Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 22, 1907, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Continuation of the Homer Herald.
Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Yesr.
A. weekly newspaper published l
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission bns been granted for the
transmission of Ibis paper through the
nail m econd-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
' UeT Chan 8 Hughes, editor of the
Thurston Gazette, hn pnrchaeed the
Fender Rnpablio and will consolidate
the two papers. Hubbard Bros, who
conducted the Republic, will seek a
location in the south.
Suppose a newspaper man, every
tame he hears a man criticise lnm or
iii s pioer in public, should retaliate by
bold inn nn to the publio gaze the
faults and shortcomings of said fault
finder, what would be the result? The
editor may not know it all but he does
arot live in a oommnnity long without
knowing a deuced tight more than he
publishes. Ex,
The Piano Texas, Star-Courier man
M much elated over the advertising
aloe of his paper. A farmer lost i
ball, advertised the fact in the Star
Courier and toon afterward the owner
found. the animal in the middle of
straw stack, dead 1 The Piano editor
say it takes a powerful ad. to locate a
dead gentleman cow in the middle of a
big btraw pile I
t . w
Borne of us are throwing up onr
bands in holy horror because of the
way in which Stanford White dea
noilad young girls; because of the un
faithfulness of Evelyn Nesbit Thaw to
ber hiiHband after marriage; and be
auae of the wuy Evelyn' mother sao
rifieed ber to White for money ; and
bseause of the general rottenness o
thosa people along tnisline. Dnt why
do vole no much attention to them nnd
allow the Same thins on a smaller
aealn at home go unnoticed? Every
community lias its Stanford White, its
Kvelyn Nesbit end its Mrs Holman
Thurston Gazette.
fit -t n,..
lUllia Ul III.CIC91
from our Exchanges
Oakland Independent: M M War
nerand wife were in town from Lyon
Saturday. We acknowledge a plett
all from Jbuitor Warner .
Lyons Mirror: Wm Aekerman, of
the Burlington, vas up to Dakota City
this week to take the place of the sta
tion agent there, who is sick,
Pender Times : Attorney E J Smith
of Homer was in town Friday,,, .Prof
Carl Bohriever of Dakota City wea in
town yesterday.... T L Sloan went to
Dakota City yesterday, .. .Mrs J B.
Walden visited at Wakefield the first
of the week. .
Thurston Gazette: Claude Founds
-visited his brother Harry wt Homer
laat Saturday. . , .Mel Niebnhr of Pen
der took charge of the Peavy elevator
si this place Monday, and will look
lifter it until the new company takes
charge which will be about Julo 1st.
Sioux City Tribune, lGth: Bev A
B Learaor, president of the English
Lutheran synod of Iowa, was here
yeaterday from Mason City, He was
d route to the home of his parents at
Dakota City. While in the city he
visited with Louis J Motschman, pas
tor of the Trinity English Lutheran
Newcastle Times: J A Pettit and
wife returned Monday noon from their
visit in Sioux City and Dakota City,
in the former pluoe they vicited Mr
Petti fa brother Albert and in the lat
ter place they visited their son Will
and family. Their daughter Liilie
mho is going to school in Ponca, went
-down Saturday and returned to Ponca
.Monday, they all had a fine time.
Walthill special in Siouz City Jour
nal, 18th: -jharles Taylor, one of the
firm of Taylor & Taylor, of this p'aoo,
ud who also ha some farming inter
nets two mile east of Waltbul, was
the victim of a peutiliur accident whioh
occurred near hia farm about 9 o'clock
yesterday morning. He left tho farm
at that time leading three borne and
bout au hoar later returned in a daaud
oooditiun and with a large gash in his
ekia and more or less covered with
blood. , He was brought to town and
attended by Dr Beam, who found sev
eral teeth knocked loose and found it
tuxjeesary to take several stitches in
be ohin. On being questioned he
was unable to tell how it happoned,
but it is supposed he was kicked by
one of the horses .
' Sioux City Journal, 18th: The
laaao Walton of Sioux City are to
feave a ohance to catch croppies in the
atera of Crystal lake thii spring.
