Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 15, 1907, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Conhsufilton of the Homer Herald.
buWiipl'ton Trice. $1.00 Ter Year.
a. weekly newspaper published at
DakoU City. JNebrsska.
Permission has been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
msiii as aeconn-clMs matter.
Telephone No. 4;(.
Farmers' A istltute .
The two days session of the
era' Institute lield in tne court nonse
at this place on Friday and Batuiday
of last week was a success from every
roiotof riew. The attendance was
11 that could be desired and all that
the court loom could accommodate.
Tbe program was carried out with but
few exceptions, and the interest mani
fested ia the different subjects treated
showed that the people who attended
these meetings are anxious to learn
anything that will be of material ben
efit to tbe farmer and broader.
Friday forenoon's session was de
voted to the disoussiou of hog and
keep breeding. Unas Bryant gare
an interesting talk ou the former sub
joct and II Gribhle and Fred Bar
(els discussed the latter.
In the afternoon 0 Q Marshall, of
Arlington, Neb, spoke on "Boil Fertil
ity and Proper THUge," followed by a
disenssioo by John Kramper. Many
interesting points were brought out on
this subject. As the seed Corn msn
O M Lewelling, of Beaver City, Neb,
was nnsble to be precent on accoun
of sickness, the corn subject was not
. discussed. Mr Marshall closed the
afternoon session with a talk on H Fruit
for the Home."
The award of prizes was made on
the exhibit, and considerable inter
est was shown in this feature of the
institute. It could also be noticed
that a great improvement had been
made in the different varitits of grain,
etc, since the first session of this asso
ciation five or six years ago, which
is evidenoe of the benefit derived from
these annual meetings.
Mr Osburn, from the Sionx City
8eod and Nursery company, ' whs se
cured to judge tbe corn, while Mr Fields,
one of tbe owneis of the Fields &
Slaughter elevator at this place, judg
ed the small grain and Jacob F Lea
rner panned on the potatoes, Kevs V
H Oberbollier, E E Shafcr and Wm
Eckhart decided the bread contest,
ana pertormea tueir duty witu as
inn cli precision as if it had been yel
low legged chickens they were passing
judgment upon, llie awards were as
Yellow cornTheodore MoQlashan
first, $2 00. Steve Joyce 2nd, $1.00.
White corn Joliu Kramper first,
$2.00. E J Melz 2nd, $1.00.
WLeat Geo Miller first. $2.00. C
U Goodfellow, 2nd, $1.00.
Oats Herman Bierman, first, $2.00.
t'otators, Ohio Nels Kroiieli, first.
$2 00. and sweepstakes $3.00.
Potatoes, IturaJ No 2 Louis A Dior
ting, first, $2.00.
Potatoes, Prolific Louis A Dierk
ing, first, $2.00.
Bread Mrs 6 A Stinson, first, $2.00.
Mrs deo Barnett, 2nd,$1.00.
Saturday morning's session" was
opened by Dr Jeusen, of Weeping
water. Neb, with a discourse on the
"Selection of Breeding Stock." The
dooto proved that he was master of
the subject and gave some valuable
advice on tbis subject as well as the
subject treated by him in the afternoou
"Contageous Diseases in Farm Ani
fnals." Dr Jensen is a man well post
ed on these subjects aod his disconrse
was of especial interest to his hearers.
Frof E W Hunt, formerly at the
liead of the English department at the
state university at Lincoln, spoke iu
the forenoon on "Economy in Care of
Farm Animal. His talk .was very
iulereating and iijstruotive to the farm
eaa. lie made a plea for greater
kindners to animals and gave some
valuable pointers on the feeding and
Lousing of them. He advocated feed
ing with dry feed whioh would compel
the animals to chaw the feed more
perfectly and thereby get the greatest
amount of nutrition fro a a small
amount of fooJ, besides preventing
much loss of grain from slobbering.
In housing animals care should be ta
ken to have buildings well ventilated
to permit obnoxious gasses to escape
as well sa to allow fresb air to enter
Other ideas were advanced that will
doubtless be followed by many who
listened to the address.
