.n...nr. T?.n.; ,5 3 ;tJ0 Local Items Mrs A P Doian, of Emerson, visited friends here this week. GxRoline light plants for sale and in stalled by U F Brojhill. Deputy U S Marshal Sides left for Omaha Tuesday noon on the Burling ton. Don't forget Breun's coffee it is still iu the lead. For sale at Vac de Zedde's. Willie Rockwell returned Friday last from a visit with his mother at Boone, Iowa. Jos Clements and wife, of Morning side, were here Sunday visiting rela tives and friends. Robert Woods leaves next Tuesday for Lacrosse, Wash, where he has con siderable property interests. Lorain e Uart has accepted a posi tion in Sionx City as book-keeper in the meat market formerly owned by B C Potter. Lou Cooley came down from Wake field Saturday to visit his brother James here, and bis daughter, Mis Wm Mason" of South Sioux City. Mrs S O Oibbs, one of the first resi dents of South Sioux City, died Sun day January 10, 1907, of consumption. The funeral was held from an under taker's parlors in Sioux City, Tuesday, interment being in Floyd cemetery. Mrs Etta M Spencer came near be ing struck by a Milwaukee engine Sat- UrUUJ W UllC UlUOOlug l-uw bAnuno m front of the Foye depot in Sioux City. Tho pilot of the engine just brushed her dress as she hurried across the track. It was a pretty close shave. R R Time Table C, St. P., M. A O. Tlme-Table. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol lowing time: KOHTII BOUND. BOTJTH BOtlND. 6:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am 10:00 am Omaha ......5:13 pm 3:3"' pm...'.... Norfolk 8:20 am 9 :01am Norfolk 6.32 pm 7:58 am Newcastle 10:00 am 2:08 pm "' 6:08 pm BCMDAT. TftAINH. 6 :52 pm Omaha 7:35 am 3:37 Norfolk 5:32 CBSQ WEST No. 85 Local Freight 7:30 am 11 " Passenger, Omaha " and Lincoln 12:32 pm EAST No 86 Local Freight 2:15 pm 10 Local Passenger.... 6 :53pm Sioux City, Crystal Lake 4 Homer I, K.AVE LEAVE , DAKOTA CITV BIOUX CITY 8:00 am 9:00 am 1U.(0 a m 11:30 a m 1:00 p m 2:00 p m 2 :30 p m 4:30 p m 5:00 p to 6:15 p m Saturday., evening train leaves Da kota City V :i5, returning leaves Sioux City 11:15. Sunday evening train returning leaves Sioux City :30. Have you ever seen a Sunset? A beautifully illustrated monthly magazine of the wide awake West with fascinating short stories, picturesque personal point-of-view description of the interesting development of the West, and the romance and his tory of the wonderland of the earth. Ask your local newsdealer for current issue or send $1.50 for year's subscription. Thebookj " Road of a Thousand Wonders. 120 beautiful Western views in four colors will be included free. SUNSET MAGAZINE FLOOD BUILDING SAN rSAKCISCO ll II CALirOSNIA .r:VC;-l '.V..-l IK:-.-.y X- m ft.'iTA'- w "41 1 n rw; a birn TO GUARD 'SHIPS against the unseen dangers at aca, the United States Government maintains lighthouses. To guard your home against the un seen dangers of food products, the Govern ment has enacted a pure food law. The law compels the manufacturers of baking powder to print the ingredients on the label of each can. The Government has made the label your protections so that you can avoid alum read it carefully, if it does not say pure cream of tartar hand it back and Sap plainly mm ROYAL Is a pure, cream' of tartar baking powder a pure product of grapes aids the digestion adds to the health fulness of food. Mrs Wm Lorenz returned home from Lawton, Iowa, Monday. W E Qantt was here from Sioux City Wednesday on business. O N Hammerlin, of Newcastle, was a business visitor here Tuesday. W L ltoss and wife entertained at a valentine party Wednesday evening. John Bachert and wife were here Tuesday visiting at the J F Leedora home . Lena Gallagher, of Homer, visited friends here this week, returning Wed nesday. Dr Rouse, of Sioux City, was a Sun day guest at the I)r C II Maxwell home here. Ben Potter, of Sioux City, was here on business Tuesday. He has sold his meat market. C J O'Connor and wife, of Homer, were guests at the Dave Neiswanger home Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Harvey and Mr and Mrs Lean, of Sioux City, spent Sunday kt the Wm Orr home. A good sized crowd attended the A E Waldvogle sale Tuesday. Every thing sold at a fair price. Attorney E It Bevins has gone to Tonopab, Nev, and will probably lo cate there again permanently. John Richmond of Sioux . City, a former resident of this place, was here Wednesday visiting old friends. Mrs II D Engelen departed Wednes day for Kadoka, S D, where