Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 19, 1906, Image 5

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    Wm. LOR.EKZ,
Proprietor of
City McEvt Market
Fresh end Salt Meats always on Land. Cath paid for bides.
iiA Hi. i!i iTd f s f &i A &t
f Do You Go
FisHin or '!
I Hvntinji? j
VACATION DAYS can not be spent to a better advantage j
tban at some beautiful lake in Njrtliern 'Wisconsin enjoying the
healthy attraction of outdoor life. h
If you Lava ever inspected a map of No' them Wisconsin, you o
TP have undoubtedly observed that hundreds of the most beautiful jj
lakes are adjacent to the
Northwestern Line 1
At many of these lakes are summer cottages and hotels pro- )i
; viding excellent accommodations at reasonable prices. Then )
, again if a camping party wishes, they may drive a few miles inland
and enjoy practically a virgin field.
Trout, Pike, Bass and Muskellunge
will be found at almost any of the Northern Wisconsin resorts,
For booklet showing maps of the fishing localities, list of &
hotels and prices or any assistance you may desire iu finding a J
desirable location call ou or address, .
General Passenger Agent, St Pai'L, Mikn, ?J
Colorado Lands.
Cheap Homeseekers Eates
. Kwry Tuesday.
JJou'i fail to investigate Sedgwick
county, Colorado land this fill. lUch,
productive soil, level surface, excellent
water, superb climate. liaises corn,
whea oats, barley, rye, cane, milleti
alfalfa, potatoes and all kinds of vege
tables. This year's crops trpully as
good as thot-e in Dakota county. Land
values rapidly advancing and will pos
itively advance 50 to lOW?,,' by a year
from this fall.
These lands can now be bought at a
price around f 7.00 per acre.
A Sugar lieet Factory, to cost
$1,000,000, is to be built at Julesberg
to take :are of next year's sugar beet
-crop .
Cheap rate bomeseekers excursions
to Juhsberg, olorado, every Tuesday.
County Commissioner W. M. Hile
man invented iu 8sdKick county, Col,
lands on October 17tb, just passed.
Have a talk witti him and get informa
tion about the wondtrful resources and
opportunities in Sedgwick county.
For further informatiou, cell on or
Jackson, Nebr.
C, St. P., M. O. Time-Table.
Trains lea7e Dakota City at the fol
lowing time:
5:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am
10:00am Omaha ....... 5 :13pm
3:3" pm Norfolk 8:20 am
9:01 am Norfolk 5.32 pm
7:58 am Newcastle 10:00 am
2:08 pm 6:08 pm
5:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am
3:37 Norfolk 5:32
Local Items
The freshest crackers at Van's re
ceived every week.
U 8 Marshal Warner was here over
Sunday from Omaha.
Jas Parry of Jackson, was a busi
ness visitor in town Tuesday.
Harry A Cheney, of Creighton, Neb,
was a busiuess visitor in town Satur
Mnrille Brasfleld pf Spencer, Nebr,
arrived here Monday for a week's visit
with relatives.
Mrs J Van de Zedde went to Pender
Wednesday to spend a few days visit
ing at the Geo Mullen home.
Call up No 1 when you want
goods delivered in No 1 order,
store is now stocked and fitted
No 1 style.
No 1
up in
Miss Freda Ilutzel spent a few davs
in Monx t. ily this week.
Miss Tot Orr lias resigned her posi
tion in the Sioux City schools.
Frank Hirsch was here from Sioux
City Thursday, enroute to Homer.
Mis Ethel Fouke of Sioux City vis
ited with Claire Spencer last Sunday.
Mrs 11 F Strohra left on Tuesday
for i riso, iowa, to visit lirr daugh
M O A j res left Monday for Cody,
Neb, to spend a few days shooting
Mary Spencer left Friday for Mac
donald, Kans, to visit bcr brother, C
li Spencer.
Mrs H F Kohlmeicr went to Lyons
last Friday for a couple of weeks visit
with relatives.