Id the afternoon Prof
Hunt Bpoke
of alfalfa and tame grasees and gave
the result of several years of experi
menting and study ou his own farm in
Otoe county. He holds that alfalfa is
the most profitable crop that a farm
er can raise and iu this he was up
hold by many of the farmers who list
ened to him. He discussed the time
of seeding believing the fall the best
time although the time might vary
according to locality. The soil should
be plowed, then rolled and harrowed
esveral times iu order that the sub soil
anight become hard and the top soil
loose. Thirty pour.ds of seed should
be used per acre.
Prof Hunt has accomplished won
ders with his land near ttyraeuse, Neb,
taking it when it was thought incapa
ble of cultivation and making a first
class, well ordered modern farm. His
experience has given him ideas that
re beneficial to the farmers wherever
be talks. After the talk many farm
ers took advantage of the opportunity
to ask questions and quite a general
discussion was brought on.
Officers were elected as follows for
the ensuiug year:
l'resideut Jacob F Learner,
Vice-President Thus J Hurtnett.
Hecretury Fred Cu'brttion.
The president was empowered to
appoint oue from each precinct to con
atitute au executive board.
Ueorge Urr had the heat specimen
of corn among the exhibits, but as the
judge uaed au Iowa score card, which
does not allow corn less than eight
inches in leegtu to enter into rompe
,.jHUm!,'Mt Ort'i was disqualified on
tbst ground. Had the Kubri ska soore
ard been used fas it should iu this
elate) George would have earil car
ried off first money.
fvo pens of fowls were oa cxhibi
tion, one of these btiog a pair of Buff
Hocks owned by Oeorcn J ltoueher,
the other a pair of miff Orpingtons,
owned bj Henry F Koblmeier. Con
siderable interest was shown . in the
pomtry eihibil, small as it was, and
another year will see many more en
tries in this department.
II 1 l
ffom our Exchanges jj
Ponca Leader: Miss Amy McCarthy
spent Friday night with friends in
Sionx City Journal, 12th : Mrs Grace
E Monroe, of Bioux City, was united
in marriage Yesterday afternoon to
Robert A Woods, of Waterbury, Neb.
The ceremony was performed at 4
o'clock at the parsonage of the First
Methodist Episcopal church, ltev a II
ISeatty officiating. Mr and Mrs Woods
will make their home at Waterbury
Lyons Mirror: Mrs David Everett
visited in South Bioux City a few days
the latter part of last week and tbe
first of thai. ., .M M Warner and wife
went to Oakland Monday evening to
bid W D Smith and family farewell
before their departure for West Plains,
Mo, Tuesday . The best wishes of a
large number of friends will secompa
ny them to their new horns.
Randolph Tines'. Simon Fritzson
and family moved to their new home
at Sioux City Tuesday. Mr Fritzson
has been a resident of Itaudolph for
many years and has been identified
with the social and business life of our
city and it is with regret that we
chronicle the removal of himself and
his family. The move will bricg him
in closer touch with his business with
lllenkiron Bros.
Tender Republic: Ed Hour went up
to Jackson to attend church Sunday.
His wife, who had been visiting there,
returned home with him Monday morn
ing.... John M Severson was fined
$20 and cost by Justice Downs last
Tuesday for allowing minors to plfty
pool at his resort in the Palace hotel
block. Tho complaint was. sworn to
by Marshal Clark. Mr Severson en
tered a pl-a of guilty to the' charge.
Two other cases of the same nature are
also on file against Severson, one sign
ed by T L Sloan and the other by
John Frink, the "man with nothing to
lose." A thirty day's stay has been
taken ou these cases. If defendant is
found guilty as charged the statu-
tory fine is $50 and costs in esch cast1.
it is alleged tuat boys from 14 years
of age up have been frequenting the
pool hall conducted by Mr Severson.
