Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 14, 1906, Image 7

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    Too Ctrl? for Bint.
In a western town not long ago tlM
uperlntendent of a railroad was seated
Jn bis ofllre very busily encaged In
J)enng over bis nwill, when In walked
M big, burly negro, according to the
Buffalo Times. The superintendent
looked up and raid:
"How did you pet In here past my
office boy and clerks? You hate t lot
of assurance, cnnilng In here without
first tending In your name."
The negro spoke up and Mid there
was no one In the outer office when be
entered. The superintendent aald:
"What do you want?" to which be
"I am looking for work, and want It
bad ; am willing to go switching, or do
The superintendent looked up and
it i i . hi
u you ui iu. :
The negro replied: "ft la a litth?
early. Isn't It?" Cincinnati Commer
cial Tiibune.
DmpmI I.nk on Earth.
The deepest Inkc In the world Is be
Ileved to be Lake Baikal. In Siberia.
Nine thousand square miles In aren, or
nearly as large ns Lake Erie, It Is 4,000
to 6,000 feet deep, so that It contains
nearly as much water as Lake .Supe
rior. I t30C9S7 1
no matter hov
'baa the weather
you cannot
afford to be
without &
Wben you buy
looK Tor the
i Wt CO BOS'fl" U
3.50&3.00 Shoes
W.LDoug'as $4 Gilt Edga line
cannot eequalieaalanypnse
Mon'a Shoe. S5 to Sl.OO.
Mlns a" oe emiaran a ttaow, v.
.6 to tl.OO.
Try XV. lu Douglua Women's, Miim una
Children's (hue ; for style, fit and wear
they excel other make.
If I could take you Into my largo
factories at Brockton, Mass. .and show
you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoe
are made, you would then understand
why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer, and are of greater value
than any other make.
Wherever you live, you can obtain W. L.
Douglas shoes. His name and price Is (tamped
on the bottom, which protect youanainat high
prices and interior shoe. Taka no substi
tata. Ask your dealer lor W. L. Douglas shoes
and Insist upon having them.
. fait Color Busts f uted; ths? will no wsar brassy.
Write for Illustrated Catalog-o Pall Style.
i W. L. DOUGLAS, Dept. 14, Brockton, Mas.
90,000,000 BUSHELS
Thai's the
Western Canada
This Year
This with nearly 80,000,000 Bushela of
Oats aid 17,000,000 Bushela of Barley
means a continuation ol good times
tor (he farmers of Western Csnada.
Free Farms Big Crops
Low Taxes, Healthy Climate, good
Churches and Schools, Splendid Kail-
way Seme
The Canadian Covernmrnt offers 160 acres ol
land FKEE to every aettler willing and able to
comply with the Homestead Regulations. Ad
vice and information may be obtained frea frost
W. D. Boott, Siipe-luUniWnt of Immigration, Ottawa,
Diiirli, or V T. HoIOim. S1A Jaeksoa 81.. SI. faiil,
Minn., an J. S4 Mclonlikia. hoa HI, WiUrtoia, So,
aVakata, AutixoriMU Gurarumtul Aaonla.
fiauaa oar whara jna saw this adraxtioamont.
IIT-Mioul CItr List
You Cannot
all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con
ditions of the mucous membrane such as
nasal catarrh, uterine catarrh caused
by feminine ills, sore throat, sore
mouth or Inflamed eyes by simply
dosing the stomach.
But you surely can cure these stubborn
affections by local treatment with
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
Trhich destroys the disease germs.checks
discharges, stops pain, and heals the
inflammation and soreness.
Paxtine represents the most successful
local treatment for feminine ills ever
produced. Thousands of women testify
to this fact. 50 cents at druggists.
Send for Free Trial Box
THE R. PAXTON CO.. Boston. Mas.
bllOlllll i'iiiiliiHtuii. as. ail
'Suocosaf ullv r rorooutes Claims.
LatlePrlBC.pel Vx.4iutuerU a. Panalun Siirw.J.
Ivaa la etvii wv. IS aituUoatuitf uuuiua. ails aukaa
1 P
blng' Tlouaa ilha nwrt fc
oumpletmtfileopuiitry J
One of the- most remarkable stories of
recent military history, one which is
too little known In this country. Is thnt
of Gwrne V. I.nbrnin, of Ivtrolt, who
was killed In the defense of Kiiulerley
in the Hoer Wnr. So iiiuch did h'.s
nchleveinents have to do with the ulti
mate safety of the diamond camp that
he. received the thanks of the British
government, and was referred to by
Lord Roberts, as having done some
thing unparalleled in modern warfare.
