Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 09, 1906, Image 5

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Absolute Safety
This is guaranteed when you
leave money with
"The Bank that always treats
joa right"
Why safe?
First The banl lias rrtn over
20 years wit h less titan $50 losses.
Seeord It Las ample rapital
ami surplus to provide for any
possible losset tbst might occur.
Third Besideaknowing how,"
absolnte promptness, conrtesy
and honesty has niurked its
every act and deed.
Fourth Its money is always
loaned to the bast and safest peo
ple on earth, your neighbors: the
prosperous farmers of Dakota
conmy. No dissstrons loans to X
outsiders, nor can its owners bor- 4
row one cent from it. t
Always bate as a government bond X
Bank of Dakota County
Jackson, Neb,
4 4444-444-444-4-4.4
Tradk Marks
AnTnnr r..tlleff A skrfli mid !lHirflntlrn m"
qnlokl ascertain inr oiSnion free whollior Ml
Ihvenitnn is prnhnhly pntatitshlo. Co-itiiiiinlra.
tlmissinrllreomiilentlM. HANDBOOK on l'nl.nla
Pti, free. IM-lALt Slrtiiry for SbClll.l'iR pateiu.
rpnt oiitsti through Aliinii at Co. recelM
twruit f"f (-, without clinrce, tu tlie
Scientific jftimricatf.
A hnrtnMpf 11hntmt"1 wivklr. T nrrwt etr
fniJatimi f nny to)MHildn Journal. Tern in, ftt
vtvir: f'tnrmotitbs. L &oia bjra.1 fiBwurtriBlem
MUNM & Co.3618-'- New York
1.,,. -n.vr. f 17 Ws.MMtnn. I.C.
Colorado Lands.
Cheap Homeseekers Kates
Every Tuesday.
Don't fail to investigate Sedgwick
county, Colorado land this fill. Rich,
productive soil, level surface, excellent
water, superb climate. Raises corn,
wheat, oats, barley, rye, cane, millet,
alfalfa, potatoes and all kinds. of vege
tables. This year's crops eqmlly as
good ai those in Dakota connty. Land
values rnpidly advancing and will pos
itively advance 50,,; to 100"o by a year
from this fall.
- These lands con now be bought at a
price around f 7.00 per acre.
A Sugar Beet Factory, to cost
$1,000,000, is to be built at Jnlesberg
to take ;areof next year's sugar beet
Cheap rate homei"-ekerg excursions
to Julcsherg, . olorado, every Tuesday.
Connty Commissioner W. M. Hile
man invested in Sedgwick county, Col,
lands ou October 17th, just passed.
Have a talk witn. him and get informa
tion about the wonderful resources and
opportunities in Sedgwick county.
For further information, cell on or
Jackson, Kebr.
Columbian - Bifocal Co., Temple
Court, Denver.'Colo. Write for booklet.
That is just what yoa are
tloing when you fail to get reg
ular and sufficient sleep. Your
body requires this unconscious,
period for repair work'; with
out it your nerve energy be
comes exhausted, and you are
tired, worn-out, nervous, ex
citable; have headache, neu
ralgia, indigestion, poor appe
tite, or other ailments caused
by a lack of nerve force. Make
it your business to sleep. If
you are restless, take
Ir. Miles' Nervine; it soothes
and strengthens the nerves,
. ar.d brings sweet, refreshing.
life-nivinSf sleep, and gives the
orrr.s power to work natur
ally. Try it to-day.
"I r.nd a severe tpe of fever, which
Iff! ma In a very wrok condition and
wit nervous I h-d nmtrt spells of
1 ilnr!ie and nrurslcia, and could
p I ut very little. Every effort tht
rn.ide to recover my lrenth was
i no avail until I begun taking Dr.
Allies' Kestorative Kervln". .After I
-jn-menced to take the Nervine my
' rKv k' profound ar.d reatful. and
the reins In my hud. as well as th-
jieim. 1 sins, left me to a certain
extent and I irrew tmaually better."
