Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 02, 1899, Image 3

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Sick headache. , Food doesn't di
gest wed, appetite poor, bowels con
stipated, tongue coated. It's your
liver! Avers Pills are liver oil's.
easy and safe. They cure dyspep I
lia, biliousness. 25c. All Druggists. I
Want your innn. turtle ir board a beauUful
rrown or rn-n iuhok t rnn use
n ITlDnil TllltOAT, H NJ. STOMA 4 VI
1 1 A 1 fin 1 1 II iIIsimii-s. Nil (! until cured by
N-,v York Asiorlatcl Smcliillsts.
it. khitui rui, i h. ;., .., mi i.rx-
Inelon i-.ifw York, tint thix out.
Ilo 3t I fv York lly. Writi.
iC ? T B pj i oi i w. !?i on r : s,
K'r J. ' ' wnaiiiniilon, .:.
BSucctwifully Prosrjcuton Claimr..
Iao. l'riiiMi-Kl ;) ainlnrtr I) IS. fmiaton niinu,
m ilnm. Soiil bT lrnripT.
Hasty Inferences.
According to n recent book entitled
"Orientations," there Mas once a rather
obscure KuKlishnitin, who, after being
converted, read bis l'.llile so ussidiious
ly in preference to a London news
paperthat his wife became concerned
for his sanity, and he was subsequently
examined by a specialist In lunacy,
with a funny itiid pathetic result. The
doctor's first questions were "feelers."
"I mean." said he, at length, slowly
and very Impressively, "do you see
things that other people do not see''"
"Alas. .ve:" was tho patient's ;.eply.
"I see Folly stalking on ti 'obby 'orse.
"Do you, really? Anything else?"
asked the doctor, making u note of the
"1 see Wickedness and Vice beating
the land with their wings."
"Sees tilings beating with their
wings," wiute down the doctor.
"1 sec misery and uu'uppiucss every
where." "Indeed:" said the doctor. "Has delu
sions. lo you think your wife puts
things in your tea?"
"Ah:" thought the doctor. "That's
what I wauled to get at thinks people
nre trying to poison him. What Is it
they put i:i. my man?"
"Milk and sugar," answered the pa
tient. "I'm!" slid the specialist. Then he
wrote, "Vei-v dull niei'iallv:'
ootl ' ii .Ilotn.
Tliey sell sabots, or wooden shoes, nt
A store In Indianapolis, and (he dealer
says they are made in Civ: ad Uapids.
Mich., from basswood, by Belgians.
They lire used by people who work In
canneries, where hot solder, ncld, etc..
on the lloors ruin leather soles; by peo
ple who stand on wet lloors, such as
employes of creameries and washer
women, and now and then a fashion
able woman buys n pair to wear with
out stockings wheu she wishes to rest
her feet.
How's This !
We offer ono Hundred Dollars reward for any
ruse of ( ut irrli Hint cannot be cured by Hull'
Catarrh run-.
T. .1 CflKNKY Si CO.. Props.. Toledo. (
We tlio iiiiili'islirni'd liavo known V. J. Cliuney
for the hist r, years, and Ixdleve liltn perfectly
lionoraldo In all biKlness transactions Hurt finan
cially able to carry out any obligation made by
their linn.
WKKi fcTlit AX, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, p.
Wai.oiso. Kinnam & Mauvin, Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo, O.
Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, noting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces tit
the syitein. Price. 7"ic tier bottiK. Sold by ull
Dnwulsl. Tostliiu.nlals.fren.
A 4lr.iiiiiti Natnr.
Washing machine agent Tour neigh
bor. Mr. Flint rock. Is of a rather grasp
lug disposition, isn't he?
l'nrmer Iunk--Jraspln'? Yes, be Is
so durn greedy that if he had his way
there wouldn't be enough left of the
world to go round. Harper's Bur.ar.
More Ihnn We Hardliner! For.
Piggs What was he arrested for?
Itiggs- Sieaihig an eight-day clock.
IUgg Was he discharged?
Biggs No; the judge gave hiui ten
flays. --Chicago News.
WOMEN do suffer!
Even so-called healthy women sutler!
Uut they are not healthy !
The marks left by pain ure on the young faces of many of our
daughters. Pain that leaves its mark comes from a curable
remedy for woman's ills.
Miss Emii.v F. Haas, of 148
St.. Greenpoint, Brooklyn. N.
