. Send namo and ad dress on Postal Card to Dr. R V. Pierce. uf falo, N. Y and nvelve frre booklet giving extracts from Writings of all the above medi cal authors and many others endorsing. In the strongest possible terms, each and every In gredient of which "Uoldon M wile id Discov ery " is composed. lr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. They may bo used In conjunction with "Golden Medical Discovery" If Ixiwels aro much eou stlpated. They're tiny and sugar-coated. A Positive . CURE FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm . is quickly absorbed. Girts Relief at Ones. It cleanses, soothes, heals ' and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the bouses of Taste and SmelL Full aize 50 eta. at Druggists or by mail) Trial siza 10 eta. by mail. KW Brothers, 66 Warren Street, New Tork. TVoflilnx IVevv I nder Son. Arthur Kvnns, the Oxford archaeolo gist, who hns innde so many Interesting discoveries in th so-called palnec of Minos, la Crete, has found in a sub terranean sanctuary certain very an cient, sruall earthenware statues, repre senting the goddess and two of her servpnts. The dress of the figures is said to be highly modern. The goddess, we grieve to say, wears a corset, Just such a corset as contemporary man shyly" wonders at In the windows of a department store. The skirt of . the robe of the goddess Is "in Louis XV. style." Her Jacket Is "exactly as Is worn In the present day." Styles of say, 2000 B. C, styles of 1000. Unless some humorist hns "salted" tho excava tions, you are forced to hold that much nonsense hns been written about the splendid, free, uncrnmpetl bodies of the femnle ancients, by no means ancient females. In their time". And "we shift and bedeck and bedrane us" much as our esteemed ancestors did In the morn Ins "f the world. Everybody's Maga zine. The Ueat Way I P. The following paragraphs from an exchange are well worth the earuest attention of those to whom the advice applies: Young men are always being advised to "rise in the world." Which may or may not be good advice. It Utt pends Umjii : I low the young man rises. What he rises upon. What he rises to. What he takes up with htm. If your idea Is to rise In the world by making money and having people look up to you on that account, it Is easy enough. If you want to go up like a man, however, put seme foundation besides dollars under you. What will you rise to? To something worth while. Ideals are worth while. And one way to de fine Ideals Is to say they are what your mother wants you to be. nuen men go up to ideals they are the light of the world. Lrairno (or I'prluht Writing;, In Paris a "I-eague for Upright Writ ing" has been formed, and It takes a phrase from Georges Sand as Its motto: "Upright writing on horizontal paper with the body held straight." The. league crusades against the old English style of writing slanting and angular, which, It says, is no longer really taught In England or America. Slanting writing Is said to cause scolio sis, as well as short sight and many other optical troubles. Putting; on a Hold. Front. "Ardluck is still trying to keep up ap pearances, isn't he?" "Yes; he puts ornamental bands around the atogies be smokes now." X J OS r 1l WriTw iKa'matmr S Many nn.nteur ph:togvaphers who rnnnot hnve a regular dark-room will find thfl device here "illustrated very useful and (t)uvtnlent. If desired t may be constructed so ns to allow fold ing up when not In use, by using hinges nt A and II and nciklng the sides flexi ble. The bottom anu frame nro nindo of wotd and the walls aro constructed of light-proof cloth. Conned by gluing Muck paper between two pieces of black cloth. The buck should bo full enough to allow plenty of room for tlia operator and the cloth should bo tied somrcly around his waist to ex clude every possible ray of Ilirht. It Is well to paint the whole Interior n dull black, so thnt any small leakage of light will not be rellocte.l. The ven tilating tube and drain pipe should be bent as shown, to exclude the light, and the ruby glass should be carefully fitted for the same puriHise. It Is nlso desirable to have