Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 01, 1907, Image 4

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Dakota County Herald
Continuation of the Homer Herald.
J OflM H. BEAM, PCBL18HF.Il, .
hubtwriplion Trice. $1.00 Fcr Yesr.
items ui nucicai
a. weekly newspaper published at
Dakota lity. Nebraska.
Permission has been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mails a second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
What will Mosey Warner now say
about the rerenne law, with regard to
railroad taiation?
One often looka about him and won
Jera why it ia that man; man pnst
th prime of life hare ao little with
which to proride comforts for tbeir
declining Tears. Not infrequently
these meu are sober, industrons and
reli able. It seems that they should be
at least in fair circumstances after 25
or 30 years of labor. An instance in
mmd give some light. len years
go a man bought a little business in
email Iowa town. His predecessor
wa highly delighted to sell. The
aeller moyed about and was sometimes
Rash and sometimes broke. The buy
r stack to the business. Now, after
ten years, the man who bought is in
comfortable circumstances and the
teller ia a renter working for wages
Of these two men, the seller was net
or illy much the brighter. It's look
ing for "easy money" that costs dearly,
Coleridge Blade.
from our Exchanges
mM wmtHK owi aowK sow ow awo
Thnrnton Oazette: Ed Clinkeu-
beard, of Homer, Frank Hale and Dick
Myers, of Hubbard, were here Satur
Ponca Journal: Mra Church, of
Dakota City, who has been visitine; at
the home of her brother, Melvin liar
den, returned home Monday noon.
Sioux City Journal, 28th: W II
Pond, of Dakota City, Neb, who is suf
fering from an injury receired in a
peculiar manner, was brought to 8t
Joseph a hospital yeaterday.
Pender Times: Henry Erumwiede
was up to Dakota City Saturday night.
. . . . A letter to the Times from Walter
Niebuhr, who has been in a Sioux City
lion pit a I, states that he has so far re
coTered that he has been able to leave
(he hospital .
Randolph Reporter: Willis Cay
woo J, for soma time past the operator
at the Omaha depot, has been expect'
ing to be transferred to Coburn June
tion, baa receired word that the trans
for will not be made at the present
time and he will remain here.
Sioux City Journal, 26: Died, at
South Sioux City, Nab, Saturday, Feb
23, the y-month-old daughter of Mr
and Mrs Edward E Qordon, of organic
brain trouble. The funeral will be
held at the Oordon home at 10 a m
today. Interment wil! be in Logan
Tark cemetery, Sioux City.
in 1895 to the ralue of $200, and that
by reason of a quarrel as to tenants a
reoeirer had open appointed lor the
farm at a eoat of $150 to Mr lilondel.
This suit was tried in 1904 before
Judge Wakefield, who held for the
defendanta. Mr lilondel thereupon
appealed to the supreme oonrt and se
cured a reversal, and it waa for the
second trial that the partiea appeared
in court yesterday Diorr-inff. lint be
fore the cat waa cnl'rA a settlement
a ff ant .l Mr nllmen nitjnff ilia
wwmm v.Bv.m., .... - I J ry I i . . . . . .
ncMt. of tl. action oiiffinallr tried in curonic nrer and stomaen trouble, com
n m. ninn.i.i Hrnrminir hia plicated with audi and unhealthy con
Ai.im inr tit aad dimmrM caused br dition of th blood that my skin tnrned
o - I . 1 a 1 T . nr
rcu aa iiauuri. i im niw practically
years younger than befere I took Deo
trie Bitters. I can now do all my work
with ease and assist in my hnnband's
store." Guaranteed at Leslie's drug
store. Trice 50o .
The complete record of births and
deaths in Nebraska in 1906, contains
many interesting features. It is bIiowu
f r example, that the births numbered
'2 1,932, and the deaths 9,(30, an an
uanally large proportion of births.
Thi is ascribed not only to the
lmalthfulnessof the region, but the
wholesome social condition of Nebras
ka. Tho infant mortality is surpris
ingly high for a healthful state in an
auvanoea stage oi civilization. rue
death) under one year of age num
bered 2,144 for the year. The old
popple, on the other hand, hare
epienma enow in isebrasaa, as o per
cent of all the deaths lust year were
people above the age of eighty-one.
