A S2 ) H gss Railroad Fare Refunded Both Ways to Out-of-Town Customers on Liberal Terms. Shipping Charges Paid on All Purchases 2? of $5.00 or Over 2? NOW CHRISTMAS We are Magnificently Ready for the Crowds This store has noTer in all its successful past beon so sup erbly equipped for a big Christmas business as it is now. We brgan planning montbs ago for this festive occasion of good cheer, and a quarter million dollars' worth of Xmas merchandise is under this huge roof. Commence Christmas Shopping Now, unless you thoroughly enjoy being in the great throngs inevitable during the low days prior to Christmas. In any event you will find Davidson's store your best helper. Xwrvas $ Crowds Will Center Here No Crowded, cramped, inconvenient aisles and narrow pass ageways, for this the Greater Davidson's Store, with its acres of floor space. With ample room for all, this perfectly arranged store is the ideal shopping place. You will miss much of the pleasure and profit of the holiday buying unless you come to Davidson's often. You'd Better do Your Xmevs SKopptng Eerly Davidson Bros. Co. Sioux City, Iowa. --"f--"- ESSES Und holm's Christmas Gifts Galore C, 8t. P., M. O. Tims-Table. Trains leave Dakota City at the fob hvr'ng time: ROBTH BOUND. SOOTH BOnKu. 5:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am 10:00 am... ...Omaha ......0:13 pro a" pm Norfolk 8:20 am 9:01 am Norfolk 6.32 pa 7 :58 am Newcastle 10 :00 am J:08 pm " 8:08 pm SUNDAY THAWS. 5 :62 pm Omaha 7 .85 an ..... o .1 37 NorfolK o:oi C B ft Q WEST No. 85 Local Freight 7:30 am 11 " Passenger, Om-lm and Lincoln 12:82 pm EAST No 86 Local Fnigbt 2:15 pm 10 Local Passenger. . .6:53 m Local Items The freshest crackers at Van's re- coivod every week. Mrs K E Evans was a victor wiih friends in ilomer Monday. Patrick Jones, of Hubbard, trant- acted business here Monday. This week will see the windup if corn huskiug in this vicinity. 8 P Barnes, ot Homer, was her looking after his insurance busiues Tuesday. You will find the finest and biggei-t line of canities in town, for the holi days, at Van's. The M E Sunday school will (rive a Christmas entertainment on Monday night, December 24. Joe CnllfH, of Jackson, was a bnsi- nets visitor Here Saturday, ino Her ald was remembered by him. Try a packaged; tli.it new Bed Crof-s coffee at Van's. You get a premium with every package there are no blanks. Essie Huberts aioter of Miss Myrtle Roberts, teacher in the sohools here, was down from her home near Good win over Hunday. W L Ross an) wife, Mrs Pizey and Mildred Spencer attended the wed. linn of Miss Burgess Khambaugh and Roy Deau in Mioux City Hu iday. Have vou trie I the Sultanna and Tac-co brands of canned goois? Van sells them. These goods have stood the test of the pure food law. Ruth Hami.t-m returned home from Peru. Neb. Saturday evening, where she is attending the statu normal, one will return to her school work after me holidays. Pnr Rent I will rent my farm of 125 acres of work land, near Naeora, Nh. for cash or on the shares. Good bnildiuKS on the land. John C ttul livan, Nacora, Neb. Nico, Leather Scat, Oak Rocker, liko cut, $2.45 (While they last) Beautiful 0ik Rockers, largo mid roomy, brace arm, same as cut, $2.25 Golden Oik Combination book Case 1 2LS10 m szz 1 1 w. y mJL Mrs Sadie Abbot, of Woodstock, Vt, who is here on a vimt to the h me of her parent. Henry Loom it and wife, of Homer, spent this week here at toe home of her niece, Mrs Jouu u lt.