Hazel Schmied spent several days
in Sioux City this week at the Mrs
Laura Jay home.
Gerald Dillon and A C Carroll, of
Jackson, attended the republican rally
at tins place Monday.
Mrs D 11 Uager returned Wednes
dav from a week's visit at Wakefield
with her sister, Mrs Lettie llix.
Whcu yon have a news item that
yon would like to see in print, ring up
the Herald, No. 43, and we'll print it
Joe Kramper, the little son of An
drew Krampcr and wife.dislocated his
wrist while playing at the school yard
Tot Orr was given a china shower
at the Wiu Cheney home last Saturday
afternoon. A number of Sioux City
school teachers were present and par
ticipated iu the joyous occasion.
Lronotd Hons, father of W L Ross
of this place, came up from Schuyler
last Friday where he has been making
his home with his son Ed, for the past
few months
Mrs Geo J Boucher and children
went to Crofton, Neb,. Monday for a
few days' visit with Mrs Boucher's
sister, Mrs To;l Christopherson, who is
seriouslv ill.
Woods Uileman returned home last
week from Colorado, where he pur
chased 320 acres of land near Jrlts-
berg for $7 per aero. He thinks that
is a great country
For Rent I will rent my farm of
125 aores of work land, near Nacora,
Neb, for cash or on the shares Good
buildings on the land. John C Sul
livan, Nacora, Neb.
George Stewart and wife, from near
Waterbury. were here Saturday visit
ing at the Lennox home. Mr Stewart
was looking up a deal for a pieco of
land near Emerson.
We can now furnish the New Idea
(a woman's magazine) in connection
with the Herald for $1.30. The regu
lar pi ice for the magazine is 60o.
This is a ba;gain that you cannot af
ford to misR.
Rowland Orr received a letter from
Lottie and Frank Orr the first of the
week. They liad arrived at their
South Dakota c aims alright, and had
their "chucks" built and were enjoying
life immensely.
A dance is billed for next Monday
night, the 22nd at the court house hull,
Dakota Cit;, Collins Bros orachestra
will furnish the musio for the event.
hich is a guarantee that a pleasant
time is in store for all who will attend.
Write Columbian Bifocal Co. for
booklet. TemDle Court. Denver, Colo.
t Absolute Salety
This is guaranteed
leave money with
when you
The Buuk that always treats
j on right"
Why safe?
. . . rn 1 I. i.
X'llBl loe uuiik una rnu uvrr
J0 Team wiih 1. sstlian $50 losses.
Secord It has a nude capital I
aud surplus to provide for auy
poiMe I shh that mih' Ot'cur.
Third Iieidi "knowing how,"
absolute promptness, courtesy '
ki:J honesty haa marked its
every act and ded.
Fourth I's ruouy is always
loaned to the best and safest peo
ple on eatth, tour neighbors; the
prosperous fanners of Dakota
couuty. No diaisnous loans to
outsiders, nor can its owners bor-
; row oue cent from it.
Always bafe as a government boud
Mrs Tobn Bjork of Pender, died on
Thursday of last week from heart trou
ble. Mr Bjork and family formerly
resided in this county.
A big republican rally will be held
in Gallagher's hall at Homer Monday
evening, the 22nd. Jndge J F Boyd,
Geo W Wiltse, Wni P Warner and
others will speak.
Tliere is n reason for all things, and
in this raso you don't have to figure it
out nor try any expeiimeuts. It is
simply this when you want the best
coffee, take a package of Breun s,
Van sells it.
If any of our subscribers desire the
address changed on their Herald by
reason of the establishment or changes
made in the rural routes, or for any
other reason, just drop us a postal and
the change desired and it will be made.
I have for sale a choice lot of Poland
China male hogs. They are of the
Wilkes, Tecumseh ana Perfection
stock. redigree will be furn'shed
with everv pig that oes nut. Address,
I'liF.D 1SAHTEL8, Hubbard, Neb.
