Dakota County Herald '"mttinuatton of the Homer Herald . JOCK B. REAM, PUBLISHER. Mibscription Trice. $1.00 Fer Yesr. a weekly newspaper published at Dakota City. Nebraska. Permission has been granted for the Iran amission of this paper through the tnant as second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. 8 E Cobb, editor of the Emerson Enterprise, was reappointed postmast er nt Emerson last week, at a salary of 1,000. tlie bridge will not be stopped during the progress of tbe improvement, Mr l.fi ton suid. The scheme nt trncks will remain the same. That the cony biii'ition bridge was what was termed an "eDgioeeiing monstrosity" and not capable of supporting the heavy IJur liugton locomotives, was a charge made by Charles A Dicksco on Wed nesday before the noondty lunch of the Hionx City Ileal Estate associittion. Mr Eaton was asked n lie Had any thing to say in reply tot bis statement He S4id he wonld not dignify the state meat by giving it any attention. The county option bill was killed in the house Monday by a vote of 46 to 40. It met the same fate in the senate , s couple of weeks ago. rnther incon localities, but has put that much to the to the s'ate Another Way of Meeting Their Ob ligations. "Poor Lo" may be a apionons figure in some iu Thurston county he section of the state so Imd that it his applied Ivni'. lature for relief. In the petition it is recited that practically all of the inhabitants of Thurston conntr are Indians. All the lands of these Indians are exe mpt from tsxithn, and aa result oa what little taxable property there is left the coun ty c in mixe only $6,000 a year for the general fund by tuxes. To mafca matters wrse, poor Lo has ljeen rsisinr "Old Ned in Thurston co lutv, and the connty has been com )wlld to prosecute so many of the In dians on criminal charges tuat not on lv has it expanded all its available couiity funds for the purpose, but has h i t. go in debt $1,850.42 into the b.irnin. The county has now petitioned the legislature to mnke iy this deficit tisod by the obttreperonsness of the I'.di ins and to again permit the coun ty to get on a cash basis Omaha N ws . IkCllls Ul IIUCIC91 from our Exchanges Qeorge C Blessing, of Homer, Nebr., will Hold a Sale February 36. In tins sain are included twenty daughters of Heed's Danker who Is one of the best known hoars of the country. I lis get are good size, strong backed, broad loins. Deal headed and stand on elegant feet and legs. 4 Pjdoi Journal: Miss Clara Wilbur p nt Mmday afternoon at Jackson, Emerson Enterprise: A daughter w-s Lora Monday to Mr and Mrs Ru dolph yi'hopke. . . .Mrs A Ira Davis vi itod Mrs Fred lilume ' at Dakota 4. iiy this week. Wayne Democrat: The card club nut with Mr and Mrs E J Raymond Monday instead of Tuesday evening, owing to the college doings. Mrs P H Kohl canied off the honors for the Indies and H 8 Fisher for the gentle m u. S oue City Journal, lfdb: George Myers who has been a gambling bonne proprietor in Sioux City, will leave today for Tonanab, Nev, with para phernalia for the setting upor a gamb ling ebiauiiHiimeni in mat iiveiy nun ingtown. Sioux City lias inde pre vious contributions to the gamliliag colony of Tonapah. . . .Experience be ing the best teacher, Oluf Hr fll ind, of Sioux City, wlio was marriiMt on Sat urday at Dakota City to Miss Anna Ltndherg, also of Dakota City, has d a cided tlmt the next time he enters o matrimonial dual he will arrange be fore hand with the officiating magis trate ss to the expenses of the deal J mice Eimers was the lucky man to whom Mrlloflland came with his bride, and in due course of ceremony the judge tied the knot after tho latest ap proved fashion. This being done he extended his hand for his compensa tion. Digging into his spacious pock eta. Ilofilaud fished out a (5 bill and handed it to the master