Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 08, 1907, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Continuation of the Homer Herald.
rJubscriplion Trice. $1.00 Vet Ycsr.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota, City, Nebraska.
rermutsion him been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mails as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
01 Mosey Warner said we wouldn't
fret a 2 cent passenger rate; but then
Mosey has been saying lots of things
that he didn't mean, or even think.
An exchange tells of a man, who
took a eitv paper in preference to his
hoce-tjwn paper because he
more paper for the money, was
tr acted by the advertisement of a
soape which would be forwarded on
receipt of $2. lie sent the cash and
in a few days received a copy of the
New Teetanent.
Items of Interest
from our Exchanges
Decatur Herald : Fred Barnes and
Joe Blnmrr were Homer business visit
ors laot Monday.
Newcastle Times: AE Waldvogle
moved his family up from Dakota City
and oornpioa the house vacated by O
N Hammarlun.
Crofton Journal: Mr and Mrs Qeo
12 Henry arrived this Thursday from
the sunny southland, tbe message an
nouncing their start having been sent
from Miliken, Louisiana, last Monday.
They will make their home for some
time with thtir old friends, Mr and
Mrs Todd Ghnstopherscn. Mrs Henry
is the editor's mother.
Poooa Leadei . Will P Mikesell ex
pects his mother and sister this even
ing from Dakota City ... .Rev and Mis
Oberholtzer are expected today from
Dakota City to be the guests of Mr
and Mrs Berg. They will attend the
" Reformation" (his evening . . , , Mr and
Mil W J Armour expect about tea of
: their friend today from Dakota coun
ty to be present at the "Reformation"
given in the opera house.
Emerson Enterprise: Mr end Mrs
Chus Ireland moved to Omaha Hatur
day, Mist I'enrl Ireland accompanied
them. ... .Miss Pearl Ireland and Ar
thur Tope were married Monday in
Omaha to the surprise of their friends.
The Enterprise has not been able to
learn tbe particulars, but nevertheless
wishes tbera happiness. Getting mar
lied seems to be oontagiou in the Ire
land family and we wonder who will
bo next.
Sionx City Journal, 5th : The Crys
tal lake spur of the Sioux City, Crys
tal Lake aud Homer railway company
is under construction and tbe dream
of Sioux City Waltous for a 15-minute
service between town and the bans
fishing beda of this pretty lake bills
fair to be realized by April 1, the
-opening of the bass season in Nebraska
' The work of building the spur ha be
gun with a force of eighteen men,
which ha started at the "Halfway
house." Tho line will run straight
from the raaiu line to a point near the
Talbot lodge. A Park is to be bnilt
at the lake terminus. Ties for this
spur track were unloaded several
weeks ago. The rails, which were
purehased 'mm the Chicago and
Northwestern Railway company, were
being unloaded yesterday. The equip
ment of the Foye line hits been increas
ed by the receipt of two freight cars.
Fonca Journal : vy J Armour was
at Sioux City Tuesday. . . .Rev M Koul-
en was a passenger from Dakota City
Monday. ...A large delegatiou of Rev
M Koolen's congregation at Salem
German Lutheran church in Dakota,
. oouctv attended the Luther entertain
meat in this city. ...OF Kirk left
Tuesday moruiug for Homer, Neb, to
attend the bog sale at that place.
From Homer he wert to Emerson to
attend the hog sale at that place on
Wednesday.... Waterbury, Feb 27
Voople of this place were shocked to
learn of the death of Harrison Sayre,
one of Dixuu county's old and beloved
fiioneers, which oorurred at hi- homo
in Waterbury on Februurv 23. Only
a short time before Mr Havre died h
was up town going in and out of
tbe stores and talkincr jovial like with
bis friends who bnlieved him to be in
bis usual health. Ou returning home
from the postoflloe, where he was last
' seen up town, be jailed bis wife to
help him open the door aud enter the
bouse, Seeing that something was
the matter Mrs Soy re called for a doc
tor by phone, but in her excitement
called for tbe wrong number. While
calling for the doctor she heard him
fall in the adjoining room and upon hur
rying to him foun t him dead. Hue ran
to a neighbors for assistance, but found
no one at homo. Wheu she finally got
a doctor an examination revealed that
Mr Sayre bad died of heart failure
and was probably dead before fall
ing. A long gash was out in his head
by striking a box when he fell, Har
rison Sayre was 78 years of ago and
had been married twice, bis first wife
died when they had beeu married
seven years. To them were bora two
children, both living at the present
tinia. Ilia present wife, who i in
-very poor health, survives him. They
bad passed the fiftieth milestone of
married life and had celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary. To this
union eight children were born. Mr
Sayre was a soldier of the civil war
aud an honored member of t'a O A R.