Next to iofantile diseases, heart
-disease waa the leading cause of death
iu 190G, with C87 victims. Tubercu
losis followed with 535, pueumonia
with 525 and Brlght'a disease with
013. The suicides numbered 124.
Fire people were killed by sunstroke,
f ix were foozen to death, and thirteen
were killod by lightning. Tho colored
people lost 127 by death and gained
only 61 by birth, leaving a net loss of
66. The total number of males loin
waa 11,248 and of females 10,686. Of
the deatha 5,0L8 were of males and
4.022 females.
The Mother and the Growing Boy.
"A boy's life goes forward by leaps
iand bounds after he passes the nursery
eUge," writes Margaret E Sangster iu
Womau!a Home Companion for March.
"At least it seema so to his mother.
Ttiore ia the day when his father remon
strates about those babyish curls that
are ao beautiful, and that the mother
twinea alout her fingers with such care
and pride. The boy has begun to hate
them, aud he goes joyously to the bar
ber'atohave them cut off. As the
eheara separate each soft ringlet, the
mother f vela aa if someth.ng precious
was aeverod from her very hoart. She
gathers them up and lays them away,
and aa her little lad walks beside her
wi'h sturdier step than before she real-iz-a
that the oo ruing dawn of his man
hood ia quiokeniug on the horizou-
"There it the day when aha sees her
tboj, a gallant little figure, with his
-bands ia his pockets, looking an inch
taller than yesterday, because he is
dressed lens like a little girl aud more
like the boy across the street whom he
baa aeorelly enried. Those pockets
i mark au era in boyiah development.
.Are they not distinctively a badge of
.ex 7 Surely, considering that a man
has fourteen pookets and a woman none
-at all, thsd ty when the boy Brat renin
s that he hu pockets, and that they
are to hold whatever he pleases, is
reat day for him. The boy has his
own happy day, too, when he first puts
on a real pair of atout shoes iu which
lie may run and jump and kick a ball.
County School Notes
lingular examination March 1C-17.
Eighth grade examinations will be
lield in March and probably about the
first of May. Eighth grade pupils
should no', come ia for examination
on teaohera examination day except
hj apeoial arrangement. Teachers
liaviag classes expecting to take this
examination ahould arrange for date.
It seemi the legislatures in session
io tho Odutral states are trying to see
which can propose the moat fool leg
islation. Nebraska is faring better
than moat of them, however. About
-the only disttstrom school bill that has
been introduced iu thisstite is a bill
'to repeal the new certificate law and
re enact tue old law. This comes from
the sand hill section. It is charged
that the new law ia responsible for the
greatly diminiahed supply of teacher.
This is not true, however, aa it was
vouch harder to keep the sohools open
the two years just before the operation
of the new law than it haa been since.
It is simply a matter of prosperity in
other linea drawing the teaohera lrora
the profession.
The tenth and eleventh grades from
the Dakota City echo 1 wrote part of
th Februaiy examination. These
elaaaea, with a large class from Jack
on and a few teachers, "swamped" na
on Friday, making it neceaaary to fit
up tahlea in the court room for the
-over-flow. This is the first time we
'have been "swamped" and if we have
snob, a houseful again we will have to
have help, as it i mora than one can
do to conduct satisfactorily an exam-
nation in two rooms.
Closing Out.
Owing to long continued sickness I
have decided to retire from business
and will sell horses, cattle, store,
goods, etc. I might consider a trade
for real estate. D C Btisron.
Dakota City, Neb.
how To remain vouno.
To continue young in health and
stn ngtb, do aa Mrs N F Rowan. Mc-
Donough, (la, did. She Bays:" Three
bottles of Electric Bitters cured me of
the receivership.
The Heiald for ALL the Kr.ws:
If any ef our subscribers desire the
address changed en their Herald by
reason of the establishment or changes
made in the rural mutes, or for any
ether reason, jnst drop us a postal and
the change desired and it will be made.
Emerson Enterprise: A P Doran is
assisting M Williams during his special
sale. .. .Mr and Mra Bert Barnes have
moved onto a farm two miles south of
Julius Bondenton's. .. .Frank Ross re
turned from Omaha Monday whero he
had been for the past ten davs under
going treat nent at a hospital. . . .Her
man Stark and Mrs Minnie Schopke
surprised their many friends by slip
ping away to Council Bluffs and being
married . The ceremony occurred Sat
urday. They are visiting this week
in Seott county, Iowa. The Enter
prise joins their many friends in ex
tending best wishes. ...ED Yobs, of
Nacora, was an Emerson visitor Mon
day. He has turned over his store and
the postoffloe at Nacora, to Clias W
Schwartz. Mr Vosa informed us that
he had purchased a 10 acre fruit furm,
well improved near Grand Junction,
Colo, for $4,800 and would mnve there
at once. His many friends in Dakota
county will wish him success in his new
Mrs L M Leslie was taken suddenly
ill last Friday afternoon, Boon after
dinner, with heart trouble and at 6:30
passed away, surrounded by her femily
of loved ones. She appeared to be in
the best of health during her brief so
journ in this place and little did any
one think that she would so Boon be
called home. Her sudden death was
a shock to her family and friends that
time alone can efface.
