3)R. C. H. MAXWELL, Physician and Surpeon. Calls promptly attended DAROtA CITT, KF.BRARKA KILL the COUGH and CURE THE LUWCO mn Ur. King's New Discovery CONSUMPTION OUGHS and OLDS Price 60c ft 51.00 Fro Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. o Lcnssk5 COOD ADVICE ABOUT GLASSES. Do you wear glasses? If not, are you sure you do not need them? If you do, It ia perfectly natural that you will want the best, particularly when the best are no more expensive than the Inferior, that is, In propor tion to the cost of their manufacture. Even If the initial cost should be a little more, the best la always the most profitable In the end. If you are looking for the best in bifocals, we can give you a little good advice. Be fore buying the old style, do you not want to investigate the merits of the Kryptok Invisible Bifocal Lenses? It will be well worth your while to drop a line to the Columbian Bifocal Co., Temple Court, Denver, Colo., for fur ther Information about these wonder ful lenses. 1 3 6 aim THE 1907 World Almanac is richly weighted with information on almost every conceivable subject and ia a marvelous repository of faots, figures and syclopedio knowledge well nigh indispensable to every one who needs to refer to recent historical, po litical or general happenings. Within its covers may be found 10,000 facts and figures, embracing almost every subject of daily interest. It Is the one book that tells you something about everything and every thing about a great many things. Over 600 pages, strongly bound in an illustrated cover. Now on sale all over the United States for 25 cants. Mailed to any address for 35 cents by the Tress Publishing company, New York City, Head Ache Sometimes? If so, it will interest you to know that it can be stopped -with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills ; and without any bad after effects, and this without dan ger of forming a drug habit or having your stomach disar ranged. They positively con tain no opium, morphine, co caine, chloral, ether or chloro form in any form. Dr. Miles' Anti-rain Pills relieve pain, and leave duly a sense of relief. The reason for this is explained by the fact that headache comes from tired, irritable, turbulent, ovcr-taed brain nerves. Anti Pain Pills soothe and strength en these nerves, thus removing the cause. They are harmless Avhen taken as directed. 'Wo Uf Pr. Miles' Antl-Pnin Pills for the rum of liciwl.-ir-lifl. mid wo think thru tUero 1m nothing that will 4i;uiil thim. T'lL'y will euro the severest Kpull of nervous or side Jit'iulHcho In a very few minutes, 1 nm of a nervous temperament, and oeeasionM'.y have kti lis whi n my jiiT.es set m to le completely exhaust en", and 1 tremble xo I enn scarcely 4'ontuin t'iy:i it. At tlieso times I nl--w.'iys t'':o Via A'ltl-l'ain l'Mla. and they ouiet m:i rlsht nwe.y. It Is ro limrkaliU v.l at u K'xithlns effect they liave i;;ion Uo nerves." MRS. F. K. KARL. Detroit, Mich. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills ore cold by your druya'St, w'.io will (lu.irantce that the first package will bsnefit. If it flle, he will return vour money. 5 closes, 25 cents. Never told In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind 1 D DO YEARS EXPERIENCE n't nil mS 'i ! iiiijW ' . TRAOt MARKS DESIGNS JOPVRKJHTS &C. AnTnno c.fltua; a tkctll ani! deiovi tl' tl we nillxKIr iwiui eur !. n hoe .lietner uu il.vm.ll.m II H'.hlilf eniaiiUMea. i,n.lrl ll K.ll.l.:HlUJ. tVV.hJJ W. I'tloliu entire. IM-W.t itf h .:, up iliwt3. - . .. . .1 -....i. v.. ,.ri iu r.i..il notice, ir'Miout c'liim-e, lutUe I'nt 01.1 rui n.j SCaCSilc; Emit?. vfiif I'.t.r n oi tt.i.iL feimiLaTaill liewswlcrfthfl C, St. P., M. A O. Time-Table. Trains loare Dakota City at tbe fol boring time: KOIITH DOUND. SOtTH BOT7ND. 5:52 pm Omaha 7 :35 am 10:00 am Omaha 6:13 pm 3:37 rm Norfolk 8:20 am 9:01 am Nor oik 6.32 pm 7 :58 am Newcaetlo 10 :00 am 2:08 pm 6:08 pm SUNDAT TRAIH8. 