Gerge L , Carter, of Linooln, Neb.,
tat game warden of Nebraska, ha
written to W F Dunoan advising
him that this week be will bring a
oarloidof adult croppies and plant
iheoi in the lake, whioh is a favorite
wtort of Sioux City angler. The
oroppie is one of the gamiest fish of in
land waters, and by many sportsmen is
lie Id tu be next to the blaek bass in
that respect, as a pan tlh theoroppi
ia unexcelled. A carload, Mr Duncan
"thinks, besides affording a sufficient
number to attract sportsmen this
priDg will stock the lake with strong
dalt in sufficient number to main
tain themselves for soma year to come.
Ur Carter, following a usual custom,
boa aent to Mr Duncan a number of
Nebraska fishing license for the o
eommodation of those who wish to
w-itelt a bobber or hear it rel sing on
tho other side of t! Missouri.
K'urn Enterprise: -W A Morgan
nd W G Merteu transact 1 bi sine
ia Sioux City Monday ... .Tr John
Connors, W O Bran, A P Duran and
J P Davey weut to Jaokaou yesterday
C9 attend the funerjl of M J Maloney,
....A son was lorn to Mr and Mrs
ul Lier on Tuesday , Here is hoping
it will grow healthy and strong and be
big enough some d,iv to whip its be
loved papa.,.. AT Haaxo was out
from Dakota City Wednesday Tiiting
hi sons, Geo II and F V ilaase. He
looks well but has been troubled some
with rheumatism this winter. ;.. .Her
man and Win Stark each received
flUOU fiom their father, Martin Htaik,
wealthy farmer of Durant, Iowa.
Seven ether children each received a
ke amount. Their father did not
care to buy more land and as he is get-
ing along in years made earn ! bis
hildren a present, .. .Lion J .7 Me-
arthy of Ponca was in Emerson Sat
urday returning from Uartington
where he appeared in a law suit. Mr
McCarthy informed us that lie was
very busy looking after cases in which
e had been retained and that lie ex
pected to spend all his time now in the
practice of his profession. .. .John L
Uavis, Geo Ctphnger. and r t Uaase
ttended a big Masonic meeting in
Omaha Thuisday evening. A s lver
trowel which had traveled ar .und the
world was brought from Sioux Falls
and with appropriate ceremony pre'
sented to Capital Lodge No 1 in Oma
ha. After keeping it thirty days
Omaha will take it to Denver
Do You Want a Homestsad ?
A bill has passed congress whereby
million more acres of the famous
Rosebud reservation in Tripp county is
to be thrown open to entry and nettle
meat nnder the provisions of the gen
eral homestead and townsite laws of
the United States. This is the best
land the government has to offer to
settlers. South Dakota produces more
wealth per capita than any other state
in the Lnited States. These Indian
lands are the best in the state. Land
on this reservation in Gregory county
adjoining this, increased in value from
14 to f 10 per aoro in two years. I'hi
is just as good. Mergers. Jeffers &
Chambers, reputable attorney and
land men, oLUerrick, S D, have pre
pared it comprehensive circular on tli
general land townsite laws which will
give you full information as to who i
entitled to a homeetead, and how to
proceed to obtain 160 acres of this val
liable land together with the famous
Peterson map of Tripp county, which
they will send to any addres, pontng
prepaid, for one dollar. ileaut oy
bank draft or post oflice money order
Herriek, B D
eaviD hin ioh'i tire.
The happiest mother in the little
town of Ava, Mo, is ' Mrs 6 Huppee,
She writes: "One year ogo my son wi
down with such serious lung trouble
that onr physician was unable to help
him; when, by our druggist's advice I
began giving tiitu Dr King's New Dis
covery, and I soon noticed improvemet.
I kept this treatment up for a few weeks
when he was perfectly woll . He has
worked steadily since at carpenter work.
Dr King's. New Discovery saved his
life." Guaranteed bot cough and cold
cure by L M Leslie, druggist. 60o and
f 1 .00. Trial bottle free.
First M E Church Hours of Service
10 a m, Sunday Qchool
11 a m Preaching
12 m Class Meeting
6:30p m, ...... ....Epworth League
7:30p m.. ....Preaching
7:30pm... Prayer Meeting
A 11 evening services from May to
Ootober will be held one-half hour
later. Ei.meh F. Shafeb, Pastor
Phone number 83.
