Tllr- Women IO ch-Klnhrr. One of the most peculiar Industries In which women ever enpijjc was that of leecU-fislilnjt. Sixty years rro leeches were In winch prenter dcnmnd thnn they nre to-rtay, nnd Ihelr capture aud ale proved .o profitable that women were willing to make martyrs of them selves for cash. It was mostly Scotch women who engaged In the business. They would wade In the shallow pools of the Lincolnshire carrs, with their legs bnred, until the entire surface of their Ihiihs was cavcred with the slimy, clinging creatures. When this stage of the Qshlng was reached, they would go shore, Orttg the leeches fromtlielr feed ing ground, nnd put them In small wooden Imrrels, which were then strap ped on their hacks and taken to the Scotch markets, where they were rer.dily disposed of at good prices. li liby, McNeill Iilbby. The visitor passing through the plnnt of Messrs. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chi cago, is tint only deeply interested in the rutting moms, cooking kitchens, cnntiinif department and the wonderful mechan ical contrivances for accomplishing the work speedily, but is greatly surprised by the vnstness of their industry of pack iutf nnd lu'eerving dainty meats and spe cialties for consumers all over the world. Some idea of the enormous business of this firm eon bo obtained from the fact that they require capacity for 3H),0UO cattle and 1U0,(U0 sheep per nnutiin. manufacture forty millions of cans a year or an average of 140,000 cans a day. and require 11,000 employes to meet the de mands of their trade. Scud a postal card for a booklet, "How to Make Good Things to Eat." A DllTerenir in Tnatcs. "1 saw you kissing my daughter. I don't like It, eir." "Then you don't know what's good, sir." Life. Reward for Hnnratr. When yon ask for CASCAttETS, Can dy Cathartic, and the man offers you tab lets in bulk or "something just as good," he is trying to swindle you. We are look ing for dishonest deulers like that, for they not only steal our reputation and business, but endanger your health with cheap, unreliable and fraudulent substi tutes in order to make a few more cents at your expense. Write us and furnish us with the evidence to convict such frauds and receive a liberal reward, at once. Address Sterling Hemedy Co., Chi cago or New York. The spectacle or a motner-in-law rul ing a homo is beyond question tin Im posing scene 44 A Miss is As Good as a Mile ' you are not entirely 'well, you are ill. Illness docs not mean death's door. It is a sense of weariness, a " tired feeling" a life filled tvith nameless pains and suffer ing. In 907c of cases the blood is to blame. Hood" s Sarsaparilla is Nature's corrective for disorders of the blood. 'Remember 1 n i A-'Ate uz-fB li&sfm mi ;r 1 nil slice m made u&fo from the pick of the choic- V!1 est heef deliciouslv sea- soned. Put up in convenient packages, enough for two bi pies. mm t jo!t! for WkM "How Mftli mi Libby, McNeill & Libby. Chicago W1' j3 e't--tjyj '. FOn 14 CENTS S Wo witih to pain thiirrar 20O,(H0 W iV new cuutomiT.i, ami fit'iiu oti'rr 1 Hf(ff. City l(t tt, to U i i.nuromjn Murk ft Lettuce, lc & 1 WtMwlP-rry AMuu, If 4, 1 M It Dar Kadi-h, hn i mm wftfi'd k .... i. . arli Dinner hi inn. loo lH W ortto vi. uu, for 11 rent. qTui $a Above 10 Pkjrs. worth fl.OC, -wo will nuil you free, together with our Ormt i a;i(i((, tfili iiK all atnt nit all at'otit n SALICR S MILLION DOLLAR POTATO Q upon rttt-Hint uf ttiia not ire A 1 -lo. X .1 know wIiho jfo oner try Hat'(t Jk iniiiLia. n iuyho iwuriraiie. nuu ... jL'Uyi'aiHwU will nnter do uitlirmt Oi A .Atatv Pri,eon Salxr'a Iimio-tai- 01 A rat uarliest I'omito (iiant on ubrtb. i vs. (tt JOin A. Hil.XKK ttKBH (O., I i ( HOSSK, WIS. fi) TO Ely's Cream Balm QUICKLY CURES COLDmHEAD Itrucitti, DO C!. Apply Halm into narh nuttril. fLhi liltua.,00 Wiri.ubt.,iN.V. Cure a Conli or CoM at once Conquers croup without (ail. Is me liest tor in uiil hills. Otii.Dr. Iluirst-nf. Wlinniiin-CdiiKli. nnil for the cure of Consumption. IM'th. r-irais-il. Dnctotsprt'ornbrit braail uom ; quick, uuie resultH. fnrll L IM J en' m i luinrCT J fPOTATOES SfeSSi j! l.nrg( -ec:! I'O l K '( O 4. row r r In An"-rlcK. jl. fc V I'rlt'f I .ail A up. I. no i nurinouisiumtioi rua. Ij I Libby I Meat fy?72 Fresh and fruity ill c $! 