W J O'Brien, superintendent of the
state iish hatcheries at South Bend,
was lie re Wednesday with the state
fish car and planted 1100 crappie in
Crystal lake. la the shipment were
a hundred or more that would average
three-fourths of a pound, and which
will nid materially in stocking the
Theodore Bliven, wife and babies
returned here last Friday from Califor
nia where they went several ni ntbs
ago on a protracted visit. Tbey were
at Santa Rosa at the time of the earth
quake disaster and were pretty badly
shaken up, but thank their stars that
they got back alive.
Van de Zedde still has a fine col
lection of oil paintings banging in his
store that he is offering to his custom
ers at about half their actual value, in
order to close them out. These paint
ings are fit to adorn any parlor or
drawingroom. Get your piok of thse
pictures before they are all taken.
Have you seen Van de Zedde's store
since he has refitted it and added all
those new goods I lie is receiving
new goods every dav, and is better
prepared than ever to care for the
wants ol ma old customers as well as
the new ones that are daily dropping
in to taie advantage ol a well equip
ped grocery establishment.
A couveution of the Northeast Dis
trict of the Dakuta county Sunday
rcliool association will be held at the
Walknr'a Island school house, Satur
dav, October 27Mi. The morning ses
moii will begin tit 10 o'clock. Dinner
.... -I. .. i ...
will im se'veil iy I no lames ol tin
Wallor'a Island Sunday school. Plan
to attend and have an enjoyable day
aud leuiu more about Sunday school
At the last meeting of tho Pioneers
and Old Settlers' association the Reg
istrar committee run short of I'adgea,
and as several morn pid their annual
dues and were entitled to badges the
cammittee ordered another supply
Tlmre are still a few left, and any one
deaiiiog a 19116 badgo can secure one
for 50c at thia oflice or of Mrs Fannie
W Crozter.
Bank of Dakota County
Jackson, Neb,
G IT Thompson was down from his
farm in Pigeon Creek precinct Tues
day. Mr Thompson is building one of
the largest and best barns in the coun
ty. It is 42x110, with 20 ft posts, and
is sheeted, papered and aided The
bnildna will cost, when completed
about $1,000. This shows considera
hie enterprise on ths part ct M
Thompson, but as he owns and breeds
fancy utock extensively the barn will
joim ureen, or waterlmrr, was
here on busiutns Thursday
8 A Brown of Homer, was transact
ing busiuess here Thursday.
Mtll A Sehmied and wif returned
from their Omaha visit Saturday.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
ppr in the county. $1 a year.
Mrs Geo Hartwig returned Tuesday
flora a visit with her parents at Wake
field. Norman Powell and wife welcomed
a bright little youngster at their home
John Spencer left last Friday for
Lincoln, where hen ill attend tiie state
See the 10-cent counter piled with
tinware, graniteware, etc., at O f
A dance was held in the court house
here Tuesday night under tho manage
nvnt of Bert Brasfleld.
A marriage license was issued to
Harry Co voile and Anna Foley, both
of Sioux City, Wednesday.
The Herald and tho Minneapolis
Daily News for $2. Here's a chance
to get a whole lot' of reading matter
for a li tie money. Ask for a copy.
Mis Nell Combs of Homer attended
the teachers meeting at Emerson Sat
urday. She was a guest at the Row
land Orr home while hers between
Mrs Lottie Ilutzel, of Sioux City.
has succeeded C M Gray as manager
of the local telephone exchange. She
is assisted by her daughters, Freda
and Irene.
Minnie Oehlerking, daughter of
Fred Oehlerking of Moville, Iowa, who
is here ou a viit at the Lewis Dier
king home, fell from a horse Wednes
day evening and broke bar arm.
Marriage licenses were issued in
Sioux City Tuesday to Alonzo Pierce
of South Sioux City and Kate Dunn,
of Cautou, S D, and to Wm Mitchell of
South Sioux City and Mary L Killoran
of Moville, Io.
