Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 30, 1904, Image 5

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1 111
Fhe Silk Selling
M . D
Yesterday's enthusiastic buying woulc nay'
advertise as great silk safes. When Th Pi
one customer remarked, "Why, Pell
quality for quality, quantity and 1 1 s
only one silk sale Felletier
heretofore has been U"L.
and Louisine Silk I
v. npi'ly of silks, such as other stores
' ruMic soon grasp the opportunity as
1 ere show yards." We ask yon to compare
i sf price for prioe You will all say there is
an unprecedented silo. Such Jwonderful selling
of buyers wanting guaranteed Taffetas, Peau de Sow
39c 59c (89c 86c
M. E. Church Notes.
I hare secured the promise of the
following, supplies for my pulpits in
m; absence during the month of May,
These "applies will preach both morn
itiff and evening in that villain m,! .
Grace church in the afternoon at 2:30:
Alar 1st. Student from Mnrninir.M..
college: Mar 8th. atuifont fmm Kf
incside college: Mar 11rA Tta it w
Wilcox, of Ponca. No supplies hav
been trorided for Mar in n,i xr..
The Ep worth Laamie in
program to celebrate the 15 annirer
ry 01 tne organization of the lea
The program will be both intere
and entertainincr and will 1a iriv
tne usual Hour 01 preaching (8 o'
on the evening of May 15. Ws
tneir announcement later. T.
being the occasion of the se r
fore the senior class of the hi
all will wish to hear Iter. .
er on that occasion. Anno
for the day will be duly me
this notice and keep it h:i
yourself advised concerni
J. O. Sh
chool Leah
ements Clip
to keep
00 sched-
Mrs. Matwell an 1
came down from F mc
ing, after their visi.
that place.
New stook of pe .
rs. Lesher
esday morn
t friends at
tD. C. Stin-
What TIs S1 Includes
Fo .tes, Fancy Taffetas, Foulards, Novelty Silks, check and stripe Taffetas, Peau de Cygne,
Bourette Tn t Satin Duchess, Tarsah Silks, Pongees, Shantongs, Natural Habntia, white and black gu
aranteed 27-iu 1 1 Taffetas, fancy shot and swivel Silks, iron frame Grenadines, embrodried gun metal Silks,
What will pie
than an Eastern 1
Monagrani 01
Range. Sold b ?
Lumber compu
Hiarh grade.
chine bolts
he wifo better
why, n Matchless
Monarch Steel
Awards & Bradford
Cheap One-Way Colonist and Round-Trip
Homeseekers' Rates
Via Illinois Central Rail Road.
Otic Way Colonist R,a.tes
To points in ?Jontaua, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, and Alberta Territory. Tickets
on sale daily until April 30 Liberal stopovers allowed.
'! "
To points in Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Manitoba, Western Ontario, Saskatchewan and
Assiniboia . Tickets on sale every Tuesday during Mrch and Apri
To points in Tpnnesee. Mississippi and Louisiana . Tickets on sale the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in
March and April '
Homeseekers Round Trip R-evtes.
To points in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi Lousiana, North and South Carolina, Tennessee
and Virgiuia. Tickets on sale 1st, and 3rd Tuesdays in March and April, at rate cf one fare plus $2
round trip. Stopovers allowed. (
Further information cheerfully giveu at City Ticket Office No. 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha, Ne
braska, or write
W. II. BRILL,, Dist Pass. Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
We notice
I and soddin.1
his teneme.
City on
chine oil and
i riever Bros.
Davidson Bros. Co.
We End Our Twentieth Year in Business With a 90 Day
Anniversary sale
IFVec IMctHbtion off Kldce.
That Will Excite a Spontanious Outburst of Approval and Enthusiasm for
This Store that Has Ever Proved Strong Enough to Meet Every Emergency
and Open the way for a continuous March of Progress for twenty-five Years
. C. Allen leveling up
yard around one of
cuses in South hioux
TKIs store will sell thou
sands of dollars worth of
dependable and seasona
ble meroKandlse at lower
prlces-of ten as little as cost
This store will give away
thousands of articles, use
f ul and valuable presents
penny or charge:.
JuiHliop So .. nlon of Omaha, aud the
priests of nort heast Nebraska held a
conference in Jackson Thursday. On
1' riday tlie bishon hold a conference
with. the priests in the neighborhood of
tlartington. The bishop camo down
from O'Neill Wednesday evening.
Banigan .duck, rubber and suajr
proof boots at D. C. Stinson's.
OeorRo W. Bat s met with au acci
dent one day this week, that nearly
cost him an eye. He was putting up
a screen dcor aud sliuned forward onto
the screen door, cutting his cheek
close up under his eye.
