AILING WOMEN How Many Perfectly Well Women Do You Know? MISS GRACE E.MILLER MRswTSTfORD "I am not feeling very well," "I urn so nervous it seems as though I should fly." "My back aches an though It would break." flow often do you hear tlieso sifrnl-' ficant expressions from women friends. More than likely you. speak the same wordy yourself, and there is a cause. More than thirty years no Lydia E. Plnkhainof Lynn. Mass. discovered the source of nearly all the suffering endured by her sex. "Woman's Ills," these two words are full of moro misery to women than any other two words that can be found in the English language. Sudden fainting, depression of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere, backaches, headaches, nervousness, sleeplessness, bearing down sensations, displacements and Irregularities are the bane of woman's existence. The same woman who discovered the cause of all this misery also discovered a remedy. Lydia E. Pink ham's 1 Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs holds the record for a greater number of absolute cures of female ills than any other one remedy the world has ever known and it is the greatest blessing which ever camo into the lives of Buffering women. , Don't try to cudure, but cure the cause of all your suffering. Lydia L. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. The nll'V"'-"- l-1"'- "(TV this : Hot Staff. Mrs. Chugwater Josiah, this paper ays "municipal ownership is an isuii fatuus." What is an isnis fatuits?" Mr. Chugwater That's so plain that anybody ouidit to know what it moans at first sight. "iKilis" means tire. '"Katuus" In fat. The fat's in the tire. Chicago Tribune. Ierinnlnl. Ruggles Is Lolliper as full of good stories as lir used to be? Itamnge You wouldn't think IumI be. He has unloaded tlu-m on all bis friends jut least a dozen times. Hut he is, Kug 'gles: he is. loo Can ilrt Alton's Foot-Kane I'll KB Write to day to Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, Y., for a KKEE sample of Allen's Foot- Esse, a powder to shake Into your shoes. It cures tired, sweating, hot, swollen, sib ling feet. It makes new or tight shoes eauy. A certain cure fur Corns and Kunlnns All Druggists sod Shoe stores sell It. i!uc. Rritit-li Koldiers with defective eye sight are now required by the War De partment to wear glasses. Only One 'IIKOMO QI IXINE" That Is LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. Simi larly named remedies sometimes deceive. The flrst and original Cold Tablet Is a WIlliK PACKAGE with black and red lettering, and bears the signature of B. W. GKOVE. U.V. Juvenile rtrverull). "Well, my boy," said the doctor, "are you going to put out your tongue, as I told you to do?" "No!" sullenly answered the boy. "I'm not going to put it out ! I'm going to tick it out !" Which he did ot the doctor. Oats Head 8 Feet I.onn. The John A. Salter Seed Co.. La Crowe, Wis., are bringing out a new oats this year with beads 2 feet long ! That' a wonder. Their catalog tells ! I Spetz the greatest cereal hay food ! America ever saw ! Catalog tells ! frei I Our mammoth 1-ttt-page Seed and Tool Catalog is mailed free to all intending bey era, or send lie in stamps and receive 1 free samples of new Two Foot Long Oatf and other cereals and big catalog free. John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box C, La Crosse, Wia. St. Paul ships more inutdirooms limn any other city, the supply coming largely If tern abandoned beer vaults. The Canadian West is the Best West The ti'ttimi.tlV ut tl-lls of ihnntanJ, rti.ri., !.. Icait yearisthjt the t.'