6 :52 pm Omaha 7 :35 am 3:37 Norfolk 5:32 CBiQ WE8T No. 85 Local Freight 7:30 am 11 " Tassenger, Omaha and Lincoln 12:32 pm EAST N 86 Local Freight 2:15 pm 10 Local Pasrienger. . . .6:63 pm Local Items Gasoline light plants for Bale and in stalled by UF BroyLill. Gert Vilkinn, of Sioux City, spent Christmas with friends here. . Geo and Frank Haase, of Emerson, were home for Christmas dinner. Al Pizey and family, of Sioux City, spent Christmas at the oil home hare. Arlow llager came over from llin- ton, Iowa, to aptnd the holidays at home. Schmied and family ate dinner with relatives in Mell A Christmas Pender. Chas Adair and family of Sionx City, wore Christmas visitors at the Wm Adair home. F A "Wood left Sunday evening for Kansas City, Mo, to spend the holi days with friends. Grace Wilbnr went to South Sioux City to upend Chiistmas at tuo home of her aunt, Mrs Cora Miller. Dora Lawson, of Sioux City, was a guest at the E Wiwemun home here from Saturday until Wednesday. Frank Ross was down from Emer son Tuesday and spent the day with his brother, W L Koss, and family. Mrs Kate Drake is here from Duff, Neb, where she is holding down a homestead, and will spend the winter in this place. Clifford Leach, son of Capt Joe Leaoh, of Bnnuing Water, S D, was married in Sionx City Saturday to Mis Lillian Lake. Mrs Charity Hart received word this week of the death of her brother, Asa Critchfield, at Wheeling, W Va, from the effects of pneumonia. Harry Eogelen, wife and babies, came down from thtir claim near Wil Inrd, S D, to spend the holidays with relatives here and at Emerson. Miss Pearl Boddy, teacher in the primary department of our school, haa gone to Nevada, Iowa, to spend her holiday vacation with friends there. Sam Gtibble and wife, , parents of Mrs Geo Barnett, arrived here last riday evening from their home in outh Dakota, for a visit with relatives. Mrs Wm Pond, wife of one of the signal men at this place, returned to er home at St Paul Sunday evening, aving become tired of life in this quiet city. Jim Brown came up from Omaha Sunday to spend the holidays with friends here, lie ia serving as baliff in the federal court under U S Mar shal Warner. Bert G Harden came in off tho road labt week to spend the holidays with his parents in this place. Bert is now traveling for the Galena Oil Co, of Galena, 111, and likes hia new job Tery well. Wm Lorenz, proprietor of tlie City meat merket, is giving to his friends nd customers handsome calanders for the coming year. He is furnishing two kinds, one for the home and one for public places, and they are both ery ornamental. The schools in this pi 'tee closed last Friday for a two weeks' vacation. Prof 'atchen, the principal, will remain here for tbe holidays; Prof Best, his assistant, will spend his vacation with friends iu Iowa; Mies Blanche III uiilton will spend her vacation at home ; Mi-8 R ierts ut her home uetir Gocdwin, and Mies Boddy with friends t Nevada, Iowa. Our schools are prospering finely this year and the teachers are entitled to a short refit. Miss Ahina Bchriever is letiously ill. The freshest crackers at Van's re ceived every week. Jaa Cooley and wife dined witl friends in Homer Tuesday. Attorney Russet Bevins spent Christ' ma at Omaha with his mother. Mr and Mrs Lean, of Sionx City, spent Christinas at the W m Orr home Mrs Earl Perrin was up from Oma ha this week visiting relatives the Schumachers. John Bachart and family were here for the Christmas festivities at the F Leedom home. Misses Jennie and Maggie DeLong, of Sionx City, wero Christmas guests at the Hart home. Frank Naffziger, of Sioux City, was a visitor at the Geo Neibuhr home Tuesday afternoon. Clifford Judd and wife, of Sioux City, were Clients at the M M Ream home tor Christmas. Adolph Antoine, clerk in the E & B hardware store, spent Christmas with his brother in Sioux City, Gretrhen Bullock is the truest of her girl friend, Dora Rench, in Sioux City this week, at a house party. Try a packogeof that new Red Cross coffee at Van's. You get a premium with every package there are no blanks. John Young was in town from his farm on Walker's Island Thursday. He remembered The Herald in a finan cial way. Judge Yru P Vaner and family came up from Omaha to upend Christ- man with relatives and friends here and ia Sio.ix City. Perry C Clair, of Fontenelle, Iowa, and Daitvy I Fuller, of Pontiac, 111, were joined in marriage by Judge J J Eimers Wednesday. Henry Pilgrim and family and Al fred Pilgram and wife, of South Sioux City, dined at the Wesley McPhersou home Christmas day. Mrs Chas Waddell and children de parted Monday for Denver, Col, to join Air Wadileil, who has a position there in a powder