-am Call nt D U Htiusou'aauit select any thins vou want in the Hue of silver ware or iewelrv for Chrintmas Tne goods arorden d from an old reliable wluileniilM house in Chicago, aud are guaianteed. I have for sale a choice lot of Polaud Cl.inn main hous. Th-V are of the Wi'kea. Tecumseh aud P-rfectiou Rtor-k. P.diitree will be furbished with everv via that Roes ont. Address Frbo Batelb, Hubliaru, Neb Frrl Cntlieitmm. Beore'ari of the Dakota County Farmers' Iu-iitute, an nnnnrnath.t the institute for this county will be h. Id here February and 9. As hOn as the state can ar ranj tlm tirourram of speakers the - o - Kanin will be published. Mrs Geo liarter was here from O in a ha thU week looking utter buMueM in the bank, her father, M O Ayres being mill ..onrAnoil to Ins home with a He vere c.ld, and Harty Alair, oaxhier of the tiauk, whs attemliux to hi du ties as clerk of the dit-trict court. Tho Canadian Jul ilee ouoipany will giV'a au entort iiiuineut in tne M E church on Natnrd iy evening, D c m- ber 22. This company of eolor.-.l Mritfeis aie atiioung the b.?t. A fine, mnsi'ul treat awaits all ho attend. Ti.-kets will be on s ile at rank U oy- hill's. Second hand heaticg stove for sale. at this office. Chas Hollroan, was hers Wednes day on but-iness. Wpn P Wsrner cams up from Omaha Thursday evening. GaHoline light plants for sale and in stalled by U F Droyhill. Henry Wood is home from Lis trip to the ranch at Hay Springs. Joun Boler of Jackson was a tisitor at the county seat Wednesday. For Sale Household goods and kitchen nticsels. Inquire of F A Wood. Leon Ream and wife, of Pender, vis ited h re Saturday, being enroute to Ilomer. Dou't forget Brenn's coffee it is still iu, the lead. For sale at Vac do Zedde's. Chas Dodge was down from hi fsrm in Hubbard precinct Thursday u buaiuei-s. Headquarters for candy and nuts for li s holidays. All fresh and fine. Van leZedde. George Ford, of Ilomer, was a pss iigei to this place Saturday evening on the Burlington. 1 have for sale twenty good heavy boned Duroo Jersey Roars. Geo C Blessing, Homer, Neb. When you havo a news item that vou would' like to nee in print, ring np he Herald, No 43, and we'll priut it Rubber tooflug, the best in the mid for boue or other buildings better than shingles. See G h Btoy-hill. Call up No 1 when you want No 1 gcoils delivered in No 1 order. Our store is now stocked and nueu up in No 1 style. Wor t was received from Geo T Woods, who is viniting at Axtel, Ms. that he was oonfiued to his bed with au attack of stomach trouble 8ata Clans expects to make his headquarter tor fine candies, nuts, to, iu tins place at Van de Zid'tes. Remember this wion I Christinas comes. Herman liiermun tihipped two dou ble decked o ir or bh-ep, containing 45U head, to South Omaha Tuesday vening. He accompanied tne ship ment. Sav! this is tine coffee Where did youqeti? I ot it at Van de Zeilde s, aud oU just ought to try a package oi it a fiue, aud besules you get a nne dish with every package. Well, III tell Jol n to bring home a package this very day! We can furnish the Lincoln Daily State Journal, without the Sunday, iu oouutc'iou wttli the Herald, one year for 13.70; or with the Sunday for $4.60. This offer i good only for the wek tieiuning December 21t ana .-uiug the 28 1 . Now is the time to get in on this offer. January 1907, School Apportionment Total amount apportioned, f 1.539 75. Total number of districts entitled to share, 36. One-fourth shared equally by dis tricts, 1393 47. Three fourths pro rata, 2,274 child ren. $1182 28. Following are the amounts to which the several districts are entitled : niHRCTon. 