Mr. Labram was, at the outbreak of
the war, says a writer In the Ceutury
Mngmlne, chief engineer of the De
Beers consolidated mines, n position to
which be had succeeded nfter having
installed American machinery there.
The Uoers almost at once besieged
the town. Mr. lnl rain, Feeing that there
was a considerable stock of cattle
which probably could not long be kept
grazing, and knowing that the meat
would not keep more than ft day, at
once set about the construction of a
large refrigerator plant, using, at Cecil
Hhode's direction, the shops of the com
pany for material and apparatus.
Without further assistance than th
mlnlng-camp could provide he accom
plished this difficult feat. The cattle
were slaughtered, and the fleRh was
kept sweet until needed. It supplied
the garrison for many weeks.
While this was going on Mr. Labram
planned and constructed a telephone
system connecting every part of tho
fortifications of the town, and built an
elevated steel "connlng-tower" In the
town, to which all lines ran, so thnt tho
defense could be directed from that
When the Boers cut the mains which
brought water to the city and thus
threatened to drive out the garrison,
Mr. Labram Instulled n pumping sys
tem, and secured nn ample flow of
water from a deep pit In one of tho
dlnmond-mlnes. To prevent night at
tacks, he Improvised a number of huge
search-lights, and mounted them on tlie
pomera of the fortifications, whence
every night they swept the surround
Inc nlalns.
The siege had not continued long De-
fore the garrison began to run short
of shells for their twelve seven-iunder
guns. Shell-making Is a highly special
ized trade; but Mr. Labram, arter ex
amining a seven-pound shell, designed
on entirely new missile of bis own to
fit the guns, and began In a short time
turning them out of his machine-shop
at the rate of sixty or seventy a any
shells so good thnt nfter on exhaus
tive test in service they were praised
as "extraordinary" by military experts.
But ammunition for seven-poundera
was not enough. The Boers soon
brought up a huge Creusot cannon, of
six-Inch caliber, which was able to
bombard the town from a long distance,
and It not replied to, wouhl soon havo
wiped out the defenders. Mr. Labram
sat about constructing, with the facili
ties of the diamond-mine repair-shops,
a cannon which could reply. From some
steel billets designed for shafting and
several bars of Iron he built a four-inr-h
hreech-londing rifle of nn excel
lent type. To complete this he had to
design and build special mncliinery, ami
mu?h of the work was done under Are.
Nevertheless It was accomplished lti
twenty-four days. During the same
time a quantity of twenty-elght-pound
shells were made to use in the gun. Tho
range of the rifle was more than eight
thousand yards, and It successfully held
the Boers back until the rescuers came.
Mr. Labrnm himself did not live to
see victory achieved. Less than a week
before the relief enme a shell from the
iwr Preusot entered his room and
killed him instantly. He was burlei.
with military honors under nre rro.o
the eviemy.
l.endlnbV Ilia Hand.
The occasion on which Professor
Pnrawav was invited to Rpeak In pub
lic were times of great anxiety to his
wife. If she succeeded in starting mm
!for the platform properly clothed, and
'with hia notes In his hand, part of her
cares vanished, but not nil of them
One evening her husband wus one of
seven distinguished professional men
who were to speak before a scientific
society consisting of men from nil parts
of the country.
Ills speech was clear that night, free
from the nbsont-mlnded murmurs
which sometimes Interspersed his dis
course, nnd ns he seated himself Mrs,
Faraway felt that he had fully earned
the burst of applause and then her
.cheeks crimsoned.
"Did you see anything amusing alout
the close of my address, my denr7
asked the professor, as they started
for home. "It seemed as If I heard
sounds suggestive of merriment ubout
"I don't wonder," said Mrs. Fara
way, who, up to that time, had main
tnined the silence of despair, "for of all
the people who uppluudcd your address,
you with your head In the air and your
chair tilted sldewlse, clapped the loua
est and longest!"
AVhere l'uluera Are Cheap.