she and Mr Engelen are holding down a claim. Olaf G Huffland and Anna Lind berg, of Sioux City, were joined iu marriage Thursday by Judge J J El mers. George A MoMichael, a former teacher in our schools, was calling on friends here Wednesday. He is now located at Atlantic, Iowa. Have you tried the Sultanna and Tao-co brands of canned goods? Van sells them. These goods have stood the test of the pure food law. About thirty friends of Miss Babe Ream assembled at her home Tuesday evening as a sort of surprise party A pleasant evening was spent. A valentine party was given by the voung folks at the home of Sheriff Hansen Thursday evening as a sur prise ou his daughter, Miss Carrie. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields & Slaughter Co. O E Bliveh, Manager, Dakota City, Neb. A change will be made Monday morning in the leaving time of the first car on the Foye line. Thereafter the first car in the morning will leave here at 7 :30 instead of 8 o'clock. U S Marshal Warner waa in town Thursday enroute home from Sioux Falls, S D, where he had been with a federal prisoner, charged with horse stealing on the Rosebud reservation. A .ire waa narrowly averted at tia Ed Frederick home Monday evening A bureau caught fire in some manner, and iu order to head eff the Humes the piece of furniture was thrown into the street where; it was soon consumed. Letters from Alfred Seymour and John L Hazlgrove, who are located iu MortU Dakota, state tuat they are having a siege of it there on account of the severe winter. The railroads have I eea practically tied up tot a mo u tli una tlieir mail comes ana goes iu buueues. Have you tried that new package oeff. o that Vau de Z id tie is selling? It is only iiOo a pound, ami you gut a Lite uihu with, eeu package you buy, betides a chancH to draw a Hut of handsome uishes free. The coffee is worth the money and you get the diLes for Lotliiug. The Traction o n.'pany's car ou the Bridge line rau off the end of the track at Bouiu ioux Monday morning, xue orew in, charge of the car were evident ly trying to come to'Dakota City with it, but only got across the first aide track of the Omaha road when their trolly ran off aud left them stalled on the railroad crossing. r1 Si k "T - BAKIHQ POWDER Ernest Triggs was over from Sioux City Sunday, visiting at the Dunoan home, Arlow finger has accepted a position as jauitor at the Samaritan hospital, in Sioux City. Mrs D E Moore, of Coleridge, was here over Sunday visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs George Pranger. When you havj a news item that yon would like to see in print, ring up the Herald, No. 43, and we'll print it. George Nordyke, of Allen, purchas ed a $600 Duroo Jersey boar of Ed munds, Shade & Co, of Kiugsley, Iowa, last week. '. Quite a number of pleasure seekers came over from Sioux City Sunday for a ride on the Foye car line. It was the first trip for many of them to this side of the river. George Niebuhr is confined to his home here with a bad case of grip. He has recently been at work in the Curtis Sash and Door company's fac tory in Sioux City. Dan nullivan, one oi tne pioneer farmers from the west ' part of the county near Ponca, was down Friday to settle np his taxes. lie didn t for get the Herald either. Alonza Shaw, better known as "Featherlegs" was arrested at Homer last Friday evening and placed under $1000 bonds by justice of the peace W H Ryan. In default of bonds he is lan guishing iu the county jail. George Hirschback, Chester Heikes and Woods Hileman returud from Colorado last Saturday, where they purchased a section of land near Ve uaugo. Mr Hirschback met an old friend of his boyhood days while on the trip west. Buff Plymouth Rocks. The following extract from an ar tide by a poultry expert who raises several varieties of standard bred poultry, refers to the vatiety raised by Uio. j. iiouoner. and wnicu were seen and admired lor tue nrst time by many who visited the Farmers In' stitute last week : "Fanciers, farmers and lovers of fine fowls all over the continent and especially in all Western America, jsetm to be taking an unujnally deep nud active interest in Buff Plymouth RockB, and why not, for even the good old Buff Cochin which today is and always has been admitted by exper ienced poultry breeders, judges and evc-n some of their truest fiiends and warmest advocates, to be a very poor genetal purpose fowl, once had its boom days and are still greatly ad mired for their beantiful