1 W I, Rmn W A Ilelke. H Kit win Moraan... 4 J A tlnll It W W Kentniror... AThPR K rronliy.... 7 Krnnk Hevuey n 11 w iiwh N U Hinlth in John lluri'iim II O K Hutler 11 A J FarkT IHUIen Armour H (loo Warner K ,thn llartnett.... 1 Cnrl IirHon 1'jK ) Ixunls 1M Kred Viwii Umoo F. Ilarnei i Max Nelnnn 21 Mlehnel M I U' lie II ii H H Polly SCI K J Meli 4 .1 W TwohlK Wi Henry Wallwey.. MUndnrrli r7.lo..ii Kimh KNpIh AnderiHiii.... Vttdhrl! Sorensen. Mm Klora Anhford. Hen Honderson Tlieo lVtern John O'Neill Oeo Teller .1 nines lleeney II II Stol.e I A Olnintciid AMT. fill 04 40 m 41 tw lift 3D HI 70 fi m nt m si 4 an 114 IH Inn i aft 74 U Ml HO 01 HA 71 in 10 HI Ot S7 W HO M Hfi 71 Hft W ft W Ml M W t 1M 14 U tti m HI fix HH AS 10 IM Sift t W 71 HA 7H )M HH ( IV VI Kl 4M Ht Gao. J. lioticuKn, C'ouDty Superiutendont. lYIen's Christmas Column Wednesday. Published by Dow Clothwo Co. Deo. 12th. Xmas Trees Free Trees Delivered With Purchases Amounting To Your Home Monday, to $2.50 and Over. December 24th. She Came 159 TCiles to TJuy Boys' Clothes from This Store. This Circumstance ' is Given to Point a Fact At the last mee iug of the f ioneers aud vJl'l nettlers asnociaiion tue ivg- trar coruwi tee ruu short of badges, aud as several more pid their annual d uea aud were eutitled to badges the committee orlered anther supply There ure Ktill a few left, aud any one desiring a 1DUC badge can secure one for 60o at tnis office or of Mrs Fanuie W Oiozier, Mrs Mary J Young, uee Lindsay, died at her homo near t'hillis, S D, this week, aud waa brought here for iut- ruient. The body arrived here to day (Friday) acoompauied by ftiiss Nelll.- Lindaay, a ritterof tiiedeoaMed, and was laid to rest iu the Dakota City cemetery bnoide her parents. Ue eesjd was a relative of the Orr fami li s nud resided here with her parents about twenty years ago. Her many fri. nds are (trieved to her of her dentil. We have 20 large, Golden Oak aud Mahosany l)resor. sane .cut, which we off rr C 1 Q CQ on now at ' iIU sssj lijvesiigttte 5 py you to theHe. It pays to buy Xmas gifts that last. We ask you to come to our store and inspect our large stock of hocking Chairs Center labl'S Dining Tables China Closets Etc I All suitable as Xmas gifts Mis Eller E Dolisnn, ss ociut gr ind matron of the O E S of Nebra-ka, hehl a school of iustruciiou for the lo.iK , thia pi ee Tueaday eveuliiK at tu- Ma soi.io ball. While the attend .uce whs tint es birge as it hhon'd have been, those preaeut el j yed the meeting, whhh was very iuftructive. Tlie body of hi late Gideou Warner, who died four years ago nt i be home of bis sou, L) W V ainer, nt E'Iiiiiiii'ou, l Cn da, waa dia nterred and idiipi d to thin place this week f T bll.iiil The body aniv-il riinra'lav a id ui Kridiiy wa inken to the laworeeme ten, where it was luKiay iu me tntu ily lot. The following Uorr. the .leiii'O. Mo, Oi'ti" referH to a brother of H V Konl- lueler of I his i 1 C', who la alao me wh.it of a chi. -ken fnei.r: i pen of U tlotuii ltho-ie I-thuid R exhih indb Fied.l Kohlniei. r nt t e V' on-H i ton flouniy poultiy h' held t Sip I ou, Mo Noveiuhe iJ-dd iit Keeetnber 1. a arOe.t 2 nt on . n . o -i .1.1. .1. C il' hTi 1, 'O. o1" n" !