Dakota County Herald ConttnualioH of the Homer Herald. JOHX H. SRAM, PUBLISHER, (subscription Trice. $1.00 Tcr Year. A weekly newspaper published Hi Uakota tity, rlraska. Permission has been granted for the transmission of this pnprr through the minis as second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. The Nebraska Experiment Station Las list issued Bulletin 93, which cot ib the results of two eiperiments, Experiment 1 is entitled, "Roughness applimentary to corn for two-year- old steers. This test was undertaken for the purpose of comparing alfalfa, prairie hay, and corn stover, each fed singly and in combination, tho grain li:ng in every cane snapped corn. Ex periment 2 furnishes a comparison of wheat bran, oil-meal, cottonseed-meal, and alfalfa as souroes of protein when fed with shelled corn and prairie hay. The bulletin may be obtained free of rost by residents of Nebraska npon writing to the Nebraska Experiment Htation, Lincoln, Nebr, for Bulhtin 1)3. The republicans of Dakota county met in convention at the court house in Dakota City, Saturday afternoon for the purpose of nominating candidates for county attorney and county com missioner. A 0 Carroll, of Jackson, presided as chairmun of the conven tion and Kus-sel Jtnvius as secretary. Fred S Berry, of Emerson, was nomi nated by acclamation for the office of comity attorney, and John Sierk, of Pigeon creek precinct, was chosen in the same manner fir county commis sioner, from the Third commissioner -district. These are the same nomi nees as were named by the citizsns mass convention and are men who ean y h relied upon to do their whole duty in the oflloes which they are chosen to fill. Judge J. F. Boyd, of Neligh, repub lican nominee for congress in this dis tiicr, is a plain man of the people, topular wherever known, and most li pular where best known, says the Elgin, Neb., Review. lie has long ien prominent in Antelopo county politics, and for a number of years his acquaintance and influence have been extending rapidly, not only throughout ln's judicial district, but all over this congressional district and the state. He has twioe served as county attor ney of Antelope county, and refused 'o accept a third nomination. He is a fxir and impartial judgo. and his deci sions stand well the test of both law mid equity. lie has been probably I' o most expeditious and business-like j'ldge the district has ever had, and Ins but little patience with the usual li luys of the law, in which respsot he it squarely aligned with the people 'The same excellent qualities which 1'nvo always caused him to run fur f head of his ticket whenever a candi date for office, will land htm in con nres by the largest majority any re publican candidate for the oflieo in this district has ever received, and these same qualities will make him a wise and influential congressman, who will, we are convinced, stand with the president in helping to bring about all the reforms for which the president stands. : Items of Interest S from our Exchanges 3 MGC040Ot(MO Decatur Herald : Matt Zuluuf and tvo sons of Jackson were guests at fie A M Heath home during Carnival. Xjtods Mirror: Walter and Jesse Dabbit were over from Dpcatur, , the quests of their awter, Mrs E J Warner, jnd the Mirror family. Thurston Gazette: Mrs Sol Smith t in! two children, were down from E-nerson on last evening ond acconi jutMed Mr Smith home. I'onca Journul : Maymo Knox went Xj Winnebago Monday.... Helen Kear ny of Jackaou i'h visiting at the O'Connell home.... Mrs P Smith and iluURbter, Mona, were at Jackson Sat urday. Pender Republio: EJ Smith, of Homer was in town Tuesday ... .J B 'Walden and wife attended tht state fair at Lincoln Monday and Tuesday. . . . .Sheriff Young returned from Da lota City the first of the week with John Hall, who is charged with steal ing a saddle from S E Morgan, of U lumbago. Waterbury Criterion: Dan Oravea of Hubbard was visiting friends her Sunday.... Miss Mary Hodgina of Vista was a Waterbury visitor Sun day .... Mibs Edith noopeogarner is home from Cherokee for a few week's tisit.... Miss Mamie Sayre and Ger