If Railroad Fares Refunded IBOTEI WAYS To Out-of-Town Customers in Accor dance to the Following Schedule With 10 Purchase we will Refund Railroad Fares for a Distance of 20 Miles With 15 Purchase we will Refund Railroad Fares for a Distance of 25 Miles With (20 Purchase we will Refund Railroad Fares for a Distance of 30 Miles With (25 Purchase wo will Refund Railroad Fares for a Distance of 40 Miles With $30 Purchase vi will Refund Railroad, Fares for a Distance of 50 Miles With $45 Parchase we will Refund Railroad Fares for a Distance of 75 Miles With $60 Purchase we will Refund Railroad Fares for a Distance of 100 Miles With $75 Purchase we will Refund Railroad Fares for a Distance of 150 Miles With $100 Puuchase we will Refund Railroad Fares for a Distance of 200 Miles PuroKKM av rciurn rallf'oatd tlokat Bind prwtnt am whan (!) for your bill. Whi purchaata d o not m.t tK rtiita amount, allowanaa will b m mada proporilonavtalyi W o m e n TiS Fall Suits (Coats Are Ready Don't pin your faith to any single style. There is diversity such as you never dreamed could be. Hundreds of variations are here for your uspoction. Com to Davidson's to Get Sot Right on Zhm Fasklont Come to headquarters. Tiiere'a big savings possible on this earliest showing. We have filled in the dull times of workers with orders, and made savings that are real and worth while. Come and take advan tage of the savings. $18.00 Tailored $22.00 Tailored $30.00 Tailored DAVIDSON Cor 4tli and Pierce Sts. Have You Money to Iiwest? Do you know of a better place to invest it than right at your own home? You can do this by puttiDg up new buildings, repairing and improving old ones. This will bring you interest and eomfort every day in the year. Let us figure with you. We "make good." Edwards k Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard, - - Nebraska. GEO. TIMLIN, tfanaccr. The Herald for Flews STVRGES BROS., 411 Pearl St., SIOUX CITY. IOWA Good, Strong1 Wax Grain Upper Leather Team Nets svt $5.00 f wide Bare and heavy Lashes. Absolutely the cheapest Net to buy, as they will last seven or eight years, with any kind of care. ION H We also Handle all Wm LrOILENZ, -Proprietor of (Dity KleiBi Market Freh and Salt Meats always on DAKOTA. CITY Suits, $11.50 Suits, $14.50 Suits, $18.50 BROS. GO. JSioux City, Iowa kinds of Bee Goods hand . Cath paid for hides. NEBRASKA C, St. P., M. A O. Time-Table. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol lowing time: HOKTH BOUND. 8O0TB BOT7NO 5:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am 10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm 3 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :20 am 9:01 am Norfolk 6.32 pm 7 :B8 am Newcastle 10 :00 am 2:08 pm " 6:08 pm SUNDAY TRAINS. 6 :52 pm ...... . Omaha 7 :35 am 3:37 Norfolk 5:32 Local Items The freshest crackers at Van's re ceived every week. rani Tizey was a buninesa visitor to Emerson Wednesday. Mrs Qeo Pranger went to Emerson Wednesday to visit friends. J W Easton. father of Ed Easton. left Monday for Los Angeles, Cal. Several of the "bovs" from here at tended the dance in Homer Tuesday night. Thoroughbred Poland China boar pigs for sale. Ous ttarteltt, Dakota City, Neb. M O Ayres was a passenger to Oma ha Wednesday to attend the Ak-Sar- lien festivities. John Bacuort, son-in-law of J P Leedom, has located with his family in South Sioux City. WTilts Foltz went to Stanley county. N D, to locate on a homestead, having purchased a relinquishment. Mary Easton went to Omaha Wed nesday to take in the Ak-Sar-Ben show and visit relatives for a week. Craig L Spencer artived home from Macdonald, Kas, to attend the wed ding of his sister Helen, Tuesday. Mrs Etta Billiard and Mrs Mamie Johnsoj, of Sioux City, were visitors at tbe Wm Triggs home Wednesday. For Sale A span of black mules, two and three years o'd. price $200 00. John F Myers. Hubbard, Iteb. O D Hagar and wife left Monday for Hot Springs, S D, to reside. The Herald will keen them posted on events here. Call up No 1 when you want No 1 gcods delivered