V Makes the finest, light est,best flavored biscuit, hot-breads, cake and pastry Renders the food more digestible and wholesome ABSOLUTELY PURE ROYAL BAKING POWDEf Local Items. Grace Hager spent the past week at LawtoD, Iowa. Judge R E Evans left Tuesday morniDg on a business trip to Butte, Neb. Don't forget still in the lead Breun's coffee it is For Bale at Vac de Zedde's. Frank Boss was down from Emer son the first of the week visiting his brother, W L Boss. A J Parker, H O Dorn and Jack Burke were Business visitors herefrom South Sioux City Saturday . Mrs Tod Christopherson, of Crofton, who underwent an operation in a Sioux City hospital last week, is improving. J Van de Zedde and son Harold, went to Ponoa last Thursday evenig to attend "Reformation,? rendered by lo cal talent. C E Doolittle was down to Winne bago Tuesday and made arrangements to run a branch barber shop there a a couple of days each week. The Bev John Crewe, superinten dent of the Crowell Memorial home at Blair, will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday, March 10, at 11 o'clock. Alonzo Shaw, alias "Featherings," who has been an inmate of the county i ail for the past two weeks in default of bonds to the amount of $560 to keep the peace, was released Monday by County Attorney Berry, on his own recognizance, on a promise to steer clear of Dakota county's domain here after. R R Time Table C, St. P., M. ft O. Time-Table. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol lowing time : MOKTH BOUND. SOUTH BOT7ND 6:52 pin.. Omaha 7 :35 am 10:00 am...... Omaha ......5:13 pm 3:37 pm Norfolk 8:20 am 9:01 am Norfolk 6. 32 pm 7:58 am Newcastle 10 :00 am 2:08 pm ..6:08 pm SUNDAY TrtAINb. 5:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am 3:37 Norfolk 5:32 CBSQ WEST No. 85 Local Freight 7:30 i 11 " Passenger, Omba and Lincoln 12:32 pn EAST No 86 Local Freight 2:15 pm 10 Local Passenger. . . .6:53 pm Sioux City, Crystal Lake & Homer LEAVE LEAVE DAKOTA CITV BIOUX CITY 7:30 a m, 9:00 a ni 10:(0am 11:30 am 1:00 p m 2:00 p m 2:30 p m 4:30 p m 6:00 p m 6:15 p m Saturday evening train leaves Da kota City 7:15. returning leaves Sioux City 11:15. Snnday evening train returning leaves Sioux City 9:30. Have you ever seen a Sunset? A beautifully illustrated monthly magazine of the wide awake West with fascinating short stories, picturesque personal point-of-view description of the interesting development of the West, and the romance and his tory of the wonderland of the earth. Ask your local newsdealer for current issue or send $1.50 foryear's subscription. The book, " Road of a Thousand Wonders. 120 beautiful Western views in four colors will be included-r free. SUNSET MAGAZINE FLOOD BUILDING A! FSANCISCO ii ti CALIFORNIA Ti CO., NEW YORK. A house office. for rent inquire at this Jos Clements was over from Morn ingside Saturday. For field and garden feeds of all kinds, go to (jr F Broyhill's. Mell A Scbmied was home from his uties at Lincoln over Sunday. Mrs Mary B McBeath hog been quite sick with the grip the past week. Tlios Snlliviin, of Jackson, was transacting busiuets here Monday. Mrs Gertie Best was home from Homer over Sunday, returning Tues day. Tho salary of TJ S Marshal Warner as beeu it creased from $3,560 to 4.000. Bert O Harden is home from Lis duties on the road, being slightly un der the weather. Mrs John Miles, of Sioux City, spent a portion of the week with relatives and friends here. O, why do you eat old dry peanuts when you oan get them fresh roasted every day at Van's. O H Antrim has moved from the county poor farm to the farm recently occupied by J J Lioamer. I am now prepared to do dressmak ing at the home of S L iiunton. Prices reasonalble. Pearl Hoover. For Sale A couple of good fresh milk cows. Mrs J E McGonicjal, Jacksou, Neb, E L Ross and family arrived here last