Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 07, 1906, Image 9

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The Old-Monk-Curs will
straighten out a contracted
muscle In a Jiffy.
OIL- .
Don't play possum with pain,
but 'tends strictly to business.
Price 25c and SOe
3.50 &3.00 Shoes
r.LDoue!st $4 QUI Edge. Una,
wnnoiB8 equainsaiany price ,
iflos fou bvekybod?"at all pbicei
akaG's Snone, S to Sl.OO. Boys' Bbo.-s.t3
to1.2o. Wemnn's 6bo. 4.00 to J1.50.
' BUMc" OUUdrwi' WoM, 9.B0 to Sl.OO.
try W. I. looglM Women's. Wl'irs nod
Children's ihon I for style, lit and wear
they eaoel other make.
' If 1 could take you Into my larg
factories at Brockton, Mass., and show
you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes
re made, you would then understand
why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer, and are of greater value
than any other make.
Wherever yoa live, you can obtain W. U
Deuglas shoes. His name and price l stamped
en the bottera. which protects you against blga
terlces and lalerior shot a. Tta ,ubZ'iZ
tut. Ask your dealer tor W.L. Douglas shoes
nd Insist apea having them. r
est Ctlor gutlttt md; tftsy mill not war breilf.
i Write for frustrated Catalog ol Fall Style.
( W. U DOUULAS, Oot. 14, Brack ton, Mana,
will so often be s reminder of the river. Useful.
ICom Dlete. Scientific. U d To Date and Authorita-
(1'racucal.Altracuve.Laiumr. Kali able foDular
live. 5,oo New Wordi. loFupi, jooo Illus
tration. Editor ia Chief W.T. Hurra. Ph.D..
LL.D., U.S. Comr. of Edn. Highest Awards a:
the St. Louis and the Portland Expositions.
LarfaatofotuabrtUg'menu. Kegular and Thin Paper
ujuuns. I no nates ana Mnn itiusuauom.
Write for "The Story of a Book" DeptC
I G. C. M2BEIAH CO., Bprtepflold, Maas
You Cannot
ia ar?il
all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con
ditions of the mucous membrane such as
nasal catarrh, uteri ne catarrh caused
by feminine Ills, sore Jhroat, sore
mouth or inflamed eyes by simply
dosing the stomach.
But you surely can cure these stubborn
affections b lyn) treatment with
Paxtlne Toilet Antiseptic
which destroys the disease germs.checks
discharges, stops pain, and heals the
inflammation and soreness.
Paxtine represents the most successfuf
local treatment for feminine ills ever
produced. Thousands of women testify
to this fact. 50 cents at druggists.
, Send for Free Trial Box
THE R. PAXTON CO.. Boston. Maaa.
, IONT10K THIS PAPER nam no antannasna.
Yonr ehae money vvUl go twice
H hr II you bay the strong
tttS-Bidc and bard -la-sear
for beys rad girls. They ai
best acaind upper leather
aolct Slid have fewer scam I
Mam School thee are sha
I Mi Itouss U U mot I f Y i ,n) 1
I auuiBleUi In tills auuril rr II f ''.i v JSJ 1
amior Catalog lfetf I
injury to growing children
Your dealer ha the
lake no other. The
on every sole.
W also make the
men and Western
for women.
Sale Tea Million
1 .
11 i.ai ii aiiiin iiii 1 amaain
.aw .a B W 1
Mar or Less Walk la sr.
VThro his cnrefnl examination of bis
new patient wits st last completed, the
specialist looked for a moment In si
lence at the tall, stooping figure oppo
site his own.
"You ueed more exercise," he snld.
with his most Impressive manner. "Ton
must wnlk, walk, walk, mnn! Throw
back your shoulders, fill out your chest,
expand thp lungs, and walk!"
."Um-m !" said the tnh uian, dryly.
"Do you know, I am tho father of six-week-old
twins, and 1 have the t-rre of
them at nlftht, as their mother Is very
delicate. I get some exercise In that
way. but I can't epaud my luugs as
much as you'd like, possibly."
Jnat What tie Wanted.
"These epgs aren't fresh, are they?"
queried tlie strauger.
