Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 23, 1904, Image 5

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    . - --.-. . : r : : , . . " 77 "T
Nw Shlymn
$IO Silk Coals, $7.50
Latent box silk coats, in rich qual
ity Teail de Sole, made with large
collar and stole front. Fnll Bishop
sleeves trimmed with silk braid
this ia the proper weight for this
season of the year d"7 C (
Special $ i3U
75c white batiste corsets, with
hose supporters attached
$3.00 laco batiste, applique,
Irish crochet, heavy medallions, etc.
Result of a big syndicate
purchase M QQ
yard, 39c. 69o, 98o and....Sl-i70
50 pillow tops 500 in all; heavy
aenim oacas, siampeu in uorai ae-
signs; formerly sold at 50o
(1.00 women's spring and summer
neckwear; Bulgarian embroidered
linen, ctaiuine and lace sets Cfir
April Sale Furniture,
Try some Junket-For Delicious Desserts and Ice Cream
k 1
One Way Colonist Retes.
To points in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon,
on silo daily uutil April 30 Liberal stopovers allowed.
To points in Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Manitoba, Western
Asainiboia . Tickets on sale every Tuesday during March and Apri
To points in Tenneseo. Mississippi
Murch and April
Homeseekers Round Trip R-ies.
To points in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi Lousiana, North and South Carolina, Tennessee
and Virginia. Tickets on sale 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in March and April, at rate cf one fare plus (2
round trip. Stopovers allowed. . " .
Further information cheerfully given at City Ticket Oflice No. 1102 Farnam Street, Omaha, Ne
braska, or write
W. II. 1S1ULL, Dist Pass. Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
Base Ball
is at bacd and we take pleasure
I stock of
IrS8k.se lCDa.li oooas
iu the west. Now is the time to buy. Look at our League Bull
and bats.
' We are headtiuarters for Poultry and Stock Food, which you
need now to tone up your stock. It pays to buy the Prussian
Stock Foot, a good fattener and cheap. Look at our Posts au.l
Woven Wire .
Call eurly amLavoid the ruhb.
Edwards & BradfordLbr. Co.
pi mill I A A MO We have plenty of Money to Loan ut a low
U A K V I U A IM O rate ot interest on Dakota county arms. W e
i ,..!, t.w
Liwt vonr propi-rt'y w ith . us to
novMiiei" ii.t fccu ...
n.Lnt.ntv K.'h .nil 11.. f V n. x ..-
v:: : : - ,i at uci umn
35,, siik ribbons widths op to 4
nd 5 inches wide; all prevailing
lancy ana plain colors 1A.
, , IVV
20o women's hosiery fast black,
maco cotton; soft and elastic; medi
um and light weight; 1C
(2.00 umbrellas men's and wo
men's absolutely water proof; Sici
lian taffeta; 20th century runners;
natural wood and fancy Cl Or
trimmed handles at Jl.fc
25c tooth brushes 5 groBS tooth
brushes ; ivory handles, hog .n
bristles each
20c dress shields made
tiste, best quality rubber
of ba
..IOC Up to 50c embroideries up
and 10 inches wide, including
edgings, and insertations;
to 8
Carpets, Rugs, Etc.
Cheap One-Way Colonist and Round-Trip
Homeseekers' Rates
Via Illinois Central Rail Road.
British Columbia,
and Louisiana.
Tickets on
sale the
ggiBggtsjBSSSS S3
in saying that we have the best
iiu lirfor von lioirow. 15uv or Sell.
, w
lFarm lands
Ara ruro Indications cf soma form of stomach
trouble, biliousness or a tad liver. Malaria will
next overtake you. Don't risk it, nnd above nil,
dou'tUkecalouitlorquliiiuo bothu.ro dangerous
has all tbclr virtues nonn of their
deadly oCects. 1 IK R DINE taken
regularly will forestall headachea.pufi
tbe digestive organs in perfect condi
tion, bead off blliousnesa, headuches,
liver ilia, keep you In good health.
SOo sv Bottle. AU Drugglata.
Tub Suits
Made of brown linen, mad
ras, dark lawn and the cotton
voiles, in all the shade
for spring fC f(
(2.00, (3.75and....3J.UU
$3Allk P.ttI-
eoattat $5.75
Black only made with
pleated flounces, finishr-d with
oum w 11.11
3 bias ruffles.