There's grave danger from the plague
of coughs and colds that are so preva
lent, nrless you take Dr King's New
Discovery for consumption, coughs and
colds. Mrs Geo Walls, of Forest City,
Me, writes: "It's a Gedsend to people
liviug in climates whero coughs nnd
colds prevail. I llnd it quickly ends
them. It prevents pneumonia, cures
a grippe, gives wonderful rtdief in
ast hma and hay fever, and makes weak
lungs strong enough to ward off con
sumption, coughs and colds. 60c and
$1. Guaranteed by L M Leslie, drng
gist. Tiial bottle free.
Of thn Sunday school convention of
the Northeast Ditrict of Dakota coun
ty, to be held at the Walker's Island
school house, Saturday, October '27th.
10 :(r Iievottonnl service
IU:I5 AdilresH of Welcome
P. W. Oarlock, Walker's lslivnd
Response .Bert Kroespit, Woux
Music :
The IIctDMt lcpnrtment of the Country
Hchool Mrs. W. I., lions. Dakota
Temperance Hay In In the riunduy
School. ..Ilcv. W. S. OlierhoIUer. Dakota
The Tern-tier i
The Teiirher's Personality
Hev. ieo. Dray, Poncik
The Teuchcr's Preparation
Hwnrtz, Hloiix
The Teacher's Aim.. . . Kev. Hhfer, Ditkutn
How to Tench tho lA-ssnn
I. K. Wlnehrennor, Hiuux
i :(K Sonir service Hu pi. M lurloek
i:18 Business session
A Normal Lesson
Pomlucted by Rev. K. H. Combs
Soto "My Mother's Prayer"
Esther Itoss, Dakota
The Adult In tl Sunday School .
Kev.U. rM.end,hlom
Tho Relation of the Sunday School to the
Pounty Association. ...Pounty Secretary
Music Suiith Sioux Pity Lutheran H. S
The Oruiuilv.cd Primary Department....
Kthel Burke, Sioux
ThePrndlo Roll
(iciicrul Discussion ou Primary Work
6:K Adjournment
,44 44 TTTtT- 'pay for itself in time.
Fred Dueosing went to South Om i-
la Tuesday morning to represent Da
kota Cit lodgo No 48, I ) O F, st the
meeting of the graud lodge which con
vened there this week. Misses l'eib
and B. ss Ktinson of this place aut
Beutrice rtordyke el bioux City went
hlso tl atteud the reliekali grand lodge
which convenes at the same plare, tli
latter being tho delegate from tlx
lode here. J J Elmers and Mi-
Hut tie Kuowltim went as delcgatts
from the I OO F and Robckah lodge
of South bioux City.
An interesting republican meetine
"as held at tins place Moudiiy hfter-
noon at the court lious, which wu
attended bv a fair sized audience eon
tidering that neaily every voter of
the prtciuct was heels over head at
work harvesting the bigg, st potato
crop that this c unity has ever produo
ed. (Jiiite au array of a'eak rs wer
present, and each was given a few
minutes time in which to address tu
gathering. Win P Warner preside
at the meeting and introduced the
speakers, all of whom were rouudlv
applauded. Those who spoke during
the meeting were M R Hopewell, can
did a to for lieutenant governor; Geo
It oiioumu, candidate for governor;
Judge Uoyd, candidate lor congress;
Geo W Wiltse, caudidate for fctat
senator ; C J Weborg, raudiutx lor
representative; V 8 Berry, candidate
lor county attorney, ana U alugji
We Want to
Show, .You
When you visit Sioux City we want to
show you the largest, most attractive,
newest line of Clothing shown In this city.
For Men and Young Wen
$10.00 This Is becoming more popular ev
ery day, because, besides tho small price,
the high quality of these Suits, the perfect
fit and continuing form, all attract Irre
sistibly cut In the latest styles these
goods lead the season. We ask you to let
us show them to you. Single or double
breasted, of tine, plain, fancy worsteds and
funcy mixtures all cleverly tailored with
haircloth and canvas Interltn-i
Ing, these Suits are of
permanent shape
Other Patterns at $12.50, $15.00 and up.