J. J. McBride of Jacksou has been
feeling poorly for some weeks and
went up to Laurel the other dav to
I vioit find waa taken worse and went to
the hospital in Sioux City. He is
much better now and expects to be
at Lome again today.
Reports at this writing, Friday
morning, are that Uncle Adam Sides
is very much better and the prospects
are mat ne will soon recover. Mrs.
Sides was not so well, but she has not
been regarded as seriously ill any of
me time.
If you want to buy a farm in North
Dakota or locate a homestead, consult
Dr. D. C. Stinson.
The trustees of the Taylor ceme
tery have authorized the chairman, 3.
M. Lesher, to issue deeds and make
settlement for lots1 A number of lot
holders have no deeds. All such are
requested to call on the chairman.
make settlement, and receive their
deeds. It is the intention of the trus
tees to put the cemetery in good condi
tion. A man has been engaged to
care for it.
Rich, Valuable Presents for Everyone
Within Reach of This Store.
Base Ball
is at hand and we take pleasure m saying that wo have the best
stock of
in the west. Now is the time to buy. Look at our League Balls
and bats.
We arc headquarters for Foultry and Stock Food, which you
need now to tone up your stock. It pays to buy the Prussian
Stook FooJ, a good fattener and cheap. Look at our Posto and
Woven Wire .
Call early and avoid the riis':.
Edwards &BradfordLbr. Co,
I Hubbard, - - Nebraska.
( JAMES TIMLIN, Manager.
C..S1 P., M.4 0. Tlrne-Table.
552pmOCND- ,
o .w am Omaha 5:13 pm
HI Norfolk....V. 8:20 am
?:2m -Norfolk 5.2pm
Newcastle l0:0oL
U'pm 6:07 pm
5 -52 tin, SUNDAY TitAIJJS.
52 Pm"J... -Omaha.. 7 :35 am
Fred Ochander has brought five
wagon loads of hogs from his farm
west of Homer and sold them to the
Mill company. Tney were a nice lot
of hcgi, cf bis own raising, and brought
mm a nice pile of money. He called
on the Herald and left the price of n
year's subscription.
Miss Mary Timlin, a student of St.
Catharine's Academy, Jackson, and
a sister of James and George Timlin
of the Edwards & Bradforu Lumber
emi any, w in town Thursday after-
coffee. 18 iu tLn ,ead witu Lruen's
Uncle (1
City wn ln town MonJ He aaT
... y , ",K I'eopie a great ser
mon Sunday morning
Oarden seeds of all kinds in bulk or
' """"K" " u, u. Ktinson s.
Ex-County Treasurer John Boler
was in town Saturday shaking hands
witu Iuh friends. He savs ho is going
to try to mako a hand on the farm this
Daniel McMan. atred 82. died on
Monday and his wife, aged 73, died on
Tuesday, at their residence east of
Emerson, of pueumon'a. The double
inneral occurred on Wednesday from
the Catholic church in Emerson, liev.
Father Burke olliciating
At a business meeting of the En-
worth League last Friday evening the
following ofliceis were elected for one
year; President, A. F. Kroneman:
lot Vice-President, Mrs. Best: 2Dd vice-
president, Miss Lilian Orr;'3rd vice
Piesident, Mir. McBcath ; 4th vice
President, John B. Evana; Secretary,
Alias Uessin Ilobertson , Treasurer, O.
F. Broyhill ; Organist, Miss Tot M.
""AD I C A M Q 0 uavo I'le"fy ' Money to Loan at a low
M tt III I If HIM iJ rate t interest on Dakota county Farms. ' We
aUo St 11 and Buy Ileal Estate of all kinds
auywhero on earth , See or write us before you Borrow, Buy or hell.
List your property with us to Sell. T" . . ,
Keai haum I a mils:
I ill i hi unnuu
;otcity, Ncb.an.1 Wnrnpr V m pr Keal
.th S!ux Clty.Nrb. " U1 ULT & Llm?l tistate
Ara euro IndicRtlons of eom form of stomach
troublo, biliousness or a bad liver. Malaria will
next overUka you. Don't risk it, and ubova all,
dull' t take calomel orquiniuo both uro dangerous
bos all their virtues norm of tholr
doadly ollocta. HERBINE taken
regularly will forestall headaches, put
the digestive organs in perfect condi
tion, head oil biliouaneaa, headaches,
liver Ills, keep you in good health.
MofeBottU. All Dratflstt.
Piuckney wall paper sold by sample
Pt u. o. StiuKon's.
i iurs. iim Murphy and dauzhtor.
lh,)H. Ashf ,rd, of Homer, took
the tram for Sioux City Saturday
niorning and returned iu the evening",
tommy Miirphy drove tliotn up.
Splendid DakotaCity, residence for
at a bargain. Wfarnr & Eimers.