trude Baird were the guocts of Miss Eunice Sayre at Allen last week. Oakland Republican: Mrs Ernest Earner and two children, of Leslie, Mouth Dakota, visiting at Lyons, spent Wednesday in the W D Smith family. "Mrs Warner had a severe attack of ap pendicitis, and a consultation of phy Moians aha decided to try Osteopathy liofore resorting to the surgeon's knife for relief. Dr Merriit was called from Tekamah and after a few treatments she was able to come to the ofllce for treatment. She will return home to morrow and continue the treatment of near-by Osteopath until qnite well ....A Tery pretty wedding oo " earred at high r.ooo on last Thursday, at the home of Andrew Yonng, jr, when his sister, Miss Nvllie May "Youo r and Rev Ralph W Livers, of Omaha, wern united in holy wedlock . The bride, attended by her neice, Misa Edrina Young, and the groom attend ed by his friend, Mr Benz of Pawnee City, took aheir places nnder an arch a ! bell, in tne parlor, where Iter S M Leher, of Sedalia, Mo, assisted by Rev Geo Livers, brother of the groom, of Benedict, Neb, performed the cere mony. The ring ceremony of the Lu theran churc'j was used, little Misses Mary Wilson and Florence Leaher, d raised iu white, earning the rings Miss Emma Larson, of Oakland, ploy ed Mendohhon's wedding march. Tho piilor was tastefully decorated, white and green predominating. After the ceremony a bountiful dinner was serv ed, where the color scheme in diuing room was again white and green. The happy pair took the evening train for Waterrille, Kansas, where a re ception was tendered them by the groom's parents. They will be at home to their friends, in Onialm, whrro Rcf Livers is pastor of the Latheran church. Democratic Masa Convention. The democrats of Dakota county are called to assemble in mass convention at Jaoksnn, Neb, September 17, 1906, at 11 o'clock a m, to place in nomina tion a county ticket, as follows : One county attorney, One commissioner for the third com missioner district, And to transact such other business as may regularly come before the con vention; also to nominate seven dele gates to attend the float representative convention, notice of time and placo of holding anil convention to be given later. It is also recommended that the precinct chairmen call thesr precinct caucuses to nominate precinct oilloers on Saturday, September 15, at 2 p m. Tli os J. Ilartnett, chairman. W. T. Bartlett, secretary. Notk For those who wish to attend, the trains from the south and east will arrive at 10 :30 a m and loave at 1 :45 p m. THE asiATH OF LIFt. It's a significant fact that the strong est animal of iU size, the gorilla, also has the largest lungs. Powerful lungs means powerful creatures How to keep the breathing organs ripht should be man's chiefest study. Like thous ands of others, Mrs Ora A St phens, of Port Williams, O, has learned how todothis. She writes: "Three botths of Dr King's New Discovery stopped my cough of two years and cured me of what my friends thought consump tion. O, it's grand for throat and lung trophies." Guaranteed by G W ms Death, druggist. Price 50o and 11.00. Trial bottle free. Democratic Senatorial Convention. The democratic senatorial conven or this district met at Emerson on Mon day, but as some of the counties pom prising the district wore not repre sented by reason of not having sufli oient notice to select delegates, tho convention was adjourned until Sep tember l'Jth, at 2 p m, when it will bo convened at the same place, for the purpose of nominating a oandiduto for state senator for tho 8th district. 1) C Ilcffurnan, chaiiman. v tr-it -&:m ..