To continue young in health and
strength, do as Mrs N F Ilownn, Mo
Donough, Oft, did. She says:" Three
bottles of Electric Hitters oured me of
olirouio liver and stomach trouble, com
plicated with such and unhealthy con
ditioh of the blood that my skin turned
red as flannel. I am now practically 20
years younger than befere I took E'eo
trio Hitters. I can now do all ray work
with ease and assist in my husband's
store." Guaranteed at Leslie's drug
store. Price DOo .
Danger in Eating Pork.
Pork eaten raw or not thoroughly
cooked, iu the opinion of Dr S K
Spaulding, state health inspector, is a
danger to human life. Dr. Spaulding
has issued the following word of cau
The recent oases of trichinosis oc
curring nt Hasting and Fre nont
emphasizes the fact that ' pork eaten
rasr, or even not thoroughly cooked, is
dangerous to life.
No law could be passed by the lecis
latnre that would compel a bacteriolo
gical examination of every carcass that
was killed for Lome consumption, and
it is only in this way the trichina can
be discovered and the meat products
For that reasen we must depend
upou the ptees of the state to make
known to the people in the most pub
no way the danger there is in eating
raw pork. This kuowledge should
alo be taught iu all schools, and a
full dieoussion of the aubieot then
be had in our home.
J A Harmon, of Lizemore, West Va,
sya: "At last I have found the perfect
ill that never disappoints m; and for
the benefit of other aiUicted with tor
pid liver and chronic constipation, will
say: "Take Dr King' New Life Pills.'
Guaranteed satisfactory. 25c at Los
lie' drug store.
Missionary Rally Itinerary.
Following are the date and speaker
for the Missionary rally in thia die
triot :
South Sioux City Monday evening,
Msroh 25. U G Langley and E E
Walker's Island
March 26, J H
Tuesday evening
Smith and H G
Langley. , '
isaxota uny Wednesday evening,
March 27. G F Mead and J II Smith.
Waterbury Thursday, 3 pm, March
ViS. u if Mead and K Shafer.
Poocs Thursday evening, March
28. G F Mead and E E Shafer,
" at m. m
iomer i'riiy, rasrch TJ, a p m.
E E Shafer. Evening. G F Mead.
Subjects: "Our ltUtiou to Mi
siona," Bev J H Smith; "A Bong of
Viotory," Bev H G Langley; "God's
Providence in Mission Work," Bhv, G
F Mead ; "The Missionary Situation-
Present Opportunity, "Kev E E Shafer,
No offerings taken at auy of these
meeting. ,
MO 9l0lf 3fc 3lt4Ci40tCjMOj)tOM
llain coats and slickers at Carl An
Herman Ilenza, Frank Heeney, John
Harty and Prof Donohoe, left Hatur-
ay to attend a banquet at Ufieill,
given by the Knights of Colnmbus and
returned Monday morning.
Fresh fish at Nordyke's every Friday.
Leave your order.
Bev J E English went to Sioux City
Saturday evening to attend a celebra
tion given at bt Joseph s church.
Bring in your farm produce of all
kinds. We pay the highest market
price. Carl Anderson.
QuileA number from here attended
the entertainment and lecture given at
St Patrick's hall in Jackson.
We want your order for timothy, al
falfa, clover or whatever yon may want
in the line of field seeds. Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co.
Mrs Margaret Dnggan is here on a
farewell visit and will J nave foi the
west Monday.
Rubber boots are the thing for slop
py weather. Carl Anderson sells them
E W Wilson and wife left this
week for their new home at Coleridge.
Everyone here is sorry to see them go
Nordyke always has fresh oysters in
Mrs Art Smith, Willie Rooney, Wm
Goerlz and wife, Dick Myers. Thos
Long, Dave Hileman, Mrs Mundy and
Dr Witte were Sioux City visitors
We have a fine line of Easter
dies. Carl Anderson.