The name of the new M. 1). minister
at South Sioux Oity is Rev. J. K. JUm
ey. Jle comes from the Xeligh di;:
net. He conies well rccomumnded,
i und ablu preacher aud lud a full
house Snnday night.
Let Charley Martin repair your
"""ess. He will do a good job. "
The quarterly conference ut Oruce
church, on last Saturday, voted Bev.
J. . hhick a vacation for the month
of May to utt( nd tho general confer
nice of the Methodist Episcopal church
at Los Angeles, California. Ho left
Tuesday of this week, on the western
trip Mrs. Hhick nn.l I rniwrrito 11
spend tho month visiting in Autilope
aud Holt counties.
The Herald announced last week
tlat Miss Hogius aud the elevator man
at Vista were married. YTe got a
letter from the lady asking us to enter
a denial this week, which we gladly
do. Our informant seemed sure about
it when he gave us the informatien.
We are aorry that it wet a mistake.
A No. 1 broom for 25c at Van's,
Dr. Maxwell was out in his barn
yard Sunday lookiug at a young colt
and becoming too familiar, to suit the
colts mother, she resented it and laid
hold of the doctor's ear, and proceeded
to shake him, but tho ear being made
of superior stuff, nhi was unable to
sever it from his head, but the doctor
had to carry it around in a sling for
s veral days.
Candies, always
grades ut Van's.
fresh aud best
The Odd Fellows ond 11 lieeca lodg.
es of South Sioux City celebrated the
Hilrh anniversary of tho founding of
O.ldfellowhhip, Tuesday night. A
large crowd was present" an.l uu inter
esting time was had. Rev. Ramsey,
the new M. K, minister, delivered un
able address. Misses Ressic an.l Pearl
HtiijMon of DakoU City, sang a diet
which was well reei ivi d and euored.
Mr. und Mr. Waldvoglo, Gw.-n lU:k
Well, Mrs. IK C. Htinsou and Beatrice
Noidyke of Dukota City lodge, were
others present.
Strawberrias 1 sruwberries ! straw
berrio! Where? where? At Van's
of course.
For ninety days, beginning Monday morning, with every $1.00 purchase (groceries snd meats
excepted) we give a f 1.00 Anniversary Free Oift ticket. With a $2.00 purchase, two tickets; with a
(5.00 purchase, five tickets and so on. We have secured great quantitict of merchandise for this
gift drstribution, preparations have been carried out on such a lavish scale, that it has been neces
sary to convert the entire 2nd floor furniture store into a gift exposition, and the publio is asked to
vorae and inspect the largest, finest and moat comprehensive gathering of merchandise for furnish
ing and beautifying the home ever assemblfl in Sioux City. A tag is suspended from every article
ma rked 20, 30, 40, 56 or so many tickets. Any article found in the furniture store will be given
away free; customers can select and receive auy article by presenting the number of 1 Anniversary
Free Gift Tickets the price tag calls for.
We want every one within reach of the storo to secure at least one and as man v
as they can of our 20th Anniversary Free Gifts
Jas. M. Barry of Jackson was in
town on Thursday morning. Jim has
been doing business in the chattel
mortgage line. The county assessor
has found $87,000 unsatisfied chattel
mortgages on the records in his name,
and on which he will have to pay taxes
if not released. The new revenue law
is clearing up the chattel mortgage
D. M. Neiswanger came home Thurs
day morning. He had driven across
the country tne night before and got
to Verdigrii for the early train. He
was up all night to make it. He was
up all night to make it. He was out
amoug the sand hills the last few days
and au immense business. He leaves
for Minneapolis Monday evening to get
his now samples.
Van carries a large line of the South
Sioux City preserving company's pre
served goods. Try them.
Cattle Received.
Ws will receive cattle for the Win
nebago pasture at .William Nixon's
farm, below Homer, on Tuesday, May
3, 11)04. Anyone wishing to send
stock to our pasture will please bring
them on above date. ,
Prices are cattle, 2.f0 ; horses, $3.50
Spenckb & Moiioas,
Pender or Winnebago,
Capt. Talbot. Joseph Crow of Oiua
ha, and Mr. Jenuinizs of Imli
M's. Neiswanger is very much bet
ter. John C. O'Nei.l of Jacksou wrs in
town Tuesday.
Shoriff Hansen was iu Homer Tins
day, looking after tuxes.
Nels Johnson of Emerson was in
town Wednesday morning.
A . T. Haaso visited his sons in Eip
erson one day this week.
Mrs. Al Hammond is having her lot
fixed up in the cemetery.
John Jessen of Emerson precinct was
in town Wednesday morniug. 1
J. J. Learner has a tine uew oicbu.-d
set out on liis new home place.
Harry brown has a new disc gang
plow which does good work.