"Deak Mks. PiNkitAM I wish to
state that I used your Vegetable Com
pound with the greatest success I
was very sick for nearly a year with
hysteria, was down-hearted and
nervous; also suffered with painful
menstruation and pain in back and
limbs. I often wished for death,
thinking nothing would cure me. I
had doctors, but their medicine did
rne no good. At last, by the advice
of 0 : nd, I began to take- Lydia D.
PinrSJaiV" YVsTr.i'o" Von:pijwd-
and I am happy to say it has
ly cured me.
Jennie Sihrman. of Fremont,
t!kh.. Box 748, writes:
"Dear Mks. Pi.skiiam : I
I hat I must write you and
you wn.u your meaicine nas
A.nn fnf mr T tirjrt n jn r n 1 oi a
of the stomach for two years,
60 vu Jbat I could not do nny
work. I had two or three doc- , , ,
tors, but did not seem to get any bet
ter. I began taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound and Liver
Pills and improved from the first, had
better appetite, and after taking three bottles of Conip uml
and one box of Liver Pills, can say that I am cured. A'our
VegeUbto Compound is a wonderful ine.aicine.
ATKhont rrcjn1icr.
A rrtrty of young men find women
were bicycling nlong a country roml. It
wns a sketching class, and every one
was wide opeu for un artistic subject.
Suddenly tho wbele pnrty dismounted
with various exclamations of delight
and surprise.
Just wltliln the fence on the left grew
Innumerable graceful ttnlks, each bear
ing aloft globes of tmle green that
shaded into grny nud purple.
"How cni'linutlusi" said a young
"How decorative I" Mid a young man.
"Just what we nre look Ins for," said
tli teacher, ft f ull-"edeed artist.
A gardener was suuidiug near at
"Do tell us," cried a girl, "what thoso
bean-oo-tiful things nre"'
"Which?'' replied the gardenrr.
"Why. those.' 'wild the gill.
Them?" saltl the gardener, with a
chuckle. "Them's onions gone to -seed."
he r viUem-c.
"What mnkes you think ho has Just
started out to be nn author"
"His photograph. You see. he has
posed with a far away look In his eyes
and a book In his hand." Chicago
Times-Hem hi.
a senatorTetter.
Pcruna as a Nerve and
tarrh Tcnic the Talk
of the World.
HON. W. V. ECLI.IVAN, U. S. Sruator from
Hon. W. V. Sullivan, I'niti'i! ftutes
Senator from Mississippi, in a lelter re
cently written to Dr. ll.irtiiinn from Ox
ford, Miss., says the following:
"l''or some time I have been u sntTercr
from catarrh in its most incipient stuge,
so tiim.li so that 1 becauiu uhuiiied us to
my geutral health. But, healing of l'e-ru-na
ns a good remedy, I gave it n fair
trial and soon begnn to improve. Its ef
fects were distinctly beneficial, remov
ing I he auuoying symptoms, and was
particularly good ns a tonic.
"I take pleasure in recommending
your great national catarrh cure, lV-iu-ua,
us the best I have ever tried.
I'eruna cures catarrh wherever locat
ed, l'eriina has no substitutes no rivals.
Insist upon huviug 1 'or una. Address
The lVruna Medicine (x., Columbus,
Ohio, for a free hook on catarrh.
HOW .. ;U:illC'VO I II H I'JlUl.
"Mamma," said Bobby the other day
when bo came home from school, "has
irony nnythiug to do with Iron?"
"Nothing whatever, Bobby. Irony
means that w men. the opposite of
what we say.-'
Bobby thought n rjomeut, and contin
ued: "I don't love you Just a cent's worth,
aiutuma. Is that Irony ?"
"I suppose bo," replied bis mother,
with u siuile that she didn't utteuipt to
"Thon," said Bobby with nn air of
triumph, "wasn't it irony wheu you
said the day before yesterday that you
vrouUUi't give me a quarter to buy a
ticket to the circus to-day?"
Whether it was or uot. he went to the
circus that afternoon. Harper's Bazar.
His Pimple Tear.
"Are you fond of music?"'
"Very,"' answered the young mar)
with wide ears.
"How do you make the distinction
between popular music and classical
"EuKUy. If I enjoy H. It's popular,
and If I don't like it It's cla.ssiea.1."
Washlngtou Star
imilur lint I'iftarent.
Van Nesse Congratulations, old man.
I understand you married an English
countess whCe abroad.
De Jones Y'es; she was cashier in a
London restaurant.
fcyrv jrA
cause, it mat cause is not removed us
influence reaches out and overshadows a
whole life. The reason Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has been so uni
formly successful for over a quarter of a
century in overcoming the suffering of
women, is that it is thorough and goea
directly to the cause. It is a woman's
Y., writes:
feci fyfc Ji-'Vl
tell (fllfiiy-j.
g of T&totienbtird.