The members of the Cecilian club
will entertain at a basket social given
for the benefit of the parsonage of St
Mary a church of Hubbard, in the
school hall, on April 8, 1907. to whioh
all are cordiully invited. Ladies Lting
your baskets. Entertainment free
Mary O'Connor was a Sioux City vis
ltor Sunday
Wo are agent for the celebrated
Strauss Bros, tailors, and can get your
clotb.es mad to order at prices that
yoa have been paying for "band-me
uowns. uan Anaerson.
Wm Munday had and operation per-
formed Wednesday at St Joseph s hos-
pita, Sioux City.
Mr and Mrs Hostel man were in Hub
bard last week to see about taking Mr
I'oRtelman sson-in law, Wm Mundy, to
at T. 1., l ...
Dress shirts and fancy neckties for
Easter, at Carl Anderson's.
Otto Kenck has moved to the Louis
Jopp farm near Emerson.
The farmers are sowing more tame
grass every year . That shows it pays
them. It will also pay them to buy I
at the iu & v number yard. .
Leroy Wilsey and Geneva Day were
married in Sioux City Wednesday.
Blanche Hughs has resumed her
duties in the millinery department at
Davidson Bro's, Sioux City.
Ada Learner, who teaches the Foltz
school, wa a Homer visitor Saturday.
Lue A Hirsch, matron of Wise Me
morial hospital, in Omaha, will spend
the summer with relatives in Dakota
county. It will seem like old times
to have Lue again with us.
Mrs S U Moore is here visiting her
sisters, Airs Verntaud Orvsl Lake and
also her parents, Mr and Mis Goodsel.
Mr Moore has traded his farm for a
store at Dixon, this state
John Snyder has rented his farm in
Blyburg to Alonzo MoCormick .
John L Nixon attended the fancy
lu,rae sale in Sioux City this week with
a view of purchasing a brood mare.
There are enough lies floating around
Homer if gathered np to sink a battle
ship. Eli Perkins woald tremble for
the championship if he were here
The father of lies would hong his head
and disown their author. We can lock
up from a thief but not from a liar.
nr. 1 - -
iv e nope, uowever, mat mere are
enough light minded people in Homer
to trample tlioso same lies so deep iu
the mud that -they will do no harm.
Caleb Antrim was a Homer visitor
laat week.
Fred O'Ciiander has rented his farm
to Johnnie DeMyer and will move to
Sioux City.
Sherman MoKinley, who started for
Hook county Ihursday, hud consider
ble trouble with his team. He bought
them at a sale and waa not well enough
acquainted with them to know that
they very much object to work. So
they presuaded him to let them rest at
Alt Harris' till the next day. We have
not heard since whether they have
consented to haul him to Rock oounty
or not.
Charley and Henry Barnes, of
Waterbury, sous of Geoige Barnes,
an oia iatota county resident, are
here visiting relatives.
John Snyder, of Sioux City, a for
mer resident ox mis county, wison
our streets Saturday .
' Louie Rasmussen, wife and son, took
Saturday' train for Dakota City, and
visited Sheriff Hansen and family over
Lewi Rockwell returned frem niu
too, Iowa, Saturday, where he had
gone to buy some blooded sow.
Geo Rockwell and wife were Sioux
City pastensers Saturday. Mrs Rock
well went to have her eye treated.
Wm W si way, of Emerson preeinct,
was down Saturday to visit his on
Dannie Purdy drove down on the
ageney to spend Sunday with hi
coubiu, St Pear Oweua.
Mr Joh n Welker was an over Sunday
visitor ia Dakota City with her sister,
Mr Ab rcterson.
Mrs Frank Combs went north Sat
urday and wi!l visit ber psrents in
South Sioux titv and her einter, Mrs
Tod Cbriittopherson, who is in a Los
pital in Sioux City.
Tim O'Connor shipped one oar load
of catUe Saturday and C C Fruru two
oar. "
reck Dad Hoy foiled to arrive on
time l,nt sretik an 1 a it wa the night
nf Imv' Anfftis r.imAr'1 luntnra w.
j were glad of it. The leoture wa good
td tbsre Mionl J liare been a larger
house, but we preenme the condition
of the roads kept a nurnber away.