"Weil," replied the Kroner, cautiously,
"these esps will make n bran "
"Oh, I don't want 'em for linm omelet
or any kind of eat lex. I've been in at
that show at the opera house, and what
1 want"
"As I waa Baying, sir, IVsp eggs will
luiike a hum actor feel like n last year's
bhd'a nest." Philadelphia Tress.
Persistent Anaemia Cured by Or,
Williams' Pink Pills After Other
Remedies Had Failed.
" Wlien I began taking Dr. "Williams'
Pink Pills," says Mrs. Nathaniel Field,
of St. AlbniiH, Somerset couuty, Maine,
'I was tho jinlest, nio.;t bloodless person
you could imniiie. My tonguo and
gums were colorless and my fingers and
ears were like wax. I hud two doctors
and they prououueed my trouble amcinin.
I hud spells of vomiting, could not eat,
in fact, did not daro to, I had such iis-t;-ess
after eixtiiiff. My stomiiuh was filled
with gas which caused mo awful agony.
The backache I suffered wns at times
liluiost unbearable mid theluuxt exertion
limde my heart bent so fust tliut I could
luirdly breathe. But tho worst of all was
the splitting ueuralgin headache which
: never left uie for seven weeks. About tlii.s
! time I had had several numb spells. My
: limbs would bo cold and without any
i fueling and the most deuthly seusutious
' would come over mo.
I "Nothing had helped me until I began
taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, in fact,
I laid grown worse every day. After I
had taken the pills a short time I could
see that they were benefiting me and
I one morning I awoke eutirely free from
pain. The distress after euting disap
peared and iu three weeks I could eat
anything I wanted and suffer no incon
venience. I also slept soundly. I have
I takeu several boxes of the pills and have
' gained in weight from 120 to 154 pounds
unit am perfectly well now.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure anaemia
because they actually make new blood.
For rheumatism, indigestion, nervous
headaches and many forms of Weakness
they are recommended even if ordinary
medicines have failed. They are sold by
all druggists, or will be sent postpaid, ou
receipt of price, 60 cents per box, fix
boxes for f3.60, by the Dr. Williams
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
In buying a cough medicine, re
member the best cough cure,
Kemp's Balsam
costs no more than any other kind.
Remember, too, tho kind that
cures is the only kind worth any
thing. Every year thousands are saved
from a consumptive's grave by
taking Kemp's Balsam in time.
Is it worth while to experiment
with anything else ?
Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c.
A Positive
Ely's Cream Balm
Is quickly absorbed.
Civet Rsliof at Once.
It cleanses, soothes
heals and protects
the diseased mem
brane. It cures Ca
tarrh and drives
away a Cold in the
Head quickly. He
stores the Senses of
Taste and SmelL Full size CO eta., at Dm?,
gists or by mail ; Trial Size 10 cts. by mail.
"RtnorblH" shoe
Lady" shoes
Boxes aYear.
other .ho. KIT W
to prevent Hi'A l-Sa
. feet. They X Vk fefl
iron mra .
will get them fo'yoN:il
tr trade-mark It stamped C!-.V'4.''.;M
for iSij
F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. 1
t'lntern for Irlnklnaj Water.
In OlKXlnff u cistern, dig It deep and
arch well under ground, closing in
tho arch to receive a 2-foot sewer tile
to form tlie neck, which enn easily
lie closed ttsht ajralnst toads and In
sects. Ky the Kldo of the bljf cistern,
dljr a little tiltcrlnu cistern, as shown
In cut, that will hold from 10 to 15
barrel. Wall, arch utul cement the
same as lurre cistern, except that In
the center of the bottom, which should
le slightly Imsin ahape, dig and ce
ment a hole large cuouku and deep
eno!:Rh to mvlvo a bucket that will
hold 5 of 0 Ballon.
Have bottom of bucket perforated
with smnll holes and fasten a strong
bale to bucket by which to lift it out.
Have a strong flange turned close to
the top of the bucket to rest tight on
the bottom of Altering cistern round
top of hole. You can mako It water
tight by resting Mange on packing. If
bucket Is not good and strong, place
a rest under the bottom, us there will
be a heavy pressure when filtering
cistern Is full. Froni the bottom of
tho hole under bucket connect filter
with cistern with a 3-lnch sewer tlltf
thoroughly cemented In. Farm and
Thraahea Ilia Corn.
