Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 16, 1906, Image 4

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for our
The New Idea
Woman's Maflazine
"She Herald
These two together
For Only $s.so
Dakota County Herald
Continuation of the Homer Herald.
johs n. rkam, rum-iRHER.
Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Yrsr.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dnkota ity, NsbrMska.
Permission has been granted for Ibe
transmission of this paper I h rough the
mails an second-class matter.
Telephone No. 4.1.
Now in tli time heu the small ny
looka forward longingly to Thanksgiv
ing, ard when bia wind is filled wi'h
thousriiU of mast turkey, pumpkin pies,
mince pioa and the other good things
wlii"h m ike the day one continual ) j
to him.
D 0 lb ff .miin, of Hubbard, who
wss elected representative from this,
the lCth distri t, cartb-d the diatri-t
by a mj rity of 161. Ilia majority in
Dakota conuty wan 6, in run iug 203.
while) his opponent, 0 J Wtborg, car
tied Thurston county by 47.
Home one said that "an ouncn of
tuffy ia wortli a ton of epitaphy."
'lie re is common aeiiBe in that view
of things. Too often we reaerve our
prnise of people nntil they are dead
mid beyond ihe reach of either praian
or blame. It would brighten the life
of others considerably nnd make their
path easier to tread if we would say a
few cif the good things to them while
they are on earth.
Murk Mnrry, of the Ponder Times,
is pretty fore over th defe t of Gruv a
fiu ct'iigiess. He rants in this atle:
"Judge Graves certainly made ft great
run, notwithstanding tht every rail
roiul capper and plumper from Dakota
City t' the supreme court room at
Lincoln was coniiuually burking at
his heels. In this count) the Agency
officials kept t'no Indians fruit the
polls by telling th:rn that Graves
wnii'ed to tax them. This however,
would not hav eouuted if the farmers
hud only voted."
The New Idea Woman's
Magazine contains over 100
pages each month of fashions,
guidance for making clothes
and household helps. 1
Each number is divided
somewhat as follows :
The Fashions
15 pages of reading and des
cription; also nine full-page
fashion plates many of them
in color.
Fiction and
Informational Articles
50 pages by the best writers.
Beautifully illustrated.
Children's Department
From 5 to 10 pages of styles
and stories.
10 Pages.
Good Housekeeping
IS Pages.
County School Notes.
Regular examination Friday
Saturday of this weak,
Twenty-tiino applicants last month,
the majority beiDg from the academy
at Jacsson The senior cluss took al
gebra und botany. , Tho tenth grde,
ftritumetii', history and giography.
Result of October examinations
were ro ived and mailed out iouday.
O it of sixty-six subjects only two were
ticlow soooud grsd both by an ap
plicant for a third grade certificate.
A number of copies of Bishop's Ne
braska Corn Book were sent, out this
wiu-k wbera it we s thought they sould
lo the most gobd If a teacher re
ceives one and cannot make auy use of
it, alio should shikI it buck or baud it
1 1 S'ime teacher who can Additional
copies iii ay bo had for 10o eseh, or in
quantities of two or more, 8o each,
frmn Kupt E G Bi-hop. Lincoln,
Dakota county scored several more
9'J'a in th O 't'lber eximinu'litu. Be
bfeca Kri'i, Margaret Connelly, Or
trudo Hall, Mary Vatnrs, Celit Fla
h'Mtv, and Marry Keefe ea-h ' muki ug
0'J in arithnietio. Following tie the
names of those making' 95 or better:
Hern V.nderhoof nilH U7 Ir. arithme
tic; Oertru le Hall 95 in history, Fran
cox "awyer 05 in algebra and name in
botany, L rettt MoKenua .)5 in algebra.
4tnm nr Pvhsnnae
1 1 w ill wvi nwuui I w
Ponca Journal : U A Kingsbury
went to Jackson Wednesday..,. J J
McCarthy ia building a large resi
dence ou bis fa m near Vista. It wi.l
soon be complutei.
Seed clcng the Money and
Seccre this Bargain la
a Year's Reading.