of ceremonies The judge accepted the tender, and tinning to his desk, tucked it away in hi wallet. The groom stood by and w teliod the operation. Seeing that he was evidently waiting for some thing, the judge said: "Well?" "Don' I vnt any change?" queried the groom "Why, I guess not," responded the judge, "Tlmt is the usual feu." Hea Iiziug his Iobs Iloflland became wroth an 1 vociferously argued that he was untitled to change. When told that he did n t have auything coming, he de clared that he wouldn't stand for such proceedings. The first lawyer's sign halted the groom and he went in to consult the owner thereof. lie ex pbtiued the case, and tendered the attorney a 2 retainer's fee. The jurist took the money, scratched his legal dome, and explained that there was nothing to be done to recover the change. DUR0C JERSEY SOW SALE. BUSINESS LOCALS Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers. The ileiald for all the nkws: has bad any experience or given any particular notice to tbe get of Heed a Danker will agree wmi us tnai he was one of the greatest breeding hogs now past his nsef iloess. These sows are hrea to a;issouri uoiu r incu, a son of Oold Finch ; dam, Mary Wind sor, who is by Oom Paul 2nd, a son of the great prize winning Oom Paul. Every ancestor appearing in tins pedi gree for several generations has been a notorious prize winner, lins young boar himself made some history the 8rst season he was out by winning first iu class at Sedalia, Mo, and the Kan sas City Hoyal in 1906. In his show form ss a junior yearling lie weighed a good 600 pounds, is a typical Duroc and from his ancestry it will be impos sible for him to breed wrong. We think that many of our Nebraska breed If any af our subscribers desire the address changed vn their Herald by reason of the establishment or changes made in tha rural routes, or for any Every one who I other reason, just drop us a postal and 1.1- l j i i at. mi. J the change desired and it will b made. Wheu you hatu a news item that yon would like to see in print, riug np the Herald, No. 43, and we'll print it Two Farms For Rent. One the Col Warner farm 2 miles east of Homer. The other, the De Bell farm by Taylor cemetery, 3 miles north of ilonier. None but good farmers need apply. Address me care U 8 Marshal's Dice, Omaha, Neb. Win P Warner Cstray Notice. Notice is hereWy given that I have taken np as estrays at my premises, 1 miles east of Uomer, one bay pony, 9 or 10 years old, white feet, white strip in forehead, saddle scar, branded on DUROC . JERSEY At my Farm One-Half Mile IBred Sow Sale $ NortK of IHIjnrerf F3e!brM Lyons Mirror: Mrs C E Bliveu, of Dakota City, waa the guest of the .David Everett family thia week.... Mrs F.J Warner and children left Saturday for their home at Cheyenne Agency, 8 D, after a month's visit 'With the Mirror family. Sioux City Journal, 20th : Mia Wil ."li im Thuett and Mra William 11) an ar rived yesterday from Chicago, and today went to Homer, Neb, Mrs Ky ui has been ill at Mrs Thuett'a home i.i Chicago for some tiae, but is now trull on the rod to recovery, Mr Ry an vuuo ovor from Homer to aocompa dv Mrs lty an home. They were guests MOD'iuy rnght at the home of Mrs D Pugg an . . . . Jolin F Naffziger is dispos ing of his interests in Hionx City pre paratory to removing to his ranch iu Ctdorado. Mr Nuffziger owns a sec iifVi of land located on the Arkansas alver twelve miles southeast of Pueblo. Toe section it improved and all of it is feiiued in. On oue corner there are do i;ited the postofflse of Uudercliff, a '&c u house, a church and a general .