August Wilkins and Fred Kipper
sbippd a car load of cattle Monday.
Fred Dunnell was in town Saturday
and said his father had just died. He
as buried in the Grove chnrch cem
etery Wednesday.
Mrs Lame, nee Minnie Mansfield,
arrived from the "sand hills" Wedr.es
day, to visit her parents, M S Mans
field and wife.
Attorney E J and Dr Nina Smith
gave a high five party to about forty
of their friends Monday evening, do
ing honor to St Patrick. Several of
the ladies having the samo number of
tallies, they out for the prize, Miss
Katherine Quinn being the lucky one,
receiving "In the Bishop' Carriage."
T D Curti won the gentleman's prize,
a handsome deck of cards. At mid
nigh a dainty lunch was served which
the jolly crowd did ample justice to
and every one went home wishing St.
Patrick had bis day oftener.
Charley Antrim and Will Briden-
baugh were in town Wednesday.
W T Bartlett left Tuesday morning
with a party of land seekers for Jules
berg, Col.
M It Boler ard Lee C Kearney went
out to O'Neill Saturday with the
Knights of Colnmbus. Mr Kearney
went from there to Creighton to visit
his sister, Mrs Bitigheimer, returning
The lecture here March 18th drew
a packed bouse. UJ omytneoi Umaha
delivering the address, which was
a rare treat. Mr Sheahan, represent
ing the A O H, also made a clever
speech. The musical numbers were
heartily encored.
Residence for sale. The Mrs John
C O'Neill home in Jackson can be
bought cheap. See W T Bartlett.
Tbos Ashford and wife, Maggie and
Eleanor Murphy of Homer, attended
the lecture here Monday night and
were entertained at the Ed T Kearney
Jesse Hodges has gone to Sioux City
to or in a restaurant
Mra M J MoM alien and Katie Flan-
nery were visitors to the city Friday.
.T.m.. irunn.n;,i hi- Jri.i too.
buggy and harness to a liveryman at
Men ill, Iowa, last Saturday.
Laura Heeney of Nacora, is visiting
her friend, Madeline Davey, this week
Harry Morris put in a new drive
ell for T B Jones rear Vista this
James P Farley, who went to Sie
bert, Col, writes home that he took i
claim there.
J M Millen, agent here, went to
Norfolk last Friday to see his mother
who was ill. Tho Farmer has charge
of the depot during hi absence.
Dr Leahy is having some new floors
laid in his residence. J B Esby from
the National Wood Works, Sioux City,
is doing the work.
Constance Cavanaugh of Allen, vis
itd Friday and Saturday with her
friend, Genevieve Brady..
Lacy Jones visited in Omaha from
Thursday nntil Monday, with friends
Rosina Waters, of Sioux City, at
tended the leoture here Monday night
and visited at the home of her uncle
D T Waters.
Al Schrempp, the painter from Hub
bard, is .doing some work in Jackson
thia week.
Born To Mr and Mr John T Daley,
March 18, 1UU7, a daughter
Ed T Kearney left Tuesday morning
for Plankington, S D, to look after hi
land. there.
Mrs K J Vanllorn left her home iu
Chicago Monday, being called here by
the death of her brother-in-law. M
M Boler, sr, has been laid, np for
some time with a sore knee, which is
causing him considerable pain.
Arthur Hale is on the sick list,
M O Learner is now visiting friends
and relatives (to be) at Lincoln and
S D Joyce is taking a few days va
cation by visiting his son Archie at
Orchard, Neb.
Almost but not quite. A Mr Lea
mer and Mis Gaen Rockwell had
very narrow escape lust Friday night
In hobio way on their return from
whist party that was given at Tom
Gnbble's, the wheel of the vehicle
became motionless. The driver fixed
his eyes on the singletree, but it was
too late. JiiRt then a party came
along horse back and escorted Miss
Rockwell back to Mr Gribble's safe
and aound.
Have you heard the latest? Hang
ing on Sides is going to Kentucky.
Howard Lapsley left Thnrnday for
Dixon, S D, where he expects to farm.
Harry Biown, Fred Culbertson, Ad
die Sids and W J Foresboe were cat
tle shipper the past week.