Short services were held at the home
and also at Friend's church at Spring
bank, by llev Wells. lue remains
were laid to rest in tbe Springbank
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaching Sauday morning at 8a
lets at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday soh.ol
at 10:00.
Preaching at Dakota City 7 :80p
n, O E 8:39, Sunday school at
3:45 a m, Mission Band at 3:00 p m
A cordial welcome to all.
CommUsloners' Proceedings.
Dakota City, Neb, March 2. 1907.
Board of connty commissioners met
I'ursuant to adjournment, members
present, Thomas C Baird. chairman;
Ed Morgan and Jehu Sierk and W L
Ross, county clerk.
On motion it was ordered that the
county treasurer accept the principal
of all taxes against lots in tho several
towns in the county, where such taxes
are delinquent and unpaid, in full pay
ment for such tax up to and including
ths year 1901. This order is not in
tended to apply to lots heretofore sold
for taxes and unredeemed from tbe
year 1902 inclusive. All taxes, princi
pal and interest, must be paid in ful
on snsh lots.
Clerk ordered to write warrant for
$72 to J S O'Donnell, on road district
No 18.
Road Overseer Dennis Quinn, of
road district No 18, is ordered to open
up the road petitioned for by O'Don
nell and Henzler.
The following bonds were approved
by the board :
George O Warner, road overseer dis
trict No 1.
James Coughtry, road overseer dis
tiict No 2.
Hans Uonnickson, road overseer dis
trict No 20.
J W DeForest, road overseer dis
trict No S.
nlerk ordered to write warrant for
$80 to John Kreuger on road district
No 11.
11 O Dorn, county assessor, made
the following appointments for pre
cinct assessors, which were approved
by the lioard: George Boals, jr, Cov
ington; Wm Honingor, St Johns; A I
Davis, Emerson ; Woods lineman, Hub
bard ; M J Hyns, Summit; Pliilo Mo
Afee, pigeon; John II Ream, Dakota
Jas King, Oniadi.
Board made order authorizing the
county superintendent to omit tbe 1 1
certificate fee in the examination of
pupils whose promotion or graduation
depends nn such examination, provid
ing applicant waives right to certificate
until the regular 11 fee is paid.
Board ordered the county clerk to
strike the taxes assessed against sw 1
aw J 1-88 48 for year 1891 for the rea
son there is no such description.
Clerk ordered to write warrant for
$39 to C K Hefrntn on road district
No 8.
Board ordered county clerk to strike
taxes on all block 218, Dakota City,
from 1871 to 1895 inclusive.
Board ordered clerk to strike taxes
on lots 5 and 12, for year 1871 to 1895,
Claims allowed :
Perkins Bros Po, supplies f :l 80
hiouda Hiirii'U no, KUDDiiea ly Wi
N.-bUliirk Aut T'l (.'o. telephone rent n
John H Renin, hoard of health X )
Ueo li Illume, Hume 1 AO
Htith P Humes, name ; 4 7n
Jante Flynn, nanus -i II ISO
O J Kmlley, smite '. 6U
U H Antrim, hoftrulnii ouuDera, to bo
appnea nn rem m m
Ilnrry H Adair. clerk' ooHtu ID
Krnrl Klufiie. lntemreter for clefenfl-
nnt, Hlnte v Houkup 8 ft)
Mr Kil O'Brien, hoarding Jury It (m
T H Martin A Oo. mdse 8 7A
Hr It H Htlil worthy . medical service. US W
Ohnrle Dlekann. rnhImLIiiu' nroMocu-
tton In HtHte v Ijunliert 100 ou
K B I,lr Uo. coal to LalMn and 1'ey-
son 11 w
K K (Jordon. care or Pevaon. claim
of HI. 2ft. Bllowed 12 TO
II D Wood, work in county attorney's
omco o i
Nob (Hark AutTnl Oo. rent it l
Dakota County Humid, supplier UU HI
The following petition was submit
ted to tbe board :
Michael Quiun, M Ileffernan.