The poet-banker of Jackson, Ed.'T.
Kearney, was iu town Tuesday morn
iug. The wind of last Friday blew over a
a pauuel of J. W. Bridonoaugli's picket
lt'y Armour shipped las fat cattle
to tlio houth Quiuliu market last buu
day uoiu Huilard.
Craig L. HpeEcer camo up Wednes
day evening and spent tli niglit at
home. Ho is very busy.
it is thought tiiat the building of
the ruilroad between Hioux City aud
Ashland will soon commence.
Mrs. Mury E. Ryan of Jacksou t top
ped ovi r lietween trains Thursday after
noon. She went on to Hioux City,
Mrs. Clements South of Sioux City
was in the interest of the uew M. E,
church of that place, Wednesday.
Gerald Dillon, our pioueeS frieud of
Special Couuespondenck.
Bert Means went te Hubbard Tues
day. Georg Aahford went to Sioux City
Mrs. Morrow went to Sioux City
Spring has come at last. "Dos'ent
it seem fine?"
Julians Pitts left for St. Paul, Ne
braska, Wednesday.
George Brasfleld was a Dakota City
caller Wednesday.
Mrs. Geo. Ford waa a Sioux City
visitor Wednesday,
Sherman Ennis and wife spent sev
eral days this week in Sioux City.
A dance was given at the Woodman
hall Fiiday evening,
Wm. Wal way was visiting his daugh
ter, Mrs Fred Blunie, at Dakota City
Miss Lauraine Murphy will finish a
very successful term of school in the
Blyburg school Friday.
Mrs. Charles Soott and Mrs. Chaa.
Heissote eacli presented their husbonds
with heirs Wednesday night.
Mrs. JulioiiH Pitts and Mrs. M. J,
Hermann were called to St. Paul this
week on account of the uckness of
Mr. Smith, deputy for the Yeoman
lodge, who has been in town the past
week, returned to bis home in Sioux
City Wednesday,
C. J. O'Connor and wife had another
runaway on Thursday betwoeu Dakota
City aud South Sioux City. The
team was cut up some aud buggy
smashed. Tho people were unhurt.
H. Bymill und Joo Hughs are mak
ing a sensation in tin so parts with the r
stump machine. It takes stumps out
like a dentist pulls teeth. They are
now engaged in pulling the stumps iu
the old picnic grounds, belonging to
Mr. Ashford. Itymill expaots to nse
the machine in clearing tlie roads
worked by him.
Physician and Surgeon
Calls Promptly attended,
Attorney and I'ouncelor at Law.
Dakota City, Nebrasks. -
Will be at
MAY lo
WEDNESDAY flay n g
Prepared to do Dentistry of all jje
of the president of the Hioux Citv 'l Jack"n Wft in towu on legal business
Homer ano Southern railroad, were ill wltU lho UeralJ edltor on Thursday.
town at different times during the
week. They are pushing things as
fast at they can.
C. N. Shaffer formerly of Erie, Penn
sylvania, is employed at the Edward
& Bradford lumber yard here.
Dennis Duggan was over from Sioux
City Thursday,
a it art i
a newsy oaten oi uoimra items was
received to lato for puhlicutiou this
week. t
Tho preaching servioes at tho Lu
theran church will occur Sunday morn
ut 11 o'cluk.
L. A. Heikes shipped a load of hogs
and O. W. Fisher a load of hogs to
tho Sioux City market.
We have reduced the prico for
pasturing stock for tho coming season
to tho following : Cuttle $2.50, horses,
$3 50. Will receive htock at Wm
Nixon's whenever the gras is iu con
Sl K.Nl Ell Si MultOAN,
- Fender or Winnebago, Neb.
Tho terms of court for this, the8th
judicial district, for PJu4, are as fol
Stanton. .January 11. September 12
CuinirJg.. January 25. .September 2ti
Thurston. . .February 8. . .October 10
Dakota . . . February 29. . . . October 17
Cedar..., March 14. ,. .November 14
Dixon April 4 Deoember 5
Cream Vermifuge
thc oiNuiHt niPMio oNkV mi
Ballard-Snovv Liniment Co.
A Well Known Cure for Piles.
Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, ec
zema, skin diseases. Makes burns and scalds
painless. We could not improve the quality
it paid doubla the price. Tho best salve
that experience can produce or that money
can buy.
Cures Piles Permanently
DeWltl's la the original and only pure and
genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look for
the name DeWITT on every box. All others
are counterfeit. riiPAtsosv
Dest pasture in Dakota county 400
acres, good water and shade. Cau !
sold in whole or ball at a very low
price if sold noon. Also 20 eboio
farms in Dakota and Dixon i-ouutiea.
Write for list.
Bal Estate Agent, Jackson, Neb.