a hinged shutter, S, to cover the ruby glass while waiting for the plate to develop. This Is to prevent any unnecessary exposure 'to KESTOKED SKYSCRAPERS r. 7 ,, a - : ' s , ' tKS'll fyslJU!t NaUMHMsaS ti n ttrr- -o JUNCTION OF MAUKET', KEARNEY AND GEAItY STREETS. The picture shows the new and the old San Francisco Chronicle buildings, the Monadnock Block, the Mutual Bank and th Call buildings. These are all situated nenr the Juuc"on at Market, Kearney and Geary streets. San Francisco has not seen fit to abandon the skyscrnixr, In spite of the lesson of the great earthquake. The huge structures are again towering to heaven. Around Jefferson Square, which Is planted with palm trees, buildings of the most diverse types are already erected, and, indeed, are almost completed. The photograph of Jefferson Square gives an excellent Idea of how the steel frame building Is constructed. The great skeleton Is erected first and It Is then filled In with brick and cement. This plan Is really a great saving of time, for the tiers are filled In simultaneously, bo that one sees, as It were, a series of buildings rising at ono time from many aerial foundations. HOW LOEB GOT HIS START. Itooserelt Picked Him lp Acciden tally While at Albany. William B. Loeb, secretary to Presi dent Roosevelt, and by reason of that position one of the most Influential men In AVashlngton, be gan to fight life's battle seriously in Albany, N. Y where he was an unassuming, rath er timid court stenographer when Roosevelt was made Governor. Ills salary might have been larger, and, with several w. e. loeb, J a. others of hla call ing, he used to frequent the crumbling State cnpltol after his regular daily stunt was over, hoping to get an occa sional job of typewriting for some one of the newspaper correspondents. One day in 189'J, directly after Roosevelt's Inauguration as Governor, when such work seemed unwnimonly scarce, the Governor himself stepped out of the little private office into the "big room," where Is received everybody, politi cians and ordinary worms of tho dust, Impartially, and asked that a good stenographer nud tytwwrttcr be sent in. "You go In, Loeb," some one said. I,oeb "went In" and ninde pothooks to the tune of Roosevelt's dictation for an hour or two. Some time later he de livered tho typewritten copy. It must have iK-en up to the Roosevelt stand ard, for, next day, when the Governor repeated his request for a stenographer, he said, "Send In the man I had yes terday; he's all right." From that day ou the young court stenographer was busy, for Roosevelt mado blm his private secretary. Later he took him to Washington aud made him his secretary, while Vice President. When clevattKl to the Presidency, Roosevelt put Loeb In as assistant to Cortelyou. then serving the President as secretary. Cortelyou'a promotion to a cabinet place lifted Loeb to the proud level of secretary to the President, with attendance at cabinet meetings a part of his duties. Sbopvlnar foil teiieaa. "Never point, my dear," aaid the mother gently. "But, mamma," objected the little girl, "suppose I dou't know the name of the thing?" "Then let the salesman show you all he has In stock until he comes to the article that is desired." New York Press. A Muriaal Disadvantage. "Why do reformers so often coma to grief?" "I have often asked the question," answered Senator Sorghum. "I think It mt'st be because they take up poli tic as an Incidental diversion Instead of a regular business. It's the differ ence between the amateur and tho pro fesslunal." Washington Star. A man may Iw born with ublllty, but he has to hustle for experience. ff ' (A K, li faa-f-vi . J the ruby light, as any light, no matter how colored or subdued, has some ef fect on the sensitive plate or film. The drain pipe shown on this outfit may THE POUT A RLE DAUK KOOM be omitted If desired, although It U convenient nt times and gives a better circulation of air. Stewart H. Lcland, In Topular Mechanics. REPLACE FRISCO RUINS. ,r i if M v.