The action of the heart de
pends upon the heart nerves
and muscles. When from any
cause they become weak or ex
hausted, and fail to furnish
sufficient power, the heart flut
ters, palpitates, skips beats;
and in its effort to keep up its
work, causes pain and distress,
such as smothering spells,
short breath, fainting, pain
around heart, arm and shoul
ders. The circulation is im
peded, and the entire system
suffers from lack of nourish
ment. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure makes
a heart strong and vigorous by
strengthening these nerves and
"I I'nd p.-.lrltntlon and puln around
my 1.' nt, uuil tho doctor snUl It wu
Iticurulilft. 1 d'lii't Ix'l'ove It now. fur
lifter t iking nix bottle of lr. Ml lea'
Heart (uie, three boltna of theKcrvInn
i.nd tines boxes of the Nervo end
T.lvcr i'llla 1 win entirely cured, and
f;cl rnti-T thin I have for five yours,
nnd It Is fit i'u to these remwlli. I
want you to know thiit your modicinea
ured mo. It relieved me from the
)lrt doK. and t kept rlicht on till th
imlTt In niy client huh Roue, Hint 1 l:pt
t.n r--II i JC better evil efler I iiuit
tttkiiur K." JOXIN U. KHKKMAN.
UuidliiB, Mich.
Dr. Miles' Hrt Cur Is sold by
your drug list, who will puarant that
tn flrat bottl will bannnt. If It fail
i will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
The Ileiald for all the kiwb:
Western Tabltaher (Chicago) : J
mea, who a ahort time ago etah-
lisned the Ediljvillu Eateipiise, is
uukiug apleudid progress. He it put
ling forth a good paper and the people
ar tjucouragiugly rallying to hi tup
Teiider Times; J B Walden aud
Albert Worth went to Kansas, Tues
luy morniug . . . .Attorney It E Evaus,
of Dakota City, was in town enteiday.
IIo was hero to lowk after Judge I
Chase's iuteiebta before the cauvass
ing board.
Wayne Democrat: Tom Ueny, of
H ntth Mioux City, was in town Mou
j day. . . . Mrs Don Forbes came up irom
jDako'aCity yesterday tj vi-it her
: bi others. .. .Fied Berry was elerteu
' co uty attorney of Dakota oouuty by a
majority of only tlfteeu votes over tbu
invincible McAllister.
Emerson Enterpri e: II J Lende
rink was a Dakota City visitor Wed-
1 in aday. .. .James Mtllinry, of Plain
view, was an Emersou visitor Tuea-
I Cay Q Hons en joy eil a visit this
week from bis uuele, Milton lions...,
M 1' Doran and A P Dorau 1. ft Tues
day for South Dakota. .. .County
Treasurer Fred Blame was up from
Dukota City Tuesday.
Lincoln Joi'rnul. 11th: A deeision
of eitraoidinary interest t: the nnnera
of lmid aejoiuing ti e Mis-ouri rivt r ia
that hnn iled down by the suoreiue
court yeiteruay in the rsn of Willuun
Kiutead auaiut-t C W Tuiguou aud
iitbera in which a fomier opinion of the
court, written iy .icaue U'Uii im, u
vai-ati-d and new luws in the matter of
secreted lauds is giveu iu Nebraska.
'1 he court hoi Is that wher the Mis
i-oiiri river changes its course aud
abaodous its former bed, the respeo
live ripsiian owuers are entitled t
the posnesHinn and ownership of tho
m il fni tneiilv inulcr the wule:s sa fur
us the thread of the stream, pud mny
maintain ei.ietineut proueediuga to
oust squatters within such limits
'll' opiniou waa written by Judge Let'
ton upon a relieariug whicli waa grant
ed because of the questions of great
ruulio importance involved and be
realise the f"mer opinion waa written
without an oral argument before the
commission. The court cleaves to the
old common law of England on the
subject of riparian ownorMnp, boi ling
that such doctrine is not contrary to
the laws and constitution of the state
and nation. The oi ii.ions of the su
preme court of the Unitel States have
held that tLe ownership of land in the
former bed of navigalde streams shall
be at the disposal of the interested
states. The qnesi ion of ownership of
accreted lntnl was presented to the
o i lit fur the first time in this case, al
though other cses hnVa presented it
incidentally, but its determination was
not Decenary to the disposition of the
cases The court d flues the com
raon law of ripariao ownership as giv
ing the owner of laud adjoining a na
vigable stream, title tp the center of
of the stream It is stated that the
riparian owner have uniformly taken
possession of the accreted lands and
have been permitted to gain title to it.