5 ik
HN a jrreat stone castle In the midst
of the deep pine forests of Germany,
there lived, a treat many years ago.
the Knight of Tanncnbut'K and his
daughter Kosa. It was in il; Jays
when the lawless nobles of the couutry
were constantly quarreling with one
another, each burning bis neighbor's
grain and stealing his cattle while tho
owner was lighting In distant wars.
The Castle of Taiinenburg was like
all castles of that time, strongly fortl
tled and surrounded by high walls and
a deep moat. In an upper r.Hitn. one
warm summer day. Bosa and her fath
er sat together. The knight had just
come home from the wars, badly
wounded, and l!o:i. ti fair haired girl
of 17, sat by him working over her gay-ly-coloted
"rather," she said, "tell me the story
of how you got the chain round your
Bust had heard the story n hundred
times before now, but the never tired of
hearing it, any more Minn tin old knight
of telling It.
"When 1 was a page at court," began
the knight, stroking his long, gray
beard, "n great tournament was given
In honor of a French prince who came
to visit our emperor. There I saw your
mother for the first tin e, and so lovely
wan she that she was i hvtod to be the
queen of beauty, anil vis to give the
prize, a golden chain, 10 the victor. I
loved her from the mo nei.t I saw her,
and her beauty gave n e sveh strength
and daring that I camt out tlrst In the
games, much to the chagrin of the
joung H.iroa of Odenw ild. who opposud
mo iletcely in the toi rney. lie was,
like myself, n suitor fu tin' hand of the
queen of beauty, am', when I finally
IlAHO: OF OLfcNV.'.M,l Alill It IS SOt,
H1EKS. won 1 cr for my ):,ide he swore that
ho v.'oi'ld have his revenge on me."
"But," interrupt!, d Bosa, "his castle
Is only lifteen miles ,'i'om us, and he has
done us no harm yet."
"Yes," answered her father, "that
was many yenrs ago, and he has now a
young wife a:id two children, but he
still hates ine bitterly and "
A loud clamor In the courtyard inter
rupted the story, and on looking out
of the window, to their consternation
they saw the very man they were
speaking of. the Baron of Odcnwald.
and his soldiers marching up to the
cattle doors. The knight's soldiers were
still nt the wars, and the few old men
left to guard the castle had been easily
overpowered by the llerce baron.
Bosa screamed with terror. She heard
the tramp of armed feet coming up the
stair:'. In came the haughty Baron of
Odenwiihi and ordered his men to bind
and carry oil the wounded and helpless
Knight of Tuniieuburg. In vain were
Bosh's tears and pray."-. The unfor
tunate knight was hurried off, Bosa
turned out of the castle, which wan
looted, and then locked up, and the poor
girl left weeping and disconsolate.
All night she wandered through the
dark pine forest till she came to a charcoal-humor's
hut, where she wos taken
In and kindly treated. Days passed by
und Bosa longed to see her father once
more, and perhaps help him to escape.
Accordingly, one day she stalnid her
face with brown-berry juice, changed
h!r own pretty drms for u peasant's
eoaroo cotton gown, and with a large
basket of mushrooms on her arm start
ed off for the castle of Odenwald.
The sentinel, seeing only a harmless
little peasant girl, let her pass over the
drawbridge. She walked up to the Hr
ter's lodge, where the porter's wife
Mood in the doorway scolding her chil
dren. The Baron of Odenwald whs ex
tremely fond of muNhrooms, and the
basketful wan soon bought and paid for
by the porter's wife.
"Will you not stay with me nnd help
me lok after the children and cook the
food for the prisoners?" she asked af
ter n few moments' chat with Bosa.
"1 need a young, strong girl like you.
und 1 will give you a new dress every
year If you will stay."
Bosa accepted the offer eagerly, and
her duties, none too light, begaii that
very day. She had to light tho Ure In
the morning. dres the children, help
the porter's wife cook the most un
savory soup for tho prisoners of the
castle, and do mauy things. One day
the porter enmo to his wife and told her
that he was obliged to go away with
the baron for some days aud that she
would have to take tho prisoner's food
to them, besides cooking it.
"No, indeed," replied bin wife,
promptly; "there are murderers and
thieves in those cells and I will not go
near them."
"Let me go," begged Bosa. will
do It for you."
"Very well," said the porter, rather
surprised at her request, "come with
me and I will show you how to unlock
I he doors."