Resolution No 1 :
And now, towit, on the second day
of March, 1907, it being a regular ses
sion of the board of county coramis
sioneis in and for Dakota county, Ne
braska, the matter of location, estab
lishment and construction of a ditch
for the purpose of changing the course
of Elk creek from a point at or near
the southeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of section thirty-five (36) town
ship twenty-nine (29) range senen (7)
east, to a point in Jackson lake in sec
tion twenty-nine (29) township twenty
eight (28) range eight (8), came on for
hearing and consideration before the
board, and after consideration of the
petition praying that the board recon
sider, rescind and set aaide all action,
orders and findings heretofore made
by the board of county commissioneis
of Dakota county. Nebraska, in rela
tion to and in connection with tbe said
proposed ditch and ohange in Elk
creek, and upon consideration of the
board of said petition and of the entire
matter, it is hereby ordered by tbe
board of oounty commissioners in and
for Dakota county, Nebraska, that all
orders, findings, resolutions, and any
and all actions heretofore taken by the
board of county com a issioners of the
oounty and state aforesaid, in relation
to tbe location, establishment and con
struction of said ditch and changa of
Elk creek are hereby reconsidered, re'
scinded, annulled and set aside.
Moved by Ed Morgan and soconded
by John Sierk that the above resolu
tion be adopted. Ayes, Ed Morgan,
John Sierk. No, Thomas C Baud.
Resoulution No 2 :
And now, towit, on this 2nd day of
March, 1907, it being aiday of the rep
nlar session of the board of oounty
commissioners of Dakota county, state
of Nebraska, the matter of the applica
tion of Tom Sullivan and others for
the location, establishment and con
struction of a ditch and for a change
in the c urae ot Elk creek from a point
at or neor tbe southeast quarter of the
southeast quarter of section thirty-five
() township twenty-nine (TJ) range
seven (7) east, to a point in Jackson
lake in flection twenty-nine (29) town
ship twenty-eight (28) range ei(?ht (8),
in Dakota county, Nebraska, came ou
for bearing and consideration br the
board of oouuty commissioners of said
oounty, and after all action, orders
and resolutions heretofore taken by
said board of oounty commissioner
having been reconsidered, rescinded,
annulled and set aside, the board, up
on consideration of said application
and petition for said ditch above desig
nated, do hereby disallow and refuse
to grunt the same, and tho said pe.ti
tion and application are hereby dis
missed .
Moved by Ed Morgan and seconded
by John Sierk that the above resolu
tion bo adopted. Voting Aye, Ed
Morgan, John Sierk. No, Thomas C
Board adjourned to March 23, 1907.
W L Ross, Clerk.
The Ueiald for all the sews:
If any ef our subscribers desire the
address changed on their Ilerald by
reason of the establishment or changes
made in tbe rural mutes, or for any
other reason, just drop ns a postal and
the change desired and it will be made.
Fsvorrd by the mild weather which
prevailed, trade stonernlly reflects season
able rain In activity. Uetail sales make
an excellent comparison with those in
same month last jenr, when the total
was exceptionally large, and the reduction
of winter stocks has been comfortably
Contracts for future production in the
leading industries are well maintained,
particularly In Iron and steel, rolling
stock, wood and leather working. Haw
mnteriuls continue In rapid absorption",
with prices firmer locally for pig iron,
metals and hard woods. A slight decline
la seen in hides.
FrelRht movements are augmented by
increasing outputs of the earshops, forges
and foundries, and of the furniture, box
and footwear makers, and the shipments
of staple gooda have become heavier to
many Interior points. Visiting buyers ex
ceed the numbers of a year ago, and
bookings make a better showing in dry
roods, household wares, cloaks and suits,
children's clothing, furnishings and hoots
and shoes. Demands appear heavier in
food products, and there is further nctiv-'
(ty in hardware, machinery and imple
ments for the farms.
