Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 01, 1907, Image 5

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if ha
The only excuse for buying anything but
a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking
Powder is to save a few cents in price;
tfl ROYAL costs you a few cents more per. can than. Alum or Phot
phate of Lime powders, but it is worth far more than the difference; '
to keep your biscuits, cakes and pastry.free from the.injuriQui 1
Local Items
Jos A Fore transacted business at
Lincoln Saturday. -
Gerald Dillon was here from Jack
son on business Wednesday.
Florence Ellis, of South Sioux City,
spent Sunday at the Schmied home.
Don't forget Breun's coffee it is
still in the lead. For sale at Van de
Albert Means and Ida Mauer, of
Walthill, were married in Sioux City
Wilts Foltz and wife returned Wed
nesday fiooi a visit with relatives in
j .
A H Monroe and Frank Combs were
tip from Homer to attend Masonio
lodge Saturday evening,
Mesdaraes Mell A Sohmied, Wm
Bauehman, John F Sides and Erutuett
Oribble, attended a social grthering
in Sioux City Tuesday.
Robert E French, of Kearney, grand
custodian for the Masonio fraternity
in Nebraska, was here Wednesday
forenooD, the guest of Judge It E
Evans. "
Sherman Sayre, who has been an
inmate of the institute for the feeble
minded at Beatrice for the past ten or
twelve years, was in town Tuesday
night on his way to the paternal home
at Water bury.
Miss Nellie Gray, daughter of Hiram
Gray and wife, was married at her
home in Deuhoff, N D, Thursday, to
A A Hendrieks, an elevator man of
that plaee. The many friends of the
bride in this locality join in extending
R R Time Table
C, St. P., M.ft O. Time-Table.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fob
lo-jring time :
6:52 nm Omaha 7:35 am
10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm
3 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :20 am
9:01 am Norfolk 5.32 pm
7 :58 aui Newcastle 10 :00 am
2:08 pm " 6:08 pm
5 :52 pm Omaha 7:35 am
3:37 .Norfolk 5:32
No. 85 Local Freight 7:d0 am
11 " Passenger, Omaha
and Lincoln 12:32 pm
No 86 Local Freight 2:15 pm
10 Local Passenger. . . .6:53 pm
Sioux City, Crystal Lake & Homer
7:30 a in.. 9:00 a m
10:10 am 11:30 am
1:00 p m 2:00 p m
2:30 p m 4:30 p m
6:00 p u 6:15 p m
Saturday evening train leaves Da'
kola City 7:15. returning leaves Sioux
City 11:15.
Sunday evening train returning
leaves Sioux City 9:30.
Have you ever
seen a Sunset?
A beautifully ill ultra ted
monthly magazine of the wide
awake West with fascinating
ihort stories, picturesque personal
point-of-view description of the
interesting development of the
West, and the romance and his
tory of the wonderland of the
Ask your locat newsdealer
for current issue or send $1.50
for year's subscription. The book.
"Road of a Thousand Wonders."
120 beautiful Western views in
four colorswill be included
Armnia imrmvn7iiiii?ini7J
ii.a 111 m y
effects of these cheapening substitutes.
Continued use of Alum means permanent injury"tQ'')iealtB
Alum Ailments Say
A house for rent inquire at this
For field and garden seeds of all
kinds, go to G F Broyhill's.
Mary Easton went to Nacora Mon
day to visit at the L Biede home.
O, why do you eat old dry
when you can get them fresh
every day at an s.
A pnrty was given at the Wm Orr
home Saturday evening in honor of
Washington's birthday.
I am now prepared to do dressmak
ing at the home of S L isouton. Trices
reasonable. Pearl Hoover.
Fannie Lennox returned home Fri
day frron a visit in Sioux City with
her sister, Mrs Joe Lindstrom.
John Hagestrom and Myrtle M
Sumner, of Sioux City, were joined in
marriage by Judge Eimers, Monday.
Mrs A J Ream was here from II o-
mer Monday, enroute to Pender to
visit her son Leon Beam and family.
George Sheppard has rented a farm
iq liiyburg and win move 111s lamny
there fioin Sioux City this coming
Mr and Mrs Thos O Baird, of Oma-
di precinct, were Sionx City visitors
Wednesday, making the trip from lie re
on the Foye car.
Arthur J Sinkey, of Cherokee, Iowa,
and Harriett A Church, of South Sioux
City, were granted a license to wed in
Sioux City, Wednesday.
