Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 07, 1906, Image 6

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    Dakota County Herald
Continuation of the Homer Herald.
Subscription Trice. $1.00 Vet Year.
A. weekly newspaper published-at
LrakntA t Hy. ISthrngkft.
IVrniiwsion hut been granted for tbe
transnti.-isioii of thin paper through the
mail a second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
Conntj Treasurer Blame thin week
walled in and cirjceled railroad bond
No. 59 TLU means that f59.000.00
Lava Ipd paid on the tailread bonds
ia IHe pai-t three years. The payment
of tvery bind means the earinx of 145
m yrt, on that the saving on t fiy-ciue
Jktiids i quite an item.
Tbis ia a srt of topsy turvy world.
Vo oa seems to be satisfied. One
nam ie atrngfrtinfr to gat justice, and
another in flying from it. One man
fe aaii g np to liny a borne and an
other if trying hard to aell hia dwell
ing for lens than it ooat, to Ret lid of
it, One man la spending all the
money be can earn in taking a girl to
theater or show and Bonding her
-valuable promts in hopes that he
may eventually make her Ida wife, and
h:a neighbor is spending all the golJ
hi lia saved Tying to gi t a divorce.
One man kepn ft pistol to protect
liim-lf agiimt burglais, abile his
neighUir dosn't keep one for fear tf
dhooiing himself or fome member of
the fatuity. O.ie man pave for his
paper in advance Womiae he can rend
it with a grext r relish, while another
take. it for four or five years without
paying ou c -nt for it, and enj'ijs it
liacely sll tlx while. Surely a queer
old woil I this is. Ei.
40C VM eMi COKOr;-r WtO HMO;
Items of Interest
from our Exchanges
llrr,ati, Neb, Ban: William Bar
tou WiigU', the an1 ject of this sketch,
was th aon of Johu and Klizib ill
Wright. Il wns born Jnne 10, 1862,
at Ht-loiia, Ya'es county, New York.
When liv jt-ai of age, he came with
' hia ir-i.ti. who reiuovel f.otu New
Yoik'aud attKod near bioux City,
low, and ah tut twenty years ago ha
atne to llariinnu whero he wus n'ig
d s seuti iu foreman for the C & N W
here for a miiuberof years, later enter
lag th Comine'Cial hotel a it land
lori and on r, where ue resided un
til illuH o (Duelled hiu 'o give up his
work. Iu 1I377 he was united in mar
riage with AUry Wright. To this
anion five children were born, four of
whom are dead. With hit three sin
ters. Mr Alice Hides, of Dakoti City,
Jfeb; lr Marj Giroer, of Whitney,
Net, and Mrs Mattio Wright, of Craw
ford, Neb, Mr Wright le-ves hii wife,
dan w lit r Effi and adopted son Earl,
to mm in h:a departure, besides a num
ber of other relative sad a host of
Srienia. I h -i rau-o of hia death ia nt
?rituted U nfounii, n form of cancer
'Oa mm 16th lie went to Omh: for
iUodical trtttnieut and tendons later
underwent an operation. About a
snontu ao lie returned from the hos
pital with ome hope of recovery al
though there waa doubt in the minds of
ibia t 'ietui. Hia anfferiuga before and
after the oierttion were severe, but he
Tbore tuem ' wi'n that sweet pttieuce
which be p ises-d to no small decree
Hia trust t irouh the trial wi-s stayed
on O ld aul wheu in the severest piia
t tiue, hia itues to those r.b mt
turn waa thnl bis communion with
Christ was kwwn, On Monday. No
V6arier26, 1006 t about 11 oMocka
m, the atigul he through h 'Urs f suf-
iriiig had waited for, Came. About
tf clock that morning realizing that (
.tb md va nar, be bade thone about
Hyn goodbye and r quested tUtm to
atng for him wbirdi the did, and t
ihei v iicea b- added hia, in its feeble
touts, yet oitinoly audible. From
thia time on he sank lower and yet
Vw-x nuiil tliM heart ceased to beat.