plumage. Home oi our uuii uocks o( .today as bred by our most progressive breeders in America are even superior in color to the best Coohin ever produced, be' sides having tht shape of all shapes, Rook shape, aud tue nob, clear, yu low legs and beak which are so strict ly American. They make the plump 68 1 and juciest of broilers on account of their most rapid growth, are sweet and tender meated, early, heavy and persistent layers, beyond question with no superior as egg .makers when properly managed and oared for, and also the heaviest natural winter lay era yet produced. As sitters and moth era tlioy cannot be beaten and for thoitewho wish to raise early nhick ens (the profitable kind) batching with hens, they are beyond doubt tho best to be had for they will sit on an average several weeks eailier than al most any other variety with the same feed aud care. Mr. Boucher says there is good mon ey in poultry even oc a town lot but it is necessary to gt-t the wiutur eggs. First M E Church Hours of Service SCNDAV 10 am Sunday School 11a ui Preaching 12 m Clahs Meeting 6:30pm Epworth League 7:30p m Preaching I'll t'BSDA Y 7:30pm Prayer Meeting A 11 evening services from May to October w 11 be held one-half hour later, Elmeb F. Shafeb, Pastor. Phone number 33. r :4ok rjo( oc w mm mutm I CORRESPONDENCE f HUBBARD. Nprcial OoRRssposnsnrs. Mrs Mike Green and daughter Thre ad and John llarty went to Sioux City Tuesday. Carl Fredrickson and son went to Tyler, Minn, Tuesday. Rubber boots, slickers and water proof clothing at Carl Anderson's. Fred Schumacher, ef Lyons, came np Saturday evening to visit his wife, relatives and friends, returning Mon day evening. The Yeomen dance was well attend ed Monday evening and everyone re ported a Dice time. Rose Daley, Jack Beaoora, Futher English, Dick Myers, Dan Hartnett and Dr W Witte were Sioux City pass engers Friday morning. Shoes In all verities and styles at Carl Anderson's. Dick Rockwell went to Dakota City Friday morning. Fresh fish at Nordyke's every Fiiday. Leave yonr order. Lucy Jones went to Wayne Satur day morning to visit friends. Rose Daiey and Prof Donohoe went te Jackson Monday evening to attend the dance. Caps for girla and men at Carl An derson's. Quite a crowd drove over to Jackson Monday eveuing to attend the dance. Mrs James Hartnett and son Karmel, Mary Quinn and Alice Beaccm went to Sioux City Wednesday. Hans Larson and wife went to Sioux City Wednesday. Nordyke always has fresh oysters in bulk. Howard Rockwell went to Sioux City Thursday morning. John Lussier and John Portes went to Dakota City Thursday on business A fine new stock of hats at Carl Anderson's. Mrs Pat Jones and little duaghter were Sioux City shoppers Wednesday. John Green had his hand severely injured while shoeing a hoise Tuesday. The flesh was torn from two of his tingers and several stitches were taken in the injured hand. Dress shirts and neckties iu endless variety at Carl Anderson's. County Treasurer Fred Blume was b business visitor here Wednesday. James Nelson has advertised a sale of his personal property for the 20th of Februarv. He will remove to Da kota City after the sale. Painting and paperhanging. Esti mates cheerfully furnished. A A Schrempp, The Painter. Robert Duggan is home from his claim in North Dakota. We are selling our tinware at clos- og out prices. Carl Anderson. A daughter was born at the Lars Larson home Sunday. We have just received a new assort ment of glassware. Carl Anderson. Grandpa Fair came down from Wayne Saturday for a vifcit at the B B Gribble home. See our new line of gloves. Carl Anderson. Harry Wilsey was over to Anthon, Iowa, the past week to see his intend ed. Dress goods of every description at Carl Anderson's and at right prices. School reopened this week after a two weeks vacation on aecount of the scar let fever. There are no mere new cases and those having the the disease about here are about all recovered. We are overstocked with overalls and jackets and are reduciug stock at bedrock prices. Carl Anderson. The quarantine for smallpox was raised ou the llarty family Monday. A nice Sanday evening lunch, veal loaf or pork and beans, for sale at Nor dyke s. JACKSON. Special Oohkrspondrscb. Nellie Heeney, of Naoora, is visiting Nellie Davey this week. Matt Hogan, of Cedar Rapids, Neb, was visiting his parents here last week. He was going to Bartlett, Iowa, where he is manager for a lumber company. He was working for the same company at Cedar