in No 1 order. Our fore is now stocked and fitted up in No 1 stvle. Hazel Sclimied was brought home Weduesday from the hospital in Sioux City, and is fast recovering from an operation for appendicitis. Robt Hileman, wife aud daughter Pearl, and Mrs W W Armour, went to Ouiaha Wednesday to visit relatives for a few days and witness the carnival. Qeo Stebner, of Lawtnn, Iowa, has purchased the old Dan O'Hanlon prop erty iu the South part of town and will remove here with his fannh to re- tide. lira Wm Baucbman received a new Price & Terple piano Tuesday. The case is a dark mahogany finish and the piano is undoubtedly one of the est in the town. The fall term of the district court convened Monday. Several motions were argued und sales confirmed. Tho term was then adjourned until December 10, when the jury will be called. There is a reason for all things, and n this raso you don't have to figure it out nor try any experiments. It is simply this when you want the best coffee, take a package of Breun s. Van sells it. Samuel A brown, advertising man ger for Davidson Bros Co, of Sionx City, and Miss Louise B Ulrica, also of tioux City, were united in marriage Sunday noun at the M L parsonage by Key E E Shafer Mrs Ed O'Brien aud children have moved to this place from South Sioux Citv and will reaide with Mra O'Rrieu's mother, Mrs N Dtsnyaer. Mr O'Brien isinaSioux City hospital for treat ment for paralysis. Rev E E Shafer was called to Sl uix City to perform the marriage ceremo- y for Jiay Wood and t lora Africa. The Wedding took place at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs J M McEl phree, 405 West Third ftreet. Will Slaughter and F A Stafford wer over from Sioux City a couple of days this eek looking after the ship ment of several cars of potatoes bought by the Fields & Slaughter Co, at the levator here and at Wood Park sta tion. Mrs Geo Barnett and twin girls l'-ft Thursday for Goodwin, S 1. for a several weeks visit with Mrs Barnett a parents, Samuel Qribble and wife, and other relatives living there. Mrs Boss Jodnson is assisting at the Bar nett home during her absence. nave you seen Vuu de Zedde's store since he has refitted it and added all those new goods l lie is receiving new goods every dav, aud it better prepared than ever to care for the wants of uia old customer as well as the new ones that are daily dropping in tn t lie advuntage of a well (-quipped grocery establishment. About fifteen lien holders, who liud ol.ti.iDfd judgments onainHt the Sioux City, lower and Southern railroad, in district aud justice courts, presented petitions of intervention in the district court, last Monday. Judge Graven ill render a decision at the adjourned teira to be held iu December. The bone of contention appears to be whit (.hall be done with the surplus remain ing frcm the sale by the sheriff of tho above named property. One of Ham ntiosons horses ran away Sunday afternoon, demolishing a buggy. 1 he horse w. u also seriously injured by coming to contact with telephone iole. Ue atarted from near the depot where Guj Stinson had driven him and who had laid the lines down ai he alighted from tho buggy John Evans made an effort to ctop the horfe and waa knocked down, h th wheels of the buggy passing ov. r him Ilia injuries were not severe, tLough. Judge Etans made a business trip to Lincoln this week. Mrs Or org Hartaig is visiting her parents in Waktheld this week. For sale Good seed winter wheat Den Forbes, Dakota City, Nebr. Mrs John Sullivan, of Nacoia, was transacting business here Monday. W P Warner came up from Omaha Monday on business, returning Thurs day. See tho 10-cent counter piled with tinware, graniteware, etc., at G Broyhill's. Wm Pond and family have rented the Henry Woods house south of Dr Maxwell's. Henrv Krurawiede and wife went tn Omaha Wednesday to witness the Lig carnival for a few days. Mrs Mary Triggs, of South Sionx City, visited at the home of her son. Will, several days this week. Will Niemeyer came down from Mur do, S D, last Friday, returning with his wife and