- le a aud lt on p-u. t! II Uhodea of 1'opeka, KhUh, the j i.ly rowo. iu this ptiu acoied tro.n Ul t U3 poi.it a The Horn. stead, of Des Moines, la, i an auiouit tA weekly of the high est claaH, edited liy actual farmera, who live upon aud operate their own forms aud ar able to put to the test of experiance all the tueoriiidiousied iu iu o ilnmus. The Homestead has ilepai tnients devoted to hrticultire, poul ry, diriug, she. p, veterinary, laws effrci iug the, farmer, the bouse- hold, Suudty hohool aud every inter eht. of the weateru farmer; aud it edi toiials eov. r every question regarding Hoiln, i-eedn, mucliiu. iy, methods of, cultivation, breeding and care of live atock, e'C, iu which the farmer of this s ftion are interested. The Home eteud's contributors incluile the ableat uud moat -iicoe-htll f. iner, breeders Hti't exiie.imeu' atatiou workers in tlie mi. I. lit- west. If you are a Homer-lean reader, joti oaunot fail to be up to da'e ou all farm quc-alioim ; und "Farm Furrows," -'Hiuts, Devices, hugg. st i.mit. etc. and other valU-Uie leatures are an uufdilii.g source of en eit iin- meut and iutlUoti ou. I he Home u Htl in l a vear to Bilbscribvis. aud suba.'ripii na either cingly or in com l. in, .Hon with this paper, are taken at this office. County School Notes. BY Bl'PT. OKO. J. DOUCBER. Itegular examination December 21 and 22. Quextions for lifo certificates will be sent to all the counties this mouth. No one has jet taken this examination iu this couuty. Dakota county scored another 100 pradd laid month, L H Hunt of South Sioux City making that grade in arith metic Piograms are out for tho State Teat-hen association. The association will convene iu Lincoln December 20, and r main in session until tho even ing of the 28ih. Two directors report renewal of con tract with their teachers, both at an advance of 5 per month Miss Alios Malady now receives t'H) per menth on the Inland, and Miss Dineen gets $40 in tbe Suull district. State Sunt MoBrien has recognized the Academy at Jackson as qualified to give normal instruction iu compli ance with tbe law requiring all appli cants for certificates to have some nor mal training after September 1, 19u7. I hit will obviate the necessity of the Aoademy graduate going away to nor mal school before seouriug their oeiti ficate. The Bubbard school board has grant ed leave to the teachers for the pur poHe of viaitiug other schools a louple of days They will tk the two days after Christmas and will probably vUit Diikota Ci'y and South Sioux City. This gives an excellent opportunity to compare notes and keep iu touch with each O' her, and all schools would be much benefitted if the boards would intdat that their teacher make such visitation. Henry Francisco Realizes on Colo rado Land. During the latter pait of lust March Henry Fiaucisoo, who lives n nh of Jacki-ou, purchased throunh V T Hart- j lei t, the Colorado laud mau, a q iarter ; section of Seilgick oouuty, Colorado, I laud, paying $900 for the 100 acres. Last week Mr Frauciac.o sold this1 quarter xectiou to an Iowa teal estate firm, who also handles Colorodo lunds, for $1 500. an advance ol jimt $G0 on what it cost him last spring. Mr Francisco tells us that when he bought his laud he had to dig through a foot of snow to examine the soil, tie says ' he found a uood rich soil, a smooth laying ui faced country and abundaut' proof of good crops having been raised the year before, ties, sheamolouud the stock iu an excellent coudition after haviug wintered on the na ive! graxses ou open praiiie tue euiire winter wi'h the. exception of the two weeks during which the ground was covered with suow from a toiui oo cuiring a