, Years ago, nays an Iowa man, I used
to remove every other row of teeth
from the cylinder, feed by hand, run
the thrasher with a ten horse-power
engine, and did fairly good work. But
kAncE x
The department of dairy husbandry at the Illinois experiment Rtatlon
bus been making Investigations throughout the SUi(e as to the profit returned
by the dairy cows. In the report which has been issued the state of affairs
Is represented very graphically In an illustration which is reproduced above.
It Is shown that half the cows are to be classed as medium, while the other
half follow divergent patlw. One out of every four cows produces not more
than 1334 pounds of butter fat per year. This path is not the "milky way ;"
It does not tend upward and lacks the starry brightness and the milk. Head
ing along the right hand path are the cowa (one-fourth of the whole number)
that mean profit, progress, plenty and an attractive home for the owner. They
produce 301 pounds butter fat per year and leavo a clear profit of $31.32 each.
The scales and the tester, as shown lu the circle, are the instruments for the
dairyman to use to distinguish between the profitable and the unprofitable
recent years we let the cylinder re
main as for grain thrashing. Use one
concave' with two rows of teeth, self
feeder, a sixteen horse-power engine,
and do a better Job, making tho fod
der much finer. It will crack some of
corn, but makes it better for feeding.
The fodder after being thrashed should
be placed under cover, as It
takes rain very readily and becomes
spoiled for feed. I have fed a great
deal of It and will sny that when It is
cut at the right time and well cared
for I would rather have It, pound for
pound, than timothy and clover hay
for milk cows, but all stock eat It well.
Corn for Moltlnir Hena.
Corn is generally assumed to be a
very poor grain for use In molting
season, but I have never been able to
Bee that lta uso had any real effect
on the time of molt. It Is true that I
have never had my hens molting as
easily as some say they do and that my
bens get a great deal of corn, but as
compared with experimental flocks ou
mixed grains no difference Is notice
able iu general. It Is doubtful wheth
er the kind of grain has much to do
with the time of molting provided the
ration Is properly balanced with bran,
ollmeal and meat. Homer W. Jack
ton lu National Stockman.
Largeat I'onltrr Itanch.
In central Pennsylvania a tract of
107 acres Is to be used for a mammoth
poultry farm, with n plant Intended
for ten thousand laying hens. It Is
claimed this farm will be the largest
lu the world. Perhaps the next larg
est Is that of Mr. Ilayward, of Han
cock, X. U., who keeps six to eight
thousand laying hens. In small colony
bouses. Mr. lluywurd's farm, how
ever, has been 1m actual and success
ful operation for many years, while
the Pennsylvania project. U as yet a
mere outllue.
The Wfavloar Home.
"Weaving" couslsts. In a motloa of
the head, neck and body from side to
side, like the shuttle of a weaver pass
ing through the web, and hence the
name given to this peculiar and Inces
sant motion. It Indicates an impa
tient, Irritable temper and a dislike to
confinement In the stable. A liorse
thus affected will seldom be in good
flefcb or tat safe to rids or drive It
Is not considered a disease, but met-'
ly an Individual vice, and there ta no
cure for It that I am awnro of. Vet
luary In Atlanta Constitution.
WKr VontiK Trw are Heat.
These ar tho advantages of plant
ing young trees: They can be train
ed to the desired form bettor thnn old
er tree. A two or thiVr-year-old tree
I hruuehed and has had Its bead
already formed by the nurseryman; a
yearling treo of the apple, pear and
sweet cherry Is usually unhrancbed.
Sometimes tho nurseryman has headed t
the tree too high or has not been care
ful enough about starting out the acaf- t
fold India, and It Is difficult to correct
the form of tho head after It has been
started. There Is an unmistakable
preference for low-headed trees, duo
chiefly to the need of economy and
efllclency In spraying and harvesting.
The alnslc disadvantage of low-heading
Is greater Inconvenience In tillage.
This Is much more than ofNet by the
advantages, in tho judgment of most
growers. Within ten years the height
recommended for heading applo trees
lu East has been reduced at least two
feet. The bearing of this on the mat
ter of yearling trees Is that the grow
er can head a yearling tree where ho
A Ida 1hf Fnrmrra.