Deceased was born in Ohio, January
20. 1865: was married to L M Leslie
January 18, 1882, at Tampa, Florida,
where her parents resided for ueveral
years. The family moved to this place
from alhoun, Neb, last October, hav
ing purchased the McBeath drug store
arid have made many friends who sym
pathize with them in their present
The remains were skipped to Ar
lington, Neb, ou Monday, and at 3
o'clock in the afternoon wjre lfcid at
rent in the family lot, beside thoxe of
her father. Besides the family those
who accompanied the remains to their
last long home, were Mrs Catherine
Mastick, mother, and Mr and Mrs Al
len Jj Hewett, brother-in-law and sis
ter of the dt ces-d, of Arlington, Bnd
U II Leslie, of Omaha, brother of L
M Leslie.
A sorrowing husband aud three
children Floyd, Hazel and Ruth are
left to mourn the death of her, who
was all the world to them, and wIioho
place in their hearts and lives can
never be filled.
Cheap Lands.
In the grand ruxh for prairie lands
further west the settler has passed by
section of the country which sur
passes in some and equals in all re
spect this class of land.
Northern Wisconsin has g'.od soil,
no drouth, running water, plenty of
timber for fuel, and a flue climate,
and best of all close to markets. A
large body of this land has been
owned by the lumber companies and
is now on the market for the first
The American Colonization Co, af
Chippewa Falls, Wis, owns a large
tract of this land and will be pleased
to furnish further information to all
who are interested.
Worked like a charm.
Mr D N Walker, editor of that spicy
journal, the Euterprise, Louisa, Va,
says: Iran a nail in ray foot last week
and at once applied Buuklen's Arnica
Silve. No lnflamation followed, the
salve simply healed the wound." Heals
every sore, burn and skin disease.
Guaranteed at Leslie g artig store. 25o.
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaching Snuduv morning at Sa
lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday scheol
at 10:00.
Preaching at Dakota City at 3.00
o'clock p m ; Sunday school at 9:45 a
iu: C E at 6:30 p m
A cordial welcome to all.
Sioux City Journal, 24: Mr and
Mrs B O Potter and Miss Nellie Potter
left yesterday for their new home in
Kaunas City .... Oeorge C Call yester
day stoutly defended the Combination
image across tne Aimsouri river. u
declared tha $320,000 paid by Sioux
City taxpayers for its construction a
a mere bagatelle in comparison with
the resulting benefits. Charles A Dick
son, in a recent address before the
Sioux City Real Estate association
spoke of the bridge aa "an engineering
monstrosity, and told of the futile
hopes of its builders that it would lead
to tha eonstruction of a Pacific coast
line with Sioux City aa the eastern
terminus. He took the position that
the taxpayers had beou "handed a
, M uvr - . .. . .
lemon. no one can estimate tue
amouut of money that has been brought
into Sioux City by the building of that
bridge," said Mr Call. "The bridge
has become an important artery of
communication between Dakota coun
ty, Neb, aud Sioux City. It has ad-
rauoed the value of property in Sioux
City enormously, helped Sioux City
mercuunta, and inoreased the popula
tion. Before ita construction farmer
and residents across the river were
dependent upon the condition of the
river. For weeks at a time they were
uuuble to haul their produce to Sioux
City or buy goods uf tha local mer
ehauts while the ice was going out
aud the pontoon bridge was out of
oommiHsion. Now they can oome to
Sioux City at any time during the
year, without any uncertainly as to
getting across.".... Litigation which
has covered many years has just ended
iu the Woodbury county district court
in the settlement of the case of J A
Bloudel against M P Ohlmau. The
case datea back to 1895, and its histo
ry includes two triads in the district
court and one appeal to the supreme
couit. In 1895 John Arteaux, of Ne
braska, a wealthy Frenchman, died,
lea vine no heirs this side of France.