No important defaults disturb the
uteadiness of credits, and failures in this
district have not for a long time been
so low in both number and amount.
Earnings of the Chicago steam roads,
while surpassing those of a year ago, are
more affected by higher cost of operntion.
Liberal orders re yet issued for new
equipment, and current additions to ca
pacity aid facilities, but freight offerings
remain excessive and disputes as to
wages cause some anxiety as to deliveries
of merchandise for early consumption.
Lumber receipts rose to 4(),I75,(XM) feet,
and compare with 3",7'J5,WIO feet Inst
week and 3.1,41)7,000 feet a year ago. Re
ceipts of hides declined to 2,4S(),0."2
pounds, agninst 3,(180,785 pounds last
week and 2,803,057 pounds lust year.
B'ailures reported in Chicago district
number 13, against 22 Inst week and 20
a year ago. Dun's Iteview.
When vm havx a news item that
yon would like to see in print, ring Up
tbe Herald, No. 43, and we'll print it
First publication March 1 4w
Probate Notice to Creditors.
In the county court of Dakota eounty, No
bmHfaa. In the matter of tho estate of Alwlns
Sehrlever, deceased.
Notice Is hereby trlven thnt the creditors
of said deceased will meet tho executor
of said estate, lefore me, County Judtre
of Dakota county, Nebraska, at the county
court room, In said county, on tho iflth day
of June, Hi7, on tho i(t)th day of July, IV"7,
and nn the SWth day of August, 1M7, at
10 o'clock a. in., each day, for the purpose
of presenting their Halms for examination,
ad justment and allowance. Hlx months are
allowed for creditors to present thelrclnlms
and one year for the executor to settle
said estate, from the 2ftn day of February,
n. This notice will be published In the
Dakota Oounty Herald, a weekly newspa
per, for four weeks successively prior to the
2ft I h day of Juno, 1M7.
Witness my hand, and seal of said court,
this iOXh day of February, A. D. Imit.
ilAt County Judge.
In the matter of application of Tom
Sullivan, and others, for the location,
establishment, and construction of a
ditch, and for a ohange in the course
of Elk creek from a point in the town
of Jackson, Dakota oouuty, to Jackson
lake in said county.
To tbe honorable board of county
commissioners of Dakota county, Nebr:
We, the undersigned residents and
owners of property affected by tbe
proposed ditch, do hereby most ies pool-
fully present and show to this body,
that the said proposed ditch and
change in the oourse of Elk creek, will
not be conducive to the publio health,
convenience or welfare, and, that the
route of tbe ditch, aa proposed, and
change in Elk creek, as proposed, is
not the best route or most practicable.
Your petitioners further show that
on the 31st day of January, 1905, there
was filed with this board the peition
of John Boler, and others, asking fir a
chuuge in the water oourse aud channel
of Elk creek, commencing at or near
the southeast corner of the northeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of seo
tion 85, township 29, north of range 7
east, and thenoe along the low land
near the bluffs in a southeasterly di-
reotiou to a point in Elk oreek at or
near the uortheust ooruer of the south
west i of the southwest i of seotion
1, township 28 north, of range 7 east,
aud there terminate and make such
line the ohanncl of said Elk oreek be
tween said pointa above described, and
abaudon tbe former bed of said
Elk oreek between said poiuts above
That the board of county commis
sioners of said oounty ou the 15th day
ot February, 1905, in regular session,
ordered the establishment of said pro
posed ditoh and change in Elk ereek
under said petition, and, so far aa
known to your petionrrs, and as shown
by the reoords aud proceedings of the
oounty commissioners, the said peti
tion, findings and orders of said board
of county commiusioners heretofore
made have never been set aside, and
are still in full force and effect.
That your petitioners believe it un
wise and impracticable to construct
both of these ditches.
That your petitioners further believe
that it will be unwise and inexpedi
ent for the board to take further ac
tion oouoerniug the establishment and
construction of what i known aa the
Jackson ditoU.