As allowing still unother service
which the Department of Agriculture
has rendered to tho business Interests
of the country, wo note lu a recent bul
letin that solely due to the Introduc
tion of better methods of collecting
turpentine, there 1ms teen an Increase
of 40 iHr cent In live output, amount
ing to $7,000,000, while the long leaf
pine forests of the Southern States,
from which the American supply of
turpentine Is largely ohtulued, have
at the same time been saved from an
nihilation. The cost to the department
of the service rendered In this Instance
was $14,000. This la one of many cases
which go to prove that of all the
money that Is being expended by the
federal government In any of Its de
partments there is none which Is fetch
ing a larger return on the Investment
than that disbursed by the Department
of Agriculture. For this reason pres
sure should bo brought to bear on our
Congressmen to make appropriations
for this branch of the government
work as generous as possible.
Seed Wheat.
In selecting seed wheat each and
every one should be guided by his
pcullur locality, but every true, en
terprising farmer tthould experiment
with some of the Improved varieties
if only a busliel. A peck Is tetter than
nothing, for It can be compared with
a like quantity of "old familiars," and
the method and difference of growth,
adaptability' and yield noted. It Is
the farmer's duty to do this, and not
leavo It to seedsmen and originators.
If all would try experiments there
would soon be a great revolution Iu
wheat culture.
Whltenaah on the Farm.
Lime whitewash Is quite generally
used on tree trunks nnd In poultry
houses, says Ameiicun Agriculturist.
Xo Insects like to rest on a white
waslved surface. Scale and other suck
ing Insects either cannot or will not
puncture a lime coating, while If the
wash' is well put ou those that hide
In crevices find these filled with dis
agreeable material und seek other
quarters. Whitewash alone will not
kill wale Insects, but If It la applied
Just before they hatch the young may
be sealed up and their setting pre
vented. Soapauila fur Plunta.
. The ordinary concentrated lye Is
really caustic soda, which Is cheajier
than potash. Soda lye makes hard
soap and potash lye soft soap. Soap
suds from soft soup mukes a valuable
fertilizer, but soda soapsuds aro not
considered valuable, except for celery
and asparagus, which are always bene
fited by soda In any form. The use
of any kind of soapsuds is beneficial
In assisting to liberate plaut food in
the soli, however.
Planting a tree where one has died
often proves a failure, but wo do not
believe tho failure Is unavoidable. It
la best to destroy tho old tree and get
as much of the root as possible, some
tlmo before tho new tree is planted.
Ixfave the hole Just as tho work left
It until ready to plunt the new tree;
then fill It with good soil and plant
the tree, tamping it well.
Seed Corn Selection.
Bulletin No. 13'), recently issued by
the sxperlmont statlou, Manhattan,
Kan., will be welcomed by all Inter
ested In systematic selection of seed
corn. There Is no doubt that the yield
of this cereal may bo much Increased
by careful choice of ears. Tho bulle
tin describes the best method of doing
this, including Judging, breeding and
testing corn.
m .ait at 1
Itarsrala Dsr,
The fresh cream puffs In tha Italian
taker's window looked J,irltlng. nnd
the Interested houckccrer stepped In
side the shop to ask tbo price.
"Flfteena ceuta a dox," replied the
smiling proprietor, wiping bis hands on
his apron, prepnratory t.i wrapping tho
cakes. .
"Why," exclaimed the lady, unahlo
to conceal her astonishment, "that's
ery cheap for cream puffs! I usually
have to ray thirty. I don't see bow
you can make them at that price."
"Hlin cheapa atl tighta," confided
the baker. "Da healt office telephone
I gotta clos.i da shop right off. My
girl, Antonle, gotts da ineasle."
t'nahle to Do Fvea Itnnaenrnrk Br
raise of Kldaer Troablea.
Mrs. Margaret Kmtnorlch, of Clinton
street. Napoleon, Ohio, says: "ror
fifteen years I was a great sufferer
from kidney troubles.
My back wlned me
terribly. Kvery turn
. or move caused sham.
?CjSr5iVWyW,,Kht W"" P00r.'
'2&3gff before me. nnd I had
svr)-w years I could not do
housework, and for two years did not
get out of the bouse. The kidney se
cretions were Irregular, and doctors
were not helping me. Doan's Kidney
Pills brought me quick relief, and final
ly cured me. They saved my life."
Sold by all dealers. IV0 cents a box.
Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Off Ifta Guard.
Correspondent Senator, may I stk
rhat considerations hnve induced you to
oppone the statehood bill?