Bioux City Tribune. Oth: Yelling
like a Commanchie Indian, filled with
bad whisky, Alouzo Hhaw, known as
"Featherlegs," cleared out the City
cafe at Homer, Neb., yesterday after
noon at the point of a gun. Scatter
iug right and left the employes made
their exit and telephoned for Deputy
Sheriff Will Bierman at Dakota City,
and after a fierce struggle in the house
of Shaw's sister at Homer, ho succeed
ed in plaoibg him under arrest
"Featherlegs'' fought like a deamon
and dared the deputy sheriff to shoot
him. "Yer afraid to shoot," shouted
the drunken man as the depufy sheriff
shoved sr gnu into bis face as he enter
ed tbe house. The bracelets were
placed on his arras and he was
brought to Dakota City and placed in
jail on the charge of assault with in
tout to do great bodily injury. "Feath
erlegs" beais a bad reputation and has
served several terms in the penitentia
ries of Nebraska and South Dakota.
Two years ago he gained much noto
ritty by selling whisky to Indians at
the Wiunebago agency. He is known
to be one of the worst "bootleggers"
tho government has to deal with.
Norfolk Distiict Conference News
ia Thurston Gazette: Dakota City
ur rinilall the presiding elder was
with the Dakota City charge all day
Sunday Jauusry 20th, the pastor tak
ing his plase at South Sionx city for
thtt day. The next quarter Dr Tindall
will be at South Sioux City all day,
and Bro Mead will take his place bore.
. ...jlrother and Sister llebdon, of
Dlair, gave a temperance address aud
entertainment in the church January
22d and 23rd, whioh wsa very helpful
.... Bro C J Antrim, of Graoe church,
has sold out, and will move to South
Sioux City, where he has bought
I store, and will take possession about
t f 1. 1 IT . !I1 I.- 4". ; 1
luaruu x. no win ue Kreawr uijsaeu
by the people of the Grace church
where he has been class leader for
several years .... Bro Lewis Blanchard
was appointed class leader ot the
Grace class, at the 2nd quarterly coa
ference, held January 19.... The
youngest daughter of Bro aud Sister
A A Hale was baptised by Dr Tindall
at the last quarterly meeting at Graoe
church,. . . .The financial condition of
the Dakota City charge at the second
quarterly conference was in excellent
condition . The presiding elder s claim
paid in full to date. Tbe pastor over
psid at both points of the charge. The
Ladies Aid society paid for fuel enough
to run the ohurch the rest of the winter
with a good balance in their treasury.
The ijcidental fund has met all other
runuing expenses, with a small bal
ance iu ' the treasury. . . .Beuevolence
cards have been distributed among the
members, and we expect to meet our
apportionments in full.
A prominent manufacturer, Wm A
Fretwell, of Luuama, N C, rslates
most rjmarkable experience. He says:
"After takiDg lesn than three bottles of
Electric Bitters, I feel like one rising
from the grave. My trouble is Bright'
disease, lu the diabetes stage, I fully
believe JUectrio Hitters will cure me
permanently, for it bus already stopped
the liver aud bladder coin plica t ions
which have troubled me for years
Ouarsnteed at Leslie's drug stoic
l'rico only 50o.
Lutheran Church Announcements,
Preaching Sunday morning at Sa'
lem at 11:60 o'clock, Suuday sohuol
at 10:00.
Preaching at Dakota City at 3.00
o'clock p m ; Sunday school at 9 :45 a
u.; O E at 6:30 p iu
A cordial welcome to all.
Sale Dates.
A A Hale, February 21, 1907.
Rasmus Fredetickson, Feb 25, 1907
avaLuaei LESSON.
"Six years bro I leerned a valuable
lesson," w sites John Pleasant, of Mag
nolia, lnd. I then beiraa taking lt
King's New Life Pills, snd tbe louger I
take them the better I find them."
They please everybody. Guaranteek at I
Leslie's drug store. 25c.
District Court Dates.
The terms of court for this, the 8th
judicial district, for 190 C, are as fol-
I .
(Hnnliui ..
Stun ton. .