Wherefore your petitioners pray that
the board do reoousider and reoiud
auy and all aotiou heretofore taken by
the board of oounty commissioners of
Dakota oounty, relative toorooncern
ing tbe location, establishment and
construction of a ditch and ohange of
the oourse of Elk creek from a point
near Jackson to Jaoksou lake, and that
thereupon the said petition, and all
proceedings had or taken in conneo
tion therewith be dismissed.
(Sinned) U W O'Neill, B J Leahey,
C K Heffernan, Albert Roost, Herman
Roost, Henry Ebei, Dennis Hogan,
To continue young in health and
strength, do as Mrs N F Rowan, Mo
Donough, Ga, did. She Bays:" Three
bottles of Electric Bitters ourod me of
obronio liver and stomach trouble, com
plicated with such and unhealthy con
dition of the blood that my skin turned
red as flannel. I am now practically 20
years younger than before I took Elec
tric Bitters. I can now do all ray work
with ease and assist in my husband's
store." Guaranteed at Leslie's drug
store. Prion 50o .
Trade has Improved nil around, the im
petus being furnished by the return ot
more favorable weather, the' presence oi
country merchants in leading markets and
the near approach of the Easter holidays.
Interior merchants report stocks quite
low and money plentiful. Moreover, the
recent cold snap permitted dealers in
heavy wearing apparel to work off stocks
that promised to become burdensome.
It is slgnidcant that business placed
in most lines and sections during the past
two months exceeds thnt of a year ago
a very active period. Opinions as to tin
outlook for the second half of the ycat
vary, yet It is felt that a pause woulj
not bo unwelcome in fact, would bavi
sobering effect on many lines that an
now solo very far ahead and tor wnicr
heavy contracting still continues. Manu
facturing Is active tho country ovel
and finished lines of iron and steel art
as brisk as heretofore, though pig iror
markets are quiet.
Business failures in the Lnited Statet
for the week ending Feb. 28 number 194
against 177 last week, 180 In the samt
week of 1900. 200 in 1005, in 1003
and 171 in 1003. Canadian failures foi
the week number 15, as against 13 last
week and 30 in this weajc a year ago.
Bradstreet s Report.
First Publication Feb 15 6w.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of sale issued by Harry 11. Adair,
clerk of the district court In and for Dakota
county, Nebraska, and directed to mo, H. C.
Hanson, sheriff of said county, command Inn
mo to sell the premises hereinafter descrll-
eu to sausry a certain judgment or ine said
district court of sulci county and state, ob
tained at tbe (H-tolM-r, 1006. term thereof, to
wit: on the 8th day of January, lMiA, in favor
of F. V. Oln.ler mid against Nicholas Ryan
for the sum of elulity-slx dollars and ninety-
one cents ism.vn, ana eignt aoiiars ana
sixty-nine cents (tH.WH. as an attorney's fee,
with Interest on said sums from January 8.
lt, at 10 percent, per annum, and his costs
taxed at seventeen dollars and eighty cent
(I7-M0. I have levied upon the following
described property, to-wlt: Tho north
twenty-four (24) acres of tho northwest
quarter of section fifteen (15), township
twenty-nine ismi. norm, ran ire seven (7)
east, all being located In said Dakotacounty
and state or Nenraska.
And I will, on Tuesday, the 10th day of
March. lu7. at in o'clock a. m. of said
day, at the south front door of the court
house in Dakota City, Dakota county. Ne
braska, proceed to sell at public auction to
the highest and best bidder, for cash, all of
tho alove described property, or so much
thereof as may lie necessury to satisfy said
order of sale issued by Harry H. Adair
clerk of the district court In and for Dakota
county, Nebraska, the amount due thereon
In the nggrcgate being the sum of one
hundred and twenty-two dollars and ninety-
live cents fiZ2.t). una accruina costs.
wiven under my hand this I4tn day or
February, A. D. 1SW7
Sheriff of Dakotacounty, Neb.
Do You Want a Homestead?