Budir Than Evr
In our own woik room we've
demonstrated our ability to
prod tit e millinery of the out-of-ordinary
class and patron
age quickly finds its points of
$5 Hats
$7.50 Hats $5.00
Up to $10 Hats $7.50
Now Spring Suits
(15 to (17.5(3 suits J2 JO
(20,00 to (25 suits
sod Alberta Territory. Tickets
1st and 3rd Tuesdays in
C, St. P., M.4 O. Time-Table.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
ic. vug time :
'Jm Umaha T-.35 am
10:00 am...., ..Omaha 5:13 pm
3:3r Pn Norfolk 8:20 am
9:01 am Norfolk 5.'2 pm
7:58 aul Newcastle 10:00 am
2:07Pm " 6:07 pm
5:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am
van is still m the lead witu lirueu's
Pat Rufh ofl'onoa made a settle
roent witu the railroad company the
other day and got (1,000 for an injury
wj ii i a r.rm.
Airs. Mary lriggs has returned to
her home in this city from au extend
el visit with her daughter in Sioux
Garden seeds of all kinds iu bulk or
package at D. C. Stinson's.
W. S. Vanghiuan has accepted -a
pohitiou with the street car company
and will not go tD North Dakota as
the Herald auuounced last week.
I'iuokney wall paper Bold by sample
ei li. i. btinson s.
Auditor lSeaver of the Edwards &
Bradford Lumber company was iu
town ou Wednesday and gave this
ollk-o a pleasant call.
The next regulur meeting of tho
Dakota City Political Equality club
will meet with Mr. F. A. Wood, Fri
day evening, April li'J, 11)01.
Faint, oils)and bruHl.es
at D. C.
AsrtesJbr Doru is busy looking up
tlio mortgages of record in the county
clerk's olllce. Ho will notify ull mort
gages, ho that they may iuvcxtigatc
uml reli iiMi) all thut should bo rllcunad.
The .''-. thodiht people ui b going to
giv; ti. puKtnr a vacation vud tint
friends lntvo presented hiui with money
sullieit-nt to my his way to California
t uttemt the M. E general eonfeieiice.
Splendid Dakota City residence for
salt ut u bargain, Warner & Elmers.
F. A. Harrison of Niobrara has tak
eu the place of W. S. lJuugliman us
manager of the Edwards & Bradford
Lumber company's yards at this place.
He 'ill hruing his famiy hero us soou
as a suitable residence can be secured,
Let Charley Murtin repair your
harness. lie will do a good job.
A No. 1 broom for 25o at Van's.
. II. If. Wood is having the Rush
house nicely Died up, new roof, new
siding, and newly painted makes it
look like a new house. It will be
nicely painted and papered inside.
fresh and best
grades at Van's.
There are 23 persons goiog from the
Norfolk District to general conference
at Los Angeles, California. . About
j eight preachers besides Dr. Siason the
presiding elder. They leave Norfolk
next Wednesday.
Hon. Gut T. Graves, Judtre of the
district court is at home very ill with
an attack of appendicitis. This is the
third one he has had. The Herald
hopes that he may soon recover from
this, as from form or attacks.
Mrs. W. P. Warner invited a few
friends to dinner to meet Hon. and
Mrs. John W. 8tewart of Lincoln, Sat
urday evening. A very pleasant tiane
socially was had, and the dinner well
it was one of Mrs. Warner's best.
County Treasurer lilume is collect
ing bark taxes on real estate that own-
in urniw uoiuing 01, l. tacrine new
law it is the duty of the treasurer to
go over the tax lists and if he finds
any back taxes to put it on the reocipt
of the year being paid.
Strawberrias! strawberries! straw
b Trio ! Where? where V At Vim's
of course.
Several flue monttmeuts have been
put up in the Dakota City cemetary
the past few months. There is a well
kept grave in the northeast corner
covered with some shells and two nice
ly trirrnied evergreens standing at its
head, that is about as touching as any.
We do not know whose it is.
O. B. Webster of Emerson was in
on Wednesday on business. His
daughter Edith who is a graduate of
our high school and has been a student
and teacher in the state university,
expects to attend the exposition at St.