-.; .. ... -Am v. v. r ; it fi.'ti LITTLE GIRL TO BE LEADER. Upon a little Philadelphia girl, Julia Foster Avery, nged 35, was placed tho mantle of StiHan B. Anthony when the famous woman suffragist ws dying. Little Miss Avery Is now In special training to make the advancement of woman's suffrage her life work, and, Indeed, hns already Kgun her activity ns a leader. A short while before her death Miss Anthony called Julia and her mother. Mrs. Rachnel Foster Avery, vice presl- J dent of the National Woman Suffrage Alliance, to her bedside. Miss Anthony took the child's hand. "Julln," she sold, "I am going to will you my posi tion as head of the women of this coun try. You nre the liest fitted for that place of all the girls I ever met" In order to qualify herself for tho position of a world leader Julia Is r' 11M - . ' . n .w si V? JULIA rO.TCXR.JWJE.53 studying (Jenuan, French aud Esperan to, Roberts' Itules of Order and cou stltutlorlhl history of the governments of till large countries. She hns written u poein dedicated to the cause of suf frnps. Iler spare time between achol ustlc duties at Swurllmiore Is sjMnt pnn-tlslifl; oratory and studying the leoches of famous men and women. IuaaaJaarr I'uwera. "What is the extent of his mental powers V" "Great. He thinks he's a wonder In many ways. In fact, all of his ability Is In his hend." Kansas City Times. A mun isn't known so much by tha company he keeps as by the line of talk he bunds out to his neighbors. It's hard ou the aerouuut wbea be takes a drop too much. h ) 1 :; Ms HrlerM and Lord Hssarn, la one of hla sM(vhe In the llovtsv f 'Common John Bright quoted In I spirit of banter and ridlcnlo the well known litres written by Lord John Man ners In his cnllow youth: . "Let wealth sod commerce, laws and learning die, But leave us still onr old nobility." Lord John, who was present, Imme diately got up and pulverlied the greal tribune by retorting: "I would rathe! bo the fooliah young man who wroti those lines than the malignant old man who quoted them." lit Mat neeoiiectlon. "Tommy," asked the elderly friend of the family, "have the Insurance people settled with your father since you had that fire at your house?" "No, ma'am," answered Tommy, "but paw soys the disguster is co:uln' to aea bint about it to-morrow." Fevr Know Thl. A well-known specialist Is antliority that Kidney and Bladder Troubles of all kinds are In nearly every Instance readily relieved by taking a few doses of the following simple home-made mixture: Fluid Extrnct Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sursuparllla, three ounces. The dose Is a teaspoonful after meals and nt bedtime. These Ingredients can be obtained nt any good "pharmacy, and are mixed by slinking well In a bottle. Victims of Kidney, Bladder and Uri nary diseases of any kind should not hesitate to make this prescription up and try It. It comes highly recom mended and doesn't cost much to pre pare. Wlicacv t onic Mlrruhra, A writer In Lc Figaro of Paris (Dr. Ox) nt the close of a long article on the origin of jilcrolx-s declares that the bacillus of consumption originally came from blades of , rye, wheat and corn and that the human lung Is Its adopted abode, where It would perish were It not replenished. That rare atmos pheres nre beneficial to consumptives Is not because they nre tliln, but be cause rye, wheat, corn, etc., are not grown there. It nisllnarnlahlnn- Mark. "Mrs. Irons," said the hend boarder, "this tastes like a cold storage chicken." "Perhaps you will be kind enough to tell me, Mr. McGiunix," snld the land lady, "how a cold storage chicken tastes." "Well, it chews all right, hut it's kind ' hard to swallow." SCIATIC TORTURE A Locomotive Engineer Telia How He Was Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Pain that seems almost unbearable la a characteristic of sciatic rheuma tism. In some casea the pain Is knife-like, s'jarp or shooting; In oth ers It Is dull and aching. Sciatica is stubborn In resisting treatment and the patient frequently suffers for years. This was the case with Mr. Herbert E. Spauldlng, a locomotive engineer on the Cincinnati, New Or leans it Texas Pacific Railway, whose home Is at Longvlew, Texas. "While running an engine some years ago," he says, "I fell