H left an eatate of approximately
$25,000 in easli and two valuable tracts
of real estate. Shortly aftet' hv, death
John M Severson placed on file a quit
claim deed, purporting to have been
viven by Arteaux to himself, to a 160
acre farm. A few days later Severson
gave a similar instrameutto John Kel-
ner, aud Kelner turned it over by the
same process to M P Ohlman, of Yank
ton. It ia alleged Arteaux's heira 1 in
France entered into a deal with J a
uload"! whereby Mr Biondel was to
have this quit claim deed aet aside on
the grouud of.tlie forgery of the Ar
teaux name, and waa to receive tor his
compensation the revenue for two
years from the farm and one-half of
whatever the land could be Bold for
after clearing the title. Mr lilondel
brought an action at Omaha. Neb, in
the names of Leon Orezaud, Benaut
Grei'iud Francis Jeandet and Joseph
tieauvirrouois, the heirs, as plaintiffs,
Hgainst Severson, Kelner and Ohlman,
And after a long fight in the Omaha
court the deed waa set aside as a for
gery, and $397 in costs were entered
np agsinst defendants. Thla left the
title to the farm in question in the
nan e of the deceased Arteaux. In the
probating of the eatate Mr lilondel and
the heirs quarreled over their agree
ment, and a suit to settle thia differ
ence i now pending in the Nebraska
supreme court. After the title to the
farm bad been settled, J A Blundel
biougbt an aotion in Woodbury county
against IU 1' Uulman, he being tha ou
mm m
iy responsible, defendant, to recover
the $397 onata. He alleged that under
his agreement with the Arteaux heirs
ha bad advanced tha costs, and was
enMtld to recover from Ohlman. Ha
further alleged that Ohlman had de
prived him of tho reveuue of tha farm
ilarriHon Say re, one oi tuo old resi
dents of Dakota county, died suddenly
Saturday afternoon, February 23, 1907,
at his home iu Waterbnry, Neb, of
heart failure. Mr Suyre came to Da
kota county with his family in the
early '70s, locating on a farm near
where the town of Waterbnry now
stands. For many years he served as
postmaster at llawkeye and Water-
Deceased was born in Pennsylvania,
August 3, 1828, and moved to Ohic
and later to Wisconsin, where he was
married to his stoand wife, who sur
vives him
Mrs and Mrs Sayre celebrated their
golden wedding August 25, 1905.
Tne luneral was neld Monday, in'
terment being in Springbank cemetery.
Deceased served in company C, 18th
Wisconsin regiment. .
Thomas A Teter, an old resident of
South Sioux City, passed away Tues
day morning, of heart disease, after an
illness lasting nearly a year. The
funeral was held Thursday morning at
10 o clock, Rev George Bray, of Ponca,
conducting the services from the Pres
byterian cuurcu, interment being in
the Floyd cemetery, Sioux City. Mr
Teter was born in Ohio, February 26,
1851, and moved with his patents to
Morris, 111, and later to Audubon,
Iowa, where he remained until niue
teen years ago, when he moved to
South Sioux City. He conducted a
general store for the past fifteen years.
Deceased leaves a devoted wife and
six children, W F Teter, of Sioux City ;
Liillie, Ida, Arthur, Hazel and Cleoiie,
all at home.
First M E Church Hours of Service
10 a m Sunday School
11a m..... Preaching
12 m. Class Meeting
6:30 pm Epworth League
7:30p in.. Preaching
7:30 p m Prayer Meeting
A 11 evening services from May to
October w 11 be held one-half hour
later. Elmer F. 8 hafer, Pastor.
Phone number 33.
When von hava a news item that
yon would like to sea in print, ring np
the Lie aid, No. 43, and we'll print it
Diitnct Court Datea-
Tbe term 4 of court for this, the 8th
judicial district, for 190G, are as fol
Dtikntn February 4. September
(Hi in I na .April , Hepteinlwr
Htiknton February lrt (H-inberT
(Vdnr March 4. November 11
Thnrnton Aorll 1. fcWbr 14
lUxon Mnich IH. Iwemberl
The Pain
You know them; they are
numerous, and make their
presence felt everywhere. The
names of the family are Head
ache, Toothache, Earache,
Backache, Stomach ache, Neu
ralgia, etc. They are sentinels
that warn j-ou of any derange
ment of your system. When
the brain nerves become ex
hausted or irritated, Headache
makes you miserable; if the
stomach nerves are weak, in
digestion results, and you
double up with pain, and if the
more prominent nsrves arc af
fected, Neuralgia simply makes
life unendurable. The way to
stop pain is to soothe and
strengthen the nerves. Dr.