Rapids. Married, at Elk Point, S D, Febru ary 12, I'JUl, vvuiiam uiu and Aims Carrie Barber. These young pjople are both well known here, the groom having spent all his life here and has a host of friends. The bride is the daughter of O A Barber and well spoken of by her friends. Pearl Ryan attended the Mardi Gras ball at Sioux City Tuesday eveuing. Born, to Mr and Mrs Frank Ken nelly, January 31, 1907, a big bounc ing boy. Ben and Jessie Hodges have gone to Dakota, where Ben has a claim and Jessie thinks of taking one. P F Sullivan has sold out his drug business at Plankiugton, S D, and wil! remain at bis home here awhile. M M Hickey made a business trip to Omaha last Saturday, returning Monday evening, The 1 en ten season is at hand. To day, Ash Wednesday, services were held in the Catholic) church here at 8:30 a m and evening services will be held every Wednesday aud Fiiday at 7:30 p m. John Smith loft Sunday evening for Omaha. Mrs Gertrude Kearney arrived here last Thursday from Santa Cruz, Calif. tiho was accompanii d by her grand- mother, Mrs iu Miner, who let t next day for ttt 'Moud, Minn, to vinit a daughter.!' Mitts Gnrtrudo may re turn to Culiform i w ith ber grand mother, as she likes it so well there. BeruarJ. the youngest boy of I) F Waters, while cutting a string with a pen knife, aocidently struck his eye. Drs Leahy and Roost were called and pronounce it nothing serious Mrs Thos Hodgins, jr, of Ponca, visiting her parents here this wtek while Mr Hodgins has gone to Dakota. The dance at Itiley's hall Monday evening was a success, about CO coup les being present. Daniulsou's orches- tra, of Emerson, famished the manic, which was pronounced excellent. Hubbard, Homer, Dakota City and Vista, were represented. EfTl Ryan was ill the first of the week with the grip. Born, to Mr and Mrs Hedges, of Westhope, N D, or. February 1, 1907, a daughter. Mr and Mrs Hedges have romoved from the farm into town for the winter. Bessie 1 backer, of Goodwin, was visiting friends in town Saturday. Mrs Mary E Nordyke returned home Monday from her visit at Dakota City and Hionx City, but left next day to spend a week with A J Nordyke atd family at Hubbard. Drs Roost and Jenkinson and If P Manley and Mrs Frank Murphy, of Sioux City, were guests at Mr and Mrs E J Mnllaly's over Monday night. HOMER. SPECIAL CORMSPONDBftClt. Nels and Willie Smith are hauling corn to the elevator this week. Will Buckland will move into the Wilkinson house the first of Maroh. Say, is'nt it rather unusual for the county to pay out several hundieds or perhaps thousands of dollars to prose cute a cnminal, ooavict him, sentence bim to the pen, then turn around and furnish money for an appeal transcript. How is this saving expense for the tax payer? Born, to Rev E H Combs and wife, on February 13, 1907, a daughter. Garrett Mason has bought the pool hall business from Will O'Dell at Wiunebago. This is a regular March day, wind till yon can hardly keep your feet, a beautiful sky, white fleecy clouds and April roads. Pietty good for Febru ary 13th. Mrs Dr Burke gave a farewell party Tuesday evening for her sister, Miss Russell, who returned to her home Wednesday. 1 Mrs Will Learner is on the sick list. Station Agent Wheldon has resigned his position and will leave Homer as soon as an agent comes to relieve him. Uomir will be sorry to lose the Whel don family, There are three weddings spoken of in the rear future, Fred Walwey has sold his blacksmith shop to Dick Skidmore. Dan Purdy's were quarantined , Thursday of last week, a nephew of Mrs Purdy having smallpox. Geo Midkiff has gone to Cass county to visit his father, who is quite ill. Will Davis, eldest son of Josiah Davis, who has been away for some time, has returned to his old home. Auditor Johnson made his usual trip to Homer this week. Miss Chrysler eame over Saturday ty meet her musio class, but owing to preparations for "Queen Esther only a few took their lessons. Eva Kinnear spent last week in Waltbill. The voting contest with the Free Press closed the 7th. Elsie Wilkins won the scholarship, Helen Bolster the book esse and postals and Georgia Mansfield the millinery. S A Brown and Dick Miller have gone to Rock county to put up a houee on Mr Brown's claim. Queen Esther. That beautiful five-act Oratorio will be presented in all its splendor, in full costume, at the Homer M E church, by the Homer Choral Union, Thurs day and Friday evenings, February 21-22, 1907. Some of the best singers