That the common law rule of giving
owneisiiip to the thread of the stre'.m
is pioper and for the general welfare
of Kebrat-kan is hflirmed by the court.
The court says, "To hold otherwise iu
case of a stream of the characteristics
of the Missouri tiver might well lead
byway of repeated chauga of the
liver's chanel, to addi ions to th pub
lic domain at the expense of adjoining
proprietors. For xauiolo, in this case,
if we should hold that the bed of the
abandoned stream belonged to th
state of Nebraska, by the same reason
ing the b d of the new channel belongs
to the state, and if the river should
again chungo its channel bear by, by
another avuliou, thus leaving the new
bed dry, the slate would then be the
owner of th laud in the twoabandoned
river buds and the new channel. Th
property in the drat and second beds
would bo wrested without compensa
tion f'om the proper y of private in
dividuals." The Rev Irl R Hicka 1907 Almanac.
The liev Irl 11 1 1 irks bus been com
pelled by the popular demauri to re
sume the piiblicu'iou of his well known
and popular Almanac for 19t)7. This
spleud'd almnnao is now ready. For
sule by newsdeuleis, or sent postpaid
for 20 Cuts, by Word and Woiks Pub
lishing Uo, 2201 Locust Street, St
Louis, Mo, publishers of Word and
Works, one of tliH best dollar monthly
magazines in America. Oue Almanac
goes with every snbacrip 1011.
Audry Allowa. has purchased the
Davis stare and took possession No
vember 12. While e art' soiry to see
Joe ro out of the store we are glud
"Odd" has so nice a little store of his
Lena Wilkins attended a house party
at tho Mell hebmied home in Dakota
City Itst week and visited Sioux CiU
before returning to the farm near Ho
mer. Mrs Uattie Burch and children are
visiting Mrs Burch'a parents, Beit
Lake nnd wife.
May Sullivan and John Demyer hied
thmselv. s uorih Nov 7 and Judge
Eime.s made theai one. Congratula
George Wilkins was shaking hands
With his many friends in Homer Sat
urday and viaiteti at home Sunday.
The M E ladies will give a "shadow"
social next. Tuesday eve. ing, the 2(th
xi n not 10 raise su.nio-vs 01 your
packet book, but the ladies will have
au X-ray machine ou hand to see if
you have a poekel liooif. If you want
to know any more about it oomo and
umi our am; eat lue supper that ia
built for two,
Gertie McKiuiey has gone to Emer
son to asHixt .lira John Kookwell to
move to Sioux City.
II A Monroe and wife were Sioux
City shoppers Wednesday
Mr Henry Fisher waa a Homer vis
itor Mouday.
J J Mc A lister was a Homer visitor
Will Rook well and wife were down
from the farm Wednesday.
Mia Wm Holawor h, sr, ia reperted
quite sick for the past week.
Helen Book well, Mho it attending
school in Dakota City, was down Sat
urday and Sunday to visit at home, re
turning Sunday evening.
It "snode" and it "blodo" and it
thodt" and iu fact we have hd all
kinds of weather this week, "RooBVelt
u....ii;..i. "'
Lutheran Church Announcement?.
Preaching Sunday morning at Sa
lem at 11 :0i) o'clock, Suuday schwol
at 10:00.
Preaching at Dakota City 7 :30 p
m, O E G;3C, Sunday school at
9:45 a m, Mission Band at 3:1)0 p m.
A cordial welcome to all.
Imported draft stallions, tlOOOeach.