null. Henry and George Kohlmeier went to Lyons Saturday evening to attend the funeral of tbeir brother's baby, which was burled Sunday, Have you tried the Sultanna and Tae-co brands of canned goods? Van sells them. These goods have stood the test of the pure food law. Joseph Orr, son of the late Robert Orr, of Meckling, S D, was here Sat urday and Sunday with his bride, and visited at tbe Roland Orr home. Luther Ha'den and wife, Mrs Eva L Orr and two daughters, and Bert Har den, all took Chritdmaa dinner with Drand Mrs J E Dewalt at Morning- side. For Rent I will rent my farm of 125 acres of work land, near Nacora, Neb, for cash or on the shares. Good buildings on the land. John O Sul livan, Nacora, Neb. The concert given at tbe M E church last Saturday evening was attended by a fair sized audience. The compa ny rerauined over Sunday and gave a sacred concert in the evening, Paul Kinkle, signal man at the tow er, went to St Paul, Minn, Sunday, in response to a mesnage stating that his family whs quarantined for diptheria. Bert Wood operated the levers during his absence. Another of the old and respected pioneer residents wus called to her teinalhome the pant week. Sirs Andrew Johns, of Homer, who came to this county in 180-i. and who has resided here contiguously ever since, mssed away I riday evening, Decem ber 21, 1900, after an illueHs of several weeks with paralysis. Deceased leaves everal children by her first marriage to Benjamin Corwin. They are, Mrs Wm Pilgrim, Mr Nois Blivin, Mrs Alfred Pilgrim, Mrs Robert Smith, Mrs Tat lor Osburn, Mrs irank Hale, und George Corwin. Her first hus band died in the early 7o'n, and in 1881 she wus married to Andrew Johns who survives her. The funeral ser vices were helilJ.Sunday at 1 o'cloek, in teiment being iu the Omaha Valley cemetery. Sheriff Hansen is offering a reward of 150 for u teum of liorhes that, was taken from the Lewis Hermann livery barn at Homer, N. b , December Kith 'Hie team In longed to Alt-x Laruere. of 'I bur-ton county, and is hupiotd to have been t ilion by Del Moniou, who had been in the employ of Laniere a abort time. Following is a dixcriptiou of the alcleu rig: Ouo dark brown mai-H weight about 1200, bloiky build, about 13 veurs old, liuht brown o d around noHe and nviutu; one black gelding, about 14 years old, weight about 115(1, larne star on forehead, one eve-lid rut with barb wire so that it banes down ; one set of Concord farm haruefs with breechinpr, and brass knolm on hamea; oue democrat spring wagon without dashboard , The party who took the outfit 14 dencribed as be ing about G feet tall, ligh' complect ed, smooth ihaven, about 35 year of age, wore blue overalls and a light weight black overcoat and cloth cap. I have for sale a choice lot of Poland China male hogs. They are of the Wilkes, TecuniBeh and Perfection stock. Pedigree will be furnished with every pig that Roes out. Address, Fked Batels, Hubbard, Neb. Mrs Ktmp, mother of Mrs August Wilkins, of Oniadi precinct, died at the home of her daughter on Tuesday, tbe 25th, at the age of 89 years, 9 months and 13 days. Her death was due old age. The funeral services were held Wednesday, and the re mains were interred iu the Grove church cemetery. The btreet cur system has baen laid up for repairs this week, tbe engine which was being used to furnish mo tive power was sent to the shops in Sioux City to be thoroughly over hauled. The roundhouse at this place is about completed and when the ser- ice is resumed, which will probably not be before next week, the train and crew will make their headquatters here. Van At a special meeting of the WOW lotpe at South Hioxx City last Friday night the following officers were eleot ed: J Van de Zedde, counoil com munder; Otto A Anderson, adviser lieutenant; Tom Teter, banker; H O Dorn, watchman ; Isaac Fouts, senti nel; X E Shane, manager; Hans Vig- en, outsion guard. installation win be held the evtning of January 7th, A blowout ia being planned for toe oecuhi'jn. One of Tlios Graham's children is seriously i'.l. Watch this paper next week, will have something to tell you. Mary Kirschhaum, of Sioux City, is visiting at the Herman Bierman home. For Sale RflgWered Darno Jersey boar. Don Forbes, Dakota City, Neb Emma Frederick came np from Omaha Saturday for a ten days visit. Don't