Together liiey went down a winding
(light of stone steps, opened u door
heavily bolted and barred, and down a
long, dark corridor, dimly lighted by
the purler's lantern, on one Mile were
sn ail stone colli, bidiind whose Iron
griiM-igs wild, cruel fares glcumetl In
lln- I'.ght of the pausing la n. Hide
ous oaths and fearful laughter followed
them, and Bosa shrank, frightened, to
tin- i"iri' i's side.
".in no' fear then," he m!d. "they
c.'iiiui: possibly escape. This loan,
lm ever, is good and gentle, and you
can go rialit inio hit cell." lie mapped
in 1 :oii! ol oi:e ol tlii- gralings und held
up '. s (anient. Bosh's heart beat fast
and Knid. There, o:i a wretched heap
of 'r:nv, lay her father, asleep, pale,
an ! emaciated. She lunged u call to
bin., hut remembered she must be silent
be! th- purler, and they left him
slcej ing and walked back through the
Ion corridor, boiling the heavy door
behind them.
The next day Bosa took Into the pris
on Ihe bowls of uj .ietlzing uoup, push'.-d
one under every grating, nnd finally
came to ber father's ci'i. t'nlocklng
his door, he pushed In and knelt by the
sick man's side. "Father! Father!"
she cried. "Bopa!" cxcla!nitl the
knight, recognising his daughter In
spite of the brown stain and rough
dress. He took ber In his arms nnd to
gether they wept over their terrible
misfortunes. Then Bosa told her fath
er all her adventures since he had been
carried off, until the notind of the great
bell of the castle, coming dim and muf
fled through the thick dungeon walls,
warned her that It was time to go back
to the porter's wife.
Twice every day Bosa brought food
to the prisoner, and thus saw tier fath
er. F.scape, however, was not possible.
The walls were too well guarded, nnd
as the dais slipped by the poor knight
grew worse and Bosa (Impaired.
One morning the castle was filled
with no se and busy movement. The
news that the baron was to return that
evening with a large company of guests
flow fro n mouth to mouth. So excited
were Miey all tlut the nursemaid for
got her precious charges, the baron's
two littlo sons, who were playing In the
courtyard, while nlie gossiped with the
scullery maid over the coming event.
A bright. 1,1 no and yellow butterfly
new across tl e yard, and awny went
the two children after It. The but to -fly
settled for ti moment on the edge of
the bucket dangling over the well. The
e'.dest of the children clambered up,
sketched out his little hand to reach the
K'.ty plaything, lost his balance, and fell
In. The baroness ut the window saw
at.d fainted at the six'.it. Men nnd maids
rushed up, and among them Bosa.
Dowu iti to the dismal depth of the well
they peered aud saw that the little
fellow's coat bad caught on a nharp
stone projecting half way down the
well. Komi saw that the coat was al
ready beginning to tear; that there was
no time to be lost, and, jumping Into
the bucket, told the men to let ber down
gently till she reached the boy. Soon
the child was safe In her arms and the
bucket, with Its occupants, carefully
brought up to the mouth of the well.
It was not ninny hours after that the
Karon of Odenwald, sitting In the great
hall of the castle with bis guilts, heard
the story of his son's narrow escape
from dentil and of ltosa's plucky act.
"Bring the girl here!" he commanded,
and Bosa was brought In, her rough
peasant dr"ss contrasting with the gay
costumes of the knight: and ludlcs In
the hull.
"ti'iil." ald the baron, "you saved
my son's life. Ask what you will of nut
and I will give it you."
"Baron of Odenwald," answered
Bosa, boldly, "there Is one favor I will
ask of you. (Jive up your prisoner, the
Knight of Tanneiibuta; v- me."
"No, no! Vot t !" fr wned the
A murmur we. ' .-.round the nail from
the guests "Your word; your honor!"
-and the baron turned pule with cha
grin and rage. By his order the wound
ed knight was brought up from the
dungeon. Astnnltdicd nnd almost blind
ed by the bright light, he gazed around
him, while Bosa quietly put ber baud In
"My daughter, what does this mean?'
he said.
"Ills daughter!" murmured tbeguests
once more.
The whole story then came out, a
reconcltation was effected between the
knight and the baron aud the property
of the former restored to him.
Some days later Bosa nnd her father
snt together In an upper chamlier of the
castle, the knight with the glow of re
turning health on his face, Bosa In a
pretty llk gown, and the brown berry
stain completely disappeared.
"Father," said Bosa, "this Is a happy
ending after all to the story of the gold
en chain."
"Yes, dear," answered her father. "1
began the story, but it whs my bravo
little daughter who brought It to this
happy termination." From the Ger
man. Tragody of Kcntli alley.