Home-bred registered draft stallions,
f.300 to 1800. Halt Bros. Osceola, Ia.
Ten Farms for Sale. Good, ones, al
sizes aud kinds. Warner & Eimeis.
First publication Oct Ilr-fiw
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice In hereby kl ven tliut by virtue of
an order of mile Issued by Hurry it. Aihilr,
clerk of tho district court In and for Imkolii
county, Nebraska, nnd directed to me, II. V.
Hansen, sheriff of said county. commam lint
mo to sell the premises lierelimf ,er descrlli-
ed to satisfy n certain liidmiicnt of the said
district court of salil county and state, ol-
tnlneu nt the i idols' r, I '., term t nereor, to
wlt: nn the Ntliiluy of .In mm ry. Iwl. In favor
of K. I. Hln.ler nnd nxitlnst Nicholas Hyun
for the sum of eltrhty-slx dollars ami ninety-
one cents ifsil.iili. nnd elKht dollars nnd
slxty-nlne cents (fs.iwi, as 11 11 attorney's fee.
with Interest on said sums from .January s,
lll. nt 10 percent, per minimi, anil ids costs
taxeil at seventeen dollars nnd clxhty cents
I117.XI). I till vi levied 11 Don the follow I nif
descrllx'd properly, to-wlt: The north
twenty-four (ill acres of the northwest
quarter of section fifteen tlSi, township
twenty-nine north, rntmc seven 171.
cost, nil Ik-Iiik hs'itted In said Hnkotn county
Slid stnto of Nchrn-kn.
And I will, on Tuesdny. the Snth day of
Novemls r. Int. nt in o'clcx-k a. 111. of said
day, nt the south front door of the court
house In HnkoVit t'lty, Dakota county, Ne
bnvsku, proceed to sell nt public miction to
the hlirhest nnd Is'st bidder, for i-iif h. nil of
the nlsive descrllH-d property, or so much
thereof ns iniiy Is-necessary to satisfy said
order of sale Issued by Harry H. Adair,
clerk of the district court In and for Dakota
county, Nebraska, the amount due thereon
In tho n ir ir resale niu the sum of one
hundred and twenty dollars and (If tj -seven
cents ( ), nnd nccrulna' costs.
(ilven undi-r my hand this jsth .day of
Octols r, A. I). I!""!
Hhcrlfl of Dakota (Vanity, Noli.
Ilome-brrd draft stallious, 2'0 to
ffltMl; imported itallions, your choice,
f I00t, F L Stream, Cros'ton. In.
Subscribe for the Hernld, the
po u the county. $1 a year.
The best imported horses, $1000 each.
Home-bred registered draft stallions,
1230 to $750 at mv stable doors. A.
Latimer Wilson, Creston, ia
First publication Nov. 0 Hw.
Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate
of Will.
In the County Court of Dakota county.
Htnto of Nebraska.
11. 1
County of Dakota,
To l.ulsc Van U'lit. John van l-nt. Jos
eph Vim I'iit, Flunk Van t'iil, Henry Van
1cnt. Anmi Van Lent, Ion Van lent. An
thony Van lcnl. lternard Vim Irf-nt. Maria
Van Lent, and to all persons lulerested In
the estate of Henry Van 1 cut, deceased.
On rciidltiK the petition of I.ulse Van Lent
prnyliiK that the lnstrumi'iit tiled In this
court on the 7th day of Noveuils-r, lwnv, and
nurportlnif to lie the Inst will and testament
of the snld deceased, may lie proved and al
lowed, nnd recorded ns the hist will and tes
tament of Henry Vim Iicnt. deceased: Hint
said Instrument Is' admitted to probute, and
tho administration of said estate In? tirnnted
to Litlso Van Lent ns executrix.
It Is hereby ordered that you. nnd alt per
sons Interested In said matter, limy, and do,
appear nt the county court to Is' held in and
lor said county, on the urd day or is'ceiiiiier.