forget Breun'a coffee it is still in the lead. For sale at Van de Zedde's. Uene Jjeedom and daughter were over from Sionx City Monday visitiug at the old home. Mrs Harriett Walden leaves week for California, to visit her Louis and family. this son The Herald was remembered by Fred 8 Berry, county attorney elect, with a box of fine cigars as a Christmas token. Call up No 1 when yon want No 1 goods delivered in No 1 order. Our store is now stocked and fitted np in No 1 style. Lout A pair of nose glasses, near Coburn Junction, on Monday the 17th. Finder please leave them at The Herald office. nad you noticed that the days were getting longer? Last Friday was the shortest day of the winter a little over nine hours in length. Frank McKornan, of West Union, Minn,' son of the late J C McKernau, and Irviu Finch and son Rod el Finch, of II a warden, Iowa, brother and neph ew of Mrs J 0 McKernau, were here to attend the McKernan fnneral last Sunday. Christmas was obseived in both churches here the Lutherans holdiug their services Sunday evening and the Methodists theirs on Monday evening. The German Lutherans of Sulem held their exercises Tuesday eveuiug. All were well attended. WILL H. BECK CO. Ufte Oloux City Jewelers o 0 o I c We are for a two-cent railroad fare too not only for the reason that we have been deprived of the privilege of exchanging space in the Herald for what the railroads have to Bell, namely : tickets or mileage, but the balance of the family like to ride on the steam cars once in a while and our cash will go farther at the 2c per mile rate. Some of the roads have "tumbled" and have placed advertising contracts for the coming year, so don't think when you read their announcements in the Herald that they are getting this space for nothing, for they are paying the regular rate and taking their chances with the rest of the advertisers. TO MY CUSTOMERS: It is my desire to close my books the first of the year and settle all outstand ing accounts with my customers. With this in view I would like everyouo ow iug me no matter how large or small the account may be to call and square up. Wishing all my customers, new and old, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and hoping that the same pleasant business relations which has marked the past will continue in the future, I remain yours for business, J Van de Zedde. A W8TIRN WOHOCR. Thore's a hill at Bowie, Tex, that's twice as big as last year. This wonder is W L Hill, who from a weight of 90 pounds has grown to over 180. He says : 'I suffered trim a terrible cough, and doctors gave me up to die of consump tion. I was reduced to 90 pounds, when I began taking Dr King's New Discov ery for consumption, conghi and colds. Now, after taking 12 bottles, I have more than doubled my weight and am completely cured." Only sure cough and cold cure. Guaranteed by L M Lenlie, druggist. 6O0 and $1. Trial bottle free. The Ilenieatead, of Des Moines, Ia, is an agricultural weekly of the high est cIuhm, edited by actual farmers, who live upon and operate their own farms aud are, able to put to the tent of expei'iunce all the theories discussed iu its colnmus. Hie Homestead bus departments devoted to horticulture, poultry, dairying, sheep, veterinary, laws effeoHug the farmer, tho house hold, Sunday xeliool aud every inter et of the wetitern farmer; aud iU edi toiials cover every question regarding so la, seeds, machinery, methods of cultivation, breeding and rare of live st ck, etc, iu which the farmers of t! is section are interested. Tho Home' ntead'a contributors include the ablest aud nioBt succeusful fit' mors, breeders and expetiment station workers in tbe u iddle west. If you are a Homestead reader, you cannot fail to be up to date ou all farm questions; and "Farm Furrows, ''Hints, Devices, Suggest ions, etc, and other valuable features are an unfailing source of entertain rnent and iuxtruction. The Home' stead ia $1 a year to subscribers, aud subeeriptiona ei' her singly or in com I bination with The Herald are taken 'at thisoffioe. Our Holiday Preparations Have Been Completed. Our different departments are filled with Rich New Goods Adapted for Holiday Gifta. Our many customers and friends are urged to make their selections early this year, as the season bids fair to excel all previous years in the magnitude of our business. 