Have you tried the Sultanna and
Tao-co brands of canned goods? Van
sells them. These goods have stood
the tent of the pure food law.
Mrs Tom Braucher, of Togus, N D,
a cousin of Dr X) O Stiuson, is here on
a visit with relatives. She bad bean
at Walthill to visit a daughter.
I Till be ready to take orders for
painting and paperhanging about the
15th of next montu. Will furnish es
timates on auything in this hue of
work. Bert Brasfield.
Bert Krosen, heavy man on the
South Sioux City Record, was in
town "betweeu trains" Monday, lie
had been to Emerson over Sunday vis
iting relatives and friends.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay
sale at reasonable piioea.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
C E Bliven, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb,
Erio Ansnes has accepted a positiou
as section boss at Vista, Neb, on the
C, St P, M & O road, Esten Olson
having resigned the posstion on ac
count of ill health. He commenced
work on tlie Int.
Mrs Mary McBeath, Neva, Willi
and Donald Best, Misses . Lillian aud
Babe Beam aud Lizzie Van de Zodde,
all of this place, attended the rendition
Queen Esther, at Homer last week.
Judge B E Evans and Fred Dueu-
sing returned Monday evening irom
Grant, Neb, where tuey went to look
after Mr Duensing a equity in a piece
of land . They found the land in
question had passed to other hands.
Judge Eimers performed a double
wedding at his home in South Sioux
City Tuesday evening, the contracting
parties beiuR James Chausse, of Elk
Point. S D. and Kate Connolly, ol
Sioux Citv : and Arthur E Lenz and
Minnio A Haines, of Sioux City.
nave you tried that new package
ooff, e that an de Zedde is selling r
It is only 30o a pound, and yuu get
a ulte disU with etch package you
buy, besides a chance to draw a st
of handsome dishes free. The coffee
is worth the money and Vou Kt the
dishes for nothing.
Lewis B Blanchard and wife were
surprised by about, tifty of their friends
Tuesday evening, It being Air Dianou
ard's fiftieth birthday and March 1st
being their twenty-fifth wedding enui
veraary. both events were celebrated
on this occasion. The host and hostess
were presented with a silver tea set,
a set of silver tea siwons and a set of
I silver dessert spoons, Rev E E tihafer,
in behalf of the assembled guests
made the presentation speech, to which
both Mr aud Mrs Blaucuard responded
r v.
I , s
Floyd Leslie returned from Arling
ton, Neb, Tuesday evening.
Bert Wood is acting as night man at
the Burlington signal tower.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
ppr in the county. $1 a year.
Robert Woods expects to leave on
Tuesday for his home iu Lacrosse,
Wash, (if possible).
Goaige Barnett has purchased forty
acres of timber land on Walker's
island of W L Ogden.
Wm Boutou returned Thursday
morning from a visit with his daugh
ter at Raymond, S D.
S Shanklin is here installing a pro
tection signal block at the Bulling
son "Y" north of town.
Will Niemeyer came down from hi
claim near Belvidere, S D, Thursday,
and will remain for three weeks.
Mrs John Riesche, of Lynns, visited
her daughter, Mrs H F Kohlmeier, of
this place, several days this week.
Blackhawk corn planters, Bock
Island discs, and all the best makes of
farm machinery at Q F Broyhill's.
Bert Foye has gone to Kalamazoo,
Mich, to attend an art school, with tlie
view of fitting himself for a cartoonist.
Mrs Tod Christonherson, of Crof ton,
Neb, was taken to St Joseph's hospital.
Sioux City, Wednesday, for treatment.
Bert Brasfield put a coat of piper
and paint on the county attorney's
office room in the court house Monday.
The baby boy of Mr aud Mrs Sexton,
living with Chas Guernsey near Eiui-i-rou,
was found dead iu bud Saturday
Bfv Will C Eckhart went to Yutan,
Nub. Saturday, where on Sunday he
filled the Lutheran pulpit, returning
home Monday.
Gun Bartels has purchased a 160
acre farm near Lawton, Iowa, paying
$85 per acre. He will take possession
about March 12th.
A postomoe inspector was here on
Tuesday and made a thorough exam
ination of the offtue. He found every
thing iu first class shape.
Lost, struyud or stoleu, a small chair.
Owners can have same by paying for
tins not lee aud calling on Mr and
Mrs ; . D W Hoch.