Kmlnent Statesman (flying into a rage)
"Considerations?" Sir, that question
is a daninahlo insult 1
Correspondent Then yon are doing It
without consideration? Do you know,
Senator, thst is what the most of us
fcavo been ananectlns?
No Indteatlnnu.
"My stomach has gone back on me,'
complained the fat man.
"You don't look it, old fellow," said
his physician. "I never saw it hi a more
forward condition."
Keep In Good Health.
There sre many thousands of people all
over the world who can attribute their
good health to taking one or two Brand
reth's Pills every night. These pills
rleanse the stomach and bowels, stimulate
lie kidneys snd liver and purify the blood.
They sre the same fine laxative tonic pill
rour grandparents used, and being purely
refutable they are adapted to children and
eld people, ss well as to those in the vigor
f manhood and womanhood.
Itrandreth's Pills have been In use for
over a century snd are for sale every
where, either plain or sugar-coated,
All that Waa Com Ins;.
Theresa was a inula of ' unusually
mulish disposition. She belonged to
Jean Turcbtte, a Frenchman possessed
of a truly remarkable funa of patience;
but be needed It all, for Theresa was
not only a beast of burden, but a bur
densome beast
If Turcotte wished to go up-hill. The
lesa invariably felt impelled to go
down. If Turcotte yearned to ride in
the shade, nothing but sunshine would
do for Theresa. If the Frenchman ex
pressed a wish to go forward, the mule
was Immediately Bcixed with a desire
to "crawfish"' In the opposite direction.
Yet Turcotte bore with her for six long
Finally, however, Theresa, balking at
a time when she was weighted down
with two bags of Hint;, backed off tho
dock into deep water, snd forever van
ished from sight.
"Theresa Turcotte," breathed the
Frenchman, fervently, as he leaned
over the edgo of the wharf to shake his
fist at the rising bubbles, "I hope for
once that you got your nios' complete
S. O. N. V. - No. 49 1000,
1 -0
v. . , m oti" ir ia a
:;ii5''f chooso one
S ...
j. r-.,:'vs 'Aati
lVniW 1 iaa'ni
U . . . -M
the front
1 iii 111 si 1 11 r -T.A .--.jr. r tlj. jjirj t C1I f
m, 1
Cr sasr seees krisster see futar ceiort taa say tthtf a. Dm I0 seiist fksri. Ttoj Wj cetd wstsv tarhar taa my tkr tr. fas ess sW
Ssi sarawel intSsirt rwas (Sart. UrMt fat free kuUt--UrCialn,UiA a MkCsisr. MOM HOE P VC CO, VnimtUU. Mtjjmmrt
riratetul Chenaje.
"Don't you want to borrow my lawa
mower?" sked Mr.. Goodman, addressing
the man that bad just moved Into the
house next dcor.
".Why, y, thank you," answered the
new neighbor, with alacrity.
"Well, you're an Imnrovemfnt on the
man who lived thrre before you, anyhow,"
sld Mr. OoiMlinin, lifting the machine
over the backyard fncp. "1 always had
to mow his lawn mywlf."
To Wak Flaaaeln.
Di'solv s liberal amount of Ivory
Soap In a tub of warm water; Mr ready
a second tub of water of the eirae tem-
irrature, a. I no a little aopy. Wh the
hannels, a piece at a time, by rnbhlns
between the hamls. Do not Hi Iny In
tho water, but rinse imnie-li i:ely : wring
ki the hands and dry In tne sun.
nvldraee to the Contrary.
FNmeralda Have you heard wh.it the
doctors sre saying about motoring? It
gives you what they cull the automobile
I mouth spoils the mouth for kissing,
i Olsdys That isn't true, and I know
It.' Harold has been running an automo
bile for yar !
, This Will Intereat Mother.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil
dren, used liy .Mother lirajr, a nurse In Chil
dren's; Home, New York, cure Constipation,
I'everlslineas, Twilling llsordr. Hiomarh
Trouble and Iiestroy Worms: S0.OUU testi
monial of cures. All tirnuKlHts. '-'e. Wim
ple no:. Address Allen B. OluisteO, V
ltoy. N. V.
I'rerlnlou of Term.