Friday from Schuyler, Neb. and have taken possession of the county poor farm. O F Smith and family have removed from the old Col Wrner farm, east of Homer, and are occupying the resi dence east of the Eagle office. Have you tried the Sultanna and Tac-oo brands of cauned goods? Van sells them. These goods have stood the test of the pure food law. I will be ready to take orders for painting aud panel htmcirg about the 15th of next month. Will furnishes' timates on auytliii g in this hue of work. Bert Brasfield Bath Gray, daughter of O M Gray ani wife, was luken to a Sioux City hospital Tuesday, where she was oper ated on for appendicitis. At this writ ing, Thursday Rfternoon, a report from the hospital says she is resting nicely. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable price. Fields & Slaughter Co. C E Bliven, Manager, Dakota City, Neb. Bert Beam writus from San Francis co, Calif, where he is now located, that he is now working with a steel gang ou the all steel buildings which are being erected there to replace buildings shattered by the earthquake. Have you tried that Dew package coffee that Van de Zedde is selling? It is only 30o a pound, and you get a nice dish with etch package you buy, besides a chance to draw a set of handsome dishes free. The coffee is worth the money and you get the dishes for Lotliiug. Will Oehlerking met with a bad no cident while moving his household goods from the Bieiman farm south ot town to a farm near South Sioux City While crossing the Fove railroad track in this place, the hind axle of his wagon broke, and it took him the greater part of tho afternoon aud night to transit r the goods to another wagon and get them home. Tom Hughes, a Sioux City barber, was or rested Suturday night on charge of stealing a grip from Dennis Bvau. Mr Ilyau was at the North western depot waiting for the train to Newcastle, when Hughes sniped the grip and made away toward Sioux City. When he reached the brush Dear the cemetery he relieved the grip of part of its contents aud threw it into a clump of willows, where it was afterward found by Sheriff Han sen. Hughes was arraigned befere Judge J J turners Monday and was Riven thirty dys in jail ou a diet ot bread and water. Oildea Sayre returned from Water bury Saturday. A baby boy was bom Glen Armour and wife ou the 21 st ult. Ashley Londrosh was up from Win nebago several days last wetk. Miss Effie Engelen left Wednesday for her claim near Kodoka, S D. Subscribe for the Herald, the best ppr in the county. $1 a year. Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al sizes and kinds. Warner & Eisners. Harry Brown shipped a car of cattle to the Sioux City market Wednesday. Miss Bessie R tin son has aceepted a position with T S Martin & Co, Sioux City. Kelly Folta went to Winnebago Monday, where he will work at ear peutering. A E Waldvogle was down from New catle last Friday, closing up his busi ness here. A A Hals and family departed Tues day for California, where they will make their home. John J Learner and family leave today(Fiiday) for Bapid City, 8 D, to look up a location. Arthur Larson, asssistant in the E & B Lumber Co s yard at this plaoe, is helping at Bandolph this week. Children who go to Yau'a can got two cents worth of candy forone cent, and a whole lot of it for five cents. Blackhswk corn planters, Bock Island discs, and all the best makes of farm machinery at G F Broyhill's. Harry E Brown left Wednesday evening for St Paul, Neb, on a busi ness trip, aud will return Saturda;. Raymond Dunn and Edna Mielke, from near Leeds. Iowa, were married here Wednesday by Judge J J Eimers. The Herald and Kansas City Week ly Star for $1. 