.,ii:i(t:an U. i. West. I ear by year the agricultural returns 'bars Increased in vulunn; arid in value, mid Mill Khe Canadian ovcmnieui otters iU ai.rr Iree to every bona tide settler. iSorae of Ihe Advanfagcs I The phenomenal ini rra,-e in railway mil. ure- loain lines and bruiKlio- him mt almoit tur SrtioD of the country w iihm ra reach ol churches, school, iiui.i!), clasp tuel aud every tabdero convenience. ' Jh. NINETY MILLION Bt'SHEL WHEAT .CROP of tins year means oo.fco.coo 10 the Isrmsis of Western Canada, apart lrom the jresujts oi other gums and cattle. tor aovice ami malion address tha sptrintendrnt ot ltiiinicra4ion. Ottawa, Canada. uim auutoriied Uauacau Uuverument akcui. D. Scott. Superintendent ol lininisr.iiuui, Ottawa. Canada, or K. I . Hulmes, UK Jackun ft., St. lal. Mum, and J. M. MacLachUn, llua , Waterman, bo, Liakta Authorized Ooveru- overo. sscnt Agents. t laa u wtMra f oa saw tmla a4frtiaattL To conrinoe stiy voiiiuii that u. tin AntlKrptie lil,v. !.. k..lll. and do all wa Lihn f I. . I I 1L' AM U I I I end her absolutely free a large trial bill At PavHiiA ivilh I-..... tlous and g.milne testimoninls. Bend Jour name aud address on a pvsUI caid. PAXTIWESi factions, such a i,s,i oaunh, pello aU",h, ua hiflainmailoa caused by leml nine ills t aora eyes, sore tlaot bd mouth, by direct local ireatuutut. Its eur atlva power over thrsa troubles Is eitrs ordlnary and Klr linmndlat relief. Thousands of women are using and reo. omini nillng It every day. tnj cents at druci(lstsorhr ntall. Itemember, however ITCtthTH il) XOlllIMilOTlti-IT.' 1 UK JU 1AXTON CO., lloatoo, Maaa. Mrs. W. 8. Ford of 1938 Lansdowno St., liultlinore, Md. writes : Denr Mrs. I'inklinm;- ''For four year mylifowasa misery to ma. I suifuivd from im-pulixritir-s, sup pression, terrible dragging neusatjons and oxtromo nervousness. 1 hail given up all hor of ever tn-fiiir well aniu when Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coinixmud was reeoiiiiueudeil. It cured my weakness and niadu mo well and strong." ' Miss Crnee E. Miller, of 1213 Michi gan St., Buffalo, N. Y. writes: Dear Mrs. Finktmm : "I veiis in a very bad condition of health generally; irritable, cross, linc-kadio and HUtTi-red from a feminine weakness. Lydia R llnkham'a Vepotabln Compound, cured mo after all other medicines bad failed." What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound did for Mrs. Ford and Miss Miller it will do for other women in like condition. Every suffering woman in the United States is asked to accept the following invitation. It Is free, will bring you health and may save your life. Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women. Women suffering from any form ol female weakness are invited t Fromp'Jy communicate with Mrs 'ink ham, at Lynn, Mass. From tin symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Out of lie r vast xolume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. l'inkhmn probabh has the very knowledge that wiil help your case. Her advice ia free and always helpful. A Rook of Dlonden. One of the most valuable books for the professional collector Is esteemed solely ou account of its errata nnd the author's peculiar explanation of how so many blunders cimie to be made. The book is entitled "The Anatomy of the Mass." It consists of 172 pages and Is accompanied by a list of errata of iifteen closely printed pntfes. The author In his explanation attributes the mistakes to the devil, who, he says, first caused him to drop the niniiu-w-rlpt In n ditch and thus made it al most illegible, and, secondly, by be fuddling the printers miido them com mit a number of blunders never equal ed in a work of that size. Till la Worth Savin. The following simple home-made mixture Is said to relieve any form of Itheumatism or backache, also cleanse and strengthen the Kidneys and Mad der, overcoming all urinary disorders. If taken before the stage . of Blight's disease: Fluid Extract Dande lion, one-half ounce; Compound Knr gon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Snr sapnrilla, three ounces. Mix by shak ing well In a bottle and take in tea siKKjnfnl doses after meals nnd at bed time, t A well-known authority states that these Ingredients ure mainly of vege table extraction, and harmless to use, and cau be obtained at small cost from any good prescription pharntney. Those who think they hnve kidney trouble or stifTer with lame back or weak blad der' or Rheumatism, should give this prescription a trial, as no harm can possibly follow its use, and it Is said to do wonders for some people. Thrilling- Effect. Softly and sweetly the church choir soprano gave her solo: "1 woooo-oo-ould ah not-ah live aw-aw- aw-awl-l-l-way ; 1 ah-ah-absk-ab not-ab to st-a-a-a-ay , Whe-e-e-ere stor-r-r-rm after-r-r staw- aw-aw-awrm r-r-rises da-a-arkab o-o-o'er the wa-a-a-ny ; The few-ew-ew-ew lur-r-r-id-ah maw-aw- aw-awrnings that-ah daw-aw-awn aw-aw-awn us be-p-e-ere Ar-r-re enuh-tih-uh-uh-uff fawr life swe-o-, o-o-oes, fullee uuu-uh-uff faw riti cliee-ee-eer !" "My !" whispered the contralto to the basso. "Iidu't she squeak on that high note!" AWFUL NEURALGIA Pain Turned This Wotran'e Hair White but She Wat Cured by ' Dr. WiMUms' Pink Pilla. Dd not seek relief from Buffering simply, but free your system from the disease which is the cause of your sufftrlns. That U the message which a former victim of neuralgia sends to those who ure still In Us grasp. Hot applications, powders that deaden the senses and others that reduce the heart action may cause temporary re lief hut the pain is sure to return with greater intensity. Mrs. Kvelyn Creusere, who has a beautiful home at till Boulevard West. Detroit, Mich., suffered for years with neuralgia until she tried this tonic treatment. She says: "M) trouble began about six years ago and 1 did not rest as I should have, but kept up about my many duties. After a time 1 became so weak 1 could not do any work at all. i had severe backaches and such dreadful headaches In the back part and top of my bead. My eyos were easily tired and at times I saw black spots before them. I consulted sev eral doctors but without the slightest benefit. Tho pains were so intcusu that my hair turned white. "I lost continually in weight and strength and was almost in despair when a friend recommended Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills. I triej them ac cording to directions and soon begun to feel relief. At the end of threo months I had gained tin pounds In weight and had no more trouble wlt'.i my nerves. I have been In perfect health ever since and ran heartily commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or sent postpaid, on re ceipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes for $i!.D1, by ihe Dr. William Medicine Co., Schtuectady, N. Y. ratnpkla Snarnr In lawn. Sugar from pumpkins will be the next source of wealth which will ho de veloped In Iowa, for the authorities at the agricultural college declare high grade sugar will he matt from them by a process even more simple than that required fo make It front bevts. Kxikt intents hnvc resulted in the production of a specie of pumpkin which contain 4 per cent of sugar, und It Is the pre diction that In three years 1 lie sugnr element will be Increased to 'Z icr cent. This Is equal to tho quantity of sugar foil ml In the ln.t variety of sugar beet. Divinise pumpkins ure easily raised mid a tonnage may !e produivd to the acre which will exceed that of sugar beets, the new sugar pumpkin will ojien up n valuable field for the Iowa farmers. The pumpkins may ho planted In tho cornfields, and the name soil which will produce corn may 1h made to prodiiiv a crop of pumpkins at the same time. American Cultivator. A Tree (.tiaril. Very often young trees, maples es pecially, are entirely destroyed by cat tle reaching tip and pulling the tops' down, even when, the tops would seem to be out of reach. Of course, cattle should not he where young trees are planted, especially fruit trees; but It sometimes happens that this Is not practicable. When this Is the case use a guard such as 1st shown in the Illus tration. It is made : as follows:' Take two pieces ' tH'AW). of board (sflch as have come off some old building), say about 7 feet long, breadth lietwcen S to 12 inches. I,eave one of these boards Intact. Cut the other into three equal lengths, and null Into the top of the uncut lioarrt, as shown in the Illustration. Sometimes, If the fence Is high enough, a short board, the one facing the fence, can be left out. and a cleat used Instead. The tree, before putting up the guard should lit! posted, and the guard nailed to this post. llcM Slate of Tree to Plant. We have always hud the best success with planting out tho tree. In apples, cherries