:l Eerylan Ave,. IklvUlere. Ills.
- D. Miles' Nsrv'ns Is sold bv your
lrujo'(t, who w II rutmntei that ths
i.ti bttl will benefit. If It falls, he
witl rfund your money.
Mi!: a Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind
ft N
1 rlJJll!s
C, St. P., M. ft O. Time-Table.
Trains leave Dakota City t the fol
losing time:
6:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am
10:00 am Omaha ......5:13pm
8:37 pm Norfolk 8:20 am
9:01 am ...... Norfolk ...... 6. 32 pm
ids am NewrasUe 10 :00 am
2:08 pm .6:08 pm
6 :52 pm Omaha 7 :35 am
3:37 Norfolk 5:32
L M Leslie went to Omaha Tuesday
on business.
M O Ayres went to Cody, Xeb. Tues
day on business.
Majestic RatiRes. The Orcutt Co.
Sionx City, Iowa.
The freshest crackers at Vau's re
ceived everv week.
Dad Leedom nd wife visited at
Winnebago over Sunday.
Mrs 8 A Combs of Homer, was the
guest of friends here Tuesday.
Lanra and Sylvia Gallagher of Ho
mer, visited friends here over Sunday.
Barney Oribble has painted the ten
ement home recently purchased of Mrs
Elmer Robinson was home over 8nr-
day from Ft Dodge, Iowa, where he
is railroading.
Threshing is nearly finished throuirli-
out the county, and the yield of small
grain is fairly good.
Mrs N D Snyder went to fonebee,
Iowa, Inst week, called there by the
sickness cf a daughter.
John Sierk's majority for county
commisnioier was more tlinu the total
.vote received by his opponent.
Rubber loofiop, the best in the
world for house or other buildings
better than shingles. See G F B105
hill. Ed Eastou has pnrohnsed the red
livery barn of the E & D Lbr compauy
and will fit it up somewhat before oc
cupying it.
One steel rstge left. Will sell
same for cost price. Remf mber "tbi
stove is , fnlly warranted. 'Fre'd
Schriever &Co.
Mrs Agues Wilson aud baby are here
from Des Moijes, Iowa, visiting at the
home of Mrs Wilson's mother, Mrs
Emmett Hilemnu.
Shirley Taylor of Walthill, was a
passenger to Jackson Tuesday, where
she is attending school. She visited
hete between trains at the home of her
uncle, C M Gray.
Call at The Herald cilice, aud get a
sample copy of The New Idea Maga
zine, a mugazine for women. It will
only cost jou 3Uo a year in combina
tion with The Herald
Lizzie Vuu de Zadde was agreeably
surprised Saturday niget by a score or
more of her young friends who called
to spend the evening with her and re
mind her of 37th birthday.
Mert L Lothrop retnrned to his
home t Atchison, Kas, Thursday. He
hnd been buying potatoes here for a
wholesale firm at Atchison, in whose
employ he has been for the past few
years. ,
Gildea Sayre was taken to St Jo
seph's hospital, Sioux City, Wednes
day and as soon as his physical condi
tion will permit, his leg will be ampu
tated. He has been a sufferer for
about twenty years with a fever sore.
A party of Kotnh Kionx City ladies
visitsd today (Friday) at .the home of
Mrau.d Mrs Geo J Boucher. 'The party
consisted of Mesdames Myior. Pilgrim,
Henry Pilgrim. Nelsou Pilgrim. John
Reiser, Chos Church, W W Pilgrim,
Sum Loopp.
Considerable work has been done
on the street cur line the past week.
A tiank is heing laid from the noith
end of the line to the combination
bridge. Mr Foje expects to have the
rod in operation baforr the first of
the year, if such a thing is possible.
Will Oelilerking'steam made a break
for liberty Saturday while hitched at
Sum r tinson's fctoie, and succeeded t
the extent of np-etting the wagon to'
which 'hey wernhi'ched and breaking
the tongue and reach by coming iu
coutact with the t-tfett cur track. Mr
OehlerkiugV little ly was in the
wagon but escaped uninjured.