Louis, the coming summer, and wil
be connected with the educational ex
hibit of Nebraska.
Van carries a large line of the South
Sioux City preserving company's pre
served goods. Try them.
Mrs. J. F. Mikesell and daughter
Gertie returned from their California
trip Tuesday. They stopped for some
days in Man Francisco, and while there
unexpectedly met James M. Spencer.
He has been there several months
taking treatmeut for catarrh. He
thinks he will be perm a net ly cured.
add they report him as looking Well.
They have had a very pleasant trip
and enjoyed themselvea very much.
B. E. Crouch, the energetic and
wide awake agent at Coburn Junction
has taken a lay-off of a couple of
months and gone to his home in Erie
county, Fa., to vieit his home people.
He was born and brought up near
where lite better half of the Herald
was born and grew up, and they have
man; friends and acquaintances in
Deputy Marshal John F. Sides was
in Emerson Sunday the guest of H. O.
Armour. Mr. bides is filling his
new position with marked ability and
his selection was a good one.. ..Char
ley Coughtry and Miss Oean Ooutrhtrv
of Dakota City were over Sunday visi
tors in imerson. They were the
guests of their brother-in-law and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Engelen....
Geo. H. Haase and John Schwartz at
tended Masonic lodge in Blur Monday
evening and went on to Omaha Tues
day morning returning homo that even
ing. Emarson Enterprise.
1 he telphone system and rural free
delivery are a great thing and are
used iu many ways and iu different
directions, but the latest cumbiuatiou
we have heard of happened on Wednes
day morning. A young bid in the
country called up the postmistress on
that morning ovor the phone, and
anketi her if she would not writo two
postal cards for him and send them
out ou tho rural mail that left in a few
minutes, and she said that nhe would,
so he dictated to her what, to writo and
Hhe wrote the cards fcnd signed his
name and the cards went to their des
tination all right, saving twenty-four
Hours time.
Peter Rush, on of the old timers of
Summit precinct was iu town Monday
paying his taxes. He gave the Herald
man some of his early experiences iu
tins county. He rented a piece of
weed land from Pat Twoliig and raised
about the best crm on it he ever saw,
auoiii tux acres in ail, lie betug an
Illinois man knew how to raise corn.
Pat would not take any rent for the
ute of tho land, so Mr. Hush helped
him husk his corn. Jim was a little
fellow and his father would put him
on an old pony -light and morning aud
sena nun out to chase the wild geese
aud prairie chickens out of the corn
rat Kept i:iem supplied Willi goone
meat. Mr. Ktmli says it was drlicious
meat. Meat w is scarce iu tliono days
In trose d.iys lorn Farley was about
as well to do as anyone iu that pre
Tim republican county conventi.m
met at the court Iioiihu pursuant to cull
Mell A. Schniiid, the hecrctary of the
couuty committee in tho ubseuce of
tho chairman, called tho convention to
order and read call. On motion M. A.
Kclmiicd was made chairman aud J J
Eimcrs, set-rotary. Ou motion Fred
BIuiuii and Coon Thorn, both being
Hi it, uero authorized to represent
Emerson precinct. The temporary or
ganization wua made- permanent. The
following persons were elected dele
gates t the state convention : lien F
Kri'lonlmugli, W I Win ner, J J Jiimers,
'I' U Ciiit-.4, Fr.d Blnme, John W lta
. -lgrovti and J P l;,,clivt l, Alter
nates, U 1 Jloekwt !l, Dr Mid wort hv,
11 (J Horn. N K Smith, A .1 Davis,
Fnd Ciilhcrtson mnl J. dm T Spencer.
Delegates to the Congressional conven
tion: CIIMaxwtll, John C Smith,
Win Rockwell, L Kriger, M A Sch
meid, Fruuk knckwaltcr r;nd W 11
llermiiiin. Alternates, W H lli-rger.
It K JUyers, Lvun Way
W E Shan
John F Sides, C J O'Connor and Will
Buylo. J J Eimers was made chuiriuuu
and M A Schmied, secretary of the
county central committjo for the eu
suitg year.
: AVe End 0ui Twentieth Year in Business
ETree IDisiribxstfbn IF KIdlce.