-m :rM r -..v-jj -o CORRESPONDENCE JACKSON. Hl'ROIAL COKKKHFONDRNC'K. Mary Hartv received a mimmcrn frnm Clare, lowu. Monday, wanting lir n come at once and accent tlm tn-itwinnl- ship of the school. Miss Harty hav mg a scnooi couia not acoopt tho offer. Frank Dave? went nut to ilav Springs on a business trin. never! days last week. Mrs Kearner and damrhtar U.lm spent Sunday afternorn at the home of Kate Duggan, at Goodwin. Mrs Jack Richardson and child of Thurston, Neb, are here visiting her iatuer, vv u ierpening, Mr O'Connor, our new Iriicrriiit from Allen, is moving his household furniture here this week. Joseph Luedom. of irilliliurrl doing busiuess in Jackson Monday. mr ueeuom Having sold his livory business ut Hubbard to Mr !Unrn expects to go to South Dakota next ween to look np a flow location. A card frm Mrs Annie Kintmt.t. tn friends here states slio and daughter Mame arrivod at Iowa City safely and are delighted with tho place. J A Hall went to Ardon. Mo. it. hist of tho week to look after 1 crty iuturests there and expects to bo gout) mreo weoxs . Mrs Owslev. of Crnndo. q. visitiiicr her sistur-in-Uw. Mr Lamb, here the last of the week. L)uis Demarv. of Kpnnv T,m,. ;u vniting his parents, A Demaiey aud nut-, vi una piace, in is week. Mrs John Lilly and elnt.trnll luff the last of the week for Highland, S D, where they will join Mr Lilly, who is on his claim there. Their 'man v menus nere wish them success in their new home. llenrv McBrida anil wifa rf T.......1 - - - w u.uiVI) are here visiting friends aud also inKitig in tue fair m the city. Mrs Frank Davev and run Uft Tuesday eveuing for Chioago. where she expects to visit a month with her sister, Mrs K Van Hovea. Helen Kearney left Wednesday for Washington where she will attn,i t i. Gedrgetown university, tho coming year. Mrs M Rooth has nur'rh Sawyer the restaurant property form- rl nan I I.. t 1.' V ll J Thomas and Tearl Murphy, of Ho mer, were visiting at the Kearney home here Sunday. Marion aud Edith O'Cannoll, of Ponoa, were guests at the Kearney home lust Fiiday and Saturday. James Dennison. eon of tha lt John Denuisoj, of Goodwin, who left Here mrty-four yeara ago, U here vis ting friends. ilia sister. Alien, nf Omaha, aooompanied him here. Mr uenuisou is looking well and hearty ai d says he hasn't noticed as much change around here as out at Euier ton. Today (Wednesday) being Dan Patoh day at the fair, our people were all disappointed to have it rain in the morning, but it cleared np to inauy ventured to go later in the day. Maria Goodfellow loft the last of tha week for Siosina wa. Via. wIiam she will attend achool at the normal this year. John P Davev. eon of Frank Divai has Purchased tha druir atora of A Si Co, at Emerson. Thedanciuir party at St Patriek'. hall Friday niirht wa attendml li fifty-seven couples, and a flue lime reported. Frank Davey and John Flannery had a car of hogs between them on tho Sionx City market Tuesday, SALEM. HprrMt, CoRRrsenni.r.ncic. A large number from hern attended divine services at Dakota City Sunday evening. Chas Ileikes lias been doing some work on his farm which hn retted near Emerson. Chas says that he likes his location, and that all he lacks is a cook. Herman Bierman recently purchased COO head of sheep. Adolph Battels marketed a car of hogs last week. Porter Jloals and wife and Bernard Poals and wife spent Sunday at the Harry Brown heme, Emery Learner took in the dance at Jackson Friday night. Col Madions Learner has proven him self to be quite an acrobat. While stacking hay the colonel was knocked from the stack by a load of hay from the stacker, and he is now more vigor ous than ever, having realized where he is at. Frank Orr leaves soon for his claim in South Dakota. Wonder if anyone else is going? Francis Joyce left Wednesday for Sionx Falls to attend the All Sainta school. W B Wright's many friends in this locality will be sorry to hear that he is not improving, but is gradually grow ing weaker since his return home from Omaha. , Gforge Learner jr was a Sionx City caller Sunday afternoon. II Wesley Brown returned Thursday to his Rosebud farm, after a few days' visit hero. He is driving overland, having purchased a fancy siugle driver. Geo Miller and Ida Bodenbendnr re turned home Monday, having been in attendance ph delegates to the MBA convection at Omaha. Rev J 8 Learner of Sidney, Neb, secretary of the Nebraska synod, was home a few days resting np. Rev Learner preached for his home church Sunday and gave them a very timely sermon. These cool days are welcome after the sco'ching days we have been hav ing. A couple of