La rlh affords no more horrible tale
I hail would the history of Death al
ley, the great arid desert this side of
the mountains of Southern Gnltfornla.
The latest tragedy Is only one of thou
sands, .lames I lay ton, caretaker for a
borax company's property in the valley,
lot! miles from Hie nearest railway
station, set out for home with a team
of six mules. Two weeks later, having
failed to reach his destination, n Hcnrch
party found htm lying dead under a
mosquito bush. Fifty feet away bis
wagon stood, with tho dead mules ly
ing iiboul In such condition as to Indi
cate the terrible torture they had un
dergone. In the wagon were barrels of
water and bales of hay, which would
have saved them had they been able to
roach It. The lsiilles of man nnd beast
were Intact when found, neither coyote
nor bti..ard nor other living creature
daring to enter the conlineK of the heal
pnrclicd valley in the height of slium
iner. The only living thing at the scene of
death and desolation was Dayton's
faithful dog. which for twenty days
had uatclied by the side of Its dead
master In the desert. The dog managed
to survive, probably by getting water
from nn old borax camp known as
Fugle Camp, half a mile distant
Itugs of (' filler.
It Is sunn-time dillicult to keep a
"ih n" ciirpet iu g od order, ami so rugs
ur'inais are gem rally used In a smok
ing room because they can be removed
for cleaning it L least once a week.
Cocoa liber Is used In tnaniifacttirlng
the Bombay ru n kind of heavy mat
ting especially made for ue in ;i smok
ing room. It ki '. clean longer than it
woolen rug.
Would Sol Interrupt u l.ndy.
He -Tin great trouble with Oahloy
is that be talks "o much.
She That's stiange. When be Iris
been with in be scarcely said a word.
Hr- Oli, be i too much of a gentU
mnii to Interrupt- - London Tit Bits.
V. -
It Is ii smart i.Mer who knows how
Lis daughters spell thivlr urst names.
Unique rtrcenf f rart nrct A ppiira
I tua in fnn Krantitio,
The Fan Ftanclsco tire 6f pnrtinent
tins Ii Its service a machine bearing
somewhat the nppearance of a small
cannon mounted on two wheels, says
the Philadelphia Becord. Instead of
pouring out shot nnd shell like the lat
ter, the machine in question, however,
pours out a great volutin of water on
a fire with telling effect. This piece
of apparatus Is known ns the Monitor
battery and was Invented by II. It.
Gortor. constructor for the San Fran
cisco lire department. It Is designed
to take the place of a water tower In
small conllnes where the latter cannot
be taken nnd can be used lu u base
ment bla.e and up to a fourth story In
clusive. Several lines of hose nre con
nected, thus concentrating a gn at force
of water that Is easily handled by one
The nozzle Is provided with tips.
When not In action the table upon
which resls the huge nozzle Is suspend
ed so as to throw tl.e weight on the
wheels and relieve the horse of the
strain. When required for action the
table Is released by n lever which
throws It forward to a level, nt the
same time Piovitig the center of grav
ity forward. The weight Is thus thrown
between tin' toes a' the end of the shaft
ami the axle, giving the machine sta
bility to lvlths.'and n back pressure of
l.oUO pounds to the square Inch. The
toes re fe Ted to nre spikes under the
end of the shaft, for the purpose of ob
taining a purch.ise lu the ground to
prevent moving.
The vertical n ovement of the nozzle
Is on nn Improved ball ami socket joint,
allowing a free flow of water nt any
1 "-"V y
angle. A roller bearing Is provided for
traveling the nozzle through a horizon
tal arc which reduces the friction
caused by back pressure to a mini
mum. The total weight of the battery
complete Is 1 ,;."( pounds and owing to
Its construction ami free waterway, a
solid stream Is thrown ra.iglng from
i!M) to :il)0 feet, according to the pres
sure. The no'.zle with lis tremendous
pressure can, as before slated, be easi
ly bandied by one man, who guides It
with a sninll lever.
Nashville has few Idle men.
India has Immense coal deposits.
Steamer Oceanic employs r00 men.
Ktiglntid bus 84,0.'UI union engineers.
New York State has 1N8.4.V union
ists. New York has a Hebrew Bakers'
London bricklayers get 19 ceuts per
Wheeling made r(I,2.p0,(K0 stogies last
Berllu sewnge farm laborers get L'.Cl
a week; 17-hour day.
1'nlonlsts managed an Industrial ex
position nt Minneapolis.
Southampton has municipal dwelling
houses (edifices erected nnd rented by
the city).