Tom Gribble and wife entertained a
party of young folks at whist Wednes
day evening- Frank Learner captured
the first prize and Sam Wilson now
deals with the tail enders.
Guy Side purohased two head of
short horn cattle at a sale in Sioux
City recently. They are fall bloods
and are beauties.
Ward Joyce is mighty busy now
days. Ward aays he ha too many
irons in the fire.
Harry Gray is back again at hi old
stand as foreman of the Hazelgrove
stock yard and henery.
Bessie Foresboe wa a suapioious
Sioux City visitor Wednesday. .
W Strong marketed a car. load of
cattle Monday.
Grace Wilbur spent Sunday at Sa
lem, with the Emmet Gribble home.
Geo Miller and John Delaney left
Sunday for western Nebraska on a
land seeking tour.
Mrs R L Urothill Visited at tho Will
Broyhill Iwme iu Salem Saturday,
It is reported that Milton Foresboe
it on his way home from Blyburg ,
Snsie Kuov, who is now teaching
the Parker school, while returning
home the other evening on foot, lost
control! of her understanding and re
mained in an immovable condition for
seme time before help arrived.
Chas Ileikcs nnd Ollie Hale are
moving their belonging to Nacora,
where the boys will farm. Health,
wealth and prospe rity to yon, boy.
D N Walker, editor of that tpicy
journal, the Enterprise, Lonisa, Va,
ys;" I ran a nail in my foot last week
od at once applied Bucklen a Arnia
8 -ilve. No inflamation followed, tne
salve simply healed the wound." Heals
every sore, burj and skin disease.
Guaranteed at Leslie's drng store. 25o.
The Heiald for all the sews:
If any af our subscribers desire the
address changed on their Herald by
reason of the establishment or change
made in the rural mutes, or for any
other reason, just drop us a postal and
the change desired and it will be made.
Yon will never be too late nor lose
any time at the Unique theater, David
son block, Sioux City continons enter
tainment. Greatest moving pictures
ever seen. Ladies and children especi
ally invite!.
When you havo a new item that
yon wonld like to see in print, ring np
the Herald, No. 43, and we'll print it.
Subscribe for the Herald, the
ppr in the county. 91 a year.
First publication March 1 tw
Probate Notice toCreditors.
In the county court of Dakota county. No-
Jn the matter of the entnte of Alwlne
Solirlevpr, OVcoHwd.
Notice In herehy arlvon that the crrrtltoni
of wild l'-f(vcl will niHct the executor
of wild entnte, bpforo nm, County Judge
of Dnkota county, brnkn, nt the county
court room, in nam county, on the win clny
or June. JUT. on the lth any of July, 1UT
and on the 2iUh day of Auaunt, at
10 o clork a. in., each day, for the purpose
oi prt'KoiitinK incir ciHinm ror examination,
ndjiiHtiiH'Ut and allowance. Hlx month tirn
allownd for creditors to preaent their claim
and one year for the executor to nettle
said estate, from the KM b day of Februry,
Iir7. ThlH notice will be publlNhed In tho
Dakota bounty Herald, n weekly newspa
per, for four weeks successively prior to the
26th diiy of June,
Witness my hand, and seal of sulci court.
this 2fith day of February, A. D.ltttr.
.1. j. KIMKRS,
sKAI,l Comity JudKC.
Physician and Surgeon.
Call promptly attended
Head Ache
If so, it will interest you to
know that it can be stopped
with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills;
and without any bad after
effects, and this without dan
ger of forming a drug habit or
having your stomach disar
ranged. They positively con
tain no opium, morphine, co
caine, chloral, ether or chloro
form in any form. Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills relieve pain,
and leave only a sense of relief.
The reason for this i3 explained
by the fact that headache comes
from tired, irritable, turbulent,
over-taxed brain nerves. Anti
Tain Pills soothe and strength
en these nerves, thus removing
the cause. They are harmless
when taken as directed.