and plums we would rather have a two-year-old tree, 1 to (5 feet, that Is thrifty than any other size. Oftentimes the larger trees, 5 to 7 feet, do well when the conditions ore favorable, hut If tho conditions are not favorable, following the transplant ing of the trees of this size, they often get the backset from which It takes several years to recuperate, and the ob jection of planting out very small trees Is that they are much more liable to be Injured by rabbits and broken down by cultivation than the larger size. Twen tieth Century Farmer. Neurol int Ion for 1'. S. Cattle. The chief agrarian paper published in Uerlln learns from a trustworthy source that the American tariff com missioners, who are now In Itetiln con ferring with the German tariff exports regarding (Jeriuan-Auieiicoi; commer cial relations, are discussing with them the Importauce of Importing live Amer ican cattle Into Germany, via Ham burg, where they will be uluughtered. The meat will then be conveyed to all parts of the country In railway refrig erator cars. The Journal adds that ne gotiations are going on between vuii- ous Hamburg shipping flints and the Hamburg authorities for tho erection of (he necessary buildings. Soot aa Fertlllaeir. Soot from the chimneys Is one of the frequently recommended fertilizers among amateur florists. It Is claimed to ward oft certain liwects und to de stroy the worms In the soli, and Is said to bo an excellent fertilizer and Invlgo rator. Ashes are also included In these home fertilizers. It should he remem- ls-red, however, that the ashes from wood and not from coal lires should be used, and then only In very small quan tities In the confined xoll of the pot plants. In using tins chimney soot,, a tcuKjioonful In a pint of warm water Is about the proper proxrtlon. i-oii i : ii. If tM)s.slbie scatter tho enlargement so as to avoid opening It. A stimtilat ing liniment applied to tho m!1 will probably be beticlliiul, therefore secure the following: Four ounces of turpen tine, two ounces of tincture of Iodine, two ounces of tincture eatlui titles, nix onniH'j of tincture capsicum, one pint of compound soap liniment. Mix tip nnd apply to the parts dally until sore, then withhold for a few days and begin again. A cheaper liniment would be four ounces of ulcohol, four ounces of ciiculyptolln and a pint of water in tin same way. tiroaml FlatatMMl. Ground flaxseed Is sumct'.mcH found ou the market, but In very limited quantities. If the pure flaxrwd meal Is desired It Is probably ls for the flintier to grow the sets! and grind It himself. It Is often usi-d to replace the fat In skim milk fed to calves. Hoth nuxseeii ana iiuseeti or ou meal are luxutlve In their nature nnd for this reason should not be fed alone, but should be mixed with other grains. Cheviot Iheep, A Wisconsin man writes as follows of the Cheviot breed of tducp: The Cheviot breed of fheep is u cotnptira tlvely small breed of a eml mountain ous character. They are sprightly nnd very active in their iiaiiits ana ar possessed of a fair mutton form, belli low down und compact. The lleocu Is long aud iu tliieuctw excels any of the ml - J; ' "7 down breed. They nre adapted to the more rough and broken eotlon of Wis cousin where the range Is ample and pasturage scant. laatrartlnns la Dairy las. Ialry school are now In operation In many States, and short course" of liiRtnt"tlon on butter nnd cheese mak ing are given at some of the agricul tural colleges. It was long ngo demon strated that Inferior butter could not compete with oleomargarine, nnd that good butter of choice quality could al ways lie Bold at a fair price. The fact has also liocn demonstrated that there was much to learn In making goad but ter, and that cleanliness and the projier management of the milk were essential In producing the choice article. There has lioen a wonderful advance In meth ods of butter lnukiiia. nnd oleomarga rine Is responsible for It. Consumers will not purchase Ihe counterfeit article If they can get tho genuine, nnd poor butter ! as much a oouteifolt as any other Imitation. t'lrnnllneaa In the Hairy. The