Of tiia qa ilitiea of character we need
'juxtapeik. for he) waa a friend to every
boSy, hf'BMit and upright in hia bui
bom ff aii a. and he leaves a place vacant
in tlie community which oaunot soon
be filial. Tie funeral anrvitHB were
held the M E church Wednesday
theSSt'i. Bv Arthur York pieuebed
vfrom Isiiati 25-8, A large attendance
of ehbor and friends were piesnnt
pay tbeir laxt sad tribute. Flowers
there was in abundance, fragrant iu
their saeetn-B". the sift of lovincr
Lands. D-aki ff silently iu their beauty
of tl.e life beyond the tomb. The Suo.
for ttie community, extends sincere
TTiouxrity Tribune, 3rd: Equip
went for the Bionx City, nomor and
Southern railroad is arriving in Sioux
City and President Joaeph Fove an
nonnoua ihat be believed the road
-would be in operation within two
weeka, while the first train will prob
ably ran within a week. While in
'Cbinago last week Mr Foye purchased
4be coach and engine which will com
iprise t ne first train ovr the toad.
The eoactt has ariive I in Sioux City.
Tue locomotive left Chicago Saturday.
Soma delay ia t'aok layiog has been
Xeii -no-d oecauee of the losj of
apeoial croaaings made for the Sioux
iity. Homer aud Southern, whioh will
4m na.-d to cross the Omaha road near
-the .ration t Koutii Sioux City. The
oeening of the Sioux City, Homer and
Sontltern railroad, whioh is, aa yet,
claaed aa an n.truiban road, marks
n important era in the hiatorv of
ioux City It is the opening of au
inter urliu line, anre to be Mlowtd by
the ooisirU'-tioo of o her liue. Inter
urban tatlroada ere the making of a
vnartet oentar in the opinion of l'Ur-l-neas
men all ov-r the United Hut a
They are declared by railroad in- n to
b the gre test fantor in iucroasiug
the value of farm Unds.
Ponca Leader: Cbas L MoCool,
-waa an ardval in Wayne Saturday
ltrotto viait hia aunt. Mrs E W
Iaa. not knowinx the family had
itBOvad to Beatrice. Mr MoCool is a
fonn.r Wavna bor. Uialatberln an
riv day was a pastor of the Luther-
mm rhnroh and at the bead of the old
Lartberan academy. In 1899 Charley
n!MJ ia lb arntv and aved t-o
. jeara la the Philippines, then b join-
id the navy, being assigned to duty on
the gunboat Uahogh, but later was
transferred to the battleship W ixcon-
Kio. llis four years service bna been
a wonderfu! experience, providing a
trip aronnd the wotld with the privi
leges afforded in a atop at the most
inifiortnnt ports of the different :onn
trits. lie was given an honorable
discharge from his term of enliMtment
laxt week . On Sunday he left for Be
atrice. Emerson Enterprise: Congressman
J J McCarthy and Henry Bchoening
have exchanged farms. Mr Bchoening
gets the quarter jn-t north of A Ira
Davis and Mr McCarthy takes the 80
seres east of the uerman nan ana
gels I60U0 in addition. In the deal
the val'ie of each farm was considered
at $75 per acre. Mr McCarthy thinks
he can iuvesr his money in cheaper
land in tho north part of the connty
that will bring just as much rent.
' Thurston Gazette: Augnsta Nash
returned FriJay, after a month's visit
at Homer, with relatives. .. .Rev O 8
Hughes was called to his home in
Weot Virginia last week on account ot
the terious illness of his father.
JIartington News: Mis Maggie
Dird went down to Bionx City this
morning to spend the day with Mr and
Mrs Frank McDonald.
Pender Times: Mrs Ream, mother
of Leon, has gone to Granville, Iowa,
where she will spend several months.
Lyons Mirror: D M Neiswsnger
cime down on tho Burlington from
Dakota City, Wednesday.
'1 ho year l'JU.J wilt long he remem
bered in the home of F N Tacket, of
Alliance, Ky, as a year of blood ; which
flmed so copiouely from Mr Tacket's
Mings Mint iiealu seemed very near
ile write: "Severo bleeding from the
lung and a frightful cough had
brought me at death's door, when I
l-g taking Dr King's New Discovery
f if o insnmtion, wih the astonishing
renult that after taking four botles I
was completely ics'ored and as time
has proven permanently cured."
Gtiarsntoed for sore lungs coughs and
cold, nt Leslies drug store. Prico
50c and 1 00. Trial bottle free.
p:c yxMKm .num k:4vw
Prof Dounhue, lioo Daley and Ella
Uouey went to Sioux City Saturday.
Blunkets, iu all grades and prices,
at Curl Anderson's.