1 S3 m IBM V) U i. , x , ' mm arm mi Mrao tttln nottfv unit ' f" rawer? (at.ii. VitoW W hall, U Cfl . O CIIDSSt. T'.T'.n ' UM I fi r tTTTTYrTT.V f nnrn IM Vll.iiT r A i.lltrttSi mat i Mr i.i ULOif"-" . ri iL-u uu v-- , V....IUI1I .1 in,, .nr. -,.. , ..cil li-iir"''1' lilll.iic'i - , ,.st:,. S600. V V i.vU' 't "." (llil.-l '." ... uir.l in i. . ,,im. I i , ,1,1,-11 "I I'-' 'GEORGE KLEIN. Foil Mkinsw. WIS'-l ii'"'1' Theie!ffe TUB Er- OUR BUDGET OF FUN. HUMOROUS SAYINGS AND DO. INGS HERE AND THERE. Joke and Jokeleta that A r Supposed to Have Been Recently Born-Saying ad Boinga that Are Old, Curlona and Laughab'a-The Week'a llnmor. He That Miss Slmklns is awfully shy. Isn't she? She Yes. I Tvonder If she gets It from her mother? He No: from her father. I Imagine. I understand he used to he a great poker player. Chicago News. Ordained, "There's no reason why a politician should not he honest." "No: It's Jnst one of those things that happens. There Is no particular reason why grass shouldn't lie Mack; but It's green, just the name." Phila delphia North American. At It Aitnin. The Savace Hachelor I don't see why a man should get nut fried when a good parrot can be Imttght for $2.. The Sweet Young Tlilng-As usual. woman Is at a disadvantage. A good crlzzlv bear can't be Ismght for less thnn ten times that. luilianatiolis .lour- Till llopixncil in IMttttbtiri;. Hotel tluest tns lire alarm sounds) Does the tiro department here hitye any difficulty In locating a lire? Landlord Not any more than In any other city, I suppose. Dut, why do you ask? Hotel 'Inest Well, it's so smoky here I don't see how they ever tind the lir. C'.tlcago News. OheyiiiK Orders. "Now, Tommy, give me a delinition of ratio." Tommy Please, sir. pa said I wasn't to talk politics In school. Cuutionnry. (Slipping the ring ou her finger) Let's keep this secret a little while, darling. lo:i't s:iy anything about it. (Iu a whisper)--1 won't, love till I find out whether i he stone is genuine or not. Chicago Tribune. An Ktijoyuble Tram;!, Mildred ifiom l'l:tlai!cl;.il.i)--You don't scent lo like Kvelyn. Penelope (from Ilostou) She shows a lack of proper culture. Tills morning she said she was going to take a tramp up the mountain. Mildred-Well? Penelope Do you not think she might choose as her escort one whose social status is more in keeping with her own? New York Press. For Mcrcy'a Sake. "His win?' -inline Is Mercy. She keeps him busy, too." "Doing what?" "Why. running on errands of Mercy." Philadelphia ltiillelin. , IJnttonlcss font. Stubb You ought to !;o to the min strels this week. Kcguhir li'.tton-liiisl-intr jok s, they say. Penn Velio's going ;o s-cw my but tons on after they're b'.ited t fft You duu'i. kao my wit'e, old man. Kiuul I'ootint :y;i;V V. .'"1 "Why are ladies so fond of golf?" "Well, you see. ii places tin in on equal footing with the m-vi." an At the Tolls. "A woman tried to vol? here t.i il;,y." "llow'd you get rid of herV" "Told her lo send il by mall, so that It would be sure lo ivreivc "llieial at tention." Philadelphia North Ameri can. Then r In- Went Out. Tom-What do you tuiul; she did when 1 asked her In lei me be tl.e light of her life? Dick- I don't l;n iw. What? Tom Turned nil? dov, u. - l'l:il;nlel phia liiillctin. Would Conic- Arniiiiil .; They were KeHted hide by i-id i !!' parlor tsofu and there v.umi'i tuuin rfllW!.CiJ ''tween them for tin iirinueiit. . f i . m w " ..,...,1 ,1 t.i a b lss tul .1 n e ..n n jfriti(1 rlnil 01 c' t.i i. verv i luful." i ,.,.r orni iimi"- yoxl thing s lca:-eslV" he , she cn l.t I i plied. "It . , u.