Have you seen Vd do Zedde's store
i-ince he has n fitted it and added all
those new goods? He ii receiving
new goods every day, and i belter
prepared than ever to care for tho
wants of his old cu-tomer as well as
the new ones that are daily dropping
in to rate uavantsiie or a well equip
ped grocery establishment.
At the Methodist E, ixcopal church
next rtiyidty m ruing, November 11th,
at eleven o'clock, Misa Winuifred
SpauhlinK, who has oeen in thn Phil
ippine Islands nuder t h auspices of
the Women's Fo-eitrn Missionary to
e'etv, will 'ive an a dret-sou her wo k,
Th's will be au estefinlly interesting
s-tvice, and all are iuvited to be pres
ent. At the Sunday school board meet-
Idk held at the resMeuox of it tu cv
an ou iu e iay evening, xsovemoer
t!i b. the following olllrers were elected
f.T tbe ensuing year: buuuiint inl
ent. Win Adair; ' assistant superin
tendent R E Evai s; secret arv, Neva
1(.1 : Ireaau..r Cl P Kmvliill: limiia
depuitmDt snpertp ndtiit, Mrs Jen
tie Ross; libra-iuu. Bobert Evuls; or
liauist, Esther Ross; assistant organ
ist, Mildred Spiice.
Those of our readers w o are inter
ested in Business Education ihould
sei d at ouoe io the Grau I Island Bus
iness and Normal college of Grand
Island. Nebraska, for free circuUis.
This school is one of tbe largest and
most auccessfnt io lh United States
and is just now (rating a ppeoiul offer
to oung pe la of limbed meail.
Stndeiita tie not reqi'irod to pay snyi
fees ut. til they have time to giadiale
and secure positioi a. We un ers'and
a number from this coauty will attiud.
1 zrmrmmmmim'mfTm?T??7mmmmmm
Local Items
Corn husking is now in fnll blast. -
Stewart stoves. The Orcutt Co,
Sionx City, Iowa.
Mrs Emmet Ilileman has been quite
lick for a week past.
Corn briskets wanted -will pav '.He
per bushel. Alfred Seymour.
J lin 1j Alton, 01 Homer, wrs a
busiuens vinilor here Thursday.
John Hewitt anil Will Lennox were
heme frin NewrHxt.e to cast their
Don't forget BrMiu coffee it is
still in thu lead. For sale at Vac de
George McHenth came tip from Ho
mer Wednesday evening, returning
U S Marshal Waruer and wife spent
few days liere this week, returning
to Omaha Thursday.
John DoMeyer und Mary Sullivan,
of Homer, were joined ia marriage by
Judgo Eituers Wednesday.
Mrs George McBeath and baby of
Homer, spent the week here at the
home of Mrs Marv McBeath.
The Methodist Indies of this place
served oystets at the courthouse Tiiee
dsy afternoon and evening to hungry
Personal tax-s ard uow dan and
will be deliotpirut the first of Decern-
er. I ny now aud save expense of
Call up No 1 when vou want No 1
gcods delivered in No 1 order. Our
store is now stocked and fitted up in
No 1 style.
Word comes from Pieron, Neb, that
fine little son, Paul Vyerly, was
born to Prof nnd Mrs O li lloweu, on
October 28th.
Have yuu uio.i the rsultanna ncd
Tac-co brnnds of canned goods? Vn
sells them. These guods havo stood
the test of tliH pure food law.
Jas Cooley was this wrek awarded
the contract ior carrying tho mail from
the postotlice to botli depots, the
North wehtein aud Burlington. His
but ws for fr)00.
Tor Reut I will rent my frtn of
125 acres of work land, near Naoora,
Neb, for cash or ou lie Bhares. Good
buildiuffs on the. land.. .John C Hul
liviio, Nucora, Neb.