our potato kings are getting ready to harvest their big crop of spuds. John Hazlegrove departed for his ranch in North Dakota this week, where he will winter. Deacon J F Learner is now cootont ed after seeing W J Bryan at his home coming reception at Lincoln. Thin was a great week for the peo ple of Dukota county in having an op portunity of seeing such n lino fair. The Interstate fair is coming to be one of the finest fairs in the northwest, and Uh improvement can be seen every year. HOMER. rlPKCIAL OOKKEHPON lirKCK. Seth Barnes returned from Benson, Omaha, Saturday, after a week's visit with relatives. Mr and Mra Sanborn, of Wisconsiu, parents of Mrs W Miller, returned to their home Friday, Grandma Johns celebrated her 82nd birthday September 7th by the usual annual family reunion. Jimmie Browa and her siiter. Miss Gertie Shepardaon shopped in Sioux City Thursday. Mrs Odd Alloway went to Sioux City Monday, to attend the fair. Her husband joined her Wednesday, Wes Brown and hia mother were Ho mer visitors Wednesday." Miss Jennie Brown went to Gothen burg, Neb, Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs Dr Berkoffer. Tom Alloway and John Blanchard took in the fair Wednesday. Surati Harris and Gertin McKinlev were fair visitors from Tuesday to xmusciuy. T D Curtis made a business trip o Enr.rsou, MondHy, Joe Maney came to Ilomor Tuesday and also in ado pa and ma a vibit ou tho reaeivatiou. Tho engine hauling the official train south Wednesday morning baulked at the south end of tho long bridao aud it took almost as long to start it as any other balky horse. The train killed one of Geo Mid koff'a hogs a law days ago. Louis Smith has lost quite a few hogs with cholera. It seems to be quite prevalent around Homer, quite a nnmuer losing their nogs. We are told that tha red swine are the mot susceptible to the disease. Chas MoGlashan waa added to the high school list this week. Triplett, the cement sidewalk man. has left town with hia family. Walter Smith and wife were fair visitota Tuesday. Rev Carroll and wife took the south bound train Monday for Central City, where the M E conference meets. Mr Carroll does cot expeot to be sent back to Homer. He made some very feeling remarka Sunday eveuing ia hia fare well address. "TO CURK A rtLON" says Sam Kendall, of Phillipsburg, Kan, "just cover it over with Buck len'a Arnica salve aud the salve will do the rest." Quickest cure for burns, boils, sores, scalds, wounds, piles, ecz ema, salt rheum, chapped bauds, sore feet and Bore eyes. Only 25o at G W MoUeath'a drug store. Guaranteed. First M B Church Hours of Service SUNDAY 10 rn Sunday School 11 a m...., Preaching 1 rn Clasa Meatiug l' :30 p in Epworth League 7 :30 p m Preaching . THURSDAY 7:80 p m Prayer Metting A 11 eveniag servioea from May to October w 11 ba held one-half hour later. Elmeb F. SaarKB, Pastor. Phone nnmber 311. . WILL WORTH YNVINO, W II Brown, the popular pension attorney, of Pittsfield, Vf, saya: "Next to a pension, the best thing to get is Dr King's New Life Pills." He writea; "they keep my family in splendid health." Quick cure for headache, constipation and biliousness. 25o. Guaranteed at O W Motieath'a drug store. THE HIDDEN EYE. This Is the meaning of the word "Kryptok," taken from the Greek and Latin. Everyone, nearly, knows the bifocal. It attracts attention and comment wherever seen and is distinctly recog nized as the badge of age. But no matter what effect It has on tho ob server, tho wearer Is the real sufferer, plfocals, as now known, are a sourro of continual annoyance to the owner, no matter what style is worn. The stuek-on segments cause disturbing re flexes of - light prismatic effects. These are Injurious. Dirt accumu lates In the crevices, they chip and the cement runs. Kryptoks do away with the annoy ing features of the old-style bifocals, as they are so constructed that the reading disc Is encased In the dis tance lens, and the dividing line, so prominent in other bifocals, is Invis ible. If Interested write to the Colum bian Bifocal Co., Temple Court, Den ver, Colo., for their descriptive book let, which gives