baby, Wednesday. Mrs Ernest Hartranft returned to her nome at Crawford, Neb, last Fri day, after a two months visit here with her pareute, Jas Fuestoniand wife. Mrs Jas Flynn has been appointed postmaster a Jackson to Biieceed Mr ilynn. who resigned to accept a posi tion witn tue UoverougU elevator com pany. George Barnett separatod 1500 bushels of oats for Addie Sides Mon day afternoon, and would probably have run through more, but Addie run short of sheaves. For Rent I will rent rnv farm of 125 aores of work lnnd. near Narnra. Neb, for cash or on the shares. Good buildings on the land. John C, Hnl- livan, Naoora, Neb. Call at The Herald office and get a sample copy of Tho New Idea Maga zine, a magazine for womeu. It will ouly oost you 30o a year in combina tion with The Herald. We can now furnish the New Idea (a woman's magazine) in eouuection wilh the Herald for SI. 30. The regu lar piice for the magazine is fiOn. This is a baigain that you eannot af ford to miss. L M Leslie, the new proprietor of the drug store, arrived here Thursday evening with his wife and two daugh ters, Missps Hazel and Ruth, from Ft Calhoun, Neb . Thoy will go to house keeping as soon as a disirable location can be secured. A dfcision was rendered by Judge Graves Monday in the c tso of Geo Ash- ord vs the Iowa & Minnesota Lumber company in favor of the plaintiff. The case was tried at the spring term of court, and the verdict was rendered for the sum of 071.22. The Northeast Nebraska Teachers' Association will meet at Emerson, October 13th. The C, St P, M, & O By ha guaranteed a rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip. State Supt J L McBrien will be pres ent and address the meeting. Martin Welsh of Vista, got mixed up in a runaway while returning from Jackson Thursday, and suffered a broken leg and other injuries. He was found on the road in an unconscious condition by Geo Teller and was taken to Jackson for medical assistance. Van de Zedde still has a flue col lection of oil paintings hanging in his store that he is offering to his custom ers at about half their actual value, in order lo close thein out. These puint- ings are fit tn adorn any parlor or diawingrooni. Get your pick of thiae pictures before they are all taken. The little daughter of Edward Swift and wife, of Omaha, mention of whose birth was made in The Herald last week, died on Saturday and was biouglit. here for burial Monday by the bereaved father and Fruuk Kiley, and shot t cervices were held at the home of F II Aters and wife, grand parents of Mrs Swift, by Rev E E Shafer. Nothing definite has been done yet a mo matter oi granting a iraucinse for th strtet car svnttj'u purchased by Jos Fove ut sheriff's sale last. week. There is tio doubt, though, but what fran-hisfs wi.l be granted here and at South H.om City. The coamiHstion- era will then take up the mutter of granting a right of way on the county road. A quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mrs Ettit M Spencer, Tues day evening, at 8 :30, when her eMei-t daughter, Helen E Spencer, was unit ed in marriage to Robert Cunningham, of Seattle, Wash. Rev Elmer E Shut- er, pastor of the M E church, officiated. When the hour foi tho ceremony ar tived the bridal couple took tneir places in the large bay window which had been beautifully decorated with ivy, ferns and hothouse Mowers. Xhe ling ceroruony was iihed, aud the wolds were spoken that made two happy hearts brut as one. About fifteen schoelma'ea and friends of the. bride were presout to witueas tho event. A dainty luuch was served after the ceremony, the bridal puir left imrrediutely for Chicago aod eastern points on a short lonevninou trip. The hrido and groom were pre sented with some haiidxoine silver aud cut glass pieces by their frieuda. The bride wax born and reared in Da kota couniy.snd a few years sgoweut to Seutile, WhkIi. to teach iu the public sehoolx. Mr Cunningham is city pus seng. r agent for the tho Chicago Mil wauke and St Paul railroud at Se attle, where they will make their home. RALLY