A. 1)., IIMl, at H o clock p. in., lo show cause,
If liny there Is-, why the prayer of the pe-
tioner should not Isi Krnnted, und that no
tice of the pendency of said petition and
tho hearliKf thereof Is-Kiven to all persons
Interested In said mutter by publlshliie n
copy of this Order In the Dakota Comity
Herald, a weekly newsnnoer printed In said
cou nly. for three successive weeks prior to
sain nay or nearinir.
Witness my hand, nnd soul of suld court,
this Ntli day of Novcinls r, A. D. IU a.
J. J. KlMKftfl,
Fr..l County .indue.
First I'libltcntlnn NovomlsT 2 fiw.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice l hereby Klven that by virtue of
an order of sale Issued by Harry H. Adair,
clerk of the district court in and for Dakota.
county, Nehrnskn, nnd direr led to me, 11. C.
Hansen, snort IT of snld county, coiiiinandinir
me to sell the premises herelnarterdescrilM'rl
to satisfy one cei lain JiidRiuent of the suld
district court of suld county and state. ol-
tatnt'd at tlie (ictols-r, A. 1). IKO term there
of, lo-wil: on the 1st day of Dctobcr, lil,
Iu favor of A. H. Jackson, and nun Inst
Husiiu Sclilinller, ns Admlnlst i at rlx of the
Kstnteof M ichnel Iscliliidlor, Deceased; Hu
sail Hclilndior. Will Sclilinller. Mary Scliin
dlor, John Hehlndler. Hoso St litiinler. Frank
Kchlndler. Kddle Hcliliidler, Annie tSc hi tid
ier, nnil Frieda Kc hind lor, for tho sum of
sixteen hit nd red thlrty-eiitht dollars unit
seventy-five eets ($lssia.7Bi. with Interest
on said sum nt per cent per annum from
lH'tnlsr 1, It!, nnd Ills costs tnxed ul thirty
dollars and sixty-live coots ( fcm.rtS).
I have levied upon the following di'serlls'd
property, to-wil: The south halt of tho
northwest quarter of section twenty-six
IK, township iwonty-sevon (27). runuo six
(Al east, nil Ivetmf hs-ated In Mild Dakota
county and state of Nebraska.
And I will, on Wodnssdny, the nth day of
iH'coniner. ll. nt II o clm t a iu. of said day
nt tho south front door of tho court house In
Dakota city , Dakota county, Nebraska, pro
ceed to sell nt public auction to the hlirhest
and is'st hinder, for cnsli. nil or tho alsive
dcscrlls'd propi'rty, or so much thereof ns
may bo necessary to satisfy said order of
, sale Issued by Harry II. Adair, clerk of the
Mi 1st net court In
mill for Dakota cnuntv
'.. . ni'ii i-i i ii Nebraska, the amount duo I hereon In the
August Wllkiusha bis bucking all' wrirreimtc oelna the sum of sixteen hund
red slxty-nlno dollars anil forty cents UlM'.i.
till, mid accruliiK costs.
(liven under iny hand tlilu 1st day of
done. So few of the farmers hav be
c tuse it has been too dump to busk.
We havo noticed some that was moldy.
Wm Wallwoy, ar, was a Suuday vis
itor at tlie T D Curtis home.
Auiiust Wilkius has lost about fifty
head of hogs from the prevailiug bog
disease. Mr Wilkins kills the sick hos,
thinking he will more quickly stamp
!o t the dbcase I think Mr Wilkins
example a good one
The mort faumus strike breakers in
the laud ae Dr King' New Life pilla.
Whin liver aud Uiwela go on a strike.
they q ickly settle the trouble.Nand
the p itifying work goes right ou.
Best cure for constipation, headache
aud dizziuesa.
25o at Leslie's drug
First M B Church Hours of Service
In a m Sunday School
11a ui Preaching
12 m Class Meeting
0:30 pm Epwurth League
7 :30 p m Preaching
7:3Vpm.. Prayer Met ting
A 11 evening services Iioni May to
October will lie held one-half hour
Uter. F.LMKU F, KlUVER, Piibtor .
Phone number 33.
Novo mlH-r, A. I). Wort.