For Men and Young Men
Men's and Young Men's Full Length Over
coats, made on the newest and best models,
nice titling, shape-retaining and long-wear-ins:,
und with velvet collars, long hipels, In
bhick, blue nnd oxford gray hand tailored
throughout, with choice of vicuna, kersey,
melton, homespun of A (1A
5;k. $10,00
Underwear, Shirts, Glovei, Mittens
Fine Clothe
Aaltimora Jnd
Fourth St.
County School Notes.
Regular examination thU week.
A!l sshools are now open. Ry ri.it-
ing the salaries, teachers have bei n in
duced to come in from other counties
and helped a great deal toward tilliug
out. The averacre raise for the county
is five dollars per month.
Of the teachers who held a ceitiil-
cate in this county uuder the old law,
only oue has been unable to pass the
state examination. This is much bet
ter than the average couuty has been
able to do. Home counties, the state
superintendent says, literally went to
"Your teaotiers have made a won
derful record." This from Ike state
superintendent in adswer to our ques
tion the other day as to the relative
showing of counties under the new cer
ii ct-tion law. Dakota couuty teachers
may well feel proud to merit sue-a a
statement from the head of the state
The joint meeting at Emerson Sat
urday last was a decided success in
every way. The attendance was the
largest in the history of the joint asso
ciation, the program was most com
plete, aud the interest shown was be
yond all question, the best ; even bet
ter than the averago state meeting.
Among those present from outside the
ve coast les were:, state (Superintend
ent Mcbrien, Liuooln; Superintendent
Watson., Valentine;. PrtsLleut W II
lemmons, Fremont normal, and Geo
ItTowiie, of the Nebraska Taeher.
between three and four hundred
teachers Were in attendance.
'My mother has suddenly been made
young at 70. Twenty years of iutense
Buffeting from dyspepsia had entirely
disabled her, until sit months sgo,
when she began taking Elect' io Bit
ters, which have completely cured her
and restored the strength and activity
-lie had in the prime of life," writes
Mrs W L Giliiatru k, of Uatiforth, Me.
Greatest restorative medicine on the
Klohe. Hots stomach, liver und kid
net slight, pmilii s the blond, und cures
malaria, lulutusueKS end wenkuess.
Wonderful nerve tonic. I'llce 50o.
Guaranteed by L M Leslie's drugstore.
Real l:H'e Transfers.
K F, Hulxteiid and wife in Htephen
1 1 1, list-it nr und Stepln'ii Hansen Jr,
lie1 M'i-tifn 2-?H-t. itnil part of seS
hw! anil sw?4e'4 Heetlon U.V2.-, wd. t
J 1 Motrin' ami wife to Leonard Hook
er, lot 1'i In lilia-k II. hirst, mil) I Hon
to Sou 111 Monx l.'lt. wil IO
'hilllD Suit III to Ituiloliili Ki-hopke, '
li w ,'4 mill li' ' i Beciion in-ziwi, wl . . iwii
John N Johnson anil wife to Ancient
Anderson, e1 ', heetlon U-i7-7. wl . . i'l
J li Rockwell and wife to 10 Mil llriiee.
lot Hand w'j lotilln IiIih-K 7, hinlllrs
liililltion to Homer, wd 700
or boy, mau or woman, is quickly out
of pain if HucUen's Arnioa Salve is
polled promptly. J U Weleli, ol
Tekonsha, Mich, says, I use it iu mv
amily for outs, sores and ail skin in-
lories, and nnd it perfect vuicKeM
lie on re known. Jteat uealiug salve
made. 25o at L M Leslie's drug store.
First M E Church Hours ol Servic
10 a m Sunday School
11a m Preaching
12 m Class Meeting
:30 pm Epworth League
:3U p m Preaching
:30 p in Prayer Mot ling
A 11 evening services from May to
October w II be held one-half hour
later, Elmkr P. Hhafek, Pastor.