DAY. services will be held at 'J: 40 a ui next Sunday, the sevmth of October, by the Dakota City Euimuuual Luth eran Sunday school. An invitation is extended to all loyal friends and former members of the school to be present. We expect every member of the so'iool to be prtteut. If it is rainy, Cornel 1 1 it is not, Corns! If jou have company, bring your company Come! Ask your father, mother, sis ter, brother, sweetheart, neighbor. friend, everybody to come. Come and we will rejoice together. Llitabeth S. Uaahk, Superintendent Commissioners' Proceeding. Dakota City, Neb., Oct. 2, 190C. Tho board f county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Pros rnt, Woods Hileman, chairman; Tho U Haird, Ed Morgan, and W L Ross, clerk. Clerk ordered to write refunding or cler to Julius Giese for f 0.51, taxes paid under protest for land washed away by the river. Board ordered clerk to write war rant to Barney Boyle for 172.00 on road district No. 18. Bond of Canton Bridge company ap proved by the board. Report of W L Rosa, county clerk, for the 3rd quarter, approved by the board. Board made order for the county treasurer to transfer $150 from Sonth Sioux City road fund to road district No 3, for the reason that the west half and east 90 faet of approach of the Sioux City Bridge company wsa as sessed wrongfully for the years 1003- -o. Board ordered the county treasurer to accept the taxes ou the north 66 feet and the south 50 feet of lots 9. 10 and 11 iu block 18, South Sioux Cit;, for the years 1803-1-6-7 at a valui tion of $40. Chains allowed : COl'NTV (i F.N Kit I. FfND. (MI Antrim, txtnrtllnir pauper .tiff H IVrktn llnin'o.-mppHi". w do AuMIn tt YM,. i (., nulse 2 ik- W I. Kom. H.l cir niilnrv fi ml iitnMKHM 1N Mi ('it Maxwell, e.minliiliiK Mnt (Wore M no Freil Kflirli'vtr .v i imU. Perkins Itl'iw 1'n. unnnll,.. 4S mi H ft) ft! l 2IA Hit Ul J 1 OIii.Ihi-, refund nf tn.xea!! .... It I (Jln.ter. smnie Mrs J K I.. eiloin, villi 111 141 : allowed IiniDOB FUNP Cnrl Kreilerlckinn. lrllo work I H IV) .v i. I,.ir CO, IllllllHT HOAI) FVND. Cnrl KreiliM'Ickaon, roml work ... M Kl i him Aiei.i'e. Hume 7ftl meet October Board adjourned to 27, 1SJ00. W L Ross, Clerk DANQCSJ FROM TH LAQUt. There's grave danger fiom the plague oi coughs and colds that are so preva lent, unless yen take Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. Mrs Geo Walls, of Foiest Citv. Me, writes: "It s a Gedseud to people living in climates where coughs and colds prevail. I find it quickly euds mem. it prevents pneumonia, cures iu grippe, gives wocderful relief iu asthma and hay fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off con sumption, coughs aud colds. 60c and $1. Guaranteed by L M Lrslio. drug gist. Trial bottle free. A Vote of Thanks. (Coininnli'iitoiH The poople of Jacksou have always been distinguished for their ardent in . . . terest in mutters of education; nor is their interest confined to a merely theoretical support. St Cutheriue s academy, which they erected when the financial outlook made such an undertaking seem haz ardous, if not rash, is a convincing ev idence of their willingness to make suci i (Ices to secure educational facili ties for their childreu. That their faith in the powjr cf knowledge is not deteriorating has beeu proven by their recent municifi cent equipment of tho Jackson high schoril. During vacation the school board procured for the high school grades, physical apparatus and laboratory sup plies that well established colleges might be proud of. The. ..latest . and best in maps aud text books have beeu furnished for all the rooms. In addi tion, a complete et of the New Inter national Encyclopedia his arrived this week. As Tha International is con sidered the "Court of Final Appeal," on all scientific questions, its high place has limited its circulation to the avored few. That a village school should possets uclt exceptional advantages bespeaks a spirit of appreciation, which places tho student body of Jackson under heavy obligatious. It is u common complaint that the iidifference