off and hurt my knee and aplne and I nave always considered this to be the cause of my illness. The sciatica took hold of me from my heel to the back of my head. The pain was tho worst I ever suffered In my life and my leg and back were twisted out of eaape. I was under a physician's care for several months and for six months could not get out of bed. I also went to Hot Springs but came back In a worse condition than when I went. "It was when I -was down in bed that I heard of the case of a Mr. Allison, a much older man than my self, who had been cured of sciatica by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I began taking the pills and soon was able to get out of bed. When I had taken six boxes I was able to work about the house and yard. I kept right on with the pills until I we cured and I have never had any return of the trouble. I have been running an engine ever since." 1 Dr. Williams Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or sent postpaid, on re ceipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Wllltama Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Etnile Robin, the aged vice president of the French Society for the Saving of Shipwrecked, assists similar societies la other countries. You Can Get Allea'a Foot-Ease FlllCB Write to-day to Allen 8. Olrastad, L Roy, N. V., for a FKEH sample of Allen's Koot Kase, a powder to shake Into jour shoes. It cures tired, sweating, dot, swollea, sell ing feet. It makea new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for Corns anil Bunions. All Drugirlits and Shoe stores sell It. 25c. The most wonderful record In all history have onlv served to make CASCARETS than induce a person to try CASCARETS eooe a free sample, or at most, a 10 Tli.iiiiiini..tl,.ll mr,A II riCCADPTS ,.A nn nrnu4 ht marl, hatrnnit expectations there would not today, after nearly a million boxet a month. the kind words of our friends. No one CASCARETS falls to be pleased and talk CASCARETS are not only easiest to buy, carry, to take, to give, but are also the medicine for the bowels ever discovered. Files full of voluntar testimoni another 678 night makes you feel light blue enameled GREATEST -n-n remedy WOMEN IN HOSPITALS Experiences of Mrs. Rcclrirvood and Miss Tierney MISS MARGARET TIERNEY A large proportion of the operations performed in our hospitals are upon women and girls for boiuo organic trouble. Why should this be the case f Because they have neglected them selves, as every one of these patients In the hospital beds hud plenty of warning in thosodragciugsctisationsv pains at left oe right of abdomen, backaches, nervous exhaustion, in flammation, ulceration, displace ments, and other organic weaknesses. All of theso symptoms are Indica tions of an unhealthy condition of the female system and if not heeded the penal tv has to be paid by a danjrerous operation. When these symptoms manifest themselves, do not draft along- until you are obliged to po to tho hospital and submit to an opera tion but remember that Lydsa K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, basBavnd hundreds ot women from surgical operutioas. Lydia B. Pinkhnm'a Vegetable Compoundt has cured more cases of feminine ills than any other one remedy. Such letter as' thefollowing- Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women sufferln(f from any form of female weakness are Invited ' to promptly communicate with Mrs. Ptnkham. at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms (riven, tha trouble may be located and tho quickest and surest way of reeoverv advised. Out of her' vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. rinkham probably has the very knowledge that may he!? your caae. iler advice ia free and always helpful. Ask Mrs. Plnkham's Advice A Woman Best Umlcntands a IVoman's mmm at Mayer mk "sff weather. thev are hv J" M- Working Men to wear. Mayer "Work Shoes" are bull! ia honor and wear Ilka your dealer, but be sure the Mayer on the sole. ' For a "dress-up" shoe for men. . irM Miners. Prssptxlors, Lnmbertn. Mechanics, and F.Mayer Boot & Shoe Co, Milwaukee, Wis. ' 34 YEARS SELLING DIRECT OurvahlrltM lid hatrmess hart hcn tMild lrrc Croan ntir factory to uaof - gutruiNHie iMiivaay. wowMai We art ttit Lancst MaouUrtorars la the World HI In to tba emuumar veiiKiasj, to ity.M 01 niiMit, wtTCiTSk. faiOutrt CrrUg t4 l usMaksisinni. iwa.OT. Elkhart. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND 53.50 SHOES W. L D0uaU.S $4.G0 GILT EDGE 8H0ES CANNQI BE EQUALLED AT ANT PRICE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY M.n'a Hho., OS to Sil.ao. Hoys' Mio., Hlive., to ei.SO. MlMaa'atChlldi-sia's Shoo., m4M to WI.OO. W. L. Douglas sliofls are recoKiiized by expert lurttfus ot footwear to bo tlis beat in style, fit and wear produced in iLis country. Each . , .i.. .,i j.i.m . aud watchoil over by skillud shoonmkers, tiina or cost. If T cnnld tak vnu Into mr ttrfu-lrtnn. sfait. ami Mhrtw vnu linw rar.fii11v W. T,. Ilmit'lna Ykzlu-&!u. shoes are made, you would lien understand why they bold their bbajje, lit bettar, , wear longer, na are oi greater value vuan any outer manes. Vf . I.. l)oualM nam. and prlr-. 1, stamped on th. bottom. whU-li nrote-tl ths wsrt-r arstn.t htffft prtntts and interior ttinea, 'laa S ftiil.lllul Hold tyth! h.t fhu dalrrsvt-rywli!fr. iM VUr lyltu tued uctutittl. Cmiato naWWrw. W. i JUOUU1.AS, ltroch.tan.Ma MIkNTION THIS rarra mmam vaiti. ' merit mado it. The great sumo ot money spent in advertising! known, but the ereatest advertisement ever five years on the market, be a sale of This treat success has been made who has ever tried j nicely about themj tot bestj 3 milk mildly purgative. Mama takes Children like to take them. They Nothing more can be said. Everybody In the bouse. Don't forget "they work all right In the morning." The genuine metal boxes, and never Bold in bulk. SALE 1 THE WfflEtlUiD , MRS.CHAS.A.R0CrWV00D are constantly bein received by Mrs. Pinkhatu to prove our claims. Mrs. C. A. Rockwood, teacher of Parliamentary Law, of OS Free St., Fredonla, N. Y., writes: i "For years I suffered tfith female trouble. It was rtf-iilil tlvit an operation was tiers sary, and although I subtnituxi to a n-rious 0)eratlon my stiiroring continued, until Lvdia K. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound wnsrceommimdertenil It proved a marvelous romoily, a.-c,uii-kly di.l It restore my h".ilth. I rnnnot tlmuk you sullloiently for tho good it has dono ino." Miss Margaret Tlerner, of No. 32 W. 25th Street, New York, writes: ' Dear Mrs, PhiUhnm; "Wlien only eighteen years of B!o ottr physician d'i-Mil that an operation was necessary to iiorntlt of mv womanly organs Mrforminr their natural functions. 4Iy mother objocted and lieing urged by a relative to try Lvdia E. Pmkham's Veeet ttblo Compound did so. I soon improved in health, the proper conditions were establish ed and I am well and stmim, thanks to Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Comjioun LB No other remedy has such un qualified endorsement as Lydia R. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. No other remedy in the world has such a record of cures of female ills. Yra can always depend oa Ike wearba malirv aaoea for all uses and in all kinds of far the heat work- ahoM fnr Farmer. ' " like all Mayer sheet Iron. Get them from trade-mark appears wear the "Honorbih" MK ajuuuag u boC MUaUea i it 7 1 : v ft v.-.rojiUks.f.7r.vrv.Vs-;.; a clufjr.y. W niaJi 9n nym ot boMl lot Urn. fnm ciuXoevr & OaraeM Mfg. Co Jto. tit. US Om U Indiana AT AIL PRIDES i S"S to Wl.-JfJ. Wumrn'a .vi- I. i,u.i,i..i ur.r Ji v rWn without ror;.-rd to lri' fnrtorlns at I S. C. X. V. No. 12 1007. printed could do no more! cent box.-- y)yj. Mnh.otS 1 prove that Cascartii Sare a perfect cure for Const! pstion, Appendicitis, Bilious vif-;.-' L . iness, bour otomacn, otcx neaaacne Insomnia, Palpitation of the Heart, Bad breath, bad blood, Pimples, Piles, Worms and all bowel diseases of childhood and old ae. They make mother's a CASCARET, baby gets the benefit are the one perfect, unequaled family should carry a box In the pocket and have while you sleep," and " a CASCARET at tablet octagonal, stamped CCC, put up In Sold by all druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c II