April . wJSptemhPr v
.Kehrtiarjr ifl ontoiier T
March 4, November 11
Anrll t. (Win her 14
Maichis. ucembtrlor
"I was literally coughing myself to hip, lame ia left shonlder. One straw
Wth. and had i.neome too weak tobery roan pony, weight about 700
laavn m v bed : and nnishhors nrsdioted I
that I would nnr loava it alivn; hut
th.v ant fnnlnd. fnr tlmnka tiA tn Ooil. I
was induced to try Dr King's New Dis-
covery. It took just lour one dollar
bottles to completely enre the cough
and restore me to good sound health,
writes Mrs Eva Uncapher, of Grover
town, Stark Co, lnd. This King of
couali and cold cures, and healer of
throat nd lungs, is guaranteed by L
M Leslie, druggist. COo and $1. Irial
bottle free.
Public Stvle.
Having rented my place, I will offor
at public auction at my farm 3 miles
southwest of Homer, Nebraska, on
commencing at 10 .o'clock a m, the
following described property, to-wit:
7 head of work horses, from 7 to 13
years old, weight from 1000 to 1300,
2 black mare colts, sisters, coming
3 and 3 years old.
2 mule colts.
0 fresh milch cows.
12 head of calves and yearlings,
50 head of hogs,
10 dozen chickens.
2 lumber wagons.
1 truck wagon, with hay taok.
1 top carriage.
1 buggy.
1 riding plow.
2 walking plows, 14 inch and 16 inch
1 three-section harrow.
1 Fullar & Johnson corn planter,
with o0 rods of wire.
1 Deering binder,
1 Deering bay rako.
1 saddle and bridle.
1 tongue cultivator, new.
1 tongueless cultivator.
1 riding cultivator.
1, Uuuser seeder.
3 sets of work harness.
1 single harness.
1 disc, new, and other farm imple
10 tons of millet hay.
10 loads of corn fodder.
150 K'shels of potatoes.
50 bushels of pure German millet
All the farm machinery is nearly
Some household goods and other
articles will be offered in this sale.
Free lunch at noon.
TERMS All sums nnder $10 cash
On all sums of $10 or over ten months'
time will be given on secured notes at
10 per cent, interest.
A Ira Davis, Auctioneer.
C J O'Connor, Clerk.
Public Sale.
Having decided to quit farming and
leave the county I will offer at public
auction all my stock and farm ma
chinery at my residence on the Geo
Boats farm, 6 miles west and 1 mile
north of Dakota City, f mile from
Grace church, and 3 miles east and
1 mile south of Jackson, on
all the following stock and farm ma
chinery :
1 gray horse, weight 1300.
1 brown horse, wt 1300.
1 bay horse, wt 120s.
1 bay horse, wt 1000.
2 black mares, wt 1000 each,
1 registered Shorthorn bull, No
223908, coming 3 years old.
8 cows, 0 giving milk.
1 heifer, fresh in March.
3 steers.
4 yearling heifers.
5 fall calves.
6 brood sows.
7 spring shoats.
24 fall pigs.
140 pure bred Plymouth Rocks.
2 lumber wagons.
1 spring wagon.
1 Minneapolis binder.
1 Blackbawk corn planter, good as
1 lister.
1 nioune riding cultivator, good as
1 walking cultivator.
1 sulky plow.
1 walking plow.
1 stirring plow.
1 Sterling disc.
1 Moline seeder.
1 3-section barrow.
2 sets good heavy work harness.
2 sets fly nets. '
800 bushels of corn in crib.
100 bushels potatoes.
1 Willard steel range and other
household furniture and other things
too numerous to mention.
Hale to commence at 10 a m.
Free luueb at noon.
TKHMS All sums under $10, cash,
Ou sums of 10 or over oue years time
will be given with approved security,
10 per ceut.
A A HALT., Owner.
A lit Davis, Auctioneer,
Ki T Kearney, Clerk.
Physician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
Ten Farina for Hale. Good ones, al
sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers.
The Ueiald for all the news:
If any ef our subscribers desire the
address changed on their Zlnrald by
reason of the establishment or chsnges
made in the rural mutes, or for any
other reason, just drop us a postal and
the change desired and it will be msde.
Subscribe for the Herald, the
papsr ia the county. $1 a year.
Estray Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I have
taken n as estraya at my premises, 1T
., . t o
mileS SSSt Of UOEBSr, OOB bay pODV, 9
10 years old, white feet, white strip
in forehead, saddle scar, branded on
Owner is hereby requested to prove
property, pay charges and take the
""me away
(febl5-3 ) T J O'Connor.