A bill has passed congress whereby
a million more acrea of the famous
Rosebud reservation in Tripp couuty is
to be thrown open to entry and settle
meat under the provisions of the gen
eral homestead and towusite laws of
the United States. This is tbe best
land tbe government has to offer . to
settlers. South Dakota produoes more
wealth per oapita than any other state
in the United States. These Indian
lands are the best in the state. Land
on this reservation in Gregory county,
adjoining this, increased in value from
14 to $10 per aoro in two years. This
is just as good. Mct-sers. Jeff era &
Chambers, reputable attornoyo and
land men, of Herriok, S D, have pre
pared b comprehensive ciroular on tho
general land towuaite laws which will
give you full information as to who is
entitled to a homestead, and how to
proceed to obtain 160 acres of this val
uable land together with the famous
Peterson map of Tripp county, whioh
they will send to any address, jioatoge
prepaid, Inr one dollar. Uoaiit oy
bank draft or post office mouey order
to Jkffers & Chambers,
nerriok, S D
The happiest mother in the little
town of Ava, Mo, is Mra S Ruppee
She writes: "One year ago my son was
down with such serioua luug trouble
that our physioian was unable to help
him; when, by our druggist a advice
began giviug him Dr King's New Dis
oovery, and I soon noticed improvemet
I kept this treatment up for a few weeks
when be was perfectly well. He has
worked steadily since at carpenter work
Dr King' New Discovery saved his
life." Guaranteed best cough and cold
cure by L M Leslie, druggist. 50o and
1 .00. Trial bottle free.
First M E Church Hours of Service
10 am ......Sunday School
11a in..... .........Freaohing
12m..... ....Class Meetiug
6:30 pm Epworth League
7:30p m.... ...Preaching
7:30 pm Prayer Meeting
A 11 evening servioes from May to
October w 11 be held one-half hou
later, Elmeb F. Sbafeb, Pastor.
Phone number 83,
IZstray Notice.
Notice ia hereby given that I
taken up as estraya at my premises,
miles east ot Homer, one bay ony, 9
or 10 years old, white feet, white strip
in forehead, saddle soar, branded on
hip, lame in left shoulder. One straw
bery loan pony, weight about 700
Uwner is hereby requested to prove
property, pay charges and take the
same away,
(feb!5-3) TJO'Connob,
Dated February 12, 1907.
Chicago Cattle, common to prime
81.00 to $0.80; hogs, prime heavy, $4.0(
to $7.05; sheep, fair to choice, $J.0C
to $5.80; wheat, No. 2, 73c to 74c; corn,
No. 2, 4-c to 43c ; oats, standard, 30c to
41c; rye, No. 2, (MSc to 07c; hay, timo
thy, $13.00 to $10.00; prairie, $9.00 tc
$14.00:-butter, choice creamery, 28c tc
32c; eggs, fresh, 10c to 22c; potatoes
35c to 45c.
Indianapolis Cattle, shipping, $3.0C
to $11.50; hogs, choice heavy, $4.0(1 tc
$7.25; sheep, common to prime, $2.50 tc
$5.00: wheat. No. 2, 74c to 70c; corn.
No. 2 white, 45c to 4ic; oats, No. .
white, 41c to 43c.
St. Louis Cuttle, $4.50 to $(1.75
hoes. $4.00 to $7.10; sheep, $3.50 tc
$5.10; wheat, No. 2, 7Gc to 77c; corn
No. 2. 44c to 45c: oats. No. , 41c t
43c ; rye, No. 2. 04c to U.c.
Cincinnati Cattle $4.00 to $5.. 5
hois. $4.00 to $7.30; sheep, $3.00 tc
$5.25; wheat, No. 2, 70c to 80c; corn,
No. 2 mixed, 45c to 47c ; oats, No. i
mixed. 41c to 43c ; rye. No. 2, 71c to 73c
Detroit Cattle, $4.00 to $5.25; hogs
$4.00 to $7.05; sheep, $2.50 to $5.00:
wheat, No. 2, 7tlc to 77c; corn, No. 1
yellow, 45c to 47c; oats. No. 3 white
33c to 34c; rye, No. 2, !c to 71c.