"We tico Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln nils
for the cure of hcnd:icho, and we
think thut there Is nothing that will
Kiual them. They will cure the
severest spell of nervous or elck
liendacho In a very few minutes 1
am of (t nervous temperament, and
-ocenpionally have spells when my
nerves kotii to ho completely exhaust
ed, and I tremble so I nan scarcely
conCiln myself. At thesi times I al
ways tnfeo tho Artl-Pain Tills, and
they ciulet mo right nwiy. Tt Is re
mnrkablo what n sonthlnj effect they
have npon tVe nerves."
MRS. b K KAUL,, Detroit, Mich.
Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are sold by
your clrug;lst, who will guarantee that
the tint packags will benefit. If it
fails, ho will return vour money.
5 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
March 6th and 19th, cheap excur
sion rates; also daily low tourist
rate to the Uulf conntry, tjolora
do, Oklahoma, Arizona, Old Mex
ioo, New Mexico.
A Good Chance to Visit
Pacific Coast
March and April one-way race to
Utah, California, Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho, Montana, Dig Ilorn
JiaBio, uearly 60"0 reduction
Daily, through Standard aad
Tourist sleepers.
Homeseekers Excursions
Frequently eaoh month from
Eastern Nebraska to Eastern Col
crado, North Platte Valley, Uig
Ilorn Basin.
Landseekers' Information
Valuable, free information to seek
era of Uovernment land and to
prospective purchaser of all kind
of deeded landa along tna ttur
liocton Route. Write Lanseekers'
In ormation Bureau, 100-t Par-
nam St., Omaha, Neb.
R. J. Heasoneb, - Ticket Ageu
L. W. Waxilkt, O P A, Omaha, Neb
mm :
Frame Second growth white ash.
Axle. Cold rolled steel, a inches in diameter.
Cylinder Drive. Steel pinned chain. Direct connected.
Pulverizing Rake. Adjustable. Set directly over cylinder. Thoroughly
fine load. '
Cylinder Freeing Device. Stops clogging and breakage. Rehevea
Large Wheels. 54 inches in diameter. Makes light draft.
Other Points. Most Important. ,
Catalogue. Tells all about it. Costs nothing.
Come and See It
7o Wsvnt You to See TKIa Spreader
315-17-10 Pearl Street, Sioux City. Io.
IDo yotx warikt
to sell your farm?
The quick, sure way is
to put a want-ad. in
he Omaha E&ee
The Rates are One insertion, per line 10 cents.
Two or more consecutive insertions, per line,
6 cents each insertion. Each insertion made on
odd days, 10 cents per line.
All advertising run in both morning and
and evening paper withoutstra charge.
Count Six Words to KIn
Address Want-Ad Department, Omaha Bee; Omaha, Neb.
Within everybody's reach reaches everybody
Vie. CA
Through Tourist Cetra Dally, MlnnocvpoIIa eirvd
St. PckxjI to Pevolflo Cokst Points.
If you contemplate a trip no matter where, for rates and
othor information call on or address
Division Pass'r Agt. Omaha.
in Sawyer and Bayfield Counties in tracts of 40 acres or more, -with or
without a hnse at from $5.00 to $15.00 per acre. Good soil, running
water, plent of timber for fuel, fine climate, no blizzards, no drouth,
Close to markets, Minneapolis and St. Paul on the south, Duluth and
Superior on the north. Best of railroad facilities, schools and churches
already established, an ideal dairy country. If you want a "square deal"
Buy R. R. Ticket to Hayward, Wis. 4H3 Chlppcw Bldg.. CrflPPCWA FALLS, WIS
It ia Deliciotxc
25 cents per Pound
Blended and picked from carefully selected coffee by
Buckwal t cr ' s
No. 6 Front Ot.
The Herald for all the News
" W V
Tl . ..V
One-Way second class colonist tickets will be
on sale daily, March 1st to April 30th to Port
land, Seattle, Tacoma and Pnget Sonnd points.
Proportionately low rates to points in Alberta, ,
British Columbia, Idaho and Montana.
Special homeseekers tickets will be on sale first
and third Tuesdays of March and April to many
points in Idaho, eastern portion of state of
Washington and also to a large southwest terri
tory. The rate will be about one fare plus $2.00 .
for the ronnd trip.
Agent, Dakota City.
Homer, Neb
I ....