-- l,.i..l1SI (jh. well, never ml said (ii-urgc. right."- Chi- "It w HI eoine arouie. cago News K Ketort fini'". The Automobile- vou old sii" '. I ot the way e a has -been. 1-l.e lloi-- IVrliui ,de,ue tell we fr 1 m they cut i!ut will you part of your porterhouse ruM. L li h-1 .w One of Muny. Qundds-llello. old boy! Yfhnl are yon doing now? Spacer Writing for the press. (Juadds-Don't you find It ralliet thanklct-a '.ort of work? Spacer On the contrary, nearly ev erything I write Is returned with thanks. Chicago News. The Motlvu Tower. "Mrs. Lowdly dresses up nnd Roes everywhere nnd hns a good time, but one nerer sees her husbnnd. I sup pose lie pays the bills, though, ned stays In the background." "Yes. In other words she Is one of those airy creatures who have no visi ble menus of support." Philadelphia ltulletin. Between Friend. '1111 lllcf Mlfrn emit ... J...-. p. p, v v. . "Indeed? Have you, then, rwelved n great Inheritance?" Huinorlstlsche P!ti otter. Old Suylnvs. Dick (describing the singer) She had azure eyes; minstrel-Joke hulr Ida One moment. Dick! What In the world Is "minstrel-Joke hair?" Dick Why, a rich chestnut, of course. 4 Iris couldn't see through u window with the glass out. Three Bo tin In Oisicuine. "Say, Dick, oom means uncle, doesu't It?" "Yes; I believe it's all the tsatae lu Dutch." "Well. It's been a great help to me of late." "You don't say." "Yes, when Kdith asked -where my overcoat was I told her down at ootn's. Now, old chap, if I had said down at uncle's she'd seen through It in a min ute." Urlp of Steel. Swipsy Me old man wua one of doso friendly men. He'd catch hold of yer ha nd 'a if wudn't let go. I till y ( i rent Jimmy! Wuz he a cop or a detective? Aa to Hair and Wliihlicrs. Why does u man's luilr ftill out be fore his whiskers? Hecnuse It Is at least twenty years older. New York Press. Horatio , P.arnes Stormer They used 'o call me a "ham." but little did I dream 1 would ever llgure In a ".sand wich." Tliere wevc ot'icj- "T married you," lie observed, "for yourself alone, but now " It was clear that the honeymoon was on its last les. "Now I liml I have got the whole family." New Yoi k Press. Not l'art iculiir. "She does all her own cooking, but she says her husband hits the appetite of a bird." " loudness! Sb must mean tin ostrich."-Philadelphia ltulletin. Took II liu Cp. She Will you buy me Unit hat? He My precious little She-Look here! You can either buy me that but or you can love me clous little. New York Presu. pre- A Mun of Met ill. The orator Is what you call a man metal " or "Why?" "They call h!:u 'silver-tongued,' he litis gold in his teeth, nnd he certainly bus plenty of brass "-Philadelphia KtiUctin. I ii Fiji Society. First Fiji llolle-Do you think she has the face to be married with the two-ring ceremony ? Seeotid P.rlle- Oil, yes, her flee is certainly ample for two lings.- De troit Journal. i'rccioui iein story. The ten things liti'l been cleared away, and the head of the establish ment was trying to lead the evening paper, w hile his belter half busied-herself with some fancy work, and at the Millie time endeavored to interest him in the gossip of Ihi tioiu'hliorhoiiil. ".Maria," said he, '!ati-!iri up from Ms paper, "did you t er hoar Hie story of precious jjcnis':" "Why, no." she replied: "what Is II?" "It's an id I time fairy legend that my grandmother told mo when I was n lmy," he continued, "about a woman from whose liis there fell cither a d a monil or si ruby every time she (-poke a, word." "Well, go on." she said. ""'lint's all there Is of