Mrs Geo J Boucher accompanied
her sister, V rs Frank Combs, of Ho
mer, to .South riioux City Tuesday to
si end the diiy with their parents, W
W Tilgr m and wife.
John F Sides preseutod The Herald
with a basket of the finest apples that
we have "een for some time, Wednes
day. They were raised at lis old
home in Pennsylva- ia.
We cau now iuikibu ion New Itlon
(a woman's magazine) in connection
with the Uerald for $1.30. The regu
lar pi ice for the magazine is 50o .
This is a bu;gaiu that you eannot af
ford to miss.
The Woo. bury County Ta'-hers As
sociation meets in the high school
builning, .Sioux t ity, statutory, No
vels ber 17, at 9 o'clock. Supt Houch r
and a number of Dakota county teach
ers expect to attend.
The demonstration and Bile, of Mon
arch ranges held at the E & B Lbr
company's store this week drew qooi
crowds every day who were interested
in the cooking aud fuel saving quali
ties of that brand of stoves.
I have for sule'u choice lot of Polard
China male hogs. They are of the
Wilkes, Tecumneh unU Perfection
stock. Pedigree will be fnrn:shed
with every pig that goes ont. Address,
Fked IURTEL8, Hubbard, Neb.
- There were 04 btraigat republican
votes cast iu Dakota precinct at the
Intrt election, which is a record break
er fcr a precinct with 219 votes. The
democrats polled 13 straight ones, the
so iilints 2, and the .prohihitioncsts,
' Van de Zedde btill has u Hue col
lection of oil paintings hanging in his
store that he is offering to his custom
ers at about half their actual value, in
order to clos.i theui i nt. These paint
jugs are fit to adorn any purlor or
dniwinttrMm. Get your pick of these
pictures before they are all taken.
Tlie Consumers lea 'com piny ff
Sioux City i, quietly leating all the
laud it can net alonu th shores Cryst
al lake, lli i object cl the company
is not to put up ioo from the lake lor
it-elf, l ur. to corner the supply and
prevnnt other people and other com
pauitiD having accHxM Io the ice. Sev
eral pieo ot land already have beeu
lea"ed ani. strenuous efforts are being
made to complete the oordon.
Round Oak t-toves.
Sioux City, Iqwa.
The Orcutt Co,
maoc happy row: Lift.
Great happiuoas ciruo into the home
of S O Blair, school superintendent, ut
St A lbs us, W Va, when his little
daughter was restored from the d'ed
f il cootnplaint he names, lie sayst
"My little, daughter had St Vitus'
Dance, which vit-lded to tio traatmont
but grew steadily worsn until as a lt
re-oit we ttied EUctrio Bitters; aud I
r joice tu say, threw hollies effected a
complete cure." Oiiok, sure cure for
n rvons com pi dints, general debility,
fiiiuale weuknuas impoverished blood
anil malaria Guaranteed by Leslie's
Price 50c.
Lutheran Church Aiti.eur cements.
Pieachinn Monday morning at Sa
lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday schuol
Ut 1U :IMJ.
Preaching at Dakota City at
o'ulouk p in ; H nday school at U
iu ; O t U :30 p m
A cordial welcome to all.
45 a
First M E Church Hours of Service
1ft a m Sunday School
11a m .....Preaching
12 m Class Meeting
6:30pm Epworth League
7 :30 p m Preaching
7:30 pm Prayer Mettiug
A 11 evening services from May to
October w II be held nue-hslf hour
Uter. Elmkk F. Hii.tirEit, Paktor,
Phone ii timber 33.
Hrnrnt, 'okrrhpohi'ni,k.
f ssinoiiuble millinery Johanna
Rose Daily, Ella Heenv, Marv My
ers, Mary (mnn, Mary Thornton, and
Andrew Anderson were passengers to
the city Saturday.
Four cans of Fremont sugar corn for
2oo, at Ctrl Andersons.