10. Take advantage ef this special offer before it is withdrawn. Chas Marvin aud Henry Pilgrim were down from South Sioux City Monday and attended Odd Fellows lodge. A L Morley, of Decatur, and May J Bissel, of Howels, Neb, were united in marriage on Wednesday by Judge J J Eimers. Miss Bertha Kohlmeier returned to her home at Jerioo, Mo, Monday, after a two months visit with her bortber, II F Kohlmeier, of this place. Mrs Daniel Don and daughter, Nan- nie. Dave moved upirom niynnrg ana a l will reside with Mrs Andrew Forbes and son Arthur, north of town. We have a good five room house, centrally located, one block from street car line, eood water, some fruit, for sale or rent. Call at The Herald Office Don Forbes and wife this week re moved to Garfield county, this state, where Don owns a farm. We are sor rv to lose this estimable family from our midst. C D Shreve, a former resident of this county, died at his home in Sul phur. Ind Ter. He was in the mer cantile business at South Sioux City for many years. B J Beasoner, agent at this place for the C B & Q, la confined to the house with sickness. W B Ookerman was sent here Wednesday from LyoDS to relieve him for a spell. W A Niemeyer is home from hii South Dakota claim for a mouths stay and will do papei hanging and point ing duiing his stay here. If you have any work in his line get his prices. Van de Zedde will sell you the choicest flower and garden seeds, in packages or in bulk, ana when you have purchased seeds to the amount of 50 cents he will make you a present of a gold fish. Fred Leedorn, Oliver Lamere and Alex St Cyr, of Winnebago, were here overnight on business Wednesdav. They say the town of Winnebago is on the boom, and they feel confident that in a few years will be th county seat of Thurston county. Bev Angus B Learner, of Iowa City, Iowa, so well and favorably known in Dakota county, will deliver his lecture entitled "Peeking In, at the Salem English Lutheran church next Tues day evening fliaich vz,. It is hoped a large audience will greet the rpeaker at that time. AdmissioD, 20c. Henry Hariis, a Winnebago Indian, was arrested Saturday evening iu the ct of passing whisk to F eatheiiegs, an inmate of the county jail. He was held until Monday, wheu he was re leased by County Attorney Berry, after fceiug relieved of his snpply of booze ud given a chunk of legal advice. Jos A rove iniorms us that as soon as the frost leaves the ground work will begin on the spur leading from the main track at the halfway house to Crystal Lake park. Some of the big oottonwoods on the halfway farm are being cut down and will be con verted into lumber to be used in con' structing cottages at the park. Two new box oars cars have been put int servioe on the line to handle the freight business. For Sale. Dry goodi and shoes at cost. D O Stinbon. Also ihree head of horses for sale. DIED. Elbert, the eight months eld boy of Mr and Mrs 11 11 lutctor, of Chicago, diod ou February 26th, of convulsions caused by tuetuing. The fiiumal setv ices were held the Thursday following Mrs Hector was formerly Miss Alice Sayre of this place, and who bus only resided in uuicago a snort time, mov ing there from Sioux City last Novem ber. The friends of the bereaved par ents sympathize with tLeru in their sorrow. "A darling one from us is gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place ia vacaLt in our tome Whioh never can be tilled." Caid of Thanks. We wian to express nr sincere thanks to tiioae who so willingly as suted us in onr reoent bereavement. L M Leslie and Fa mill CORRESPONDENCE f 0D(t400(N0Ki(aiMKH0isXmQM HUBBARD. fiPFOIAL CoHBrSPOXDKnOK. , .. Dress shoes and plow shoes in all styles and prices at Carl Anderson's. E W Wilson, our geniel station agent, has been transferred to Cole ridge, Neb, and will remove with his family to that place next week. The people regret to see Mr Wilson and his wife leave, as they have made hosts of friends while here. John Jansen and wife, Phil Beiss and