No more romantic places exist than
the deserted cities of Italy. They are
to be found ull over the country, but
chiefly In the March of Anconti and
the old (iraiid Duchy of Tuscany. In
these you may see great marble palaces
to which a bit f string does duty ns
n bell pull, and if you enter you find
a corner of some grand alm, often
with a celling by an Illustrious artist,
screened off for Hie Inhabitants to live
In. That Inhabitant may bo some Ital
Inn or Kngllsh lady who has a very
small income, and she may get such
u palace, where some Cardinal or Mar-
' t hese formerly lived, for n few pounds'
a year.
'Wllllnif I o Comitruiiilae.
"Well, It's no use your klckln',"
growieu xne casii'.cr vi iiiu imiuurum,
finally. "You et the food an' urgulu'
about it won't helji " I
"That's so," said the disgusted pat
ron; "let's forgive find forget " , '
"F.hV" I
"I'll forgive that miserable meal If i
you'll forget that I had it." I'liiladeJ) ;
phia Press.
Jealousy U the greut force that prissi
men nd women apart
5Sv -
Econosnlslnsj Orera Foa.
When green food Is scarce or diffi
cult to obtain it pays to plan some way
so it will not be wasted. The follow
ing description Is of t feeding box
that works well. Cut two pieces for
the enda, each twenty-four inches long,
getting proper 'curve by using a com
pass. Make the back of the holder of
thin boardj fgur feet long and twenty
four Inches wide and nail one end (fig
ure 5) in place, hinging the other end,
using small straps of leather to hold
It shut. Cover the holder with coarse
mesh wire netting and hang it in a
convenient place high enough so the
fowls cannot roost on It, yet so they
can feed from It readily. Use hangers
Of wood, tin or leather as Indicated In
the cut at figure C. This little feeding
box will enable the fowls to pick at
the green stuff, whether It Is clover,
grass or chopped cabbage, without any
danger of soiling or wasting It Such
conveniences are Inexpensive, but save
an Immense amount of time, ns well as
food, so noultrr keepers should use
them whenever possible. Indianapolis
To Kill Sassafras Itoote.
Says one writer : Sassafrns Is one of
the worst pests that some farmers have
to contend with. It may be grubbed
ypar after year and every root taken
out that con be, and still there will -be
roots left that will sprout up, and soon
the sassafras will be thicker than ever,
and the area of sassafras brush will
be enlarged rather than diminished.
No amount of grubbing will permanent
ly rid a field of sassafras. The most
successful method of fighting sassafrns
I have ever tried Is to cut off the
sprout at the top of the ground and to
pasture with cattle and sheep until the
roots die, or if the trees nre large, peel
them two or three feet above the
ground and pasture until the roots die.
If the land Is plowed and the roots
broken, they will sprout, but if pns
tured close the roots die In a few years,
Ilena Don't I.Ike New Home.
Fowls are very fond of their homes
and dislike being moved to new loca
tlons. If eggs are the object it is most
Important thnt birds should not be
moved from pen to pen, as It will de
lay egg production and also diminish
the supply. Pullets for enrly laying
should, if possible, be brought up with
In sight of their future laying run or
pen. On the contrary, if It Is wished
to delay the laying of a pullet, and to
encourage growth for prize purposes,
her home must be changed often.
sitting or broody ben may be interfered
with by removing her to a new scene
and fresh companions a more reason
able and humane way of checking her
rraternal instincts than that of half
drowning her, shutting her up in dark
ness or resorting to other cruel luetb
Points on ItalnlnaC Geese.
Have one gander to four geese, no
more. Give them a good run. Do not
try to change their nests, but let them
set where they lay. Take first eggs
and set under hens, as a goose will
sometimes lay thirty to forty eggs i
the season. Goslings should not be al
lowed to run In water or tall, wet
grass, but should have a good grass
run, grass that Is short and green
Feed dried bread moistened with milk
cooked dry potatoes or cooked corn
meal. Do not feed them too much nt
first, nud mix some grit and cand with
their feeds.
Canadian Wheat Crops.
The oflklul Canadian spring wheat
crop report forwarded by Consul J. II
Wormnn of Three Itlvers shows the
wheat acreage increased by 500,K)O
over last yenr's record. This raises
Manitoba over the 3.000,(HiO mark for
that cereal nlone. The land sown to
oats Is acres, an increaso of
121,7-2, while the barley acreage has
nearly reached 5W).(HiO, being, In fact
471,242. The total Increase In the
grain acreage over last year Is fil.l.S.'ifl.
The other crops also show an Increased
Itonit Itemed!-.