Dated February 12, 19C7.
First 1'ubllentlon Feb 15 6w.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby Hlven thnt by virtue of
an order of nale Issued by Harry H. Adair,
clerk of the district court In and for Dakota
county, Nebraska, and directed to me, 11.
MHiisen, nhnrirr or Raid county, cnmiuniidlnR
me to sell the Dreiiilsen hereinafter describ
ed to satisfy a certain Judgment of the said
district court of snld county and stale, ol-
talned at the c toiler, lt, term thereor, to
wlt: on the Hth day of January, lues, In favor
of F. 1. (Hazier anil Htoilnst Nicholas Kyan
for the sum of eighty-nix dollars and ninety-
one rents (Xha.uii, anil elKht dollars and
Hlxty-nlnn cents P.M), as nn attorney's fee,
with Interest on said sums from January n,
lvun, at 10 percent, oer annum, aud his costs
taxed at seventeen dollars and eluhty cents
(II7.HM. I have levied upon the following
described property, to-wit: The north
twentyfour (241 acres of tho northwest
quarter of section fifteen lift), township
twenty-nine (Ml. north, ranirn seven (71.
east, all being located In said Dakota county
and state of Nebraska.
And I will, on Tuesday, the 10th nay of
March. 1Ki7. at 10 o'clock. a. in. of said
flay, at the south front door of the court
house In Dakota City, Dakota county, Ne
braska, proceed to sell at public auction to
the highest and best bidder, for cash, all of
the alxive described property, or so much
thereof as may le necessary to satisfy said
order of sale Issued by Harry II. Adair,
clerk of the district court In and for Dakota
county, Nebraska, the amount due thereon
In the aggregate being the sum of one
hundred and twenty-two dollars and ninety
live cents !'.. Ufi I. and accruing costs.
mven under my hand mis tun a ay oi
February, A. I). 1177
Sheriff of Dakota County, Neb.
The action of the heart de
pends upon the heart nerves
and muscles. When from any
cause they become weak or ex
hausted, and fail to furnish
sufficient power, the heart flut
ters, palpitates, skips beats;
and in its effort to keep up its
work, causes pain and distress,
such as smothering spells,
short breath, , fainting, pain
around heart, arm and shoul
ders. The circulation is im
peded, and the entire system
suffers from 'lack of nourish
ment. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure makes
a heart strong and vigorous by"
strengthening these nerves and
"I hail rmlnitatlnn snd pain around
my heart, and the doctors Bald It was
lncurnhlo. I don't believe It now, for
after taking six bottles of Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure, three bottles of the Nervine
end three boxes of the Nervo and
Liver I'llls I am entirely cured, ana
feel better then I huve for five years,
and It I nil due to these remedleg,. I
wnnt you to know that your medicines
cured me. it relieved me from the
flrxt done, and I kept ripht on till the
pain In my chetit was gone, and I kept
on feeling better even after I quit
taking It." JOHN II. BIIRRMAN,
Duldlng. Mich.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by
your druggist, who will ouarantee that
the first bottls will benefit. If it falls
ha will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd
Frequently each mouth to home
seeker's territory.
Winter Tourist Rates
To Colorado, California and all
southern resorts. Personally con
ducted California Excursions. ,
HomfiSeekerS Excursions
Both one way and round trips to
points in western Nebraska, North
and South Dakota, Wyoming,
Colorado abd other points west
and south. One farejdus 2.00
round trip, 30 day limit, semi
monthly. Free Lands
Write for folder dscribing bow
to obtain free 640 acrss of govern
ment land in Nebraska for mixed
farming and dairying.
Send for Free Folders
"A Good Dniry District," "The
liig Horu Uanin," "Irrigated Land
in the Hillings District," "Eastern
Colorado," "Personally Conducted
California Exeursions," and To
the Great Northwest."
Inquire for Details
A. X
Reaioseb, - Tickot Agent
W. Wakklkt, O P A, Omaha, Neb
Waralnc .Xnle f nlllnc th Wick
to Repentance.