Mrs Patrick Loug and two children
went to South Sionx City Saturday
evening to visit relatives.
Winter caps all sizes, styles and
prices at Curl Anderson's.
Frank Heeney, Dan Hartnett, John
Harty, Herman Ken,' John Howard.
and Prof Donohne went to Sionx City
Saturday evening to attend the Knights
of Golombns lodge.
We handle Ball Bearing overshoes,
there is none better. Carl Andtison
Prot Donohoe went to Emorstn
Thursday morning.
Bring tn your prodnoe, we pay the
highest price for eggs and bntter.
Carl Anderson.
Art Nordyke went to the city Fri
day .
Patrick Long wtct to Springfield.
8 D, Friday, having secured apposi
tion as bartender there.
Underwear for any member of the
family, and in any quality, style or
price. Cart Andei son.
John F Myers returned Thnrsday
from his trip to Toniah. Wis. -
Rev English and James Hartnett
ent to Sionx City Sunday.
Wo have the finest Assortment of
candies in towu. Carl An do J sou
Myers Bios shipped a car load of
hogs Tuesday niorumg.
Lubi and Florence Tucker of Pouch,
sisteia of Mrs B J Cobleigh, were vs
itiug here over Snuday. They took
the train for Phillips, Neb.
Try ome of Anderson's Peaberry
coffee Mocha and Java. Carl Ander
son. Henry Rooney was a visitor at Oma
ha Sunrday.
Phil Reiss sod wife were passengers
to Sioux City Tuesday.
We have a floe 'assortment of fur
coats, at prices that can't be beat.
Carl Audeiou.
Lillie Green was down to the city a
few days the first of the week.
Try a mail at the Nordyke coffee
hoiiNH when in town. Lunches and
nleals served ut all hours.
J P EcEwen came over from West
field, Iowa, Saturday eveniug and
spent Sunday with his wife here, who
is. visiting her mother, Mrs Thos Sul
livan. Quite a few of the Knights of Co
lumbus here attended the K C iuilia
tion that wus held in Sioux City Sun
day. Miss Braelim, of Sioux City, was vis
iting at the home of A (J Carroll sev
eral days this week.
Mrs Thornton and Mary Quinn drove
over from Hubbard Sunday and visited
ut the M vjuinn home here.
Mrs Mary Murray and son Tom were
shopping iu the city Saturday.
Any one having cabbage for sale
could iind a good market here, as all
that was riisnd here pot rotten from so
much rain.
Tuesday was an ideal elec'iou day,
there being 171 votes cast here.
John Sieverson, of Pender, Neb, is
in Jackson this week.
Dr Leahy left Tuesday rrorjiog for
his claim at Bowden, N D.
Mrs Wm Lorang, of Hartington,
Neb, is staying with her mother, Mrs
Marv Walah, at Vista, while Martin
is luid up with a broken limb.
Dr B J Leahy finished threshing his
wheat Mouday, the jitld being twenty
five; bushels per acre.
las Flynti received word Wednesday
that Morris Aheru, who formerly re
killed here but later at Wayne, Neb,
hid died at Kankakie, 111, where de
ceased had built u '.lun residencj und
he and Mrs Aheru were taking life
easy. Mr Aheru hud not beeu in busi
ness the jmst year, and two of his
daughters were keiplng storn eight
uiilss from Kankakee. nnd his eon John
attending Armour Institute, at Chica
go. His brother Jotin, living nearuar
roll, Neb, lei t to uttud the funeral.
Mrs Ellen Bnnl is sariously ill with
not much hojes for her recovery.
Lea Teller met with a painful ac
cident lat week whilrt up iu the hay
loft, getting her ear lacerated with the
hay fork.
The oyster s ipper given by the la
dies of the Cathojiu liurcu ISov 'i was
well attended notlm ithstanding the
damp evening, aud they realized
about t'li.
Th'0-Jgb the kiudnem of Mrs Dr
Stidworlhy, Sarah Hams secured a
position in Randolph, where she
went Wedusday.