Clara R-iss and two brothers went
to South Sioux city Saturday on a
J'nnie Bridenbaugh, who Caches in
the Coleridgo schools, spent Thanks
giving here with her folks.
Knives and forks, suitable for holi
day gifts, at Carl Andersou's.
Jurors Timlin and who, of Juokron,
rpnt Timuksgiviug here with their
moth-r, Mrs Mike Timlin.
M Green was a passenger to tho city
Toys and dolls for the children in
endless variety, at Curl Anderson's.
Rrnze & Greea are building a arge
machiuo shed in oouneotion with t'leir
blacksmith shop.
Gra.dmu Nordykn, ot Jackson, 's
viuiing at the homo of her aon, Art
and family.
We have a fine assortment of neck
ties, suitable for holiday gifts. Carl
M;er Bro. shipped four cars of
g min t'uis week.
Art Nordyke is having the well in
f rout of hia s. loon cased np with ti
ling. Fancy dishes and band painted chi
na cups and saucers, at Carl Ander
sou's. Nothing would be nicer than
these for Christmas gifts.
Mary Harty was a passonger to the
city Monday,
Dr Witte returned Tuesday from a
viait at Ids old home in Rockford,
Minn, wtiere he went last week to
spend Thanksgiving.
Art Nordyke was a city visitor Tues
Jack Beaoom was down to the county
scat Tuesday.
Some member ot the family wou'd
appreciate a pair of those fine shoes
! f Carl Anderson's
as a Christmas
P nt
Fred B artel s shipped three cars of
sheep to South Omaha Mouday night,
Mary O'Connor returned Tuesday
event g from a week s visit with her
folks at Atlautic. Iowa.
I Try a menl at the Nordyke coff. e
'house when in town. Lunchea and
meala served at all hours.
I Anuie Klllacky went to Bloomflold
Wednesday evening to visit her bro it
er John and family and to spend
I Mary Beaoom went to Visa to viait
friends aud spend Thanki-giviug
Chriatrras candy and cigars at Carl
I Mary O'Connor anl Mrs llojt wont
to the City Saturday moruing
Al Bohrimpp weut to Hartington
Wedneaduy evening to spend 1 hanks
giving with hia folks.
- Myers Bros shipped a oar of bogs to
market t rid ay last.
Toys and dolls for tho children at
Carl Auduraon'a.
O W Rockwell and wife, Bridget
Qreeu, lira Henry Roberts and to
children, Johuie Mera and William
Grant were Sioux City pasaeugers Fii
Ernest Frost, depot agent st Craig,
Visittd frieuda here last Thursday,
SraciAL OoauBsroBDSKoa.
Dra Jei kinaoo and Roost, of Bionx
City, spent Sunday at the horns of
Marr E Ryan,
Mrs H F Taylor returned from her
six weeks visit with ber daughter at
8t Charles, 111, having enioyod a fine
Ed T Kearney received a letter Tues
day from Daniel IMey at the ao.diers
home in Graud Island. Daniel left
here about ten years ago and is still
hearty and has been ttaytng at tne
home ever since.
J A Hall and bojs, Ambrose and
Raymond, left Tuesday afternoon
for Beymonr, Mo. where Mr Hall has
invested largely in real estate. Mr
Hall expects to be gone about a month
and the boys may remain all winter.
W T Bartlett returned the first of
the week from Jnlesbnrg, Col. Sever
al parties who accompanied him from
8ioux City, parohased land there.
Mary and Katie Qninn, Anna and
Mary Harty and Jessie Davey spent
Thanksgiving vacation with their folfcs
Mrs Margnret Brannan has been laid
np with a bad cold the past week bat
is improved.
Michael Sullivan lias reoeivnd the
appointment of mail messenger from
the poetofBce to the Great Noithern
depot, vice D Hogan, resigned.
Mrs J M MeMullen hss been on the
sick litt the past week.
Beatrice Jones, of Vista, visited her
couaiD, Monica Flynn, over Sunda;.
A wedding of unusual interest took
place at Blair. Neb, December 4, when
Mrs Mary E Ityan, of this place, was
married to Ed J Mullally, of Hubbard.
Rev J J Kavauangh. of Jackson, f fli-
ciated. Alter a weddiug trip of sev
eral weeks in the east Mr and Mrs
Mullally will return to Jackson to make
their homo.