it. Maria." lie replied. "Hut I was Just thinking that If such tilings happened nowdays I'd oie!i a Jewelry shop the (list thing in the tiioi'tiiii','.'' And then for thirteen consecutive luiuutes silence l'ei-ti. d supreme. The woman who marries a mun to re form him seldom lives luii jf enough to Uuibb the Job. - : Georgie's Gab i "That's a Job some peeple might Like," paw sed when we was SettlD nrouud waltlu fer It to Ult tlmo lo Uo to bed nite before last. "Itut thare's whnre thny don't no what the cotitract calls fer." "Whnt job Is That?" maw ast, "Heln a Emperor." says paw. "Look at Willie over Tbare In (.Juruieuny. Say, that lioy works overtime rite along without extry pay, aud lie don't git nieuny Saturday afternoons off nei ther." "Why." maw Told him, "l thot kings and queans and limperors dluen't Haft to do nothln but sine state pnpers thay never red and ride u round iu the park to git a nappytite fer Dinner." "That shows I done wise not goln In fer n Diplomatic!; career after I mar ried You," paw says. '"You'd make a nice wife of a I'orren council with all your Ignornncy of slch nffares, would en't you? Sposen 1 was hired Hy the (ovamtint, tlio, and was Sent over to Purlin to see the l'.niporer. I'd go up to the pallus and ring the ltd), and pur ty Soon a Survctit would come, aud I'd say: " 'liood tnorncn. Is the Kmperur In?' " 'No,' the Survent would say, 'he has went out nlrcddy.' " 'Whare Is lie?' I'd ast " 1 fergit whether lie's opcnliui Ca nal or I'nvallin a Statute or his grand fnwther this lnornin,' the survent would answer. "Then I'd go In nnd set down nnd Wate, aud pnrty soon the Kmperur would come hurryiu In, dressed as a kernel of the Yooluns. After we would Shake bauds he would say: " 'You must excuse me for a few min utes. I (lot to preseut n meddlo to a feller what Helongs to a Friendly pow er. He's waltlu out In the Hall.' "So he goes Into the Hod room nnd purty soon he conies out lu the younl form of a Drum major lu tlio Itooshen army, nnd Goes nnd pins the meddle ou to the man Pritin the friendly Power and then Conies back, and I Start to tell Him whnt 1 waut, and He looks at his watch nnd Hollers: "'Holy smoke! Here It Is a quarter past 10 alreddy. I must go and lay the comer stone Of n Chewlu (5uui fflck try. Here's the Fninbly album full of pictures of me what you klu look at till I git Buck.' "Then Ho Dresses Himself like a Judge of the Soup preatu court Hurries out so he won't miss the next car. When he conies Pack ho only Jlst has time to Dress up ns a admiral and (lo to Lawuch a new tug Bote. Then It's Time to git his picktttre taken In six styles, nnd That takes Him twnty miults, so when He (Jits thru He makes a spcach to the asscmbuld multltood, sayiu: " '.My deer cl lldern. thare's only one thing you got to Do to Be the graltest pcepul oh erth. That's pay your Taxes and Uemcmber That Thare's jlst one Heel Thing worth while In this world and I'm it. Always Remember it's me That gives the word when the Whlssel Blows and you'll Be happy. France has n grnit army. I want to see that slio In Partis uext year.' "Then thny holler 'Hock, Hock' a few tlnn8 nud 1 he Hired Jurl say's din ner's reddy." "Well," suys maw, "you mite tell Him what you want while He's cntln." "No," paw told Her, "thnt's one of the Blzziest times of the Day fer him. While the ineel Is goin on he has to pose fer a Bust of Himself and Dlok tate the muslek of nn opry lo Three tlpe rlters. When he's thru eaten he puts on the yoitnlforni of a kernel of the Coldstreein gards and goes out and wins a yot race frtini the 'prince of wails and Takes Furst prize in a shoot en match. Ou his way home he uii 'vnlls three monuments of Ills grand father and sends frcmlly niessldges to the Forren potenlaits. "Well, I jl-t Rit fiVwlod to T'MI him what I Dropt around