-tit'iro. Fifty acres of the rauch is sown 't inlfalfa. It is the intention of Mr IKaffiijer to engage in the raising of ill ,;o igbbred live stock and poultry. . . . .Jndgd Mo lid, at an evening aes aiou of court Monday night, granted t . N'yllin M Murphy a divorce from her Hi txhiiid, William II Murphy, on the, .gr nud of cruel aud intiumau tieat ui -ijt. Mr aud Mrs Murphy were m r iu Sioux City on September 22, U'J 'D. since which time, the wife alleg the husbunl bas abused her, u .1 , o -iMHioiib struck her, and that he li is f iled t: provide her with suflioient li'hing. bir Murphy secured tiie riw-Iit to resurte her maiden name, 2i llio M Potter. Murphy left Sioux "i(y utxiut eighteen mouths ago. Hi wifii has been living with her father e:uee her sej aratiou. Just before hi departure Murphy was in the boiier ntkiug bniues on the West Side. It ih were prominent in the younger ooiitl set before tbe marriage. Miss Potter expects to move suoa to Kansas Oi'v witu ber parents, Mr and urt U C Po-ter. Sioux City Journal, 18lh: Tho re mains of James Monier, f Salem, 8 D, were sent late last evening to Spal ding, 111, for interment. They were accompanied by two daughters, Miss Missouri M nier and Mi.ss Vivian Mon iar, of Lincoln, Neb, and a brother from Spalding. Mr Moiiier arrived iu Sioux City Monday and was taken to a Lospital. There ho died early S itur (laj morning, at the age of 60 years, of Uright'a disease. Hefore moving to Salem Mr Monier lived at Emerson, Neb. From both Emerson and Salem he shipped much stock to the Sioux City stock yards, and he was well known here. In addition to the two dunghteia and the brother from Illi nois, Mrs Mouier, whose home is at Lincoln, and another brother from Missouri, came to Sioux City on ao count of Mr Monier's Kerionj illness ....The fifteen-round prize fight oheduled to take place yerstarday afternoon in some secluded spot be tween James Uaino and "Red" Tinner, a 40-year-old colored boxing aHpirant, who has devoted most of hia lifn t" cooking ham and egg, at which he is said to bn a pnstinaster, was a rank nzzie. xue ngnt was to tie lor fi i side ana a percentage or tiie gate re- ceipt. The police placed out a lot of trotlines to catch the beligernnts should they attempt to do battle within the corporate limits of Hionx City. The matiHgurs nt the affair wished to take co cliancis and proceeded to a grove a few blocks froni the terminus of the Sioux City Traction company's Hiih in Dakota county, Neb. About thirty were iu attendance, most of them sine backers. Tbe fight wus to be at 3 o'clock. At this hour Turner had not arrived at the ringtdde, but at 4 o'clock he 'Ut iu an appearance with bis nianasrer, J Locke Warwick, and a retinue of colored backois. The Caiue men claimed the colored man had lost on his failure to airiveatthe appointed time, aud refused t. put up their man. However, Caine "n willing to do liattln for tho gate receipt, juicing the spectators at 91 per head. Tbl iroi oaition was not satisfactory to the Turner gang. The meu stood iu the throve and hurled proposition after proposition iiacn aud lorin. iiuaiiy, is tbe sun with a magnificent reddish 'ilow (.auk sleepily to rest in the west cru horizon, the fight was declared off ui l thrt snorts osme home. The luat piopoMtiou which flew across the ring was that the two men fight in private iu some room, llnsitwus agreed to lo. lint those who had spent a beuu tiftil sfteruoon listening to a linen o'.iewing match doubt it the meu ever ill get together, and most of them ftto less. bin. lima in left n'iunblr. Onea'rnw ers can place tins blood in tlieir nerus ber. ,oan poD weight about 700 w goou aavaniage as inure in i nonnus. ..... 1 II !