7A"" Out-of-Town Service! .zi.nszr D I A 11 0 IH U2 . - , , QUARTERS WHEN la V.ry L.r. I1CW CatalOg glVCS YOU the U COME TO THE COT. and trices opportunity for Successful - v. r. o-.bi. Selection bjbci ks -mooted evert wat- Watches, Jewelrv, WATCHED Rln Brooch.. Q' 'i ARE HOUSEHOLD WORDS ioHt? I OlIVGrWarG Lamps, Cut Glass Pr"uu Combm uPn application we will send you onr Umbrellas, Clocks, Jew. - new juUgtrBte, catalog. elry, Chains, Bracelets fountain pens Engraving on All Goods Without Charjr& Combs, Novelties KNIVES AND FORKS i 8poon, tea sets tt t ah Orders by Mail The Beck Guarantee toilet sr.ta A V w 0r Express Prepaid with kach article Mondtmln Corn.r, CA Hub of C City Will fi. Beck Co. for 28 Tatra tHm Sioux City Jwla li - A Real Estate Transfers. V H Oilman and wife to Wtllnrd 1'rleHtly, lot 10 hi Muck 41, Uovtnatou ' ntiex to South Hloux City, wil 1 75 (Jliiix M Iiliul and wife to J A Jones. lots 7 ami s of Urystnl Lake 1'ark, wd. 77B OKcnr V Hwuney anil wlfu to J K lMt- Walt, ne1., nw,1 unit noSt be1 hoc Hon i--Jt-l), wd 8000 (ins llurti ls (i ml wife to A K Oall, west yi 8WV4 Hcction siiiijeet to allow ance In form of lilnhwuys and rail way rlKlit of wuya, wd 72tH) MIRACULOUS CURE. Tlio following (.tutt ineut bv II M Atlunis and wife, Henrietta, Pa, will interest parents and others. "A miracu lous cure has taken place in our home. Our child hau eczcniu 5 years aud was pronounced incurable, when we read about Elect lio lii tiers, and concluded to try it. lieforo the second bottle was all taken wo noticed a chunge for the better, and after taking 7 bottles he was completely cured. It la tbe up to date dlood uieiliciue and body buitdiui? tonic Guaranteed. 50o and $1 at Leslie's diug store. Lutheran Church Announcements. Preaching Bundav morning at Sa lem at 11 :00 o'clock, Sunday schaol at 10 .00. Preaching at Dakota City at 3.00 o'clock p in; Sunday school at 9:45 a iu ; O E at 6 :30 p m A cordial welcoma to all. NIW CURC FOR EPILCFSV. J li Waterman, of Watertown, O. rural free delivery, writes : "My daugh ter, ufliicted for years with epilepsy, v as cured by Ur King s New Life Pilla hhe has not hud an attack lor over two years," lieut body clenssers and life uivitig touio pills on eartli. 25o at L M L she a ilmg store. First M K Church rlours of Service SUNDAY 10 a m hum ay School m m 1'riucliiiiK l A Ul, ,, .,,,,iui-n iurem.K 6:;(0 p m iipworth tieiigtie 7:30 p m I'reuclung THliiBDAY 7:30 pm Prayer Metling A 11 eveuiug services from May to October will be held one-half hour later. Elmek F. Hhaveu, Pastor. Phone number 33 Decatur Uerald: Omar Kilbourn laft for Sherwood, N J), Monday, where he has purchased a barber shop. Ponca Journal : Mrs W O Beers of Morningside is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs W F Mikesell, in this city. Oakland republican : Misses Edvi na and Dora, daughters of Andrew Young, jr, of north of Craig, returned from a couple of weeks viBit, Monday, with Prof E P Wilson and wife at Wayne. Sioux City Journal, 23rd: Bring ing witnesses to prove that her hus band had cruelly beaten her, at times leaving black and blue marks on her head and body, and that once he had threatened her with a butcher knife, Etta M Ililliard yesterday afternoon was granted a divorce from Ellis E Ililliard by Judge David Mould. Ponca' Leader: Mrs Mikesell of South South City is visiting her son WF Mikesell.... Henry Rooney, of base ball fame, and who pitched ball for Ponca last season, is very sick at Hubbard, but it is not thought serious ly ... .Miss Nellie Teeters, of South Sioux City, spent from Friday evening until Monday noon at the R Bachman home about two miles northwest from Ponca. Emerson Enterprise : Thos Ashford of Homer was in Emerson Wednes day .... M S Mansfield of Butka, Neb, called at tho Enterprise office Tues day ou his way to his former home at Homer. He says he has the honor of making the first final proof on a Kin kaid homestead at the O'Meill land office, making use of more than three years of army record in the civil war. Waterbury Criterion: Thursday about 1 o'clock, p m, J F Breslin's liv ery barn caught fire and was burued to the ground, also almost all of his horses, carriages, harness, robes, etc Several livery teams from adjoining towns were in the barn, also some farmers' hores, a few were saved but were bably burned. The loss is esti mated at $2,00C and unfortunately Mr Hresliu did not carry any in surance. Tuo cause 01 1'ie nte ia not known. iy.TIMJ.kl.m'IHBMUMM S3!t These Cold Winter Days You will not dread if you buy your wife Heating Stove you promised her last wirter. the new We have bargains in all kinds of stoves. Try some of onr Sootless Diamond Lump Coal .J, 'I - .'