fer when the dock strikes :t, and he jumps up and is (June. Purty soon he comes out of the closet In the younlforui of a Turkish pttshnw and says: t "Excuse me. I got to rite n Letter to the sultan congratulateii Him Becos Him nnd his slxty-thurd wife Has a Little boy.' After that's done He goes back and Dresses himself like a tun cry huntsman and goes out and Beats tin Iteeord fer kitllti Stags. It's Beglntilu lo (lit purty Late then, ami he's got to open aiiitther canal, so I lion'f care to wait enny Longer, and while He's lu pnttln on a new younlforui I Duck out of Tliare, nnd he telcfones me the next morn in telliti How glttd he is that him and this Country is on Slch frcmlly relations." "Paw," maw says. "What," says paw. "I'm glad you ain't no Empcrtir." "Why?" "Bccos If you had to Dress and on dress thnt Fast you'd Have every Hut -tore off luside of two Days ami you'd never uo whare the pants was what Belonged to your oilier Soot." So paw got mad and Sed the whole fanibly was always irylti to Kim him Down and he woulden't tell us no more about It. Chicago Times Herald. rule Blue Air. The color of pure liquid air Is a bcau tll'itl pale blue. Before an Eastern col lege recently was exhibited two kiiiii ples of liquid ii If In glass tubes; one was made from air which had been washed to purify It from dust, soot carbonic acid and other Impurities. This, when condensed, was a pale blue liquid: II llier sample was made by comb using Mime of l he air of the lect ure room 'hi which the audience was assembled, and was an opaque, black ish tliild, fi'seniblliig soup in appear ance. It would appear as if condensed samples of air might afford nn easy means for eompnriug dilfcrent kinds of contamination. It may be possible some day to supply hospitals of tropical omitt'l"s where the natural air supply is bad, ami the neecsslty for a better one very pressing, with beautiful blue country air, guaranteed absolutely pure. This can never be accomplished, however, until sonic means h.-ne been provided for trans porting liquid air to considerable dis tances without enormous losses, caused by its return to Its former state. ltoant bMf tbat 1h not well tloue i a nun t b in t;. Madam IMmaacna. Compared with Jerusalem, Damascus Is Parisian. The Jerusalem air presses heavily with Its melancholy past. Half a score of sects make It a rendezvous for pillage or for mummery, and Irs memorials of Imperishable events have to ts looked at through the dust of per ished dynasties. It Is mystic, solemn, arcane. Damascus Is practical, posi tive and even merry. The wall of Israel sounds along th arid valleys of Zlon, but Damascus sings a voluptuous carol by means of Its Ice cool, fabled river. The tinkle of Its bells mingles forever with the gurgle of Its waters, aud above all you hear the silvery laughter of the Syriau girls and catch tho dancing humor of their dark eyes through their little veils. Jerusalem has Its austere character to sustain. Its teniplm are tombs. Its weight of poig nant history keeps It grave. But In Damascus you are under no obligations to the past that the preseut cannot make you forget. Its Innumerable shut tles and armories call you back to tho bustling exigencies of life. The coffee bazars defy inclaurboly. So this stranded city on the shores of time j the gold on whose mosques never corrodes-basks In the sun and eats figs merrily, Just as It did wheu Saul of Tarsus Journeyed that way. -Harper's Magazine. Violets Chemlcaltv fer fumed. As violets are mm h lu evidence along; the London thoroughfares, writes a correspondent, the following lucldcnt may be of Interest. I was In a chem ist's shop when a coster girl entered with a large basket of violets and set It on the floor. I bought h buuch and then noticed the chemist's assistant pass a small glass phial to the girl, tho contents of which she emptied Into tho basket. "Tricks or trade," said the chemist, with a smile, while the mer chant gave him a look of sly humor from uudcr her hat. "What was thnt she bought?" 