- ... - 1 .1 I Illlie or u soaiiereii over turn nmio nu a good thing which is rare is alwavs in demand. A litter of Missouri Gold Finch pigs out of the Reed's Danker dam still grow and taken care of will look good in any Duroo sale in Ne braska next fall. If it is impossible for you to attend this sale send your bids to E Z. Russell who will represent the Nebraska Farmer. Leave the se lection to E Z and you will get a good one. Cheap Lands. In the grand rush for prairie lands further west the settler has passed by a section or tno country wuicn sur passes in some nnd equals in all re spect this clflfH of land. Northern Wisconsin has g'.o:l sou, no drouth, running water, plenty oi timber for fuel, and a line climate, and best of all close to markets. A large body of this land has been owned by the lumber companies and is now on the market for the first time. The American Colonization Co, ef Chippewa Falls, Wis, owns a large traot of this land and will bo pleased to furnish further information to all who are interested. hunting ron TROuan . I've lived in California 20 years, and am still bunting for trouble in the way of burns, seres, wounds, boils, cuts, spruins, or a case of piles that 15 lie It -leu's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," writes Charles Walters, of Alleghany, Sierra Co. No use banting, Mr Wal ters, it cures every case, Guaranteed at Leslie's drug store. 25o. Real Estate Transfers- Olins Hroslln to Mary Breslln. se1 ertlon Ifi, anil kS aectton It in 2IMI, wd f I (iBtlierlnoOlhlw to 8 O Olbbs, lots 7 and Hln llx-k 17; north 2!i feet of south 72 feet or lots V, III noil 11 in lilix-lc is, orltilmtl pint of (South Hionx City, and lot 0 in hloi'k 12, Central Mouth Sioux (!lty, wd 1 John ArWHlorf and wife to Henry K rumwlene, lot 12, una went 60 feet of Iota U mid In block li", wd Owner is hereby requested to prove property, pay charges and take the same away. (febl5-3) T J O'CoNjeon. Dated February 12, 1907. First Publication Feb l,V-5w. Sheriff's Sale. Notion la hereby (riven that by virtue of an order of mile IxKiied by Harry II. Adnlr, clerk of the dlntrlct court In mid for 1 Hi kola county, Nebraska, and directed tome, II. i. llaiiHen, HlierllT of mi id coiiiity.coiniiuindliiK nic to aell the DrcnilNe hereinafter describ ed to natlNfy a certain JiKlKinent of tho mild dint rlct court of mild county and state, ob tained at the October, llir, term thereof, to wlt : on the Slh day of .1 miliary, In favor of K. I'. (Jla.ler and ntcaiiiHt Nicholas Hyau for the sum of elKhty-sIx dollars ami ninety one, cents $.nl.Wi, nnd elifht dollars nod sixty-nine cents ( IH.ilio, ns nn attorney's fee. with interest on siiid sums rrom .1 miliary n, It nt, at IU pttr cent, per minimi, mid his cohU taxed at seventeen dollars and elxhty cents (JI7.HUI. 1 have levied upon the following deserllied property, to-wlt: The north twenty-four C'l acres of the northwest quarter of section fifteen MSI. township twenty-nine (210, north, rnntfe seven (7, east, all lielntf located In mild iaikotacounty and state of Nchraxkit. And I will, on Tuesday, the liith day of March, H'7, nt lo o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south front door of the court house In Dnkota (,'lty, Dakota county, Ne braska, proceed to sell at public auction to the hlKhestand best bidder, for cash, all of the alsive dcHcrlls'd property, or mi much thereof as may Is-necessary to satisfy said order of sale Issued by Harry H. Adair, clerk of the district court In and for luikotn county, Nebraska, the amount dun thereon In the iitrKreKtttn iielmr the sum of one hn ml red and twenty-two dollars and ninety live cents ($122.lfi), and accruing- costs. (liven uniler my hand this 14th day of February, A. 1). 1117 H C. HANSEN, Kherlffof Dakota County, Neb. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 19D7 Commencing cvt 1:15 O'clock, p. m. 4 IBred Sows, i&&g&?jZ3rm Banker, ek.ni bred to Missouri Gold Finch first prixe winner ivt iKe American Roya.1 and Mo State Fair. I am putting in this sale some of the choicest sows of t'je breed,' and the cream of the Springdale herd, A Free Lunch will be served at Noon. TERMS OF SALE: Ten months' time will bo allowed purchasers giving an approved note bearing 8?, . Col. J. L. Luther and Col. F. O. Cubbage, Geo. W. Ashford and W. II. Bvan. Auctioneers . Clerks. GEO. C. BLESSING HOMER, NEBRASKA Test Your Eyes A D )R C H. MAXWELL, Pliysician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA 700 to I to NCIGHBRS COT FOOLED. I was literally coughing myself death, and had become too weak leave tny bed ; and neighbors predicted tliat 1 would never leave it alive; bnt they got fooled, for thanks be to God, I was induced to try Dr King s New Dis covery. It took just four one dollar bottles to completely cure the cough aud restore me to Rood sound health," writes Mrs Eva Unciiphor, of Grover t:wn, Stark Co, Ind . This King of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, is guaranteed by L H Leslie, druggist. 00o and $1. Trial bottle free. Mini uity journal, loin: rue Combination Bridge company will build a steel and couorete approach on th Iowa side of ita big structure to r-place the pile and wooden approaon whi h was erected at the time the bridge waa built, and will strengthen the a eel pier on tbe Iowa bank. F L aton, secretary for the bridge com pa ny, ytsterday afternoon made the an nouncement that the placs for the new pp'oaoh had besn drawn by Waddill Jii Harriogton,of Kansas City, aud tt at the contract for the work wonld be 'et s aoon aa possible. J A L WadJell, of tliis firm, was the engineer who rle iKiied the bridge. The approach ill exiiiiil from the bridge to the bank, a distance of about 160 feet. The cost of tbe approach will be jnpwsrds of $50,000. Mr Eaton said the bridge ompny was 0"t putting in this aleel approach because a wooden approach is dangerous, but because the life of niliog is eoly eight or nine yetrs, while the pile of the old approach were pnt a eleven years ago. It au happened, Mr Eiton said, tht au exceptionally moot clasa of material was used in the -construction oi this appioacb. The Nbiaska approach will not be re.iew d st this time, Mr Eaton said. The eornpanr ressrda this approscb as ircod for some time yet. Traffic ou AVALUABL LtSSON, "Six yoars ago I learned a valuable esBon,HWBites John I'leasant, of Mag- I " T 1 UT .1 ... k noiia, Ami. i ineu uegan takinor ur King's New Life Fills, and the linger I ake them the better I find them. I he.r jilease everybody- Guarautaekat Leahe a drug store. 25o. First M B Church Hours of Service SUNDAY 10 a m Sunday School 11 a ui Freaohinir 12 ra Clasa Meeting U:3(l pm Kpworth League 7 :30 p m .Preaching TUCKBUAT ' :o p m 1'rsyer Mer ting A 11 evening servioea from May to Ootoher w 11 be held one-half hour Uter. F.lmeb E Sbafeb. Pastor. Phone number 33. lINO FROM THE CRAVE. A prominent manufacturer, Win Fretwell, of Lncama, N C, rslatea a most remarkable experience. He save "After taking less thau three bottles of Eloetrio bitters, I feel like oue risios from the grave. My trouble is Pright'a disease, in the diatete stsjre. I fully oeueve ciectrio Milters win cure me permanently, for it has already stopped tbe liver and bladder complications which uave troubled me for years uuaranteed at Leslius drug store Price only 00c. Closing Out. Owing to long continued sickness II have decided to retire from business and will sell horses, cattle, ttore. goous, etc. l migui consiiier a iraue for r al estate . U C Stinson, Dakot City, Neb. Public Sele. Having rented my plaoe, I will offer nt publio auction at my farm 3 miles southwest of Homer, Nebraska, ou MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1907. commencing at ll) o'clock a ui, the following described property, to-wit: ELEVEN HEAD OK IIOH8K8, 7 head of work horses, from 7 to 13 years old, w,ight from 1000 to 1300. i black mare colts, sisters, coming 3 and 3 years old. 2 mule colts. EIGHTEEN BEAD OF CATTLE. 6 fresh milch cows. 12 head of calves and yearlings. 