few dnys betore his vii't.amt oovetiug the enure period Lift winter dunux wh oh the Sedwi.'k u. uty cattlo men were nquiied to provide feed for their xtock, altho igh tuere waa au abundance of stacked straw, hay and other kiuds of fodder iu the country. lo miuih a new eountry thickly coat- d with alio would not preaei.t much uducem-iit for lud spe-ulaiiou Hut Mr l'r.nti-co'a careful invebtig ttmu of conill ioua aud prosp. Ots couviuced him that Be gwick couuty, Colora lo, laud was all nxht aud certainly De velopments since h.. deiuoustrate.l hat bis 1U Igment and lute-ig. t were S-und aud clear. lie i n..t irally well ileai-e.l with Ida initial inv-tiueut iu Colorauo relty and saya he intends now to acqul-e a larger tract of it. A wise mother having a large family of boys, living in Niobrara, Nebrtska, left home at 3 o'clock in the morning, took a train to Norfolk, transferred and came to this city for the sole purpose of procuring a winter's outfit of clothing from this store. What is more, they have been doing the same thing twice a year for fifteen years.' Thky say the reason they come here is because they get a "square deal" and our goods give satisfaction. This is no fairy story, nor is it by any means a new experience. Something of that sort happens almost every day. That brings us to the point. Tuts is thk boys' stokk or Sioux City as indisputably as it is men's for good clothing. If yon buy an article here and it goes wrong you can bring it back, and we will make it right. What is moro, you can bring back a thing if you make a mistake instead of the store. A great many people are making presents of boys' clothing. SUITS Sailors (3 to 10) 2 50 to $8.50 Norfolks (3 to 10).... tl.bO to $0.00 Two-piece J & P (7 to 10) $1.00 to $10.00 Bloomer Norfolks (8 to 16) $3.00 to $7.00 OVERCOATS Refers (3 to 12) $2.00 to $10.00 Form fitting, long overcoats (8 to 16) ....$3 00 to $10.00 Youug men's (16 to 20) $4.00 to $17.50 DOW CLOTHING CO. 510-18-20 Fourth St. Sioux City, la. These Cold Winter Days You will not dread if you buy your wife the new Heating Stove you promised her last wirter. We have bargains in all kinds of stoves. Try some of our Sooiless Diamond Lump Coal We carry a complete line of Tinware Cooking Vtetvsils atvd Hardware Nearly 30 Years in Business Lindholm's 5th & Douglas . Sioux City, la Piancs Sold on Easy Payments 4 A movetiK nt is cm fM.t hihoiiii tue meml eis of Hi" Moiie.n im Iioi - ..I c.f Am. ri )a Indue of tins i'la to ri'i-t h fine two Htorv 1 iv iuiUiu xt a C"t nt abo t $4 O H) I'ln- in in Iwraldn of the IimIks la now r-iortei tt n.'xrlt 3tK). and tlierx is no nti hall in the town that ii ad.-qm.te to accommodate tlie aoi iely. TliH iibio nroiM sed is t is ue f har. s aunnig the same i-oiupniiy, . ... . ,i i a ...... :w mmliera, ami tne nan imu hu I built would be a fonrc- of tewnue, as fin lower stTy can be 'ined l-r dai cts lodg suppers, etc, and it would fill a looa felt waut in thia place, where ther is nut a buiMing in twn that I can be had fur suidi oooasious. District Court. An adj Urunl sefsiou of the district noun on,. vened lieie ou Monda. with J -iliie Ouy T (liav. a ou the beoch. Th tiiat jmy cisrt called was the Shtt.l-L 'tulieit a si.ult ('use. A jury wh imp nt-lleil, but owing to tlie lua lulitt of If'at . r rib. 11 to gi-t h re from VVi-eou in, tlie caae waa adjotirued for lie time I iuk. I Ue .-a e of ISartlcs agaiurt th Or .t Noilluru lUilmaU company i icli i n a ipfal frut!' 