1 asked. "A penu'orth of wood violet." he replied "Those French vloleta don't smell. They rest on moist moss In the basket, and the moist moss absorbs the perfume. That peun'onh will sell the basket." Then ho told me that a "penn'orth" of musk perfume was used to Improve the selling quality of puts of musk, nud that he bad had a hawker similarly ask: "A penn'orth of white rose, Guv'tmr." As 1 went away I figured to my mind an old lady bending over that basket In response to the merchant's observation: "Fresh, ma'am? Just smell for yourself." Loudon News. A Mile a Minute. Sixty miles an hour Is the merest commonplace to the mind of lhv up-to-date railroad mnn, but It means other things besides those described that nre wonderful to the outsider, ft means a steam pressure of twenty tons ou each piston head every tenth of a second. It means that up In the cab the tl reman Js throwing Into the furnace two-thirds of a ton of coal every hour; one engine bt:rii! coal faster than ten men can mine It. u means two quarts of oil every hour to keep her Journal box greased and everything running smoothly. t'OMNihir. "Pa. why aie they called practicing physicians?" "I guess it's because so many of them merely practice upon their patients un til the latter either succumb or get well In spite of tlio practice." Chicago News. Cntnri'li Cannot. Itn Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as thny cannot resell tlio sent o( the disease. Cahirrll In 11 lilnoil or ciiiistltiitiniml disease, and In order to enru It you must take Interim! rcniHclli'a. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and sets directly on tlio blood and mucous nic nous. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medii'lne. It whs preserllii'd liy 0110 ot the best physicians lu this country fur years, and Is a reitulitr rescrlitliiii. It is euui posi'd of tint best tunics knnn 11, combined with tlio best bliiod iurltlerskui'.tiiK directly oil the mucous surfaces. Tim perfect cniiilili.tilloii of tint two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results lu curing Catarrh. Send lnr tesllllMilllals, tree. K. J. CM KN KY ft ('.. Props., Toledo. (). Sold by DniKulsts, price 7.1c. Mukinu ICvirylnxl.v Happy. "What Is your theory or IlleV" "I think everybody our;! t to have l:!j own way about everything." nf g P "iP 3 U 3 Ca La i Jj,rr7 iH)"l u"i,wt rf'-ftrtTTft-mJiri! Jw1!) I (sfk. Vl""' wwr1' ""'ii -T-iJlU i'fTijiiMiiiiiifri ft ; ) " jr" j 1 1 THK AI.MII VTiltV UKAI, I Towar ani of a'lillta;Ur llll-Bftl pJl'ttlV lilt (Mil K'Vll III I Willi tl lllll 1I till Oft t t. llll' HhHItftciti W I illlllHC fttllll iT ft4Hl:Hi-Il , il. l'l'Wit- I'lltl (if Dtoilifti-lj ; . Illioill ll'iin ; li Hull I'IkI.Ihi , A. tl, t'. Hniiil) llilon lllit's; 7 ('rm'iiiii; M Vi Mil "rin aip-inlix . V A-vtlniM'fcf t'olfitt IU ' l.l IT'r C'lloll; II ll"-(-t U H 1 1 V "'... l'4 J ltfllMlll lit' K II r, 1 I 1 1 tli ; II. A I H 'i im ilmt-l tin in Is rimi I tiuntiM with tilt hlllftll llllttlll. 'llll elll 111 I illlfklll'M Clllpllf 4 llltO t MM III ii iiiU' -t 1 1 r in i nl"ii al i hti cpH'ii in. 'Mm ui i vwn lutli'ui t III' tl II I. Il'llt W II I' ti tfi ri'Mtfllt et of tlio tltiMrlv UIUt taia ill imtkiiig; ttir'uh tua linijiitur raaui. urt me cer.u sold III liulk, RI PHl' lOc. 25c, 50c. To any ccc 'lies if th iremiiua lalliil. l.eet sold lu bulk. 