The fowls should be placed In a dry,
warm and well ventilated house, an
have plenty of fresh water and scahlt
bran or other light food. Take of fine
ly pulverized, fresh-burnt charcoal ah
of new yeast each three parts, of pul
verized two parts, of flour one and one-
half as much pulverized cayenne a
Hour. Water enough to mix well, and
roll Into bills or pills the size of a ua
Kcluut, give on three times a duy.
Vitality ui Alfalfa Need.
A remarkable, test of the vitality of
allclfa se.'il Is reported In bulletin i
11(1 of the Colin uilo Agricultural I'x
neriinent Station, it Is generally col
t bldered that seed must be perfectly lit-
j order to come up freely. In bulletin
j No. 35 of tie axpurluictit station, ionic
tests were given of seeds ranging from
one to tlx years old. Dr. Ileadden bus
retained samples of the same seed and
tests have been again made when the
seed has been from eleven to slxteeu
years old, and the tests have shown
that from 83 to 00 per cent germinated.
he screenings showed less vitality, the
first quality of screenings running from
K) to 79i per cent; second quality, 38
per cent, and third quality, 40 per cent
Claaaalasr Bark of Fralt Trrra.
F.very tree In an orchard should be
washed at lenst twice a year with
strong soapsuds, but there will be no
necessity for ecroplng them. The cat-
rplliars should be destroyed as soon
a the nests are seen, which will end
large numbers with amazing rapidity ;
the escape of a single pair means thou
sands next season. One of the best
assistants to nn orchard Is the little
wren. If farmers will give him prop
er protection by constructing boxes
with entrances so small thnt no bird
but a wren can enter, the sparrow will
be unable to drive It away. As the
wren Is an active and busy creature, it
destroys a large number of Insects In
very short time, and, as It Increases
rapidly under favorable circumstances,
quite a large number of them mny be
secured and Induced to remain in the
orchard, If proper facilities are af
forded for their protection and accom
modatalon. Locnat Deatror'ra.
In Argentina, ns In Africa and Asia,
the locust is a name of dread, though
not to anything like the same extent,
and In South America there hns nrlsen
a hope of combatting the destroyer
which may prove of enormous value In
regions more liable to devastation.
Large nnmbers of locusts were found
dead and microscopical examination
showed that they had been destroyed
by a natural enemy a species of fly
which ate into the body of the locust,
and there deposited its larvaj which de
veloped Into a life prodigiously multi
plied. Experiments are now being made
to test whether this fly con thrive In
regions which are recognized as the
incubating places of the locust The
Argentine agricultural department Is
breeding the files for this purpose,
though under effective control.
Potato Spray-Ins; Saved f 22 per Aere,
In the efforts to moke potato spray
ing popular among the farmers of the
State, the New York experiment station
at Geneva has been carrying on co-op
erative tests with farmers in all parts
of the State. As a result of the spray
lug carried on by forty-one farmers on
a total of 303 acres, the average gain
due to spraying was fifty-eight bushels
per acre, at a cost of about $ 5 per acre,
giving a net profit of about ?22 per acre,
cfter paying the expense of spraying.
As a result of this good work It Is as
serted that the practice of spraying is
on the Increase in New York.
Chicks on Rana;e.
The sooner you get the early hatch
of chickens on open range the better
it will be for them. It Is pretty hard
to teach brooder chlckent. not to go
back to their original home after you
want to take them away from the
brooder and put them In the colony
house. Either take the brooder out of
sight, or move your chicks to another
lot where they can't see It. Do not take
them from the brooder until they have
learned to get on without artificial
beat, or they will huddle In the cor
ners and do themselves nn Injury.
Shutter for Darn Window.
Sliding windows In a barn, such ns
are frequently uso1 for throwing ma
nure through, are hardly ever quite
tight and mucu cold air Is often al
lowed to rush In upon the animals In
side. The American Agriculturist sug-
ests the use of this shutter, which Is
inado of matched boards and hinged
ut the top so that It can be let down
at night to keep out cold air. The shut
tor Is set at an angle so that Its own
weight will keep it closely shut; or It
may be shut flat against the casing
nud be tightly closed by u hook.
Pumpkin for l.amus.