The dinner and supper served by the
ladies of the Lutheisn church on elec
tion day was surely a success, netting
about $42.
Mr Boyd, the depot agent, bus been
removed and a new msu rent in his
Fred Berry, who spoke here Fiiday
night in bis owu behalf showed his
ability as h lawyer uud no doubt will
make u (totd oouuty attorney.
Election went off very quietly, the
only fight we know of was a dog fight
ami that was a draw.
Corn is plcuty and buskers are
scarce, everyone mat na net tnresu-
1 already is now busv thresh
ing and everyone is busy iu this neck
of the woods.
Mrs Dr StiJworthy cams ever from
Sioux City election day to visit the
Mrs Mell Schmied of D.kota City
was a visitor to this bnrg last week
Geo Ford and wife will move to
Sioux City to make that their home.
The democratic rally Saturday ever,
ing wss well attended by both parties
AMoi my E P hiuiilt, of Omaha, madu
Very eb qurhl add i cis. oijJ the )Hof
I and 'nrt fgit o
Know Keller. 1 lie other speakers, Mc
Allister and Snllivan, knew what they
were talking about, too.
Three thoroughbred Poland China
boars for sale. Chief Paxton, No.
110807; Psxton Jnnior, aud Armour's
Champion Boy. Call or write, Mar
vin Armour, Homer, Neb.
II A Monro ar.d -ifa were over
night visitors in riioux City Tuesday.
Bud McKinley is here from Valen
tine where he has Wen for some time.
Elsie Wilkius is stsyirg at the T I)
Curtis home and attending the high
Mable Clapp is cashier for the Ho
mer hardware company.
There were union services in the
Lutheran church Sunday evening, the
Methodists worshipping with them. I
believe the same order of thing will
exist for some time for evening service.
It is said that "lie who shouts iu
prayer evens ,tp by ailenae in prac
tice. Did it ever occur to you that
if a 1 the preaching in Homer was
stopped and people would practice
ith the ardor tney preach and pray
list crest power for Rood they
would be io Homer. Sweep ont the
corners and dig out the byways, but
Oh! it it so muck easier to preach and
pray than to do.
Mrs Thos Duggan, of Hubbard, is
the guest ot Nellie lleeney this weik.
V O IImvut went f rt If arttnirtin laaft 1
Friday to relieve the agent at that
plaee. Mr Smith has charge of the
station here.'
T F Huddleston of San Francisco,
Calif, was a guest at the Heeney home
tho Utter part of Inst week.
John Zastrow was an Emerson visit
or Thursday morning.
Mrs Niss Anderson and son Herman
were Sioux City visitors last Friday.
Lurin Anderson resigned her posi
tion io the E D Voss store last week
Geo J Boucher, of Dakota City, was
in this locality on business recently.
KlMt publication Nov. 0 Aw.
Order of Hearing and Notice cf Probate
of Will.
In tho (,'ounty Court of Pnkutn county.
Htate of Nebraska, (
t'vuiityof Dakota."
To l.nlse Van Unit, .lohn Van Is'lit. Jos
eph Vim Is iit, Kruuk Vnn Unit, Homy Van
is'iit, Anna Van U-nt. bin Van iatut. An
thony Van Int, Hcnmril Van lcnt, Maria
Vim Is'iit. nnl to nil persons Inleresti'U In
tlir estate of Henry Van IMit, deoeascil,
(In reailliiR the petition of I.ulsr Vim bent
pinvliiK that tint liistriiiiicnt llleil In this
coiti't on thu Tth iluy of November. 1MHS. anil
purportlim to In; the last will unit testament
of the Willi deceased, may ls proved mid al
io wvil. anil reiiui'iled us the hist will and tes
tament of Henry Van l-cnl, (len-ased ; that
siilil Insl riiiiient wi nillliltted to probate, unit
the administration of siilil cstntu Ik- mantiMl
to l.nlse Vim lnl as execulrlx.