"I hear you have Invented a flying
I "Xo," answered tho honest In
' ventor. "Not a flying machine; an nir
hlp. I have Invariably found that a
'tiylng machlno' Is a misnomer."
Washlugtou Star.
in Souor.t. Mexico, alone, about 5-10,-OOO.UOO
of Ann': icHU money is now in
vested. K ...
Av'cfefaUe Preparationfor As
similating KieFoodandRegula
UngllicStouiafsaMIJovra30f iHYhl,T iVtl! sAsl..
Promotes DigesUon.Checrfur
ness find Rest .Con tains neither
upium.Morpiune nOT funeral.
In ox Kah c otic .
atnlifd C-H
Aperfccl Remedy forConslipa
Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrtiooa
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
t - a fix n rf
..in ' .ir.'Tvr. m 1 l
Tx erarmva i
If more than ordinary skill in playing bring3 the honors of the
game to tho winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy
ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a rea
sonable amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to
the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's
improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches,
a . t a. 1 1 1 ; x a. 1 . i 4
11 1 m nn rr.n n t mnwnvnr in no Arr nrr a
of known quality and excellence,
pleasant byrup or Mgs, manuiactured by the Cahfornla Fig
Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system
effectually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant
after effects, as it acta naturally and gently on the internal
organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance,
without griping, irritating or debilitating the internal organs in
any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious
nature. A3 the plants which are combined with the figs in
the manufacture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to
act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met
with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well
worth considering in making purchases.
It is because of tho fact that SYRUP OP PIGS
is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by
physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well
informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain
quality or inferior reputation. Every family should havo a
bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a
laxativa remedy is required. Please to remember that the
genuine Syrup of Figs 13 for sale in bottles of one size
only, by all reputable druggists, and that full name of the
company California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on
of every package. Kegular price, 60c
uf9rnia Fig Syrup (v h&MM
OAr FrAneisco, Cjl.
Nursing Mothers and
Over-burdened Womr 2
In all stations of Iif whoso vigor snd
vitality may have been undermined and
broken-down by over -work, exacting
social duties, the too frequent bearing of
children, or other causos. will fl id In Dr.
Pierce's Favorlto Prescription the most
potent, Invigorating restorative strength
giver over devised for their special beno
flu Nursingmothers wlUfind ItespAcUf-'
ly valnsblo l sustaining helr strengii '
and promoUngSm abundant iMmrlahment
for the child. fcxpctnmNairs too
will find It A prIcclessNiijiJt7i))M;f tk
system for baby's coming and rTHi&;
the ordeal comparatively painless?" J I
can do rin hiirmJpny ttM?, or condltl.. j
icats. nervous, weak women, who
suffer from frequent headaches, back
ache, drspiilng-down distress low down
In tho abdomen, or from painful or Irreg
ular monthly periods, gnawing or dh
tressed sensation In stomach, dlizy or
faint spells, see Imaginary specks or spots .
floating before eyes, have disagreeable,
pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, snte
version or retro-version or other dlsplseo
monti of womanly orcans from weakness
of parts will, whether they experience)
many or only a few of the absvc, symp
toms, find relief and a permanent cure by
using faithfully nnd Talrly persistently
Dr. IMoren'a Favorite Prescription. fc
This world-famed specific for woman's
wesknesses and peculiar ailments is A
tlvo. medicinal roots without a drop of
alcohol In Its mnko-up. All Its Infrredl
ents printed In plain English on Its bottle
wrapper and attested under oath. Dr.
Pierco thus invites the fullest Investiga
tion of his formula knowing that It will
be found to contain only the host agent
known to tho most advanced moaleAl
science of nil tho different schools of prtto
tlce for tho cure of woman's peculiar
weaknesses and ailments.
If you want to know morn about the) .
composition snd professional endyfce
mcnt of tho Favorite Prescription," send
postal card request to Dr. R. V. Plarcs,
Huffalo, N. Y., for his ire booklet treat
ing of same.
You csn't afford to accept as a substi
tute for th It remnd y nf kiwvm compottiOtm
a secret nostrum vf unknown compost
tio?t. Don't do it.
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You llavo.
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Vlr. SaTl maimi noi
n yitiua rr
like tho ever
per bottle.
AJesy YofJiVJ
ll an a ststjtrwafraBliwa
19 r
mi r
3imnn n'asaiyinrissjsr