That Will Excite a Spontaneous Outburst of Approval and Enthusiasm for
This Store that Has Ever Proved Strong Enough to Meet Every Emergency
and Open the way for a continuous March of Progress for twenty-five Years
This store will sell thou
sands of dollars -worth of
dependable and seasona
ble merohft.ndise at lower
prlces-of tei as little as eost
For ninety days, beginning Monday morning, with every $1.00 purchase (groceries and meats
excepted) we give a $1.00 Anniversary Free Qift ticket. With a 2 .('0 purchase, two tickets; with a
15.00 purchase, five tickets and so on. We have scoured great quantitlet of merchandise for this
gift drstribution, preparations have been carried out on such a lavish scale, that it has been neces
sary to convert the entire 2nd floor furniture store into a gift exposition, and the public is asked' to
come and inspect the largest, finent and most comprehensive gathering of merchandise for furnish '..
ing and baautifying the home ever assembled in Bionx City. A tag is suspended from every article
marked 20, 30, 40, 60 or so many tickets. Any article found in the furniture store wilt.be given v . i"
away free; customers can select and receive any article by presenting the number of l Anniversary
Free Gift Tickets the pneo tag oalls for.
- ..." V
We want every- one within reach of the storo to secure at least ' one and as many
as thpy can of our 20th Anniversary Free Gifts
M. E. Church Notes.
The 3rd quarterly conference aud
meeting will occur at Grace church
next Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Sis
son will conduct the quarterly confer
ence at Grace church Saturday morn
ing at 10 :30 o'clock and will pracu
and administer the sacrament of the
Lord's supper at 1 :30 on Sunday after-
n. lie will probably preaon in
Dakota Citv Sunday morning. All
are cordially invited to attend all thexe
J. G. Shick, Pastor.
The republican electors of Dakota
precinct met at the court houso 'Tues
day afternoon for the purpose of select
ing delegates to attend the connty con
vention, Thursday. Joun T. Bpencer
was elected chairman and Mell A.
Schmeid, secretary. The following
were selected to attend the convention :
J. W. Hazlegrove, L. A. Ambright, C.
8. Bliven. Glen Armour, Guy G.
Sides, Fred Dunsiag, II. Dutton, W.
H. Perger, Win.Biermann, John Ream,
II. V. Uileman, C. H. Maxwell, Mell
A. Scmied, W P. Warner, Geo. Mo-
Beath, F. A. Wood.
The river is falling.
B. McKinley of Homer was in town
Two or three families have scarlet
fever in town.
Dr. Stinson is putting a new roof ou
his residence.
J. J. Killucky was down from Hub
bard on Monday.
Mrs. George Cook of Emerson was
in towu on Monday.
Marshal Kloster of Sioux City was
iu town on Monday.
Mrs. Neiswanger has had a relapse
and is quite ill agaiu.
C. J. O'Connor and wife of Homer
were in town on Monday.
(juite a number of fruit trees are be
ing distributed iu these paits.
The street, car company ' is pushing
the grading ou the Meridian line.
Mrs. C. P. Dow of Sioux City came
ovr ou Tuesday and puid taxes.
The sheriff is having tho tree 4 in
the court house park whitewashed.
Jas. Harris of Homer was in ,town
Tuesday morning paying his taxes. -
Mrs. Alice Sides wus a wcl-orae
culler at these headquarters ou Mon
day. Dr. Maxwell and wifo eclebrutod
their 17th wedding anniversary Tues
day. Judge Evans wus in West Point ou
legal business the lore part of tho
lliruni Chase tf Pender wuii on the
train Monday morning on his way to
Rev. Shick preauh-id a very interest
ing serui' ii last Sunday to u good au-
lion. Join. M. Stewart, wife and s in,
left for their homo in Liti'.-oln Tuosduy
Al Adams ha ucuiu moved into
toiwi. He occupies the Harden house
m.-ar the depot.
Tom Hodgins' t'auchttr of north
' " iMt" WttM married to
luuii there the other day.
The street car company is leveling
the grade put up by tlio towu lust year
from the cemetery t Broadway.
Davidson Bros. Co.
I llicli. Valuable Presents for Everyone
Within Reach of This Store.
Don't get impatient, summer will
soon be here, if it once stops snowing.