It Is hereby orileri'il that you, nnil nil per
sons Interesled lit said matter, may, nnd do,
iiPIH'iir at the county court to Is' held In ami
for said county, on the llrd day of bcciiiiilsr,
A. H., Hull, nt !i o'clock p. in., to show cause,
If any there l, why the prayer of tho pe
t loner slionld not ls if run ted, nnd that ins
ure of the pendency of suld petition and
the lieiuliiK thereof ls irlvcn to all persons
Interested tu sold matter by puhllshliiK n
copy of this Order In thu Dakota County
Herald, a weekly newspaper printed In said
t'ounly, for threu suuuesslve wueka prior to
siilil day of henrliiK.
Witness my hand, anil seal of said court,
this mil day of November, A. 1. lvtt.
.1. J. KlMRHS. '
skai,.1 ' County Jude.
Klrst l'ubllciitloii Novenils'r S Cw.
ShenfTs Sale.
Notice Is hereby Riven that by virtue of
nil order of sale Issued by Hurry 11. Adair,
clerk of t rio district court In and for Dakota
county, Nebraska, and directed to me, 11. C,
Hansen, sheriff of said county, coiiiiiiaiidlna
metoseil the premises hereinafter descrlls.d
to satisfy one certain Judgment of the said
district court of suld county and state, ol
tnlucd at the (k'tolsir, A. 1. ItXHI term there
of, to-wit: on thu 1st day of Oc to lair, lll,
Iu favor of A. K. Jackson, and umilnst
Hiisuii Schlndler. as Administratrix of thu
Kstate of Michael Schlndlcr, IS'ceased : Su
san Kchlndler, Will tsclilndler, Mary rsidiln
dler. John Hi hllldler. Hose Hchlndhtr, Krunk
Schlndler, Kddle Kchlmlli-r, Annlu Schlnd
ler, and Frieda Schlndler. for thu sum of
sixteen hundred tlilrty-eluh t dollars and
aeveuty-tlve cents t!ltW.7r)l, with Interest
on said sum at a per cent per niiuuui from
Octols-r I, ivna, and his costs taxed at thirty
dollars and sixty-five cents ti.tK.
I have levied upon the follow inn described
proM-rty, to-wit: The south half of the
northwest quarter of section twenty-six
('Ml, township twenty-seven t7). run mi nix
(rt east, nlh Im'Iiik lis-ated In said Imkuta
county mid state of Nebraska.
And I will, on W ednssday, the Mh (lay of
TS'ccnilirr, 1KKI, nt 11 o'cliN-k a in. of said day,
nt the south frontdoor of the court house In
Hakotuftty, Dakota county, Nebraska, pro
ceed to sell at public auction to thu lilxhest
nod Is'st bidder, for cash, all of the ulstvu
descrlls-d property, or so much thereof as
limy 1st necessary to satisfy said order of
sale Issued by Harry H. Adair, clerk of the
district court In mid for Dakota county,
Nebraska, tho amount due thereon tu thu
HUKrcirato Im'Iiik thu sum of sixteen hund
red sixty-nine dollars and forty cents (Jiatlu.
10), and uceruliiK costs.
Ulven under my hand this 1st day of
NovemlMT, A. I). 1UX).
Sheriff of Dakota County. Neb.
Klrst publication Out lie-fw
ShenfTs Sale.