Kansas Kxpctimciit Station says very truly. In n bulletin: Cleanliness Is the llrst law which sIhuiUI lie observed by every man who In any way manufac tures or handles dairy products. Any condition which will promote this end effectively should lie established. The simpler those conditions can he made the better. Unclean dairy utensils are among the greatest sources of contam ination of milk. This contamination Is duo to the presence of undesirable bac teria. The undesirable bacteria are those that produce taints In milk, nnd which exist principally in tilth lodged on the HiiiTtvce and In the crevices of dairy utensils. They are minute organ- Isms which have the jKiwer of multiply ing very rapidly under favorable con ditions. IVedlnw the Yuunw Cnlf Milk. A dairy farmer of experience gives his plan of touching young calves how- to drink in Ilk without trouble, and says In the Tribune Furinor that he lets the calf stay with the cow a few hours only, then he milks the cow In n few hours after removing the calf nnd puts the bucket of warm milk to the calfs nose so ns to touch It, and In a minute or two it will drink, nnd the work Is done. The calf has now learned to drink like other animals, and the trouble of feeding milk to calves Is over. The mistake usually made Is In allowing young cuIvCiS to run with the cow sev eral days, and so It has learned to suck, and It Is hard to teach It any other way. Scrnliliy VuIHiIimmIm Dctionnceil. A cattle breeder tells some sound truth In the following: Prowlers of pure-bred cattle would doubtless make more money if they would keep to sell for breeding only those individuals that are cxiicrt judges would pronounce eml iii ntly worthy of duplication and fit nil others for the block. The first alone would sell for more money In the ag gregate than ull of them would, and It would be better for buyers to pay the higher price the good animals would command. The jioor, or scrub, full hlood have created all tho prejudice that now exists against "registered and pedigreed" cattle. Fcetllnir IIoitn. Do not feed tiie hogs Intended for slaughter n day lunger than Is neces sary. They should he slaughtered as soon as the temperature of the titm pliere is nt the freezing jHilnt. which Is better than when the weather Is se verely cold. It costs more to keep the hogs after the weather is cold, ns a IKirtion of the food consumed must be utilized by the animals for warmth. There can never be an increase In the weight of nu animal until its body is supplied with sulllclent warmth to wurd off the cold, for which reason warm quarters assist in saving food. Farm Mnuaneiiient. The farmer reduces the value of hU own labor by keeping Inferior stock or fulling to secure large yields' of crops, as the higher the prices and the greater the production the better the remun eration for the labor bestowed. There are periods when the 'farmer cannot perform work In the fields, for which reason he should aim to get his crojw under shelter ns soon us possible, In order to do some kinds of work which can be performed Inside the barn. FetMllnir Fowls. While It is well to compel the fowls to scratch In litter, when grain Is al lowed, so as to exercise, yet the soft foi a is should be supplied from troughs In order to avoid the lilttl of the ground, the damp food easily accumu lating dirt If thrown where the hens mtiHt walk over it nnd scramble with each other for their supply. .Many cases of disease In flocks can bo traced to the luck of cleanliness In the nse of soft foods for poultry. Wheal anil Alfalfa. Should wheat remain at present prices Its culture can be made prollt uble if the proper methods are ob served. There comes n time In n rota tion that one Is almost coniM-lled to grow wheat. It has been frequently demonstrated that one can gnv as much grain on a field three years out of five where alfalfa Is used In the ro tation ns one could grow tho same L'rnin In succcsi-ion for llv.; years. Whv rulse live crops to get three years' re- sults? Field and Farm. Increased 1 lelil from Heels. According to estimates, the lieet su gar production of the 1'nlted States for the season of i:xii-7 will exceed the yield of l'.H)."