Pumpkins nre good feed for lambs In
the fall, espec'ally when they are trou
bled with paper skin, caused by worms
In tho Intestines. They will eat them
If they are sliced or cut nnd sprinkled
with salt, but It is better to provide
llat-bottonied troughs with compart
tucuts, each being large enough to re
ceive the half of n pumpkin cut In such
fashion ns to have the pieces He Hut
with the Inside uuperniost.
Mllklnir hy Muclilnery.
In the dairy department of the agri
cultural college at Manhattan, Kan.,
they have for more than n year been
successfully milking cows by machin
ery. The milking machine Is n queer
looking apparatus, driven by a gasoline
engine. When one Is fastened to a
cow It milk away In spite of nil the
kicking and cavorting the cow may do
Water for Work lloraes.
Clve work horses a pull of watt-r In
the middle of the morning nml tho lift
itdooii. They will bo bitter for It
Help them along urn you w ill liuve bet
ter satisfaction. Files and hot weather
mr.ke them cranky uud poor. Give
theiu a few carrots aud a little gruss
now aud then.
Am Ola Aoaaavi ataae.
tt was the first meettng of the Shske
pr Reading Club for Working Girls,
taVt serious-minded1 young English
reman she had dealt out copies ef
"llsmlot" to the members awaited corn
ea en ts.
I The first, says a writer in the Lon
don Dally News, came from a girl be
longing to that immense army of "book-
folders" to familiar to all frequenters
of working girls' clubs.
"Oh, I know this well," the said, in
'a superior tone.
"Really I" said the pleased teacher.
'"Is It your favorite playf
Tho girl looked at her pityingly.
"Lor', I ain't read it!" she chuckled.
"Wi stock 'em at our place. I've 'ad
hundreds through my 'and. 'AmletT
I'm olck to death of Mm!"
Constant Baeltaaha, Dropsy
re Blaaaar Traaklt.
Fred W. Harris, of Chestnut St., Jef
ferson. Ohio, says: "For over ten years
If mn?mTAA fmm kMn it I nana
third year my feet
and bands would
well and remain puff
ed up for days at a
time. I seemed to
hTo coostanj back
ache. Finally I got so
bad that I was laid
up in bed with sev
eral doctors in attend
ance. I thought sure
ly I would die. I
changed medicine and began using
Doan's Kidney Pills when I was still In
food. The relief I found was so great
that I kept on until I had taken about
ten boxes. The kidney secretions be
came natural and after years of misery
was cured. I have Increased In
weight and show no symptoms of my
former trouble.
Sold by all dealers. BO cents a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Hs Had Ilia Wish.
The late Carl Schurz had no consld-
sratlon for hypocrites or pretenders.
Cpon literary pretenders he was par
ticularly severe.
At a dinner In New York one night
man of wealth who had written a
volume of poems sneered at politics.
"I wouldn't give a picayune," he said,
"for a senatorshlp or a cabinet office.
To be even President, wouldn't tempt
me. I, for my part, wonld rather bs
known auy day as a third rate poet
than a first rate statesman."
Well, aren't you?" said Mr. Schurz
At th CoBTeraniloae.
MSes that man with the re-enforced
forehead and prominent teeth? That's
Uouldypast. lie's more sought after by
literary men and critics just now than
any other man in tht room."
"What for?"
"He claims to have unearthed an orig
inal manuscript from the pen of Martin
Farquhar Tupper, author of 'Proverbial
Philosophy.' "
"I see. They art trying to get him to
suppress it"
Ton Can Get Allan's Foot-Ease PBKE,
Writ to-day to Allan 8, Olmsttd. Ls Bar,
K. I., for a KREB lampls of Allen's Foot-
Cass, a powder to shake Into your shoes.
lit cores tired, sweating, hot, swollen, ach
ing feet. It makes new or tight shoes easy.
A certain care for Corns snd Bunions. All
Druggists and Shoe Stores sell tt. 2Be
T t-V, .Mf.iirn nt htiainam. aro vnnt
iHayen't three er investigations made a
eUfTarenoe in your trade?"
"I Should say so! We're so bus 1
amn't find time to eat my own meals. Ours
Is a vegetarian raataurant."
Mrs. Wlaalsnr-a Si nans Svaav tar OMlsraa
tjaatklaan aanasw ika eaaa,riaaMs laBaasaaaiaaa. afe
lar sala. sans viae esUa. esais aVWstia.
i .
At tho Night School.
"What do you understand," asked ths
Instructor, "by the current newspapei
phraee, 'gOTernment porkT "
"That means," said the student wltl
I (be bulging brow, "the hogs that fattea
U th official sty."