Notice is hereby irlvon that by virtue of
nil order of sale Issued by Harry 11. Adair,
clerk of tlie district court In mid for Dakota
ounly, Nebraska, mid tlirecieu to Hie, u. i.
lanseii. s her I IT of suld county, conimmidluK
me to sell the premises lierolnafter ilescrlb
d in satisfy ncerlulii ludumuiit of thu suld
district court of said county and state, ols-
tallied at the October, IKf). term tnereor, to-
wlt: on the Nth day of January, twin, In favor
of K. I' (Hazier and uauliist Nicholas Itynn
for thu sum of elahty-slx dollars mid ninety-
ouo cents (tMn.Ull, ami els tit dollars aim
sixty-nine cents ttH.Htfl, as un attorney's fee,
Willi interest on sum sums ironi January n,
IIXW, at ID percent, pur annum, and his costs
taxed at seventeen dollars and eighty cents
tl7.Mll. I havo levied upon the following
ttescrlls'd property, to-wlt: Tho north I
twenty-four ISO acres of the northwest
quarter of section fifteen tin), township
twenty-nine ('.in, north, rarme miven 17),
nsl, nil Ih'Iiik Ks-uted in utiu Dimottt county i
and state of Nebraska. I
And I will, on Tuewlny, the mm day or
Novi'iulsir, IMis, at 11) o'clock a. in. of said i
In y . at tho waith front door ol I lie com I,
house In Dakota City. Dakota county, Ne
braska, proceed to sell ut public auction to'
thu lilKhest mid ts-st bidder, for cash, all of
thu ulxivu ilewrlls-d property, or mi much '
thereof us may bo necessary to satisfy said
order of sale Issued by Harry H. Adulr. ;
clerk of tho district rourt Iu and for Dakota
county, Nebraska, the amount duo thereon I
In thu UKKreantu lielmr I lie sum of oils
hundred mid twenty dollars and fifty-seven
rents ll2i)Ji71. and uccrultiK costs.
illveu under my baud tins ism aay.or
Octols-r, A. D. IK
i h a Hansen,
Sheriff of Dakota County, Neb.
Qr. Kins'
Wm Oiscovery
BOo 411.00
Free Trial.
bureat and Uuickesc Uur for alt
Wlieu von hav j a news item tbst
yon would like to ea in pilot, liig np
the IleralJ, No. 41, aud we'll piiut it.
EIcxvo TToia Money
to I in. vest?
Do you know of butter place to invest it than right at your owu
home? Yon can do this by putting np new buildings, repairing
and improving old ones. This will bring yon interest and eotnfort
every day in the Jcar. Let us figure with yon. We "make good."
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co
(5L0. TIMLIN, :naeer.
2xnd Saddles
4tl Pearl St.. SIOUX CITY. IOWA
Proprietor of .
City Klesxi MsxrlLoti
Fresh and Salt Meats always
IDo Yoi Go
IFicKirk or
X VACATION DAYS can not be spent to a better advantage
than at aome bejiutiful lake in Northern Wisconsin enjoying the
healthy attraction of outdoor l.fe.
If yon have ever inspected a map of Northern Wisconsin, jotr
have uutlouhtedly observed that hundreds of the most beantifnl
j lakes are adjacent to the
1 Northwestern Line
jr- At many of these. lakes are summer cottages and hotels pro-
viding excellent accommodations at reasonable price. Then
again if a namping party wishes, they may drive a few miles inland
jg and enjoy practically a virgin field. , '
ft Trout, Pike, Bass and Muskcllungre
v, will be found at almost any of the Northorn Wisconsin resorts.
For booklet showing maps of the fishing localities, list of
tj. hotels and price or soy assistance jou may desire iu finding a
Jjj desirable looation call ou or address,
gt General Passenger Agent, St Paul, Mikn.
ou earth . bee or
List your
property with ns
DskttaClty. Neb. end U7 I I'ln....
sou. .o.cttv.N.b. " 1,1 U1
"It io Delicious."
13 T-J X.
pasjHaiaaie mmm,
eT HPJbVbHv r
Co f f e e
25 Cents per Pound
. lilende I and ji-olo-il from earlully selected coffee by
No 6 Front St. Homer, Neb
on hand. Oath paid for hides.
We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low'
rate ot interest on Dakota oouuty Farms. We
also Sell and Buy Real Estate of all kinds
write ns Dtlore you uorrow, iuy or oeu.
lore yuu uwruw, uuj ui ett.
Farm lands
to Sell.