Mrs D Hogan, who has been at Bt
Joseph's hospital the pest two weeks,
is getting along nicely bnt the doctor
thinks another operation will be neces
sary, which will be performed the laet
of the week.
The young son of Albert Carpenter
is quite sick with pneumonia, a nurse
being ia attendance.
Died, at St Joseph's hospital, Sioux
City, December 6, 1906, Jonn C
O'Neill, age about 68 years, from the
effect of an operation. The deceused
has resided in Jackson the past 27
years, end was in the blacksmith busi
ncss. ue has bout of friends who
will mourn his death. fle leaves
wife to mourn a kind husband . Tho
funeral was held Thursday from the
Catholic church here.
W II Ryan has gone to Chicago to
visit his wife, who has the seoond time
undergone an operation. We hear she
is doing nioely.
Mr Apleton, of Sioux City, is in tho
bank assisting Gcorgo Asaford wLile
Mr Ryan is away.
Joe Falon ia again with us, putting
np the trimmings in Abh fords for the
holiday trade.
Geo Hagerman, who died Thanks
giving day at Grant, Mich, whs bur
ied in the Omaha Valley cemetery
Sunday, funeral services being held
from the M E church her-, Rv Smith
asaiNted by Rev ChrUty, official lug.
Maltie MuKinley, who has been at
tending school iu fluvelock, Iowa, re
turned home Tuesday and will remain
and attend the high school here the
rest of the winter.
The coal famine is broken ancl both
bard and soft coal is now on the mar
Tim O'Co.inor had two car loads of
hogs on the Sioux City market Tues
day, i
Judore King in the absence M Judge
Ryan, presided at a case Tuesday.
Joe llariis wife and baby, of Emer
son, were ov.tr Hundify visitors at the
Geo Harris home.
Mrs Dan Purdy is on the sick list.
Mrs Pearl Pryor was a Thanksgiv
ing guest at the Seth Barnes home, re
turning to ber home iu Iowa Friday.
Seth Barnes and wife and Mrs T D
Curtis were Sioux City vinitors Friday.
W F Bryant, ex-district attorney,
w's ia town Wednesday.
Fred Culbertaon is, able to be up
again, after a few weeks sickness.
Ex County Treasurer J ob Learner
sporta a new ball bearing waon of
the broad tire type, aud hopes his
neighbors may follow suit.
Q lite a number of the young people
of Salem attended the Grand Satur
day evening aud saw the famous Won
Three thorruuhbred Poland Chins
boats for t-ale Chief Paxton, No,
H08o7: Pitxtou Junior, and Armour'
Clumpioii Boy. Call or write, Marvin
Armour, Homer, Neb.
, Uuole Hor.ce Dutton had the mis
foit'ine of huviug a horse step ou hia
f.iot and oruahed it quit seventy.
We were very fortuuxto this week in
not fretting the snow etoret that was
predicted by the hioux City weather
man. lueieia o uiuou corn out o be
greeted with a enow storm.
'Songbird" after seeing the Morn
side-Nebraska foot ball utme said it
was too deep for him to understand.
Mrs V-nley Brown, of Uemck, S
D, ia visiting relatives here fur a fe
Clyde Crego has about finishod
hukii.g com for Jacob Learner.
When the oorn ia ut he expeo a to
o o breaking bronohos. Clyde eats
tuat i'h the aasistauoe of the fm ns
log Mr L-amer keeps for the pioteo-
tiou ot "teacher" he oau o-.nquer the
entire herd of bmnohs iu a few weeks
Mrs D L Leap was au Emerson vi
itr last Friday.
Josephiue Davey vicid at the Hee-
ney home last oek.
Loi ia Sohinkle was a passenger to
Em rsou Tueaoay moruing.
Mat Aenmaouer aud Mat Buhl
drove lo Walerb.try buuday.
Theresa Auderaon returned home
Mouday after a w.eks visit with her
sister at Emerson
The Heeney boys fluished piokiug
com Friday. They are the first to
fiaiah in this vicluity.
t'arria Watson departed last 8atnr
dav for Bancroft, after three weeks
vi-it with I er sister, Mia D L Leap,
August Zastrow and ife are the
proud parents of a ten pound boy
whioh arrived last Saturday norniug.
A number f ladies called at the
hme of Mrs N Auderaon last Satur-
, day afteruoou, the ocoavion being her
60th birthday. All erjoyed a very
pleasant afternoon.