50 head of hops, 10 dozen chickens. FARM MACHINERY, ETC. 2 lumber wagons. 1 truck wagon, with bay tack. 1 top carriage. 1 buggy. 1 riding plow, 2 walkiog plows, 14. inch and 16 inch I threi'-seotion barrow. 1 Fnllar & Johnson corn planter, with 80 rods of wire. 1 Deering binder. 1 Deering hay rake. J saddle aud bridle. 1 tougue cultivator, new. 1 tongueless cultivator. 1 riding eultivator. 1 Uuuser seeder. 3 seta of work harness. 1 single harness. 1 diHc,iew, aud other farm imple ments. 10 toua of millet bay. 10 loads of corn fodder. 160 bushels of potatoes. 60 bushels of pure German millet seed. All the farm machinery is nearly new. Koine household goods and other articlea will be offered in this sale. Free lunch at noon. TERMS All sums under $10 cash. On all sums of f 10 or over ten months' time will be given on seoured notes at 10 per cent, interest. RA8MTJ8 FREDERICKSON, Owner. A Iba Davis, Auctioneer. C J O'CoNNOB, Clerk. Ug'mM ewe." aaMiteksl Wm hitra bj Vw was fotog stew. kin COQld r hi On thai NMt hi wid. "tir. If ..a weulJ be erd, uk Ml o brd n4 dip it ir tbe blood o the onrt. ated ifif it lo tle io Itial bit y.tm " Tti Ban miied erwl Mid, "If I vet to follow ygr etivu, I ehsiW bm bit tew by all th dv ' th cit " " nwla,in trl' redy to by p iimIm will wtr eruil uppt ol hes. A certain mtti had the good fortune iopomtmi CooaV that laid him Gulden Egg every day Dut dtMtiA"4 with to tlow an income, end thmkmj to aeiie the whole ireamure at Mil, he killed the Ooote and cutting her open, found her jutt what any other goose would eel Much wintl more and looaev ill A Dog mad hie bed In a itianger, and lay nerllng and growling to keep tha horacs from their iirov. andvr. Se." aald ana ol them, ' what a mil arabla curl who nallhar can eat corn hi ma If, seeing a File, he went up JTj to it, and commenced bit ing at It; but the File bade 3D Xz3 0 PFOL 10 EPDBC UTOCEBF 12PELOFCB 13 DNCFOLBP JiJ enoBLf in "Distant Test Cut out this diagram place In good light fifteen feet from you; cover right, then left eye. Name smallest letter you can see distinctly with . Right Eye Left Eye For Reading Give letter of smallest paragraph you can read at fourteen Inchea from trys eyea. Right Eye Left Eye Name Age Address Send this to Columbian Bifocal Co., Temple Court, Denver, Colo. Keep Your Nerve It is nerve energy that runs the organs of your body. The storage battery is the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, and from this battery nerve force is sent out through the svstem of nerves. To keep the body healthy you must have plenty of nerve force; if vou have not, the organs work imperfectly, the circulation is sluggish, digestion bad, appe tite poor, kidneys inactive, and aches, pains and misery are the penalty. You can keep the system strong with Dr. Miles' Nervine. It assists in generating nerve energy; it strengthens the nerves and makes the whole system strong and vigorous. "I take pleasure in reoommondlnK Dr. Miles' Nervine to those Buffering from nervOUS tirOSiraimn, lliwmniiv memnL-noiy, and After nvernl months mifferin? from above diseases I tried this meilielno and found Imme diate relief. It soothes and ptreneth ens the nerves, chases away the Bloomy and depressing thoughts and gives the BUfteror renewed strength and hope. It is a superb nerve re storer." JUDGE JACOB FEEMANN, Madison, Wisconsin. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by your drugylst. who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind I I LOW RATES BJortK-WesterrL Lriine $25 40 One-Way second class colonist tickets will le oo sale daily, March 1st to April 30th to Port land, Seattle, Tacoma and Puget .Sou ml points. Proportionately low rates to points iu Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho and Montana. Through Tourist Cevrsf Daily, NInneevpolIs Ck.rvd St. Pexxsl to Ptvelfto Coeiat Points. Round Trip NortK-Wsf Special homeseekers tickets will be on sale first and third Tuesdays of March and April to many points in Idaho, eastern portion of state of Washington and also to a large southwest terri tory. The rate will be about one fare plus 2 00 for tbe ronnd trip. If you contemplate a trip no matter where, for rates and othor information call on or address LYMAN SHOLES. GEO. Division Pass'r Agt. Omaha. H. PRANGERi Agent, Dakota City. Subscribe for The year. Hebald $1 per IKS WE CAN SELL. YOU LAND in Sawyer and Bayfield Counties in tracts of 40 acres or more, with or Without a house at from $5.00 to $15.00 per acre. Good soil, running water, plenty of timber for fuel, fine climate, no blizzards, no drouth, close to markets, Minneapolis and St. Paul on the south, Duluth and Superior on the north. Best of railroad facilities, schools and churches already established, an ideal dairy country. If you want a "square deal" Address: AMERICAN COLONIZATION COMPANY Buy R. R. Ticket to Hay ward, Wis. 403 Chippewa Bldg.. CMlPPfWA TALLS, WIS. f ARM LOANS Dakota Sou We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low rate of interest on Dakota county Farms. W also Sell and Buy Real Estate of all kinds ar-vwhere on earth. See or write us before you Borrow, liny or Bell. List your property with us to Sell, r Real r QKM I U IM I IX f 1 1 I III I IIIUU 1 bar stood the tet for orer so Venn. and are till to the lead. Their btwolute certainty of growth, I heir uncommonly large ytenda of delicious vegetahlea aud beautiful flower, make them the moat rename anil the moit popular every. here, bold by all aeaier. 1VU7 Seed Aanuatl free oa request. 0. M. FERRY a CO., Datroit. Mick. V I 1 ICILLthi COUCH ni CURE tki LUNGS Br. King's Umi Bissoyasy Consumption 0UGHS and iOLDS Priea GOe $1.00 rrss Trial Burest and Uutck-eat Cure tor THHOAT and LUIIti TUOUB- 118, or MONEY Low One-Way Colonist Rates March 1st to April 30th, 120,00 t Salt Like, Hntte, Helena. $22.50, Spokane district; $25.00 Calliornia, Portland, Seattle, Ta coma, Washington. Daily through tourist sleepers to California via Denver, Soenio Colorado and Salt Lake City; also to Montaca, Washington and Puget Sound country. Winter Tourist Rates To Colorado, CalifoaDea and all Southern resorts. Homeseekers Excursions Ttoth one wav and round trips to points iu western Nebraska, North nnd South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado and other points west nnd south. One fare plus $2 00 round trip, 30 day limit, semi monthly. Landseekers' Information Bureau: Free, valuable information furn' ixlipd to aeekeia of Government nnd deeded lands along the Bur lington lines. Let ua help ;ou lo rate your home in this fast grow inasud reliable soueof prosperity. Write Landseekers' Information liuresu. 1004 Farnam St , Omaha, Neb. Fcr rates, folders, information, ete., apply to R. J. Reasoneb, - Ticket Ageut DACOTA C1TT, KKB. L. W. Waeklet, OPA, Omaha, Neb 1 1 j l-Jlt Thia mark TOT now called a tuirs eye waa i flC I CC usrI bv the ancient alchemists to repreiu-nt VJUUU VJV1M -jf you want the choicest vegetables you shoulU follow the Bull's Kye IQJ wherever li appear iu RPEE'S Farm Annual for 1907 ti "Mileml Salesman" of the world' largest mail-order seed trade. An Elegant New Book of aoopagea, with hundred ofi lustra- Cppflo ho rrnu tions from photograph. It tell the plain truth about the Best "WUS Uiai UIVII It describe Grand Noveltle in Flower and Vegetable, of unuaual Importance, which cannot be obtained elsewhere. If interested, WKITB TO-DAY, and the Book ia your. W. ATIEE BURPEE St CO.. Seed O rower. Philadelphia "It is B U X BLE 1ST xD coffee Cents per Pound Blended and packed from carefully selected coffee by BVCKWALTER'S No 6 Front St. Homer, Neb IT PAYS TO TRADE AT BUX.