Phone uumber 33.
results from chronic constipation,
icli in quickly i-ureii Dr King's
l.lfj 1'iIIh. Ho y r move all poinouous
K-rn.s from the svht iu and inf ish new
lite aud vigor; cure eoor stoiisuch,
iiausii, headaclio and colic, without
griping or itu -oiiifort. iitn tluaran
eed by Ij M Lenin, drti mI.
Candidate for County Attorney, will
peaK at the t oiiowlne Places on
Dates Named.
of Lincoln.
The German sclnaii, Ut. 25, Emerson
pret iuct, Uctoher 2o, at 8 p m.
S b it 11 school lionse, di-t. 17, southwest
of Homer, October 22, a 8 pm.
PI ni Grove nchord, south of Hubbard
October 21, at 8 p m.
Mcl'herran sclrad, Fiueon Creek
October 20, at 8 p m.
Hubbard, October 30, at 8 p m.
ISh hurg, Nov. mber 1, at 8 p m.
Uoiner, Rmerfcon and riouth t.ity v. ill
te aligned uli r.
Htxve You Money
to Invcot?
Do yon know of a better place to irvest it than right at your own
home? Yon can do this by putting np new buildings, repairing
and improving old cms. 1 his will bring you interest and comfort
every day in the year. Let us figure with you. We "make good."
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co
OK0. TIMLIN, Msiiawj.
, EH
411 Peail St., SIOUX CITY. IOWA
Good. Strong Wax Grain
Upper Lea the r Team N el 8
ft wide Bars and heavy Lashes. Absolutely the
cheapest Net to buy, as tbey will last seven or
eight years, with any kind of care.
We also Handle" all kinds of Bee (toods
Imported draft stallions, $lUOlteach.
Home-bred registered draft, stiillioiis,
J3U0 to Halt liros. Osoeola, la.
Honie-hrtd draft 8 llioii, 2rti tu
$1)00; imported I allious, your elioice,
IKMI0, P L Stream. Creston, la.
Call st The Herald ollio- aud gt u
sample copy of The New Idea Mvga
r.inp, a m.iazinH for wotneu It nil
only cost wm 30o a year iu combiua
tion l til I'm- Herald
The best im ported In rs. s, li'tiO ea h
Homo-tire. I registered ilruft staliioio,
$25(1 to $750 at my stable iloora. A
Latimer Wilson, Cret"i., In
Ten Farma for Hale. Good ones, al
sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers,
dj, 60 YEARS'
We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low
rate ol interest, on Dakota oouuty Farms. We
aUo Hell and liny Heal Estate of all kinds
ou earth . bee or write ns uciore you uorrow, uuy or oeii.
property with us to Sell.
HaloUCUv. Neb. and U - I L'lmru Real
SoU8lou.Cltv.N.b."n,,,,i lUt I D KMat0
List your
Farm lands
4It is Delicious."
Track Mark
Copvbight Ac.
AnTonnt.nii krtrli and dmxrlntlnn ma-
atilnkly fia-ruim fmr uiHiiutn iw wiiwiH-r
ihnn'n la iir'.r.aMr .lenlnj.li. j'mniniiiiK'a
ilimairlcll H'miIiIbiiiImI. HAHIJPnnK onf-umitf
on, frua. el la.1 niiawf fur i.iihb iialama.
I'lilriua laaau llirouvh Munii A I, recalf
tmruU n"li, Wilioul chnrua, U Ilia
Scientific Jimericmu
A haadmenrlr llliwtraloil wwkir. I amt rtr
nlHllun Hiif .'imnluil ("uruul. 'I irm. II n
ymnr; imir lii'inlba, AL buiU lTll nawwlKalwtll
tiiau I 'Mun 'Lf V PU Wubluaiuo, li. C
o f f e e
Cents per Pound
IMendol and p eked from carefully Delected coffee ly
No 6 Front St.
Homer, Neb ft