Tiie iiinn wbo re
ally wants to do
something for the
Lord will not luck
for a e'lnni-e.
Some give ac
cording to their
menus, aud others
cording to the'.r
The love that Is
blind Is generslly cross-eyed.
Going bnok generally begins by look
ing back.
The man who would lend must be Tlie
flrpt to start.
It don't muke a sin any whiter to call
It h mistake.
It Is b:ird to find tbe lino between
brngging and lying. i
The ninn who co'nmts bis way to the
Lord will never find It hedged up.
tinning fiiuit with others Is only a
roundabout wuy of bragging on self.
You enn't tell who Is in tho hearse
by the length of the fuiurnl procession.
There ore good sermons In stones,
but It tukes hard picking to get thorn
It Is n dishonor to be nble to do a
good work that oulit to be done, and
not do It.
A man man will asree to everything
you say, ns long ns ho thinks you mean
somebody clw.
Every man has svrethlng to do with
making public sentiment, and public
sentiment is the power that gives l.tw
Its life.
There nre preachers who so exhaust
the subjoct of religion on Sundny thnt
they appear to avoid It all the rest of
the week.
Brilliant Splendor of a Pnrtr Paint
ed In Irldaaeent lines.
The elegant home of thnt sparkling
little Jewel Miss Elsie Moore, who Is
as pretty ns n picture nnd as bright as
nn Icicle nnd ns pure as ft dewdrop
nnd ns sweet ns a flower, wns a spnrk-
ling scene of radiant loveliness last
night, for this beautiful little maiden
nnd her handsome nnd mngnlflcently
formed sister had invited n number of
their friends to assemble In honor of
the beautiful nnd bewitching Miss
Neda Taylor nnd the chnrmlng nnd
fasclnntliig Miss Rosalie Setzer, who
are now dispensing their charms nnd
witcheries In Wilson nnd mnklng so
many hearts drunk with the Inobrintlng
potatle.tis of their Intoxicating graces.
It wns indeed a scene of rarest love
liness, for nmiiy of Wilson's brightest
gems were there In nil of their richest
luster nnd were rlvnllng In their bril
liancy the exquisite bemulnrs of those
resplendent jewels in whose iionor this
delightful entertainment wns given. As
said before. It was a hrllllnnt scene of
Joyous festivity, for the lovely faces of
our glorious little maidens were as ra
diant as the pure and stnlnless gleam-
Ines of a crystal rubber over In the
glittering polish of shimmering sun
beams and burnished with the dazzling
strikes of quivering lightning. And ns
these merry muidens, with sparkling
eves and beaming faces nnd musical
laughter, moved to nnd fro like sym
phonies of grace they poured into thnt
channel of enjoyment a strenin of su
rer light nnd tinted ench ripple in thnt
lo.vous current with a sunbeam of
brightest cheer.
And we fancy that as our handsome
and gallant young lads looked down
Into the rndlant deeps of such spark
ling eyes eyes whose faintest glimmer
would make the glistening skies of
blooming midnight pale with envy turn
and no more let their feeble torches
burn yea, we fancy thnt these young
boys felt that Cupid had eojne to their
young hearts on a mission as sweet as
odors come when vernal breezes and
passionate sunbeams woo nnd kiss the
budding flowers nud make them breathe
th frncrnnce of springtime's richest
bowers. Wilson Times.
Knirllah Engineer Tell What It
fan Do.
The Electrical Engineer of Loughbor
ough has rewutly told tho residents of
that towu what a uuit of electricity is
canable of. suya the London Leader. It
Saw .".00 feet of timber (deal.
Clean 5.000 knives.
Clean seventy-five pairs of boots.
Clip five horses.
Wiirin your curling tongs every day
In the year for three minutes and
twice ou Sundays.
Warm your shaving water every
morning for a month.
Kun an electric clock for a month.
Iron thirty silk bats.
Light 3,000 cigars.
Knead eight sucks of flour lnta'
Fill and cork 250 doien pint bottles.
Supply ull the air required by aa
ordinary church organ for one service.
Pinup 1C0 gallons of water, or other
liquid, to a height of twenty-five feet
Kun an electric piano for teu montha.