M L Lexlin and children returned
home from Arlington Thursday eveu'
iug. Mrt Catherine Mastick, mother
in-law of Mr Leslie, returned with
Rowland Orr says that the paity
ho has the hnhit of helping himself
to corn at the Blenkiron elevator will
o home Home night with the seat of
is pants full of buckshot.
Queen tither.
The beautiful live-act Oratoria,
Uueen fc,Htuer, given by tne Homer
Chor.il Luioii at iloaier last ihurs
day and Friday evenings it is need'
less ti say was a decided success.
Space will not permit a mention of
each character, suffiouth to say that
the solo work from the queen to the
herald was fine, as was also the Per
sian and jowimii cuoruses.
Much credit is duo Mr M A Ban
croft, musical director, also Miss Rose
Smitu, acompauiNt. Honmr may
well feel prcud of her Choral Union.
Wup.RKam, The messeDger of death
has called to that eternal home from
whooe bouroe no traveler returns
Brother James C McKeruan, a woitli
member of Oniadi lodge No 5, A F
A M, aud while tender memories of
his virtues reinaiu with us we sincerely
mourn our Ions and acknowledge th
wisdom of Him who doetu all thing
well, therefore be it
Resolved, That we extend to the
bereaved wife and children our sincere
sympathy and assure them that the
Krief is ours; and be it further
Resolved, That our charter be
draped in mourning for a period of
thirty days; that these resolutions bo
spread ti)on tlie reoorda of the lodge;
that a copy be sent to the bereaved
family ; and that a copy also be fur
nished the newspapers for publication.
Ji lu's J Eimers, )
John U Ream, Committee.
Walter Chvket. )
SrnriAL roaaasPowpEsoF.
Chas 01 ay pool and wife are visiting
Mrs Clay pool's father, T 0 Clapp.
Rasmus Fredriokson will occupy the
Joe Johns bonne on Soholhouseevenue.
John Rockwell and wife, of Bioui
City, were Homer visitors this week.
Mrs Weander and son Homer, of
Sioux City, were over and took in
Queen Esther.
Joe Johns has moved to the Joe
Smith farm, vacated by Nelson Smith,
who has moved to his mother's farm.
Jamie Spencer was seen on our
streets Saturday. He owns a ranch
in Colorado and says it is a fine coun
try. Geo J Boucher John H Ream and
Kide Beam of Dakota City, took in the
Puroo hog sale at Geo Blessing's
On of the things We heard on the
street a few days ago was that there
were twent-five porsons interested in
trying to get a license to run a saloon
here the coming year. Is it because
Homer is such a good town or because
they think there is lots of that kind of
trade here.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
there were sales. At Fredrickson's
sale every thing brought good prices
nd there was a lively time while the
sheriff was not looking. Geo Bless
ing's sale drew a big crowd and prices
ere good. At Unckland s there was
good crowd and fair prices.
Yisitorj to Homer who we saw at
Queen Esther were: Mrs Mary Mc
Beath, Neva, W m, and Donald Best,
Mama and Lillian Beam, Dr Will
Beam and wife, Mrs Henry Beam, Mrs
Alice Sides, the Misses Heikes, Mrs
Dr Stidworthy and daughter Ada,
Lizzie VandeZedde, Judge Eimers
and mauy others we did not know.
Say, I think we will sure have a
ry town next year lor we now have a
prohibition town board and as two of
those remain we must . look out that
one, at least, oi the new boari will
stand by them, hurrah for another
year of no saloon (I almost did say no
liquor) but I take that back. But
ith onr home paper to advocate the
rioiit and a right board, I think we
ill do the Rioht thing.
Perhaps the best thing that was ev
er in Homer by Amateurs was Uueen
Esther. It would hardly be fair to
pick out any one and say he did the
best, for they all did well. It goes
without saying that Esther, the beauti-
n 1 Queen, Mrs M A liancroft, was the
oenter around which all the other
stars revolved. The costuming was
much better than is usual iu home en
tertainments and all together it was a
Thomas Byrne, of Fonda, Iowa,
spent Sunday with his folks here. He
wai returning from South Dakota
here he has a olaim.
Wm Beninger went to Long Fine,
Neb, last week, to look over the coun
try there.
Noble League returned from Seattle,
Wash, Saturday.
Born, to Mr and Mrs O A Barber,
on February 18, 1907, a daughter.
Laura Jones left Thursday for Cas
per, Wyoming, wliere sue expects to
remain all summer.