wife and A J Nordyke were Sionx City visitors Thursday of last week. Just received, a fine new supply of dress shirts and neckties, at Carl An derson's. Frank Uffing, HansNelsen and Chas Dodge, each shipped a car load of hogs and C M Rasmussen a car load of eattle to Sioux City, Friday. Bubber boots are the thing for slop py weather. Carl Anderson sells them right. Lucy Jones went to Vista Monday evening. Sally Boberts went to Emerson Monday. Nordyke always has fresh oysters in bulk. Frank Evans and Dr Witte were Emerson visitors Monday. Mrs Louis Deroin went to Emerson Saturday evening. Bain ooats and suckers at Carl Au- derson's. Chris Smith shipped two car loads of cattle to Sioux city Monday morn ing. John Killacky, of Bloomfleld, came .lown Saturday evening and is visiting among relatives and friends. Bring in your farm produoe of all kinds. We pay the highest market price. Carl Anderson. Sam Thorn and Mike Farrel went to Sioux City Monday. John Killackey drove over to Jack son Monday, to visit at the home of his sister, Mrs Tom Hartnett. Chris Nelson, of Sioux City, a for mer resident of this vicinity, was vis iting among friends here Thursday. The celebrated MoKibbin and Lan- pher, Skinner & Co huts at Carl An derson's. Mrs Frank Uffing went to Sioux City Friday. Fresh fish at Nordyke's every Friday. Leave your order. Mary Quinn went to Jackson Fri day. Mf sdimes John Harty, Frank Hee- ney, nam Knox, aiiss Liucy iones, Frank lleeney, Bev J E English, Pat Jones and son, were Sioux City shop pers Saturday. We carry a full line of working shirts. Carl Anderson. Dar, Hartnett and John C Smith were county seat visitors Saturday. JACKSON. Special Ookrkbpondbhce. Pearl Byan returned from Sioux City Monday evenicg, where she had spent Sunday with friends. Nellie Davey was visiting in Nacora several days the past week. Jas McHenry, of Plainviow, Neb, spent several days visiting his rela tives here the past week. John Waters left Tuesday afternoon for Early, Iowa, to take charge of u creneral merchandise store whioh Mr Waters purchased there last wnek. Mr Waters is still there. Jas Jones came up from Omaha Saturdav and spent Sunday with his parents here and also to see his sister, Mrs F A Wood, before she retnrned to Sand Point, Idaho. Alice Kennelly returned to Sioux City Monday after spending two weeks with her sister here. Frauk Bilev and Maynard Carroll drove to Sioux City Sunday. A oase of smallpox is reported at the home of Thomas Hodgins. of Vista, Andrew being taken down with it. Henry Sundt and wife were visiting at the home of Will Sundt over un' day. They have gone to housekeep' ing at Sioux, Neb, and Mr Saudt ex pects to work in Sioux City. A A Hole and family have moved to Wallace, Calif. Mrs D O Beacom, ueai Vista, re ceived a telegram Monday saying her brother at lielmond, Iowa, was very sick. Mrs Beacom left Tuesday for Belmond . Mary O'Haulon returned to Sioux Citv Monday alter spending a month with her pareuts here. Jas Kramner. who had a severe at tack of rheumatism, is now much lm proved. Mr Kelloerf . of Bionsou, lows, has moved onto tlieC Schroeder farm, and Mr Schroeder onto the D Ford place Hugh Burns has moved to Allen, Neb. There will be an entertainment here on March 18. in St Patriok's hall Some fine speakers will be here. There will also be a musical program, Georire Sham and family have moved to Homer. Frank Lilly and wife are visiting B friends here and in Sioux City. and Mrs Lilly have iuot return from South Da koto, wnere they have prov ed up on their claim. Ms Keie Keefe is visiting in Ntcora at tho Jas lleeney home this wtk, HOMER. Special, Ooubkhpon hkkcb Born to Will Blacketer and wife, a sou. Mrs Suauluing, Lafayette Uol, ar rived a few days ago to visit friends and relatives. She is a daughter of llarrv Quiiiu, who at one time resided in