'VlArtifT l IJUSJCieVtoK -i,' 'J JV ETOfiea -r.Lv ILL KvoluVJn of the Cranberry. The cranberry is a product of the country's development, coming forward In the Inst fifty years from a small, hard, bitter berry to a handsomely shaped and good-sized fruit. As the quality hns Improved the berries have lucrensed In popularity with consumers, until supplies nre hardly sutllclent to satisfy normal demands. Khode Island was the first state to apply scientific methods to cultivation, and the system adopted there has extended to other states, notably Massachusetts, New Jersey and Wlsconsl An Appeal to Humanity Generally. We need your assistnnee In announc ing to the world the grentest remedy that Science hns ever produced, and you need our assistance to secure relief for yourself and friends through Swansou's "R-DKOPS." s A HKMEDY St ritKMK. As surely as the American Navy has conquered and will conquer all tlist op poses it. so will ".VDKOPS" ncfailiiisly conquer all diseases like Iihcumatlsm. Sciatica. Neuralgia, Kidney Troubles, Lumbngo, Cntnrrh of all kinds. Asthma. Dyspepsia, Backache, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Heart-Weakness, Tooth ache, Earache, Creeping Numbness. Bronchitis, etc., etc., or any disease for which we recommend It. "R DUO PS" is the name and the dose. Trial bottles 2ric. Large bottles, containing 3(H) doses, $1.00 prepaid by mail or express. Six bottles for $.".00. Why suffer pnin and agony when for such a small nmonnt you run obtain the relief for which you have been so long waiting? Don't wait! Write now, and the Swiinson Hhenmntic Cure Co., 104 Lake St., Chicago, III., will Immediately give your order attention. A Barnyard Hngr. "No," said tho feathered philosopher of the barnyard; "there Isn't a turkey that can be snld to be truly happy until after Christmas." Philadelphia North American. What Is Hpolcz? Salter's catalog tells all about this wonder, also Million Dollar Potato. If you farm you need it. Largest Veueta Ide Seed Orowers in America. Send this notice ami l()c in stnmps for 10 Bare Farm Ssniples and Catalog to John A. Siilzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. HI .a of Sahara. The Sahara Desert Is three times as large ns tlio Mediterranean. To Cnre m Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure, 'c. K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. Taxea Bicycles In Prance. Frnuee receives $1)70,000 u year from taxes ou bicycles. Piso's Cure for Consumption cured a case of Pneumonia after the family doe tor nave up nil bopc. M. F. McDowes, CouowiiiKo, Md. Strret Itepaiilnt; in Berlin. In Berlin all street repairing Is done at night. Mr. Vlnlw mikitkimo HTitnr Mr itni(irti trt-ttiinif : Nct'tcnm Hit iruiiiH. i-canct-s lliSnmiiialliiu, kiU) iaiii. cure wind ouilu. 'AvuuIji ii 1miii. Some men take time ami others hnve It given to them convicts, for Instnnce. CASTOR 8 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Ttel le ho iiui. rlolir cifBttt i, iiirn. f our Ufti mPV bent Itiktl (ICarrd Kiirllrit Cora iiroiimi mermiaurenivn f rati tmrta, to iodb hmj pur fti'Mt. Whl flour I tit ettrvwham. Hftliff mm to, TIbPc bffuveat rout on tartb for h, hi ntl ctHt. Will ffttuni lliMi t Hn. lb. Vnml bill efftual !.rcil 38 PkQ Barllest THB MILLION n a: Fjiv. vj t it n r))airt o(i miltr M rtb; oourmituaii rtltn, alM tyMlltThtfib triiii puin' oa nb, Utpu to tt& tlay. For 10. 8tnmi J ihU Ntlr Mud 10 fk,a. Urtaia, lirn uiitl r rn h arm He north 4 I O tm ft a Btarl, sin) girni wwrt l'nlloft telllnff iou nil about mimt Ao- Hrl r1i niT 6 k ilid elm rm nnd cr Tr on LB Ma Hburr. UUIot. Vlrti nntl Cow bonai. took, ou. c.N. .nun A CM E1 r MIC1 MT M- are packed away in your insides and must be kept clean, in order and doing: business. It's a long way, with many turns and pitfalls to catch the refuse and doe the channel if not most carefully cleaned out every day. When this lone canal is blockaded, look out for trouble furred tongue, bad b.cnth, belchine of eases, yellow spots, pimples and boils, headaches, spitting up