Miles' Anti-Pain Tills do this.
The whole Tain family yield to
their influence. Harmless if
taken as directed.
"I find Pr. MIW Antl-Taln Pills an
excellent remedy for overcomlnir head
ache, neuralgia enl distressing rains
of all sorts. I have used them for the
past seven years In this capacity with
the best of results."
JlltS. JOK MISKUILL. Teru, Ind.
Dp. Miles' Antl-Palrr Pllla aro sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first package will benefit. If it
fails, he will return your money.
25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Woild you like
to sell out?
The easy waw is to .
put a want-ad in
ITlhiG Q)inrL5Jla, USec
and tell the people that
your business is for sale.
I of the Dank of Dakota City, of
Dakota City, charter No. 116, (private)
in tne state of Aebraska, at the cIoho
of business 1 ebruary 23, 1907
I.oiinn nml Discounts f 1!Hi.n76 U4
118'ikiiir- nouse mrimurtt and fixtures
Current expense nml tuxes pnld..
line i mm mil i, mine arid
private bunk and lunik- -
ers CS.SVI M
Cnh 6.BH0 (irt
Total ciiHh ou band 81 014 Hi
Total ; t l"l),448 IS2
2,ofin no
57 Mrt
20,0110 00
1,110 v
S.IUO 42
w,:ei u
V4no oo va.m w
.$ 17IU4H 82
Capital stock pimt in
HiKllvKled pmtlts
Individual deposits sub
ject to check I BH.227 41
lieinaiKi cerillli'tkle of
Time ccrtlllcates of cle-
Hue toHtate and private
banks and bunkers....
State ok Nkbhahka. j
County of Dukota. (
I. M. O. Avres (ownerl
of the above mimed hunk.dOHolcinnly swear
inui me anovo Hiaiemenr. I a correct una
true copy of the report mude to the State
HimkliiK Hoard. M.O. Ayrf.m.
Hulwciiix-d and sworn to before mu this
28th day of February, 1ii7.
Notary l'uhllc
My commlHslon expires March 111, lull
Duroc Jersey Hog Sale.
The sale of Duroc Jersey bows held
by Geo O Blessing at Homer, Neb, on
liieeiiay waa a success in every par
ticular, and waa gratifying to the
owner, lleing the first sale held by
him his offerings went at good figures,
but considering the care and attention
tion he has pu'd to the breeding of his
herd, tliy went none too high. Fol
lowing ia a list of the sales:
M H Moats 1110 oo
M H Moats 55 00
Morris Hevlnuton 45 OU
T A (lOKHard 60 re
Will II Hyan r0 oo
Bllven Bros 51 00
I. Ooodscll 80 oil
Mauley & do 58 00
Kllvoil Bros 46 1)0
Bllven Bros 85 10
James Ijipiley 45 ou
Kobt Ijupslcy
Hans NelHcn
Bllven Bros
Hans Nelson
Webb KelloKif
I, (ioodioll
R Ooodsell
J 1 Keacom
W A Hetkes
Hans Nelson
I. Ooodscll. ........
J 1 Heacoiu
Chas limine
Hans NeUen
Webb Kellogg. ...
J J I.apsley
Webb KoUoks
Jus Nelnon
J TOraliam
Olios Dodge
John Tryon A Hon
(Him liodge
Huns Nelsen
I. Ooodscll
Jiu NeUen
1H)H Korbes
W J htone 6ft oo
Mr Kirk HI 60
(Jba Ostmeyer, one boar 25 Oo
savco ma aoN-a Lire.
The happiest mother in the little
town of Ava, Mo, ia Mrs S Ruppee.
Khe writea: "One year ago my eon waa
down with aueh aerioua long trouble
that our physician waa unable to help
him; when, by our druggist's advice I
began giviug him Dr King's New Die
covery, and I soon notioed itnprovetnet.
I kept thia treatment up for a few weeks
when he was perfectly well, lie haa
worked steadily since at carpenter work.
Dr King's New Discovt-ry saved his
life." Guaranteed beitoough and cold
cure by L M Leslie, druggist. 0O0 and
tl .00. Trial bottle free.
Estray Notice.