Milwaukee Wheat, No. 2 northern,
78e to 80c; corn. No. 3, 42c to 43c;
oats, standard, 40c to 42c ; rye, No. 1,
67c to 60c; barley, standard, C2c to 64c
pork, mess, $16.52.
Buffalo Cattle, choice shipping steers
$4.00 to $0.00; hogs, fair to choice, $4.0C
to $7.50; sheep, common to good mixed
$4.00 to $5.40; lambs, fair to choice
$5.00 to $7.85.
Tolodo Wheat, No. 2 mixed, 75c t
77c; corn, No. 2 mixed, 45c to 40c;
oats. No. 2 mixed, 41c to 43c; rye, No,
2, 67c to 00c; clover seed, prime, $8.10.
New York Cattle $4.00 to $6.23,
hogs. $4.00 to $7.75; sheep. $3.00 tc
$5.23; wheat. No. 2 red, 81c to 82c;
corn. No. 2, 54c to 55c; oats, natural
white, 52c to 54c; butter, creamery, 32
to 34c ; eggs, western, 25c to 28c.
St Vitus Dance
Are nerve diseases, and unless
checked, lead to destruction of
both mind and body. The
weak, shattered nerves must
have something to strengthen
and build them back to health.
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine
is a remarkable nerve tonic and
stimulant. It strengthens the
nerves, relieves the nervous
strain, and influences refresh
ing body-building sleep and
rest. Persistent use seldom
fails to relieve these afflictions.
"I was taken with epileptic fits; had
eleven in less thun 12 hours. My
father sent for our family physician,
but he could do very little for me, and
I grew worse every day, and at Inst
they had three doctors with me, and I
still got worse. My father hoard of
Dr. Miles' medicines and bought a
bottle of Nervino and a box of Nerve
and Liver Pllla. I had taken only a
few doses until I began to feel better.
I took 12 bottles, and it cured mo
sound and well. It bus been worth all
the world to me. I recommend it
wherever I go. You may use this as
a life-long: testimonial to the merits
of your medicine, for I am enjoying
the best of health, and feel that my
life and health is due to this wonderful
medicine." LEVY WILLIAMS.
R. F. D. No. 2, Boston, Go.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your
druggist, who will guarantee that the
first bottle will benefit. If It fails, h
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Ho you wsxtvt
to ooll your farm?
The quick, sure way is
to put a want-ad
The Rates are One insertion, per line
Two or more consecutive insertions, per
6 cents each insertion. Each
odd days, 10 cents per line.
10 cents.
insertion made on
All advertising runs in both morning and
and evening papers without extra charge.
Count Six Words to av L,lt
Address Want-Ad Department, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb.
" Within everybody's reach reaches everybody
in Sawyer and Bayfield Counties in tracts of 40 acres or more, with or
without a house at from $5.00 to $15.00 per acre. Good soil, running
water, plenty of timber for fuel, fine climate, no blizzards, no drouth,
Close to markets, Minneapolis and St. Paul on the south, Duluth and
Superior on the north. Best of railroad facilities, schools and churches
already established, an ideal dairy country. If you want a "square deal"
Buy R. R. Ticket to Hayward, Wis. 403 Chippewa Bldg., CKIPPtWA fALLS. WIS.
Vlev Eft
One-Way second class coloniat tickets will he
oo sale daily, March 1st to April 30th to Fort
land, Seattle, Tacotna and Paget Sonnd points.
Proportionately low rates to points in Alberta,
British Columbia, Idaho and Montana. .
Through Tourtat Cavrs Dally, Minneapolis
St. Penis! to Petclflo Coeval Points.
Special homeseekers tickets will be on sale first
and third Tuesdays of March and April to many
points in Idaho, eastern portion of state of
Washington and also to a large southwest terri
tory. The rate will be about one fare plus $2.00
for the round trip.
If you contemplate a trip no matter where, for rates and
othor information call on or address
Division Pass'r Agt. Omaha.
Agent, Dakota City .
List your
We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low
rate oi interest on Dakota county Farms. Wo
also Sell and Buy Ileal Estate of all kinds
on earth . See or write ua before you Borrow, Buy or Sell.
property with us to Sell. T
Real rakM I AN I IV
i iiiim Lnnuu
D.lcrLCIIy. Neb. and 7orTin. t Vimr ra Jeal
si-4 sioux city.Neb. n -C-init T8 Estate
Y4 2 TAi:!A,.M
: :
News of Minor Note.