As usual a number are moving
March 1st. Burt Barnes has moved
to near Emerson, Jesse Green on the
Frank Hogan farm, Frank Hogan
moves to Emerson, Willie Brown to
Mrs J B Smith is visiting her daugh
ter in Sioux City this week.
Mrs J P McEveny, of Westfleld,
owa, was visiting tier folks Here the
first of the week.
Dr Boost was a visitor in Jackson
Mrs Mary E Nordyke is visiting her
anghter, Mrs Broyhill, in Dakota
City this week .
Mrs Thos McKeever has been sick
the past week with la grippe.
Gladys Carroll has been uniblo to
ttend school the pust week on account
of an attack of rheumatism.
Friends of Mrs ler. O'Donnell, nee
Annie Shanley, have heard with re
gret of her death, in Sioux City, last
Friday. She was nek It-fs tban a
week. Mrs T J McBride, Thos Sulli
van and Wm Riley, cousins, attended
the funeral Monday.
AIich Kennelly, of bioui City, is
snendinc her two week's vaoation ut
tho home of her sister, Airs J 1 liran
nan, at this place.
Luke Murray left Wednesday for
Bonner, Mout, where his brother John
A Mr Toohey is assisting M Zuluaf
u his barber shop.
W T Bartlett was doing buoiuets in
Emerson Wednesday.
Marr Easton. of Dakota City, is a
gucht at the Leo Biede home this woek
Willie Heeney returned home last
Satuiday. after several' week a visit
with his brother frank at Uay
Nisk Simmons and August Zastrow
left Tuesday for Yankton, 8 D, where
thev will work a farm tins summer
Mrs Ztstrow will no later on.
A basket social will b given at the
Heeney nchool house tonight (March
I). All are invited to be present.
Nellie Heeney was a city visitor
Dr Evans was a taller here Wed
nesday and renorts Margaret Yoss
much improved.
A Schwartz shipped a car of hogs
to Sioux City Tuesday and got the
top of the market.
James noeney returned home Bun-
day evening after several days trip
through Colorado. He was acoow
panied from Omaha by Geo Beaoom
who spent Sunday evening at the Uee
ney home.
Special Oobbbbpomlbhcb.
Madius Learner marketed a ear of
bogs Monday,
Sam Hi iks is making arrangements
to move bis family back to the farm
from Sionx City, where they have re
sided the past year. Their many
friends are glad to see them return.
Irene Hutzel spent Saturday and
Sunday at the S A Brideubangh home.
Harry Brown recently purchased a
small gasoline engine which he will
depend upon to pump the enormous
quantity of water his stock consume
Chestei Heikes and Herman Snndt
shelled several hundred bushels of corn
Georgia Hazelgmve spent several
days at the Chas Westoott home in
Sionx City last week.
A number form here expect to take
in "The Clansman" at the New Grard
Saturday night.
Freddie Biermann, jr has been ap
pointed phone boy ior the Blenkiron
Grain company.
Chas Heikes sold his share in the
corn shelter business to Ollie Hale and
is now getting things in readiuess for
the spring work.
Mr and Mrs James Fisher entertain
ed a select crowd on Friday evening
Jacob Sides lost a valuable watch
fob on his return home from Homer
last Friday night.
Mary Green, of Sioux City, came
home Sunday morning to visit with
her folks.
nenry Booney, who has been on the
sick list for a couple of weeks, is up
and around again. The trained nurse
left Sunday.
Mary Ellen Kerwin, of Emerson, is
visltiug at the home of Alice Ueffer
nan. Nora Hayes, of Sioux City, came
home Thursday eveniug and stayed
over Sunday with her folks.
Miss Annie Killacky went to Jack
son Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs
Tom Uartnett.
See our stock of shoes. We can
please the most fastidious in this line.
Carl Anderson.
Sam Heikes shipped a oar of hogs
and a oar of cattle to Sioux City Sat
urday. Henry Cain went to Sioux City Sat
urday morning.
Chris Lateubaucb, section foreman
at Coburn, is on the siok list.
Mr and Mrs Austin Vench went ti
South Sioux City Tuesday evening to
visit at the home of Mr Veach's folks
before he leaves for his home at Des
lao, S D.
Dress shirts aud wash shirts in all
styles at Carl Anderson's.
Austin Veaoh and Henry Boberts
loaded their housolold goods and stock,
etc, and depart for Deslac, 8 D, Thrs
day where they have purchased a
Lars Larsen went to Sioux City
Miss Mary Hartnett, of Sioux City,
came home to spend the week.