There Is no mill nnd snieltcrmeifs
union in Anaconda. The largest
smelter city Is In the State of Wash
ington. ' At Pittsburg the carpenters nud
painters have withdrawn their dele
gates from the Central I'oloti because
the dues were Increased from 8 I II to "J,"
Canada's trades aud labor congress
wants the alien labor law amended so
that It will cover all aliens Imported
under contract, "no matter from what
country they come." A labor political
parly Is projected.
He Hail Told Her u l ew.
Jones -My publishers want me
write some fairy tales for the Chil
dren s Department.
Mrs. Jones- How did they find out
that yon were talented In that u,i
i-iv llaniivi- to I oilers,
A vii.gular and uiiexpcetod soutei
danger wits lately discovered on
Fieiich boiler The top of I Ills w:
covered with sand nud u tiny sle.iin J
cM'Htilng around a rivet set soim
the particles in motion, creating a nov
sand blast tiiut was rapidly culling
bole throng.! the shell of t tit- Isiih
when the leak w'a fortunately dele
When a man starts up low u you lie
cr know where be Is going, but win
you sec a woman on tho streets she
going to one of I wo places- to tho de
lint's, or lo a dry goods store.
I'.very wi,.nnn Is u bortl coqtlolte, but
the clever ones manage to conceal
at the proper llmo.
Sotno people try so bard to look good
thiit other people become suspicious.
?!"' '.' i'jiT'i'wyTwj.'jtv.TKcfj.t-.'ii.V
Delicate Machinery That Needs
Constant Care.
AhMttut Cltsnllncn and Regulation a Nec
nary n for Any other Kind of Machinery-
How to Keep It In
Working Order.
Therp'a prw Immr- nonipwherc!
One Utile acrew In tin. lilg machine irots
n trlllp limxe and the wtmle niinintua clog,
Imlka nud n-fiispa lo work proyerljr.
A skillful eiiKlueer ran ti'll l.T llif "feel"
of Ma fiiirliie wheu their' a acrrw loose.
OceHsloniil count Ipnt Inn cnll It coal Ire
nes or lul liiiiKiiexn -iktiIm prompt atten
tion. It ili'Kn the nhele delicate nu'rhnn
Ism of mini, nnd nmat he removed aklllful
ly w ll hunt f.iree or ulioek. only n rcgetnlilp
hmiilve kIu.iiIH he iioed, nnd I'Hwiirct
I'iiiiiIt Cnf leirtle, which you inn eat like a
piece nf emul), nre the uiiwt nui ecu hie, nat
ural unit ( fT. ctlvi- of nil In xiUIvok.
Ciiseni-eiH ure the only null ellc enthnr
lle. nml nut only make I lie liver lively, re
unite olistrui tlmm in the howela, Blrt UKUi
I'll the Intestines, hut kill nil Kerms of ills
enne In I he l.udy. Therefore prevent us well
un cure.
I'.ny nnd try Cinonri'tn to day. You'll fltnl
thnt lt' v.hnt thev iln, nut what we stir
they'll do, Hint wilt please yon. All limit
Klsts, toe, and f.Oe, or will tint 1 1 for price.
Send for Imcklet nnd free xauiple. Address
Slerllior lli'inedy i'o., t'hicHKo; Mont real,
t an.: Nov.- ork.
Thin Is the I'ASCAUKT tablet.
Ki -ry tnhlet of the only eeiinlne
t'nsenreta henrs the iiihkIc letter
"I IT." Look nt the tablet he fore
yea buy, und beware of frauds.
Imitations and substitutes.
Tiie Miftcst Devil. "
We do net claim to be the biggest
printers and publishers In the world,
but vo do claim to have the biggest
"devil" In tills country In our ofllce.
He is Hubert Klanchard. of Hinsdale,
N. H., nud when he Is In good trim
weighs 4Uii pounds, but he Is a little
thin this summer, ami now weighs :it"2
pounds, lie Is only 111 years old, and
holds the medal for champion heavy
weight bicyclist, having gnlued consid
erable notoriety iu this line. l'ortland
(Me.) Advertiser.
night and Left Sighted.
The assertion conies from tlermany
tlwt the majority of people ure not only
right handed, but also right-sighted.
Ky this Is meant that most persons seo
bi tter with the right eye than with the
left nnd habitually, though uncon
sciously, employ It more. Some per
sons, however, make grater use of tho
left eye than of the right and accord
ing nrt said to bo "left-eyed."