Homer. Clair Brown wss down from the Winnebago sgency Monday. Mrs John Itockwell and babe, who have been visiting fiiends and rela tives in Homer for tue past week, re turned to her home in Sioux City Mon day Mrs Art Bliven, of South Sioux City, Vlaiteu uer irieuus, vat wctwea iuu t. i wiie, over ounusj. Miss Valda Quinn, of Emerson, vis ited lant week iu Homer. E'.sio Wilkins, who has been attend- irg the high school, has gone back to the farm to assist her mother iu the early spring work. A family Darned Kelly have taken np their abode in the II B Smith house. Everybody is moving notwithstand ing the condition of the roads. Bas- tuus Fredrick son moved to the Johns house, Alex Davis to the farm vacated by Mr Frediiokson. Will Buckland moved to the Mrs Wilkins house and Dan Harris has the farm vacated by Mr Buckland. Mrs Folts has moved out to the farm and Jas King has rent ed her house. Nelson Smith was a Sioux City vis itor over Snnday. Louie Bockwell shipped car of cattle Tuesday. Married Tuesday, March 5, 1907, at the residence of Henry Loomis, Miss Dora Kinkead to John MoQnirk. Tom A Ho way has sold out his res taurant business to Charley Brnce. Mabel Clapp was a Winnebago vis itor Monday. Misses Mabel Kinnear and Gertie McKinley were Sioux City visitors Tuesday, Editor Bancroft was an over night visitor in Sioux City Tuesday. Mr Smith, of South Sioux City, is visiting his daughter, Mrs Chas Hols worth. Mrs John H Beam, of Dakota City, visited in Homer, Wednesday. Tim O'Connor and Geo W Bockwrll each shippid a car load of oattle Wed nesday. Mrs Wm Thnett, daughter of Thos Ashford. ar, and wife, returned to her home in Chicago, Tuesday. SALEM. SPRCIAL ConRKSPOWLKNCK. Addie Sides aud wife entertained a number of relatives and friends Satur day ever ing. Woods Hileman left Tuesday to look after his land intererests in Colo rado. Mr Hileman took with him a car of provision, etc "Coachman" Joyce, of the Cotton wood & Boxeldor Lumber oompany, has accepted a position as power boy for Bobt Hileman. Theodore McGlasban and Pearl Hileman were Pouca visitors over Sun day. Wm Armour has beon in " the dots- tor's care the past week. Tuesday evening a party of yaung folks met with Arthur Hale spending the evening in the usual merry-making way. Mrs Oliver Fisher and Miss Mae Altemus were Ponca visitors from Thursday until Sunday. They had the pleasure of seeing "The Reforma- tion of Lather, given by the home talent of that place. Mrs Stephen Joyce returned from a weeks visit with her son Archie and family at Orchard, Saturday. She has been quite tick since her arrival but we are glad to hear she is about again. H TT Lapsley returned Saturday from his jaunt in South Dakota. He said he left a promise of a homestead this time. Harry Brown was at the Sioux City market with oattle Tuesday. Worked lkc charm. Mr D N Walker, editor of that tpicy journal, the Enterprise, Louisa, a, says: I ran a nail in my foot last week and at onoe applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve. No inflamation followed, the salve simply healed the wound." Heal every sore, burj and skin disease Guaranteed at Leslie s omg store. 2bo. FOUND AT LAST. J A Harmon, of Lizemore, Wrst Va, says: "At last X have found the perfect ill that never disappoiuts me ; and for the benefit of others afflicted w ith tor pid liver and chronio constipation, will say: "Take Dr Jungs JNew jjife nils.' Guaranteed satisfactory. 