Cstsr stare asass fcrfaster ass f attar uaan Saaa Ban
laraaaal wttteat mesM snarl. Mm lr trae
Adelaide faparationFatAs-
sifflnaung Ostroodanauef uiti'
Promotes Digcation.Chccrful
ness and Rest. Contains neither
Oiatim.Morplune norMaicral.
W Ssml'
JtJWsaarPVsam r W)"tssT
Aperfccl Ilcmedy forConslipA
Tlon, Sour Stonyach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcveris h
ncss nnd Lo 8 9 O F SLEEP.
FacStmilo Signalurs of
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. 1
In the Nlek of Tim.
The plutocrat summoned his private
secrete ry .
"Williams," he said, "you are familiar
with all my affairs. I want you to make
a rapid calculation showing as nearly as
possible the amount of money I have
wrung from the people over end above a
fair, legitimate profit on the capital orig
inally invested."
The private secretary did so and show
ed him the result.
"It's a great deal more tbsn I thought,"
said the plutocrat, "but that makes no
difference. I shall proceed now to for
mulate a plan for the Immediate restitu
tion to the people of the vast sum I have
wrongfully "
But here, with a violent effort, he
hook himself and awoke. It was only
a dream.
In Kansas.
"What's the pay?" asked the prospect
ive hired man.
"Weil," answered the farmer, "ye kin
have 0 e day en' three of my darter's
kisses, er $3 a day and sis kisses. Suit
yourself. As far as I'm concerned ye kin
take it all out In kisses If ye've a mind
to." Uouston Chronicle.
Great Britain maintains en army ef
from 00,000 to 80,000 whites in India
a I AT l WW n i ju V"' .'!l.!Ur
ft Ban a. W snassssan-fa? sa.i -SanasaaL
If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the
game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy
ensures the commendatiortSof the well informed, and as a rea
sonable amount of outdoor -life and recreation is conducive to
the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's
improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches,
etc. It ls all important, however, in selecting a laxative, to
choose one of known quality and excellence, like the ever
pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system
effeotually.when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant
after effects, a3 it acts naturally and gently on the internal
organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance,
without griping, irritating or debilitating the internal organs in
any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious
nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in
the manufacturo of Syrup of Figs are known to physician's to
act most beneficially upon tho system, the remedy has met
with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well
worth considering in making purchases.
It is because of the fact that SYRUP OP FIGS
is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by
physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well
informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain
quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a
bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a
laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that tho
genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size
only, by all reputable druggists, and that full name of the
company California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on
the front of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle.
: IpiJFORNiA Rg Syrup (g -
dan r rRti ic a . Cal.
sm. Om IOc SKSats rotofl til flkcrt. TtMnrtv
Ssatna - aWe U 0i, stoat ass Ma Cstsr,
gor Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Havo
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
rxa otarmuR aoaaaara, stew tvaa em.
S. C. N. U.
No. 37 10.
aasenaers for Train.
Tho average number of passengers
in each railroad train In the United
States In 1004 was 5.23. This repre
sents a growth from about 39 a train la
1808, but Is still fur below the devel
opment attained abroad. In 1808 Ger
many carried an average of 71 persona
In each trnln, nnd India had the large
figure of 189. The development of ths
electric railway tn the United State
and the frequent train service help t
keep down the average. On each of the
212,000 miles of railway In 1004 there
were carried on an averago of 104,19
passengers. That Is to say, the aggre
gate passenger mileage of the country, '
according to the Railway World, dlvIeV
ed by the mileage of the track, gives
the figure named. In Germany, as fa
back as 1893, this figure was 842,001
persons; In France It was 283.000 L
1807; in India, 2S0.000, and in An
trla, 214,000. The figures for Great
Britain are not obtainable.
Took a Shine to Him.
PIggmus I see that the champion
bootblack Is dead.
Dlsmukes Yes : Death loves A ahlah4
mark. American Spectator.
n 'Km
-' . 1,. .wiaMaSaanaVJeilt
coM atter ssttsr teas lay slkar . iMGMfH
m i j
It '
It nv:vi
II j, .'4''.
' . 'j
By-:-..-.x--:.';:- tf-1
h'"' ''y"'(V1''
il Ha'nif i usi s s siaaaaa ,
i . "i.a
Wi ! 'b'aVsil