Nasal Catarrh quietly yields to tront.
raeut by Fly's Cream Halm, which is agree
sbly nroinutin. It in received through the
nostrils, cleanses snd benls the whole sur
face over which it diffuses itsulf. l'ruggists
licit tno (vie. 8i.'.i; I run sie ny man, iu
cents. Test it and you are sure to continue
tho treatment.
To nocoimnodiito thoso who nr TmiMint
lo tho uso of atomizers in applying liquids
into tho nasal passages for eat-trrhnl irviu
b'm, tho proprietors prepare I ream luhn In
liquid form, which will bn known ns Fly's
Liquid Crvnui ltulm. 1'iieo including tho
spraying tube is 7joents. Druggists or by
novl. 'J ho liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of tho solid preparation.
Criib I'.vcrvthiii-r.
"It's rather strange," rctunrkud the
hoarder, "that our biggest politicians
fduHild !cnve the Fulled Slates evcu for
a i n't lime."
s strange for thc.m to I:lvl any
thing." Vi'iitiircd the inn n In black sus
penders: "they guimruily take It."
To Cnre Cold in One liar
Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All
drugtrists refund the money if it fuds to cure.
'J.M. K. W. (i rove's signature la on each box.
Couldn't lie Inteurru pted.
"Send my typewriter girl lu here,
"I dassent Interrupt her, sir; she's
readlu' a Inter from her beau."
VITALITY low. HoUUUUsI or eihaiintpit e'irl
hv Or. Klli'O' llivlirurlhuf Tnllli. lOINS SI. TrU'
ll.,tu (KiniiLlniiiii it wnii" tiralnivut. Ilr. Klliif't
'ukillulti. an Aivtt kln-itl. I'bltaUeiiilila. Fuundetl UI71.
Wily otT
"There's a far-awny look lu her
"Of course: they're sky blue."
Sirs. YVhmlow'ft koothimo nvatie for Children
ItM-tioim; suiiena tin, auiiiw, mntievs InfUiniinuiou.
llk t mm. euro wiinl ooilc JBnuiU bollU
t'oliicnvss is good nature regulated
by good Reuse. Slduey Smith.
How mg have you
How Long Bare You
Do you not tliluk you
all the doctors, patent medicines, electric belts and battariescomhlned, forthey cannot culI Cbrotric
Klieuinatwin. i'lierrfore waste no more valuable lime and money, but try "5 Drop I and be
pronitly CUUI!!). "5 Drops" Is not only tiie best medicine, but it is the cheapest, for a ( 1 00 bottla
contains 30(1 dunes, i'rire per Iwttle, Jl 00, prepaid by mail or e i press, or 6 bottles for uOO. Pec
the next JO days we will send a 25c sample i:KEB to anyone semling 10 cents to pal for the
mailing- Agents wanted. Write to-day. ,
:ju UU tUUUC,
3i'arries the Lah
f"i fJtnrL- nfl"iiic
fist Stock o
n,...... TliisKiMiV-'..,..
i liillm, ixiwiii , 'Ii"
k. ,...1 .lv'1. I
. Ill
III a dl'oiiili
J leitli.e
no-inl. jiiptiiiuiMt TT, x, it
Vie ten luore,"
I LltlNldltLU I KfcU wilV
Ii well have
Ttbs of the
you 1 ortVlon m;i'!ll' i
the mausAiun. If iiotmit
il mill the
buck to us at our eipcm'v
i ll 111 must l:ll
ur yeiti'K.
ii most iiuti'i
Jibuti's "n mil' II
. double tho
j h.i
A Com br4rt4nafire ittm.
"We gunrsateo our remedy," said tt
pfifent medicine agent, "to cure every
re of iKiidacbe where It Is used. II
Is absolutely unfailing, p.y the waiy.
we have sold It for yea-1 in this neigh
borhood." "Yes." replied Farmer rjoldnrn, "bn
nil them that used It for headache iu
throw n right Inter brain fever."
"True, but right here Is where the
benuty of our system of t rent men C
comes In; we nro now putting on Um
market another wonderful medicine,
which we guftrnnteo to cure brala
fever.' New York World.
first-Clans Rowing Machine for
For thoso w ho nre accustomed to end
ing nwny from home for their goods It
Is of the (trestest btipnrtanre to know the
character nnd reliability tf the establish
ment nellinif poods to fatuilhs from ct
logues. The great emporium of the John
M. Smyth Co.. locnted nt l.'iO to UK! West
Mnilison street, Chicngo, has been estab
lished for b third of s century, and has
furnished over hslf n million homes i
Cliicngo nml vicinity nlone. This firaa
enjoys the confidence of the public by its
ninny years of fair ilcnlimr. It isnuea ta
iinincnvo illustrated cntulngiiR that should
be in every family, ns it describes and
elves the price of every nrtiele required
for household use. A sample of che ex
traordinary value offered by this firm la
shown in the illustration of the Melha"
sew init niaeliinc in nnnther column of this
paper tor ll.':,i. this Is one of the best
sewing machines ever offered to the nnh-
,,lic. nnd yet it is but n sample of the
thousand nnd one useful articles illu
t rated snd described in the lsnutifnl cat
alogue of the John M. Smyth Company.
l Near an Yt Ko Kr.