Roho Heeney returned home Wed
nesday afternoon after a weeks visit
with frieuda at Randolph and Bloom-
"A dangerous suigical operation, in
volving the removal of a malignant
nicer, as large is my hand, from my
daughter's hip, was prevented by the
application of Bucklen's Arnioa salve,"
says A C Btickel, or Miletus, W, Va .
Persistent nse of the salve completely
cured it ." Cures outs, burns snd inju
ries. 25o at Leslie's drnir store.
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaching Sunday morning at Sa
lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday scheol
at 10:00.
Preaching at Dakota City at 3.00
o'clock p m ; Sunday school at 9 :45 a
h. : G E at 6 -.30 p m
A cordial welcome to all.
m sot mappv ron Lira.
Great happiness ctme into the Lome
of 8 U Blair, school snperintndent, st
St Albans, W Va, when his little
daughter was restored from the oed-
ful coomplaint ho names. He says:
My little daughter had St Vitus'
Dauce, which yielded to no treatment
but grew ateadily worse until as a lant
resort we tried Electrio Bitters; and I
rejoice to any, three bottles effected a
complete cure. Quiok, sure cure for
nervous complaints, general debility,
female weaknettses. impoverished blood
and malaria. Guaranteed by Leslie's
drug store. Price 50c.
First M E Church Hours of Service
1ft a m . .Sunday School
11 a iu Preaching
12 m Class Meeting
6:30 pm Epworth League
7:30p ni , Preaching
tit rrxiar. i v
17 :30 pm Prayer Merting
A 11 evening services from May to
October will be held one-half hour
later. Elmer E Shaver, Pastor.
Phone nurabr 33.
The Homestead, of Des Moines, Li,
is an agricultural weekly of the high
est class, edited by actual farmer,
who live npon snd operate their own
farms and are able to put to the test
of experience all tho theories discussed
iu its o lumu8. The Homestead hits
departments devoted to horticulture,
poultry, dairying, sheep, veterinary,
laws effeo'ing the farmer, the house
hold, Sunday school aud every inter
est of the wehtern farmer; and it a edi
torials cover every question regarding
soils, reeds, machinery, mtthodscf
cultivation, breeding and care of live
tock, ee, in which the farmers of
this section are interested. The Home
stead's contributors include tho ablest
and most succehhf ul fa-mer, breeders
and expeiiment station workers in the
middle west. If you are a Homestead
reader, you cannot fail to be up to
late on all farm questions; snd "Fatm
Furrows," "Hiuts, Devices, Suggest
ions, eto, and other valuable features
re an unfailing source of entertain
ment and induction-. The Home
stead is $1 a year to subscribers, nnd
nbsitriptions either tingly or in com-
ination nith this puper, are taken at
this office.
Real Esta " Transfers.
Altxirt Johnson and wife to W W Ho-
blor, nJi '',; nwH e?i. and part or
swk ncH sec lion HO-W-8, wd I ftooo
O I) Shreveand wlfo to Netlte Nead.
lots 4, 5 arid S In block 101, UovlnKlon
Annex to Houtti Sioux City, wd KKXI
Edwards Bradford Lbr Oo to Henry
Morris, lota 7 ami o in block 7, Hedges
Addition to Jackaon, wd JO0
The terms of oourt for thiB, tho 8th
udicial district, for 190C, are us fol
Htnnton January H, Heptembor 10
(HnnliiK January IU, September 17
ThiircitoQ..... April , tlctola-r IS
Dakota February 12, October 1
lediir MarcU 5. November l
1)1 ion '. Match 19. lxcemler 8
Imported draft stallions, $100Ueach.
Home-bred registered draft stallions,
$300 to $800. Halt Bros, Osceola, Ia.
We eau now furnish the New Idea
woman's magazine) in connection
wi ll the Uerald for $1.80. The regu-
ii r oiice for. the magazine ia 50c.
Thia ia a bargain that you eannot af
ford to misa.
If any of our siilisoiibera desire the
addrtss chang-d ou their flnraid j
reason of the tetab'isliment or chunges
made in ttie rural rutes, or lor any
other 'Hason, i'tRt droiU3 a j ostal aud
tlie cIihok deaned and it will b raude.