of parents is a serious handicap to the intellectual progrtss of their children, but if youth so favor ed fail t uttriu more than mediocre rank umong the competitors for 'Learning's Pii.es," the fuiluio can be ascribed only to their own ina bility to estimate rightly their privi leges, and to profit by their peculiarly fav rable opportunities. HOMER. fctPRCl AI. OOBRKSPONVKKCK. Miss Mabel Clapp went to Sioux City Thursday to visit for a few days. Mrs Williams, a sister of Mrs Dan Purdy, is visiting relatives in Homer. The dance Tuesday night waa quite well attended. Mrs Capt O'Connor spent a few days in Sioux City the first of the week. Mrs Ira Pilgrim, of Sonth Sioux City, is the gueat of Mrs Reua Smith his week . Miss Delia Means, of Walthill, was the guest of Miss Lillie Braunt, for the dance. Sam Brown returned from his ranch in Bock co iuty Friday. Mrs Dr Maxwell was here Wednes day viniting at her old home. We object to the street car line us- ng tl e name of Homer for trie road unless they ome to Homer. If they ouly go 'o Dakota City and Crystal lake, they should not take the name of Homer iu vaiu and their charter should be null. Tho revivals at the Assembly will roou be cioaed. An addition will be built on the M E paraonage. Newa is scarce as hous teeth. Every one is too busy to gossip. Banker Will Rvan was up to the county seat Monday. Mra Wm Clapp and daughter, Ma mie, visited friends in Dakota uity Weduesday night, First M E Church Haurs of Service SUNDAY 10 am Sunday School 11 a m Preaching 12 m Class M eating 6:30 pm Epworth League 7:30p m ..Preaohiug T1IUK8DAY 7:80 p m Prayer Meeting A 11 evening aervioei from May to October w 11 be held one-halt hnu Mer, Elmkb E Shaveb, Pastui . Phone number 33, Public On account of old age, I will farm, one Homer, Tuesday, At 10 O'clock A. M., The Following Described Property: Cattle, 54 22 Kecvd of Cows, Cevlvcs, lO liead of years old, 1 ihorobred Poll Angus Bull, registered. 79 Polsvrtd CKincv SHosvts, 11 iKat can. be registered; 6 Poland CHines. Brood Sows, 1 tKat can be registered; 1 Poland GRlne. Boar, registered TERMS OF SALE: All sums under $10, Cash. On all sums of $10 or oyer, one year's time will bo given on ap proved security, bearing 7 per cent interest. C. J. O'CONNOR, Clerk. A. A. MILL1KAN, Auct. "It is Delicious9 est en Coffee 25 Cents per Pound IJlendol and packed from carefully selected coffee by ff B. BVCKWALTER, I, No 6 Front St. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT BUX. Hi Hhe Herald Prints ALrLr the Flews T T fTAVT,t,M4S,? ' )? ili, it .i. A i& WWWWWW VWWWWVli'W "ilv" M VS" tt W "VK-Wia:-"vt.-"SK1 vh "Vr.-"Vl I Do You Go f I FisRing or p I Hunting? I vjf VACATION DAYS can not be spent to a better advantage than at some beautiful lake in Njrthern Wisconsin enjoying the f healthy attraction of outdoor life. If you have ever inspected a map of Northern Wisconsin, you (j? have undoubtedly observed that hundreds of the most beautiful jy lakes are adjacent to the I Northwestern Line i at At many of these lakes are summer cottages and hotels pro- Vg 1$ viding excellent accommodations at reasonable prices. Then fjfc again if a camping party wishes, they may drive a few miles inland lg and enjoy practically a virgin field. Trout, Plko, Bass and Muskellunge 'iU lje found at almost any of the Northern Wisconsin resorts. U For booklet allowing mops of the fishing localities, list of C hotels and prices or any asbiatauce jou may desire iu finding a yj desirable location call on or address, f ARM LOANS ivvwhere on earth , We rate also arvwuere on earth, bee or Liat your property with ns oakrtacuy.Ncb.ana Wnrurrl VimrT Sale! sell at public auction, on my mile Bouth of Nebraska Oct 6. '6 21 Kesvd of young Heifers coming 2 ND Homer, Neb. T. W. TEASDALE. General raaaenger Agent, Bt Pavl, Miks. have plenty of Money to Loan at low oi interest on Dakota county Farms. We Bell and Buy Real Estate of all kind write us beiore you uorrow, jjuj or oeu. to Bell, f a ta, a a a a at aa. .Ke" Real rnwM I A (Ml IX mini ii 1 1 i lvj