KhorllTof Dakota County. Xel
a asn iirr m- tir.i
VUtlL. 1 ' U 14 l
m Br .King's
New Discovery
Frca Trial.
Surest and Uuickout Cure for all
Mot happy ros tin
Great hapiiines amo into the home
of S U Plair, subool snperint-'ndeut, at '
St Albans, W a, wheu his little
daughter was restored from the it'ed
tnl coomplaiut he names, lie says:
"My little daughter had St Vitus'
Duuue, which yielded to no treatment
but grew steadily worse uutil as a last
re-oit we tiled Electric Uitturs; aud 1
r. jnioe to say, three bottles effected a
complete cure.'' Quick, sure cure for
nervous complaints, general debility,
female weaknesses imioverished blood
and malaria. Guaranteed by Leslie's
drugstore. Price 60o.
When you havo a news item that
yon would like to see in print, ribg np
the Herald, No. 43, and we'll print it.
You want to HIT hal you r aiming at
k it bird, bcait or target. Malta your
ahoU count by (hooting lli STI VF.NS.
For 4i y" SlI.VtNS ARMS hava
carried oil I'UEMIKR HONORS lor AC
CURACY. Our Unci
Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols
Ak ir l.i.ir--iii-t
'H 11. b 1 1-A liNv
It ytu mnt onuiit.
fii" iir- t,
If n r oft !. '.,
f r 1 40-1 gi - Calaluff
(rritntaoutitit. A
vklii4i-tcboi 01 rfi-
fr Trwnc n J
r..'ia tiv t,i'.oteri.
Beautiful three-color Aluminum H anger will
be lor atdcU tor to ccuu m iiautp.
Ji Stevens Arms & Tool Co.,
t. O. Bos 4091
Food! Value
oil a Soda Cracker
You1 have heard that some foods furnish fat,
other foods make muscle, and still others are
tissue building and heat forming.
You know that most foods have one or more
of these elements, but do you know that no
food contains them all in such properly tranced
proportions as a good soda cracker ?
The United States Government report shows
that soda crackers contain less water, are richer
in the muscle and fat elements, and have a much
higher per cent of the tissue building and heat
forming properties than any article of food made
from flour.
That is why Uneeda Dlscult should
form an important part of every meal. They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
from the oven to you in a package that is proof
against air, moisture and dust the price being
too small to mention.
The lEeralci And
New Ildea 5Xe
One Quart of
Makes a Barrel of Medicine or Lice Killer
Liqu.d Koal Cures These:
Lund Kover (lorn Stalk Dlxeiise
Host (Hiolcra folic
tiliuiiltM'B Swine I'liiKiu-
Pink Kye Intestinal Worms
Influenza Tuberculosis
Anthrnx Tnpe Worm
Texas Kever Poll Evil
Roup Chicken Cliolcr
Ixxrk-Jnw Hllml HtuKKers
Farcy Mange
Scours NiustU Oli'ct
I,lquld Koal acts mhii appt'tlzr and vltalixor. No 1II14
ntxe e i-111 can escape It. This Is the reason It cures, for when
the perm is destroyed the disease Is none.
Inflnmatlon of Bowed
I.1111K Worm
(low (iholera
Foot Itot
Black I
Abortion In Cows
tic rate hes
The process of maklnjr Liquid Koal requires three days. The process of reduction requires 850 degrees of beat. The
compound embraces every Germicide, Antiseptic nnd Disinfectant found In coal, treated chemically with an alkaline lio.se
until every objectionable feature Is eliminated, Ix'lim non-poisonous and harmless. I,lqull Koal Is made from the following
formula: per cent creosote, which embraces cresyllc iwld ; Hil' per cent liquid iriuses, XI1 3 per cent soft soup. (Suspended
Iu these Is sulphor, liorax and nnphthol nnd other remedial agents. Liquid Koal Is guaranteed to be at least SO per cent
stronger In antiseptic and germicide agents thuu any preparation of similar nature on the market.