Cull st Tin, tleralit oilioH aud gt i
samiile copy of Tho Nuw Idea Maga-
Bine, a miifazine for womeU. It will
only cost ou 30o a year in combina
tion ith I b Herald
Houie-hrtd draft s'alliouk, 250 to
IGimi; imported ktallious, your choice,
$1000, F L Btreum, (Jrestoo, Ia.
Ten Farms for Hale Good ones, al
sizes aud kinds. Warner & Elmers.
The best iuiiKirled horsi s, flUUO earh.
Home-bred registered draft stallions.
f'2j() to $750 at wy stable doors. A.
Littiiuer Wilsou, Creston, la
Mubsoriba lor the Herald, the best
po 'u the county. $l a year.
Physician and i?urpeoa.
Calls promptly attended
..Columbian Bifocal Company, Tempi
Court, Dsnver, CotoH exclusive makers.
MMiiiiiiiUMM MimiiimiHimm"!
A .'-J ! -III A
ViktMnvlsiblc' Bifocals
... itss""tm'
you can
j Tjc
S '
Our Holiday Preparations Have Been Completed. Our different departments are filled
with Rich New Goods Adapted for Holiday Gifts. Our many customers and friends
are urged to make their selections early this year, as lh: season bids fair to excel all
previous years in the magnitude of our business.
w..AMAMn, uut-ot-lown oervicel KouMo.TO0.a-
i. v.r, L.rg. Our now Cataloe fives you the c mu m cnt.
and prices opportunity for Successful
V.r, R.,.on.bU ?U0U A T tG M W 4
iiuwiiuu, uiiuiij ARE HOUSEHOLD WORDS
Lamps, Cut Glass
B""uu Comb. Upon 8pI(iicfltion we win 6f,nd you our Umbrellas, Clocks, Jew-
new illuctiated cathg. elry, Chains, Bracelets
fountain pens Engraving on All Goods W.thout Charge Combs, Novelties
spoons, tea kets T I AiiOidersbyMi.il The Beck (guarantee
toil:t tr.TS Jsl 6 or Express Prepaid with each article
Mondimln Corner,
Cim Hub of CA City
y. .
0UGH8 and
Free Trial.
Uiimat. anrl Cuinkeat Cura for all
:8-w5'h.iaW-rA Tnarik- MARKS
'rtWW 05YBIQHTa &.
if.-.k.i ii.iiiMrl.i
? i. ......... r'k-Mn.i.ntn.
'M'tamrioili- .i-mwoiiUkI. f'irto (inl'iiMU
f.-n-. fri-n. MI-IK. t Kiiaii' 1 Uvrit'ne paimu.
Tiii'iii ikii tiimukh AU. mi &, Co. rvcolv
r-r. Ml tu!Ut, w'inool cuarce, w iu
Scientific JJttteiicfa
l huBttan'iiolT Hlnntr"l itwkl. I.nrci clr.
utn li.il of Miiy K-ienlliln "uruul. T'-ni'l. 3
reir: fir montbs. U i3u.al):l newwii-Mlem
w7 fy Co.36'Bruwi Hew York
St Vitus Dance
Are nerve diseases, and unless
checked, lead to destruction of
both mind and body. The
weak, shattered nerves must
have something to strengthen
and build them back to health.
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine
is a remarkable nerve tonic and
stimulant. It strengthens the
nerves, relieves the nervous
strain, and influences refresh
ing body-building sleep and
rest, Ptrsistent use seldom
fails to relieve these afflictions.
'1 was takn with epileptic fits; had
eleven In lens than 11 hours tXf
father sent for our family physician,
but he could do very little for me, and
I grew worse every day, and at lust
they had three doctors with me, and I
still pot worse. My father heard of
Dr. Miles' medicines and bouKlit a
bottle of Nervine and fe. box ot Nerve
and l.lver i'llla. I had taken only a
few doses until I began to feel belter.
I took IS bottles, and it cured me
aound and well. It has been worth all
the world to me. I recommend It
wherever I so. You may use thia as
a life-long- testimonial to the merits
of your medicine, for I am enjoying
the best of health, and feel that my
life and health ia due to this wonderful
Snedlduo." LEVY W1I.MAM3.
R. F. I. No. 1. Boston, Oa.
Dp. MCsa' Nervlns Is sold by your
druggist, who will guarantee that the
first bottle will benefit. If It fails, he
will refund your money.
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