George Brasfleld and wif went to
Sioux City Tuesday, and purchased a
fine now surry.
Mrs. M J Herraaun. Mr and Mrs Ju-
lious Pitts, took Sunday dinner at Da
kota City Sunday.
A dance was given at the Woodman
Hall last Friday night a small crowd
hut a good time.
Lewis Hermann Was a business call
er n town Monday. His wife and two
children accompanied him.
S W McKluley is giving his barber
shop a new coat of paint. ,
Elmer Shook went to Sioux City the
latter part of last week
Maude Richards spont a few days of
last week with he- sister, Mrs George
Ponry. ,
Dentist Brown of Emerson, at the
hotel April 27, one day. If you have
any work in his line give him a call.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
BiiMness in Homer is on the boom.
Quite a number f strangers in town
the past few days.
Several couples attended the danoe
at Hubbard Thursday night, and ther
was no dance it had been postponed
until next week.
The Missouri river in doing a great
deal of damage in the vicinity of Bly-
I Dra Poet aud Nelson, horsa dentists.
ate iu town this week.
John Rockwell name down from
Sioux City Friday and returned Tues
E J Smith of Pender was iu town
on Wednesday.
Fred Berger is quite sick with tho
Quite a iruuiber of tho Indians sold
their land and received payment Tues
day. Mrs Frank Sawyer, who was hurt in
iu a runaway, is gjttiug better.
Sherman Enuis went to Sionx City
Harry Rasdal caino home from Sioux
City Wednesday.
Lou Mclutuffer has moved his house
beford it tumbled into the creek!
Rasdal's iockies were exercising
their horses ou the Sioux City track
lust week.
Rev J McOIohIihi preaches
iu tho
M E church hereafter.
JtiiV Fu thers English and Shuld
w't-reiu town Monday. Father Shuld
will be hern soon to held sii vices iu
the Catholic church.
Severul new members joined the
Cutholio ct'oir this week.
The bell at the hotel filled to riug
Tuesday night. Some of tho boys
lixed the clapper with paper. Tho
poison attempting to rin;; the bell was
very lunch emburoesed.
Rev. Lesher has
been engaged for
another year, which will be glud news
in I.Iih iiiiLtiv friiiid fit Him fiimilv
i f T.it.lii.r in .luinir a rrrtnil wnrtr in.l
j his place would bo hard to fill, and the
general opinion around here is that it
would lie almost impossible to nil Mrs.
Leuher'a place. ,
rtnnltles. Th
-day by d
With a 90 Day
This store will give &way
thousands of articles, use
ful svnd valuable presents
Diok Skidmore called at the Herald
offloe on Thursday.
Pearl Stinson was at Jackson Tues
day, she has several vocal pupils. .
Will Bartles' baby ia quite ill. Mrs
Charles Ream, baby'a grandmother is
caring for it.
T D Curtis and T C. Baird represent
ed Omadi preoinct at the county con
vention Thursday. '
Tim O'Connor of Homer was in town
Monday. He had a couple load of
bogs, which he took to Sioux City.
thc pnaaonc cr eating.'
Persons suffering from indigestion,
dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will
find that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat and makes the stomach
sweet. This remedy is a never failing
cure for indigestion and dyspepsia and
I a11 complaints effecting tho glands or
! membranes of the atomaoh or digestive
tract. When you take Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure everything you eat tastes good
and every bit of the nutriment your
food contains is asumulated and ap
propriated by the blood and tisanes.
Sold by G. W, MjBeath.
Physician and Surgeon
Calls Promptly attended,
Attorney and Councelor at Law.
. Dakota City, Nebraska.
T)eivtfst 5
Will be at ' $
APRIL a6 - ?
I . HOMER ..
$ WEDNESDAY April 37 S
j? Prepared to do Deutistry of all I
t Kinds . 'I
J, . ' I
A Well Known Cure for Piles.
Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, ec
zema, skin diseases. Makes burns and scalds
painless. We could not Improve the quality
If paid dcubla the price. The best salve
that experience can produce or that money
can buy.
Cures Piles Permanently
DeWltt's Is tho original and only pure and
genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look lor
the name DeWITT on every box. AU others
are counterfeit. rsrsso sv