20c at Jjes lie's drug store. Report of the Condition of "The Bank M ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" of Jackson, Nebr., charter No. 651, (incorporated) in the state of Nebraska, at the close of business February 23, 1907. kksourckh: Limns and dlKt'Ounts f lli,!iWl 24 (ivenlruft-s.m'curudaiHl utiMWurod 118 M liiiiiktiii; houHH furniture nnd nx- turfH a.anono Current expensei mid taxes paid.. 818 70 I Km from nut i.HtnU'iiiHi iirlvfitH hunks unci hunkers I Wl Totul iiudi on Ilium w 1 1 Total.. $ WMWU W mabimtikh: Capital Hock puld In lit.ono 00 Hurpius ruiHi... .' Undivided prntttH U 75 individual depoxlta sub ject to check I W.Hia lis iHMimnd uertlllcutca of dl-DOHlt 1.N6UUU TIiiih certificates of de posit liB.UW W inz.reiJf ix Totul I l5,6atTw Btatb or Nkhkaska, I County of Iiukotn. t I. Kd T. Kearney, cnsnier or ma nnove nmiiKil tuink. do solemnly swear that the nliove statement Is correct and true copy of the report made to the state Imnklns ixxiru A ITKHT! K II. T. KEAHNKT. O. M. Kearnkv. Director. Cashier R. K. KiAumr. Director. Huhrcrllied and sworn to before me tin 4th day of March, lrt. A. V. ItSAIKAK, Notnry Public ISTInstructive Interesting. "Correct English- How to use it' A MONTHLY MAOAZINE DEVOTED TO TUB USE OV ENOL1HH. Josbi'hink Tuhck Baker, Editor. PARTIAL CONTENTS Course in Grammar, flow to Increase One's Vocabulary. Tue Art of Conversation. Shall and Will; Should and Would ; How to Use Tnem. Pronuuoiation (Century Dictionary). Correct Englixh in the Home. Correct Engliah in the school. What to Say and What Not to Say. Course in Letter-Writing and Puuctu ation. Alphabetic lift of Abbreviatons. husineas English for the Business Man. Compound Words: how to write them Studies in English Literature. AGENTS WANTED $1,00 a year. Send 10c for a copy Correct Enclish, Evanston, 111 I IOortVlJ: ITVggizg I We ha?e a few Heaters left, and they will go at Hight Prices. Kemember blovce have ad vanccd and you will have to pay one-third more for a heater next winter than you will now. r V V Call and cxamino onr do3i- Sewing i &jp Machines ill v!M 10 Ttar Guarantee giv-J lt mmmmmm i l. en' with each machine I I Get onr before yon boy. harnecs, either We have on hand single or double. Our i rsr rt jl is more complete than ever. We have Just received ft shipment of white Enameled ware whioh we sell at prices unheard of before. We invite the ladies to call and examine this ware. Yours to Please Edwards k Bradford Lbr. Co, ! II. F. KonxMEiER, Local Manager. I Dakota City, - Nebraska J Proprietor of Fresh and Salt Meats always DAKOTA-CITY Some banks, if alone iu a town, would keep up prices, charge for EVERYTHING in fact, squeeze every niokle possible from their eus-T toroers This bank, from the Uth day of April, 1886, has steadily PUT X DOWN the prices, furbished every I even in New York City and at ab low X want no business unless we do at !' anywhere. To this we ascribe our constantly increasing business, even T though eleven banks have started in onr territory, each taking customers near by to thein, from us. For if you expect to live in a town and do business, you simply must "Treat them ItlOHT." But one thing we in- t sist on, those who borrow, must give as absolutely good notes, nethiogt I else vill be considered. For here, "your money will be ready for you I f when wanted," and that requires the good notes we have been taking for T T twenty-one years past (less than X a bank deserve the business of the "The Back that always treats 4 Before tRc Spring To people who are intending to do any kind of building next epilog or summer we will saj come in now. Let us figure your estimate. Get the Prices You will treatment find them courteous. low you Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard, GEO. TIMLIN, Manager. Harness STVRGES BROS., 411 Pearl St., 2 ft I I prices on 1ST a fine line of both farm and buggy line of I i on hand . Gaeh paid for hides. NEBRASKA. convenience iu banking obtainable J prices as prevail anywaiee. We X least as well by yon as anyone else, 4- $o0 losces since starting). Does suchl farmers of Dakota oouuty ? you eight", Jackson, Neb, - will find cur material right, and eur Nebraska, Saddle; SIOUX CITY, IOWA