-ti by nearly or cent, the 1!K-W crop luing figured, accord ing to latest exlntir-itlve compilations, at 3 15, hi ton of L',21 ikiiiiiiIs each News emanating from sugar factories scattered throughout the entire conn try Indicates considerably larger crops than those of the preceding season. Ilrraeinlier to Stall I be) Coma. The cure-fully kept cows on tho De troit dairy furni rtive four ounces of salt dally mixed with their feed, They eat their food better, nnd the owner thinks they do better when they have this amount than w hen the allow a nee N smaller. The cow s ure fed throe times a day, and the salt Is di vided betweeu the three feeds. Words of Pi also For the several Ingredients of which Dr. Pln:e' medicines are com posed, as given by leaders In all the several schools of irtedlcine, should have tar mora weight than say amount of non-professional tes timonials. Dr. Pierce a Favorite Prescrip tion has trk bapok or iiokestt on every bottle-wrapper, In a full list of all Its in- (redieots printed In plain English. If you are an invalid woman ana sutler from freeuent headache, backache, gnaw In dlstrffi la stomach, periodical pains, dlMtresKble, catarrhal, pelvic drain, dragglifkdown distress in lower abdomen or pelvj. perhaps dark spots or specks danclg before tha eyes, faint spells and kind sol symptoms caused by female weak ness, oifthcr derangement of the feminine organs, WY can not do better than take Dr. Plercfc Favorite Prescription. The bs)ltal, surgeon's knife snd opera ting ta'i may be avoided by the timely use ot favorite Prescription" In such cases. Ihcreny the ormnvlrms exsmin- StlonajtmH , iits pV yl.e family rhysiciancan lie avoided and a thuruuh culipe uf Mh-ocssfuT treatment carried ouT Il-IK c'iMtTT I1"' '"i'Vi "K avorito Prescription" Is coinpoM-d ol the very liest native medicinal roots known to medical science for the cure of woman's peculiar aliments contains no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too much from "Favorite Prescription; " It will not perform mira cles i It will not dlsolve or cure tumors. Ko medicine will. It will do ns much to establish vigorous health In most weak nesses and ailments peculiarly incident to women as any medicine can. It must be given a fair chance by perseverance In Its use for a reasonable length of time. Vgl) fa" "ffp """I'1 sneret nrMl. trunt as a sunt-tlfte (or H))s, ,... -ly Sslik wouii'ii are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correRpoml anca is Buarded as sacredly secret nnd wnmsnlv rontidenres are urotected b' professional privacy. Address Dr. II Pierce, Huffalo, N. Y. , , Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the best laxative and regulator of the bowels. They Invigorate stomach, liver nnd bowels. One a laxative ; two or three a cathartic. Easy to take as candy. Oeneruua Estimate. Saint Saens complains that American society opera is composed of three parts clothes. Tbe opera glass brignde will deem the geutletnan'a estimates distinctly liberal. Richmond Times-Dispatch. Fl A St '' 1Unt snS til S.miw IHimm I I O I'maaerallrt amah. Ui. Kiim'i umi Prnrfrn Hmvm. Siid fac free 9 Irl.l fcMI trllw. UK. H. U. KL1.NE, U., Sil Arch SttMi, rklUdlphu. f. Female house servants command from $5 to $0 a month in South Africa. One of the Important Duties ot Physicians and the Well-informed of the World is to IfP.rn as to tho relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur ers of medicinal act-nts, as the most eminent physicians arc the most careful as to. the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well known to physicians nnd the Well-informed generally that the California Fiff Syrup Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to the" Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at tho proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance ns the most exct-llent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna ia the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs whieh has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottie. .t Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Louisville, Ky. Mi