Notice ia hereby given that I have
taken up as estray a at my premises, H
miles east of Homer, one bay pony, D
or 10 years Old, white feet, white strip
in forehead, saddle scar, branded on
hip, lame in left shoulder. One straw
bery loan pony, weight about 700
pounds. -
uwner is Hereby requested to prove
property, pay charges and take the
same away.
(feb 15-3.) T J O'Connor
Dated February 12, 1907.
42 00
45 00
m 00
50 00
no 00
A5 00
ao 00
65 00
67 60
62 AO
67 60
86 00
' 00
60 00
TO 00
ST 00
42 60
42 60
47 60
67 00
62 60
60 00
60 00
67 60
40 00
40 Oo
A tKree line sxd
3 times 25c; 7 times
aboit IS
Within everybody's reach reaches everybody
has been enlsnred to 200 pages. It Is better than ever before
and deserves Us position as "THB LEADINO AMERICAN
SEED CATALOG." Besides our famous Specialties we now
Important Novellles, including the most remarkable TWO new
int Novell ir, including the most remarkable I wu new
niviv intfnniirc aome r
CREATIONS In Vegetables that Nature
laa rrrxA)rA I If VOI1 would like tO
vou should send for this elegant work. DO NOT DELAY WRITB TO-DAY I
W. AT LEE BURPEE & CO., Seed Growere, Philadelphia
40 One-Way second class colonist tickets will be
on sale daily, March 1st to April 30th to Port
land, Seattle, Tacoma and Puget Hound points.
Proportionately low rates to points in Alberta,
British Columbia, Idaho and Montana.
mmmmmm IS. "7 K.ound
tuQiltlMljin I Trlp
Through Tourist Cvr Dally, Mlnnctxpolts
St. Psa.-ul to Pavolflo Coevst Points.
Low One-Wav
Colonist Rates
Special homeeeekers tickets will be on Bale first
and third Tuesdays of March and April to many
points in Idaho, eastern portion of state of
Washington and also to a large southwest terri
tory. The rate will be about one fare plus 12.00
for the ronud trip.
If you contemplates a trip no matter where, for rates and
othor information call on or address
Division Pass'r Agt. Omaha. Agent, Dakota City.
First Hibllontlon Keb 15 6w.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is horcliy given thnt by virtue of
an ordi-r of hhIo imuird by Hurry II. Adulr,
clerk of the lilxtrlot court In unit for lmkotu
county, Nebrnskit, hikI illiecleU to me, II. O.
Hhiihimi, xlicrlrT of Bald county, coiiiiiiiiiidlna
me tone II I lie pienilHes hereinafter describ
ed to sntlMfy a curtttlii Juilirimuit of the suld
dlHtrlct court of wild county Hud state, ob
tained at the (K-tolx-r, IMA. term thereof, to-
if. on the Nth day of January, Hum, In favor
off. P. Ulii.ler and auRln.sl Nicholas Kyan
for the sum of elKbty-sIx dollars and ninety
one cents ijxrt.wn. aud elKht dollars and
sixty-nine cents (SN.HU). as an attorney's fee,
Willi Interest ou said sums from January H,
It!, at 10 purceut. per annum, and his costs
taxed at seventeen dollars and eighty cents
(I7JH. I have levied upon the following
descrllied property, to-wlt: The north
twenty-four m acres of the northwest
quarter of section fifteen UK), township
twenty-nine north, range seven (Tl,
east, all being located In said Dakota county
aud state of Nebraska.
And I will, on Tuesday, the lllth day of
March, iwl. at 10 o'clock a. ill. of said
day. at the south front door of the court
house In Dakota City, Dakota county, Ne
bmkn. nroceed to sell at DUbllo auction to
the highest and best bidder, for cash, all of
the alsive descrllied property, or ao much
thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said
order of sale Issued by Harry II. Adair,
clerk of the district court In and for Dakota
county, Nebranka, the amount due thereon
n tne aggregate neing ine sum or one
hundred and t wen ty-t wo dollars and ninety
live cents tll.U"l. and accruing costs.
Otven under my hand this 14th day of
February, A. 1). W"T
HherlrTof Dakota County. Neb.
March 1st to April 30th, 120,00
to Salt Lake, Jintte, Helena.
$22.50, Spokane distriot; $25.00
Galfiernia, Portland, Seattle, Ta
coma, Washington. Daily through
tourist sleepers to California via
Denver, Scenio Colorado and Salt
Lake City; also to Montana,
Washington and Puget Sound
Winter Tourist Rates
To Colorado. Califoansa and all
Southern resorts.