.'-V, . ; . We carry a complete line of Tinware Cooking Vtertslls cvrvd Come in and examine the best ' Saw made the cele brated Atkins Silver Steel Saw A complete line of Hcvrd and 80ft CiQ)AL always in stock A FEW CUTTING REMARKS The tmroone of a w li to ent. It ahuuld out catlljr, ent cleanly, and cut with evwy movement. 1 prefrrao AtklmHaw. lu blade 1 "SllTer Bleel", recognized world over a the finest orulelbl Iteel ever tnitile 1 11 anolent or modern ttmoi, It li hnrd, elaee-gratned and tough. ltholtliitharpouUlngdK longer than any other Saw. Its blade tapen perfeotly from thick to thin, from handle to tip. Thut it niakei leeway for Itaelf. runt eatlly and doea not buckle. Iu tempat li nerfeot. When bent bv a oronlred thrust. It aprlnga Into ahap without klnklnf. VMS We make all tjr one graa ( J r. a and liaea ot aawa, bat only I The A tk I n Saw cute and doea It beat of an; tei the beat. Yours to Plata, Edwards L Bradford Lbr. Co. II. F. Kohlmeier, Local Manager. Dakota City, - Nebraska s Sioux City Journal, rv Jewell, janitor at LONG TCNNf SSK riOHT. For twenty years W L lUwls, of Uellf, Tenn, fought nasxl caUrrh. lie writes: ''Tbe sweping and Mrene in si.le vny nose was feaif'il, till I bey an applviug Uticklen's Arnica Halve to the wore surface: t hi caued the soreness and swells to disi-apear, never to re turn " Hst salve in existence. 25o at Leslie's drag store. 21th: llen the North western Dunk building, yesterday re covered a team of horses which he con sidered stolen from him. Ha had lit the team to Howard Dunn, 920 West Seventh atrt et, who at one time had been in the reform school. Dunn drove thb team to Hubbard, Neh, aud was engaged iu loading up a loan of oats from a bin belonging to J V Dea con). The farmer observed the intrud er aud Dunn ran away, leaving the to 11 m. He came back to bioux City and told his mother that he would have to leave the city. When Deacon found the abandoned team on his hands he communicated with the bioux City po lice and the horses were returned to tho lightful owner. Pender Kopublic: Fred 8 Berry of Eiuersou wus in town on legal bnsi neha Monday. After January 1st he will be county attorney of Dukotu county and he will make a goud one too, J'erry has Uenioiistratt'd I Hut it is possible for an Eiik ron man to be elected to a c mnty olllae. .. .Logan Lambert, of Ilomnr, has had a flieek ered curecr for the past fw yeuis. As a Homer suloon keeper he wua worth $10,000. Then came Father Schell. Lmnlierl's butanes wus luoken up and he g"t a jeur in Kioux Falls for din posing of a remnaiit of his atock with out a licence. J tiht prt vious to this he lot-t his wift. After Kpeudiug a year in prinou lie renirneu 10 ii u'moii couiity and married oue of the preitU at gitls on the reHervatimi . Lai-t month his five-) unr old boy died, and this month he waa fnnud puilty.of an sanlt with i nte lit to do reat bodilv liHrm, and bids fair to get a job at L'uix.lo. The sins of all Homer Lave been heaped upon Lambert and he is sent as a scape-goat into the de ert. He should have company. t DO YOV KNOW i 4- There is no method of making friends like makino good, t For nearly 21 years, "The Bank that always treats you 1 4 RiGHt," has made good. From the first day it opened, T its doors, it has done T X EwcrytKIng f iu banking, (that you could get even in New York), at as T low pricks as you get anywhere, it asks 00 business unless it gives yon at Ierst as good terms as others. With it all, goes absolute safety for your deposits, accurate. V courteous and prompt treatment. Bank of Dakota County t Jackson, jNeb, J "The Bank that always treats you kioht" Wm. LOR.EPJZ, Proprietor of- City IIcsvi Market Fresh and Bait Meats always on hand . Cuth paid for hides. DAKOTA-CITY' NEBRASKA. 2Sor IS1bitslSg11: H arness Subscribe for Tub Hebald $1 year. per STVRGES BROS, 411 Pearl St., SIOUX CITY. ICWA