'lie Hprui Hi.., 'HlllMlf N Ill4lt3 W 111 U .ll7 lUM'l w h I uilt tlirou tl.eooiintv two eut . i : .. : ... 1 1 ...I ii in i .k c ilea and a jurv nn ,ni iii'i I'lie aa bail no IT ci - lt (l Verv Iu . li.-i. the ti ii.' v for ilii .ro4. uial VI i I ait"la au Offer of 100 all ai-re fo I, in nu. ala i tfi.OOH. tlie amount ot .Inn a 4k1Iow.iI liy Hi-lx)..nl f ap pr i fc - lli flur wu auo' i'leu ami th. o .s dlHniie Uy tlie te ins of th s t'l ineiit Mr It .rtU tr ta $J 75 t fo' hi firm of . venty to u.l a half ac Thecai-eof Kramper against the whii'h was appealed tt f aatue time. us attleil out ol ci q i liy 'h- o mpany paying him $1,m)0 in addition t i the ,200o alio mi' by thx laiard of appra sera. Oo Thnraday the hhell-Lambert i ae waa rrsiirnt-d snd at tliis time is i till holding the attention of tbe conrt. Come in and examine the best Saw made the cele brated Atkins Silver . Steel Saw A complete liue of llak.rd and Soft (DO AL always in stock A FEW CUTTING REMARKS Ths purpose of a taw Is to eat It should out cully, cat cUnly, and out with iwj luovsmcnt. I prefer an Atklni Baw. IU blade It ''Silver Sieel", reootraUed tba world over ai the Bnnl erulotbla Steel svor route In anolent or modern times. It Ii hard, elote-frralned and tough. IthoUliagharpoattiiigedRa lonii'-r than any other Saw. Ita bla.le tapert perfnotly front thick to thin, from hmndle to tip. Thus It mikn leeway for Itself, runs tlly and does not buckle. Its lumper is KrfeoU When bent By a eroncra rust. It sprints Into shapa without k Inking1. The Atklnsbewcuta and does it best of an. We mitke all tvues and tiass cf saws, bat only one grade the best. Yours to Pltvo Edwards k Bradford Lbr. Co. II. F. KonLMF.iEii, Looal Manager. . l);ikot;i City, - . Nehi askii lono TKNNrssti nonr. Ftirtw.nt.v )ais W L ltiwla, of Itelli . Teim. f tuuht tiasiil cat rli. He wiina: Tlie ewei.ii g ami hoiene s in- l.le UiV nose waa I. ail I, tin 1 . an applying Buck leu's Ainic i Nulv. to tlie oie mil f ice: t liia callneil the son lo s and swelling to ilis-apear, in Vr u r tnin " li. nt salve iu exinti uce 2.) ut Lohlie'a tlr JK "tore. First M E Church tours of Service SUNDAY 10 a in MiiU'lui rM Ii 11 a 111 I'" uo 1 12 ui t'la-s l. 1 ii B-.IJtipm Epworll' L 7:;jo p iu Preai'li' TUtlltSUAV 7:H( p in Prajei Ve. 'II k A II HVi-iiini fervioa fiom M to Oi'ioi.er will lie In lii 11 e-lmlf l our lter. F.LMEH K NHAfKH, I'aftoi I'lione uumlf-r 33 4 4 X 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 USre Msvrx Behind tho Bank That's What Counts! 4- ConHile your d poiti with the man you know to b t honest, competent, upright and careful Twenty- J 01 e years here iu JackS'in, les than fifty dollais 4 TOTAL lima a. tlOO.OIt awaiting lh" fi t poisoll wiouned. Ample capttul, surplus, PKOTKCTION. Thin, and more, IimC- of "ll.e MhiiU that ALWAYS treats jon KiQin" 444 44 Bank of Dakota Juckaou. N. li, County Jusr before Christmas Holiday Goods. Fine NhHor'tUt tt of gaiiit'S. Purlor ba-e bull honieiset. ChiiHtiuas tree decorations. Jj.ilies' work ha-Vetn (1. od as-oi tim nt f .tMniiMr' I ooVs J M l'INOKNEY CO.. Ronxt'itv. . . Iowa. The Ilerald for all the hkwsi We ar, m-ikiug aperul In v pri 8tove-, IU k a 'in We liai.nle the, "O ie Itn .ie W eaali Hi r 'Uniun wn.ll r on tlie ; a pres. tit It will pleure. of Heating a tlie goods, q'tiekt bt and luiket. Give e n your wife for e I'll all our l ie ii 1 eh nt s. CuV 'ti lit" This i t' Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co' Hubbard, Nebraska. tiKO. TIMLIN, imeer.