Homeseekers Excursions
Both one way and round trips to
points in western Nebraska, North
and South Dakota, Wyoming,
Colorado and other points west
and south. One fare plus $2.00
round trip. 30 day limit, semi
Landseekers' Information
Free, valuable information furn
ished to seekers of Government!
and deeded lands along the Bur
lington lines. Let us help ;ou lo
' cate your borne in thia fast grow
ing and reliable zone of prosperity.
Write Landeeekers' Information
Bureau. 1004 Farnam St , Omaha,
Fcr rates, folders, information, etr.
apply to
R. J. ReasoSeb, - Ticket Ageut
L. W. Wakklkt, G P A, Omaha, Neb
Afvwliere on earth .
Lifet your property wi
Dk.t.CUy.Neb..nl WflTTIOr L FlTTtf TS J?"'
Sou' Sleua Clt v.Neb. USiaie
We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low
rate of interest on Dakota county Farms. Wa
also Sell and Buy Real Estate of all kinds
See or write us before you Borrow, Buy or Sell.
Lifet your property with us to Sell. I
Real r flKlUI I AIM I IK
fllllll L-l 1 1 1 VtJ
First publication March 1 4w
Probate Notice to Creditors.
' In the county court of Dakota county, Ne
Iii the niatter of the estate of Alwlne
Hctirtever. deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the executor
of N Id estate, before me. County Judge
of iMtkota county, Nebraska, at the county
court room. In said county, on the XUh day
of June, IUU7, ou the llh day of July. IWT,
and on the Ub day of August, luff, at
10 o'clock a. in., each day. for the purpose
of presenting their claims for examination,
ad justineiit and allowance, rllx months are
allowed for creditors to present thelrclalms
and one year for the executor to settle
said estate, from the XTitu day of February,
luff. This notice will lie published In the
Dakota County Herald, a weekly newspa
per, for four weeks successively prior to the
Wth day of June, lis?.
Witness my hand, and seal of said court,
this IC&lb day of February, A. D. luff.
J.J. Kimkb.
scalI County Judge.
It is Delicious
25 cents per Pound
Blendol and packed from carefully selected coffee by
Buck, waiter's
No. 6 Front St.
Homer, Neb
KILLthe couch
Dr. .ling's
New Discovery
60c k $1.00
Free Trial.
Surest and Uuickeat Cure for all
. Art: rA
No Fuel Famine in Northern Wisconsin
No waiting- for the railroad to haul more coal I Acres of fuel on Tear
own land; and right Close in to lour splendid cities; railroads,
schools, churches, fine soil, good water; land nerer on the market be
lorai tha chance of your lile to own vnur own farm nrf tnn
ying rent. We are waiting to tell you ail about it. We will build a
use for you If you ask us. Land Svno to 1 im ir .rm.
today, tomorrow may be too late. Address:
4i Chippewa Bldg., Chippewa rails.
Buy Railroad Ticket to Hayward, Wia. Wisconsin
Vhe Hercxld
Fertr Seeds
are not aa expert.
rment.but with proper cut tl-
ration, tlirv assure success
from the start. Users have no
doubts at planting nor disap
polntmfpts at narvrsi. i-n
Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al
sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers.
for cxll
for biggest, surest, best crops
at all dealers, t ainous lor over
so years. 1VU7 kwea AsmssmU
tree oi request.
Detroit, Mloh.
Vhc News
Thypician and Scr-peon.
Calls promptly attended
Subscribe for The
IIebald per
TRADt Marks1
Copyright eVr
Aarone tumdwt a sketHi and M0jnllnn mi
qiljklv RM-erutM otir t!MMii4i free wheitker su
OK on l'viu
lniunMrletlrso.inilf.NlkU. KANnWiniC
st free. CHatt aswncr forsnouttns uatMita.
I'atrnls takeu throuiti Munu a Co. reculve
mrriai hhim, wirnoui viinmo. ia toe
Scientific JImericam
A lisndsnmelr niantrstrxj wnrklr. Txrvest eliv
ru.mi.Mi ,.f snr txiuntlUn Journal. 'I'vrnm, s:y a
Tmtr: Inur montbs, L Sum by all nswsrioulsrs,
BONN & Co MiBr-d-i. New York
OBoe. Ct r 8U Waehiutftuo, IX, U