The buildings of the Now York Iool
Company were dost roved, with a Ions ol
Wheaton seminary, Max.sai'husott. Iml
bfen cloned because of warlet fevei
among the girls.
The plant of the Fischer Foundry and
Machine Company at Ford City was
burned to the ground ; loss etitimatcd at
Hon Huflaker, a negro, was hanged at
Etldyville, My. lluffaker while a lifo con
vict in the peniteutiury murdered a fel
low convict.
AVittenberg College of Springfield, Ohio,
is to receive a donation of Ifll 1,000, tht
proceeds of a land sale, which was mads
at Tecumsoh, N'eb.
Kdwln 8. Cramp resigned as vice pres
ident of the Cramps Ship and Engin
Building Company, leaving no member oj
the family connected with the concern.
March 6th and 19th, cheap exour-
Bion rates; also daily low tonrit
rates to theGulf country, Colora
do, Oklahoma, Arizona, Old Mex
ico, New Mexico.
A Good Chance to Visit
Pacific Coast
March and April one-way races to
Utah, California, Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho, Montana, Big Horn
Basin, nearly b0 reduction.
Daily, through btandard and
lourist sleepers.
Homeseekers Excursions
Frequently each month from
Eastern Nebraska to Western Ne
braska, Eastern Colorado, North
Platte Valley, Big Horn Busiu.
Landseekers' Information
Valuable, free information to seek
era of Uovernment lands and to
prospective purchasers of all kinds
ot demld lands along the Bur
lington Route. Writ Laoseekera'
In orruation Bureau, 1001 Far
nam St., Omaha, Neb.
R. J. Reasones, - Ticket Agent
Dakota city, neb.
L. W. Wakklet. Q P A, Omaha, Neb
25 cents per Pound
Blendol and p?cked from carefully selected coffee by
B txck.wa.lt er' s
No. 6 Front St.
Homer, Neb
Tot now called tuiri ty was
lent alcbemiaU to rrpmrnt
aut the choicest veiretmblea
wherever It appears ia
"Good as Gold" Sl'tfKS
V iit-w fk yu shou'd foUow the Bull's Kye QJ whe
1J BURPEE'S Farm Annual for 1907
the "SiUml Satfsman" of the world's largest mail-order seed trade.
An Elegant New Book of aoopagea, with hundred of illuatra- CottAa that fmtw
tions from photograph!, It tella the plain truth about the Beat dvCUS Ulill vrUn
aescriDca iranu noTeuiea in i-iowera and Vrgetablra, ol unusual Importance, which
wiuw c.Kwucrc. ji iqictoiuu, itkiib I v-va w anu the Book ia
W. ATLEB BllRPER A CO.. Seed Prowers. Philadelphia
prove their worth at harvest
time. After over fifty years of
success, they are pronounced
the best and surest by careful
planters everywhere. Your
dealer sells thetn. 1907 Seed
Annual free on request.
D. M. rEBMT & CO., Vetratt, Utah.
Thysician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
Subscribe for The
ilEBALD fl per
TnADt Mark
20PYnrGHT alC
Aron6 finding ktrh ind dftaonWJion nif
ftuljfc.tf aBverijam turoiuua frj lW iutr u
ntfetirlnn i tirohHhly pHltirtii'w Ci nimiMfav
'i(itriut)yriiniieNtst.l. KANIT&OOK ouPtieiu
un. troa. (fMOvt nifflitcf 1w n urutff putonrji.
':ii!itta i uk mi il.rm.fr. Mumi & Co. ruoiT
nfiul ", w 'duut ctinrca, lutlie
Seismic American.
A hnnrlMomcfy I1lum;a wwiklr. I.nrwwt clfv
uuumt ( mmt 'imiuo .vviriml. Turin. 9 J
rttr: I mr mutiltia, L by ui itownlnler
tViSJNN&Co.38'0'- New York
U.J Cmo, CI r SU WasbUtou, uu