Hog Cholera
is a free germ disease tbe germ beirjg first found in
the alimentary cuuiil aud so I'Dg a it is confined iu
that organ it is comparatively Larmlebs. When,
however it penetrates tlie luugi-, livur and other or
gL8 it canst a fermentation, iii fla mat ioti and dtruc
tion of live tissues, furnishing fond upon which it
thrives and multiplies with wonderful rspidity, in
some cases a goueiaiiou of an bocr, cauhiug death to
the animal before) the owner Las discovered that it
was diseased. Thus through reasoning two fuels
stand out clearly : First, that Hog (Jin lera cauuoi be
treated successfully unless treatment bus commenced
before, the germ has reached the period of rapid mul
tiplication. Hecoud, that a g rruicide must be ad
ministered, and therein lies the whole searet. As we
paa down the list of various germicides, we are com
pelled one by one, to reject th rm, tither becauxe of
in fficiency or inadapildlitv ni'til we reach LIQL'IU
KOAL And why choose LIQUlD KOAL? becUse
it is the enly known germicide that will pats ihn ugh
the stomach into the intestiu s, and from thereinto
the blnod, permeating tbt entire sjsteui, aud dtlit re
tain its germicide properties. It is a compound era
bracing ve-y prauticul germicide, ant is pi io disia
feetaut property found in coal, treated cht mically
with an alkaline base, until every objectionable fea
ture is eliminated, beii g non-poisonous snd harmless
to animal economy. Itoontuius cressel and qusieel.
It is these hy dro-carbon compounds found in smoke
that cures a Lam, destroying by its germicidal prop
erties all germ life.
Liquid Koal as a Lice Killer
When filated with water in tbe proportions of one
part of Ltiqnni Koal to fifty parts water it w ti.e best
li -e killer on the market. It is not exp usive to-use
becHUse it foiius a perfect emulsion with water hen
miiHil in this proportion.
Worms in Hogs
The hog is more affectad with intestinal worms
than'aDy 01 her domestio animal. These worms are
created by impure aecun ulations along tbe intestinal
tract aud generally produced by poorly digested
The nature of the hog aud bis manner of eating
make him more susceptible to intestinal worms than
any ot .er unim .1. Uuder the presut rioin stieated
coudi'ionn b is not allowed the use of bU natural in
Biini'ts to obt iu the ueeessary element that would
des'roy 1 bese intestinal parasites, being shut up in
a pen, he is not allowed to follow tbe dictates of bis
nature. Tbe hog 'bat is wormy cau neither grow
nor thrive for tho reuson that the worms detioy all
the nutrition furnished in the food. Liquid Koal put
in the drinking water in the proportion of one quart
to a barrel aud given them twice a week will destroy
nil intestinal worms and keep them free fiom their
formation and multiplication. It strengthens the ap
pe'lte uud tout:' up the system.
S . a-
Delmont, December 17, 1902.
I liave used Liquid Koal for hog cholera aud found it hll you
claim for it aud more too. I used it on one that was sick, so sick
it could not get up, and tlie mxt day it was eating and drinking
again. 1 have never lost a hog since I commenced UMng it
Emni al IIohn.
Wauaa, Nebraska, December 16, 1902.
I Lave used Liquid Koal for nearly a year and find it an excel
lent article to keep bogs in a healthy condition, and as an appetizer
it has no equal. Albert Andekbon.
, Hartington, Nebr, December 10, 1902.
DkabSibs: I am a user of Liquid Koal and am well pleased
with it, wouM not try to do without it. I find it useful in a great
many ways. I have had nn sick hoes since I commended using it a
yer ago. In my opiniou it is the best and cbeapebt bog cholera
preventative on the market today. You cn use this as you wish.
Anycne wishing to know more about this pleas write to me.
Enoch Ely.
Liquid Koal is manufactured by the
National liciica
E. E. BARRAGER, President.
Capital one quarter million.
Principal Office, Sheldon, Iowa.
liiauehes: Minneapolis, Minn., Olendive, Mont.
Lewiston, Idaho, York, Nebraska, Oklahoma Oity,
For Sale and Guaranteed by
Dsxkota City, Neb.