We have just received a new assort
ment of glassware. Carl Anderson.
Thomas Long shipped one carload
of hogn; O M RuBmuseen, one of hogs;
Carl Uugenberger, one of cattle, to
Sioux City Friday morning.
Mrs C M Rasmussen and son went
to Sioux City Satur lay.
Painting and paperhanging. Esti
mates cheerfully furnished.
A A Schrempp, The Painter.
John Hogan went to Pender Satur'
day. '
Mrs Joseph Hagan and daughter
Mary went to Sioux City Friday.
Smoked halibut and salmon at Carl
Bridget Green wont lo Sioux City
Art Nordyke purchased two fine
D ii roc Jersey hogs at the sale held at
Allen last week. They w'ere from the
George Nordyke herd and carry some
of the best Duroo blood there is go
New hosiery and underwear in all
styles and prices at Carl Anderson's.
(Jims .Liautenbacu has resigned his
position as seotion foreman on the
Coburu section, and will move onto a
farm. Eruil Young succeeds him aud
will board here with his brother, John
Young, section foreman at this place.
Will Roekwell of Dakota City, was
a bui-iness visitor here Monday.
Nordyke always has fresh oysters iu
Mrs Mike Maloney and Mrs W W
Sheehan were Sioux City shoppers
R A Voss, Peter Johnson, aud Thos
Graham each shipped a ear lo;d of
cattle to Sioux City Tuesday.
Our stock of spring hats and caps
are here. Call in anl see them. Carl
Rev J E English went te Sioux City
John Myers returned Tuesday eveu
iug from a three weeks business trip
to Toniah, Wis.
Fresh flab at Nordyke's every Friday
Leave your order.
The Anchor Grain (Jo shipped a car
loud ef Lors Wednesday.
Are Millionaires as Independent as
Farmers have the advantage over
millionaires, acoording to David Gray
son, who, in The American Magaziue
for March, reports an argument he had
lately with John Starkweather, a veiy
rich man. nereis a little of the plain
talk whih larmer Grayson gave
Millionaire Starkweather;
"We dig and plant and produce an
having eaten at the first table we pass
what is left to the bankers and million
aires. Did yon ever thiuk, stranger,
that mot-t of the wars of the world
have beeu fought for the control of this
farmer s second table? We farmers, sit
back comfortable after dinner, and
joke with our wives and play with our
habie, aud let all the rest of you Qghi
for the crumbs that fall from our
abuudant tables."
rouNO av Lar.
J A Ilarmon, of Lizemore, West Va,
says: "At last I have found the perfect
I ill that never disappoints me; and
the benefit ol others a till c ted with tor
pid liver and chronic constipation,
say: "Take Dr King's New Life Pills.
Guaranteed satisfactory. 25o at Les
lie's drug store,
We hare a few Heaters left, and they will go
at Right Prices. Iicmember btoyeg haie ad
vanced and you will haYe to pay one-third more
for a heater next winter than you will now.
jo3- Sewing
mwcrd Mac
u Ami
Get our
before you buy.
harnees, eithei
We have on hand
single or double.
I 1ST 'SfiT'A F?
is more complete than ever. We have just received a shipment of
w hite Enameled ware which we sell at prices unheard of before .
We invite the ladies to call and examine this ware.
Yours to Please
! Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
I II. F. Kohlmeier, Local Manager.
Dakota City, - Nebraska
-Proprietor of
City Klesi , Msurlkct
Fresh and Salt Meats always
IF B person has devoted his time for 21 years to banking, with no X
outside business or callings; T
JT during these twenty-one years, bis bank has lost less than X
fifty dollars; j
IP no .money of the bank ran be loaned to him, bis relatives or X
friends (as friends) nor used in speculation;
IP he was born honest and has lived HONEST and always X
within his means; X
IP his sole object in life is to safeguard the money of his T
depositors; , X
IP he does everything in banking, at lowest living rates and' he
asks YOUR business now, will you not call?
All the above and then come. ' X
"The Bask that always treats
you RiauT
Before tKe Spring
To people who are intending tJ do any kind of building next spring
or summer we will say come in now. Let us figure your estimate.
Get the Prices
You will
find them
low you
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co
GEO. TIMLIN, JJanaeer.
ail Pearl 8t.,
Call and examine onr
10 Year Gaarantee giy
en with each machine
prices on
a fine line of both farm and buggy
line of
on hand . Oath paid for bides.
Bank of Dakota
Jackson, Web,
will find cur material right, and eur