Lift three nud one-half ions seventy-
Bve feet In four minute
dive you three Turkish light baths.
Uoll ulne kettles, each holding two
pints of water.
Kun a suiull ventilating fan for
twenty-one hours.
Keep your hieukfust warm for five
Kuti a Kewliijj uiiu'hliie for twenty-
one hour.
Carry your dinner upstairs every day
for a week.
Keep your coffee lot warm at the
breakfast table every day for a week.
Carry you three miles in an electric
Her StronaV Kallh.
"Oil, Tom," exclaimed the fair young
maid, as their auto flew along, "there's
a church Just ahead there."
"Hut, ivpneu me eiopiug lover, "we
can't bo married there."
"Well, but we might stop thero awhile
and pray that we may not be over
taken." Philadelphia Tress.
Some ieople'a goodness Is probably
due to the fact that they are never
found out
50 Ladies' Hourist Coats
$I5,$20,$25, $30 Values
Sioux City, Iowa
has bcn
snd neserves us p
exclusively Introduce some most Important Novelties, including the most remarkable I wu nr.w
CREATIONS in Vegetables that Nature 4 . DDDC'C'C QPTDQ
bas yet produced 1 11 you would nice 10 t.1 w m 0 1 -m s smsmBmb
you should send (or this elegant work. DO NOTDELAY WRITE TO-DAY I
VIck C6
40 One-Way second class colonist tickets will be
00 sale daily, March 1st to April 30th to Port
land, Seattle, Tacoma and Puget Sound points.
Proportionately low rates to points in Alberta,
British Columbia, Idaho and Montana.
Through Tovrtst Ceu
St. Povxsl to Pi
Wat If you contemplate a trip
othor information call on or addiess
Division Pass'r Agt. Omaha.
on eartn . bee or
List your property with us
Dakota City, Neb. and UTflrnor L TMmfrfl
so-- si.u. city.Neb. W arner JallUIS
; "It is Delicious77 sr
25 Cents per Pound
Blendod and packed from carefully selected coffee by
No 6 Front St. Homer, Neb.
The Herald for all the News
prove their worth ut harvest
time. After over fifty yearsof
success, they arc pronounced
the best and surest by cartful
planters everywhere. Your
dealer sells them. 1S07 Setd
Annual free on request, fa
w. x. rruuv to, duii, ukk.
Subscribo for Thb IJeeald $1 per
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BRD'S. GO. !
enlarged to 200 pages.
It is better than erer before 'V
position at "THE LEAUINU AfflfcKlbAN F"
CATALOG." Besides our famous Snecia It ies we now
CO., Seed Growers, Philadelphia
Dally, Minneapolis curvd
kClflo Coeist Points.
Special homeseekers tickets will be on sale first
and third Tuesdays of March and April to many
points in Idaho, eastern portion of state of
Washington and also to a large southwest terri
tory. The rate will be about one fare plus $2.00
for tie round trip.
no matter where, for rates and
Agent, Dakota City.
We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low
rate oi interest on Dakota oounty Farms. W
also Sell and Buy Real Estate of all kinda
write us Deiore you sorrow, uuy or oeu.
to Bell, f""
Real rOKM I aiJII
1 fill III L f 1 1 1 sV VJ
1ST !Z
'v7'rk JiV.i
Tradk Mark
Anyone f.nitij n nkvrh anl donor nt Ion
qiilt;i;ifr itjii't"! !..h imr jiiiiri fro vliM lir au
htvtlon M r lin) If pmI'MiIh'o tinin.ulilrft
tout -met I? .''iti.iMHiWl. KAriQf!ffi)K 011 PueiUA
on 1 1 00. t'l ltttt nurtlic lor HUcuuiK liMteiUi.
Tutt'iiia ltiKcn t.irot.cli Munn A cV rtctiT
Scientific Jhnericatt.
A ltfiti.!i"i"r tlltfltrnf ri wooktr. f,Hrct ell
14HtilH i f MHf l'lMII lUO t't'lltlul. 'iVniK,. to a
liriiH a C3.ei6 a-'New York
U- t (lUluo, S t F fit, WatiUiiuu.D. U
! (