from this place are in the cast of char acters. Admission 50c, children under twelve, 35o. Real Estate Transfers- Wm Ream and wife to E J Smith, undivided one-ninth interest in sej sej sec 11, swj- BW sec 12 and net net seo 14, all iQ 27-8; also blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and lots 5 and 6 in blook 5, East ad dition to Homer, wd t 900 John A Newman and wife to Mrs Francis Detlefsenand Mrs Emil Detlefseu, lot 10 in block 112, South Sioux City, wd 400 F A Wood to Richard Shortly, lot 11 in block 194, Dakota City, qcd 25 Marie S Baker and husband to Lottie A McNeill, lots 8 and 12 in block 2 'Gill t's addition to South Sioux City, wd., 800 Fred Schmidt and wif to Henry Biermann 5 acres in nel nei section 21-28-8, wd 250 Jos A Foye and wife to Harry A Foye, an undivided one-half in terest in lot 8 in section 33 29-9, (It is stipulated in this deed that these premises rhall not be sold for a period ef five years, and if leased Jos A Foye shall have the refusal to lease same, and that intoxicating liquors shall not be sold on said premises during said five years. In esse of vio lation of any of said provisions, the property shall revert to Jos A Foye. grantor), wd 2500 Tbos A Teter and wife to Fred Herman, lot 14 in block 4, Orig inal plat of South Sioux City, wd 1100 C B Howard and wife to George Johnson, 20 rods off east side of set nei section 28-27-7, wd.. .. 100 Closing Out. Owing to long continued sickness have decided to retire from business and will sell horses, cattle, store, goods, t to. I wight consider a (rude for real estate. 1) C Stinhon, Dakota City, Neb, Two Harms I or Kent. One the Col . Warner farm 2 miles eiixt f Homer. The other, the Du lull farm by Taylor cemetery, 3 miles north of Homer. None but good f irirer need apj ly. Address me cure U S Marshal's t ilice, Omaha, Neb. Wm P V a it mc u. HUNVlNQrOR TROUBLE. "I've lived in California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble iu the wsy of bums, seres, Vonnds, boils, cuts, 1H I sprains, or a case of piles that 'Juek- leu's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," writes Churls Walters, of Alleghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr Wal ters, it cures every case, Guaranteed at Leslie's drug store . 25c. 1 9 Wo have a few Heaters left, and they will go I at Bight Prices. , Remember stoves hare ad I vanccd and you will hayo to pay one-third more for a heater next winter than you will now. I I I I I I I I I Oet onr before you bay, harness, either We have on hand single or double. Our Call and examine our p2i- Sewing ir3a MaohiDos I 3SI W A is more complete than ever. We have jest received a shipment of white Enameled ware which we sell at prices unheard of before. We invite the ladies to call and examine this ware. Yours to Please 1 I ! Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. ! I II. F. Kohlmeier, Dakota City, Wrrv LORENZ, Proprietor of Fresh and Salt Meats always on DAKOTA-CITY Ixv tHe Spring of 180 6 i The writer opened "The Bank that ALWAY8 treats you RIGHT." Since then his sole object in life has been to make it bigger, better, safer, above all, to meiit the good name given it by its friends and customers. It starts its 22nd year, with the largest deposits in its history; the total losses since starting amount to less ian $50, and it has never lost a customer through ill treatment or anger. Its owners, T relatives or friends (as ftiends), cannot borrow one dollar from it, nor can one dollar be used in speculation or outside investments. It does J everything in banking RIGHT, and at the very lowest margin of X profit. It is prompt, accurate,' courteous, and above all, absolutely safe. And we waqt your bnsiuess. Ed. T. Kfabnet, Cashier: i "The Bank that always treats you matoT" Before tKe Spring To people who are intending to do any kind of building next spring or summer we will say come in now. Let us figure your estimate. Get the Prices You will treatment find them courteous. low you Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard, GEO. TIMLIN, Manaeer. IHIorsG ISlsmilkct I Harness atld STVRGES BROS;. an Pearl St., SIOUX CITY. IOWA , . 1 i 10 Year Guarantee giy en with each machine prices on a fine line of both farm and buggy line of I Local Manager. - Nebraska hand. Cash paid for hides. NEBRASKA. Bank of Dakota County t Jackson, Neb, will find our material right, and eur Nebraska. saddles 7t It ' 7tC1 7af"7a1 r rr MBr '-IT rf ' " S S S HB-H-HB-I