throw your liver out of gear, and make you act mean to those you love. Your stomach is sour, your skin yellow, your breath offensive, and you hate yourself and all mankind. Winter or summer it's all the same, when you are unclean inside, you are unhappy and so is everybody near you. Tlie cure is pleasant, quick, easy, cheap, never fails. Cascarets, the world's greatest bowel cleaner and liver tonic. Cascarets are guaranteed to cure constipation, lazy liver, bad blood, bad breath, sour stomach, biliousness, rFl 7 Lwfe iuuii 4 .xi ui uguio) r vrw, vsv Write for health booklet and free sample. Address Sterling . Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. CURED BY !i0 PUTNAM FADELESS DYES aws Mtw eas tetter caian tsa My statf . Oas lOe s lao relsrs all fasrs. T vs la cl Mter ftae say ete (v. tMinM SssatrsMsl alUMal riselag apart. Millets! fret ssuktel -aCteaie,IUaU i4 lu tn. M(JAKO XVC CU. Vawa-ivW, MUM Defeat Uls t Ilia Sals. A ca-v? which has recently been do rtded In the French courts la thnt ol j .11. i.aurencon, wno at tne time or UM last general election waa running for of flee In the Rrlnncon district For the purpose of the campaign he hired a motor enr to take him about but encountered no little difficulty In his trnrels owing to the hilly nature of the roads and the frequency with which the machine was pnt out of busi ness. After the result of the Issue was made known and his defest published M. I.aurencon promptly brought suit against the company from which he bad hired the machine, claiming that hut for Its Inefficiency he would hav been successful. The numerous breakdowns had pre vented him from visiting all of his electors, In other words, nnd he argued that the fault lay entirely with the machine nnd with its maitageinent. Af ter a long and heated trial, however, hr was nonsuited. PILES CURED IN TO 14 DAYS I'.KYM OlNTMKN'T Is rsranteed to cure an te of Itching ttllnrl. Bleeding or Protrui! Inn Piles la to 14 days or tnonej refunded 60c System. Hailway Magnate I don't see how the accident could have happened. We run our road on the block system. Fnronsonalile Person I know It. You're so busy running out blocks of watered stock that jou can't pay any at tention to the way you run your trains. IKra. WlMltVI SMwnre Mato, wmb. tfce ivm, ps lus avia. smr-a m Lm4 eotta. S mi Wmrrf tmr Oiillars IllMWUM,,! u bails Always obllarlntr. The fair divorcee beamed on the South Dakota Judge. "It was awfully Jolly for you to get a hustle on for the sake of a heart broken woman," she said, "so I can catch the first trsln; but, Judge, I want to usk one more favor." The court beamed lu return. "Would you mind throwing In with the decree a set of application blanks for my next suit?" she went on. "You see, Judge, I'm going to marry again right off. Thanks ever so much. Au revolr." And blowing a kiss daintily In the direction of the bench she van ished. Philadelphia Ledger. . m m San Francisco, Cal. U S. A. London, England. gA CASE OF BAD BOWELS Are you happy? Not if your liver and bowels don't work. Happiness depends on the bowels. Every time you eat, yo1! put into your body not only good material for repairs and fuel, but a mass of useless stuff that has to be removed promptly or it will clog your machinery, poison your blood, MUSCULAR AILMENTS a M The Old-Monk-Cure will straighten out a contracted muscle In a Jiffy. ST. JACOB! El Hoa Don't play possum with pain, but 'tends strictly to business. GREGORY'S SMrBrsrethekirt1 Ton can de- E C U ) pend on. cststof ns rtr.s. J.J.M. 6 stout t fas, Htssuaua, Mus. A p!lt,ye CATARRH vwna Ely's Cream Balm Is quickly absorbed. Cluas Rsllsl at Once. It cleanses, soothes heals and protects the diseasea mem brane. It cures Ca tarrh and drives away a Cold in the Bead qnlokly. Re stores the Senses of mm,) Tests and Smell. Full slee 60 ots. , at Di a A gists or by mail Trial Biz 10 cts. by nsXi warren Btreet,Kew Xiihj i mi ah mji&tim Hilflioti. If ,!. iThompson's Eye Wats J ion S. O. N. U. - No. 9 1907. SkS New York, N. Y. flj 5 1 V rvMm . . - . j 1AYFEVEI. 4T (