of food after eatine- an all-around disgusting nuisance. Violent pill poisons or griping sztfs are danger ous to use for cleaning out the bowels. TJiey fcrce out the obstruction by causing violent spasms of the bowels, but they leave the in testines lueak and even less able to keep up regular movements than before, and make a larger dose necessary next time. Then you have the pill habit, which kills more peeple than the morphine and whiskey habits combined. The only safe, gentle but certain bowel cleansers are sweet, fragrant CASCARETS, because they don't force out the foecal matter with violence, but act as tonic on the whole 30 feet of bowel wall, strengthen the muscles and restore healthy, natural action. Buy and try them! (Look out for imitations and substitutes or you can't get results. Cascarets arc never sold in bulk. Look for the tradle-m.rk, the long-tailed uuiyii .in tmiriiy i , - e i t . . prpr.ptly Knu permanently ind MadeCLESiiffROMby Made CLE n ii ywi w.uii ruii3T uirri i ..i.j "-rr" only and c!ws in tl.e tlht bhi' "fTf J;',hT . mi.i hoi with tha luc - lriwi eii siaw needy mortal, who cai.)t ffor(. to Auurcy. cnnV wmwi, Company, Keeps "" My Hair Soft "l nve used your Hiir Vigor for ve jreiri nd im gretttj pleased with it. It cer tainly rcstorei the original color to gray hair. It keeps my hair soft and smooth. It quickly cured me of some kind of humor of the scalp. My mother used your Hair Vigor for some twenty years and liked it very much. Mrs. Helen Kilkenny. New Portland, Me., Jan. J. '99. aminis mm Used. Twenty Years We do not know of any other hair preparation that has been used in one family for twenty years, do you ? But Ayer's Hair Vigor has been restoring color to gray hair for fifty years, and it never fails to do this work, either. You can rely upon it for stopping your hair from falling out, for keeping your scalp clean and healthy, and for mak ing the hair grow rich and long. ll.O a tctllt. All dntfltf. Write the Doctor I f yon do not obta In n'.l the benefits you dciifa from the uneof the Vigor, wirite tUe Doctor about It. Addrras, Dr. J. ( Aveii, Lowell, Mass. Millions of Acres Of Cholon Agricultural Lands now opened for tettlrment In Wostern ('Mtatlii. lien U grown thei-ek-brau-d No. I Hard Wht-ai. which brluvi ih htiheit price In the roar kt.-ts of tho world. Thou sands of ratlin am fat- tcnt-d for uiHrkei without being fud Rriiln, and without a duy's sht-lt'-r. Si-ml fer information and st-i'iirt- a fn- home In Western Canada. W rile to tv IVillt-y, Supt. Imuiiiiratlon, UttHWa, Canada, or the uiuli rsiiiifil, who will nmil you atlsses. pam phlets, etc., free of oott: N. flartholomew, 308 l-'irtli Stree. lies Moines, Iowa, Agent for ihe Gov ernment of Ctuada. U AM A PCD1" evcrv county In tlio t'nltetl IflHIlKuCrl NUUcs to liHiullo tho best pnylng business known. New, legitimate nnd cohabit. Terms free. Address, I'HOKN I X CO.. DepU II, 114 West .14lh Ht., New York. City. PENSIONS Get tour, rmaion" DOUBLE OUICKI Writs Cut. O'fARBtil.. Pssr.os Aat.WhiitM. 0.0. IIKN WHITINO TO ADVERTISER please say tun tun the kUvartlsamauC in this puper. S. C. N. If. No. 3-1900 i ThompsoQ'sEyeWater 'ill PELTZ-WHATISIT? !t't pofK1ly lb tratMt mtmI ftfel Mrtw food turth. RiM my m. XfiUjf ' j thtvu oom xkA utna tut.bKr. Ixtur ibu tifBMbV' Mrsrs jitia lau di. ua jou, nr. t tn In te kcil ot't n krtb. Malier J bi. u4 jou, Mr. I ttmer, M lyiVtU") j iUrTiio)ilouterfriiif, BUttmjw i mi r it. .ft,.. l.'H). ton In RroW. halier up to I flrnvtrt. Union m4 nnly oua. a lb. Voyetabloe, pootpnld,C.00 DOLLAR POTATO 7ro I AfDoccc.,,.J.f aK3 HaUKaS 44 Cn on the box.) 'You will natural way your OOWCis-WlU DS l i . CiincsiraK ar never - Uilrd " C." Uxk ALL DRUGGISTS bu we wU mall a 01L frCl.. Chicago or New York. all mm MOT ry n u i j : f4 1 .l-onutha Wo.