full Information. first publication H pt 11 0v Sheriff's Sale. Notice I horeliy iflvi'ii Hint hv virtue of nn tinier of mi If Is-ueil ly Marry II. Ailnlr, cli-rk of tin- (llHtrlct court In nml for I'nkotn county, NcliriMkn. nml directed to inc. II. ('. IIiiiim'ii, nhi-rllT of Mild coiinty.coiiiuinudinu inc toHcll the pri'inlnc licrclnnfK r ili'Mcrllc cd to Hiillfy n ct'i tiiln Judgment of Hie vnhl uiw in ciMiri oi fniii cooniy lino nunc, tiilned lit Hie (ictolK-r, lt., term thereof, to wn: tin Hie xth dny of .Iniiilnry, Haiti, In fuvnr of K. I. (ilnler nml loffilnxt Nlclioln llynii for the nii in of cluhty-Hlx dollnri mid ninety one cent I J.M.W i, mid eltfht dolliirn mid Hlxty-nlnc cents (fN.illo, in nn attorney's fee, with Interest on snld Minis from .(miliary s, lixi, (it HI percent, per milium, mid IiIn costs tnxed lit seventeen dolliirn mid clidity cents ISI7.mii. I linve levied upon the following descrllx'd property, to-wlt: The north twenty-four 2H ncres of the northwest (liuirter of section fifteen I I'll, township twenty-nine l sin, north, rmnre seven 1 7 1. east, nil Is lnif located In said ImkotHcouiity nml state of Nelniiskii, And 1 will, on Tucsdiiy, the IHth day of Octols-r, I'.MI, nt ill o'clock n. in.- of said dny, nt the south front door of the court house In Imkotu City, liikotn county. Sc. Iirnsltii, proceed to sell nt public niictliMi to the hlKhest mid ls-st Milder, for cnsli, nil of the iiImivu descrlls'il property, or so much thereof ns limy Is- neccssiiry to sntlsfy snld order of side Issued hy Hnrry H. Adnlr. clerk of t lie dlst rlct court In mid for I mkotii county, Nebraska, the n mount lue thereon In the nvurcKiite Im'Ius the sum of one hundred mid twenty dollars mid llfty-seven cents ( Jl'jo.i.7 1, nml nccrulnir costs. (ilveu under my bund this U'tli dny of SeptcmlHT, A. l. Hl. II. C. 1IAN8EN, Sheriff of Jlnkotn County. Nell. First 1'ubllciitlon Amrust 17 5w. Sheriffs Sale. Notice Is hereby Klven Hint by virtue of nn order of sale Issued liy Harry II. Adnlr, clerk of the district court ill and for Imkotu county, Nebraska, and directed to me, H. Hansen, sheriff of said county, commaudluv me to sell the premises hereinafter dcscrlls'd to satisfy one certain Judgment of the .said district court of snld county mid state, oIk tnlned nt thivradjouriieil February, A. 1). term thereof, to-wlt: on the llth dny of June, Ht, In favor of Kd. T. Kearney, and niiulnst Frank Tracy, luplia Tracy, H. A. Tracy, U. .1. Tracy. Amm Kohl, I'lill. II. Kohl, Mary Airnes Frazler, Mary A. K ver min, . I. N.Coyle, J. F. (loyle, .IiiIiii Severson, Patrick Heenan, Fred Hlume, treasurer of the county of Imkotu, the County of Unko ta, and the southwest quarter of the south west quarter of section SI, township ill, north, of rmiKe 7. cast of the llth principal meridian, for the sum of two hundred twenty-two dollars and sixty cents ( fc'Ll'.itoi, and Ids costs taxed at forty dollars mid cluht cents $li).HHI, U'sldcs an attorney fee aiuountliiK to twenty-two dollars and twenty-six cents lfc-.'.2ill. I luive levied upon Hip following descrllwd property, to-wlt: The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty four fill, township twenty-nine (2111. mirth, of rnntre seven (71. east of the llth principal meridian, all Udnir located In said Dakota county and stale of Nebraska. And i will, on Tuesday, tho lstli day of Keptemlicr. Hum, at HI o'clock am. of said dny, at the south front door of the court House In Dakota City, Dakota county, Nebraska, pro ceed to sell ut public auction to the Hlif best and iK'st bidder, for cash, all of tho alsive described property, or ro much thereof as may Ih necessary to satisfy said order of sale Issued by Harry H. Adair, clerk of the district court in mid for Dakota county, Nebraska, the amount due tin' icon In tho auKrcKiite. lieliiir the sum of two hundred olifhty-four (Hilars nml ninety-four coats (ti'Kl.im, and iw cruliiK costs. (liven under my hand this 17th day of AuKitst, A. II. 1!1. H. 0. HANSEN. Hborlffof Dakota County, Neb. tiubsciibe for the Herald, the best p'iD' iu the oounty. $1 a year. It Costs Nothi S3 To find out for a certainty whether or not your heart is afl'ected. One person in four has a weak heart; it may be you. If so, you should know it now, and save serious con sequences. If you have short breath, fluttering, palpitation, hungry spells, hot flushes; if you cannot lie on left side; if you have fainting; or smother ing spells, pain around heart, in side and arms, your heart is weak, and perhaps diseased. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will re lieve you. Try a bottle, and see how quickly your condition will improve. "About a year asto T wrote to tho Allies Modioli Co., asking; advice, an I wan miiTerlnir with lieurt troublo, and 1:(1 been for two years. I had pain In my heart, back ant left Hido, and bad not been ablo to draw a deep I renth for two years. Any littln exer tion would causo palpitation, and I cnulj licit Ho on my left nldn without puffcrlnir. They advised me to try Dr. Miles Jlenrt Cure and Nervlno, which I did with tb result that I nm In better Health thnn I ever was before, bnvlnir K.ilin d 14 pounds since I com menced taking It. I took about thir teen bottles of the two medicines, and Haven't been bothered with mv Heart BlllKO." A1U. 1U.I.IK TlloMAtf. Uppor Sandusky, Ohio. Dr. Mllai' Heart Cur l iold by your druggist, who will guarantao that the tint bottle will benefit. If It falls ba will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind W.L.DODGE, ' Breeder f Registered Hereford Cattle CHOICE BULLS FOR SALE Sired by Whitney, No. 90880 Master Donald II. No. 153152 Shamrock, No. 179828 Herd beaded by Willard, No. 01332. Call on write, W. L. DODGE, It. R. No. 1, nubbard, Neb. JriTWTgHaiaBIHaVairi One Quart of K Liquid .OAL. Makes a Barrel of Medicine' rnmno mPeTTir? require three day. Tho process of reduction requires 8fi0 decree of heat. The uritT Mslnfectant found In coal, treated chemically with an alkaline lsise f "r, , l), '! 'Z, o m.'l'r.f;' '.1 lLt,,Lm.,t,',l """"' ""-l'",0,T'" ftI"' harmless. Liquid Koal is made from the following li 1 1 cresyllc acid ; l, per rent lliil Kaies, :', per cent soft soap. Suspended str onirer in nut scntlcnd J m i .i, ""'.VthPr r,",n 41 nK,'n'"'. '-'H'ld Konl 1 Bnarniteed to lie at leait au per cent sironir. r in nnilsi ptlc mid Kermlcide iwents than any preparntlon of similnr nature on the market. Ho Cholera is a free germ disease, the germ beinp; first found in tbe alimentary canal and so long a it is confined in that organ it is coraparatirely barmlees. When, however it penetrates the lungs, liver and other or gans it causes fermentation, itflamation and destruc tion of live tissues, furnishing food Upon which it thrives and multiplies with wonderful rapidity, in B6tiie cases n generation of an . Lour, causing death to the animal bffore the owner Las discovered that it was diseased. Thus throngh reasoning two facia stand out clearly: First, that Hog Chclrra cannot be treated successfully nules treatment has commenced before the gtrm has reached the period of rapid niul tiplicttion. Second, that a germicide must bo ad ministered, and therein lies the whole neiret. As we pass down the list of various germicides, we are com pelled one by one, to reject them, either because of imfiicienoy or iuadapil.ility nntii we reach LIQUID KOAL And why choose LIQUID KOAL? Because it is the enly known germicide that will pass through the Rtomach into the intestines, and from there into the blood, permeating the entire system, aud still re tain its germicide propprties. It is a compound cm-bi-hcing very practicul germicide, antiseptic disin fectant property found in coal, treated chemically with an alkaline base, until every objectionable fea ture eliminated, being non-poisonous and harmless to animal economy. It contains creaael and quaicel. It is these hydro-carbon compounds found in smoke that cures a ham, destroying by its germicidal prop erties all germ life. M Liquid Koal is manufactured by rW3k I l m i in 1 r EoaT National Medical Co. E. E. BARRAGER, President. Capital one quarter million. Principal Office, Sheldon, Iowa. Blanches: Minneapolis, Minn., Lewiston, Idaho, York, Nebraska, Oklahoma. i ill DR. C. E. BROWN Dentist will be at ' Second and Fourth Tuesdays of (' ,7 eaou month I j Mo m e r m Second and Fourth Wednesdays t Wanted By an old bank, with the largest deposits in its his tory Cattle Paper We gaarantee to give you at leaBt as low rates, and bet ter treatment than others will give you. Too much money; ont she goes, (but the security must bo giltecgfd, aud that in why we wish YOU to bring us your cattle loana this fall.) "The Bank that ALWAYS treata you IUOUT," Bank of Dakota County Jackson, Neb, 1)R. C. H. MAXWELL, Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA OILY, SFBEASKA Liquid t.unB Fever Cornstalk intense I Ion Cholera Colic (Dander Hwlne rineuo rink Kyo Influen.a Tuberculoid Anthrax Tars' Worm Texas Kcver 1NII Kvll Roup Chicken Cholera Irfick-Jaw Hllnd HtrtttKcr Farcy Manse Mcour NiimiI fllect or Lice Killer . , . . , , Deimont, Deceinbei1 17, 1901 I have used Liquid Koal for hog cholera and found it all you claim for it and more too. I nsed it ou one that was sick, so sick it could not get tip, and the next day it was eating and drinking again. I hnve never lost a hog since I commenced using it Emaheai, IIohn. Wansa, Nebraska, December 16, 1902. I have used Liquid Koal for nearly a year and find it nn excel lent article to keep Ings in a healthy condition, and as an appetizer it has no equal . Albert Anderson. nartington, Nebr, December 10, 1902. JJeaii kins : I am a user of Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it, would not try to do without it. I find it useful in a great many ways. I have had no tick hoars since I commenced using it a year ago. In my opinion it is the best and cheapest hog cholera preventative on the market today. You can use this as ycu wish. Anyone wishing to know moro about this please write to mo. Enocu Ely. L the Geo. Gleudive, Mont. Oklahoma (Jity, lou have some builuiug or repairing yon have wanted to do for a long time. And now is your time to do it. Dron in and let us figure with you; we will tell jou what it will cost and Bhow you . where to save money. J Yota will fizzed: We have good stock, low prices, and a square deal for everybody. Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard, fi K0. TIMLIN, XutmwT. "It is Delicious." Coffee Cents ner Pound. I I. Blendol and packed from carefully selected coffee by FB. BVCKWALTER, No G Front St. Homer, Neb. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT BUX. It Koal Cures These: Inflamatlon of Ilow-cl l,otiir Worm 1 ilHtomper Intestinal Worm Cow Cholern Kfsit llot Black ! Abortion In Cow Thrush Catarrh lkits He rate he I.hliild Konl act" a nn appetizer mid vltnllzer. No rils wiw iferin can escape it. This I the reason It cure, for when the Kcrm Is destroyed the disease, Is none. Liquid Koal as a Lice Killer When dilated with water in tbe proportions of one part of Liquid Koal to fifty parts water it is the best lice killer on the market. It is not expennive to use because it forms a perfect emulsion with water hen mixed in this proportion. Worms in Hogs The hog is more affected with intestinal worms than any other domestic animal. These worms are created, by impure accua illations along tha intostinal tract and generally produced by poorlj' digested food. The nature of the hog and his manner of entiDg make him inoro susceptible to intestinal worms than any other animal. Under the present domesticated conditions he is not allowed the use of his natural in stincts to obtiin the necessary elements that would destroy these intestinal parasites. Being Bhut up in a pen, he is not allowed to follow the dictates of his nature. The hog that ia wormy can neither grow nor thrive for the reason that the worms destroy all the nutrition furnished in the food. Liquid Koal put in the drinking water in the proportion of one quart to a barrel and given them twice a week will destroy all intestinal worms and keep them free fiom their formation aDd multiplication. It strengthens the ap petite and tones up the system. For Sale and Guaranteed by W. Meath Dakota City, Neb. Nebraska. 5 INT jZ 5K El