Mrs. Jones Mrs. Hrown says her
husband seems quite distant of late.
Mrs. Smith Why, what's the trou
ble? Mrs. Jones-Ob. no trouble at all.
He's In Furopc on business.
I shall reiYinmiend I'iso's Cure for Con
sumption far and wide. Mrs, Mulligan,
l'liinistead. Kent, F.ngland. Nov. 8, lKKt.
After n man has caught bis traJa
with several minutes to spare he know
how the engaged fellow feels who von.
dyes why he chased her so fast.
4iCDo It and
Stick to It
If you Art sick And discouraged oxlh im
pure blood, Citirrh or rheumAtism, takt
Hood" s S&rsApArillx faithfully And persis
tently, And you 'will soon fAve a cure.
This medicine his cured ihousAnds of
others And it tvill do the SAme for you. .
FA'.ihfully tAken,
b The best ruined,
wOUSllI Consumption.
V? w i u u iirouciuuH, ut
ma, W
lick, ml
. 2 rial 1
nrin, Asthma,
cough. Croup. Sninll dose , quick
Vi . cum t run cutt LomlipatwH,
$3 & 3.50 SHOES
Worth $4 to $6 compared
nun oiner manes.
Indorsml lr over
l,iHM,0OO w tmrera
ltouj,!' name nryrfri-ej
u r fc,iiiulJ tn be
i .-HatKf; Moiir dealer
ihoulri ktep them-if
not, we will tend a pair
nn rccrtot nf iticc. Matt
kind of Mthcr. and vidtx, phis r
cap roe. C'aulofijt D free.
arters nmi
Hakei writing a comfort
8. C. N. V.
Read About "5 Drops" Without Takng
hare waited nrcciuua time and niffered end
j r aa I
jri 01
i V3i
IV MA " Our Morth.nl Ure.
" ' Stock. Bail War... PayWmljr.
tiu twtLL stnuKair ... u.t6iu.aiu.
so, thcu try the "5 Drops" and be promptly and permanently 1
your aUctioni. "5 Drop." Is a apeedjr and Sura Cars for Itboul
NeuraJgla, Sciatica, Lumbai;o (lame back). Kidney Disease. A
rla I ever, Dyspepsia. Catarrn of all kinds. Bronchitis, La '
Hcudacbe (nervous or neuralgic). Heart Weakness, Dropsy, j lariw.,
Spaauioilii: aud Catarrbal Croup, Toothache, Nervousness, Stoff essncaa.
Creeping Numbness, Malaria, and kindred diseases. "5 Drops"aa cared
mors people during the past four years, of the above-named disalsea, thaa
all otiier remedies known, and In case of Rheumatism is curing klore thaa
I50o 166
SI4,25 Iho ?.e6t Sewing
iviacninecn tann
At the Price, 114.25 lor Our
"MEIBA" Sawing Machine.
A high-arm, high-grade mhchina oqrnil
to u otbe. are unkina ato.K) to
uwi oiue. are ubSuik b.ou ui f.m
for. Guaranteed by us lur m yeais li'i'V T
"b' i unteuiJ-trt li'nuicois llhul tm, tho
l(Xl T,oloisi, who when be
, i publish his works wus a winu
riupim - uy ,, !,lngs Kgynthin uever
Ited l-.gypt. Ills only excursion iiliiviiu
wns to tb' tuusciiins of Italy, where bo
I'eluniueil n few weeks iu IStiil.
th n'treatile ISose.
The hortii'iilturiil world is i-xefi ised
by the inysterioiis triinsfoniiatiuii In
color which the .liiimticsc nre able to ef
foct in roses. Hy soint linkimw n Imt
liiitiirul process the Power changes
t'roiii red iu the sunlight to white lu tho
sb.ule or In darkness.
It Is his willingness to pay a g.je.il
rental 1 1 in t gives his Salun'cal majesty
th choice of uimrttucnts Iu soiue uiau-hlous.
- It -
- o
Tho lulaut prodigy ut 1 may be n txl
at to.